Internship Report: Meta-Learning Algorithms For Few-Shot Computer Vision
Internship Report: Meta-Learning Algorithms For Few-Shot Computer Vision
Internship Report: Meta-Learning Algorithms For Few-Shot Computer Vision
Etienne Bennequin
Under the supervision of Antoine Toubhans, PhD
Few-Shot Learning is the challenge of training a model with only a small amount of data. Many
solutions to this problem use meta-learning algorithms, i.e. algorithms that learn to learn. By
sampling few-shot tasks from a larger dataset, we can teach these algorithms to solve new,
unseen tasks.
This document reports my work on meta-learning algorithms for Few-Shot Computer Vi-
sion. This work was done during my internship at Sicara, a French company building image
recognition solutions for businesses. It contains:
3. the introduction to a novel meta-learning algorithm for few-shot object detection, which
is still in development.
Special thanks
I would like to thank everyone at Sicara for their help on so many levels. In particular, thanks
to Antoine Toubhans, Elisa Negra, Laurent Montier, Tanguy Marchand and Theodore Aouad
for their daily support.
1 Introduction 4
2 Review 5
2.1 Few-Shot classification problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 Meta-learning paradigm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.3 Meta-learning algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.3.1 Gradient-based meta-learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.3.2 Metric Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.4 Few-Shot Image classification benchmarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.5 Few-Shot object detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3 Contributions 14
3.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.2 Meta-learning algorithms for Few-Shot image classification . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.2.1 Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.2.2 Reproducing the results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.2.3 Effects of label noise in the support set at evaluation time . . . . . . . . 21
3.2.4 Future work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.3 MAML for Few-Shot object detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.3.1 The Few-Shot Object Detection problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.3.2 YOLOMAML . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.3.3 Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.3.4 First results and investigations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.3.5 Future work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
4 Conclusion 32
1. Introduction
1 Introduction
In 1980, Kunihiko Fukushima developed the first convolutional neural networks. Since then,
thanks to increasing computing capabilities and huge efforts from the machine learning com-
munity, deep learning algorithms have never ceased to improve their performances on tasks
related to computer vision. In 2015, Kaiming He and his team at Microsoft reported that their
model performed better than humans at classifying images from ImageNet [1]. At that point,
one could argue that computers became better than people at harnessing billions of images to
solve a specific task.
However, in real world applications, it is not always possible to build a dataset with that
many images. Sometimes we need to classify images with only one or two examples per class.
For this kind of tasks, machine learning algorithms are still far from human performance.
This problem of learning from few examples is called few-shot learning.
For a few years now, the few-shot learning problem has drawn a lot of attention in the
research community, and a lot of elegant solutions have been developed. An increasing part of
them use meta-learning, which can be defined in this case as learning to learn.
During my internship at Sicara, I focused on meta-learning algorithms to solve few-shot
computer vision tasks, both for image classification and object detection. I compared the
performance of four distinct meta-learning algorithms in few-shot classification tasks. I also
started the development of a novel meta-learning model for few-shot object detection.
The first section is an extensive review of state-of-the art solutions for solving few-shot
image classification and few-shot image detection. It starts with the definition of the few-shot
learning problem.
Then I will expose my contributions. The first part of it is a benchmark of state-of-the-art
algorithms for few-shot image classification on several settings and datasets. The second part
introduces the YOLOMAML, a novel solution for few-shot object detection. This algorithm is
still in development.
This report shares details about the research process and the implementation of the al-
gorithms and experiments. I hope this information about the issues raised during my work
and my attempts at solving them will be useful for anyone who will work on meta-learning
algorithms in the future.
2. Review
2 Review
2.1 Few-Shot classification problem
Figure 1: A 3-way 2-shot classification problem. Images from the query set would need to be
classified in { Labrador, Saint-Bernard, Pug }.
• N class labels;
• For each class label, K labeled images;
2. Q query images;
we want to classify the query images among the N classes. The N × K images in the support
set are the only examples available for these classes.
When K is small (typically K < 10), we talk about few-shot image classification (or one-
shot in the case where K = 1). The problem in this case is that we fail to provide enough
images of each class to solve the classification problem with a standard deep neural network,
which usually require thousands of images. Note that this problem is different from semi or
weekly supervised learning, since the data is fully labeled. The problem here is not the scarcity
of labels, but the scarcity of training data.
A visual example of a few-shot classification problem is shown in Figure 1.
The Few-Shot Learning problem (which includes few-shot image classification) has drawn
a lot of attention in the past few years. Many different ways of solving this problem have
been imagined. They all have in common that they use additional information from a large
base-dataset. The classes in the base-dataset are different from the ones in the support set of
2. Review
the few-shot task we ultimately want to solve. For instance, if the target task is classifying
images as Labrador, Saint-Bernard or Pug (Figure 1), the base-dataset can be composed of
many other dog breeds. Here I provide an overview of these solutions.
Memory-augmented networks Santoro et al. (2016) [2] had the idea that new images
from previously unseen classes could be classified by using stored information about previous
image classification. Their model uses a Recurrent Neural Networks that learns both how to
store and how to retrieve relevant information from past data. Other methods exploit the idea
of extending neural networks with external memory [3] [4].
