An Improved Method For Protection of Induction Motor Using Microcontroller

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submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of

Master of Engineering

Submitted By
Gagan Garg
Regn. No. 801241009

Under the supervision of

Dr. Amrita Sinha
Assistant Professor, EIED




I would like to thank Thapar University for giving me the opportunity to use their
resources & work in a challenging environment.
First and foremost, I take this opportunity to express my deepest sense of gratitude
to my guide Dr. Amrita Sinha, Assistant Professor, Thapar University, Patiala for her
able guidance during my dissertation. This dissertation would not have been possible
without her help and the valuable time that he has given me amidst of his busy schedule.
I would like to express my deepest sense of gratitude toward Dr. Ravinder Aggarwal,
Professor and Head, Ms. Manbir Kaur, Associate Professor, P.G. Coordinator, EIED,
Thapar University, Patiala who has been a constant source of inspiration for me
throughout this Thesis.
I would like to thank the faculties and laboratory staff members of EIED and
ECED for their extended support in completion of my work.
I would also like to extend my gratitude to my parents and friends who have
always encouraged and supported me in doing my work.

Gagan Garg
Regn. No. 801241009


Protection of three phase induction motor has been done using the
microcontroller, current transformer and step down transformer. This protection scheme
protects the three phase induction motor from single phasing, under voltage, over voltage
and over current. The overall process is monitored by ATmega32 microcontroller.
Microcontroller sends signal through MOSFET to relay for operation. This
microcontroller can sense 8 analog inputs up to 5V. Six analog inputs of microcontroller
have been used for three phase voltages and currents individually for conversion to digital
signal. The remaining inputs can be used for receiving the information from motor such
as temperature, speed etc. The current transformer is an i-v converter (20A/20V), which
gives output in terms of voltage and can be fed to the microcontroller directly. Step down
transformer is (220V/6V). The output of these transformers will vary proportionately with
respect to its input. The microcontroller senses the voltage, compares with the reference
value and sends control signals to the respective protective relays. The overall system is
cheap and reliable. It has been tested several times and gives the good results. A three
phase inverter is designed to run the motor in emergency cases. In the event of single
phasing the rectifier is connected to remaining two phases and the output is given to three
phase inverter which converts the dc power into three phase ac supply. Six pulses are
designed to give control signals to six MOSFETs of the inverter through the ATmega32
microcontroller. The output of the six gate pulses for the inverter have been checked on
the CRO and the results are satisfactory. In this protection system, the limits for the
voltages and currents have been taken as +10% and +30% respectively for 3 seconds. If
any phase voltage or current goes beyond its limit, the microcontroller will send trip
signal to all the three relays simultaneously so that the motor is disconnected from the
power supply. In case of single phasing, the relays gives the supply to the rectifier and the
power is given to the motor through inverter circuit. RCD snubber circuit is used to
protect the MOSFET against voltage transients.


Title Page No.

Certificate i
Acknowledgement ii
Abstract iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Abbreviations vii
List of Figures viii
List of Tables x
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Overview 1
1.2 Literature Review 1
1.3 Objective of the Thesis 7
1.4 Organization of the Thesis Work 7
Chapter 2 Fault Diagnosis for Three Phase Induction Motor 8
2.1 Different kinds of Fault 8
2.2 Single phasing condition 8
2.2.1 Phase opening at substation or distribution 9
2.2.2 Phase opening at motor terminals 11
2.2.3 Basic protection from single phasing 11
2.2.4 Advantages and disadvantages of single phasing 11
prevention recloser
2.3 Unbalanced voltages and frequency 12
2.3.1 Definitions of Unbalance voltages 12
2.3.2 Derating of motor during voltage unbalance 13
2.3.3 Effect of voltage unbalance on power factor and 14
efficiency of motor

2.4 Overloading Effects 16

2.4.1 Design of polyphase induction motor according to 16
NEMA MG1 standard
2.4.2 Effect of starting to avoid overheating 18

2.5 Maintenance, environmental and manufacturing effects 19
2.5.1 Ventilation effects 19
2.5.2 Manufacturing effects 19
Chapter 3 Protection for Induction Motors 21
3.1 Reason of failure 21
3.2 IEEE Standard for insulation of squirrel cage induction 21

motorsAssumptions for Smart Microgrid Modelling

3.3 Thermal Protection 23
3.4 Protection techniques 23
Chapter 4 Implementation of the Three Phase Protection 27
4.1 Objective of protection 27
4.2 Description and working of Step down transformer Unit 28
4.2.1 Construction of Step down transformer unit 28
4.2.2 Working of Step down transformer unit 29

4.3 Description and working of the Current Transformer 30

4.3.1 Working of the Current transformer 30
4.3.2 Description and working of ATmega32 30
4.4 Description and working of the relay: 31
4.4.1 Working of Relay 31
4.5 Description and working of protection MOSFET 32
4.5.1 Working of MOSFET 32
4.6 Description of the battery 32
4.7 Description of 5V Supply for microcontroller 33
4.8 Relay Protection with MOSFET 33
4.9 Results of the Protection system 34
Chapter 5 Three Phase Protection with Three Phase Inverter 36
5.1 Overview 36
5.2 Description of the system 37
5.3 Protection of Three Phase Induction Motor 37
5.4 3 Phase Inverter 38
5.4.1 180 Degree Conduction 38

5.4.2 Switching of MOSFET 40
5.4.3 Working of 3 Phase inverter 40
5.4.4 Application of 3 Phase inverter design to 43
5.5 MOSFET Snubber circuit 44
5.5.1 RLD Snubber circuit 44
5.5.2 RCD Snubber circuit 45
5.5.3 RLD and RCD snubber circuit 45
5.6 Results of three phase inverter 46
5.6.1 Pulses of the Six MOSFET on three CROs 47
5.6.2 The result of the output across load 47
Chapter 6 Conclusions 49
6.1 Conclusions 49
6.2 Future Scope of Work 49
References 50


NEMA National Electrical Manufacturer Association

IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
NEC National Electric Code
Vp Positive Sequence Voltage
Vn Negative Sequence Voltage
1-UV Single Phase Under Voltage
2-UV Two Phase Under Voltage
3-UV Three Phase Under Voltage
1-OV Single Phase Over Voltage
2-OV Two Phase Over Voltage
3-OV Three Phase Over Voltage
1-A Single Phase angle displacement
2-A Two Phase angle displacement
RTD Resistance temperature detector


Fig. Description Page

2.1 Fault locations of single phasing 8
2.2 Single phasing at feeder end or at distribution secondary winding 9
2.3 Derating of motor during unbalance of voltages 13
2.4 Starting time at reduced voltage starter 19
2.5 W/kg. of the motor v/s year of manufacturing 20
3.1 Effect of temperature on the life of A, B, F and H class insulation 21
4.1 Block diagram of Protection Technique for 3 Phase Induction Motor 27
4.2 Schematic diagram of Step down transformer unit 28
4.3 Schematic diagram of Relay 31
4.4 Layout of MOSFET 32
4.5 Schematic diagram of protection using relay and MOSFET 33
4.6 Protection setup of Three Phase Induction Motor 34
4.7 Three Phase Induction motor running with protection system 34
4.8 LCD display showing the motor voltage and current 35
5.1 Protection and running of three phase induction motor during single 36
5.2 Three phase inverter 38
5.3 Schematic conduction of one complete cycle of one phase 38
5.4 Three phases 120 degrees apart from each other 39
5.5 180 degree conduction for three phase inverter 39
5.6 First 60 degree conduction of 3 Phase inverter 40
5.7 Equivalent circuit of first 60 degree conduction of 3 phase inverter 41
5.8 Equivalent resistance of the upper branch 41
5.9 Equivalent resistance of the lower branch 41
5.10 Phase to neutral voltages of 3 phase inverter 42
5.11 Single counter output of microcontroller 43
5.12 RLD snubber circuit 44
5.13 RCD snubber circuit 45
5.14 RLD and RCD snubber circuit 45

5.15 Output of conduction across S1 and S4 46
5.16 Output of conduction across S1 and S3 46
5.17 Output of conduction across S1 and S6 47
5.18 Output of conduction across S1 and S5 47
5.19 Output of conduction across S1 and S2 47
5.2 Output of conduction of 6 MOSFET on three CROs 48
5.21 Inverter output across load 48


Table Description Page

2.1 Comparison for eight unbalance voltages in terms of efficiency and 14
power factor
2.2 Cost increase for same work due to decrease in efficiency 15
2.3 Effect on negative sequence voltage on power factor and efficiency of 15
3 induction motor
2.4 Typical characteristics for the polyphase induction motors according to 17
2.5 Different types of reduced voltage starter and its effects 18
3.1 Machine with 1.0 service factor at rated load 22
3.2 Machine with a 1.15 service factor at rated load 22
3.3 Study on reason of failure by IEEE, EPRI 23
3.4 Requirement of relay for low voltage motors by IEEE, NEMA 25
3.5 Requirement of relay for medium level voltage 25
5.1 Switching sequence of six MOSFET 40
5.2 Steps of switching of six MOSFET using single counter of 43

