Community Demographics Essay
Community Demographics Essay
Community Demographics Essay
2.3 Demographics
2.2.13 Analyze the community’s shifting demographics, and recommend ways that the
Not every student, school and district are the same. They have their similarities and their
differences. But one thing they have in common are the students with a disability. As you can see
in the chart above, there are three different school districts in Ohio that have changes in the
percentage of students with disabilities over the course of 13 years (evidence 2.3.1). It is seen
that over those 13 years, each district’s percent of students with a disability has increased.
However, some have increased more than others. Olentangy Local School District’s percentage
increased the most. That is because over that span of time the district has expanded and grown
tremendously. According to the principal at Olentangy High School “the district has been
proactive and not reactive,” meaning that they have made improvements to their schools before
changes even happened (evidence 2.3.2). For example, they built more specialized learning
centers (SLC) to keep up with the continued growth of kids with exceptionalities, which leads to
more teachers being hired to teach and help those specific students (evidence 2.3.2). Since they
built those centers, Olentangy has one of top autism programs in the country (evidence 2.3.2).
More students with autism and other disabilities are attending/enrolling in the Olentangy District
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so they can receive an education that is right for them and that will help them achieve success.
With a lower rated school district like Columbus City Schools, those changes aren’t as easy to
make. They are a school with lower income families, more diversity and more poverty. Although
they receive more funding from the state compared to other schools, other factors play into their
percentage, like the poverty level they have. The students that live in poverty don’t have access
to many resources, like technology, which our world and schools are revolving around a lot right
now. Since they don’t have access to certain resources, it could cause the students to not
participate in school work outside the classroom, leading to them losing the information they are
being taught. If they lose that information, they could develop struggles inside the classroom and
fall behind. Which increases their percentage over time. Since there is more need in their schools
than there are teachers Columbus City Schools could decide to have the teachers that work in
their district expand their knowledge on disabilities and ways to help them, so then they can
assist those certain students, or all students. Also, they could use a portion of their funding to hire
a few teachers that are licensed to work one on one with students with exceptionalities and give
them extra support. Which can help their percentage not increase and can overall help their
students and teachers. On the other hand, with a big well-known area like Dublin, Ohio, they
have already developed and created ways for their district to help those students with disabilities.
Since they are a big area they might have anticipated the idea of students entering their buildings
with a disability. So in order to meet those students' needs they could already have certain
teachers that could assist and support them from the start. Which could be the reason why their
percentage didn’t increase as much over that span of 13 years. However, because Olentangy
expanded and made major improvements to meet the needs of students, Dublin could have lost
some students with disabilities to Olentangy because they are now known for their certain units
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and offerings for all types of students. Therefore, to avoid the potential loss of students, they
could improve their offerings and support to meet more needs the students have.
The needs of students are continuing to grow as our world becomes more diverse and
changes in other aspects. So, because of those changes, districts have needed to adapt and find
different ways to improve to meet the needs of different students. The percentage of students
with a disability will continue to grow and because of that all the districts in our country need to
continue to expand and explore different ways to respond to certain students and changes that are