Microwave-Assisted Freeze-Drying of Monoclonal Antibodies: Product Quality Aspects and Storage Stability
Microwave-Assisted Freeze-Drying of Monoclonal Antibodies: Product Quality Aspects and Storage Stability
Microwave-Assisted Freeze-Drying of Monoclonal Antibodies: Product Quality Aspects and Storage Stability
Microwave-Assisted Freeze-Drying of Monoclonal
Antibodies: Product Quality Aspects and
Storage Stability
Julian Hendryk Gitter 1, *, Raimund Geidobler 2 , Ingo Presser 2 and Gerhard Winter 1, *
1 Department of Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmaceutics,
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, 81377 Munich, Germany
2 Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG, Pharmaceutical Development Biologicals, 88397 Biberach
an der Riß, Germany; [email protected] (R.G.);
[email protected] (I.P.)
* Correspondence: [email protected] (J.H.G.); [email protected] (G.W.)
Received: 30 October 2019; Accepted: 7 December 2019; Published: 12 December 2019
Abstract: In order to overcome the downside of long conventional freeze-drying (CFD) process times
for monoclonal antibody formulations, microwave-assisted freeze-drying (MFD) was introduced.
Recently, the general applicability and potential shortening of drying times were shown. However,
little is known about the storage stability of MFD products compared to CFD references. Additionally,
batch homogeneity issues were seen within MFD in the past. In this study, we examined four different
formulations of two different monoclonal antibodies using three different glass-forming excipients:
sucrose, trehalose, and arginine phosphate. These formulations were freeze-dried with two different
drying protocols (CFD and MFD), stored for 24 weeks, and analyzed for solid-state and protein-related
quality attributes. Moreover, a new microwave generator setup was investigated for its potential
to improve batch homogeneity. In all investigated formulations, comparable stability profiles were
found, although the classical magnetron generator led to inferior batch homogeneity with respect to
residual moisture distribution. In contrast, the new MFD setup indicated the potential to approximate
batch homogeneity to the level of CFD. However, for future applications, there is an unabated need
for new machine designs to comply with pharmaceutical manufacturing requirements.
1. Introduction
Conventional freeze-drying (CFD), also referred to as lyophilization, is a gentle drying method
to improve the long-term stability of pharmaceuticals, specifically of protein drugs [1]. The method
has been used for pharmaceutical industrial purposes since World War II, for the preparation of
human blood plasma [2], and the demand for freeze-drying (FD) remains high. By 2018, one-third of
all parenteral protein formulations approved by the European Medicines Agency were freeze-dried
products [3]. During lyophilization, the protein drug is immobilized in the solid-state, slowing down
chemical and physical degradation reactions [2,4–7]. Additionally, freeze-dried solids may have other
benefits with respect to shipping and storage [8].
In general, freeze-drying comprises three steps: freezing, primary drying (= sublimation drying),
and secondary drying (= desorption drying). Typically, the sublimation step is widely described
to be the most time-consuming, and conventional freeze-drying is associated with lengthy process
times [2,9–12]. One alternative drying method utilizing microwaves is known from the food industry:
microwave-assisted freeze-drying (MFD) [13]. Here, it is specifically used for high-value goods like
dry fruit [14]. Similar to the conventional freeze-drying process, the material to be dried first needs to
be frozen. In a second step, the drying itself takes place. In contrast to CFD, the main heat transfer
mechanism is radiation rather than convection and conduction. Especially polar substances, e.g., water,
sugars, and amino acids, show good absorption of electromagnetic waves of wavelengths of 12.2 cm
and frequencies of 2.45 GHz [15,16]. In brief, the heating mechanism in pharmaceutics occurs due to
dipolar and ionic mechanisms. When such a polar compound is placed in an oscillating field, dipoles or
ions try to realign in the direction of the electric field. Due to the ultra-rapid change in the direction of
the electric field, internal friction of the molecules is caused, leading to heating within the material, i.e.,
volumetric heating. In the case of ions, a charge-driven migration is discussed [16–18]. MFD has clear
advantages over conventional drying processes, like significantly shorter process times [19,20], and
in the field of food processing, in the maintenance of shape, color, taste, odor, and texture [14,21–23].
In the transition area between food and pharmaceutical technology, MFD was used for the gentle
drying of bacteria suspensions. Ambros et al. [19] investigated the survival rate and viability of
different bacterial cultures. They found comparable survival rates of the investigated cultures produced
by MFD compared to conventional freeze-drying but were able to shorten process times by up to
80%. The first usage in pharmaceutical freeze-drying was presented by Evans et al. [24] at the CPPR
Freeze Drying of Pharmaceuticals & Biologics Conference in 2014, showing the general applicability to
monoclonal antibodies and vaccine formulations. On this basis, a handful of international patents
were filed claiming engineering- [25] or formulation-/process-focused [26,27] intellectual property. In a
previously published work from our group [20], the general applicability to various pharmaceutical
freeze-drying excipient systems containing a monoclonal antibody was underlined. Moreover, the
potential for process drying time reductions was discussed. However, two major questions that
have been raised have not been answered yet: (1) How do different microwave-assisted freeze-dried
antibody formulations perform in accelerated stability studies with respect to solid-state and protein
stability compared to a conventionally freeze-dried reference? (2) Is the inferior batch homogeneity
found for MFD samples a general issue associated with microwave drying, or are there ways to
improve it?
The current study examines four different formulations of two different monoclonal antibodies in
the presence of three different glass-forming excipients: sucrose, trehalose, and arginine phosphate.