1.1 Overview
Induction motor is the most widely used motor in the industry due to its simple and
rugged construction. It requires least maintenance as compare to the other electrical motors.
Induction motor speed control is nowadays more easy and versatile due to the advancement
in the field of power electronics and hence is easy to replace other costly and controllable
motors. The protection of induction motor plays an important role in its long life service.
Researchers have done costly and limited protection for the stator windings
protections, broken rotor bars protection, thermal protection etc. Mainly the induction motor
needs protection from the variation of the input supply for small motors which is in common
use not only in big industry but also in small scale industries. The small scale industries are
not able to provide costly protection to the drives in use as it will increase their capital cost.
Hence a cheap and compact design has been done for protection of induction motor against
unbalance voltages, under voltage, over voltage, short circuit and thermal protection. It has
been also designed for critical loads which need to be run even under single phasing
condition. Due to the poor power quality the damage of induction motors in small scale
industries needs to be taken care of.
The proposed design can be also used for speed control, improvement of efficiency
under poor power quality service manually by introduction of a single two way switch. Many
researches has been done in this area but they are costly and unfeasible in our Indian
condition. The overall cost of the protection equipment should not be more than 15% of the
total cost of the actual machine. Keeping this in mind the design has been proposed using 16-
bit microcontroller, MOSFETs, relays, small CTs and PTs, so that the overall cost is low. But
the efficiency of the protection scheme should not be compromised.

1.2 Literature Review

William H. Kersting [1] stated that three phase induction motor can continue to run when one
phase of the supply gone out of service. This may be due to any fuse blowing or opening of
protective device of the motor, at step-down transformer or at feeder end. At this condition
the three-phase induction motor continue to run but the motor will heat up quickly and it
should be protected by removing it from the service at the instant of single phasing. When
phase opens at step down transformer or at feeder end, the stator and rotor losses increases to
ten times and the shaft output power decreases to negligible. But if the single phasing occurs
at motor terminals the losses increases twice as compare to steady state losses and the shaft
power reduces to nearly 70%. To protect the motor all the terminal should be open.
Sutherland P. E. and Short T.A. [2] described that the for single phase fault the three phase
reclosers are widely employed on distribution feeders. The majority faults are single phase.
Its negative effect occurs on the other two phase customers, because the distribution line is
mainly supplying the load to single phase customers. If three phase reclosers did not open
from the service, and the problem arises for three phase industry. On an average single phase
fault occurs at 70%, two phase fault occurs at 20% and three phase fault occurrence is 10%.
Sudha M. and Anbalagan [3] proposed a technique to save the three phase induction motor
from single phasing. In this technique, PIC16F877 microcontroller has been used to sample
the values of each phase and converted them to low voltage ac by means of transformer. The
signals are converted to digital value using ADC converter. The controller continuously
compare the digital value with the reference value and when the fault occurs, it opens the
normally close contactor and disconnects it from the power supply. Single phasing, under
voltage and over voltage protection is done practically on a 2kW motor and the motor is
isolated if any of these condition occurs.
Pragasen Pillay [4] examines the three phase induction motor under the influence of
under voltage and over voltage. The voltage at motor terminals may be higher than the
nominal value in a complex industrial system and can be well below from nominal value in a
heavily loaded industrial system. IEEE, NEMA and other power communities have different
defined the voltage unbalance. The complex algebra is avoided in these definitions. In this
paper calculation of the unbalance of voltage have been done on true basis with complex
algebra and compared with NEMA standards.
Faiz J. [5] has studied the negative impact of the unbalanced voltages on the
performance of three phase induction motor. In this paper the comparison of the voltage
unbalance definitions of NEMA, IEEE and IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission)
has been done. The studies showed that the definition given by the NEMA, IEEE are simple

to calculate as compared to IEC. But all the three give only an idea about the percentage
unbalance and needs to be modified.
Javed A. and Izhar T. [6] have proposed the protection of three phase induction motor based
on voltage measurement and is not enough to protect the motor if the fault occurs at
distribution transformer or at substation feeder. If fault occurs at motor terminals then the
voltage measurement can protect the motor very well. The current measurement device
should be implemented within the protective device. They have also proposed a phase
measurement device which can measure the phase difference of the voltages because when
the fault occurs at any other location rather than the motor terminals, then the faulted phase
will draw negative sequence current and work as a voltage generator. The voltage developed
is close to line voltage but the measurement scheme is not able to detect the fault, however
the phasor difference of the faulted phase changes.
Chattopadhyay [7] analysed the stator current of three phase induction motor by using
different techniques. The single phasing can also be measured by the zero crossing detection
method and has proposed to use 8085 microprocessor for doing this work. The accuracy can
be increased by increasing the sampling time. The phase shift can also be measured by the
use of microprocessor. The phase shift helps to protect the motor from any increased or
decreased phase difference.
Lee Ching-Yan [8] described the effect of unbalanced voltages on the three phase induction
motor. All the possible under voltage and over voltage effects are discussed. The worst cases
of 3 phase under voltages affect the efficiency of motor. Positive sequence voltage and
negative sequence voltages effects the power factor and efficiency. The derating of the motor
is suggested incase of the voltage unbalance according to the NEMA MG1 Standards.
Ransom D. L. and Hamilton R. [9] studied the effect of thermal issues. Thermal effect can
shorten the life of motor. The starting and running of motor with reduced voltage affects the
thermal insulation of the motor. Thermal relay settings are described according to the
different type of starting.
Stone G.C. [10] stated the numerous problem related to the design of the electrical
machines. Due to global business, it increases the competition between the manufacturers.
They have reduced the cost of the machine by reducing the size of the motor for same output.
In the last century the W/kg. ratio is increased 14 times. The failure of the motors which had

manufactured by the top companies in the last ten years has also shown increased failure rate
as compared from the previous 50 years.
Cunkas A. [11] described the protection of the induction motor under various
conditions like over voltage, under voltage, voltage unbalance and over current using
PIC16C84 microcontroller . Potential transformer and current transformer are used for this
process. Later the values from these transformer are converted into digital values using ADC
converter. The tripping circuit has been given some delay.
Venkataraman B. [15] presented the thermal protection algorithm for the induction
motor. Motor failure rate has been shown in IEEE and EPRI study. Different protection
methods has been discussed. Technique to protect the motor from overheating for high load
inertia has been described with real case example. For a complete motor protection system
the designer should review the electrical, mechanical and physical properties of the motor.
Lin B.R. [16] described the ZVS converter with center tapped rectifier. Secondary side
of the center tapped rectifier is used to get full wave rectified output. Voltage stress and
current stress on converter are studied. Clamped circuit has been used to improve the
effectiveness of converter.
Rao G.S. [20] stated the technique to run a three phase squirrel cage induction motor
with single phase supply with higher speeds or with variable speed using electronic circuits.
The induction motor are more efficient at light loads and the power factor correction method
is an efficient method which is given by NASA in 1978. PWM control has been explained to
run the three phase motor by three phase inverter and phase correctection method has been
used to improve the power factor of the motor.
Basu K.P. and Mukerji S.K. [21] described connection for running a three phase induction
motor with zig-zag transformer in case of single phasing condition. This paper presented that
the three phase induction motor does not start in the case of single phasing, because negative
sequence current does not allow to start the motor. For this, zig-zag transformer is suggested
to connect with the motor.
Das J.C. [22] presented the effect of voltage dips on the induction motor. Induction motors
may be stable on a certain magnitude of voltage dip for finite duration and it may be
desirable to delay the trip circuit which may isolate the motor from supply. The various
factors and effects of the voltage dips on the induction motor are described. Different type of

protection scheme for induction motor are also explained and their tripping delay is described
for finite duration of voltage dips.
Bayindir Ramazan [23] explained the three phase induction motor protection using sesnsors.
PLC based protection has been employed and compared with PIC based protection. PLC has
proved to be cost efficient. Need of ADC card has been eliminated by using PLC. PLC can
be implemented on different kind of motors by applying small changes.
Kastha D. and Bose B.K. [24] investigated the faults of voltage fed inverter system for the
three phase induction motor. Different fault modes has been discussed that can occur in
PWM inverter system employed for the induction motor. Different types of fault probabilities
regarding to fault in inverter system, has studied in this paper. The fault tolerant level is
discussed to improve the reliability of the inverter system.
Maier Reinhard [25] presented the protection of squirrel cage induction motor and utilization
the instantaneous power for the motor. Protection scheme for starting condition and running
condition has been discussed. The method presented the ground faults, short circuits, interim
fault and phase failure. It is sensitive to small deviations in voltage and load changes.
Kernstock Harald and Plassneggar Bernd [26] proposed that efficiency of the motor can be
increased with low conduction and switching losses during inverter operation. Resonant
circuit has been employed for the soft-switching of the MOSFET. The technique has been
employed on a three level inverter. Result of hard switching and soft switching has been
compared. Soft-switching shows less conduction and switching loss.
Bellini A. [27] discussed the previous ten years papers published on protection schemes
for three phase induction motor. Research activity completed the study of electric faults,
mechanical faults, signal processing for monitoring the induction motor and artificial
intelligence approach for decision making. It has been suggested that the induction motor
should be fully diagnosed for good protection.
Gomez J.C. [28] stated the effect on three phase induction motor of short interruption
of power supply and voltage sags. Extremely deep voltage sag proves the worst case for the
three phase induction motor. In most cases the short time voltage sags donot effect on the
induction motor. The protection system should be designed in a way that the motor should
not restart in a non-interfering fault.

