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LMI Operation

/ 9991182 / LMI Operation


VIEW Folio 1880v2 Load Moment Indicator Operation
VIEW ST167 Crane Software Installation

2006 Manitowoc Cranes, Inc.

Part No. 899810 12−27−2006
All Models (Software rev00c or rev00f and newer)


General .......................................................................... 1
Personnel....................................................................... 1 To successfully install crane software and capacity chart
Software Installation Requirements ............................... 1 files, the following items are required:
Installing Program on Laptop ......................................... 1
• A laptop PC with a user friendly operating system. The
Installing Software and Charts On Laptop ..................... 3
laptop must have a RS 232 serial port.
Downloading Software and Charts To Crane PC........... 4
Non-CAN bus Software........................................... 4 • Data downloading cable — Manitowoc Crane Group
Installing Software Program rev00c.................. 4 number A06301-0.
Installing Software Program rev00f .................. 5
• Current version of crane software installed on laptop PC.
CAN Bus Software .................................................. 6
Installing Software Program rev00c.................. 6
Installing Software Program rev00f .................. 7 INSTALLING PROGRAM ON LAPTOP
Rules-Discarding Files ................................................... 8 The MCC Controls Application is updated when necessary.
Documentation............................................................... 8 You should verify your program version with Manitowoc
Software Installation Training......................................... 9 Crane CARE Customer Service before installing software or
Field Software Installation............................................ 10 capacity charts.
The MCC Controls Application can be ordered on compact
GENERAL disc (CD) from Manitowoc Crane CARE Customer Service at
This document provides qualified service technicians the the time you order crane software and chart software for a
instructions for installing crane software and capacity chart particular crane.
files. Before the crane software program can be installed, a folder
These instructions apply to the Manitowoc Cranes load must be created on the laptop’s hard drive (C drive), as
moment with an EPIC control system — either non-CAN bus follows:
or CAN bus. 1. Click on My Computer Icon.
Crane software terms: 2. Click on C drive icon.
• MCC Controls Application — Personal computer 3. Click on File menu.
application used to download crane software and
4. Click on New.
capacity chart information.
5. Select Folder.
• Crane Software — EPIC controller program designated
by the .HEX suffix in 4X40 load moment programs and 6. A folder is created in C drive called New Folder.
the .H86 suffix in CAN-bus programs. 7. Click on New Folder icon to rename folder.
• Chart Software — Crane capacity chart information 8. Enter new name MCC Controls, for example.
designated by the .IHX suffix.
NOTE: Chart software is serial number specific and should MCC Controls
not be used on any other crane.

Crane software and capacity chart files must be installed MCC Controls

only by a qualified, trained technician as instructed in this

To become qualified to install software, the technician must MCC Controls
be trained by a qualified instructor. Properly completed
Software Installation Training Form OOSVFM044 (at end of
this document) must be submitted to Manitowoc Crane
MCC Controls
CARE Customer Service verifying technician training.

© 2005 Manitowoc
Rev. 11-14-2005 ST 167-1

To install crane software and capacity chart files from CD: 9. On the MCC Controls Setup screen (see Figure 6),
click Change Directory to set location to the pre-
1. Insert CD disc into laptop’s CD drive.
created MCC Controls folder.
2. Click on My Computer Icon (see Figure 1).
3. Click on CD disc drive icon to reveal folder similar to
rev00c or rev00f (see Figure 2).

10. Locate the MCC Controls folder on the C drive and click
4. Click on folder icon to install loading program.
OK (see Figure 7).
5. Click on package folder icon (see Figure 3).

FIGURE 3 MCC Controls

6. Click on setup.exe icon (see Figure 4).

11. Click on the Computer icon to proceed with the
installation of the download program into the MCC
Controls folder (see Figure 8).

7. The program will begin to copy some files and proceed
to the setup screen.
8. When the MCC Controls Setup program screen is
displayed, click OK (see Figure 5). MCC Controls

12. When asked to verify Program group, click Continue.
13. While in setup, a pop up screen may be displayed
indicating a newer file exists on your laptop. Click Yes to
keep your newer existing file.
14. The screen will indicate when setup is complete. Click
on OK.
15. A desktop shortcut to the download program may be
FIGURE 5 desired. To create a shortcut:

ST 167-2

a. Select My Computer icon on the desktop screen INSTALLING SOFTWARE AND CHARTS ON
and click. LAPTOP
b. Select C drive and click. The software provided will be for a specific crane unless
c. Select MCC Controls folder and Left click. advised differently.

d. In the folder Right click on MCC Control App.exe 1. Before installing new crane software, a folder must be
and select Create Shortcut and click. A shortcut created on laptop’s desktop, as follows:
icon will then be displayed. a. Right click on desktop (main screen) for menu bar
e. Move shortcut icon to desktop or other desired area. and select New. A secondary menu screen is
16. When a new MCC Controls Application version
becomes available, the older version must first be b. Click on Folder on secondary menu. A folder called
removed from the laptop before the new program can be New Folder becomes visible on desktop screen.
loaded. To remove an old program: c. Rename folder. For example, you could use the
a. Click on Start for menu column in bottom left corner crane serial number (2251025).
of screen. 2. Open crane software files. Right click MEC2.HEX (non-
b. Click on Settings. CAN bus) or Master.H86 (CAN bus) file icon.

c. Click on Control Panel. 3. When menu bar becomes visible, click Save As…
4. When Save Attachment screen appears, select
d. Click on Add/Remove Programs icon.
desktop location to locate renamed folder created in
e. Select MCC Controls App.exe from menu (see step 1c.
Figure 9).
5. When Save Attachment screen for intended folder
C/ becomes visible, click on Save button.
MEC2.HEX or Master.H86 file is now saved to selected
folder. Do not change names of files.
6. Return to crane software files and right click on
lmidata.ihx (non-CAN bus) or candata.ihx (CAN bus)
file icon.
7. When menu bar becomes visible, click Save As…
8. Save Attachment screen for intended folder should
become visible, (if not, select from desktop location).
17. Click Add/Remove button and existing program will be 9. Click on Save button. lmidata.ihx or candata.ihx file is
removed from C drive of the laptop. now saved to selected folder.

