Computers in Human Behavior: Stacy Horner, Yvonne Asher, Gary D. Fireman
Computers in Human Behavior: Stacy Horner, Yvonne Asher, Gary D. Fireman
Computers in Human Behavior: Stacy Horner, Yvonne Asher, Gary D. Fireman
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: With adolescents’ frequent use of social media, electronic bullying has emerged as a powerful platform
for peer victimization. The present two studies explore how adolescents perceive electronic vs. tradi-
tional bullying in emotional impact and strategic responses. In Study 1, 97 adolescents (mean
Keywords: age = 15) viewed hypothetical peer victimization scenarios, in parallel electronic and traditional forms,
Peer victimization with female characters experiencing indirect relational aggression and direct verbal aggression. In
Electronic bullying Study 2, 47 adolescents (mean age = 14) viewed the direct verbal aggression scenario from Study 1,
and a new scenario, involving male characters in the context of direct verbal aggression. Participants
were asked to imagine themselves as the victim in all scenarios and then rate their emotional reactions,
strategic responses, and goals for the outcome. Adolescents reported significant negative emotions and
disruptions in typical daily activities as the victim across divergent bullying scenarios. In both studies
few differences emerged when comparing electronic to traditional bullying, suggesting that online and
off-line bullying are subtypes of peer victimization. There were expected differences in strategic
responses that fit the medium of the bullying. Results also suggested that embarrassment is a common
and highly relevant negative experience in both indirect relational and direct verbal aggression among
Ó 2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
0747-5632/Ó 2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
S. Horner et al. / Computers in Human Behavior 49 (2015) 288–295 289
of electronic bullying, including school avoidance, truancy, eating 2007). Youth were presented with 12 possible strategies to cope
disorders, depression, poor self-esteem, and suicidal ideation or with peer victimization (e.g., telling parents, telling other students,
suicide (e.g., Schneider, O’Donnell, Stueve, & Coulter, 2012). standing up to the bully, distraction, ignoring bullying), and asked
However, despite the tragic examples of electronic bullying to endorse which strategies they had utilized. The most frequent
reflected in the media, little experimental research distinguishing response, endorsed by approximately 50% of the respondents,
electronic bullying from traditional bullying has been completed was that they had tried to ignore the bullying.
(for exceptions, see Pieschl, Porsch, Kahl, & Klockenbusch, 2013; Smith et al. (2008) utilized large-scale surveys and focus groups
Sticca & Perren, 2013). The present research is one of a few initial to assess 11–16 year-olds’ beliefs regarding the best ways to stop
efforts to move beyond correlational and retrospective designs by electronic bullying. When provided with a list of possible ways to
providing adolescents with specific hypothetical scenarios in order cope with electronic bullying, the most commonly endorsed strate-
to examine how adolescents conceptualize and strategize about gies were to block messages/identities (75%), tell someone (63%),
bullying and electronic bullying. change email address/phone number (57%), and ignoring the behav-
The negative behaviors involved in bullying are often identified ior (41%). In traditional bullying prevention programs, telling an
as direct, including overtly aggressive behaviors such as physical adult is often a recommended strategy. However, there is evidence
acts (e.g., pushing, punching) and verbal acts (e.g., insults, teasing), to suggest that traditional victims are more likely to tell others than
or indirect, which includes relationally aggressive acts designed to victims of electronic bullying (Smith et al., 2008). In research
damage social relationships (e.g., spreading rumors, social exclu- examining who victims tell about electronic bullying, the most fre-
sion). Similar to traditional bullying, most electronic bullying quent responses are to tell ‘‘no one’’ or ‘‘friends’’, with parents and
requires an intentional act committed by an individual or group teachers reported far less often (Aricak et al., 2008; Dehue et al.,
in order to cause harm or distress to another individual or group 2008; National Children’s Home, 2005; Slonje & Smith, 2008). It is
but done through electronic communication technologies (Beran possible that adolescents are more willing to tell friends (as opposed
& Li, 2005; Mason, 2008). In one recent study, respondents were to parents or teachers) about both electronic and traditional bully-
asked about different types of electronic bullying they were ing, as friends are an important source of social and emotional sup-
exposed to (Aricak et al., 2008) with 19% reporting threats while port during this developmental period. In addition, a substantial
81% reported some form of embarrassment (e.g., teasing, insults, number of adolescents do not think school staff would or could do
rumors, or pictures displayed by others without consent). anything to stop electronic bullying (47%). These findings highlight
Although electronic bullying also requires a power differential the need to better understand if adolescents would respond differ-
between the bully and the victim (Mason, 2008), across online ently to comparable bullying situations across off-line and online
and off-line contexts the source of a bully’s strength and the rea- contexts in order to provide parents and professionals with guidance
sons why a victim feels defenseless may vary considerably. As on how best to help those being bullied.
