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PDMS 对象属性全集 


以下是 PDMS 中所以涉及到的对象的属性

AALLAN Arrive Ppoint allowed angle 

AANGXZ Angle of attached SCTN in XZ plane of joint 

AANGYZ Angle of attached SCTN in YZ plane of joint 

ABLE Minimum abbreviation length for UDA/UDET 

ABOP Bottom of arrive pipe 

ABOR Arrive bore 

ABRE Abbreviation 

ACBO Actual bore 

ACBTEX AutoCAD annotation text 

ACBTYP AutoCAD annotation type 

ACCDIR Access Direction 

ACCEDB DB access 

ACCELE Elevations of Referenced Levels 

ACCLEV Access Heights for Stairwell 

ACCREF Reference to Access element 

ACCTYP Access type 

ACDATE Date last modified in AutoCAD 

ACDMTX AutoCAD dimension text 

ACDSTY AutoCAD Dimension style 

ACDTYP AutoCAD dimension type 

ACDWT AutoCAD drawing template name 

ACEXPO AutoCAD export flag 

ACLASS Access Control Attribute class 

ACLAYE AutoCAD layer name 

ACLOCK AutoCAD picture lock 

ACNAME AutoCAD name 

ACON Arrive connection type 

ACPICT AutoCAD picture flag 

ACPLTX AutoCAD projection line text 

ACPO Access port reference 

ACPTYP AutoCAD projection line type 

ACRF ACR reference attribute 

ACRGRP List of ACRs within a ACRSET 

ACRLI Access Control User assigned ACRs 

ACRMES Access Control User defined message 

ACSCAL AutoCAD picture scale factor 

ACSTYF Annotation change style reference 

ACTANG Actual angle of a bend 

ACTL Actual length 

ACTNCU Actual number of cuts of a bend 

ACTRAD Actual radius of a bend 

ACTTYP Type of element, truncating non UDETs to 4 or 6 characters 

ADDSEG Auto creating segments flag 

ADEFRF Reference to master ASSDEF 

ADEG Orientation 

ADEN Addition factor (unit definition) 

ADES Design parameters of attached element 

ADIR Arrive direction 

ADMLOC Currently administered location 

ADPRFA ADP reference array 

ADUUID PDMS Project GLOBAL UUID version string 

AELRFA Boundary components for the PipePiece 

AGRD Arrive Ppoint gradient 

AHLIST List of actual types in owning hierarchy 

AIRCHA Air Change Rate 

AIRT Air tight control method 

AKEY Attribute key 

AKYL Attribute-keylist (for Radial dimensions) 

ALCODE Alarm code array 


ALIGN Vertical alignment 

ALLANG Connection allowable rotational angle 

ALLELE All elements in the MDB of a particular type 

ALLO Allowance 

ALTDEF Alternative Def 

AMAPNM Local Name of Proxy actual member 

AMEMRF Reference to a design model object 

AMPMPN Local Name of Proxy in Association 

ANGFR Angle between assembly and frame plane 

ANGL Angle 

ANGSPA Springback angle at 20 degrees 

ANGSPB Springback angle at 120 degrees 

ANGWL Angle between assembly and water-line plane 

ANPJ Attached neutral point of joint (steelwork) 

ANPS Attached neutral point of section (steelwork) 


ANSW Answer, when a real is expected 

ANTY Analysis type 

ANYCHA True if chamfer is defined on any edge 

AOBJS Reference Array of all Model currently participating in ASSOCs 

AOD Arrive Ppoint outside diameter 

APAR Attached catalogue parameters 

APARMS All parameters 

APDT Date of approval 

APOF Leaderline attachment point 

APOS Arrive position 

APOSE Easting of arrive position 

APOSN Northing of arrive position 

APOSU Upping of arrive position 

APPL Application 

APPR Approver 

APRO Spot value of property A 

AQAANG Angle between alignment direction of arrive pp and previous 

AQANG Angle between arrive Ppoint and previous component 

AQBORE TRUE if arrive Ppoint has same bore as previous 

AQCON TRUE if arrive Ppoint has Correct connection type 

AQOFF Offset between arrive Ppoint and previous component 

AREA Area 

[此贴子已经被作者于 2009-12-29 19:07:42 编辑过]


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   Post By:2009-12-26 12:21:34

AREARE Area reference 

ARNO Picture directory area number 

ARRHEI Arrive height 

ARRI Arrive Ppoint 

ARRWID Arrive width 

ASBPAN Assembly base panel reference 

ASBUIL Assembly build strategy 

加好友 发短信 ASCODE Anno selection code 

ASDEST Assembly destination 

等级:高中三年级 贴子:107 积

分:1044 威望:0 精华:3 注册: ASECOG Assembly estimated centre of gravity 

2007-5-11 15:05:12
ASEWEI Assembly estimated weight 

ASHEET Assembly sheet 

ASHTRE Reference equivalent of ASHEET 

ASIOWN Assembly item referring to element 

ASIQUA Assembly item quantity 

ASMBLD True if element is assembled 

ASMBLR Assembly reference 

ASMBLS A for assembled elements, NA for not

assembled elements 

ASMBS Reference Array of all association members

using element 

ASMOWN Assembly referring to element 

ASMREF Assembly item reference 

ASNAME Local assembly name 

ASORI Predefined assembly orientation 

ASORIS Predefined assembly orientation string 

ASPART True if assembly part. 

ASPLNO Number of assembly plate parts 

ASPRNO Number of profiles on assembly part 

ASPWLE Total length of weld in assembly part 

ASREF Assembly reference 

ASRF ADP annotation symbol library ref 

ASSCIA Reference Array of all associate elements used

with constraints 

ASSDFS Reference Array of all ASSDEFs 

ASSEQ Assembly sequence 

ASSOS Reference Array of all associations with


ASSTAR Association Target Reference 

ASTAB ADP association table 

ASTMBS Reference Array of all association members

targeting element 

ASUB Angle subtended 

ASWLOC Assembly working location 

ATCONN List of elements connected to attachment 

ATEX Unintelligent text string 

ATLE Length of arrive implied tube 

ATLS Access type list 

ATNA Attribute name 

ATOL Arc tolerance 

ATOP Top of arrive pipe 

ATTC Attached connection type 

ATTDAB List of attributes at Dabacon level 

ATTLIS List of all attributes for element 

ATTMDC List of attributes modified since comparison


ATTMDL List of attributes modified since given session 

ATTMOC True if specified attribute has been modified

since comparison date 

ATTMOD True if specified attribute has been modified

this session 

ATTNAM Attribute Name expression for ATTRRL


ATTOUT List of all attributes excluding hidden ones, i.e

as output in "Q ATT" 

ATTRAW List of raw attributes 

ATTRUL Attribute Rule expression for ATTRRL elements 

ATTSET Set attribute with result 

ATTY Attachment type 

AUTH Author 

AUXLOC Previous Location of Command 


AVRAD Average radius for a CTOR or RTOR 

AWDARR Auto weld arrive flange 

AWDFLN Bending machine accepts autowelded flanges 

AWDLEV Auto weld leave flange 

AWDOWN Table linking AWELD elements to piping


AWDREF Return reference to AWELD element 

AWELDS Weld numbers of attached welds 

AXIDIR Axis direction applied to repeat 

AXIPOS Axis position applied to repeat 

AXSPRI Is principle Axes Symbol 

AXSSIZ AXESYM nominal size 

AXSTYP Axes Symbol type 

AZDIR Arrive alignment direction 

AZID Default Azimuth value 

AZIF Azimuth attractor factor 

AZIL Azimuth limits (Min/Max) 

AZIS Azimuth set flag - ignore Azimuth values if FALSE 

BAEXSS Bending Excess Arrive 

BAIN Before/After indicator 

BANG Beta angle 

BASETY Base type of the UDET 

BATC True if in batch mode 

BBFF Array of bounding Boundary Formers 

BCPY Backward copy reference 

BDIA Bolt diameter 

BEAD Default Bearing value 

BEAF Bearing attractor factor 

BEAL Bearing limits (Min/Max) 

BEAS Bearing set flag - ignore Bearing values if FALSE 

BELRFA All components in the PipePiece 

BELTYP All component types in the PipeSpool 

BENDMC Bending Machine Reference 

BENT Bent flag 

BEVCOD Bevel codes for edges 

BEVEL Bevel 

BEVFLA Bevel code, flange 

BEVLEN Lengths of bevel 

BEVLFT Bevel code on left side of seam 

BEVLI Lengths of I-bevel 

BEVLV Length of vertical bevel 

BEVLX Lengths of X-bevel 

BEVLY Lengths of Y-bevel 

BEVM Bevel codes along M1 and M2 curves 

BEVRGT Bevel code on right side of seam 

BEVTXT Bevel text 

BEVWEB Bevel code, web 

BFCOLO Backface colour 

BFCONU Backface colour number 

BFLE Out of plane flexibility factor for bends 

BFPN Backface pen 

BFRF Reference to real Boundary Former 

BFSTRE Backface linestyle Reference 

BFSTYL Backface linestyle 

BITE Bolt items 

BITL Bolt item lengths 

BJOINT Bolt joint 

BKEY DRAFT user defined base symbol/skey name 

BLCKLM True if block limit seam 

BLEN Bolt length 

BLEXSS Bending Leave Excess 

BLNK Auto-blanking flag 

BLRF Bolt reference array 

BLSLEN Length of blasting contours 

BLTM Bolt method 

BLTR Bolt reference 

BMAR Auto-blanking margin 

BMAX Maximum bend number in current spool drawing 

BMLEVE Beam levels from owning element 

BOLTPA Spooling bolt part numbers 

BORE Bore 
BOREAR Bore array 

BPANRE Base panel reference 

BPFG Bend-point flag - default offset 

BPOF Leader bend point offset 

BPRO Spot value of property B 

BRACKE Brackets code 

BRAD Bend radius 

BRCOG Branch centre of gravity 

BRCON Branch member connections 

BREARE Branch external surface area 

BREF Branch Reference 

BRIARE Branch internal surface area 

BRICOG Branch insulated centre of gravity 

BRIWEI Branch insulated weight 

BRLEG Branch members on the same leg 

BRLO Branch Positioning Status code (Router) 

BRNFAC Burning factor 

BRNLEN Length of burning contours 

BRNNAM Burner name 

BRNNUM Burner number 

BRNPRC Burner process name 

BRNREF Burner reference id 

BRNSEQ Burning sequence number 

BRNST Number of starts for burning 

BRNTOO Burner tool 

BRNTYP Burner type 

BRREF Branch table reference 

BRTXRF Return reference from Branch Table element to


BRWCOG Branch wet centre of gravity 

BRWEIG Branch weight 

BRWICO Branch wet insulated centre of gravity 

BRWIWE Branch insulated wet weight 

BRWWEI Branch wet weight 

BSCANG Bend Segment Cut Angle 

BSCLL Centre-Line Length of a mitred Bend Segment 

BSDWG AutoCAD backing sheet name 

BSEL Bolt Selector 

BSFN Backing sheet filename 

BSLAYE AutoCAD backing sheet layer 

BSMNIL Minimum Length of Insulation of a mitred Bend


BSMNL Minimum Length of a mitred Bend Segment 

BSMXIL Maximum Length of Insulation of a mitred Bend


BSMXL Maximum Length of a mitred Bend Segment 

BSPE Bolt specification 

BSRF Backing sheet reference 

BSRFA ADP backing sheet list 

BSTA Branch Status code (Router) 

BTEX Annotation text string 

BTHK Parameterised bolt thickness 

BTLS Boundary Former type list 

BTOL Bore tolerance 

BTOTAL Bolt joint total 

BTYP Bolt type 

BUFS Preferred buffer size 

BUIL Built/Unbuilt flag 

BULG Bulge factor 

BUNI Bore units 

BUNREF Cable bundle reference 

BURF Reference to real Building Element 

BURNID Burner id 

BVCODN Bevelled Code number 

BVIS Bottom visibility flag 

BVSCLL Centre-Line Length of a mitred Bend Segment 

BVSEGN Bevelled segment number 

BVSMNI Minimum Length of Insulation of a Virtual

mitred Bend end-Segment 

BVSMNL Minimum Length of a virtual mitred Bend end-


BVSMXI Maximum Length of Insulation of a Virtual

mitred Bend end-Segment 

BVSMXL Maximum Length of a virtual mitred Bend end-


BWITHF Bend with flow 

CABBOX Calculated box volume in world coordinates 

CAGOFF Cage Offset 

CAGSIZ Cage Size 

CARE Isodraft Compipe: Area 

CASR Case reference 

CATMOD Catalogue Geometry Modified- Not directly

query able 

CATR Catalogue reference 

CATTEX Concatenation of Detailing and Material Texts 

CATY Card type 

CBCULE Cut Length of cable 

CBGELE Geometric Length of cable 

CBNUCW Cables at a point on a cableway 

CCEN Cost centre 

CCLA Cost class 

CCOL Colour (in catalogue) 

CCON Connection type 

CCORRE Cable Core set reference 

CCORXR Return reference from CCORSET element to


CDET Catalogue detail 

CDPL List of valid current design properties 

CDPR Current design dataset property 

CDRG Isodraft Compipe: Drawing number 

CELLID Cell Identifier 

CELLTO Total Number of Cell 

CELLTR Total Number of Trimmed Cells 

CELLWH Total Number of Untrimmed Cells 

CEND Connection at other end of CREF (HEAD or TAIL) 

CERF Array of Faces generated by this 

CEXES Cable excesses 

CEXS Percentage excess for passing cables 

CFDP Current design dataset property 

CFFA Array of Faces generated by this 


CFRA Cofitting reference array for Pfittings 

CHAM Chamfer lengths 

CHAR Character set 

CHARGE Charge 

CHCOLO Crosshairs colour 

CHCONU Crosshairs colour number 

CHECKE Checker 

CHEI Character height 

CHKDAT Date checked 

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   Post By:2009-12-26 12:22:40

CHNGD Changed counter 

CHOS Crosshairs overshoot 

CHPN Crosshairs pen 

加好友 发短信 CHSTRE Crosshairs linestyle Reference 

等级:高中三年级 贴子:107 积 CHSTYL Crosshairs linestyle 

分:1044 威望:0 精华:3 注册:
CIRCR Circumscribed rectangle 
2007-5-11 15:05:12

CIWE Total insulation weight 

CKEY ISODRAFT end condition key 

CLAI Claim mode 

CLAIDB Implicit or explicit claims 

CLBASE Column base offset 

CLCCNT Claim list changes count 

CLCOLO Centreline colour 

CLCONN Clasher connections 

CLCONU Centreline colour number 

CLFG Centreline flag 

CLFL Centreline flag 

CLIPCD Clip code 

CLIST All cables attached to route node 



CLLE Branch centreline length 

CLMID Unique system ID of user claiming element 

CLMNUM User or extract number claiming element.