ST 167-3

DOWNLOADING SOFTWARE AND CHARTS 6. Wait until program switches from Bootstrap screen to
TO CRANE PC load moment working screen.
7. Connect download harness to install port and to RS 232
The procedure for downloading non-CAN bus crane
serial port on laptop (see Figure 10).
software is different from the procedure for downloading
CAN bus crane software. Refer to proper procedure. 8. Select and press Load Hex button in lower center (see
Figure 12). A screen will drop down called Open.
Non-CAN bus Software 9. Locate and open crane MCC Controls folder (example:
Before installing non-CAN bus software and capacity charts, 2251123 folder).
perform following steps:
10. Locate and click on Mec2.hex icon to select file and then
• PARK all crane functions. click on Open button (see Figure 12). The hex file will
now download the program. A screen displays bootstrap
• STOP engine. It must be off for entire procedure.
information during download process and controls
• TURN ON cab power. application shows data address.
• RECORD current configuration settings (handle,
chart numbers, etc.) before downloading new
software. When download is complete, use this
information to confirm crane is configured as it was
before download.

Laptop computer connector

for loading software and Front
programming functions on Console
non-CAN bus cranes.

11. When laptop interface screen displays Process
Complete/Timed Out the screen closes automatically.
12. Select and press Reset and Load Chart button at
FIGURE 10 bottom of screen. A screen will drop down called Open.
13. To reduce chart loading time, scroll up or down one
Installing Software Program rev00c screen from display working screen to menu screen.
1. Click on shortcut icon MCC Controls App. The selected Locate on Open screen and click on lmidata.ihx icon to
folder appears (see Figure 11). select file (see Figure 13).
2. Click on MCC Controls App.exe icon to launch
program (see Figure 11).
MCC Controls App.

3. Manitowoc Controls Interface - rev00c screen is
displayed (see Figure 12).
4. Select desired laptop serial port to be used as well as
“LMI” (see Figure 12). FIGURE 13
5. Turn on cab power. Do not start engine. 14. Click on Open button to open file. Capacity charts will
now begin to load. While charts are loading the screen

ST 167-4

will display status (Erasing page or Load data good) in 7. Connect download harness to install port and to RS 232
the lower left corner of display menu screen. serial port on laptop (see Figure 10).
15. When screen changes to indicate in Status bar that 8. Select and press Load Hex button in lower left corner
programming is finished (example: Load Data in (see Figure 15).
Address 49480 Close File), the capacity charts are fully
9. A screen will drop down called Open as shown in Figure
loaded into crane’s load moment system. Click Exit
button on control interface screen (see Figure 13) and
disconnect cable. Scroll up or down on display and 10. Locate and open crane MCC Controls folder (example:
working screen will return. 2251123 folder).
16. Check configuration screen to ensure the system is
configured as it was before chart loading. Lift a few ihx

different loads to determine if system is weighing loads

correctly. mec2.hex

17. Right click on serial number folder (example: 2251123).

Select delete on bar and click to remove folder from
18. Fill in Field Software Installation form OOSVFM045 and
return form to Manitowoc Crane CARE Customer
Service as instructed on form.

Installing Software Program rev00f

1. Click on shortcut icon MCC Controls App. The selected
folder appears (see Figure 14). FIGURE 16

2. Open folder and click on MCC Controls App.exe icon to 11. Locate and click mec2.HEX icon to select file (see
start program installation (see Figure 14). Figure 16). The hex file will now download the program.
The screen will display Process Complete/Timed Out
MCC Controls App. when files are fully loaded and file closes automatically.
12. Go back to the Manitowoc Controls Interface - rev00f
screen (see Figure 15).
13. Select and press Reset and Load Hex button at bottom
of screen.
14. A screen will drop down called Open (see Figure 17).

3. Manitowoc Controls Interface - rev00f screen is
displayed (see Figure 15).



15. Locate and click Imidata.ihx icon to select file (see

Figure 17). The hex file will now download the capacity
charts. The screen will display Process Complete/
FIGURE 15 Timed Out when files are fully loaded and file closes
4. The 4 X 40 program is for all Non CAN-Bus Systems. automatically.

5. TURN ON cab power (RUN) position. Do not start 16. Click Exit button on control interface screen (see Figure
engine. 15) and disconnect cable. Scroll up or down on display
and working screen will return.
6. Wait until program switches from Bootstrap screen to
load moment working screen.

ST 167-5

17. Check configuration screen to ensure system is 2. Click on MCC Controls App.exe icon to launch
configured as it was before chart loading. Lift a few program (see Figure 19).
different loads to determine if system is weighing loads
3. Manitowoc Controls Interface screen is displayed (see
Figure 20). Press button under Control System, located
18. Right click on serial number folder. Select delete on bar in upper left corner of screen.
and click to remove folder from laptop.
4. Select desired laptop serial port to be used as well as
19. Fill in Field Software Installation form OOSVFM045 and CAN shown in Figure 20.
return form to Manitowoc Crane CARE Customer
5. TURN ON cab power (RUN) position. Do not start
Service as instructed on form.
CAN Bus Software
The CAN bus software includes capacity charts. Before
installing CAN bus software, perform following steps:
1. PARK all crane functions.
2. STOP engine. It must be off for entire procedure.
3. RECORD current capacity chart configuration settings
(handle, chart numbers, etc.) before downloading new
CAN bus software. When download is complete, use
this information to confirm crane is configured as it was
before download.
4. Cab power must be OFF to start download.
5. Connect download harness to console CAN bus install
port and to RS 232 serial port on laptop (see Figure 18).
6. Determine if you have software program rev00c (go to FIGURE 20
installing rev00c topic) or rev00f (go to installing rev00f
6. Select and press Load Hex button in lower left corner
(see Figure 20). A screen will drop down called Open.
7. Click side of box displaying MCC Controls icon. Scroll
Laptop computer connector up or down to desktop icon and click on desktop icon.
for loading software and
programming functions on 8. Locate and open the crane folder (crane serial number
CAN bus cranes. file).
9. Locate and click Master.H86 icon to select file and then
click on Open button (see Figure 21). The hex file will
now download into the bus system. While loading the
file, the screen will display rows of squares and the
status bar will indicate address of download. When the
controls interface MCC Controls App. displays
Process Complete/Timed Out the files are fully loaded
and the screen closes automatically.