opposed to traditional bullying in which bullies often rely on a
combination of attractiveness, local popularity, and physical
strength as a source of power, it has been hypothesized that in 2. The present studies
electronic bullying the power is based more exclusively on a bully’s
social connectedness and prestige all of which are visible on social The present two studies build on the existing research by
networking site profiles (Patchin & Hinduja, 2006). For adolescents, examining 9th and 10th grade adolescents’ perceptions of the
who are especially concerned about what others think of them and impact and ways to respond to electronic bullying vs. traditional
are more likely to believe others are always watching (Elkind, bullying. As mentioned above, the majority of research to date
1967), electronic bullying that interrupts relationships, can be seen has used self-report survey methodologies, which have notable
by many, and remains visible over time may be particularly upset- limitations (Raskauskas & Stoltz, 2007). The current research uses
ting. In the present research, the social media of Facebook was a design that allows adolescents to respond to specific hypothetical
approximated and the numbers of ‘‘liked’’, tagged photos, and scenarios one focused on a situation involving threat of overt
‘‘friends’’ were all considered with the bully appearing more popu- aggression (OA), and the other focused on a situation involving
lar than the victim. relational aggression (RA). These were chosen as prior research
As with traditional bullying, a number of negative consequences has suggested that threat of OA and RA (specifically, embarrass-
have been associated with electronic bullying. Self-report data indi- ment) situations are the most commonly experienced types of bul-
cate that adolescents who are victims of electronic bulling experi- lying for adolescents (e.g., Aricak et al., 2008; Huang & Chou, 2010;
ence a number of emotional consequences (e.g., feelings of Lenhart, 2007). Adolescents viewed the same scenarios in both tra-
sadness, depression, anxiety, fear), as well as behavioral difficulties ditional and online formats to make direct comparisons possible.
(e.g., missing school, difficulty concentrating, losing trust in peers, Since December 2007, Facebook has become one of the most
and falling grades; Beran & Li, 2005; Dehue, Bolman, & Völlink, frequently used social networking sites (Smith, 2009b). Because
2008; Raskauskas & Stoltz, 2007) that are similar to traditional bul- of Facebook’s popularity among adolescents, the present research
lying (Bauman & Newman, 2013). Utilizing a retrospective self-re- was designed to mimic this social networking site. The present
port methodology with college students, Bauman and Newman research is divided into two distinct studies: the first study exam-
(2013) found that perceived distress at a bullying situation was ined male and female adolescents’ responses to two scenarios, OA
not consistently related to the form of bullying (i.e., electronic or tra- and RA, with female characters only. The second study replicates
ditional), but rather related to the factors involved in the specific the OA scenario and adds the examination of male and female ado-
situation. Similarly, Sticca and Perren (2013) note that ‘‘cyber- lescents’ responses to an OA scenario with male characters (as
bullying is not a priori perceived as worse than traditional bullying’’ opposed to female characters). Analyses focus on adolescents’ rat-
(p. 739), but that certain factors (e.g., publicity of the bullying) deter- ings of their emotional reactions and problem solving strategies in
mine adolescents’ perceived level of distress. Therefore, the present response to the bullying scenarios. We hypothesize that the bully-
two studies examine adolescents’ emotional and strategic responses ing scenarios involving OA will elicit more negative emotion and
to bullying in distinct online and off-line scenarios. distinct strategies in traditional vs. electronic platforms. In con-
In a large self-report study, 1852 adolescents between the ages trast, with RA, we hypothesize a more negative emotional impact
of 4 and 19 who had been bullied participated in an online survey online. We also predict that males will be more distressed by the
about responses to traditional bullying (Craig, Pepler, & Blais, OA bullying scenarios and females by the RA scenarios.