Extract numbers are negative 

CLMO Centreline mode: 1=CL OFF, 2=CL ON 

CLMTIE Reference to elements that are automatically

claimed along with this element 

CLNCOD Ceiling Code 

CLNELE Ceiling Elevation 

CLNFAC Cleaning factor 

CLNHEI Ceiling Height 



CLNTYP Ceiling Type 

CLNVOI Ceiling Void Height 

CLOSED True if plate covering entire referenced

CLOSEF True if branch is closed 

CLPN Centreline pen 

CLRF Actual circulation list reference 

CLRSIZ Clearance size 

CLSTRE Centreline linestyle Reference 

CLSTYL Centreline linestyle 

CMALL Structure allowance 

CMBOUA Aft boundary 

CMBOUF Fwd boundary 

CMBOUL Lower boundary 

CMBOUP Ps boundary 

CMBOUS Stbd boundary 

CMBOUU Upper boundary 

CMBOX Bounding box 

CMCAT Compartment category 

CMCDE Content density 

CMCTID Content type ID 

CMDESC Compartment description 

CMFLW Full Load Weight 

CMLCV Longitudinal centre of total volume 

CMMGE Merged compartment indicator 

CMPER Compartment permeability 

CMPERD Permeability for use in damage 

CMPLNK Return reference from schematic or design

element to CYMLNK element 

CMPR Component reference 

CMPRFA All components for the PipePiece 

CMPSTA Connectivity comparison status 

CMPURP Purpose 

CMPX Comparator/Design-Manager exclusion text


CMREF Reference of TRINCO element at relevant site 

CMTCV Transverse centre of total volume 

CMTYP Type of compartment 

CMVCV Vertical centre of total volume 

CMVOL Total volume 




CNTNUM Contour number 

CNUM Isodraft Compipe: Line number 

COCDRE COCDESS with same COCONN value as


COCONN COCO Connection type 

COCORE COCO description reference 

COCOXR COCO description return reference 

COCSAM COCOS with same CTYP value as COCDES 

COLCOL Column colour 

COLCON Column colour number 

COLNUM Pin column number 

COLSCH Color Schema 

COLSTR Column linestyle Reference 

COLSTY Column linestyle 

COLXSP Spacing between columns in the X direction of

the tower 

COLYSP Spacing between columns in the Y direction of

the tower 

COMBOO Boolean Combination 

COMM Comment 

COMNT Comment 

COMPEN Compensate bending activities for springback 

COMSTR User Command String 

COMUID TROUCO Reference at relevant Site 

COMUST Upgrade flag 

CONAM Cutout name 

CONARR Connection array 

CONCD Connection code 

COND Access Control Logical condition 

CONDES Connection string 

CONDGR No of Conductor Groups 

CONNCH Connections for all descendants 

CONNE Segment end connection flag 

CONNEC Connections 

CONNER Connection error message 

CONNRE References to other element 

CONNS Segment start connection flag 

CONSIS Position consistency 

CONTYP Connection type 

COPI Number of copies 

CORA Corrosion thickness 

CORCGR cable core conductor group 

CORNUM Corner number 

CORNUV Corner point 

CORRUG True if corrugation is defined on the plate part 

CORTAG cable core tag 

COUN Counter 



CPAR Catalogue parameters 

CPEN Pen for internal columns 

CPFA Array of Ports this points to 

CPLO Plot (in catalogue) 

CPOF Leaderline connection point wrt. text origin 

CPOS conditioning position for curve geometry 

CPRO Spot value of property C 

CPUL Cold pull - translational 

CPUT Cold pull - twist 

CRCANG Turning angle for least circumscribed


CRCLW Length and width of circumscribed rectangle 

CRCY Concurrency 

CREF Connection reference 

CRFA Connection reference array 

CRINFO DB creation information 

CRIT Selection criteria (used to define tag + rep. rules) 

CRSF Change ruleset reference 

CSESS Comment entered for specified session 

CSFBR Spooling marker for components 

CSGBOX CSG-Calculated box volume in world


CSPA Character spacing factor 

CSPC Isodraft Compipe: Specification 



CSTA Catalogue Standard 

CSTR Constraint reference 

CTHICK Coating thickness 

CTXT Card text 

CTYA Attached connection type 

CTYE End connection type 

CTYO Owning connection type 

CTYP Connection type 

CTYPLI List of COCO Ctypes 

CTYS Start connection type 

CURD Current DBs 

CURF Curve fitting code: 1 default, 2 cubicfit 

CURLOC True current location 

CURREN Current 

CURTYP Curve type 

CURVED True if curved plate part. 

CUTB Cutback 

CUTL Cut length 

CUTNAM Full name of element, truncated to n


CUTNMN Full name of element (without leading slash)

truncated to n characters 

CUTP Cutting plane normal 

CWEI Total component weight 

CWHEAD Cableway Head 

CWHPOS Cableway path head point position 

CWIDTH Clearance Width 

CWLIST All cableways attached to route node 

CWSPE Cable way specification 

CWTAIL Cableway Tail 

CWTPOS Cableway path tail point position 

D Position downing 

DACC Database access 

DACCLA True if DAC allows element to be claimed 

DACCOH True if DAC allows element hierarchy to be

copied to another DB 

DACCOP True if DAC allows element to be copied to

another DB 

DACCRE True if DAC allows element to be created 

DACDEL True if DAC allows element to be deleted 

DACDRO True if DAC allows element to be dropped 

DACERR Returns the DAC error 

DACEXH True if DAC allows element hierarchy to be


DACEXP True if DAC allows element to be exported 

DACISS True if DAC allows element to be issued 

DACMOD True if DAC allows attribute of element to be


DACOUH True if DAC allows element hierarchy to be


DACOUT True if DAC allows element to be output 

DAREF Reference of associated dataset area 

DARREF Design area reference 

DASSCI Reference Array of all direct associates with


DASSOS Reference Array of all associations with


DATCON Date as a text string 

DATE Date 

DATEAK Date command Acknowledged 

DATECM Date command Completed 

DATECR Date command Created 

DATEFO Date format 

DATEMS Date message created 

DATEND Date command Stopped 

DATERD Date command ready 

DATERK Date command Reply Acknowledged 

DATERN Date command running 

DATERP Date command Replied 

DATESL Date command last Stalled 

DATESN Date command Sent 

DATIM LMI Date/time 


DATONE Date 1 

DATTWO Date 2 



DBALL List of DBs allocated to location 

DBCL DB Claim 
DBCNTL True if element is in a control DB 

DBEXNO DB Extract Number 

DBF Database reference attribute 

DBFI DB filename 

DBFN DB file number 

DBLC List of LOCs belonging to a DB 

DBLS List of DBs belonging to MDB 

DBMO Read/Write mode of DBs 

DBNA DB name 

DBNO DB number 

DBNU DB Number 

DBOT Bottom diameter 

DBPR List of DBs Primary at location 

DBREF DB reference 

DBSESS Last DB session 

DBSHIE Database hierarchy within a DBSET 

DBSLEV Databases at a level within a DBSET 

DBSLIS Databases within a DBSET 

DBSSTP DBs in a stamp 

DBSTF Database set reference attribute 

DBTY DB type (DESI, CATA etc) 

DBVAR True if element is in a variant DB 

DBWRIT True if element is in a writable DB 

DCLA Database claim mode 

DCLNCO Default Ceiling Code 

DCLNHE Default Ceiling Height 

DCLNTY Default Ceiling Type 

DCODE Direction code 

DCON Design PPoint connection type 

DCRFA Array of Design datasets for Design


DCSTYF Design change style reference 

DCTILT Default Ceiling Tile Thickness 

DDDF Default Design data value 

DDEF Port distance flexibility defaults 

DDEG Dimension line angle 

DDEP Database depth within hierarchy (World is 0) 

DDES Design parameters as distance 

DDIR Design PPoint spherical direction 

DDNM Design element reference 

DDNMX DDNM X position 

DDNMXY DDNM XY position 

DDNMY DDNM Y position 

DDNX Design element as text 

DDOORS Default Door Sill 

DDPR Design data property value 

DDRFA Array of default design datasets (for template) 

DEALAL True if location locked due to deallocation of


DEALDB Reference array for locations where DB id being


DECGAP Decoration Gap 

DECMOD Decoration Mode 

DECOFF Decoration offset 

DECP Decimal places 

DECREP Decoration Repeat 

DECSIZ Decoration Size 

DEFA Default 

DELANG Angle applied to repeat elements 

DELDSG Delivery Designation flag 

DELP D-position in structure 

DELPE Easting of D-Position in STRUC 

DELPN Northing of D-position in STRUC 

DELPU Upping of D-position in STRUC 

DELTAE Easterly Offset applied to repeat elements 

DELTAN Northerly Offset applied to repeat elements 

DELTAU Vertical Offset applied to repeat elements 

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   Post By:2009-12-26 12:23:08

DENS Spot value of density 

DEPCOU Number of dependencies 

DEPD Default value of local design property 

加好友 发短信 DEPEND Commands on which this is dependent 

等级:高中三年级 贴子:107 积 DEPL List of local design properties 

分:1044 威望:0 精华:3 注册:
DEPR Local design property value 
2007-5-11 15:05:12

DEPREF List of elements connected to branch tail 

DEPTYP Commands on which this is dependent 

DESC Description 

DESGEO Design geometrical dependencies 

DESLNK Connectivity Design Model Link 

DESLOC Destination Location for the command 

DESMOD Design Mode 

DESP Design parameters 

DEST Destination 

DESXCL Design Outfitting excluded Geometry 

DETA Detail flag 

DETR Detailing text reference 

DFFL Displacement force flexibility 

DFLA Radial dimension type flag 

DFLF Translational spring values 

DFLRCO Default Floor Code 

DFLRHE Default Floor Height 

DFLRTY Default Floor Type 

DFLT Default 

DFLTA Defaults for Type 1 annotation - special attribute

for use by ADP 

DFLTB Defaults for Type 2 annotation - special attribute

for use by ADP 

DFLTC Defaults for Type 3 annotation - special attribute

for use by ADP 

DFNM Document filename 

DFON Dimension text font 

DFONTN Dimension text font name 

DFUN Default unit 

DIAM Diameter 
DIAREF Diagram reference array for schematic


DIME DRAFT user defined symbol dimension flag 

DIMPOS Derived 3D dimension position 

DIMTXT Dimensions text 

DINTER Default Interference class 

DINTHK Default insulation thickness 

DIR Direction 

DIREV Direction evaluation 

DIRXP Direction expression 

DISP Translation displacements 

DIST Distances 

DISTAG Display tag 

DISTM Distances to M1 and M2 curves 

DKEY Data Key 

DLCOLO Dimension line colour 

DLCONU Dimension line colour number 

DLEV Drawing level 

DLFG Linear/Angular dimension line flag 

DLIM Displacement limit 

DLPN Dimension line pen 

DLSTRE Dimension linestyle Reference 

DLSTYL Dimension linestyle 

DMFA ISODRAFT Reference Dimension attribute 

DMFL Displacement moment flexibility 

DMOD Default mode 

DMSP Lower limit to spacing between parallel

DMTX Dimension text 

DMTY ISODRAFT Reference Dimension attribute 

DNST Density 

DOCREF Document reference 

DOCXRF Return reference from Design element to

DOCITM element 

DOFF Dimension line offset 

DOFIL Drawing Object filename 

DPBO Design point bore 

DPCO Design point connection type 

DPCOU Number of valid design points 

DPDI Design point direction 

DPFN ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name 

DPGR Design Point Gradient 

DPGRID ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid reference


DPLS List of valid design points 

DPOS Dimension line/arc position 

DPPS Design point position 

DPREMA Design pres. max 

DPREMI Design pres. min 

DPRO Parameterised Property Expression (Default) 