Installing Software Program rev00c

1. Click on shortcut icon MCC Controls App. The selected
folder appears (see Figure 14).
MCC Controls App.


ST 167-6

10. Select and press Load Charts button in lower left part of 3. Manitowoc Controls Interface screen is displayed —
screen. A screen will drop down called Open. Manitowoc Controls Interface - rev00f (see Figure
11. Locate and open the crane model folder.
12. Select and click on candata.ihx icon to select file (see
Figure 22). Click on Open button to open file. Rated
capacity charts will now begin to load.




4. Press button under Control Type, in upper left corner of

screen to select controller type to be loaded. The
controller options are:
a. Master: Master Node
FIGURE 22 b. Bin: Bin Node
13. When screen changes to indicate a Status bar that c. Boom: Boom or Jib Node
programming is finished (Load Data in Address and d. Display: Graphic Interface
Close File), the charts will be fully loaded into the crane’s e. Remote: Remote Controller
CAN bus system. Click Exit button on control interface
f. Universal: Universal Node (2 through 9)
screen (see Figure 22) and disconnect download cable.
g. Engine: Engine Node
14. Scroll up or down on rated capacity screen and working
screen will return. h. 4 X 40: Non CAN-Bus System

15. Check configuration screen to ensure system is 5. Select the communication port (Port 1 or 2) that your
configured as it was before chart loading. Lift a few computer is connected to.
different loads to determine if system is weighing load 6. TURN ON cab power (RUN) position. Do not start
correctly. engine.
16. Right click on serial number folder, select delete on bar, 7. Select and press Load Hex button in lower left corner
and click to remove folder from laptop. (see Figure 24). A screen will drop down called Open as
17. Fill in Field Software Installation form OOSVFM045 and shown in Figure 25.
return form to Manitowoc Crane CARE Customer
Service as instructed on form.

Installing Software Program rev00f

1. Click on shortcut icon MCC Controls App. The selected
folder appears (see Figure 23).
MCC Controls App.

8. Locate and click Master.H86 icon to select file (see
Figure 25). The hex file will now download the selected
2. Open folder and click on MCC Controls App.exe icon to controller. The controls interface main screen will display
start program installation. Process Complete/ Timed Out when files are fully
loaded and file closes automatically.

ST 167-7

9. Go back to the Manitowoc Controls Interface - rev00f 12. When screen changes to indicate a Status bar that
screen (see Figure 26). programming is finished (Load Data in Address and
Close File), the charts will be fully loaded into the crane’s
CAN bus system. Click Exit button on control interface
screen (see Figure 22) and disconnect download cable.
13. Click Exit button on control interface screen (see Figure
22) and disconnect cable. Scroll up or down on display
and working screen will return.
14. Check configuration screen to ensure system is
configured as it was before chart loading. Lift a few
different loads to determine if system is weighing loads
15. Right click on serial number folder. Select delete on bar
and click to remove folder from laptop.
16. Fill in Field Software Installation form OOSVFM045 and
FIGURE 26 return form to Manitowoc Crane CARE Customer
10. Select and press Load Charts button in lower left. A Service as instructed on form.
screen will drop down called Open.
11. Locate on Open screen and click on candata.ihx icon to
select file (see Figure 27). Click on Open button to open 1. Only install files to crane systems that you are instructed
file. Rated capacity charts will now begin to load. to or that are agreed upon. Authorization by Manitowoc
Crane CARE Customer Service to download a particular
system is the key to this program.
2. Manitowoc Crane CARE Customer Service is to be
informed in writing when files have been installed. Serial
number of crane and version of files must be included.
3. Files must be deleted from the laptop when installation is
4. Failing to abide by these rules will result in forfeiture of
this privilege.

Field Software Installation Form OOSVFM045 (at end of this
FIGURE 27 document) must be completed and returned to Manitowoc
Cran e CARE Customer Service a t time of softwa re
installation. If the software is installed on more than one
crane, a form must be completed for each crane.

ST 167-8

Manitowoc Cranes

Date ________________

Dealer ________________________________

Branch ________________________________

Model Crane ___________________________

Serial Number __________________________

Software Version ________________________

1. Name ______________________________________________________________

Telephone # _________________________________

E-mail address you wish to receive updates _________________________________

2. Name ______________________________________________________________

Telephone # ________________________________

E-mail address you wish to receive updates _________________________________

3. Name ______________________________________________________________

Telephone #_________________________________

E-mail address you wish to receive updates _________________________________

Instructed by:


00SVFM044 10/24/02

ST 167-9
Manitowoc Cranes

Date _______________

Dealer _____________________________________

Branch _____________________________________

Model Crane ________________________________

Serial Number _______________________________

Software Version _____________________________

Reason for installation:




Software Installed by:

Name _____________________________________________

Telephone # ________________________________________

E-mail address ______________________________________

Upon installation of new software, please return completed form to

Crane CARE Customer Service at Manitowoc.