These formulations were freeze-dried with two different drying protocols, i.e., using conventional
freeze-drying and microwave-assisted freeze-drying. Moreover, a new microwave setup equipped
with a semiconductor solid-state microwave generator was used for one of the formulations. Samples
were stored for 24 weeks at different temperatures (2–8 ◦ C and 40 ◦ C) and analyzed at fixed times
for their solid-state and protein-related quality attributes. We hypothesize that, on the one hand,
irrespective of the monoclonal antibody formulation, comparable stability profiles can be found for
CFD and MFD. On the other hand, we anticipate the new microwave machinery setup to have a
positive effect on batch homogeneity in microwave-assisted freeze-dried products.
2.1. Materials
Two different IgG type 1 monoclonal antibodies (mAb) were investigated. mAb1 was kindly
provided by Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG (Ingelheim am Rhein, Germany). mAb2
was an on stock at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU).
For mAb1-formulations, the following excipients were used: ACS certified D(+) Sucrose, which
was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (Steinheim, Germany), D(+) Trehalose dihydrate (min. 99%
purity) was obtained from VWR International BVBA (Leuven, Belgium). EMPROVE® exp L-Arginine
(Ph. Eur. certified), EMSURE® ortho-Phosphoric acid 85% and Ph. Eur. certified Tween 80® were
obtained from Merck KGaA (Darmstadt, Germany). For mAb2-formulation, EMPROVE® exp sucrose
(Ph.Eur.-certified) purchased from Merck KGaA (Darmstadt, Germany) was used.
Pharmaceutics 2019, 11, 674 3 of 21
L-Histidine monohydrochloride monohydrate (min. 99% purity) and L-Histidine (Cell culture
reagent) were purchased from Alfa Aesar (Karlsruhe, Germany). Di-sodium hydrogen phosphate
dihydrate and sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate were obtained from AppliChem (Darmstadt,
Germany). Trizma® base BioXtra (>99.9%) and Trizma®hydrochloride BioXtra (>99.0%) were
purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA). Sodium chloride was obtained from Bernd Kraft
(Duisburg, Germany). Sodium hydroxide was purchased from Merck KGaA (Darmstadt, Germany).
For the preparation of buffers and stock solutions, water for injection (WFI; Purelab Plus, USF
Elga, Celle, Germany) was used.
Ingredient F1 F2 F3 F4
mAb1 [g/L] 5 5 5 /
mAb2 [g/L] / / / 50
Sucrose [% (w/v] 10 / / 5
Trehalose [% (w/v)] / 10 / /
Arginine phosphate [%
/ / 10 /
Polysorbate 80 [% (w/v)] 0.02 0.02 0.02 /
Formulations F1 and F2 were formulated in 10 mM histidine buffer (pH 6.0), whereas F3 contained no additional
buffer salt but was formulated and adjusted to pH 6.0. F4 was formulated in 10 mM histidine buffer (pH 5.5).
mAB = monoclonal antibody.
Table 2. Overview of the conventional freeze-drying (CFD) processes for the respective formulations.
proceeding with the drying process. b Estimated time needed for complete sublimation based on the time the last
thermocouple in the respective formulation needed to reach the shelf temperature setpoint.
Figure 1. Graphical overview
1. Graphical overview ofof the
the microwave-assisted
microwave-assisted freeze-drying
freeze-drying (MFD)
(MFD) processes
processes for
for (a)
(a) F1,
F1, (b)
F2/F3, and (c) F4. Microwave power input (MW Power) is the actual measured radiated
F2/F3, and (c) F4. Microwave power input (MW Power) is the actual measured radiated microwave microwave
power, the
the chamber
chamber pressure
pressure isisthe
(pChamber ), and Tc represents the readout of
Chamber), and Tc represents the readout of
the glass fiber temperature probe.
the glass fiber temperature probe.
For mAb1-formulations (F1–F3), the solvents were composed of A: 20 mM TRIS (pH 7.1) and
B: 20 mM TRIS (pH 7.1) plus 300 mM sodium chloride. Reconstituted sample aliquots of 10 µL,
corresponding to a loading of 50 µg protein, were loaded on the column.
For mAb2 (F4), the solvents were composed of A: 20 mM TRIS (pH 7.5) and B: 20 mM TRIS (pH
7.5) plus 300 mM sodium chloride. Before analysis, samples were diluted with solvent A to 1 g/L
protein concentration, and 50 µL was injected, corresponding to a load of 50 µg protein.
Samples were measured as triplicates with two individual injections. Data integration of relative
areas was performed using the Chromeleon 6.80 software (Thermo Scientific, Wilmington, DE, USA),
provided that every peak eluting before the main peak corresponded to acidic species and peaks
eluting after the main peak corresponded to basic species. For verification of equipment performance,
an internal standard of thawed mAb formulation was injected at the beginning and end of a sequence.
3. Results
at all investigated storage temperatures. However, within the microwave-processed products, some
samples exhibited higher variances represented by higher standard deviations, which were not found
within 2020, 12, x FOR PEER
the conventionally REVIEW samples.
freeze-dried 8 of 21
Figure 2. Specific
Figure 2. Specific surface
(squares)results over
results thethe
over course of
24 weeks
of 24 of of
weeks storage at at
storage the respective
the respective storage
F4. Values
shown represent
represent the
the mean
mean value (n == 3)
value (n 3) ± standard deviation.
± standard deviation.