DPSF Design PPointset reference 

DPVI List of visible design points 

DRAD Radial offset 

DRAWNO Drawing number 

DREA Default value if real 

DREVAY DRWG revisions array 

DRFILE Drawing File name 

DRFNUM Drawing file numbers 

DRFTYP Drawing File Types 

DRGP Drawing priority (used to determine how to draw


DRNE Plane normal at end of SCTN/GENSEC 

DRNS Plane normal at start of SCTN/GENSEC 

DRPS Derived position for steelwork 

DRPSE Easting of Derived Position 

DRPSN Northing of Derived Position 

DRPSU Upping of Derived Position 

DRRF Old spooler drawing reference 

DRSSRE Draft Symbol set reference 

DRTITL Drawing title 

DRTMPR Draft template reference 

DRWGN Drawing number 

DSCO Design code 

DSESS Date of specified session 

DSET Displacement limits set flag - ignore values if


DSGNTN Designation 

DSHEET Detail sheet 

DSHTRE Reference equivalent of DSHEET 


DSTNCE Distance 

DSTY Radial dimension style flag 

DTAN Dimension text angle flag 

DTCH Dimension text character height 

DTCOLO Dimension text colour 

DTCONU Dimension text colour number 

DTER Dimension terminator code 

DTFL Dimension text radius flag 

DTIT Data Title 

DTLELE Datal Elements list 

DTLH Dimension text letter height 

DTLLIS Datal Attributes List 

DTLTST Datal Test attribute 

DTMPMA Design temp. max 

DTMPMI Design temp. min 

DTOF Dimension text offset 

DTOP Top diameter 

DTPN Dimension text pen 

DTRA Dimension text radius 

DTRE Data set reference 

DTUL Dimension text underlining flag 

DTWTCL Date of weight/cog calculation 

DTXR RTEXT of detailing text 

DTXS STEXT of detailing text 

DTXT TTEXT of detailing text 

DTYP Default type 

DUCTHE Default duct height 

DUCTSH Default duct shape 

DUCTWI Default duct width 

DUNI Distance units 

DUNIO DRAFT element union detail flag 

DUPLIC Duplicates of the current element with the same

attribute values 

DUTY Duty 

DVFL ADP detail views flag 

DVSCL ADP detail view allowable scale list 

DVTH ADP detail views threshold 

DWGF DWG filename (No suffix) 

DWID Width offset 

DWINSI Default Window Sill 

DX Cartesian X offset 

DXL Incremental X length 

DY Cartesian Y offset 

DYL Incremental Y length 

E Position easting 

EASTIN Easting part expressed as a position 

ECCE Eccentricity (steelwork) 

ECCJ Eccentricity of joint (steelwork) 

ECLASS Access Control Element class 

ECRFA Equipment connection reference array 

EDGELE Edge Length 

EDISTA Vertical Distance of End 

EDPUV End point 

EFAC E-factor 

EFOR End force vector components 

ELCXRF Return reference from CABLE element to

ELCONN element 

ELDATA data 

ELDSZ DataSize 

ELECRC True if created since comparison date 

ELECRE True if created since given session 

ELEDEC True if deleted since comparison date 

ELEDEL True if deleted since given session 

ELEL Element list 

ELEMOC True if modified since comparison date 

ELEMOD True if modified since given session 



ELEVAT Elevation 

ELEVV Is Elevation View 

ELRATI Electrical Rating 

ELRF Reference to element it refers to 

EMOM End moment components 

ENDA End angle 

ENDELE End Elevation 

ENDOFF Offset of the end of section 

ENDPOI Cable End connection point 

ENDREF Cable End reference 

ENDTIM Date command Stopped 

ENTIME Time of entry 

EPARAM Evaluated parameters 

EPKDI Proportional distance of end point along Pline 

EPOSTO End post tangent offset 

EREC Erection class 

EREL End releases (packed) 

ETEX Example text 

EVOL Enclosing box volume in given coordinates 

EXBTEX Expanded annotation text 

EXCESS Excess 

EXCLFR True if element claimed from this extract. Only

True for Primary elements 

EXCLFT Excess on left side of seam 

EXCLHI Primary elements in descendant hierarchy

claimed to this extract(includes this element) 

EXCLTO True if element claimed to this extract. Only

True for Primary elements 

EXCRGT Excess on right side of seam 

EXCTLF Excess type on left side of seam 

EXCTRG Excess type on right side of seam 

EXDMTX Expanded dimension text 

EXECA Exec file after DB propagation 

EXECB Exec file before DB propagation 

EXFI Extract file number 

EXHCNC As EXTCNC, but repeat test for all


EXHCNN As EXTCNN, but repeat test for all


EXHCON As EXTCON, but repeat test for all


EXHRCN As EXRCN, but repeat test for all descendents 

EXHRCO As EXTRCO, but repeat test for all


EXMOC As EXMOD but ignoring changes to "noclaim"

attributes and member lists 

EXMOD True if element modified in this extract 

EXNCLH Primary elements in descendant hierarchy not

claimed to this extract 

EXPA Spot value of expansion coefficient 

EXPIRY Protected DB Expiry date 

EXPLTX Expanded projection line text 

EXPMOC As EXPMOD but ignoring changes to "noclaim"

attributes and member lists 

EXPMOD True if primary and element or non-primary

descendants have been modified in this extract 

EXREFS Externally held References from Element 

EXTALS Extract ancestors 

EXTCLS Extract children 

EXTCNC As EXTCON but excluding non modified


EXTCNN As EXTCON but excluding modified elements 

EXTCON Primary elements connected/disconnected from

element or non primary descendents in extract 

EXTDES Extract descendants 

EXTDIR Direction of ladder exit 

EXTFAM Extract family 

EXTHI Location extract number range, high limit 

EXTIME Time of Execution for Command 

EXTLO Location extract number range, low limit 

支持(0) 中立(0) 反对(0)  单帖管理

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小大  5 楼 个性首页 | QQ | 信息 | 搜索 | 邮箱 | 主页 | UC
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   Post By:2009-12-26 12:23:25

EXTMAS Extract master 

EXTNO Extract number 

EXTNSN Extension 
加好友 发短信 EXTOWN Extract owner 

等级:高中三年级 贴子:107 积 EXTRC Name of extract claiming element 

分:1044 威望:0 精华:3 注册:
EXTRCN As EXTCNN, but applied recursively to each
2007-5-11 15:05:12


EXTRCO As EXTCON, but applied recursively to each


EXTREF References to exit level 

EZDI End load point in section 

FAAN Skew angle for font file 

FACODE Facode 

FAILCO FailCond 

FAREA FOCUS construction area 

FCENTRE Centre of fillet arc 

FCLXSP Spacing between stair flights in the X direction

of the tower 

FCLYSP Spacing between stair flights in the Y direction

of the tower 

FCMEAS Flange correction measure 

FCODE Face code 

FCOE Friction coefficient 

FCOLOU Fill colour 

FCONUM Fill colour number 

FCPY Forward copy reference 

FDBF Reference of FROM DB 

FDEPD Formatted Local Design Property Default Value 

FDEPR Formatted Local Design Property Value 

FDRA FOCUS isometric drawing number 

FEDEXS Feed excess values 

FEND Fillet arc position 

FEQDES From Equipment Description 

FFCOLO Front-face colour 

FFCONU Front-face colour number 

FFLEXT Edge Extension Around Floor layer 

FFPN Front-face pen 

FFSTRE Front-face linestyle Reference 

FFSTYL Front-face linestyle 

FGRF Reference to boundary faces 

FIHE Project name 

FILEDB DB filename 

FILL DRAFT user defined symbol fill flag 

FILLDI Fill direction 

FINO File number 

FINPUT Input by 

FIRE Fire resistance 

FIRERA Fire rating 

FISSUE Current pipe spec issue 

FITLEN Length of branch fitting 

FIXT Structural fixity 

FLATYP Flange type 

FLCARE Floor cover area 

FLCSTH Floor cover thickness 

FLCVOL Floor cover volume 

FLEN External file name 

FLIM Force limit 

FLLARE Floor layer area 

FLLTHK Floor layer thickness 

FLLVOL Floor layer volume 

FLNM Full name of the element 

FLNN Full name of the element (without leading slash) 

FLOW Flow direction 

FLRELE Floor Elevation 

FLRELV Floor elevation 

FLRHEI Floor Height 

FLTDIR Stairflight Direction 

FLUR Fluid reference 

FLWA DRAFT user defined symbol flow arrow 

FMID Middle point of fillet arc 

FNAM Filename 

FNCCD Functional description code 

FNCTXT Functional description 

FNMA Standard font file name 

FNMB Bold font file name 

FNTD Font directory 

FOLDED True if folded 

FONT Text font 

FONTN Font name 

FOOTRO Clear space behind each rung 

FORC Force vector 

FOREDB DB foreign/local 

FPEN Fill pen 

FPLINE FOCUS process line number 

FPON FROM port number 

FPRDE Formatted property default 

FPROP Formatted property value from dataset 

FRAD Fillet radius 

FRDR FOCUS reference drawings 

FREF Fitting reference 

FREV FOCUS isometric drawing revision 

FRMSCL Form scale 

FRPO Eye point 

FRSTW Reference of first world of given DB type in

current MDB 

FSPOST Distance to the first post 

FSTART Fillet start position 

FSTAT Fstatus 

FSTREF Fill style Reference 

FSTYLE Fill style 

FSTYNO Fill Style Number 

FTCDD Formatted Current Design Property Default


FTCDP Formatted Current Design Property Value 

FTER First dimension terminator code 

FTHICK Stair Flight Thickness 

FULL Full type of the element 

FULSYS Type of the element, ignoring UDET, not


FUNC Function 

FURNRF Furniture Reference 

GANGLE General Angle 

GAPF First offset distance 

GAPI Intermediate offset distance 

GAPS Projection line gap array 

GAREA Ceiling Grid Area 

GASTIG Gas Tight 

GATECO Gate Configuration 

GATESI Gate Size 

GBOX Box gap 

GCOF Gross centre of gravity 

GDEFIN Glyph Outline Definition 

GDIAM Glyph Circle Diameter 

GEODEP Direct geometrical dependencies 

GEOM Geometry Modified- Not directly queryable 



GFILLD Glyph Primitive Filled Flag 

GHEIGH Gate Height 

GLBSTR True if Project has Global structure 

GLBVER Global version string 

GLYNO Glyph Number 

GLYNUM Glyph Number 

GLYREF Glyph Reference 

GMOF Gross moments of inertia 

GMRE Geometry set reference 

GOBREF Generating reference 

GOFFS Glyph Primitive offset 

GOING Tread Going 


GPPRXS Group proxy items referring to element 

GPREF Group item reference 

GPRFTY Group item reference type 

GPSTR General purpose strings 

GPSTRA General purpose string 1 

GPSTRB General purpose string 2 

GPSTRC General purpose string 3 

GPSTRD General purpose string 4 

GRAD Steel grade 

GRAXE Grid axes (internal) 

GRDAXE Grid axes 

GRDDIR Grid direction 

GRDE Gradient of implied tube. Gradient is the vertical

rise(fall) divided by the horizontal distance. 

