Titrimetric Determination of Zirconium
Titrimetric Determination of Zirconium
Titrimetric Determination of Zirconium
J. S. Fritz
Iowa State College
Recommended Citation
Fulda, M. O. and Fritz, J. S., "Titrimetric determination of zirconium" (1955). Ames Laboratory ISC Technical Reports. 95.
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Titrimetric determination of zirconium
A brief literature survey on the present gravimetric, colorimetric, spectrographic, and volumetric methods for
the determination of zirconium has been presented.
Ames Laboratory
M. 0. Fulda
J. S. Fritz
March 1955
Ames Laboratory
Iowa State College
Ames, Iowa
Te c h n i c a I I n form at i o n S e r v i c e, 0 a k R i d g e, Te nne 55 e e
Work perf'onned under Contract No. W-7405-Eng-82.
The metal was first prepared by Berzelius in 1824 (37). Now the
Kroll process is used. In the Kroll process zircon ore is heated
with graphite in an electric arc to produce zirconium carbide and
drive off the silicon. The zirconium carbide is treated with chlorine
gas to form zirconium tetrachloride and this is reduced to spongy
zirconium with molten magnesium in an inert atmosphere. The magnesium
and magnesium chloride are distilled off under high vacuum (68).
A. Other Methods
1. Gravimetric
A large number of gravimetric procedures have been proposed for
macro amounts of zirconium. The classical method is a precipitation
as ZrOHP04, zirconyl hydrogen phosphate, from 10 per cent sulfuric
acid solution. This separates zirconium from all metals but quadri-
valent cerium. The precipitate cannot be ignited to a definite
composition, however, and has to be fused with sodium carbonate and
the hydrous oxide precipitated with ammonia from hydrochloric acid
solution (65, p.J21). For small amounts the phosphate precipitate
can be ignited and weighed as ZrP207 (4; 65, p. 321). Willard
determined larger amounts by precipitation from homogeneous solution
by heating with triethyl phosphate ( 66).
2. Colorimetric
3. Spectrographic
Spectrographic methods are used for extremely small amounts of
zirconium (22), for the determination of zirconium in hafnium (25,
34, 40), and for the analysis of very difficultly soluble alloys such
as zirconium-niobium.
4. Volumetric
The majorit,y of the methods for the volumetric determination of
zirconium which are found in the literature are indirect methods in-
volving precipitation and a determination of the excess precipitant
or dissolution of the precipitate in an excess of a standard solution
and a determination of the excess. The reason for this is that
zirconium has a constant oxidation state and forms a colorless ion in
solution. These indirect methods involve so many operations that it
might be more practicable to ignite the precipitate to the oxide and
weigh it as such.
From this review it can be seen that a direct and rapid method
for the determination in the presence of interfering cations is
needed. This is the work which this report reports.
where M•n represents the metal ion, y-4 the ~ffi'A ion, and MY(n-4) the
complex, was reported for many ions by Cabell (6) and compared with
thqse values for other complexing agents. The author was unable to
find a value for the log K for the zirconiwn complex with £lJI'A in the
l. Indicators
The general reactions involved in the titration are
Several indicators were tried. Alizarin Red S has been used for
the colorimetric determination of zirconium (63) but is useless for
the EDTA titration because of the very slow reaction of the zirconium-
indicator complex with EDTA. Carminic acid, chloranilic acid, and
Chrome Azurol S also are unsatisfactory. Both Alizarol Cyanone RC and
Eriochrome Cyanine RC give sharp and vivid end points. The Alizarol
Cyanone RC end point is often slow if a direct EDTA titration is
attempted, but it is fast if a slight excess of EDTA is added and this
excess back titrated hot with standard zirconium. Either direct or
back titration is possible with Eriochrome Cyanine RC, but the end
point in the direct titration should not be approached too rapidly.
2. Effect of pH
newell (8), using ion exchange studies, found that zirconium ions
in solution chan.ged to complex ions and formed colloids above pH 2.0
according to the reaction
This would explain why no end point was observed by the author above
pH 2.0. In EDTA solution zirconium begins to precipitate at pH 3.0;
this was found by Cabell (6) and confirmed by the author. .