Christopher W.I. and Ramesh R. [29] presented the hardware design of a nine-level inverter
controlled by microcontroller. This technique has been employed to reduce the overall
system cost. Microcontroller capabilities reduced the number of components required and
made the system small in size and cost effective.
Julian A.L. [30] presented a scheme to apply a standby system for VSI controller. A
secondary standby system can make the system reliable when primary VSI controller fails
during operation. The controller has been implemented on different FPGA boards. Two
boards communicate with each other during normal process and during fault on the primary
board, secondary board override the primary board.
Lai J.S. [31] described the soft-swtiching technique for the inverter to overcome the
over-voltage and over-current problem. In this inverter a single auxiliary switch and an
inductor per phase is employed to produce zero voltage across main switch. Various
techniques has been described to protect the MOSFET from switching voltages spikes.
MOSFET protection is described with use of inductors for single phase and three phase
Li Tin-ho [32] investigated the Gate drive ON resistance losses of MOSFET snubber
diode. Switching losses and different characterstics of the snubber circuit for the MOSFET
protection has been studied. The experimental results are shown on 1kW, 230 V motor. On a
single phase inverter, the sequence step are followed to describe the each part of the inverting
Al-Nasseir J. [33] described the RCD and RLD snubber circuit for the inverter circuit.
RCD and RLD snubber circuits are designed on a three-level inverter. The results are
compared with and without these snubber circuit. According to results, circuit without
snubber circuit has many switching states and with snubber circuit the switching are reduced.
This helps to reduce the false triggering of MOSFET and it helps to reduce switching losses.
Hanna R. and Schmitt D.W. [34] presented the failure analysis on a 7500 HP induction
motor. Study shows that the small mechanical damages may not interrupt the motor normal
operation. Comparison has been done between direct on line starting and soft starting.
Historical data of the motors has been studied to show the various electrical and mechanical

U-Yaison C. [35] presented the RCD, RLD, RCD-RLD snubber circuit for the
MOSFET to reduce the spike voltages, di/dt during turn on period, over voltage, power loss
and EMI emission during conduction. RCD, RLD and RCD-RLD snubber circuit are
explained and compared. RCD-RLD circuit gives satisfactory results for inductive load and
the switching losses are reduced. RCD can also be used to protect the MOSFET for low
frequency switching pulses.

1.3 Objectives of the Thesis Work

The main objective of the work is to make a cheap and reliable protection system for three
phase induction motor. The protection system should protect the motor from voltage
unbalancing, single phasing, under voltage, over voltage and thermal protection. Further to
improve the technique to run the motor under single phasing.

1.4 Organization of the Thesis

The thesis is organized into six chapters. The contents of these chapters are summarized as:-
Chapter 2 introduces the fault diagnosis for three phase induction motor.
Chapter 3 covers the protection techniques of the three phase induction motor.
Chapter 4 summarizes the implementation of protection of three phase induction motor.
Chapter 5 covers the technique to run the motor under single phasing fault.
Chapter 6 summarizes the conclusion of the work.

2.1 Different kinds of Fault :
Induction motors are the workhorse for the industry because of its versatility,
ruggedness and low manufacturing cost. Induction machines are the reliable machines but
their failure rate is approximately 3% and it can be as high as 12% in pulp and paper
industry. Downtime of the machine in indusssstry may be expensive. The protection system
may enhance the reliability, personal safety and protect the motor from over heating. The
external motor troubles are described in four groups :
i) Single phasing effect [1]
ii) Unbalanced voltages and frequency
iii) Overloading and Starting effect
iv) Maintenance, environmental and manufacturing effect [3]

2.2 Single phasing condition :

If the condition of single phasing arises during the running of motor, the winding of
motor gets heated due to the negative sequence current in the faulted phase. Two phases of
three phase induction motor will get power supply in single phasing condition and they
produce negative sequence current in the faulted phase because the internal connection of
three phase motor are connected with each other. Single phasing fault may arise at three
locations :

Fig. 2.1 Fault locations of single phasing

Fault Location 1 : Opening one phase of the primary side of substation transformer
Fault Location 2 : Opening one phase of the primary side of distribution transformer
Fault Location 3 : Opening one phase at the motor terminals [1]

2.2.1 Phase opening at substation or distribution transformer

Out of these three fault locations, the most severe condition is when phase opens at
distribution step down transformer or at substation feeder end. The current goes to ten times
higher. The shaft output power also approaches to negligible.
If the condition of single phasing arises when the motor is in running condition, the
motor continues to rotate but it is not capable of starting under single phasing condition. If
we allow the run the motor in this condition, then the motor will heat up very fast and we
should remove the motor from the service. If any overload protective device is provided to
isolate the motor from the main supply during single phasing condition and if it later attempts
to start the motor during single phasing then it will draw locked rotor current which is 6-8
times of normal running current. It will permanently damage the motor. Single phasing is
worst than the unbalance voltages[3].
When the fault occur at the substation end or at distribution transformer, it raises one
more problem for the voltage magnitude fault detection devices located at the motor
terminals. As when the fault occur at any one phase at substation or at distribution
transformer then the third phase of the motor will draw the negative sequence current and the
torque will be produced by the remaining two phases. The winding of the faulted phases will
behave like a generator and the generated voltage is nearly same of the line voltage[6]. The
high current will damage the winding insulation and the motor will permanently damage.
This makes a problem for the voltage sensing protective devices. A schematic diagram is
shown if the Single phasing occurs at feeder end or distribution secondary winding :

Fig. 2.2 Single phasing at feeder end or at distribution secondary winding

As shown in the figure 2.2, two three phase induction motors are connected with the
three phase line and some single phase loads are also connected with the line. Whenever the
single phasing fault occurs other then the motor terminal, then the faulted phase will receive
the generated voltage from the other two phases because the three phase are connected with
each other. Third phase will get negative sequence current and the voltage is generated nearly
to the line voltage. The generated voltage is not in the phase and can be detected by the phase
measurement device. Now, if the protection devices are based on voltage magnitude sensing
then they will sense the magnitude of voltage and will not trip the circuit. Hence as shown in
the figure, the other loads which are connected to the same phase will draw the current
through the motor winding and a large current is drawn from the three windings of the motor.
The large current will damage the motor windings. If any voltage and current protection
device is placed at the single phase load, which is connected to the faulted phase, will not
respond. Because the current required by that load is drawn from the motor and the voltage is
also at nominal level. So no protection device with voltage and current sensing will work at
single phase load, if it is connected to the faulted phase [6].

If any single phasing fault occurs at any of these three fault locations i.e. at motor
terminals, at substation end, at distribution transformer, then the current profile will surely
change. So with the voltage sensing protection device, the current sensing protection proves
better protection.

If fault occurs at primary of wye-wye transformer then the secondary winding line to
ground voltages of one phase will show 0 p.u. and the rest two winding will show 1 p.u. but
in case of delta-wye line to ground voltages will be 0.58 p.u., 1 p.u. and .58 p.u. This means
that in case of delta-wye transformer, all the three phase will show voltages but the two
phases will give lower voltages. In wye-wye transformer, the secondary of two phases will
give rated voltage but the faulted phase will show zero voltage.

If the distribution transformer of wye-wye winding then the single phasing condition
can be easily measured because one phase will show 0 p.u. But in case of delta-wye
transformer the single phasing condition cannot be measured efficiently because two of the
three phases of the secondary winding will show .58 p.u. voltage. Current measuring device
with voltage measuring device can protect the motor effectively.