GRDID Grid Identifier 

GRDLBL Grid Label 

GRDLID Gridline Identifier 

GRDLXP Proportion along X gridline from Gridline ID 

GRDLYP Proportion along Y gridline from Gridline ID 

GRDOFF Grid offset 

GRDPOS Grid Position 

GRDXSP Grid X Spacing 

GRDYSP Grid Y Spacing 

GRIND Grinding info 

GRIP Minimum distance between bends 

GROUPS GPSETs in which element occurs 

GRPRF Reference to group (owner of location) 

GRSYS Grid system reference 

GSRF Gross surface area 

GSTR Structural geometry set reference 

GTAREA All areas that fully or partially enclose element 

GTEXAR All areas that fully enclose element 

GTXT Text storing rule to generate Inventory List 

GTYP Generic type 

GVOL Gross volume 

GWEI Gross weight 

GWIDTH Gate Width 

GXLEN Glyph Rectangle XLength 

GXYOFF Grid XY Offset 

GYLEN Glyph Rectangle YLength 

HANGLE Hatching Angle 

HARDTY Hard type of the element 

HAZARD Hazard 

HAZTYP Hazard Description 

HBLBOX Block box 

HBOR Head bore 

HCCNT Header/Extract list changes count 

HCON Head connection type 

HCREF Head connections 

HDBREF Generic Hull DB Ref 

HDCONN List of elements connected to branch head 

HDIR Head direction 

HDMF ISODRAFT Reference Dimension attribute 

HDMT ISODRAFT Reference Dimension attribute 

HDUPLI Duplicates of the current element (checking


HEADCL Head Clearance 

HEADRO Headroom 

HEIARR Height array 

HEID Default Height value 

HEIF Height attractor factor 

HEIG Height 

HEIL Height limits (Min/Max) 

HEIS Height set flag - ignore Height values if FALSE 

HEND Connection at other end of HREF (HEAD or TAIL) 

HGHT Height 

HGSIDE Hinge side 

HHBO Hanger head bore 

HHBP Bottom of hanger head 

HHCO Hanger head connection type 

HHDR Hanger head direction 

HHGR Hanger head gradient 

HHOD Hanger head outside diameter 

HHPO Hanger head position 

HHTP Top of hanger head 

HIER Structural connections 

HIST History of sessions in which element or specified

attribute were made 

支持(0) 中立(0) 反对(0)  单帖管理
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小大  6 楼 个性首页 | QQ | 信息 | 搜索 | 邮箱 | 主页 | UC
白水 6

   Post By:2009-12-26 12:23:50

HLCOLO Hull Colour 

HLIS List of all possible types in owning hierarchy 

HLSTYL Hatching linestyle 

加好友 发短信 HMAV Average humidity 

等级:高中三年级 贴子:107 积 HMMA Maximum humidity 

分:1044 威望:0 精华:3 注册:
HMMI Minimum humidity 
2007-5-11 15:05:12

HNCKEY Hole Notch Cutout Key 

HOFFSE Hatching Line Offset 

HOLGRD True if any hole in the plate should be ground 

HOST Host Name 

HPATNO Hatch Pattern Number 

HPOS Head position 

HPOSE Easting of head position 

HPOSN Northing of head position 

HPOSU Upping of head position 

HPREF Head point reference 

HRDPRX References from all constituent elements 

HREF Head reference 

HREL Branch Member Head relative flag (Router) 

HRJUSL Handrail Justification Line 

HRSF Hatch ruleset reference 

HSARFA HVACSpool arrive references 

HSEPAR Hatching Line Separation 

HSLRFA HVACSpool leave references 

HSPE Hanger specification 

HSRO Headrod specification 

HSTU Head tube specification 

HSTYF Hatch style reference 

HTBO Hanger tail bore 

HTBP Bottom of hanger tail 

HTCO Hanger tail connection type 

HTDR Hanger tail direction 

HTGR Hanger tail gradient 

HTOD Hanger tail outside diameter 

HTPO Hanger tail position 

HTPREF Topology reference 

HTTP Top of hanger tail 

HTYP Hanger type 

HUBRF Reference to the hub location 

HULAPP Hull applicable Geometry 

HULCNT Size of hull array/collection 

HULLDE True if element is a hull design item 

HULLOB Hull object reference 

HULLPR True if element is a hull production item 

HULOC Location 

HUMIDI Design Humidity 

HUMVW Model View 

HUREFL Reflected 

HUREPL Replica 

HUSYMM Symmetrical 

HWRF Head Working Point (Router) 

ICAT Insulation catalogue reference 


ICONN COMMS connection type (0/1 = on/off-line) 

ICOTYP Icon used for element 

IDENT Panel identification string 

IDET Insulation detail text reference 

IDLABL Length of label idle movement 

IDLFAC Idle movement factor 

IDLL Burning idle length 

IDLLEN Non-burning idle length 

IDLN Drawlist name reference 

IDLX Drawlist name (as text) 

IDNM Design data or catalogue component 

IDNX Design data or catalogue component (as text) 

IDRT Insulation detail RTEXT 

IDST Insulation detail STEXT 

IDTT Insulation detail TTEXT 

IMAT Insulation material text reference 

IMPED Impedance 

IMXT Insulation material XTEXT 

IMYT Insulation material YTEXT 

IMZT Insulation material ZTEXT 

INARCO Number of integers in Argument list 



INCBOR Inch Nominal Bore 

INCL Inclination angle 

INCO Array of integers for ROUTER internal points 

INCSTA Input Command Status 


INFA Client info - Project Name 

INFB Comment - Project Message 

INFG Insulation flag 

INFOTE Infotext 

INPIND Insulation pin density (Area) 

INPINL Pin length 

INPINT Insulation pin type 

INPRTR Inside paint reference 

INRE Insulation reference 

INRF Array of Inventory Items 

INSC Inspection schedule 

INSL DRAFT user defined symbol insulation flag 

INSTNC Bracket instance name 

INSUTY Insulation type 

INSYST Reference Array of all SYSGRPs Elements 

INTARG Arguments for command 

INTHK Insulation thickness 

INTSEN Installation Sense - true if clockwise 

INTY Inventory item type 

INVF Array of Inventory Items 

INVI Visibility state 

INVMAP Pointer to map 

IPAR Parameters of the insulation catalogue component 

IPRE Internal pressure 

IRNO ISO-IR number 

ISDBFR True if database is foreign 

ISDRDB True if database has drawings 

ISECPT Intersection point 

ISEXAP True if extract ancestry is primary here 

ISEXCP True if all extract children are primary here 

ISEXMP True if extract master is primary here 

ISEXOP True if extract owner is primary here 

ISLOAD True if Sheet is loaded 

ISNAME True if element is named 

ISOLT Location isolation flag 

ISPE Insulation spec reference 

ISPICF Picture has File 

ISPR Insulation specification component reference 

ISPRIM True if database is primary at this location 

ISSUE True if drawing has been issued 

ISTYP Database type 

ISWORK True if a working extract 

ITLE Length of implied tube 


ITMTBL Table linking AITEMS elements to piping





ITPS Position of implied tube 





IWDORF Weld owners attribute on IWELD elements 

IWDOWN Table linking IWELD elements to piping


JFRE True if Section position dominates a connection 

JLIN Joining line 

JLNE Joining line end 

JLNS Joining line start 

JMAX Maximum joint number in current spool drawing 

JNTBEV Joint part bevel code 

JNTCOM Welded joint comment 

JNTNAM Welded joint name 

JNTNUM Joint number 

JNTORF Joint owners attribute on IJOINT elements 

JNTOWN Table linking IJOINT elements to piping


JNTREF Return reference from Ppoint to ijoint element 

JNTTHK Joint part thickness 

JNTTSL Total welded joint suspension length 

JNTTWL Total welded joint length 

JNTTYP Welded joint type 

JNUM Old spooler joint number 

JOIE End joint 

JOIP Old spooler joint number prefix 

JOIS Start joint 

JUSL Justification Pline 

JUST Justification 

KNUANG Knuckle angle 

KNUCKL True if knuckled 

LABOFF Label offset 

LABPOS Label position 

LABST Number of starts for label signing 

LACR Access Control on/off switch 

LACTIV True if selectable : false = limbospec 

LALLAN Leave Ppoint allowed angle 

LASTM Date of last modification 

LAUTHU Login Authentication on/off switch 

LAXE Local axes 

LAYARF Annotation Layer ruleset reference 

LAYDRF Design Layer ruleset reference 

LAYTBF Layer Table reference 

LBBORE TRUE if Minor/Branch bore is in nominal bore


LBOP Bottom of leave pipe 

LBOR Leave bore 

LCAS Load case number 

LCHA Chain flag 

LCIRCR Least circumscribed rectangle 

LCLAIM Access Control Claim flag 

LCLM True if element is claimed 

LCLMH True if element and hierarchy claimed 

LCNFA Array of elements with local names 

LCNLN Lengths of packed local names stored on


LCNMA Local names (packed) stored on template 

LCON Leave connection type 

LCPOVW Location copy overwrite policy flag 

LCTROL Controlled DB Flag 

LCUTDI Lower Extension Cutting Direction 

LDELDS True if part numbering by delivery designation 

LDIR Leave direction 

LDISP Display property flag for design datasets: True if

property is shown on form 

LDPR Local design dataset property 

LDRDIR Ladder Direction 

LEAFS Number of door leafs 

LEAHEI Leave height 

LEAV Leave Ppoint 

LEAWID Leave width 

LEND Line end 

LENDTI Time out period for commands 

LENG Length 

LENSEG Length of segment 

LETTER Letter 

LEVE Drawing level 

LEVENL Time interval for Event Loop 

LEVRFA References to levels serviced by stairwell 

LEXTNS Lower Extension Length 

LFCOLO Label frame colour 

LFCONU Label frame colour number 

LFDP Local design dataset property 

LFPN Label frame pen 

LFRA Frame flag 

LFSTRE Label frame linestyle Reference 

LFSTYL Label frame linestyle 

LGOING Lower Tread Going 

LGRD Leave Ppoint gradient 

LHBORE TRUE if Major/Header bore is in nominal bore


LHEA Logical head flag 

LHEI Letter height 

LHIDE Hide flag for catalogue datasets: True if property

is not shown on form 

LIGHTI Lighting requirements 

LIMI Volume of interest 

LIMNUM Order number of limit 

LINE LINE of inter-user message 

LINIT Location initialisation flag 

LINKRE Link reference 

LINKS Linked elements 

LINKSN Linked session on parent extract 

LINKXR Referencing elements 

LISS True if drawing has been issued 

LIST List of all possible member types 

LJCB Linear joint cutback 






LLCL Leader line clearance 

LLCOLO Label leader colour 

LLCONU Label leader colour number 

LLEA Leader line flag 

LLIS List of all possible types in member hierarchy 

LLPN Label leader pen 

LLSTRE Label leader linestyle Reference 

LLSTYL Label leader linestyle 

LMAXTR Maximum number of retries for command 

LMERDL PDMS GLOBAL Enable automatic merge of

transaction db 

LMERFA Number of days Failed commands persist in

Trans dB 

LMERSU Number of days Successful commands persist

in Trans dB 

LMERTI Frequency of Auto Merge of Transaction DB 

LMIRR True if Mirroring required 

LNAME Local name as stored on template 

LNDLEV Landing levels from owning element 

LNFA Hidden Reference Array for linked Vertices 

LNKCLS Classes referencing a DocLink 

LNKDOC DocLinks referring to element 

LNKELE Elements referencing a DocLink 

LNKLNK Proxy reference to model/lnclas element 

LNKREF Reference internal document (drawing/sheet) 

LNKRX Reference to first location of a link 

LNKRY Reference to second location of a link 


LNKWV Link weighting value 

LNLST List of local names for current template 

LNOUPD DB propagation suppressed flag 

LNPRXS Proxy items referring to element 


LNTP Line type 

LOCA Location 

LOCID Location identifier 

LOCK True if element is locked 

LOCPR List of LOCs Primary at location 

LOCRF Location reference 

LOCTYP Location 

LOD Leave Ppoint outside diameter 

LOFF Offline flag 

LOGEV Logical value evaluation 

LOGFN COMMS log file name 

LOGIN Login Name 

LOGLV COMMS log file level of detail 

LOGMS COMMS log file active/inactive flag 

LOGXP Logical expression 

LOHE PLOOP height - from first PLOOP in owning panel 

LOOS Loose 

LOWGAP Lower Gap 

LOWPOS Point nearest workshop floor 

LOWREF References to lower exit level 

LPOS Leave position 

LPOSE Easting of leave position 

LPOSN Northing of leave position 

LPOSU Upping of leave position 

LPROT Protected DB Flag 

LQAANG Angle between alignment direction of leave

Ppoint and next 

LQANG Angle between leave Ppoint and next


LQBORE TRUE if leave Ppoint has same bore as next 

LQCON TRUE if leave Ppoint has Correct connection


LQOFF Offset between leave Ppoint and next


LRBORE TRUE if bores is in reducer table 

LREF Link reference 

LRISE Lower Tread Rise 

LSELEC True if can be set Directly in Design 

LSHA Leader shape code 

LSPA Text line spacing factor 

LSRO Leave rod specification 

LSTR Stress flag 

LSTU Leave tube reference 

LSTYNO Line Style Number 

LTAI Logical tail flag 

LTBORE TRUE if bores is in branch (tee) table 

LTER Label terminator code 

LTHICK Door leaf thickness 

LTIMEI Time Interval between retries 

LTLE Length of leave implied tube 

LTOP Top of leave pipe 

LVAR Variant Flag 

LVIS Visibility flag 

支持(0) 中立(0) 反对(0)  单帖管理

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小大  7 楼 个性首页 | QQ | 信息 | 搜索 | 邮箱 | 主页 | UC
白水 6

   Post By:2009-12-26 12:24:08

LVOL Enclosing box volume in local coordinates 

LWAITD Time interval between re-sending commands 

LWIDTH Line Width 

加好友 发短信 LWP Lower Working Point 

等级:高中三年级 贴子:107 积 LYCOL AutoCAD Layer Colour 

分:1044 威望:0 精华:3 注册:
LYCVFR AutoCAD Layer Current Viewport Freeze 
2007-5-11 15:05:12

LYFRZE AutoCAD Layer Freeze flag 

LYLOCK AutoCAD Layer Lock flag 

LYLTYP AutoCAD Layer LineType 

LYLWT AutoCAD Layer LineWeight 

LYNVFR AutoCAD Layer New Viewport Freeze 

LYPFG AutoCAD Layer Plotting flag 

LYPSTY AutoCAD Layer Plotter Style 

LYVIS AutoCAD Layer Visibility Flag 

LZDIR Leave alignment direction 

MACRID Clip macro ID 

MAKER Maker 

MANCOG Center of gravity 

MANTRA Transformation from local coordinate system 

MANTYP Manufactured type e.g. Plane, Curved,... 