00SVFM045 10/24/02
Models: 111, 222, 222 Wagon, 777, 777T, 888, 999, M-250, 2250

Table of Contents

General ............................................................................. 1 Language Screen....................................................... 5

Control Console Identification ........................................... 4 Option Screen ................................................................... 6
Display ....................................................................... 4 RCL Setup ........................................................................ 6
Select / Confirm Rocker ............................................. 4 Configure RCL ........................................................... 6
Scroll Up / Down Rocker ............................................ 4 Select Multiple Sheaves............................................. 8
RCL Limiter Key Switch ............................................. 4 Calibrate RCL............................................................. 8
Warning Light............................................................. 4 Calibrate Load Sensing Sheaves ........................ 9
Caution Light.............................................................. 4 Calibrate Boom Angle Potentiometers ................ 9
Display Contrast Switch ............................................. 4 Calibrate Luffing Jib Angle Potentiometers ......... 9
Working Screen ................................................................ 4 Diagnostic Screen........................................................... 10

GENERAL The RCL is an electronic and mechanical load sensing

system consisting of following components (see Figures 1 or
These instructions only apply to Software Program Version 2):
RCL 03_ or roc 13_ and newer.
CONTROL CONSOLE (with its own memory and processor)
If first two digits of your Software Program Version are not mounted on front console in the operator’s cab.
the same as listed above, contact your Dealer or the Factory
Crane CARE Customer Service for correct RCL folio. The P R O G R A M M A B L E C O N T R O L L E R ( c o n t r o l s c ra n e
third digit or letter will vary from one crane to another. functions) located behind operator’s seat.

The purpose of this folio is to provide qualified operators with LOAD SENSING SHEAVES located at boom and jib points.
operation and calibration instructions for Manitowoc Rated See Figure 3 for identification of load sensing sheaves.
Capacity Indicator/Limiter (RCL). ANGLE SENSING POTENTIOMETERS located in junction
The system is designed to aid the operator in identifying boxes on boom butt and, if equipped, on luffing jib butt.
overload conditions, which can cause structural failure of RIN CONTROLLER (Models 111, 222, 222 Wagon, 888 and
boom and jib or loss of stability (tipping). 999 only) remote controller that sends input signals from
load sensing sheaves and angle sensing potentiometers to
programmable controller.
Overload Hazard!
RCL has been installed on crane to aid operator.
Presence of RCL on crane in no way substitutes for, or
lessens, requirement that operator knowledge,
experience, and judgment are required to ensure safe
operation of crane.
Some programming steps may have to be performed
before each lift. If RCL is not programmed correctly, it
will not properly sense load and alert operator to
overload conditions. Before using RCL, operator shall
read and understand instructions in this folio.

© 2006 Manitowoc
Rev. 06-30-2006 Folio 1880-v2-1

Angle Sensing Potentiometers

(Boom and Luffing Jib)
For Models: 777, 777T, 999, M-250, and 2250

Display Control Console

Load Sensing Sheaves

Caution CHART: 1205B/70 RAD: 12.5 M

Light PARTS [12]

NET LOAD: 100000 KGS
MAX CAP: 110000 KGS



Select / Confirm
Scroll RCL Limiter Warning Rocker
Up / Down Key Switch Light


For Models: 111, 222, 222 Wagon, and 888

Display Control Console A1013

2 3 4

Caution CHART: 1205B/70 RAD: 12.5 M

Light PARTS [12] NET LOAD: 100000 KGS

MAX CAP: 110000 KGS


A 1

SELECT Contrast
10 6 7 8
Scroll RCL Limiter Warning Select / Confirm
Up / Down Key Switch Light Rocker

9 5

Item Identification Item Identification

1 Boom Top RIN Controller 6 Luffing Jib Angle Potentiometer
2 Boom Angle Potentiometer 7 Lower Jib Point Load Sensing Sheave
3 Lower Boom Point Load Sensing Sheave 8 Upper Jib Point Load Sensing Sheave
4 Upper Boom Point Load Sensing Sheave 9 Fix Jib Top RIN Controller
5 Luffing Jib Top RIN Controller 10 Jib Point Load Sensing Sheave

Folio 1880-v2-2

111, 222, 222 Wagon,

888, 999, 777, and 777T
2 OR
M-250 and 2250

Boom with Upper and Lower Boom with Fixed Jib

Boom Points

3 4


1 1

Luffing Jib with Upper and Luffing Jib with Fixed Jib
Lower Jib Points

Item Sheave Identification

1 Lower Boom Point
2 Upper Boom Point
3 Lower Luffing Jib Point
Upper Luffing Jib Point
or Fixed Jib Point


Folio 1880-v2-3

The RCL monitors programmed inputs and signals from load • In PROGRAM mode (>), INCREASE data for a selected
sensing sheaves and angle sensing potentiometers. It item.
compares input data with capacity charts stored in RCL and
Depress BOTTOM end of rocker to:
displays the load information on control console screen.
• In SELECT mode (*), SCROLL DOWN from line to line
When the system detects an overload condition, the operator
in a screen or from screen to screen. The cursor stops
is alerted both visually and audibly. Additionally, if RCL limiter
only at programmable items.
is on, the programmable controller disables the following
crane functions until overload condition is corrected: • In PROGRAM mode (>), DECREASE data for a
selected item.
• Hoist UP.
• Boom DOWN. RCL Limiter Key Switch
• Luffing jib DOWN. The key must be inserted before this switch can be operated.
The key can be removed from either position to lock the
NOTE When equipped with a luffing jib, you can operate switch. Turn switch key CLOCKWISE to TURN ON limiter.
at any boom angle between minimum and
maximum boom chart angles. The boom hoist is Turn key COUNTERCLOCKWISE to TURN OFF limiter.
automatically disabled if you operate more than 5° When limiter is turned off, OFF flashes next to LOAD
above maximum boom chart angle or more than 5° LIMITER on crane configuration ALARM screen (Figure 15).
below minimum boom chart angle. If you operate
between two boom chart angles, luffing jib capacity Warning Light
is de-rated. Glows RED and a buzzer (in control console) comes on to
To alert job site personnel to an overload or tipping condition, alert the operator to an overload condition.
an optional rotating amber light and continuous tone horn
can be mounted on the outside of the operator’s cab. Caution Light
Glows YELLOW and a beeper (in control console) comes on
CONTROL CONSOLE IDENTIFICATION to alert the operator to an approaching overload condition.
The control console consists of following controls (see
Figures 1 or 2):
Display Contrast Switch
Turn in either direction to adjust display screen to desired
Display contrast.
The display contains the following screens:
• One working screen.
The WORKING screen (Figure 4) identifies current
• One option screen. configuration and displays load data for load drum being
• Several configuration screens. operated. When operation is switched from one drum to
another, the WORKING screen automatically switches to
• One multiple sheave screen. display load information for new drum, without having to
• Calibration screens. reprogram. Automatic switching can be turned off by
selecting DRUM Not Used when programming crane
• One diagnostic screen. configuration DRUM screen (Figure 10) See Operating
Controls manual for drum identification.
Select / Confirm Rocker
The WORKING screen appears when power is applied and
This rocker serves two purposes: RCL is turned ON. The RCL goes through a system test
• Switch the mode of the scroll up/down rocker from when first turned ON. The message CONFIRM flashes until
SELECT to PROGRAM and vice versa. TOP end of CONFIRM/SELECT rocker is depressed to
CONFIRM present configuration. If there are no changes,
• CONFIRM programmed data. the operator can start operating the crane without going to
any other screen.
NOTE Select is not active when programming in
configuration screens. A four-digit number and either one or two alpha characters
identify each capacity chart. A single alpha character (A, B,
Scroll Up / Down Rocker etc.) identifies an ANSI (United States) approved capacity
chart. A single alpha character followed by an M (AM, BM,
Depress TOP end of rocker to:
etc.) identifies a metric or European approved capacity chart.
• In SELECT mode (*), SCROLL UP from item to item in a
Units of measure displayed in WORKING screen
screen or from screen to screen. The cursor stops only
corresponds to type of chart selected:
at programmable items.
• Feet and pounds for an ANSI capacity chart.