Similar results were found for the low concentrated mAb formulation stabilized with trehalose
Similar results were found for the low concentrated mAb formulation stabilized with trehalose
(Figure 2b). No relevant differences or changes were observed for the specific surface area over the
(Figure 2b). No relevant differences or changes were observed for the specific surface area over the
course of 24 weeks storage at refrigerator temperature or 40 ◦ C. Mean values almost remained at initial
course of 24 weeks storage at refrigerator temperature or 40 °C. Mean values almost remained at
values of 1.27 m2 /g ± 0.01 m2 /g and 1.22 m2 /g ± 0.06 m2 /g for CFD and MFD, respectively. In regards
initial values of 1.27 m²/g ± 0.01 m²/g and 1.22 m²/g ± 0.06 m²/g for CFD and MFD, respectively. In
to residual moisture, MFD samples appeared to be moister than CFD samples (1.2% ± 0.8% vs. 0.3% ±
regards to residual moisture, MFD samples appeared to be moister than CFD samples (1.2% ± 0.8%
0.0%). These differences remained over the course of six months of storage irrespective of the storage
vs. 0.3% ± 0.0%). These differences remained over the course of six months of storage irrespective of
◦ C (0.7% ± 0.0%), unlike MFD cakes.
temperature. Yet, the moisture
the storage temperature. content
Yet, the in CFD
moisture cakesindoubled
content CFD cakesat 40doubled at 40°C (0.7% ± 0.0%), unlike
However, high variances within MFD samples may have masked
MFD cakes. However, high variances within MFD samples may have masked such effects. such effects.
Unlike thethesucrose
sucrose(F1) (F1)and
trehalose(F2) formulations,
(F2) formulations, lowlow
concentrationmAbmAb formulations with
arginine phosphate (F3) exhibited differences with respect
with arginine phosphate (F3) exhibited differences with respect to specificto specific surface area (Figure 2c). Initial
surface area (Figure 2c).
measurements directly after freeze-drying revealed values of 1.33 m 2 /g ± 0.09 m2 /g and 0.95 m2 /g
Initial measurements directly after freeze-drying revealed values of 1.33 m²/g ± 0.09 m²/g and 0.95
± 0.04±m 2 /g for CFD and MFD, respectively. Slight, but non-significant changes over storage were
m²/g 0.04 m²/g for CFD and MFD, respectively. Slight, but non-significant changes over storage
were observed.The initially different
The initially SSA values
different SSA correlated inverselyinversely
values correlated with the withobserved residual moisture
the observed residual
mean values (CFD: 1.0% ± 0.1% and MFD: 2.8% ± 0.4%). A micro-collapse
moisture mean values (CFD: 1.0% ± 0.1% and MFD: 2.8% ± 0.4%). A micro-collapse within MFD within MFD samples
was assumed.
samples was assumed.
F4, which was
which was comprised
comprised of of aa 1:1-mixture
1:1-mixture (weight-wise)
(weight-wise) of of sucrose
sucrose andand mAb2,
mAb2, was was dried
dried with
with aa
different microwave-setup.
microwave-setup. By By this,
this, high
high variances
variances inin residual
residual moisture,
moisture, which
which occasionally
occasionally occurred
before within MFD samples, were not observed anymore (Figure 2d). For conventional freeze-dried
within MFD samples, were not observed anymore (Figure 2d). For conventional freeze-dried
samples, ◦ C.
samples, mean
mean values
values changed
changed fromfrom 1.0%
1.0% (±0.0%)
(±0.0%) toto 1.2%
1.2% (±0.0%) over 24
(±0.0%) over 24 weeks
weeks ofof storage
storage at
at 40
40 °C.
Within MFDMFD samples,
samples, aa similar
similar increase
(±0.0%), initially
initially to
to 0.6%
0.6% (±0.0%),
(±0.0%), was
was observed
after six months at 40 ◦ C. In contrast, specific surface areas were found to remain unaffected by
after six months at 40 °C. In contrast, specific surface areas were found to remain unaffected by
accelerated storage conditions at values of 0.85 m²/g ± 0.15 m²/g and 0.89 m²/g ± 0.04 m²/g for CFD
and MFD, respectively.
accelerated storage conditions at values of 0.85 m2 /g ± 0.15 m2 /g and 0.89 m2 /g ± 0.04 m2 /g for CFD
and MFD, respectively.
The subvisible particle counts (SvP) obtained by light obscuration for F1 are presented in
Figure 3a,b. All vials analyzed originated from the same filtered bulk formulation, which is why initial
particle counts were the same before a certain drying or storage scheme was applied. Light obscuration
measurements revealed relatively low particle counts per mL of 2212 ± 565, 26 ± 2 ,and 4 ± 3 for
≥1 µm, ≥10 µm, and, ≥25 µm, respectively. An increase of +94% (4300 ± 546) and +49% (3303 ± 651)
for cumulative particles ≥1 µm/mL was observed directly after freeze-drying. In Figure 3a the results
after storage over 24 weeks at 4 ◦ C and 25 ◦ C are shown. After six months at refrigerator temperature,
particle counts were stabilized close to values prior to freeze-drying of 2678 ± 307 (CFD) and 2227 ±
225 for particles ≥1 µm/mL. At 25◦ C, storage temperature, subvisible particle counts were only slightly
elevated for CFD (2953 ± 295), but not for MFD (1937 ± 247). No increase in bigger particles, ≥10 µm,
and ≥25 µm, was seen at any of the storage conditions. Figure 3b shows that storage over 24 weeks at
40 ◦ C caused an increase by factor 2.3 (5106 ± 237) for conventionally FD, and an increase of 36% (3003
± 1058) for microwave-assisted FD, in ≥1 µm particles. However, bigger variances were found for
MFD samples.
and 2227 ± 225 for particles ≥1 µm/mL. At 25°C, storage temperature, subvisible particle counts were
only slightly elevated for CFD (2953 ± 295), but not for MFD (1937 ± 247). No increase in bigger
particles, ≥10 µm, and ≥25 µm, was seen at any of the storage conditions. Figure 3b shows that storage
over 24 weeks at 40 °C caused an increase by factor 2.3 (5106 ± 237) for conventionally FD, and an
increase of 36% (3003 ± 1058) for microwave-assisted FD, in ≥1 µm particles. However, bigger
Pharmaceutics 2019, 11, 674 10 of 21
variances were found for MFD samples.