MANU Manufacturer Name 

MANWGH Weight 

MAPCSV Map catalogue session vector 

MAPEXS Map extract and session number 

MAPV Map values 

MARK Mark number 

MARKRF Cable Mark points 

MARPTY Marine picture type 

MATANG Material Lay Angle 

MATDEN Material density 

MATDIR Material direction 

MATID Material ID 

MATLEN Material Length 

MATOVE Material Overlap 

MATR Material reference 

MATWID Material Width 

MATX Material text 

MAXA Maximum answer 

MAXARE Maximum area 

MAXB Maximum bore 

MAXD DB hierarchy depth of lowest level item beneath


MAXFIL Maximum percentage fill level 

MAXHUM Maximum Humidity 

MAXLP Maximum length of pipe 

MAXMIN Maximum and minimum values of design


MAXOD Maximum Outer Diameter 

MAXPLN Maximum Plane Position 

MAXPRE Maximum Pressure 

MAXREP Maximum number of Repeat items created 

MAXTEM Maximum Temperature 

MAXTRY Maximum Number of Retries 

MAXU Maximum number of user 

MAXVOL Maximum Volume 

MAXWAT Maximum Water Level 

MBACK Members in reverse order 

MCBENT Machine bent 

MCMX Maximum permitted macro number 

MCOLOU Marker colour 

MCONUM Marker colour number 

MCOU Number of Element Members of Given type 

MDBCLS List of MDBs in which DB is current 

MDBF Current MDB 

MDBLS List of MDBs to which DB belongs 

MDSYSF Reference Array of Model and Design Elements 

MELRFA All components (non-tube) in the PipePiece 

MEMB All members, or members of specific type 

MEML Member line for SCTNs 

MEMNAM Member name 

MEMTYP Member type array 

MESNUM Message Number 

MESQUA Message Qualifier Number 

MESREF Message data reference 

MFAR Model Function Word array 

MFLG Master link flag - SLAVE if FALSE 

MID Return identified members 

MIDBK Return identified members in reverse order 

MIDP Section midpoint (steelwork) 

MINARE Minimum area 

MINBEN Minimum Bend Radius 

MINFED Minimum feed values 

MINHUM Minimum Humidity 

MINLP Minimum length of pipe 

MINOD Minimum Outer Diameter 

MINPLN Minimum Plane Position 

MINPOS Smallest position number of nested plate parts 

MINPRE Minimum Pressure 

MINTEM Minimum Temperature 

MINVOL Minimum Volume 

MIRROR True if mirrored in local v-axis 

MLEF Minimum length excluding flange 

MLIF Minimum length including flange 

MLIM Moment limits 

MLNCOL Member-line colour 

MLNCON Member-line colour number 

MLNP Member line pen 

MLNSTR Member-line linestyle Reference 

MLNSTY Member-line linestyle 

MLRF Reference to a user entry in comms db 

MMBOR MM Nominal Bore 

MODATT True if attribute of element can be modified 

MODDEL True if element can be deleted 

MODE Database mode 

MODERR Returns the error text that would occur if

attribute was modified 

MODF Reference of current module 


MODREF Model reference 

MODU Module 

MOFI Momemt of Inertia 

MOME Moment 

MOULEN Mould length 

MPEN Marker pen 

MRGF ADP merge flag 

MRGL ADP merge level 

MRKLEN Total marking length 

MRKR 3 way component marker 

MRKST Number of starts for marking 

MSDTXT Message Data text 

MSESS Last session number 

MSLOC Location Origin of Message 

MSSENT Message Sent to relevant site 


MSTEXT Message text 

MSTREF Marker style Reference 

MSTYLE Marker style 

MSTYPE Reference of TROUCO/TROPER creating this


MTBE Material tube start. The first component,

excluding ATTSs, for whom the LOFF is invalid or false 

MTCL Material tube centreline length. 

MTEN Material tube end. The first component, excluding

ATTSs, for whom the LOFF is invalid or false 

MTLE Material tube length for TUBI. Includes preceding

bend length if bend is offline. 

MTOC Material list control for components 

MTOH Material list control for head tube 

MTOL Material List Length 

MTOPAR Additional spooling item part numbers 

MTOQ Material take off quantity 

MTOR Extra material list spec references 

MTOT Material list control for components leave tube 

MTOX Old spooler addition items 

MTXR Material text reference 

MTXX XTEXT of material text 

MTXY YTEXT of material text 

MTXZ ZTEXT of material text 

MULT Multiplier factor (unit definition) 

MURF Reference to a user entry in system db 

MVER Reference to Master Vertex 

MYINSF Surface Treatment Reference 

MYOUSF Surface Treatment Reference 

MYSRFT Surface Treatment Reference 

N Position northing 

NACCNT Non-additive changes count 

NACKN No. of times Acknowledged 

NAME Name of the element 


NAMESQ Type. sequence number and name of element 

NAMETY Type and name of the element 

NAMN Name of the element (without leading slash) 

NAMTYP Type and full name of element 

NANGLE North angle 


NARE Reference to neutral axis 

NBEVIT Pathtime except starts, I-bevel 

NBEVXT Pathtime except starts, X-bevel 

NBEVYT Pathtime except starts, Y-bevel 

NBORE Allowable Nominal Bore 

NBYT Number of bytes per multi-byte character 

NCHAR Number of label characters 

NCOF Nett centre of gravity 

NCOL Number of columns 

NCONNE Mismatched connections. i.e. no valid


NCUTNT Number of cutouts and notches 

NCUTS Number of cuts in a mitred bend 

NDTINT NC tape date 

NDTTXT NC tape date text 

NEWUID Generated UUID version string 

NFSP Pointer to next free space in block (assembly) 

NGMR Negative geometry set reference 

NGSD Number of GSDs 

NHOLE Number of holes 

NIDLAB Pathtime except idle time for label 

NIDLT Pathtime except idle time 

NLCOLO Note colour 

NLCONU Note colour number 

NLOA Nominal load 

NLPN Note/framing pen 

NLSTRE Note linestyle Reference 

NLSTRT Number of label starts 

NLSTYL Note linestyle 

NMOF Nett moments of inertia 

NOCOL Number of pin jig columns 

NODIMS No Dims Flag 

NOEXTC Location extract create suppression flag 

NOFF Number off 

NOFG Link constraint inversion flag 

NOMARK True if unmarked 

NOMBIN List of valid Nominal bores in Inches 

NOMBMM List of valid Nominal bores in MM 

NOMREF Nominal bore table reference 

NOMXRF Return reference from NOMTAB element to


NOPGS Number of openings 

NORM Plane normal 

NOROW Number of pin jig rows 

NORTHI Northing part expressed as a position 

NOSOFF Nosing Offset 

NOTF Cross-reference to NOTE/VNOT/SYTM 

NPDESC List of non primary offspring 

NPILL Number of jig pillars 

NPLDFA Nesting default file 1 

NPLDFB Nesting default file 2 

NPLIST All NATPs attached to route node 

NPLMIR Quantity mirrored nested plates 

支持(0) 中立(0) 反对(0)  单帖管理

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   Post By:2009-12-26 12:24:27

NPLNOR Quantity normal nested plates 

NPLTOT Total quantity nested plates 

NPOS Position in owner 

加好友 发短信 NPOSE Easting of position wrt owner 

等级:高中三年级 贴子:107 积 NPOSN Northing of position wrt owner 

分:1044 威望:0 精华:3 注册:
NPOSU Upping of position wrt owner 
2007-5-11 15:05:12

NPPT Ppoint number 

NPRSID Side of nested profile 

NREL Nodal releases 

NREPAK No. of times Reply Acknowledged 

NREPLY No. of times Replied 

NRETRY Number of Retries 

NROW Number of rows 

NRPARM Number of rest plate parameters 

NRULEE Number of rule inconsistencies on element 

NSIZ Nominal size 

NSPE Specification for NOZZLE 

NSRF Nett surface area 

NSTART Number of non-burning starts 

NSTD Non-standard bolt length (reference to DTAB) 

NSTFAC Number of starts - factor 

NSTRT Number of burning starts 

NSTRTI Number of burning starts I-bevel 

NSTRTX Number of burning starts X-bevel 

NSTRTY Number of burning starts Y-bevel 

NTEXT Null text 

NTRLEN Neutral length 

NUMB Number 

NUMCOR Number of cores in a cable 

NUMOFF Number of Sheets off Drawing 

NUSED Number of used raw plates 

NVIEWF Neutral viewer filename 

NVOL Nett volume 

NWEI Nett weight 

NWELDS Number of attached welds on a piping


NXTARL Next Target Location for the command 

NXTDBN Next DB number 

NXTEXN Next DB extract number 

NXTFDB Next DB file and DB number 

NXTFLN Next DB file number 

NXTHB Reference to next (future) hub 

OANG Overlay sheet angle 

OBCOLO Obscured face colour 

OBCONU Obscured face colour number 

OBFG Obstruction flag 

OBJCD Object codes 

OBPN Obscured face pen 

OBST Obstruction level 

OBSTRE Obscured face linestyle Reference 

OBSTYL Obscured face linestyle 

OCCTYP Occupancy Type 

OCCUPA Occupancy 

OCOD Hashed origin code 

OCONE Objectcode 1 

OCTWO Objectcode 2 

OD Outer Diameter 

ODES Owning design parameters 

ODWGF Open DWG filename (No suffix) 

OFFDIR Offset direction applied to repeat 

OFFDIS Offset distance applied to repeat elements 

OFFL Offline flag 

OFFSET Offset 


OGDSTS Distances to openings 

OGOING Overall Going 

OHTYPE Hard type of owner 

OKCLA True if element may be claimed 

OKCLH True if element and hierarchy may be claimed 

OKDROP True if element may be dropped 

OKDRPH Primary elements preventing hierarchy drop 

OKREL True if element may be released 

OKRLEH Primary elements preventing hierarchy release 

OKRLEX True if element may be extract released 

OKRLH True if element and hierarchy may be released 

OLCOLO Outline colour 

OLCONU Outline colour number 


OLIS List of all possible owner types 

OLPEN Outline pen 

OLSTRE Outline linestyle Reference 

OLSTYL Outline linestyle 

OMITFG Omission flag 

ONPJ Owning neutral point of joint (steelwork) 

ONPO ONTO Point, position of view in the region 

ONPS Owning neutral point of section (steelwork) 

OPAR Owning parameters - catalogue component 

OPCLA Claim Access Control Operation 

OPCOP Copy-From Access Control Operation 

OPCRE Create Access Control Operation 

OPCREF Offpage connector reference 

OPDEL Delete Access Control Operation 

OPDI Origin plane direction 

OPDRO Drop Access Control Operation 

OPERAT Operator 

OPEXP Export Access Control Operation 

OPHEIG Operational Height 

OPISS Issue Access Control Operation 

OPLENG Operational Length 

OPMOD Modify Access Control Operation 

OPNSIZ Opening size 

OPOS Overlay sheet position 

OPOUT Output (DATAL) Access Control Operation 

OPREMA Operating pres. max 

OPREMI Operating pres. min 

OPSTAT Operation Status 

OPTEMP Operational temperature 

OPWIDT Operational Width 

ORI Orientation 

ORIA Orientation as angles 

ORIE Orientation 

ORIL Orientation flag 

ORILOC Original Location 

ORIN DRAFT user defined symbol orientation 

ORISE Overall Rising 

ORNA Originator text 

ORRF Origin reference (for templates) 

OSDWG AutoCAD overlay name 

OSET Offset/VIEW position flag 

OSFN Overlay sheet file 

OSHT Overshoot 

OSLV Overlay sheet view layers visible 

OSRF Overlay sheet ref 

OSTYPE Short cut for "Type of owner" 

OTMPMA Operating temp. max 

OTMPMI Operating temp. min 

OUDA Date when the process design was analysed 

OUPRTR Outside paint reference 

OUTB User who created the transfer file 

OUTD Outside diameter 

OUTFRF Reference of matching outfit object 

OUTSD Outside shield diameter 

OUTSTA Output Command Status 

OVRSH Overshoot (d-measure) for unnsymmetrical


OWNC Owning connection type 

OWNER Owner 

OWNLST Owning hierarchy 

PAAX Direction of axis 

PAGE Page in diagram 

PAINTO Painting other side 

PAINTT Painting this side 

PAIREF Reference to a PAINT element 

PALIG Panel alignment 

PALLAN Ppoint allowed angle 

PANESI Panel Size 

PANG Angle subtended 

PANREF Panel reference 

PANSCD Panel storing code 

PANSID Side of panel 

PANSTC Panel storing code 

PARA Parameters 

PARAL True if tap parallel to referred seam 


PARENT Reference of ascendant element of specified


PARM Parameters 

PARNAM Part name 

PARREF Part reference 

PARTNU Part number of a spooled component or leave


PASS Password 

PATDEF Pattern Definition 

PATH Path 

PATHTM Path time for selected burning machine 

PATNAM Pattern Name 

PATREP Pattern Repeat 

PAXI Axial direction 

PBAX Direction 

PBBT Bottom B length 

PBDI Distance to bottom surface 

PBDM Snout bottom diameter 

PBENDN Spooling pulled bend number 

PBOF B offset 

PBOP Bottom of pipe 

PBOR Bore 

PBTP Top B length 

PCAX Direction of C offset 

PCBT Bottom C length 

PCODA Precision code angles 

PCODE Precision code 

PCODF Precision code fractions 

PCODI Precision code imperial 

PCODM Precision code metric 

PCOF C offset 

PCON Connection type 

PCONDE Ppoint connection description 

PCREF Ppoint and ref of connected piping component 

PCRFA All spools that contain this element 

PCTP Top C length 

PDEFI Primitive Definition 

PDIA Diameter parameter 

PDIR Ppoint direction 

PDIS Distance parameter 

PDTINT Production date 

PDTTXT Production date text 

PDWGF PDMS DWG filename (with suffix) 