2.2.2 Phase opening at motor terminals

If fault at motor terminals is not much severe as compare to previous case. The
current rises two to three times if the phase opens at motor terminal and shaft power output
decreases to nearly 70 percent. The windings will heat up quickly and all the phases should
be isolated from the power supply.

2.2.3 Basic protection from single phasing

Motors are extremely sensitive to voltage unbalance. The negative sequence stator
current sets up counter rotating flux field in the motor and causes the local heating in rotor
iron. The motor heats up rapidly about 25-30% as compared to balanced condition, due to
negative sequence currents. It is recommended that the protective relay time delay set under
single phasing conditions should be 4 seconds. Multilin 469, a typical relay trips at a current
imbalance of 40% or greater than nominal value with 2 seconds delay [22]. In three phase
rectifier, during single phasing the current in the remaining two phases may increase to two
to three times [2]. In DC drives, which uses controlled rectifier, the mis-firing of the SCR,
commutation failure etc. occurs. Ferroresonance can occur due to single phasing in
transformers due to capacitance in the cable fed line and results high voltage as much as 5
p.u. can occur on the open terminals of the transformer which can damage metal-oxide surge
arrestors. Ferroresonance also occurs at low core loss transformer because capacitance power
is not fully dissipated in core resistance when single phase fault occurs. Ferroresonance in
transformer can be avoided by grounded wye transformer.

2.2.4 Advantages and disadvantages of single phasing prevention recloser

If any single phase fault occurs on the distribution transformer, we have one option to
trip the single phase and allow the other two phase because all the three phases are connected
to the different single phase customers and some three phase customers. The second option is
to close all the three phases. Both of them have some advantages and disadvantages. If we
close the one phase, the single phase consumer connected to other two phases will not be
interrupted but the three phase customer will face adverse effect on its three phase machine.
The three phase load will get damaged if it is not disconnected from main supply. On the
other side, if all the three phases are closed, then the both single phase customer and three
phase customer will face power outage till the fault is not cleared [2].

2.3 Unbalanced voltages and frequency :
When the three phase voltages have different magnitude and phase angle is not
accurate with 120 degree difference, it is called unbalanced voltage. According to NEMA
MG1-2009 standard the voltage variation should be in limit of +10% and +5% for frequency
variation[12]. However more than 5% voltage is not recommended by NEMA (National
Electrical Manufacturer Association Motor and Generator Standard) guidelines [4]. This
effects the insulation life of winding, reduce efficiency, increase losses and increase
temperature with in the motor.

2.3.1 Definitions of Unbalance voltages :

As per NEMA and IEEE guidelines the voltage imbalance can be defined as :

….. (2.1)

In equation 2.1. as per NEMA guidelines the voltages are line voltages. IEEE
guidelines uses the phase voltages with this same formula. It may be seen that both guideline
did not mention the phase angle between the voltages [5]. This may be due to remove the
complexity in the calculations [4].

Positive sequence voltage and negative sequence voltage can be calculated by [4] :

….. (2.2)

….. (2.3)
Where a = -0.5 + j0.866 and a = -0.5 - j0.866
During the unbalanced condition we have to consider the positive sequence current
and the negative sequence current. The positive sequence current is same as the normal
running condition of the three phase induction motor but the negative sequence current arises
due to unbalanced voltages. The negative sequence current produces reverse field. We can
calculate the positive and negative sequence current by :

….. (2.4)

….. (2.5)

Ip = positive sequence current In = negative sequence current

Vp = positive sequence voltage Vn = negative sequence voltage
x1 = stator reactance x‟2 = rotor reactance
r1 = stator resistance r‟2 = Rotor resistance
s = slip
Another definition of voltage imbalance by the IEC is as follows [5] :


2.3.2 Derating of motor during voltage unbalance

When there is any unbalance in the voltage, according to NEMA guide lines, there
should be derating of the motor. The motor should be derated, because unbalance voltage
introduce the negative sequence current and the current heats up the winding. If the motor is
allowed to the rated torque, it will draw more current then the rated current. So to avoid te
over heating, the motor should be derated. For example, if the unbalance voltage reaches the
value of 5% then the motor should be derated to 77% of its original value. For a 90%
undervoltage the derating should be 0.92 [4]. The derating chart is also drawn by NEMA for
the under voltage condition and the over voltage condition. The figure for derating of motor
during unbalance voltages is given below [13] :

Fig. 2.3 Derating of motor during unbalance of voltages

2.3.3 Effect of voltage unbalance on power factor and efficiency of motor
When VUF occurs, Undervoltage and overvoltage also effects the power factor and
efficiency of the induction motor. Power factor decreases as the voltage increases and the
efficiency increases as the voltage increases.
But the efficiency described on the name plate is always higher whether the case is
under voltage or over voltage. For the customer‟s view if there is any efficiency reduction
due to voltage unbalance, he has to pay more electricity bills for the same work and for the
utility point of view, they have to generate more power. The efficiency decreases very fast in
the case of 3-phase under voltage.

Table 2.1 Comparison for eight unbalance voltages in terms of efficiency and power factor
VUF Efficiency (%) Power factor (%)
Balanced condition 0 83.8 83.1
3- UV 4 80.532 85.3
2- UV 4 81.382 84.7
1- UV 4 81.506 83.89
2- A 4 82.254 83
1-- A 4 83.041 82.9
1- OV 4 83.225 81.6
2- OV 4 83.402 81.2
3- OV 4 83.584 80.8
The efficiency decreases negligible in case of 3-phase over voltage. Under-voltage
reduce the efficiency and cost increases. However in some cases, lower VUF may result into
lower efficiency. The customer installs capacitors to improve the power factor in balanced
condition and in under voltage condition the power factor improves higher than required, it
may result in over voltage [8].
In case of three phase under voltage the power factor increases and efficiency
decrease. This means that the customer have to run the motor for extra time for same kind of
work. This will cost him extra. For example, a survey in Taiwan on three phase induction
motors by ministry of economic administration shows that there were approximately 2 lakh
induction motors running with power capacity of 1-5 HP. The calculation is done by taking
3HP motor an average in table 2.2. VUF is taken as 4% & cost is taken as 7 Rs./kWh.

Table 2.2 Cost increase for same work due to decrease in efficiency
Voltage Total Motor Load Extra power Average Extra Extra
unbalance installed efficiency increase consumption running electricity electricity
cases capacity(kW) (%) rate per year time per consumption charge
(LdIR) (kW/yr) year per year per year
(Hour) (kW/yr) (Rs.M/yr)
balanced 534000 83.8 1 0 2500 0 0
3- UV 534000 80.532 1.04058 21669.72 2500 54174300 379.22
2- UV 534000 81.382 1.029701 15860.33 2500 39650825 277.55
1- UV 534000 81.506 1.023816 12717.74 2500 31794350 222.56
2- A 534000 82.254 1.018786 10031.72 2500 25079300 175.55
1- A 534000 83.041 1.009132 4876.48 2500 12191200 85.33
1- UV 534000 83.225 1.0069 3684.65 2500 9211625 64.48
2- UV 534000 83.402 1.004763 2543.44 2500 6358600 44.51
3- UV 534000 83.584 1.002578 1376.65 2500 3441625 24.09

According to British Standard BS-4999, general requirements for the electrical

rotating machine for giving optimum output is to keep below the VUF from 2% where as for
NEMA MG1 the VUF must be below 5% [13].
The negative sequence voltage has very little effect on the power factor as compare to
the efficiency of the motor. If we maintain the positive sequence voltage at 127 degrees and
vary the negative sequence voltage from 1% to 7%. The effect is shown below [8]:

Table 2.3 Effect on negative sequence voltage on power factor and efficiency of 3  induction motor
VUF Vp Vn efficiency Power factor
0% 127 0 83.8 83.1
1% 127 1.27 83.63 83.04
2% 127 2.54 83.55 82.98
3% 127 3.81 83.3 82.95
4% 127 5.08 82.97 82.91
5% 127 6.35 82.72 82.86
6% 127 7.62 82.38 82.74
7% 127 8.9 81.96 82.62

However the efficiency reduces significantly with negative sequence voltage. The efficiency
has a great impact on the cost because efficiency reduction means more time to complete the same
work. So the negative sequence voltage should be as low as possible. Overheating also occurs
when there is any unbalance in voltages. The worst case is when the voltage is unbalance
with 3 phase under voltage. The rise in temperature is very fast in 3 phase under voltage and
very low in case of 3 phase over voltage unbalance [8].