3. Effect of heat
the indicator. Perhaps the forna tion of complex ions and colloids
which Dewell (8) described as happening above pH 2.0 occurs at a
lower pH at higher temperatures.
4. Extraction attempts
5. Duffer attempts
1. Indicators
2. Standard solutions
3~ Miscellaneous
All other chemicals used in this work were reagent grade unless
otherwise specified. The zinc amalgam was 20 mesh zinc lightly
amalgamated as directed qy Kolthoff and Sandell (29, p. 569).
10 ISC-S96
4. Apparatus
All pH measurements were made with a Beckman Model G pH meter
using a glass-calomel electrode system. Magnetic stirrers uere used
for all of the titrations. Other apparatus were normal laboratory
C. Procedures
D. Stoichiometry
M = Hf/Zr x~ Zr/Hf X~
Hf/Zr ~ 1 221.4 Zr/Hf ~ 1 113.1
E. Interference Study
Table 2 (Continued)
= 5.24 interferes 5.41 interferes
so4- 5.41 interferes 5 .21 interferes
Tartrate 5.24 .interferes 5.21 interferes
V03- 5.24 5.21 5. 21 5. 21
4 = 5.24 interferes 5~23 interferes
ISC-596 15
:gquivalent to Zr 3.66
Equivalent to Th 2.59
J.~qui valent to sum 6.25 6;26, 6.22, 6.22
Equivalent to Zr 2. 7l
Equivalent to Hf 2.64
Equivalent to sum 5.35 5.32, 5.33, 5.32
B. Zirconium-Zinc Alloys
24.34 -
24.47 24.45 24.59 -0.14
2.80 2.82
- 2.81 2.90 -0.09
8.80 -
9.04 8.91 9.07 -0.16
12.53 -
12.59 12.58 12.60 -0.02
13.07 -
13.16 13.12 13.37 -0.25
2.44 - 2.47 2.46 2.34 +-0.12
10.16 - 10.31 10.24 10.35 -0.11
la. Alford, W. C., Shapiro, 1., and White, C. E., Anal. Chern., 23,
1149 (1951).
3. Barrel, M. and Paris, R., Anal. Chim. Acta, _!±, 267 (1950).
7. Cozzi, D., Proc. Intern. Congr. Pure Applied Chern. London, 11,
57 (1947) (In Italian). (Original not available for examina-
tion; abstracted in ·rechnical Information Service, AEC 'report
TID-3010. p. 12).
11. Fick, R. and Ulrich, H., German Patent 638,071 (19·3 6). Abstracted
in~~' 31, 1043 (1937). ·
12. Fritz, J. S. and Ford, J. J., Anal. Chern., 25, 1640 (1953).
ISC-596 21
48. Sawaya, T. and Yamashita, M., J. Chem. Soc. Japan. Pure Che~.
Sect., 72, 3.56 (19.51). (Original not available for examina:-
tion; abstracted in Q· !·' 46, 8.54 (19.52) ).
49. Scadden, E. M. and Ballou, N. E., Anal. Chern., 2.5, 1062 (19.53).
50. Schwarzenbach, G. and Ackermann, H., Hel v. Chim. Acta, 30, 1798
(1947) •
.5L Stehney, A. F. and Safrinski, L. W. Argonne National Laboratory
report AECD-3097.
52. Steinberg, E. P. In Coryell, C. D., and Sugarman, N., eds.
"Radiochemical Studies: The Fission Products. rr Book 3.
p. 149.5. New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc. 19.51.
53. Taketatsu, T., ~· Chern. Soc. Japatt. l?ure Chern. Sect., 74, lOll
(19.53). (Original not available for examination; abstracted
in Q· !·' 48, .5727 (1954) ).
54. Thamer, B. J. and Voigt, A. F., J. Am. Chern. Soc., 73, 3197 (19.51).
66. Willard, H. H. and Hahn, R. B., AnaL. Chern., 21, 293 (1949).