Figure 2020, 12, x FOR
3. Subvisible PEER REVIEW
particle (SvP) counts for formulation F1 measured by light obscuration 10 of
size-exclusion chromatography results. The bar charts represent the subvisible particle counts for the
Figure 3. Subvisible particle (SvP) counts for formulation F1 measured by light obscuration and size-
respective storage temperatures (a) 4 ◦ C, 25 ◦ C, and (b) 40 ◦ C. Bars represent the mean value ± standard
exclusion chromatography results. The bar charts represent the subvisible particle counts for the
deviation for three
respective individual
storage vials. (a) 4 °C, 25 °C, and (b) 40 °C. Bars represent the mean value ±
standard deviation for three individual vials.
Figure 4 represents the SvP counts analyzed by flow-imaging microscopy for F2. The same filtered
bulk formulation
Figure 4was used for
represents theallSvP
vials analyzed.
counts analyzedInitially, relatively low
by flow-imaging particle counts
microscopy for F2. per
ThemL of 1867
± 1784, 90 ± bulk
filtered 20 and 20 ± 35 for
formulation ≥1used
was ≥10allµm,
µm, for and
vials ≥25 µm,
analyzed. respectively,
Initially, were
relatively lowfound. Acounts
particle slight per
by 24%mL(2320
of 1867
± ±599)
and90 37%
± 20 and
(2549 20 ±
± 35 forfor
677) ≥1 µm, ≥10 µm, particles
cumulative and ≥25 µm, respectively,
≥1µm/mL waswere found.directly
observed A
slight increase by 24% ◦ (2320 ± 599) and 37% (2549 ± 677) for cumulative
after freeze-drying. At 4 C storage temperature, particle numbers ≥1 µm/mL settled around initialparticles ≥1µm/mL was
after 24directly
weeks, butafterthe
cumulativeAt 4 °Cofstorage
count bigger temperature, particle(Figure
particles increased numbers ≥1However,
4a). µm/mL no
settled around initial values after 24 weeks, but the cumulative count of bigger particles increased
significant changes were observed. A dramatic increase for SvP ≥1 µm/mL was found over the course
(Figure 4a). However, no significant changes were observed. A dramatic increase for SvP ≥1 µm/mL
of six months at 40◦ C for both CFD (37909 ± 4337) and MFD (18947 ± 6753), as shown in Figure 4b. The
was found over the course of six months at 40°C for both CFD (37909 ± 4337) and MFD (18947 ± 6753),
meanasSvP count
shown values4b.
in Figure ≥10mean
forThe µm SvP ≥25 µm
and count alsofor
values increased
≥10 µm anddrastically, even
≥25 µm also thoughdrastically,
increased high standard
deviations lowered
even though highthe significance.
standard deviations However,
lowered the ansignificance.
upward trend couldanbe
However, assumed
upward trendfor subvisible
could be
particles ≥10 µm/mL,
assumed in conventionally
for subvisible processed
particles ≥10 µm/mL, samples. processed samples.
in conventionally
Figure 4. Subvisible
Figure particle
4. Subvisible (SvP)(SvP)
particle counts for trehalose-based
counts formulation
for trehalose-based F2 measured
formulation by flow-imaging
F2 measured by flow-
imaging microscopy.
microscopy. Barrepresents
Bar chart (a) chart (a) represents
the SvP the SvP counts
counts at refrigerator
at refrigerator storage
storage (b)(b)atat4040◦°C.
andand C. Bars
Bars represent
represent the meanthe mean
value ± value ± standard
standard deviation
deviation for three
for three individual
individual vials.
The SvP
The SvP counts
counts for the
for the lowlow concentration
concentration mAbmAbformulation
stabilized by
by arginine
phosphate, F3,
F3, are shown in Figure 5. Prior to freeze-drying, relatively low particle
are shown in Figure 5. Prior to freeze-drying, relatively low particle counts percounts per mLmL
of 1991 ± 1490,
of 1991 ± 1490,
68 ± 42 and 20 ± 21 for ≥1 µm, ≥10 µm, and ≥25 µm were found, respectively. At 4 °C (Figure ◦ 5a)
68 ± 42 and 20 ± 21 for ≥1 µm, ≥10 µm, and ≥25 µm were found, respectively. At 4 C (Figure 5a)
storage temperature, a small increase in mean values for cumulative particles ≥1 µm was found over
storage temperature, a small increase in mean values for cumulative particles ≥1 µm was found over
time, although particle counts for this size category settled around the initial values. For particles ≥10
and ≥25particle countsstronger
µm, a slightly for thisincrease
size category
in meansettled around
values was the initial
observed, values.
although For particles
vast standard
deviations lowered the significance.