Folio 1880-v2-4

• Meters and Metric Tons for a metric or European • 8200 - is the deducts to chart capacity. The RCL does
capacity chart. not automatically compensate for any deducts required
Boom Fixed Jib Special Chart Line by the various capacity charts (jib and wire rope, load
Length Length Configurations Pull blocks, slings, below boom and jib points). Operator is
Capacity Luffing responsible for determining and calculating deducts
Jib Chart Deduct specified on applicable capacity charts and for
Chart Parts of
Length Angle 1
in Use Line entering data into RCL. Always round calculations
UP to the nearest hundred (if calculated deduct is
7941A 120 70 80 4 29500 8200
1,675 lbs, enter 1,700 lbs).
LOAD 50000 LBS CAP 29500 LB Crane can be overloaded — tipping or structural
failure can occur — if required deducts are not
entered into RCL.
• 8103A - is the MCC chart number.
Safe Working Percent of Use Caution Maximum Load
Area Capacity Bar Condition • TARE - is the load subtracted from the displayed LOAD.
NOTE: No items can be programmed on the working screen. The actual load being lifted equals line pull times parts of
line minus tare. This feature allows operator to view load
differences. For example: wire rope, load block or weight
Language Screen ball, and lifting slings can be tared (deducted) so that
displayed load equals only the load that is being lifted.
Access language screen on working screen (Figure 5) by
pressing SELECT. The program cursor (>) appears next to • Tare is subtracted only from displayed load. Tare does
the LANGUAGE on screen. Scroll up or down to select not effect the percent of capacity display.
desired language. CONFIRM when desired language • LOAD - is actual load being lifted that equals line pull
appears to program the selected language on all screens. times parts of line minus tare.
• RAD - is the horizontal distance (radius) from the crane’s
>LANGUAGE ENGLISH centerline of rotation to the center of the freely
suspended load block or single-part load line. Radius is
SCROLL or CONFIRM calculated from boom and jib length, boom and jib angle,
and the link/sheave sensor.

FIGURE 5 • CAP - is the capacity chart rating for the crane’s

programmed configuration. Maximum capacity is always
The working screen displays the following information: the least of the following values:
Configuration is a coded representation of the crane/chart - Manitowoc capacity chart.
- Rope line pull.
• 120 - is the boom length.
- Drum torque capacity.
• 70 - is the luffing jib length.
PERCENT OF CAPACITY BAR - is the graphical indication
• _ - is the fixed jib length. of how close the crane is to its maximum capacity. The bar
moves to the right above the color coded scale as load
• 80 - is the chart angle:
- Jib offset (for fixed jib chart or boom chart with fixed
jib attached).
- Boom to luffing jib (for boom chart with luffing jib
- Boom (for luffing jib chart).
• _ - is the special chart configurations:
- Barge list in degrees (0, 1, 2, 3).
• 4 - is the parts of line.
• 29500 - it the line pull in units (STD) in feet or (METRIC)
metric ton in kg.

Folio 1880-v2-5

OPTION SCREEN [>Sheave 1 Configuration]

