Business-to-Business Marketing (B2B Marketing) List of Case Questions
Business-to-Business Marketing (B2B Marketing) List of Case Questions
Business-to-Business Marketing (B2B Marketing) List of Case Questions
1. The increased private label competition may threaten the relationships between The Vanca
and e-retailers. How should The Vanca react to it? What strategies that The Vanca can
develop to stop the onslaught of these private labels?
2. Suggest strategies for The Vanca to get the non-starter categories moving?
1. What strategies and actions taken by Yahoo have upset its relationship with Alibaba?
2. What are some possible strategies and measures for Yahoo to restore a harmonious
relationship with Alibaba, and to increase the company’s strategic value to it?
1. How should Carman respond to the invitation to tell the Quick & Reilly executives what
he thought of Oracle? What features of this particular interaction influence your opinion?
Would your opinion of the right response change if the circumstances were different?
2. How should Carman qualify the prospect? Should he ask, “what’s your budget?” should
he suppress his curiosity and leave it to the prospect to bring up information about the size
and timing of the opportunity? If he asks for information, how will he use it?
3. Evaluate Carman’s interactions with the customer up to this point. Is he doing a good job?
How effective is Siebel Systems’ approach?
1. How does HP view its salesforce? Why is the salesforce treated as a cost center?
2. What is HP-CSO’s approach to building relationships with enterprise customers? What are
its strengths and the current challenges?
1. What specific customers within the banking sector would you recommend Krishna pursue?
2. Evaluate the target and compensation plans set up by Krishna. Do they meet the
requirements of the organization?
3. Evaluate the three options drawn up by Krishna and recommend one. Justify your choice.
Session 7: Digitally-powered Customer-centricity in the Industrial Gas Sector: The Air
Liquide-Airgas Merger (Group Case)
1. Who are Air Liqude/ Airgas customers? What types of relationships they have with their
respective customers (in terms of frequency of interaction, depth, online/ offline, nature
(e.g., trust, proximity)?
2. In terms of how they leverage digital technologies, what kind of digital experiences would
support those relationships? What are their respective customers’ expectations? What
digital solutions might their customers turn to?
1. In your opinion, how does the website help HCL-Tech increase leads for the sales funnel?
2. Can the website be used effectively for brand building? What is the role of the website in
integrating branding, marketing, and sales efforts?