290 S. Horner et al. / Computers in Human Behavior 49 (2015) 288–295
F(4, 82) = 2.72, p < .04, partial eta squared = .12). Follow up ANOVA on and laugh. The electronic bullying example shows the same
analyses (see Table 4) revealed two dependent variables (‘‘keep comments being made via Facebook ‘‘comments’’ about the victim
friends’’ and ‘‘feel better’’) that students indicated would be most students’ ‘‘Facebook wall’’. The threat was also written on the
important to them when the scenario involved RA that occurred ‘‘Facebook wall’’. The actually study questions were the same as
in an off-line format (Keep friends: electronic OA M = 4.18, Study 1. Procedures used were identical to Study 1.
SD = .972 vs. off-line OA: M = 3.91, SD = 1.11; electronic RA:
M = 4.19, SD = 1.09 vs. off-line RA: M = 4.27, SD = 1.00; Feel better: 4.2. Results and discussion
electronic OA M = 4.28, SD = .941 vs. off-line OA: M = 4.11, SD =
.994; electronic RA: M = 4.44, SD = .839 vs. off-line RA: M = 4.56, A total of 36 students were used in the analysis. A repeated
SD = .783). Overall, students indicated that getting the bullying measures multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was used
behavior to stop and feeling better were the most important out- to analyze each set of dependent variables (emotions and disrup-
comes in a bullying situation. tion in daily activity; responses; desired outcomes or goals). The
within-subjects factors used were gender of character in bullying
scenario (female or male) and medium (electronic or off-line).
4. Study 2
Gender of the participant was used as a between-subjects variable,
in order to assess any gender differences in participant responses.
4.1. Introduction and method
Statistical test assumptions were not violated and no effect due to
counterbalancing was found. To ensure that the video clips and
OA and RA scenarios in Study 1 involved female adolescents
Facebook snapshots used in the study had an impact on the adoles-
only, and research to date has found mixed results regarding the
cents in the intended direction, ratings of negative emotions and
role of gender in both traditional and electronic bullying.
disruption in typical activities were examined. Students reported
Therefore, Study 2 seeks to examine the impact of gender of char-
negative emotions and disruption in typical activities equal to or
acters in a bullying scenario on adolescents’ perceptions of bully-
more than usual after watching a bullying scenario. All means were
ing. Some prior literature suggests that, consistent with gender
in hypothesized direction. Additionally, almost all of the students’
role expectations, girls were more likely to be victims of electronic
average ratings were significantly different from how they usually
bullying (Dehue et al., 2008; Lenhart; 2007; Li, 2007; Smith et al.,
feel if they were the victim in the bullying situation (‘‘same as
2008), and boys were more likely to be bullies online (Dehue
usual’’ coded as ‘‘3’’) based on a series of one sample t-tests. This
et al., 2008; Li, 2006). In other studies, however, no gender effects
suggests the stimuli impacted the s in the intended manner (see
are found, and males and females were equally likely to be online
Table 6).