The configuration, calibration, diagnostic, and multiple >POINT LOWER
sheave screens are accessed from the OPTION screen
(Figure 6). SCROLL to Change CONFIRM to Continue
To access the OPTION screen, scroll up or down as required
until screen appears. Continue to scroll up or down until the FIGURE 8
select cursor (*) appears next to desired option. Depress
BOTTOM end of CONFIRM/SELECT rocker to SELECT. On CAPACITY CHART configuration screen (Figure 9) the
program cursor (>) appears next to capacity chart number
The operator can toggle back to the WORKING screen by (7941A in this example). Once this screen is selected, data
scrolling up or down until the screen appears. in bottom three lines changes automatically while scrolling
through possible chart configurations.
DIAGNOSTIC SCREEN CALIBRATE SHEAVE If you program data for any item without confirming it, data
CALIBRATE SHEAVES will be lost when computer is turned off and previously stored
SCROLL or SELECT Item data will take effect when computer is turned back on.
RCL will not allow any data to be changed if corresponding
FIGURE 6 load sensing sheave detects a line pull greater than 3,300
lbs (1-1/2 Metric Tons).
RCL SETUP A four-digit number and either one or two alpha characters
identify each capacity chart. A single alpha character (A, B,
Configure RCL etc.) identifies an ANSI (United States) approved capacity
chart. A single alpha character followed by an M (AM, BM,
The SHEAVE configuration screen (Figure 7) appears when
etc.) identifies a metric or European approved capacity chart.
Configure RCL is selected on OPTION screen. The program
requires the operator to confirm all ten configuration screens The chart configuration screen does not display units of
before returning to the WORKING screen. The program measure. Units of measure correspond to type of chart
cursor (>) appears next to first item on each screen. Select is selected:
not active when programming in configuration screens. The
• Feet and pounds for an ANSI capacity chart.
program automatically moves to next configuration screen
when TOP end of CONFIRM/SELECT rocker is depressed to • Meters and Kilograms for a metric or European capacity
CONFIRM. chart.
NOTE See Figure 3 for identification of load sensing >7941A [Drum 1 Configuration]
sheaves. BOOM 160 BOOM ANG LIST
The last programmed chart and crane configuration for each JIB1 JIB1 ANG CRAWLER
load sensing sheave is retained in memory. This allows the
operator to switch between sheaves without having to
reprogram the configurations, assuming no changes have
been made to parts of lines, boom length, etc.
The following items are programmed for the selected chart
NOTE If multiple load sensing sheaves from one point are configuration:
used, both sheaves must be configured before
being selected. CHART - is the chart number.
BOOM - is the boom length.
[>Sheave 1 Configuration]
JIB1 - is the luffing jib length.
JIB2 - is the fixed jib length.
SCROLL to Change CONFIRM to Continue
BOOM ANG - is the boom angle if luffing jib chart.
JIB1 ANG - is the boom to luffing jib angle if Boom Chart with
luffing jib attached.
On POINT configuration screen (Figure 8) the program
JIB2 ANG - is the fixed jib offset.
cursor (>) appears next to the POINT selection. Only select
upper point when there is an upper point on the boom, fixed LIST - is the list angle if barge chart.
jib or luffing jib. When configured with a fixed jib, the lower CRAWLER - is the crawler extended (out) or retracted (in)
point is generally selected. on certain models only.
RATING - Truck Crane Rating Over Rear or 360° Swing.
STINGER - Max-Er trailer arm length.

Folio 1880-v2-6

CTWT - is the total counterweight in pounds of kilograms

[>Sheave 1 Configuration]
(Max-Er only).
>DEDUCT 0000 LBS Cap 0000000 LBS
On DRUM configuration screen (Figure 10) the program
cursor (>) appears next to DRUM selection. Drum (1, 2, 3, 4,
SCROLL to Change CONFIRM to Continue
etc. or Not Used) corresponds to selected load sensing
sheave. If a sheave is not used or provided, or if automatic
switching between load drums is not desired, select DRUM FIGURE 13
Not Used in crane configuration screen.
On TARE configuration screen (Figure 14) the program
[>Sheave 1 Configuration] cursor (>) appears next to TARE selection.
>DRUM 2 [>Sheave 1 Configuration]
>TARE 0000 LBS LOAD 000000 LBS
SCROLL to Change CONFIRM to Continue

SCROLL to Change CONFIRM to Continue

On PARTS configuration screen (Figure 11) the program FIGURE 14
cursor (>) appears next to PARTS selection. Scroll up or
down as required to select and program desired parts of line. For an unknown tare value:
1. Lift all items that are to be tared out clear of ground
[>Sheave 1 Configuration]
(example: load block and lifting slings).
2. Note displayed LOAD value.
SCROLL to Change CONFIRM to Continue 3. Scroll up or down until tare value equals displayed load
value noted earlier. The load value goes to zero as this
step is performed.
4. CONFIRM tare value. The displayed LOAD equals net
On LINEPULL configuration screen (Figure 12) the program load (tare value is subtracted automatically).
cursor (>) appears next to LINEPULL selection. Scroll up or To turn tare off:
down as required to select and program required single line
pull for the selected drum and sheave configuration. 1. Scroll up or down until tare value equals zero.

Several line pull options are available. To determine 2. CONFIRM zero tare value.
req ui r ed SING L E li ne pu ll fo r d r u m in us e, s ee 3. The displayed LOAD value will equal total load (weight
Capacities Chart and Wire Rope Specifications Chart for of all load lines, load block or weight ball, all rigging and
boom or boom and jib in use. lifted load).
NOTE Single line pull equals maximum load divided by On ALARM configuration screen (Figure 15) the program
parts of line. cursor (>) appears next to ALARM selection. Scroll up or
Laminated copies of the charts are located on a ring in the down as required to select and program desired alarm/load
operator’s cab. limiter condition.
The alarm item indicates whether alarms (warning/caution
[>Sheave 1 Configuration]
lights in cab, beeper/buzzer in cab, amber light/horn outside
>LINEPULL 29500 LBS cab) are ON or OFF. The alarms can be turned off only when
SCROLL to Change CONFIRM to Continue
The load Limiter indicates whether RCL limiter feature is
turned ON or OFF. When RCL limiter switch is off, the word
FIGURE 12 OFF flashes on the screen.
On DEDUCT configuration screen (Figure 13) the program D e p r e ss TOP e n d o f C ON F I R M / SE L EC T r oc ke r t o
cursor (>) appears next to DEDUCT selection. Scroll up or CONFIRM selected screen and return to WORKING screen.
down as required to select and program desired deduct
value. As DEDUCT value is increased, the capacity value is [>Sheave 1 Configuration]
subtracted the same amount. >ALARM ON Load Limiter OFF