Pharmaceutics 2019, 11, 674 11 of 21
≥10 µm and ≥25 µm, a slightly stronger increase in mean values was observed, although vast standard
Pharmaceutics 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 21
deviations lowered
Pharmaceutics the significance.
2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 21
Figure 5. Subvisible particle (SvP) counts for the arginine phosphate formulation F3 measured by
Subvisible particle
Figure 5. Subvisible particle (SvP)
(SvP) counts
counts for
for the
the arginine
arginine phosphate
phosphate formulation
formulation F3
F3 measured
measured by
flow-imaging microscopy. Bar chart (a) represents the SvP counts at refrigerator storage and (b) at 40
flow-imaging microscopy. Bar chart (a) represents the SvP counts at refrigerator storage and (b) at 40
◦ C. Bars represent the mean value ± standard deviation for three individual vials.
°C. Bars represent the mean value ±± standard
Bars represent standard deviation
deviation for
for three
three individual
individual vials.
At accelerated
At accelerated storage
acceleratedstorage conditions
conditions (Figure
(Figure 5b), a moderate
5b), a moderate increase in all size
increase categories was seen.
At (Figure 5b), a moderate increase in allinsize
all categories
size categories was
was seen.
seen. after
Especially six
after months
six monthsstorage, the
storage, conventionally
the conventionally freeze-dried
freeze-dried sample
sample showed
showed aa significant
Especially after six months storage, the conventionally freeze-dried sample showed a significant
increase for ≥1 µm, ≥10 µm, and ≥25 µm with particle counts per
per mL of of 5913±± 1584
1584 (3× higher), 394 ±
increase for ≥1
increase for µm, ≥10
≥1 µm, ≥10 µm, and
µm, ≥25 µm
and ≥25 with particle
µm with particle counts
counts per mL mL of 59135913 ± 1584 (3× 394 ±
higher), 394
(3× higher), ±
97 (6×
(6× higher),
higher), and
and 78
78 ±
± 21
21 (4×
(4× higher),
higher), respectively.
respectively. In
In contrast,
contrast, the
the microwave-assisted
microwave-assisted freeze-dried
97 (6× higher), and 78 ± 21 (4× higher), respectively. In contrast, the microwave-assisted freeze-dried
sample at at the same
same conditionsshowed showed noincrease
increase for ≥1µm,
≥1≥1 µm, and only a modest increase by factor
sample at the
the sameconditions
conditions showedno no increasefor for µm,and and only a modest
only a modest increase
increaseby by
factor 2.6
and and
2.2 2.2
for for cumulative
cumulative particle
particle counts
counts ≥10 ≥10
µm µmand and
≥25 ≥25
µm, µm, respectively.
2.6 and 2.2 for cumulative particle counts ≥10 µm and ≥25 µm, respectively.
For the formulation
For the with 50 g/L of mAb2 and only 5% (w/v), sucrose-stabilizer neither at
For theformulation
formulation with
with50 g/L
50 of
g/LmAb2 and only
of mAb2 and5%only (w/v),5%sucrose-stabilizer neither at refrigerator
(w/v), sucrose-stabilizer neither at
(Figure 6a) nor (Figure ◦
at 40 6a)6a) nor
C storage at 40 °C storage temperature (Figure 6b), was a significant change in
refrigerator (Figure nor at temperature
40 °C storage (Figure 6b), was (Figure
temperature a significant 6b), change in subvisible
was a significant particles
change in
subvisible particles
observed. particles
The initial observed.
formulationThe initial
before formulation
FD revealed before
low FDFD revealed
particle countslow particle counts per mL
± 1153,
subvisible observed. The initial formulation before revealed lowper mL of
particle 2051 per
counts mL
of 2051 ±
± 41±and 1153,7± 40 ± 41 and 7 ± 6 for ≥1 µm, ≥10 µm, and ≥25 µm, respectively. The results obtained
40 2051
of 1153, 406±for 41 ≥1andµm,7 ± 6≥10forµm,
≥1 µm,and≥10≥25µm, µm,and respectively. The resultsThe
≥25 µm, respectively. obtained
larger a largerbyincrease
increase 74% by ±
(3579 74% (3579
2243) for ±CFD
2243)andfor25%CFD and ±25%
(2555 97) (2555
for ± 97)infor
regards incumulative
regards to
showed a larger increase by 74% (3579 ± 2243) for CFD and 25% (2555 ± 97) for MFD, in regards to
cumulative particles
particles ≥1 particlesat four ≥1 µm at four degrees celsius storage over six months, compared to
◦ C.storage at
cumulative µm ≥1degrees
µm at fourcelsius storagecelsius
degrees over six months,
storage over compared
six months, to storage
compared at 40 to Yet, at all
storage at
40 °C. Yet,
conditions at all conditions
observed, observed,
larger particle larger
categories, particle
i.e., ≥10 categories,
µm and ≥25 i.e., ≥10 µm and ≥25 µm, revealed an
40 °C. Yet, at all conditions observed, larger particle categories, ≥10 revealed
i.e.,µm, µm and an ≥25increased
µm, revealednumber an
of particle number
counts. of particle due
However, counts.
to However,
high standard due to high standard
deviations within adeviations
sample, no within a sample,
significant changesno
increased number of particle counts. However, due to high standard deviations within a sample, no
significant changes
were detectable. were detectable.
significant changes were detectable.