2.4 Overloading Effects :

Overloading of the three phase induction motor can produce hot spot within the
winding, which may exceed the thermal limits of motor. Time is a very important factor in
case of over temperature. Induction motor has a relatively large heat storage capacity, so a
short period overload cannot damage the motor windings because a large part of heat is
stored in the core, conductor mass and in structural members [12]. But in the case of locked
rotor condition the current rises very rapidly and a very little amount of heat transmits to the
other parts of the motor. The winding insulation thermal level may reach to its limit within

2.4.1 Design of polyphase induction motor according to NEMA MG1 standard :

According to NEMA :
i) The stator current of the induction motor should be capable of withstanding 1.5 times
of rated current for not less then 2 minutes[13].
ii) If motor is designed for different frequency system then it can be used to some
another frequency system only if its horsepower and voltage ratings are set according
to volts/hertz.
iii) The locked rotor current should be withstanding capability upto 12 seconds by the
National Electric Code (NEC) (NPFA 70-2011) has defined the trip for the 125% of
rated current for the continuous motors. There are several NEMA design depending upon the
speed, voltage, horsepower rating, service factor etc. for low and medium voltage motors.
The designs are A, B, C, D and E. Locked rotor current, Pull up torque, Break down torque,
slip, Locked rotor torque, Slip, Efficiency and typical applications for the polyphase
induction motors are given in table 2.4 [13].

Table 2.4 Typical characteristics for the polyphase induction motors according to NEMA
Polyphase Locked Pull-up Break- Locked Slip Typical applications Relative
characterstics rotor torque down rotor (%) effici-
torque (% torque current ency
(% rated rated (% rated (% rated
load load load load
torque) torque) torque) current)
Design A Fans, centrifugal pumps,
Normal locked blowers and motor
rotor torque 70- 65-190* 175-300 Not 0.5 - generator sets, Medium
and high 275* defined 5 compressors etc., where or high
locked rotor starting torque
current requirements are
relatively low
Design B Fans, centrifugal pumps,
Normal locked blowers and motor
rotor torque 70- 65-190* 175-300* 600-800 0.5 - generator sets, Medium
and high 275* 5 compressors etc., where or high
locked rotor starting torque
current requirements are
relatively low
Design C Conveyors, crushers,
High locked reciprocating pumps,
rotor torque 200- 140- 190-225* 600-800 1-5 compressors and stirring Medium
and normal 285* 195* machines etc., where
locked rotor starting under the load is
current required
Design D High peak load with or
High locked without flywheels like
rotor torque 275 Not 275 600-800 >5 shears, punch presses, Medium
and high slip defined hoises, elevators,
winched, extractors,
weire-drawing machines
and oil-well pumping
IEC Design H Conveyors, crushers,
High locked reciprocating pumps,
rotor torque 200- 140- 190-225* 800-1000 1-5 compressors and stirring Medium
and high 285* 195* machines etc., where
locked rotor starting under the load is
current required
IEC Design N Fans, centrifugal pumps,
Normal locked blowers and motor
rotor torque 70- 60-140* 160-200 800-1000 0.5 – generator sets, Medium
and high 190* 3 compressors etc., where or high
locked rotor starting torque
current requirements are
relatively low
* Higher values for lower HP ratings.

2.4.2 Effect of starting to avoid overheating :
Starting of the induction motor also effects the insulation deterioration of the
winding. For medium to large induction motors the motors should be start at reduced
voltages. Reduced voltage helps to reduce the starting current [12]:

Table 2.5 Different types of reduced voltage starter and its effects
Starter Type % Motor % Motor % line current at % torque at
Voltage During current at locked locked rotor locked rotor
Start rotor
Primary Reactor
80% Tap 80 80 80 64
65% Tap 65 65 65 42
50% Tap 50 50 50 25
Auto Transfomer
80% Tap 80 80 64 64
65% Tap 65 65 42 42
50% Tap 50 50 25 25
Wye/Delta Start
Wye Start 58 58 33 33

Generally the motors are equipped with wye start because it has the nearly same
effect as from the 50% tap from primary reactor and auto transformer. But the cost of wye
starter is very less compared to auto transformer and primary reactor.
The starting of the motor also has a role of overheating of the rotor. If the starting of
the motor is slow then the motor heats up quickly because it draw more current till it achieve
the rated speed. This may be due to under-voltage condition. At zero speed, all the energy
which crosses the air gap becomes heat. This is according to the law of conservation of
energy. As the rotor speeds up the heat decreases [9]. So at the time of starting of motor the
voltage should be appropriate as mentioned on the name plate of motor.
As per typical current and voltages from IEEE 620-1996, starting the motor at
reduced voltages and continue to run at reduced voltages will achieve the rated current in
large time [14]. This is shown in the figure 2.4 given below :

Fig. 2.4 Starting time at reduced voltage starter
As we know that the heat losses are directly proportional to the time and we have to
reduce the time of low voltage starting. The starting current is 4 to 6 times of the full load
current and the heat produced at starting is 16 to 36 times the full load thermal limit. If the
rotor takes to much time to take the full speed, it will crosses the thermal limit. This makes
the stator winding heat up beyond thermal limit.

2.5 Maintenance, environmental and manufacturing effects :

2.5.1 Ventilation effects :
Ventilation is necessary for the smooth operation of the motor because a
clogged or partially clogged ventilation will cause increase in the temperature of the motor.
A small motor with clogged ventilation can get damaged. Ventilation inadequacy detecting
devices like airflow detector, temperature sensing device etc. may help to protect the motor.
2.5.2 Manufacturing effects :
Manufacturing and selling of the machines are now a global factor. This has increase
the competition between the manufacturer. This has put pressure on the designers to reduce
the cost of the machine. Some of the methods which they applied are :

i) Reducing conductor cross section area
ii) Reducing insulation thickness
iii) Reducing amount of steel core material
iv) Developing fast manufacturing techniques to reduce labour cost [10]
The data of previous years shows that the machine have more problems which are
manufactured in the last ten years as compared to previous fifty years. We see the
manufacturing designs of electrical machine as W/kg. W/kg. can be defined as the wattage of
machine divided by the weight of machine. The W/kg. is 14 times increased in the last
century, which shows that the manufacturers have reduced the weight of machine for the
same power rating. Figure 2.5 shows the W/kg of the motors in the previous century [10] :

Fig 2.5 W/kg. of the motor v/s year of manufacturing

3.1 Reason of failure
Stator winding insulation deterioration is the main cause of the failure of the motor.
The insulation may be damage by dielectric stress, mechanical stress, thermal stress or
excessive moisture in the winding. The dielectric and physical properties of the insulation
system deteriorate with respect to time and it accelerates if the working temperature
increases. As the thumb rule, for every increase in 10 degree Celsius temperature the life of
the insulation decrease to half and if the operating temperature decreases to 10 degree Celsius
then life increases two times [12].

Fig. 3.1 Effect of temperature on the life of A, B, F and H class insulation [15]

There may be different type of reason for increasing the temperature in the winding
like impulse switching, moisture, thermal degradation etc. But regardless of the reason, the
motor should be protected by the elevated temperature that causes the insulation of winding.
3.2 IEEE Standard for insulation of squirrel cage induction motors
There are four classes according to IEEE-Std. 1-2000 standard for motors i.e. Class A, B, F
and H. External air is used for cooling the motor and insulation table is given below at the
maximum cooling air temperature of 40 degree Celsius. Cooling and external air for the three
phase induction motor is necessary to remove the heat. If the heat increases beyond the
thermal limit of the motor then it may damage the winding permanently. Excess heat also
effect the insulation ageing. The insulation also deteriorate in case of motor overloading.

Three phase induction motor normally runs on overload for few times. Two tables are given
with service factor 1 and service factor 1.15.

Table 3.1 Machine with 1.0 service factor at rated load

Item Machine part Method of Temperature rise (degree Celsius)
temperature Class of insulation system
a Insulated windings
1. All horsepoert (kW ratings) Resistance 60 80 105 125
2. 1500 hp and less Embedded detector* 70 90 115 140
3. Over 1500 hp
(1120 kW)
a) 7000 V and less Embedded detector* 65 85 110 135
b) Over 7000 V Embedded detector* 60 80 105 125
b The insulation of the machine should not effected by any means due to the heat from cores,
collector rings, squirrel-cage windings, brushes and brushholders etc.
* Embedded detectors are located in the slot of motor and can be either thermocouples or resistance elements.

Table 3.2 Machine with a 1.15 service factor at rated load

Item Machine part Method of Temperature rise (degree Celsius)
temperature Class of insulation system
a Insulated windings
1. All horsepoert (kW ratings) Resistance 70 90 115 135
2. 1500 hp and less Embedded detector* 80 100 125 150
3. Over 1500 hp
(1120 kW)
a) 7000 V and less Embedded detector* 75 95 120 145
b) Over 7000 V Embedded detector* 70 90 115 135
b The insulation of the machine should not effected by any means due to the heat from cores,
collector rings, squirrel-cage windings, brushes and brushholders etc.
* Embedded detectors are located in the slot of motor and can be either thermocouples or resistance elements.