SCROLL to Change CONFIRM to Continue


Folio 1880-v2-7

Select Multiple Sheaves

The MULTIPLE SHEAVE screen (Figure 16) appears when
selected on OPTION screen. The select cursor (*) appears
next the currently active sheave arrangement. Scroll to
desired shea ve arrang emen t. Dep re ss TOP e nd of
CONFIRM/SELECT rocker to CONFIRM desired sheave
arrangement. FIGURE 17
NOTE If multiple load sensing sheaves from one point are
used, both sheaves must be configured before Check RCL calibration and calibrate if required, at the
being selected. following intervals:
• Before the first time use of any load sensing sheave.
SUM SHEAVES 1 AND 2 • It is not necessary to recalibrate a sheave for each type
SUM SHEAVES 3 AND 4 of attachment, once it is calibrated.
SCROLL to Change or CONFIRM to Continue EXAMPLE: load-sensing sheave 1 is for lower boom
point of heavy lift top and long reach top on 2250. Once
FIGURE 16 sheave 1 is calibrated for each attachment, data is
retained memory. This allows the operator to switch
If boom point load sensing sheaves 1 and 2 or luffing point between attachments without having to recalibrate.
load sensing sheaves 3 and 4 are selected, rated line pull for
each sheave is compared to maximum. The sum of both • When a known lifted load and displayed load are in error
sheaves’ load is calculated for total percent of chart capacity. more than plus or minus 400 lbs (181kg) or 4%,
Line pull or chart capacity that is closest to 100 percent rated whichever is greater. Perform this check daily when first
capacity is displayed in MAX CAP line on WORKING screen. known load is lifted on each hook.
The MAX CAP line changes if another sheave load or total • When any part of the system is replaced.
rated capacity is closest to maximum capacity. The displayed
LOAD corresponds with displayed MAX CAP. If the RCL is • Yearly
limited by maximum line pull, the LOAD and MAX CAP The following items must be programmed in the calibration
shows that line pull. screens:

Calibrate RCL CODE # - is calibration access code. The number 128 must
be programmed to allow calibration.
The calibration screens are used to calibrate load sensing
LOAD - To known loads are required to properly calibrate the
sheaves and boom/luffing jib angle sensing potentiometers.
load sensing sheaves:
T h e p r op e r ch art a nd cra n e co n fi gu r a t io n m us t b e
programmed and confirmed before performing calibration • LIGHT LOAD – produces single line pull of less then
procedures. 3,300 lbs (1-1/2 Metric Tons).
The last programmed crane and chart configuration for each • HEAVY LOAD – which is greater than 2/3 drum’s rated
load sensing sheave and associated drum is retained in single line pull.
memory (even if engine is stopped). This allows the operator
to switch between load drums without having to reprogram • When calibrating a load the operator can use two
the configurations, assuming no changes have been made different angles. A prompt appears to indicate if lifted
to parts of lines, boom length, etc. load is suitable for calibration:

Units of measure displayed on the calibration screen • LESS REQD- Indicates that weight must be removed to
corresponds to type of chart selected: complete calibration.

• Feet and pounds for an ANSI capacity chart. • MORE REQD-Indicates that more weight must be
added to complete calibration.
• Metric Tons for a metric or European capacity chart.
• Tare must be off (zero) during calibration so that LOAD
The first calibration (CODE) screen (Figure 17) appears includes weight of load lines, lifting slings, load block or
when Calibrate Angle or Calibrate Sheave is selected and weight ball, and lifted load.
confirmed on OPTION screen. The program cursor (>)
appears next to CODE #. The operator or technician must BOOM - is the boom angle sensing potentiometer must be
scroll up or down as required to enter code number before calibrated at two angles, LOW ANGLE and HIGH ANGLE.
calibration screens can be accessed. Depress TOP end of Measure angles with an accurate angle indicator on the
CONFIRM/SELECT rocker to CONFIRM to enter boom/ centerline of the boom butt as described in the calibration
luffing jib angle or sheave calibration screens. procedure or by measured radius.

Folio 1880-v2-8

JIB ANGLE - is the luffing jib angle sensing potentiometer 1. Depress BOTTOM end of CONFIRM/SELECT rocker to
must be calibrated at two angles, LOW ANGLE and HIGH pick CALIBRATE ANGLE.
ANGLE. Measure jib angle by measuring radius from
2. Cursor appears next to CODE #.
centerline of rotation to the centerline of the freely
suspended load block or weight ball. 3. Scroll up or down until CODE # 128 is selected. RCL
cannot be calibrated until this step is performed.
Calibrate Load Sensing Sheaves 4. Depress TOP end of CONFIRM/SELECT rocker to
To calibrate load sensing sheaves, proceed as follows: CONFIRM to enter CALIBRATE ANGLE (BOOM)
screen (Figure 19). The select cursor (*) appears before
1. Turn off tare so that load lines, load block or weight ball,
and all rigging are included in calibration.
5. If LUFF JIB appears, depress BOTTOM end of
2. On OPTION screen, depress BOTTOM end of
CONFIRM/SELECT rocker to SELECT and scroll until
CONFIRM/SELECT rocker to SELECT to pick
BOOM appears. Depress TOP end of CONFIRM/
3. Cursor appears next to CODE #.
6. Depress BOTTOM end of CONFIRM/SELECT rocker to
4. Scroll up or down until CODE # 128 is selected. RCL SELECT. Program cursor (>) appears before LOW
cannot be calibrated until this step is performed. ANGLE.
5. Depress TOP end of CONFIRM/SELECT rocker to
Calibrate *BOOM
(Figure 18). The select cursor (*) appears before HIGH ANGLE 08.74 VOLTS
selected sheave.

Calibrate *Sheave 1
SCROLL or SELECT Item CONFIRM to Return 7. Position boom between 10 and 30°. Measure boom
angle with an electronic angle indicator placed on
FIGURE 18 centerline of boom butt or by measuring radius of load
6. Depress BOTTOM end of CONFIRM/SELECT rocker to a. Measure and mark (on ground) largest valid radius
SELECT. Program cursor (>) appears. Scroll to desired given in boom capacity chart.
b. Position boom so centerline of load block or weight
7. Depress TOP end of CONFIRM/SELECT rocker to ball is at radius marked on ground.
CONFIRM desired sheave.
8. Scroll up or down until BOOM ANGLE on calibration
8. Move select cursor (*) to LIGHT LOAD. screen equals angle measured in step above or radius
9. Depress BOTTOM end of CONFIRM/SELECT rocker to on calibration screen equals measured radius.
SELECT. Program cursor (>) appears. 9. Depress TOP end of CONFIRM/SELECT rocker to
10. Lift light load until it is freely suspended. Then scroll up CONFIRM.
or down until displayed load is equal to known value of 10. The select cursor (*) appears before HIGH ANGLE.
light load.
11. Depress BOTTOM end of CONFIRM/SELECT rocker to
11. Depress TOP end of CONFIRM/SELECT rocker to SELECT. Program cursor (>) appears.
12. Position boom between 65 and 80°. Measure boom
12. Move select cursor (*) to HEAVY LOAD. angle with an electronic angle indicator placed on
13. Depress BOTTOM end of CONFIRM/SELECT rocker to centerline of boom butt or by measuring radius of load
SELECT. Program cursor (>) appears. line.