Figure 6. Subvisible
Subvisible particle
particle (SvP)
(SvP) counts
counts for
for the
the high
high concentration
concentration mAb
mAb formulation
formulation with
with 50
50 g/L
Figure 6. Subvisible particle (SvP) counts for the high concentration mAb formulation with 50 g/L
stabilized by sucrose, measured by flow-imaging microscopy. Bar chart (a) represents the SvP counts
stabilized by sucrose, measured by flow-imaging microscopy. Bar chart (a) represents the SvP counts
at refrigerator storage and (b) at 40 ◦°C.
C. Bars represent the mean value ±± standard deviation for three
at refrigerator storage and (b) at 40 °C. Bars represent the mean value ± standard deviation for three
individual vials.
individual vials.
Figure7. 7.Relative amountofofacidic
Relative amount acidic
andand basic
basic species
species obtained
obtained by high-performance
by high-performance (HP)-weak
(HP)-weak cation
cation exchange chromatography for trehalose-based formulation ◦ C and (b) 40 ◦ C storage
exchange chromatography for trehalose-based formulation F2 atF2(a)at 4(a)°C4 and (b) 40 °C storage
temperature. InIn
the relative
the relativepercentages
monomerand andhigh
molecular weightweight species
species (HMW) at
theatrespective storage
the respective temperature
storage temperatureover storage
over storagetime
gained by HP-size
are presented.
arginine phosphate-formulation
arginine phosphate-formulation (F3),(F3),
CEXCEXdata data
is shown in Figure
is shown 8a,b. A8a,b.
in Figure smallAdifference
of difference
1.7% in theofinitial relative
1.7% in amount
the initial of acidic
relative amount species wasspecies
of acidic found,was which equalized
found, for the two
which equalized fordrying
two drying
protocols overprotocols
24 weeksover 24 weeks
storage 4 ◦ C (Figure
time atstorage time at8a).
4 °CAt(Figure
the same8a).conditions,
At the same conditions,
basic basic
species slightly
species for
increased slightly
bothincreased for both
CFD (+1.8%) and CFD
(+1.3%),and MFD (+1.3%),
revealing a smallrevealing
deviation. a small deviation.
Acidic Acidic a
species showed
species showed a noticeable change by 15.9% (CFD) and ◦26.6% (MFD) at 40 °C storage
noticeable change by 15.9% (CFD) and 26.6% (MFD) at 40 C storage temperature (Figure 8b), whereas temperature
basic 8b),remained
species whereas basic species
almost remained
the same with almost
changes theby
(CFD)changes by 2.5%
and −0.5% (CFD) and −0.5%
Pharmaceutics 2019, 11, 674 13 of 21
Pharmaceutics 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 21
Figure8. 8. Relative
Figure Relative amount
amount of of acidic and basic
acidic and basic species
species obtained
obtainedby byHP-weak
chromatography ◦ ◦
chromatographyfor forarginine
arginine phosphate-based formulationF3
phosphate-based formulation F3atat(a)
(a)4 4°CCand
and(b)(b)4040°C C storage
temperature. InIn
(c), the
(c), therelative
monomerand andhigh
molecular weight
weight species (HMW) at
species (HMW)
theatrespective storage
the respective temperature
storage temperature over storage
over time
storage gained
time gainedbyby
concentration mAbmAb formulation stabilizedwith
formulation stabilized withsucrose
sucrose (F4),
(F4), almost
almost nono
differences were found between conventional
differences were found between conventional and microwave-assisted freeze-dried products
microwave-assisted freeze-dried products with with
regard to to
regard CEX
CEX results
At refrigerator temperature(Figure
refrigerator temperature (Figure9a),
inin both
both species
and both
and bothdrying
within less
less than 0.5%.
0.5%. While
observations were
were made
made forfor
thethe acidic
acidic speciesatat4040◦ C,
species °C,basic
basic species
species slightly
slightly rose
rose by
MFD samples,
respectively. However,nonodifference
However, differencebetween
betweenthe thedrying
drying procedures
procedures was
Pharmaceutics 2019, 11, 674 14 of 21
Pharmaceutics 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 21
Figure 9. Relative amount
9. Relative amount of of acidic
acidic and
and basic
basic species
species obtained
obtained by
by HP-weak
HP-weak cation
cation exchange
chromatography for arginine phosphate-based formulation F3 at (a) 4 ◦ C and (b) 40 ◦ C storage
chromatography for arginine phosphate-based formulation F3 at (a) 4 °C and (b) 40 °C storage
temperature. In
In (c),
(c), the
the relative
monomerand andhigh
molecular weight species
weight (HMW)
species (HMW)at
the respective storage temperature over storage time gained by HP-SEC analysis are presented.
at the respective storage temperature over storage time gained by HP-SEC analysis are presented.
3.2.3. Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC)
3.2.3. Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC)
The relative amount of monomeric and high molecular weight (HMW) species was assessed by
The relative amount of monomeric and high molecular weight (HMW) species was assessed by
high-performance size-exclusion chromatography. The results of the HP-SEC analysis for the low
high-performance size-exclusion chromatography. The results of the HP-SEC analysis for the low
concentration mAb formulation with 10% (w/v) sucrose (F1) are displayed in Figure S4. Irrespective
concentration mAb formulation with 10% (w/v) sucrose (F1) are displayed in Figure S4. Irrespective
of the storage temperature, no changes in monomer content occurred. In other words, the relative
of the storage temperature, no changes in monomer content occurred. In other words, the relative
amount of monomeric species ranged between 99.0% to 99.1% at all analyzed time points, and all
amount of monomeric species ranged between 99.0% to 99.1% at all analyzed time points, and all
investigated storage temperatures.
investigated storage temperatures.