3.3 Thermal Protection :
Report on industrial motor failures done by IEEE and EPRI shows that the most of
the motor failures occur due to the overheating [15]. The reasons for motor failure is given in
table 3.3 :

Table 3.3 Study on reason of failure by IEEE, EPRI

IEEE Study EPRI Study Average%

Electrical Related 30.6 % Electrical Related 36 % 33%
Mechanical Related 30.7 % Mechanical Related 32 % 31%
Abnormal frequency 0.6 % Bearing Seals 6% Maintenance,
Abnormal voltage 1.5 % Frame 3% environmental
High Ambient Temp. 3% Wedges 1% and other related
Abnormal Moisture 5.8 % Oil Leakage 1% failure reasons
Poor Ventilation 3.9 % Other components 21 %
Abrasive chemicals 4.2 % 36 %
Other reasons 19.7 %
Total 38.7 % Total 32 %

Modern techniques are making motor more efficient and compact in size. Using of
fiber glass and silicon resins has improved dielectric capabilities as compare to cotton and
varnish. But they are also more vulnerable to excessive heating. The overheating can also be
avoid by setting the correct thermal limit of the relay. Sometimes the thermal limit is
overestimated. The algorithm for designing the relay protection system can be achieved more
precisely by using the microprocessor or microcontroller based protection system. The ideal
device for looking the heating in the motor is the thermal image unit. We cannot use the
sensors in the rotor part because of technical difficulties, cost and reliability. An additional
reason is resistance temperature detector (RTD) has slow response in rotor unit as compare to
stator unit. RTD does not give good results in fast thermal transients[21-23].

Alternatively current is the measurement tool for the heat measurement in the motor.
Current and time gives the heat produced in the motor. For avoid over heating, NEMA MG1
Standard has given a derating of the motor in case of voltage unbalance. The derating is a
tool to protect the motor effectively.

3.4 Protection techniques :
Three phase induction motor should be protected by different types of problem
occurred in the power system. Some of these are sensed by the protective devices and trip the
motor. This protection process can be done by different ways. Some of the techniques are
discussed below [11]:
i) Step down transformer to detect the phase voltages
ii) Current transformer to detect the current
iii) Thermal senser to detect the temperature of winding
iv) Zero crossing to detect the phase difference between voltages and current
This can be done by using microcontroller [11] and microprocessors[7]. The
protection device should be capable of voltage and current detection[6]. There are several
other techniques which uses wavelet for finding the time difference between zero crossing
and this helps to check the phase angle difference between them. The current measure
protection is important because any phase fault occurance is detectable by measuring the
current but there is a chance when voltage measurement device will not able to detect the
phase failure. So voltage and current measurement made the protection reliable, if the motor
is influenced by the fault, which may occurs at any location [6]. If the fault occurs at motor
terminals then voltage measurement device may be suitable.
We should select the protection schemes based on the following factors [12]:
i) Horsepower rating and type of motor
ii) Motor supply characteristics like phases, voltage, grounding method, available
short circuit current etc.
iii) Motor controller type
iv) Functioning and process nature which determine the importance of drive
v) Frequency of motor starting
vi) Environment of switching device, protecting device and motor
vii) Cost of protection unit compared to associated equipment
viii) Time vs current curve during starting
ix) Protection devices monitoring load process, like torque, vibration and some
other mechanical limits

The requirement of different type of protective relay according to the voltage and
power rating of motor is given below. The data is taken from IEEE guide for motor and
NEMA standards and given in table 3.4 :
Table 3.4 Requirement of relay for low voltage motors by IEEE, NEMA
Ratings Range of ratings
Continuous amperes 9-250 …
Nominal Voltage (V) 240 - 600 …
Horsepower 1.5 - 250 …
Starter size (NEMA) … 00 – 9
Types of protection Quantity NEMA
Overload : overload relay elements 3 OL
Short circuit: circuit breaker current trip elements 3 CB
Fuses 3 FU
Undervoltage : inherent with integral control supply and three … …
phase wire control circuit
Ground fault (when specified) : ground relay with toroidal CT … …

Table 3.5 Requirement of relay for medium level voltage

Ratings Class E1 Class E2
(without fuses) (with fuses)
Nominal Voltage (V) 2300 - 6900 2300 - 6900
Horsepower 0 - 8000 0 - 8000
Symmetrical MVA interrupting capacity at nominal voltage 25-75 160-570
Types of protection devices Quantity NEMA
Overload : or locked rotor, or both :
Thermal overload relays 3 OL
TOC relays 3 OC
IOC relay and time delay 3 TR/OC
Short circuit :
Fuses, class E2 3 FU

IOC relay, class E1 3 OC
Ground fault :
TOC residual relay 1 GP
Overcurrent relay with toroidal CT 1 GP
Phase Balance :
Current balance relay (per motor), or 1 BC
Negative-sequence voltage relay (per bus) or both 1 …
Undervoltage :
Three wire control circuit connected with control supply and … UV
trip the circuit when voltage falls sufficiently low
Temperature :
Temperature relay using thermocouple or resistance sensor … OL


4.1 Objective of protection

The objective of dissertation is to protect the three phase induction motor under single
phasing fault. Block diagram of the protection technique is given below in fig. 4.1 :

Fig. 4.1 Block diagram of Protection Technique for 3 Phase Induction Motor

In this protection technique we have :

i) 3 Step down transformers 6-0-6
ii) 3 Current transformers
iii) 1 Atmega32 Microcontroller
iv) 3 Normally Closed Relay
vi) 1 9V Battery
vii) 5V Supply for microcontroller

4.2 Description and working of Step down transformer Unit :
Step down transformer unit gives the DC voltage to the microcontroller. The output
of this unit changes proportionally to the input. Schematic Diagram of step down transformer
unit is given in fig 4.2 :

Fig. 4.2 Schematic diagram of Step down transformer unit

4.2.1 Construction of Step down transformer unit :

Components used :
i) One centre tapped step down transformer from 240 V to 6-0-6 V
ii) Two 1N4007 diodes
iii) Two 10V 1000 micro Farad capacitors
iv) One half Watt resistor (800k Ohm)
v) One 20k Ohm potentiometer
a) Data sheet description of the centre tap transformer :
Input Voltage 240 V
Output Voltage 6V
Current Rating 500 mA

b) Data sheet description of the 1N4007 diode [18] :

Peak reverse breakdown voltage 1000 V
RMS reverse breakdown voltage 700 V
Average rectified output current 1A
Peak forward surge current for 8.3 ms 30 A
Peak reverse current 5A

c) Data sheet description of the 10V 1000 micro Farad capacitor :
Maximum voltage 10 V
Capacity 1000 micro Farad

d) Data sheet description of the half watt resistor :

Resistance 800 k Ohm
Power dissipation Half Watt

e) Data sheet description of the 20k ohm potentiometer :

Resistance 20 k Ohm
Type PCB mounted

4.2.2 Working of Step down transformer unit

Three 240 V to 6 V centre tapped step down transformer has been used for the
measurement of the phase voltage. Step down transformer is used because the
microcontroller can only read voltages up to 5 V. The step down voltage is further rectified
through centre tapped rectifier [16]. The centre tapped rectifier has ripples. We have use two
1000 micro Farad capacitor to reduce the ripples. One half watt resistor is also used across
the terminal output of the rectifier to discharge the capacitor quickly. The output is connected
across the potentiometer because the microcontroller can only receive the input below 5V.
The output taken from the potentiometer is nearly 3V and multiplying factor taken as 80 to
make it readable as 240V. This value is programmed into the microcontroller. When the
input voltage of the step down transformer varies from 240 V, the input of the
microcontroller will also vary proportionally. There may be some normal fluctuation in the
power system which can exist for few cycles, and tripping of motor for these fluctuations is
not required [11]. By taking this into account, the value of resistor across the capacitor is
taken as half watt. Higher value of the resistor will discharge the capacitor fast and response
of the input value for the microcontroller will fast accordingly to the change of voltages in
the input of transformer. Output of the potentiometer is given to the ADC of the

4.3 Description and working of the i-v converter :
Manufacturer Electroohms
Part No. SCT 1052
Turns Ratio 1 : 2500
Ampere range (input) 0.25 – 20 Ampere
Output range 20V/20A

4.3.1 Working of the i-v converter:

Three current transformer are used for the protection of the three phase induction
motor from over current. These current transformer are placed around the three phase
windings of the motor. When the motor is in running condition, the magnetic flux is
produced around the phase wires of the motor. These flux induces the voltage in the current
transformer. This voltage is sensed by the microcontroller using ADC port. These voltages
are compared with rated current value and programmed into the microcontroller when the
motor is running in the healthy condition. The time delay is given 3 seconds in the
programming because the starting current of the motor is normally 6-8 times higher then the
running condition [13]. Delay time can be increased for different type of motors. The output
of the current transformer is in mVs and it increases as the current through the motor
increases. The output of the current transformer is directly coupled with the microcontroller
ADC port.