14. Lift heavy load until it is freely suspended. Then scroll up 13. Scroll up or down until BOOM ANGLE on screen equals
or down until displayed load is equal to known value of angle measured in step above or radius on screen
heavy load. equals measured radius.

15. Depress TOP end of CONFIRM/SELECT rocker to 14. Depress TOP end of CONFIRM/SELECT rocker to
CONFIRM to save all calibration changes to this screen CONFIRM.
and return to WORKING screen.
Calibrate Luffing Jib Angle Potentiometers
Calibrate Boom Angle Potentiometers If equippe d with a luffing jib, calibrate b oom angle
To calibrate boom potentiometers, proceed as follows: potentiometers first, and then proceed as follows:

Folio 1880-v2-9

1. On OPTION screen, depress BOTTOM end of 14. Depress BOTTOM end of CONFIRM/SELECT rocker to
CONFIRM/SELECT rocker to pick CALIBRATE ANGLE. SELECT. Program cursor (>) appears.
2. Cursor appears next to CODE #. 15. Measure and mark (on ground) a valid radius from
luffing jib capacity chart that corresponds to a jib angle
3. Scroll up or down until CODE # 128 is selected. RCL
between 65 and 80°.
cannot be calibrated until this step is performed.
16. Position luffing jib so centerline of load block or weight
4. Depress TOP end of CONFIRM/SELECT rocker to
ball is at radius marked on ground in step above.
calibration screen (Figure 20). The select cursor (*) 17. Scroll up or down until RAD on screen equals measured
appears before LUFF JIB or BOOM. radius in step above.
5. If BOOM appears, depress BOTTOM end of CONFIRM/ 18. Depress TOP end of CONFIRM/SELECT rocker to
SELECT rocker to SELECT and scroll until LUFF JIB CONFIRM.
appears. Depress TOP end of CONFIRM/SELECT
6. Scroll through CALIBRATE ANGLE (LUFF JIB) screen The diagnostic screen (Figure 21) contains the following
until select cursor (*) appears before luffing jib LOW information for use by Factory Crane CARE Customer
ANGLE. Service when troubleshooting RCL problems:

Calibrate *LUFF JIB • Program Software Data. If first two digits of your
LOW ANGLE 82.0 DEGS RAD FT Software Program Version are not the same as
HIGH ANGLE 08.74 VOLTS shown in Figure 21, contact your Dealer or the
SCROLL or SELECT Item CONFIRM to Return Factory Crane CARE Customer Service for correct
RCL folio. The third digit or letter will vary from one
crane to another.
• Boom angle and luffing jib angle sender voltages.

7. Depress BOTTOM end of CONFIRM/SELECT rocker to • Load sensing sheave voltages.

SELECT. Program cursor (>) appears.
8. Accurately position boom at lowest specified boom RCL 130 S999 000000 Shv 1 0.00 V
angle given in appropriate luffing jib capacity chart. VOLT DEG Shv 2 0.00 V
>BOOM 8.74 +82.0 Shv 3 0.00 V
9. Measure and mark (on ground) largest valid radius given Mem 0 Shv 4 0.00 V
JIB 0.0 -86.0
in luffing jib capacity chart.
10. Position luffing jib so centerline of load block or weight
ball is at radius marked on ground in step above.
11. Scroll up or down until RAD on screen equals measured The following program items are shown on diagnostic
radius in step above. screen:

12. Depress TOP end of CONFIRM/SELECT rocker to Tables 1 and 2 contain voltages for various loads and angles.
CONFIRM. The voltages are a starting point guide only and may have an
error of 10% to 15%, depending on type of load pin, boom
13. The select cursor (*) appears before HIGH ANGLE. top, and wrap angle.

Folio 1880-v2-10

Table 1
Load Sensing Sheaves Loads and Voltages

Models: 111, 222 and 222 Wagon1 Models: 777, 777T, M-250, and 2250
lbs Metric Ton Voltage lbs2 Metric Ton Voltage
0 0 0.50 0 0 0.80
10,000 4.5 2.25 15,000 6.8 3.63
16,000 7.2 3.30 21,000 9.5 4.77
20,000 9.0 4.00 24,000 10.9 5.33
24,000 10.8 4.70 30,000 13.6 6.46
Models: 888 and 999
lbs2 Metric Ton Voltage
0 0 0.50
10,000 4.5 2.25
16,000 7.2 2.95
20,000 9.0 3.30
24,000 10.8 4.00
Model 222HD with 1-1/4 inch (3.18 cm) rope use 777 columns.
Single part line pull at any sheave (S1, S2, S3, or S4).

Table 2
Boom and Luffing Jib Angle Voltages
Models 777, 777T, M-250, and 2250 Models 111, 222, 222 Wagon, 888 and 999
Boom Angle
Boom Angle
111 Boom 222, 222 Wagon w/o Luff. Jib
Boom Angle Luffing Jib Angle 222 #260 Boom with
Luffing Jib Angle
Luffing Jib, 888, 999
222 #222 Luffing Jib
Degrees Voltage Degrees Voltage Degrees Voltage Degrees Voltage
0 1.86 -60 1.48 0 0.93 -60 0.74
30 4.38 -45 2.31 30 2.19 -45 1.16
45 5.60 0 4.80 45 2.80 0 2.40
60 6.86 45 7.32 60 3.43 45 3.66
80 8.54 70 8.72 80 4.27 60 4.08
70 4.36
80 4.67

Folio 1880-v2-11
999 Liftcrane − Serial Number 9991182
Folio 1880v2 06/30/2006 Load Moment Indicator Operation
ST167 11/14/2005 Crane Software Installation


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