bullies and victims (Beran & Li, 2005; Patchin & Hinduja, 2006;
Slonje & Smith, 2008; Ybarra & Mitchell, 2004). In the studies
4.2.1. Analysis of the impact of Facebook and traditional bullying
where no gender effects are found, the lack of a significant differ-
An omnibus MANOVA analysis indicated a significant interac-
ence between genders in electronic bullying suggests that females
tion between gender of the characters in the scenario (male or
participate in electronic bullying more than they do in traditional
female) and emotion (Wilks’ Lambda = .46, F(8,26) = 3.86, p < .01,
bullying (Smith et al., 2008). This finding stands in comparison to
partial eta squared = .54), indicating that adolescents frequently
traditional, off-line bullying, which studies suggest occurs more
viewed scenarios with male characters as inducing more negative
often among males (e.g., Smith et al., 2008). Given the potentially
emotions than scenarios with female characters (for means and
different experiences that males and females have with traditional
standard deviations, see Table 5). Given that past research indi-
bullying and electronic bullying, Study 2 replicates the on and off
cates that OA among males is more likely than among females
line OA scenario for Study 1, and adds an additional overt aggres-
(Pepler, Jiang, Craig, & Connolly, 2008), it is interesting to note that
sion scenario with male characters as bully and victim. Thus, there
both male and female students viewed the male OA bullying
was a direct comparison for the OA of threat by gender.
Table 6 Table 7
Repeated measures ANOVAs comparing responses to electronic and traditional Repeated measures ANOVAs comparing desired outcomes when responding to
bullying, for scenarios with male and female characters. electronic and traditional bullying, for scenarios with male and female characters.
Item Main effect of Main effect of Interaction Item Main effect of Main effect of Interaction
electronic vs. male characters electronic vs. male characters
traditional vs. female traditional vs. female
characters characters
F(1,35) Partial F(1,35) Partial F(1,35) Partial F(1,35) Partial F(1,35) Partial F(1,35) Partial
eta2 eta2 eta2 eta2 eta2 eta2
Tell friend 1.76 .048 0.89 .025 1.86 .050 Bullying to 0.47 .013 8.45* .194 0.05 .001
Tell adult 5.85* .143 5.09* .127 0.00 .000 stop
Do nothing 0.01 .000 0.16 .005 0.01 .000 Get along with 0.12 .003 2.76 .073 0.00 .000
Ask bully to 3.05 .082 1.09 .031 0.05 .002 bully
stop Keep friends 0.02 .000 0.02 .000 0.04 .001
Bully the bully 1.00 .026 5.00* .125 0.00 .000 Feel better 0.53 .016 0.06 .002 2.06 .059
Bully others 0.36 .010 0.66 .019 0.55 .016 Maintain 0.00 .000 4.53* .118 0.14 .004
Avoid 2.46 .066 4.14* .106 1.09 .030 reputation
Facebook *
Avoid school 3.15 .083 4.53* .115 1.55 .042 p < .05.
Joke about it 0.64 .018 8.66* .198 4.58* .116
Plot revenge 1.29 .036 4.53* .115 0.15 .004
Report to 0.52 .015 5.08* .127 0.02 .001 comments suggest that although students report both on and off-
authorities line bullying are similar in the general level of distress, they
* appreciate of the structural differences in the medium of
p < .05.