4.3.2 Description and working of Atmega32 Microcontroller [17] :

Manufacturer Atmel
Pins 40
Programmable Pins 32
ADC Channel 8 channels, 10-bit
Speed Grade Up to 16 MHz
Operating Voltage 4.5 V – 5.5 V
Power consumption at 1 MHz 1.1 mA
Instructions execution per cycle 131
Timer Two 8bit / One 16 bit

Working of Atmeaga32 microcontroller

Atmega32 Microcontroller has some good features as required for our project. It has 8
ADC inputs which can be used for our required 6 analog inputs [17]. There are two more
ADC input left which can be used for further analog inputs. Inbuilt frequency of this
microcontroller is 1 MHz and can be upgraded upto 16 MHz by using crystal oscillator. We
can use 24 pins as output and 8 pins as ADC input. 8 pins are used for LCD display. 1 Pin is
used controlling the relays.

4.4 Description and working of the relay:

Max. Voltage rating 300 V AC

Max. Current rating 7A
Operation N. O. / N. C.

4.4.1 Working of Relay

The relays implemented in this protection scheme are capable to pass 7A current at
300V AC. 6V are minimum required to operate the relay. The relays are connected across the
battery and one MOSFET is connected between them. When the MOSFET will get the 5V
signal from the microcontroller, it will connect the relay and the battery and relay will
operate. The relay is connected in normally closed condition and it will open the circuit when
it is energized. The energization takes place when the MOSFET will get 5V from the
microcontroller. All the three relays are connected with this same description. All the
MOSFET get the 5V from same pin of the microcontroller for enhance reliability. Schematic
diagram of the relay is given in fig. 4.3

Fig. 4.3 Schematic diagram of Relay

4.5 Description and working of protection MOSFET :

Gate on voltage 3-5 V

Maximum Drain Source Voltage 55 V
Maximum Continuous Drain current 16 A
Power dissipation 5W
Maximum Turn-on rise time 140 ns
Maximum Turn-off fall time 85 ns

4.5.1 Working of MOSFET :

MOSFET are used to remove the power supply through the microcontroller for the
relay operation. The relay operation is done through the MOSFET and relay is isolated from
the microcontroller. When MOSFET will get the signal from the microcontroller it will
connect the power across relay and relay energizes. This is done because the current rating
across the microcontroller is very small it cannot give the enough power to relays. The other
reason is that the relays up to 50V DC can be used across the same design using this
protection technique. So the MOSFET implementation in the design makes the protection
system versatile for different range of three phase induction motor ratings. Layout of the
MOSFET is given in fig, 4.4

Fig. 4.4 Layout of MOSFET

4.6 Description of the battery :

Battery is required in this operation for giving the supply to the relays. The relays are
in normally closed so we do not require power all the time from the battery but in the fault
condition, the power will be supplied from the battery to energize the relay. The battery Ah
rating is taken accordingly to the requirement of the relay. Rechargeable batteries can be
used and the batteries can be changed during the running of the motor and without disturbing
the whole protection system. Batteries connected with the rectifier system can also be
implemented. In this protection system we have used the small 9V battery.

4.7 Description of 5V Supply for microcontroller :
Atmega32 Microcontroller needs 4.5V – 5.5V DC supply [17]. For this a 5V DC adaptor can
be used to supply the microcontroller. The supply should be ripple free for the reliability and
safety of the microcontroller.

4.8 Relay Protection with MOSFET :

MOSFET is used as a switch for the relay. MOSFET will get the signal from the
microcontroller. Schematic diagram of the protection using Relay and MOSFET is given in
fig, 4.5

Fig. 4.5 Schematic diagram of protection using relay and MOSFET

Steps are given below of protection unit :
Step 1 : Values of the Voltage and Current are taken from the Voltage transformer and
Current transformer respectively.
Step 2 : This values are given to the input of the ADC port of the microcontroller.
Step 3 : Microcontroller convert the ADC input into calibrated programmed values.
Step 4 : Microcontroller compares the values of voltages and current with the
prescribed limits.
Step 5 : If the value goes beyond the prescribed limit, it will wait 500 ms and then
again check the ADC input values.

Step 6 : If the values are still beyond the prescribed limit, it will send 5V signal to the
MOSFETs else 0V to MOSFETs.
Step 7 : When MOSFETs will get the 5V signal, they close the circuit across the relay
and battery. It energize relay.
Step 8 : When the relay energize, they will open the circuit between 3 phases R, Y, B
and three phase induction motor.
Step 9 : Start from Step 1.

4.9 Results of the Protection system :

Fig. 4.6 Protection setup of Three Phase Induction motor

Fig. 4.7 Three Phase Induction motor running with protection system

Fig. 4.8 LCD display showing the motor voltage and current


5.1 Overciew
This technique is developed to protect the three phase induction motor from single
phasing, under voltage, over voltage, over current etc. and to run the motor in case of single
phasing condition by converting the available 2 phase supply into 3 phase supply using three
three phase inverter. Microcontroller protect and control the whole system. Gate pulses for
the inverter is given by microcontroller. The protection scheme is same as discussed in the
previous chapter. Running the three phase motor from rest two phase supply is discussed in
this chapter. Block diagram of this protection scheme is given in fig. 5.1 :

Fig. 5.1 Protection and running of three phase induction motor during single phasing

5.2 Description of the system :

Step down Transformer 3

i-v converter 3
Atmega32 Microcontroller 1
Relay N.C. / N.O. 9
3 Phase Rectifier 1
3 Phase Inverter 1
Snubber Circuit 6

5.3 Protection of Three Phase Induction Motor :

The protection of three phase induction motor during various faults is same as
discussed in previous chapter. In this technique reliability of the three phase motor is
enhanced during fault condition. This is done by using the supply from left two phases during
single phasing condition. Whenever a fault arises in one phase, the three phases are
disconnected from the motor and the two phases are connected with the three phase rectifier.
When two phases are connected with the three phase rectifier, it will rectify the two phases.
The rectified output is connected with capacitors to remove the ripples. Then the DC output
is given to the three phase controlled inverter. The inverter is designed with 6 MOSFET and
the MOSFET are getting gate signals from the microcontroller. The output of the three phase
inverter is connected across the motor after controlled relay. The gating signals for the
inverter are programmed in the ATMEL Studio. The inverter design is based on 180
conduction [19]. Power requirement for the three phases of the induction motor will be
provided by the two phases. Snubber circuit is also designed to protect the MOSFET from
voltage spikes. Voltage spikes can easily damage the MOSFET. The other effect of the
voltage spikes is false triggering. False triggering can result in short circuit. If both the
MOSFET of same leg get signals at the same time, inverter will face short circuit. RCD
snubber circuit is employed to reduce the voltage spikes. It also reduces the switching losses
and protect the MOSFET from overheating. RLD snubber circuit can also be employed to
reduce the current spikes[29].

5.4 3 Phase Inverter :

Fig. 5.2 Three phase inverter

S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6 – Switching devices

There are six switching devices in this 3 phase inverter. This inverter is controlled by
external gate signals. These gate signals are programmed in microcontroller.
The gating signals are designed in a manner that both the switches in the same
column does not get pulse at the same time. If they get the pulse at the same time then the
circuit will get short circuited because the current will get minimum resistance path from
positive end supply to negative end supply. If both the switches in one column do not get
pulse at any time in a complete cycle then one of the star connected load will not get supply
at all. So the gate pulses are designed in a manner that one of the two switches in a column
will get a pulse at a time. It means at any time three switches will work and one in a column.

5.4.1 180 Degree Conduction :

There are six switching devices and the sequence of switching should be repeated
after 360 degrees. For every positive half cycle the upper three switches S1, S3, S5 should
work for 180 degrees and for every negative half cycles the lower three switches S4, S6, S2
should work for 180 degrees. This is given in fig. 5.3 :

Fig. 5.3 Schematic conduction of one complete cycle of one phase

When switch S1 work for 180 degrees the conduction across load „a‟ will be through
„a‟ to „n‟ and when S4 work for 180 degrees the conduction across load „a‟ will be „n‟ to „a‟
coming from load „b‟ or „c‟. All the switches will work for 180 degrees. All the three phases
are 120 degrees apart from each other. According to this the switches S1, S3 and S5 should
conduct after 120 degrees. The figure 5.4 given below consists of the conduction of the upper
half switches for the positive 180 degree conduction.