PERS Perspective angle 

PFON Projection line text font 

PFONTN Projection line text font name 

PFRE Pfitting reference for Cofittings 

PFREQ Picture file required flag 

PGRD Ppoint gradient 

PHBO Pipe head bore 

PHBP Bottom of pipe head 

PHCO Pipe head connection type 

PHDR Pipe head direction 

PHEI Height 

PHGR Pipe head gradient 

PHOD Pipe head outside diameter 

PHPO Pipe head position 

PHTP Top of pipe head 

PICF Picture filename 

PICFD Picture file distribution flag 

PICHTY Hard type of picture 

PICSTY Soft type of picture 

PIDR Comparator PEGS UDA as real 

PIDT Comparator PEGS UDA as text 

PILR Comparator PEGS Link UDA as real 

PIPSYM Pipe-end symbol flag 

PITCH Pitch of stair flight 

PJUS Projection line text justification 

PKDI Proportional distance along Pline 

PKEY Pline identifier key 

PLALEN Raw plate length 

PLANV Is Plan View 


PLATYP Type of plate e.g. Plate, Bracket, Clip,... 

PLAWDT Raw plate width 

PLAX 2D direction angle 

PLCL Projection line clearance 

PLCLFL Proj. line clearance flag 

PLCN Pline centreline flag 

PLCO Pline connection 

PLCOLO Projection line colour 

PLCONU Projection line colour number 

PLDE Pline description 

PLDI Projection line direction 

PLED Plane entry direction 

PLEN Pline end 

PLENCU Pline end, allowing for cutback 

PLFG Plines flag 

PLLE Pline level 

PLLS List of valid Plines 

PLNA List of available Pline names 

PLNCOL Pline colour 

PLNCON Pline colour number 

PLNP Pline pen 

PLNSTR Pline linestyle Reference 

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   Post By:2009-12-26 12:24:54

PLNSTY Pline linestyle 

PLOR Pline orientation 

PLPM Plane pipe packing method - nearest or weighted 

加好友 发短信 PLPN Projection line pen 

等级:高中三年级 贴子:107 积 PLPP Plane pipe positioning code word used by Router 
分:1044 威望:0 精华:3 注册:
PLPU Pline purpose 
2007-5-11 15:05:12

PLRD Plane routine direction 

PLREF Pline reference 

PLREFS Pline references 

PLRF Plane reference 

PLSP Projection line text line spacing 

PLST Pline start 

PLSTCU Pline start, allowing for cutback 

PLSTRE Projection linestyle Reference 

PLSTYL Projection linestyle 

PLTU Pline tube flag 

PLTX Projection line text 

PLWW Plane wall to wall positioning code used by


PMAX Maximum part number in current spool drawing 

PMLFUN PML Function name 

PMLNAM Name of Pmlobject 

PMOD Plane mode 

PNAM Property description 

PNTARR Points 

PNTUV Point2D 


POBO Port Bore 

POCK Is a branch component in a pocket 

POCO Port Connection 

POD Ppoint outside diameter 

PODI Port Direction 

POEF Post-evaluation flag 

POFF Offset 

POINUM Point Num 

POIS Spot value of Poissons ratio 

POITYP Point type 

PONA Port Name 

POOR Port orientation 

POPCOD Post Operation Code 

POPS Port Position 

POS Position 

POSE End point position 

POSEE Easting of end point position 

POSEU Upping of end point position 

POSEV Position evaluation 

POSEY Northing (Y coordinate) of end point position 

POSFOR Intelligent Text positional code word expansion


POSI Positioning flag 

POSL Positioning line 

POSN Northing of position 

POSNO Position number 

POSREF Reference to point 

POSS Start point position 

POSSE Easting of start point position 

POSSN Northing of start point position 

POSSU Upping of start point position 

POSTSP Default post spacing 

POSU Upping of position 

POSX Easting (X coordinate) of position 

POSXP Position expression 

POTA Port Target Reference 

POWFAC Powder point factor 

PPAFR Arrive flange required 

PPANFL Pipe Piece Angle between flanges 

PPAREF Pipe Piece Arrive Reference 

PPBO Ppoint bore 

PPBRAD Pipe piece bend radii 

PPBRAT Pipe piece bend ratio 

PPCNBD Pipe piece contains bends 

PPCO Ppoint connection type 

PPCOU Number of valid Ppoints 

PPCUTL Cut Length 

PPDE Ppoint description 

PPDI Ppoint number for direction 

PPER Pipe piece end reference 

PPEXST True if Ppoint exists 

PPFINL Finished Length 

PPFMCV Pipe piece fabrication machines verified 

PPHEI Ppoint height 

PPLFR Leave flange required 

PPLREF Pipe Piece Leave Reference 

PPLS List of valid Ppoints 

PPMODI Pipe piece modified 

PPNU Design PPoint/Port number 

PPOS Ppoint position 

PPREF Ppoint reference 

PPRFA All components in the PipePiece 

PPRO Parameterised Property Expression 

PPSK Ppoint pskey 

PPSR Pipe piece start reference 

PPSTU Pipe Piece Specification 

PPUR Ppoint purpose 

PPVBMC Return the bending machine IF the pipe piece

is verified 

PPVERI Pipe piece verified 

PPVI List of visible Ppoints 

PPVIF Ppoint visibility flag 

PPVWMC Return the welding machine IF the pipe piece

is verified 

PPWID Ppoint width 

PQAANG Angle between alignment direction of specified

pp and adjacent component 

PQANG Angle between specified Ppoint and adjacent


PQBORE TRUE if specified Ppoint has same bore as


PQCON TRUE if leave Ppoint has Correct connection


PQOFF Offset between specified Ppoint and adjacent


PQUA Property qualifier 

PRAD Radius 

PRAV Average pressure 

PRDE Property default 

PREF Pre-evaluation flag 

PREFIX Prefix 

PREOP Reference of TROUCO/TROPER creating this


PREPT Preparation time 

PRES Pressure 

PRFC Pressure factor 

PRFELE Cableway profile element 

PRFG Profile flag 

PRFL Profile 

PRFOBS Cableway profile obstructions 

PRIMDB Global status of DB, primary or secondary 

PRIMEM Primary member 

PRIMSY Reference of the primary system elements 

PRIMTY True if element is primary 

PRITYP Gpart Primary type 

PRJD Project description 

PRJID Project id. Available on STAT or GSTAT element 

PRJLCK Project lock 

PRJN Project number 

PRJSTA Access Control project status 

PRJUID Project unique identifier 

PRLS List of valid properties - catalogue or design 

PRMA Maximum pressure 

PRMDIR Primary Direction 

PRMI Minimum pressure 

PRMLOC Primary location 

PRMMEM True if there are any primary elements

amongst descendants 

PRMOWN Primary owning element (will be itself if

PRMRF Primary Location Element 

PRMV Draughting primitive visibility 

PRODRF Reference to Production Object 

PROJ PROJID - on the DB element 

PROLEN Raw profile length 

PROP Property value from catalogue or design dataset 

PROPG DB propagation flag 

PROPRE Calculated Property Real Attribute 

PROSID Plate side with most profile markings 

PRPU Property purpose 

PRTI Property title 

PRTIDL Long part id 

PRTIDM Module part id 

PRTIDS Short part id 

PRTLST Parts list name 

PRTREF Part reference 

PRTRTX Part element R text 

PRTSTX Part element S text 

PRTTTX Part element T text 

PRTXRF Return reference from PART element to SPCOs 

PRVLOC Previous Location of Command 

PRVRF Reference to previous owner of DB 

PRVSES Previous Session to that specified 

PSARFA Pipespool arrive references 

PSATTS List of pseudo attributes 

PSESS Previous session number 

PSFG Piping component symbol flag 

PSIZE Panel size 


PSLRFA Pipespool leave references 

PSPE Pipe specification 

PSPIN Ppoint number showing position of spindle 

PSTAT Plane status 

PSTF Pointset reference 

PSTR Structural Pline set reference 

PSVLD Pipespool valid 

PTAN Projection line text angle flag 

PTBO Pipe tail bore 

PTBP Bottom of pipe tail 

PTCD Parameterised direction 

PTCH Projection text character height 

PTCO Pipe tail connection type 

PTCOLO Projection text colour 

PTCONU Projection text colour number 

PTCPOS Parameterised position 

PTDI Distance to top surface 

PTDM Snout top diameter 

PTDR Pipe tail direction 

PTDTRE Part Data set reference 

PTEM Pipework temperature 

PTEPOS Parameterised end position 

PTFA Point references 

PTGR Pipe tail gradient 

PTLH Projection text letter height 

PTNB Old spooler bolt part number 

PTNH Old spooler head tube part number 

PTNO Old spooler component part number 

PTNT Old spooler tube part number 

PTOD Pipe tail outside diameter 

PTOF Projection line text offset 

PTOLER Tolerance on a design property 

PTOP Top of pipe 

PTPN Projection text pen 

PTPO Pipe tail position 

PTPTXT Profile type. e.g. Stiffener, Flange,... 

PTRE Point set reference 

PTRF Point reference 

PTS Line definition points 

PTSP Paint specification 

PTSPOS Parameterised start position 

PTTP Top of pipe tail 

PTYP Property type 

PUCD Paint Code 

PUINCD Inside punch code 

PUNCHT Punching time 

PUNI Data Property Units 

PUOUCD Outside punch code 

PURCH Purchase information 

PURP Description code word 

PVIF PPoint visibility filter 

PVNO Picture version number 

PWAS Percentage wastage factor 

PWID Width / Wall thickness 

PWWFAC Powder way factor 

PX Cartesian X position 

PXBS Inclination of bottom surface to local X axis 

PXLE X length 

PXTS Inclination of top surface to local X axis 

PY Cartesian Y position 

PYBS Inclination of bottom surface to local Y axis 

PYLE Y length 

PYTS Inclination of top surface to local Y axis 

PZ Cartesian Z position 

PZAXI Alignment axial direction 

PZDIR Ppoint alignment direction 

PZLE Z length 

支持(0) 中立(0) 反对(0)  单帖管理

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白水 6

   Post By:2009-12-26 12:25:13

QALLSI AllocSize 

QMXUPT MaxUserPtr 

加好友 发短信 QOBJSI ObjectSize 

等级:高中三年级 贴子:107 积 QTYPE Type of question 

分:1044 威望:0 精华:3 注册:
QUACD Quality code 
2007-5-11 15:05:12

QUAL Qualifier 
QUAN Quantity (always one!) 