Only a slightly different picture was seen for the trehalose formulation F2 in Figure 7c. After
Only a slightly different picture was seen for the trehalose formulation F2 in Figure 7c. After six
six months at 4 ◦ C, the loss of monomer and the complementary rise in HMW was negligibly low,
months at 4 °C, the loss of monomer and the complementary rise in HMW was negligibly low,
basically within the range of SEC sample standard deviation. A small decrease by −0.6% (98.2% ±
basically within the range of SEC sample standard deviation. A small decrease by −0.6% (98.2% ±
0.1%) for CFD and by −0.4% (98.4% ± 0.1%) for microwave-assisted freeze-dried lyophilizates was
0.1%) for CFD and by −0.4% (98.4% ± 0.1%) for microwave-assisted freeze-dried lyophilizates was
observed in accelerated storage conditions of 40 ◦ C for 24 weeks.
observed in accelerated storage conditions of 40 °C for 24 weeks.
In arginine phosphate-based monoclonal antibody formulation (F3), more changes were observed
In arginine phosphate-based monoclonal antibody formulation (F3), more changes were
(Figure 8c). At refrigerator temperature, a small decrease by less than one percent in monomer content,
observed (Figure 8c). At refrigerator temperature, a small decrease by less than one percent in
and thus, an increase in HMW aggregates to less than 2% overall HMW species, occurred. However,
monomer content, and thus, an increase in HMW aggregates to less than 2% overall HMW species,
a significant loss in monomeric content down to 95.7% ± 0.4% and 96.8% ± 0.3% for CFD and MFD,
occurred. However, a significant loss in monomeric content down to 95.7% ± 0.4% and 96.8% ± 0.3%
respectively, was seen. This was counterbalanced by an increase in high molecular weight species to
for CFD and MFD, respectively, was seen. This was counterbalanced by an increase in high molecular
4.3% ± 0.4% and 3.2% ± 0.3% for conventionally and microwave-assisted freeze-dried samples.
weight species to 4.3% ± 0.4% and 3.2% ± 0.3% for conventionally and microwave-assisted freeze-
The formulation with 50 g/L of mAb2 (F4) showed a higher monomeric SEC-purity of 99.9%
dried samples.
± 0.0%, compared to mAb1 formulations prior to freeze-drying (Figure 9c). At refrigerator storage
The formulation with 50 g/L of mAb2 (F4) showed a higher monomeric SEC-purity of 99.9% ±
temperatures, only a small loss of 0.2% relative monomer content was observable regardless of the
0.0%, compared to mAb1 formulations prior to freeze-drying (Figure 9c). At refrigerator storage
temperatures, only a small loss of 0.2% relative monomer content was observable regardless of the
initially used drying procedure. Even for 24 weeks at 40 °C, the monomer content for CFD and MFD
Pharmaceutics 2019, 11, 674 15 of 21
initially used drying procedure. Even for 24 weeks at 40 ◦ C, the monomer content for CFD and
MFD samples decreased only slightly to 98.5% ± 0.0% and 98.2% ± 0.0%, respectively. This loss
was compensated by an increase in HMW to 1.5% ± 0.0% and 1.8% ± 0.0% for conventionally and
microwave-assisted freeze-dried samples, respectively.
4. Discussion
which consisted of roughly 50% monoclonal antibody, may have changed the matrix properties; and 2)
the newly implemented microwave technical setup as described in the materials and method section.
The authors assume that the increase in batch homogeneity within MFD samples was mainly due to
the change in machinery setup. This is believed because: Firstly, similar formulations with the same
mAb have been dried with the previously described MFD setup [20], and they revealed the same high
deviations that have been observed with the low concentrated mAb formulations F1–F3 in this study
(Table S1).
Secondly, with typical sample sizes of n = 3, potential batch inhomogeneities were observable.
Thirdly, the solid-state semiconductor setup led to a more stable and better tuneable power input
during the course of drying. Supportively, Bianchi et al. [46] simulated the physical behavior of apple
slices under microwave-assisted vacuum drying processing comparing magnetron and solid-state
technology. They concluded that with the latter, an improved heating pattern uniformity could
be achieved.
With regard to X-ray diffraction analysis, all formulations revealed an XRD-amorphous solid-state
exhibiting an amorphous halo (Figures S1–S3). By that, the authors suppose no adverse effect of
microwaves on the crystallization tendency of the investigated matrices. Even moister samples have
not revealed any indication of recrystallization.
aggregates (Figure 7c) at 40 ◦ C in CFD samples is related to the stronger rise of basic species in HP-CEX
data. However, no follow-up investigation by (partial) protein digestion or by LC-MS was conducted.
Nonetheless, as differences between conventionally dried and microwave-assisted freeze-dried samples
were rather marginal, comparable stability in the trehalose formulation was deduced.