scenarios as more emotionally upsetting. It is unclear if this higher
level of emotional distress is due to an expectation of greater 4.2.3. Analysis of the desired outcomes in response to Facebook and
physical harm with male vs. female OA or some other factors. traditional bullying
Students were asked how important different outcomes would
be if they were the victim in the bullying situation. MANOVA results
4.2.2. Analysis of the ways to respond to Facebook and traditional
reveal an interaction between gender of the characters in the sce-
nario (male or female) and goals the adolescent reports as being
Students were then asked how they would respond if they were
important (Wilks’ Lambda = .72, F(4,29) = 2.85, p < .05, partial eta
the victim in the bullying situation. MANOVA results suggest a
squared = .28), suggesting adolescents view different outcomes of
three-way interaction between gender of the characters in the sce-
a bullying situation as important when the situation involves
nario (male or female), response, and the adolescent’s gender
males bullying as opposed to females bullying. Follow up ANOVA
(Wilks’ Lambda = .45, F(10,23) = 2.85, p < .02, partial eta
analyses (see Table 7) indicate that maintaining one’s reputation
squared = .55). Follow up ANOVA analyses did not support differ-
is most important to adolescents when the scenario involved
ences related to participant’s gender. However, additional ANOVA
female characters, as opposed to male characters (online male
analyses (see Table 6) indicated that participants would be more
characters M = 3.20, SD = 1.23 vs. off-line male characters
likely to use the following strategies when a bullying situation
M = 3.17, SD = 1.29; online female characters M = 3.51, SD = 1.10
involved male characters, regardless of the medium in which the
vs. off-line female characters M = 3.54, SD = 1.04). This finding is
bullying occurred: avoid Facebook, avoid school, report to authori-
consistent with the high importance that adolescent females place
ties. In contrast, students reported that they would be more likely
on their social reputation. In addition, students indicated that the
to use the following strategies when a bullying situation involved
goal of having the bullying stop would be more important when
female characters, regardless of the medium in which the bullying
the bullying situation involved male characters, as opposed to
occurred: bully the bully, plot revenge. Interestingly, for bullying
female characters (Bullying to stop: online male characters
involving male characters the general preference is for the victim
M = 4.67, SD = .862 vs. off-line male characters M = 4.64,
to avoid peers, in contrast, for bullying involving female characters
SD = .899; online female characters M = 4.39, SD = .964 vs. off-line
the more likely strategy employed by the victim is to directly
female characters M = 4.33, SD = 1.15). It may be that male bullies
retaliate against the bully. One possible explanation for this finding
are perceived as more threatening than female bullies. Further
may be due to the differing nature of female vs. male aggression. In
research is needed to understand why this might be the case.
particular, females more often employ RA and among high school
students this has less potential social cost than OA. Thus, adoles-
cents’ willingness to employ retaliatory strategies when reacting 5. General discussion
to female bullies may reflect a belief that relationally aggressive
behavior is a potentially cost effective option. Further research is The current studies examined high-school adolescents’ percep-
needed to explore this greater likelihood for students to utilize tions of electronic and traditional bullying through having students
retaliation when responding to female bullies. observe hypothetical scenarios, imagine themselves as the victim,
Some notable differences between electronic and traditional and then describe the impact, responses, and goals in resolving
bullying did emerge through the open-ended questions. Several the bullying scenarios. As predicted, across all scenarios, students
students wrote that the ambiguity of threats delivered online were indicated a significant negative impact of bullying situations high-
a particular challenge. For example, one adolescent noted that, ‘‘on lighting the emotions of sadness, anger, embarrassment, fear, and
Facebook, it is much more difficult to read people’s feelings or reac- losing trust in others. However, there was a difference found for
tions. If someone was to threaten another person online, it would the strategies most endorsed in response to bullying as related to
not be easy to determine the seriousness of the situation like it the gender of the characters involved. When the characters were
would be if it happened in person’’. Another stated that threats male, participants of both genders were more likely to endorse
online are ‘‘worse because you cannot see the person’s reaction strategies of avoidance of the bully. In contrast, when the charac-
and you do not know the tone of how they are saying it’’. These ters involved (both bully and victim) were female, participants of
294 S. Horner et al. / Computers in Human Behavior 49 (2015) 288–295
both genders were more likely to endorse strategies of retaliation reported by adolescents to be both threatening (characteristic of
requiring increased contact between the protagonists. High-school OA) and embarrassing (characteristic of RA; in both Study 1 and
students also indicated the strategy of behavioral avoidance of the Study 2). Given how critical embarrassment is to adolescents, it
context (avoiding school or online activities) where they as the vic- is unclear if all bullying situations involving OA would be embar-
tim might encounter those who had witnessed the bullying. This rassing, or if this is specific to the scenario chosen, where there
suggests that the witness or bystander to bullying becomes a nega- was an audience present. Early experimental research on electronic
tive stimulus in addition to the actual bully. Both on- and off-line, bullying has focused on anger and sadness as responses to bullying,
the negative emotional reaction and disruption in typical daily leaving out embarrassment entirely (Pieschl et al., 2013). Thus, fur-
activities demonstrates the high personal cost of peer victimization ther research on the frequency and strength of embarrassment in
on adolescents across widely divergent bullying scenarios (e.g., response to electronic bullying is important.