QUAPAI Paint specification 

QUATXT Quality 

QUES Question 

QUSEXP question expression 

RADD Default Radius value 

RADF Radius attractor factor 

RADI Radius 

RADL Radius limits (Min/Max) 

RADS Radius set flag - ignore Radius values if FALSE 

RAILHE Heights of rails measured from path 

RANANG Range of available angles for bends and


RANRAD Range of available radii 

RATFAC Rationalisation factor 

RATI Pressure rating 

RATM Attributes on CE which are used in dynamic rules 

RATPOT Rationalisation post text 

RATPRE Rationalisation pre text 

RATS Slave attributes for dynamic rules 

RAWNAM Name only 

RAWPLA Raw Plate 

RAWPRO Name of raw profile 

RCOD Direction of region vertical on sheet 

RCOF Rough centre of gravity 

RCOU Number of rules on element 

RCPY Reconfigured copy 

RDEF Port rotation flexibility defaults 

RDEP Local design property value (synonym of LDPR) 

REACT Reactance 

REALEV Real evaluation 

REALXP Real expression 

RECOMM Release to 3D comment 

REDATE Release to 3D date 

REDREF Reducer table reference 

REDXRF Return reference from Reducer Table element

to SPECs 

REF Reference of the element 

REFA Reference attribute used in ports 

REFI Reference array index 

REFL Reference type list 

REFLCL True if reflected in CL 

REFLEV Reference Level 

REFMOD Reflection Mode 

REFSIZ Reference size 

REPCOU Rule Repeat Counter 

REPSEQ Sequence no. for template repeat element 

REPTXT Reporter text used for element type 

RESIS Resistance 

RESO Model Resolution (distance) 

RESPAR Calculated value of parameter 

RESTAT Release to 3D status 

REUSER Release to 3D user 

REV Pipe Revision number 

RFLAG Type of real answer NONE, SINGle, RANGe or


RFLF Rotational spring values 

RFLG RPROP flag on geomset/pointset - set if RPROP


RHOST Host computer name or IP address of remote


RINE Rotational inertia vector 

RINS Inside radius 

RISE Tread Rise 

RLAC Rule action array 

RLEX Array of references of special rules to exclude 

RLIM Rotation limits 

RLIN Array of references of special rules to include 

RLIS List of rules set 

RLLO Rule logical array 

RLOC Branch Member Creation Status code (Router) 

RLSE Rule selection array 

RLST Array of ROUTER saved rules 

RMFL Rotational moment flexibility 

RMOF Rough moments of inertia 

RNAM Recipient name 

RNAME Real Name 

RNGCON Rung Connection 

RNGOFF Rung Offset 

RNREF Route Node reference 

RNRIDF Rung Rising Default 

RNRIMA Rung Rising Minimum 

RNRIMI Rung Rising Minimum 

ROBRRU Router Rules applying to a piping element or


ROLREF Access Control role references from ACR 

RONL Readonly access to MDB 

RORIEN True if repeat item is re-orientated upon


ROTN Rotation 

ROUT Outside radius 

ROUTND Cable Preliminary route point 

ROUTRE Route reference 

ROWCOL Row colour 

ROWCON Row colour number 

ROWNUM Pin row number 

ROWSTR Row linestyle Reference 

ROWSTY Row linestyle 

RPARM Rest plate parameters 

RPEN Pen for internal rows 

RPLCOD Rest plate code 

RPLNAM Rest plate name 

RPLNUM Number of rest plates 

RPLPOS Rest plate position 

RPLSET Rest plate set 

RPLTYP Rest plate type 

RPRE Reference pressure 

RPRO Catalogue dataset property 

RPTX Reported header text 

RREF References with dynamic rules depending on

attributes in CE 
RRSF Rep ruleset reference 

RSBOX Bounding box of RSO 

RSEQA Sequence numbers for rule execution 

RSEQFA Rule sequence ref array for local names 

RSEQN Sequence number for rule execution 

RSET Rotation limits set flag - ignore values if FALSE 

RSFFD Functional description on face 

RSFMC Material code on face 

RSFMS Material side on face 

RSFMT Material thickness on face 

RSFSA Auto stiffening on face 

RSFSD Profile dim on face 

RSFSS Stiffener side on face 

RSFST Profile type on face 

RSFWT Watertight 

RSGBOX Bounding box of GRSO 

RSGVLD GRSO valid for 

RSLBRA Bracket instance at limit 

RSLELE Limiting element 

RSLPRE Profile end definition at limit 

RSPAN Panel(s) defined on RSO 

RSPLN Principal plane of RSO 

RSRF Rough surface area 

RSTYP Type of RSO 

RTEM Reference temperature 

RTEX R Text string 

RTYP Restraint type 

RULEER Text of "nth" rule error 

RULMDC List of rules modified since comparison date 

RULMDL List of rules modified since given session 

RULMOC True if rule modified since comparison date 

RULMOD True if rule modified this session 

RULSET List of rules set 

RUNGS Number of rungs 

RUNGSP Rung Spacing 

RUSE True if PPROP/DPROP to be used as an RPROP in

geomset/pointset attribute expression 

RVAU Revision author 

RVDT Date of revision 

RVOL Rough gross volume 

RVSN Revision number 

RVTM Time of revision 

RWDOWN Reference of associated WELD of RWELD


RWDTBL Table linking RWELD elements to design WELD


RWEI Rough weight 

RWIDTH Rung Width 

S Position southing 

SAFC Safety class 

SAVDIR Cached direction 

SAVPOS Cached position 

SBRA SBOLT references 

SBRP SBFR to RPLA reference link (Router) 

SCAL DRAFT user defined symbol scale factor 

SCALI ADP main view allowable scale list 

SCALIN Drafting symbol link scaling flag 

SCGTYP Schematic nozzle gtype 

SCHED Piping Schedule 

SCHEID Schematics reference 

SCHEME Scheme name 

SCHLNK Connectivity Schematic Link 

SCOD Isodraft Compipe: Short code 

SCOREF Access Control scope references from ACR 

SCOSEL Access Control scope 

SCRAPT Total scrap of raw plate area 

SCRAPU Total scrap of used raw plate area 

SCSTYP Schematic stype 

SCSYSD System reference array for schematic


SCSYSF System reference array for schematic elements 

SCTDIR Section Direction 

SDISTA Vertical Distance of Start 


SDTH Saddle thickness 

SDTINT Splitting date 

SDTTXT Splitting date 

SECTYP Gpart Secondary type 

SECU User security 

SECUR User security 

SEGE Segment end point position 

SEGS Segment start point position 

SENS Rotational sense 

SEQU Sequence Position in Member List 

SESCLA Session Of Claim 

SESSC Comment for specified session 

SESSCA List of pairs of DB number, last session number

for all referenced DBs 

SESSCH As for SESSCA, but searches all descendants

for referenced DBs 

SESSD Date of specified Session 

SESSM Session Of Last Modification 

SESSNO Current opened Session 

SESSU User creating specified session 

SETDAT Set Date 

SEXPND All descendent elements in secondary


SFCODE Stiffener Code 

SFLIMI Spooling limits 

SFOR Start force vector component 

SFREF Return reference from piping component or leave

tube to spool or field element 

SHAP Shape modulus 

SHFALG Shrinkage factor along main direction 

SHFPRP Shrinkage factor perpendicular to main


SHFSEA Shrinkage factor for seams perp. to main


SHIPNO Ship number 

SHIPX Ship X position 

SHIPY Ship Y position 

SHIPZ Ship Z position 

支持(0) 中立(0) 反对(0)  单帖管理

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   Post By:2009-12-26 12:25:32

SHOC Shock load vector 

SHOP Shop/Site flag 

SHOPRI Shop Primer 

加好友 发短信 SHPSYM Shape symbol text 

等级:高中三年级 贴子:107 积 SHPUV Point defining shrinkage 

分:1044 威望:0 精华:3 注册:
SHRF Reference to associated sheet or library 
2007-5-11 15:05:12

SHTNUM Sheet Number 

SHVUV Vector defining shrinkage 

SIF Stress intensification factor 

SIGF Significant figures 

SIGNIF True if element is significant 

SIGREF Significant point reference 

SITEM Reference from secondary hierarchy 

SIZE Sheet/region size 

SIZEDB Size of DB 

SJUS Surface justification for PALJs 

SKEY Symbol key 

SKEYSC Universal SKEY scale factor 

SMAX Maximum spool number in current spool drawing 

SMEMB Immediate members in secondary hierarchy 

SMNO SMODU number 

SMOD Sectioning mode 

SMOM Start moment component 



SOLFIL Solid Filled Flag 

SORF Source reference (for automatic application) 

SOUR Source macro 

SPAMAP Pointer to map 

SPBREF Reference to boundary element 

SPECIF True if outer panel contour on PS/SB are


SPIN DRAFT user defined spindle symbol/skey name 

SPINRE Reference to external inventory element 

SPKBRK ATTA flag to treat as a real element 

SPKDI Proportional distance of start point along Pline 

SPLA Name of spigot plate 

SPLATE Section plate 


SPLH Old spooler head tube spool number 

SPLMEM Spooling table attribute on SPOOL or FIELD


SPLN Old spooler component spool number 

SPLNUM Spool number 

SPLP Spool number prefix 

SPLPAR Branches referenced by a SPLDRG, SPOOL or


SPLT Old spooler tube spool number 

SPLTBL Table linking SPOOL + FIELD elements to piping


SPLVOL Volume of a SPOOL element 

SPMA Spec angle maximum answer 

SPOONU Spool number including spool prefix 

SPOW Reference of SPEC owning SPCO of branch


SPPOSN Position number of spigot plate 

SPPURP Special purpose table attribute 

SPRA Spec angle answer 

SPRB Spec bore answer 

SPRE Component spec reference 

SPSF Sheet pointset reference 

SPSP Old spooler spool prefix 

SPTYPE Type of element to be selected 

SPWD Spec text answer 

SQCURR Current value in sequence 

SQMAX Maximum value of sequence 

SQNAME Name of sequence 

SQSTEP Increments in sequence 

SQWRAP True if wrap around in sequence is allowed 

SREF Source reference 

SREL Start releases (packed) 

SREVAY Sheet revisions array 

SRFTRE Reference to a SRFTRT element 

SRTP Sorting priority for dimensions 


STAELE Start Elevation 

STAN Start angle 

STAP Length of arrive straight tube 

STAPOI Cable Start connection point 

STAREF Cable Start reference 

STAT Status 

STCD Symbol Code 

STEX S Text string 

STFC Constant stretch factor 

STFP Proportional stretch factor 

STINCD Inside surface treatment symbol code 

STINRF Inside surface treatment reference 

STITL Sheet title 

STLE Length of leave straight tube 

STLR Steel Reference 

STLSF Database reference 

STMF Template selection pointer 

STNO Style number 

STOCKL Stock Length 

STOUCD Outside Surface treatment symbol code 

STOURF Outside surface treatment reference 

STPDBS Stamps containing db 

STPSES Sessions used in at least one stamp 

STPUV Start point 

STRCON Stair Configuration 

STRE Spot value of stress 

STREAT Surface treatment 

STREV String value evaluation 

STRSTD Stair Standard 

STRXP String expression 

STRXPL True if surface treatment explicitly defined 

STSESS Database session number 

STSP Structural specification 

STYF Rep style reference 

STYP SPECON type question 

STYPDB DB sub type 

SUFFIX Suffix 

SUPP Supplier Name 


SURF Surface Preparation 

SURMAT Surface Material 

SURPRE Surface Preparation 

SVASPL Hull symbolic view as plane Y/N 

SVASSE Hull symbolic view assembly elements 

SVAUTO Hull symbolic view auto Y/N 

SVBLEX Hull symbolic view exclude blocks Y/N 

SVBLOC Hull symbolic view block elements 

SVCAX Hull symbolic view coord axis Y/N 

SVCOMN Hull symbolic view component number 

SVCOMT Hull symbolic view component type 

SVCROS Hull symbolic view cross sect symbol Y/N 

SVCURT Hull symbolic view curve type 

SVCURV Hull symbolic view curve elements 

SVDBEF Hull symbolic view depth before 

SVDBEH Hull symbolic view depth behind 

SVDRAC Hull symbolic view draw accommodation Y/N 

SVDRAI Hull symbolic view draw inters Y/N 

SVDRAP Hull symbolic view draw plane V 

SVDRCW Hull symbolic view draw cableway Y/N 

SVDREQ Hull symbolic view draw equip Y/N 

SVDRPI Hull symbolic view draw pipe Y/N 

SVDRPV Hull symbolic view draw pvol Y/N 

SVDRST Hull symbolic view draw structure Y/N 

SVDRVE Hull symbolic view draw ventilation Y/N 


SVLOOK Hull symbolic view looking direction 

SVLXMA Hull symbolic view xmax 

SVLXMI Hull symbolic view xmin 

SVLYMA Hull symbolic view ymax 

SVLYMI Hull symbolic view ymin 

SVLZMA Hull symbolic view zmax 

SVLZMI Hull symbolic view zmin 

SVNAME Hull symbolic view name 

SVPANE Hull symbolic view panel elements 

SVPLEX Hull symbolic view exclude panels Y/N 

SVPLTY Hull symbolic view plane type 

SVPLXO Hull symbolic view x1 

SVPLXU Hull symbolic view x2 

SVPLXV Hull symbolic view x3 

SVPLYO Hull symbolic view y1 

SVPLYU Hull symbolic view y2 

SVPLYV Hull symbolic view y3 

SVPLZO Hull symbolic view z1 

SVPLZU Hull symbolic view z2 

SVPLZV Hull symbolic view z3 

SVPNAM Hull symbolic view pan name 

SVPONL Hull symbolic view pan only 

SVPOSC Hull symbolic view coord axis pos 

SVRARR Hull symbolic view array of reals 

SVREFL Hull symbolic view reflect Y/N 

SVRSO Hull symbolic view RSO Y/N 

SVSCAL Hull symbolic view scale 

SVSHPR Hull symbolic view profile Y/N 

SVSHSE Hull symbolic view shell seam Y/N 

SVSHTH Hull symbolic view shell thickness Y/N 

SVTYPE Hull symbolic view type 

SVWAY Sheet Views array 

SWING Swing 

SYMBFG Symbol flag 

SYMGRO Symbol Group 

SYMLNS Side of direction vector 

SYMM Symmetry code 

SYMNAM Symbol Name 

SYMXYZ Vector along symmetry line 

SYSLOC System Location for Remote Access 

SYSZ Symbol size (uniform scaling) 

SZDI Start load point in section 

TABANS Tabular answers 

TAGCD Tag code 

TAGCDS Tag codes 

TAGNMS Tag numbers 

TAGNUM Tag number 

TANGLE Tile Angle 

TANGOF Tangent offset 

TANS Text answer for text styp in spec 

TARF Target reference 

TBID Tribon ID 

TBOR Tail bore 

TBTP Hashed table type 

TCAT Trace catalogue reference 

TCDD Current design property default value 

TCDP Current design property value 

TCOD Hashed origin code 

TCON Tail connection type 

TCREF Tail connections 

TCTL True cut length 

TDBF Reference of TO DB 

TDEF Text default for text styp in spec 

TDET Trace detail text reference 

TDIR Tail direction 

TDMF ISODRAFT Reference Dimension attribute 

TDMT ISODRAFT Reference Dimension attribute 

支持(0) 中立(0) 反对(0)  单帖管理

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白水 6
   Post By:2009-12-26 12:25:56

TDPR Template design dataset property 

TDRT Trace detail RTEXT 

TDST Trace detail STEXT 

加好友 发短信 TDTT Trace detail TTEXT 

等级:高中三年级 贴子:107 积 TEAMLS List of TEAMs to which USER belongs 

分:1044 威望:0 精华:3 注册:
TEASTA Access Control team status 
2007-5-11 15:05:12

TEMF Team reference 

TEMP Temperature 

TEMPEL True if element is temporary 

TEMPLI True if element is in exclusion list 

TEND Connection at other end of TREF (HEAD or TAIL) 

TEQDES To Equipment Description 

TESTEV Result of constraint test evaluation 

TESTXP Logical Expression 

TEXIST True if component has TUBI. Always true for

offline bends. 