Arginine phosphate, as discussed in Section 4.1, was expected to be an exceptional formulation,
especially challenging when drying with electromagnetic waves. In a recently published review by
Stärtzel [51], several examples of successful protein stabilization by arginine salts in the glassy state
were shown. Within our study, we found only tiny changes at refrigerator temperature in regards to
subvisible particles (Figure 5a). Primarily the mean values for bigger sized particles (≥10 µm and
≥25) increased after 24 weeks of storage, yet were not overly due to higher variances. HP-CEX data
(Figure 8a) and HP-SEC data (Figure 8c) supported this. Only a slight degradation shown by relative
monomer loss of less than 1% in both CFD and MFD, and a small increase in basic species of less
than 2%, were found at 4 ◦ C. In accelerated storage conditions (Figure 5b), a moderate increase in
all size categories was seen. The conventionally freeze-dried sample especially showed a significant
increase for cumulative particle counts ≥1 µm, ≥10 µm and, ≥25 µm, with factors of 3× to 6× higher
counts after six months of storage. In contrast, the microwave-assisted freeze-dried sample at the same
conditions showed only a moderate increase by bigger particles ≥10 µm and ≥25 µm. Connecting
that to the HP-CEX data (Figure 8b), a contrary picture can be drawn. One the one hand, a noticeable
change in acidic species by 15.9% (CFD) and 26.6% (MFD) at 40 ◦ C storage temperature was found,
whereas basic species remained almost the same for both drying procedures. On the other hand,
HP-SEC data (Figure 8c) revealed a loss in monomeric content down to 95.7% ± 0.4% and 96.8% ± 0.3%
for CFD and MFD, respectively. Taking the above into account, it appeared that the conventionally
dried sample showed a higher degree of degradation, exhibiting a higher increase in high molecular
weight aggregates, accompanied by an increased particle count in flow-imaging microscopy. However,
HP-CEX results indicated that a moderate portion of the main charge variant underwent chemical
reactions leading to significantly increased acidic species, being more pronounced in MFD samples.
Stärtzel et al. [44] investigated different arginine salts on their stabilizing potential in the glassy state.
For that, they also calculated the relaxation time τβ , “which may be regarded as proportional to the
inverse of molecular mobility for global motions” [52]. Subsequently, they related physical aggregation
rate constants at 40 ◦ C with the estimated ln(τβ ). They found that an arginine phosphate formulation
(64 g/L L-Arg, 16 g/L sucrose and 50 g/L mAb) revealed longer relaxation times than other arginine
formulations. These relaxation times unexpectedly had an inversely proportional correlation to the
observed aggregation constants, which suggested that increased molecular mobility had a positive
effect on protein stability [44]. This may be one explanation for the stability differences observed
between CFD and MFD. Microwave-assisted freeze-dried samples on average, revealed higher residual
moisture content (Figure 2c), compared to CFD. Residual water is known as a plasticizer of amorphous
matrices, which also consequently leads to increased molecular mobility [53], and therefore potentially
to reduced aggregation in an arginine-based system as reported by [44]. However, increased molecular
mobility may be associated with increased chemical degradation [54,55], giving a potential explanation
to the more distinct increase in acidic species MFD samples. Another explanation could be based on an
advantageous effect of the partial collapse in MFD samples, as it was observed by Schersch et al. [56],
for partially collapsed mannitol-sucrose formulations. All in all, microwave-assisted lyophilizates
with arginine phosphate, on the one hand, revealed an indication for more pronounced chemical
degradation, but on the other hand, showed a less severe increase in subvisible particles and aggregates.
The authors, therefore, conclude a comparable stability profile for CFD and MFD with reservations.
For the high concentration mAb2 formulation (F4), no clear trend could be derived from subvisible
particle analysis. Unexpectedly, particle counts at refrigerator temperature appeared to be higher
or at similar levels compared to 40 ◦ C after six months (Figure 6). With regard to HP-CEX results,
no difference between conventionally and microwave-assisted freeze-dried samples was observed
(Figure 9a,b). In size-exclusion chromatography, samples stored at 4 ◦ C exhibited a negligibly small
Pharmaceutics 2019, 11, 674 18 of 21
loss of monomer for both drying protocols. At accelerated conditions, a rather low loss in monomeric
species of 1.4% and 1.7% for CFD and MFD, respectively, was seen after six months of storage. For this
reason, the authors conclude that both sample populations derived from the two respective drying
protocols were comparable with respect to protein stability.
In the future, an improved prototype dryer with a sophisticated technical setup that provides the
operator with standard pharmaceutical freeze-drying features, such as freezing and stoppering within
the same machine, is needed. A combination of current pharmaceutical freeze-drying equipment with
modern semiconductor solid-state microwave generators is imaginable, in the authors’ opinion. For
future experiments, a look into relaxation behavior and potential differences between conventionally
freeze-dried and microwave-assisted freeze-dried solids could be of interest. Thermal history is
expected to be different. Moreover, a deeper look into potential chemical changes that may occur
during MFD should be taken. For those analytical techniques focusing on structural changes like FT-IR
and circular dichroism, but also methods like (peptide mapping) LC-MS, should be considered.
5. Conclusions
Microwave-assisted freeze-drying is an emerging technique recently introduced to the field
of pharmaceutical freeze-drying of biologicals [20,24]. Despite potentially huge time savings for
vial-based drying achievable by MFD [20], we were able to elucidate comparable stability profiles
for different monoclonal antibody formulations over storage times of 24 weeks. Although residual
moisture contents were found to be different between CFD and MFD, no adverse effect on protein
stability or crystallization tendency in matrices with higher residual moisture was found. Even the
occurrence of a microscopic collapse in the microwave-processed arginine phosphate mAb formulation
(F3) did not lead to decreased stability, with respect to solid state- and protein-related properties.
Moreover, our data indicate that with modern semiconductor solid-state microwave generators batch
homogeneities of microwave batches could be approximated to those of conventional freeze-drying.
However, the authors see a definite need for new machines complying with the requirements of
pharmaceutical manufacturing. The new generator setup presented may open up space for engineering
creativity to merge pharmaceutical needs with innovative heating techniques.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. R.G. and I.P. are full-time employees of Boehringer
Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG. The funders had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses,
or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, or in the decision to publish the results.
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