Bonanno & Hymel, 2013; Sticca & Perren, 2013). Second, given the rapidly changing format of online communi-
Overall, across a range of bullying situations (RA or OA, male or cation, some emerging popular forms of communication were not
female protagonists) there were many similarities in the nature of assessed (e.g., Snap Chat, Twitter, Instagram). Third, due to the
student reactions to electronic and traditional bullying. As sug- small sample size in Study 2, it was not possible statistically to
gested by Bauman and Newman (2012), electronic bullying compare victim gender (in the bullying scenarios presented) with
appears to be a sub-type of the broader category of ‘‘bullying adolescents’ gender. Prior experimental and self-report studies
behaviors’’, with concomitant negative outcomes, not a separate yield mixed findings with regard to the role of gender in electronic
and unique phenomenon. This is consistent with preliminary bullying, particularly when directly compared with traditional bul-
research examining differences between equivalent bullying lying (e.g., Pieschl et al., 2013; Slonje et al., 2013). Therefore, future
behaviors on- and off-line among adolescents and young adults research should include more varied bullying scenarios (e.g., a
(Bauman & Newman, 2013; Sticca & Perren, 2013). It is likely that wider range of relationally aggressive behaviors), with the gender
adolescents experience online and social media activities as an of bullies and victims manipulated. This will allow for further
integrated part of their everyday lives. The negative impact of bul- exploration of gender differences in responses to a variety of elec-
lying seemed to vary more in response to the type of bullying, tronic and traditional bullying situations.
overt or relational aggression, or by the gender of the protagonists Overall, given the significant impact, negative emotional reac-
than by whether the bullying occurred on- vs. off-line. Consistent tion, and disruption in typical daily activities of both electronic
with the framework of egocentrism and heightened social sensitiv- and traditional bullying (e.g., Bauman & Newman, 2013; Bonanno
ity (Buhrmester & Furman, 1987), many of the adolescents’ & Hymel, 2013), adults in adolescents’ lives must recognize the
responses to the open-ended questions in Study 1 indicate the importance of addressing bullying when it occurs both on- and off-
importance of their peer group, and spectators’ potential judg- line. The high acceptance of avoidance strategies in response to bul-
ments or opinions. For example, students wrote in response to lying is particularly worrisome as it may lead to isolation and
the relational aggression scenario that it would be particularly reduces the opportunity for positive peer experiences. Given the
hurtful, ‘‘Because all of your friends can see it’’, ‘‘In this situation, high degree to which adolescents value the viewpoint of peers, plus
it was completely public for all of their friends to see, and they their heightened sensitivity to being publically embarrassed, victims
have a whole lot of friends. Also, it can’t be taken back or denied’’, may mistakenly avoid those students who could actually be a
‘‘Everyone can see everything on Facebook’’, and ‘‘Facebook bully- resource. Initial literature suggests that boys may be more likely to
ing only hurts your reputation, and maybe your feelings’’. These avoid seeking social support when confronted with electronic bully-
responses highlight that the victims’ awareness of an audience ing, and may particularly benefit from interventions designed to
has a powerful negative impact when being bullied. Given the dis- combat this tendency (Pieschl et al., 2013). Bystanders and friends
tinct nature of in-person vs. electronic audiences (e.g., number of are likely to be a critical protective factor if they are able to mitigate
witnesses, temporal stability, abstraction) the nature of the embar- the victim’s sense of embarrassment. Future research needs to
rassment and distress resulting from bullying in the two mediums examine how best to empower adolescents to address the
needs further exploration. The public nature of the bullying mat- developmental challenges associated with social egocentrism.
ters and bystanders are not viewed as benign observers but as
peers with the potential to judge the victim.
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