TFDP Template design dataset property 

TGEOM True if component has TUBI geometry 

TGRA Pipework temperature gradient 

TGRS Tagrule status 

THICKN Thickness 

THPO Point through which viewing 

TIMEE End time of COMMS window 

TIMEI COMMS retry time interval 

TIMEO COMMS max retry count 

TIMER Frequency of DB propagation 

TIMES Start time of COMMS window 

TIMFAC Pathtime time factor 

TIMPET Time factor pre text 

TIMPOT Time factor post text 

TITL Title 

TLCONN List of elements connected to branch tail 

TLIN True length indicator 

TMAP Pointer to map for TUBE 

TMAPV Map values for tube 

TMAT Trace material text reference 

TMAV Average temperature 

TMDWG AutoCAD template name 

TMMA Maximum temperature 

TMMI Minimum temperature 

TMPR Template reference from SPCO 

TMRF Template reference 

TMRMAS Template Repeat Master Duplicate Element 

TMROWN Template Repeat Owning Element 

TMRREF Template Repeat Element Reference 

TMRRUL Template Repeat Rule 

TMRXRE Return reference from TMRREL element to

repeat elements 

TMXT Trace material XTEXT 

TMYT Trace material YTEXT 

TMZT Trace material ZTEXT 

TNAM Global name for the whole process design 

TNOT Note attached to the revision of the process


TOPOLO Branch topology 

TOTALT Total machine time for a nested plate 

TOTLAB Total label pathtime 

TOTLEN Total length 

TOTT Total pathtime 

TOTTI Total pathtime, I-bevel 

TOTTX Total pathtime, X-bevel 

TOTTY Total pathtime, Y-bevel 

TPAR Trace catalogue component parameters 

TPEN Text pen 

TPON TO port number 

TPOS Tail position 

TPOSE Easting of tail position 

TPOSN Northing of tail position 

TPOSU Upping of tail position 

TPREF Tail point reference 

TPRO Name of the project in the process design 

TPVAL Task parameter name 

TQUAL Text qualifier in spec or sele 

TQUES Text question in spec or sele 

TRANS Local transformation matrix 


TRCARG Argument Qualifiers 

TRCG DRAFT user defined symbol trace flag 

TRCLIN Trace line 

TRCNUM Command Type 

TRDACC Database access 

TRDBNO DB number 

TRDBRF DB for transaction 

TREADS Number of treads 

TREATP Tread type 

TREDOV Tread Overlap 

TREF Tail reference 

TREXTN Extract number 

TRFINO Tran. File number 

TRIMCE Array of Trimmed Cells 

TRLOCL Local command or not 

TRMODU Module 

TRONUM Operation Type 

TRPASS Successful Result Flag 

TRSETL Local commands are to be stored 

TRSF Tag ruleset reference 

TRSTYP Database type 

TRTYPE Command/Operation Type 

TRUN Truncation value (+ve) or percentage (-ve) 

TRVISI Whether the command is visible 

TSFBR Spooling marker for leave tube 

TSIZ Terminator size 

TSLEN Total suspension length 

TSPE Tracing spec reference 

TSPR Trace specification component reference 

TSTATE Status 

TSYS Name of the system which has produced the

process design 

TTEX T Text string 

TTFACE TrueType font face name 

TTFDES TrueType font description 

TTFENA TrueType fonts enabled flag 

TTFIND TrueType font index 

TTNO Note entered when the transfer file was created 

TTYP Template type 

TUCL Tube centreline length of branch 

TUFG Tubing flag 

TUFL Tube flag 

TULE Tube length of branch 

TVER Comparator Version number 

TVIS Top visibility flag 

TWIDTH Tread Width 

TWIST True if twisted 

TWLEN Total weld length 

TWRF Tail Working Point (Router) 

TWSTAN Twist angle 

TXALIG Text alignment 

TXCOLO Text colour 

TXCONU Text colour number 

TXSPLI Text splitting flag 

TXSTRI Text String for enhanced LineStyles 

TYNA Hash of database type number 

TYNU Number type 

TYPE Type of the element, ignoring UDET, truncated to

4 or 6 characters 



TYPECD Type code 

TYSEQU Type Sequence Number 

U Position upping 

UAEXSS User Excess Arrive 

UAREA Used area 

UBULG Used bulge factor for curve geometry 

UCAT UDA Category on forms 

UCOD Units code 

UCODB Units code bore 

UCODD Units code distance 

UCOFG User centre of gravity position 

UCONN Denotes that a UDA is a connection 


UCURT Used curve type 

UCUTDI Upper Extension Cutting Direction 


UDALIS List of UDAs 

UDASET List of UDAs set 

UDATLS List of attributes for UDET 

UDETCH Report from UDET check on element 

UDHLIS User defined list to hide system attributes 

UDMLIS User defined members type list 

UDNA Name of the UDA 

UDOLIS User defined owners type list 

UDPEND Attributes on which this attribute depends 

UDTYPE User defined element type 

UEXTNS Upper Extension Length 

UGOING Upper Tread Going 

UHIDE Hidden UDA on forms 

UHYPER Denotes that a UDA is a hyperlink 

UIWE Unit insulation weight 

UKEY UDA key - internal unique system identifier 

ULEN Length of data or text 

ULEXSS User End Excess 

ULIN Underlining flag 

UMAX Maximum value 

UMIN Minimum value 

UNAM Name of user 

UNDERL Underling flag 

UPDCB ADP update callback 

UPDT Date/time stamp for map 

UPGDNO Upgrade number 

UPLLEN Used raw plate length 

UPPING Upping part expressed as a position 

UPPREF References to upper exit level 

UPRLEN Raw profile used length 

UPROTE Protected Attribute 

UPSEUD Pseudo attribute flag 

URADI Used radius for curve geometry 

UREF Units reference 

URISE Upper Tread Rise 

支持(0) 中立(0) 反对(0)  单帖管理

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   Post By:2009-12-26 12:26:15

USCLHI Elements in descendant hierarchy claimed to

this user 

USEF User reference 

加好友 发短信 USERC User name of user claiming element 

等级:高中三年级 贴子:107 积 USERLS List of USERs belonging to TEAM 

分:1044 威望:0 精华:3 注册:
USERM User making last modification 
2007-5-11 15:05:12

USERST User who cancelled command 

USESS User creating session 

USNCLH Elements in descendant hierarchy not claimed

to this user 

USRF Reference of current user 

USRLI Valid users for given user login 

USRN Unique user identifier 

USYSTY underlying System attribute 

UTEAMS Teams that will see a hidden attribute 

UTYP UDA type 

UUHA Unit-hash value if bore/distance 

UUNI Text for units 

UVVAL Valid value for UDA 

UVWEI User entered weight value 

UWEI Unit pipe weight 

UWGHT Used weight 

UWIDTH Used width 

UWMTXT User weight Manager text 

UWP Upper Working Point 

VALIDV Valid value expression for VVALUE elements 

VALRUL Valid rule expression to test VALIDV attributes

of VVALUE elements 

VANGLE Angle from vertical 

VCOMPD View Comparison Date 

VCOMPS View Comparison Stamp 

VDISTA Vertical Distance 

VDPOS Dimension line/arc position 

VDTINT Verification date 

VDTTXT Verification date text 


VERTDI VERTDI (true if Z axe is vertical ) 

VGAP View gap length 

VIRF Virtual Flag 

VISF Visio filename 

VLIM View limits 

VMANNO VM annotation reference 

VMAR ADP view margins 

VMCIAR VM Component Int Array 

VMCRAR VM Component Real Array 

VMGLAY VM Geometry Layer 

VMTASP VM text aspect 

VMTSLA VM text slant (degrees) 

VNREF VNOTE reference - special attribute for use by


VOLTAC Voltage AC 

VOLTDC Voltage DC 

VRAT View ratio 

VREG View region 

VSCA Viewing scale - scales projected view 

VTITL View title 

VTYP Type of design view 

VVOL View volume 

VWLIMI View Limits - special attribute for use by ADP 

VWREFA View reference array - special attribute for use

by ADP 

VXREF Vertex reference array 

W Position westing 

WAITIM Time interval between Retries 

WALLTH Tube wall thickness 

WAMA Maximum water level 

WANS Word answers 

WATERT Water Tight 

WATTIM Water cleaning time 


WBOX Calculated box volume in world coordinates 

WCANG Weld connection angle 

WCOM Weld comment 

WDBNA Working DB name 

WDES Design parameters as words 

WDIA Wind diameter modulus 

WEFA Weight multiplier 

WEIG Weighting value 

WELDDP Welding depth 

WELDMC Welding Machine Reference 

WESUSP Weld end suspension 

WHOLEC Array of Whole Cells 

WIANG Weld inclination angle 

WIDARR Width array 

WIDT Width 

WIFA Wind multiplier 

WJPOS Implied weld position 

WJUSL Wall Justification Line 

WLDN Weld number 

WLDP Weld number prefix 

WLDPOS Welding position 

WLDREF Return reference from Ppoint or WELD to

IWELD or RWELD element 


WLEGL Weld leg length 

WLEN Weld length 

WMAX Maximum weld number in current spool drawing 

WNAM Weld name 

WNLAY Number of weld layers 

WORI World orientation 

WORPOS World position 

WPAR Parameters as a word 

WPCLCM Start calculate weld, multiple assembly 

WPCLCS Start calculate weld, single assembly 

WPEDIT Edit welds 

WPRCFM Create robot control file, multiple assembly 

WPRCFS Create robot control file, single assembly 

WPRE Wind pressure 

WPREPM Create weld report, multiple assembly 

WPREPS Create weld report, single assembly 

WPROC Welding process 

WPUPDM Update model 

WRANG Weld rotation angle 

WSHOP Weld shop/site flag on IWELD/RWELD 

WSPEC Weld specification on IWELD/RWELD 

WSPROC Welding standard process 

WSSUSP Weld start suspension 

WTCOM Weld table comment 

WTHICK Wall thickness 

WTOL Wall thickness tolerance / Weight tolerance 

WTORCH Weld torch vector 

WTPROC Welding test procedure 

WTRANS Transformation matrix to world 

WTSTAT Weld table status 

WVOL Enclosing box volume in world coordinates 

XAMANG Cross section along mounting angle 

XAREA Cross sectional area 

XBOT Bottom X length 

XBSH X bottom shear: inclination of bottom face to local

X axis 

XFTPT Cross section foot point 

XINCL Cross section inclination angle 

XLEN X length 

XOFF X-offset 

XRRF Part of assembly definition 

XTEX X text 

XTHK Cross section thickness 

XTOP Top X length 

XTPPT Cross section top point 

XTRA Extra length requirement for BOLTS 

XTSH X top shear: inclination of top face to local X axis 

XXMANG Cross section cross mounting angle 

XXXFAR Element array Test attribute 

XXXIAR Integer Array Test attribute 

XXXINT Integer Test attribute 

XXXLOG bool Test attribute 

XXXRAR Double Array Test attribute 

XXXREA Double Test attribute 

XXXREF Element Test attribute 

XXXSTR String Test attribute 

XYOFFS XY offset 

XYPS 2D Position 

XYSC Label XY size 

YBOT Bottom Y length 

YBSH Y bottom shear: inclination of bottom face to local

Y axis 

YDIR Preferred Y axis direction 

YLEN Y length 

YOFF Y-offset 

YOUN Spot value of Youngs modulus 

YTEX Y text 

YTOP Top Y length 

YTSH Y top shear: inclination of top face to local Y axis 

ZDIR Additional axis direction 

ZDIS Position in section 

ZLEN Z length 
ZOFF Z-offset 

ZTEX Z text

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