Fig. 5.4 Three phases 120 degrees apart from each other

For negative 180 degree conduction the lower half switches S4, S6, S2 should work
immediately after the switching off of upper half switches S1, S2, S5 respectively. The
schematic diagram is given in figure 5.5 :

Fig. 5.5 180 degree conduction for three phase inverter

5.4.2 Switching of MOSFET :

As shown in the fig. 5.5 , after every 60 degrees, one switch is getting off and another switch
is getting on. Every switch is conducting for 180 degrees. For the first 60 degree conduction
S1, S6, S5 are conducting and for next 60 degree conduction S5 is getting off and S1, S6, S2
are conducing. The schematic switching is given in table 5.1 :

Table 5.1 Switching sequence of six MOSFET

Switch ON Switch OFF Time
S1, S6, S5 S4, S3, S2 0 – 60 degree
S1, S6, S2 S4, S3, S5 60 – 120 degree
S1, S3, S2 S4, S6, S5 120 – 180 degree
S4, S3, S2 S1, S6, S5 180 – 240 degree
S4, S3, S5 S1, S6, S2 240 – 300 degree
S4, S6, S5 S1, S3, S2 300 – 360 degree

5.4.3 Working of 3 Phase inverter :

In the first 60 degree conduction, S1 and S5 will work from upper half of the inverter
circuit and S6 will work in the lower half of the circuit. S1 is connected to load „a‟, S5 is
connected to load „c‟ and S6 is connected to load „b‟. Load „a‟ will recieve supply from „a‟ to
„n‟ and „c‟ will receive supply from „c‟ to „n‟ but load „b‟ will recieve supply from „n‟ to „c‟.
This means load „a‟ and „c‟ will face positive supply and „b‟ will face negative supply.
Schematic circuit for the first 60 degree conduction is shown in fig. 5.6 :

Fig. 5.6 First 60 degree conduction of 3 Phase inverter

Its equivalent circuit is given below in fig. 5.7 :

Fig. 5.7 Equivalent circuit of first 60 degree conduction of 3 phase inverter

When Switch S1, S5 and S6 will conduct, load „a‟ and „b‟ will face positive of the the
dc supply and load „c‟ will face the negative of the dc supply. The load is taken as balanced
and star connected. Voltage across the load „a‟, „b‟ and „c‟ can be calculated as :

….. (5.1)

….. (5.2)

Equivalent resistance of the upper branch is given below in fig. 5.7 :

Fig. 5.8 Equivalent resistance of the upper branch

….. (5.3)
Putting the value of eq. 5.2 in equation 5.3, we get voltage across the load „a‟ and load „c‟ :

….. (5.4)
Voltage across load „b‟ can be calculated by measuring the resistance of the lower branch :

Fig. 5.9 Equivalent resistance of the lower branch

According to figure 5.8, voltage across load „c‟ :
…. (5.5)

Equation 5.5 can be rewritten as :

….. (5.6)

Putting the value of i1 in the above equation, we get :

….. (5.7)

In the first 60 degree conduction we have ,

…. (5.8)


Phase to neutral voltages of the next five conduction modes is given below :

Fig. 5.10 Phase to neutral voltages of 3 phase inverter

5.4.4 Application of 3 Phase inverter design to microcontroller:
The above schematic diagram shows the conduction of the six switches. MOSFET is
a good candidate for high speed switching but in this 180 degree conduction method,
switching speed is not so high. MOSFET has low conduction and switching losses [26].
Every MOSFET conduction period is 180 degrees at different time intervals. For
implementing this procedure in the microcontroller we need 6 different timers. But due to the
limitations of the no. of counter in the microcontroller, a different approach is established. A
single counter is used and 6 pulses are generated each after 60 degree. There is some turn on
and turn off time between each pulses. The schematic diagram is given in fig. 5.10 :

Fig. 5.11 Single counter output of microcontroller

A single counter timer is used to generate these pulses. By using the logical
conditions, we can give these pulses to all the six MOSFETs. The pulses are generated for 50
Hz operation so the time duration for 1 cycle is 20 ms. All the six pulses are divided in equal
time i.e. the duration of one pulse will be 3.33 ms. The steps for generating the 6 pulses for 6
MOSFETs are given below in table 5.2 :
Table 5.2 Steps of switching of six MOSFET using single counter of microcontroller
Pulses Switches Time
1 S1, S6, S5 0 – 3.33 ms
2 S1, S6, S2 3.33 – 6.66 ms
3 S1, S3, S2 6.66 – 10 ms
4 S4, S3, S2 10 – 13.33 ms
5 S4, S3, S5 13.33 – 16.66 ms
6 S4, S6, S5 16.66 ms – 20 ms

5.5 MOSFET Snubber ckt. :
Snubber circuit is required for the protection of the MOSFET [31]. MOSFET
Snubber diode are used in the power converter[32]. RCD and RLD snubber circuit are
employed to protect the MOSFET from over current and overt voltage[33]. Three types of
snubber circuit can be employed [35] :
i) RLD ii) RCD iii) RCD and RLD

5.5.1 RLD Snubber circuit :

Fig. 5.12 RLD snubber circuit

RLD snubber circuit is used to protect the MOSFET from high di/dt rating. RLD
snubber circuit reduces the current spikes and switching losses. Current spikes are highly
reduced and heat loss during switching can be avoided by using RLD snubber circuit[35].
Value of L can be calculated by [19] :

….. (5.11)

, V = Voltage of the DC source

Value of R can be calculated by :

…. (5.12)
C = Capacitance, L = Inductance
Value of C can be calculated by :

….. (5.13)

Formula for calculating the capacitance given above is the same for RCD snubber circuit.

5.5.2 RCD Snubber circuit :
RCD snubber circuit consist of the Resistance, Capacitance and diode. It is connected in
parallel with the MOSFET.

Fig. 5.13 RCD snubber circuit

As shown in the fig. 5.12, Value of R and C can be calculated by its dv/dt rating [19].
RCD snubber circuit protects the MOSFET from the voltage spikes [35] but the
current spikes are not much reduced. RCD snubber circuit is required to protect the MOSFET
from false switching because voltage spikes can turn on the MOSFET and can result into
short circuit. Switching losses are alse reduced by using the RCD snubber circuit.

5.5.3 RLD and RCD snubber circuit :

Fig. 5.14 RLD and RCD snubber circuit

RCD and RLD snubber circuit both provide the protection from di/dt and dv/dt.
MOSFET is protected from voltage spikes and current spikes. Switching losses can be
minimized by using RCD and RLD circuit.
In the three phase inverter design, we have implemented the RCD snubber circuit
design to protect the MOSFET from voltage spikes and false triggering.

5.6 Results of three phase inverter

The sequence as given in the above table will switch on the switches as will give the
desirable output across the phase to neutral load. The experimental results are taken on
C.R.O. and given in figure 5.14 :

Fig. 5.15 Output of conduction across S1 and S4

Switch 1 Input – Yellow, Switch 4 Input – Blue

Fig. 5.16 Output of conduction across S1 and S3

Switch 1 Input – Yellow, Switch 3 Input – Blue

Fig. 5.17 Output of conduction across S1 and S6
Switch 1 Input – Yellow, Switch 6 Input – Blue

Fig. 5.18 Output of conduction across S1 and S5

Switch 1 Input – Yellow, Switch 5 Input – Blue

Fig. 5.19 Output of conduction across S1 and S2

Switch 1 Input – Yellow, Switch 2 Input – Blue

Switching input for the first 60 degree are taken on two CROs. In the first CRO input of S1
and S6 are shown on second CRO input of S1 and S5 are shown. These input are similar as
described for the three phase inverter for 180 degree conduction.

5.6.1 Pulses of the Six MOSFET are given below on three CROs :

Fig. 5.2 Output of conduction of 6 MOSFET on three CROs

Switch 1 Input – Yellow, Switch 6 Input – Blue
CRO 1 output : S1, S4 input
CRO 2 output : S3, S6 input
CRO 3 output : S5, S2 input

5.6.2 The result of the output across load a is given below :

Fig. 5.21 Inverter output across load


6.1 Conclusion
The dissertation is based on the protection of three phase induction motor under
single phasing condition and it is implemented using microcontroller, MOSFET, step down
transformers, current transformers and protective relays. The system is very cheap as
compared to present protective devices available. The protection system can protect three
phase induction motor from under voltage, over voltage, over current and unbalance
voltages. The inverter is also designed to make the three phase motor running under two
phase supply. Three phase inverter will be pulsed from the microcontroller output and the
output are also shown, which are satisfactory. The MOSFET which are used in protection
system are easily available in the market and can be also used to large protection system.

6.2 Future Scope of work

Future scope the dissertation is to implement the inverter system on the large capacity three
phase induction motors. In control circuit only the ratings of C.T. and P.T. has to be chosen
accordingly while the power circuit has to be designed independently as per the rating of the

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