Metric learning Koch et al. (2015) [5] proposed the Siamese Neural Networks to solve
few-shot image classification. Their model is composed of two convolutional neural networks
with shared weights (the legs), that compute embeddings (i.e. features vectors) for their input
images, and one head that compares the respective output of each leg. At training time (on
the large base-dataset), the network receives couples of images as input, predicts whether they
belong or not to the same class, and is trained upon the accuracy of this prediction. Ultimately,
when evaluated on a few-shot classification class (see Figure 1), each query image is compared
to every images in the support set, and is assigned to the class that is considered the closest
(using for instance k-Nearest Neighbours).
This algorithm achieved interesting results on few-shot image classification. However, the task
upon which it was trained (comparison of two images) differed from the task upon which it was
evaluated (classification).
Vinyals et al. (2016) [6] considered that this was a drawback and proposed a slightly different
version of this algorithm, inside of the meta-learning framework (see the definition of this
framework in section 2.2). Their Matching Networks also classify query images by comparing
their embedding to the embeddings computed from support set images, but the difference is
that their training objective is image classification as well. They outperform Siamese Networks,
thus validating their assumption.
Later works aim at improving this algorithm [7] [8]. They will be presented with more
details in section 2.3.2.
2. Review
Data generation An other option to solve the problem of having too few examples to learn
from is to generate additional data. Hariharan & Girshick (2017) [14] augmented metric learning
algorithm with hallucinated feature vectors which were added to the feature vectors extracted
from real images. Antoniou et al. (2017) [15] applied Generative Adversarial Networks to Few-
Shot data augmentation: their GAN are able to take as input an image from a previously unseen
class to generate new images which belong in the same class. Wang et al. (2018) [16] proposed
a meta-learned imaginary data generator which can be trained in an end-to-end fashion with a
meta-learning classification algorithm.
2. Review
Figure 2: To solve a few-shot image classification task Ttest defined by a support set and a query
set (on the right), we use a meta-training set D (on the left) from which we sample episodes in
the form of tasks Ti similar to Ttest .
2. Review
Figure 3: The dth episode of meta-training, which follows this process: (1) the support set and
the query set are sampled from the meta-training set; (2) the base-model fθ is initialized by
the meta-model MΘd ; (3) the parameters of the base-model are fine-tuned on the support set
(the fine-tuning process depends on MΘd ); (4) after T updates, the base-model is evaluated on
the query set; (5) the parameters Θ of the meta-model are updated by backpropagating the
loss resulting from the base-model’s predictions on the query set.
Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning (2017) Finn et al. [9] proposed an algorithm that learns
how to initiate the parameters of the base-model, but does not intervene in the base-model’s
parameters update. Here, the meta-learner creates a copy of itself at the beginning of each
episode, and this copy (the base-model) is fine-tuned on the support set, then makes predictions
on the query set. The loss computed from these predictions is used to update the parameters
of the meta-model (hence, the initialization parameters for the next episodes will be different).
The algorithm as described by Finn et al. is shown in Figure 4.
The main feature of this method is that it is conceived to be agnostic of the base-model,
2. Review
Figure 4: Overview of the MAML algorithm with one gradient update on the support set
(credits to [9])
which means that it can virtually be applied to any machine learning algorithm. Finn et al.
tested it on supervised regression and classification, and on reinforcement learning tasks, but
it could be used to solve many other problems necessitating fast adaptation of a Deep Neural
Network, for instance for few-shot object detection (see section 3.3).
Matching Networks (2016) As explained in section 2.1, Siamese Networks train their CNN
in a discrimination task (are these two instances from the same class?) but the algorithm is
tested on a classification task (to which class does this instance belong?). This issue of task shift
between training and testing time is solved by Vinyals et al. [6]. They proposed the Matching
Networks, which is the first example of a metric learning algorithm inside the meta-learning
To solve a few-shot image classification task, they use a large meta-training set from which
they sample episodes (see Figure 3). For each episode, they apply the following procedure:
1. Each image (support set and query set) is fed to a CNN that outputs as many embeddings;
2. Each query image is classified using the softmax of the cosine distance from its embedding
to the embeddings of support set images;
2. Review
Figure 5: Relation Network architecture for a 5-way 1-shot problem with one query example
(credits to [8]). Note that they chose to represent the final output with a one-hot vector
obtained by a max function on the relation scores, but that during training time we need to
use a softmax to make the network differentiable.
3. The cross-entropy loss on the resulting classification is backpropagated through the CNN;
This way, the Matching Networks learn to compute a representation of images that allows
to classify them with no specific prior knowledge on the classes, simply by comparing them to a
few instances of these classes. Since considered classes are different in every episode, Matching
Networks are expected to compute features of the images that are relevant to discriminate
between classes, whereas a standard classification learning algorithm is expected to learn the
features that are specific to each class.
It is to be noted that Vinyals et al. also proposed to augment their algorithm with a Full
Context Embedding process: the embedding of each image depends on the embeddings of the
others thanks to bidirectional LSTM. They expect that this better exploit all the available
knowledge on the episode. This process slightly improved the performance of their algorithm
on the miniImageNet benchmark, but also demands a longer computing time.
Prototypical Networks (2017) Building on Matching Networks, Snell et al. [7] proposed
Prototypical Networks. The process is essentially the same (although Full Context Embeddings
are not used), but a query image is not compared to the embeddings of every images of the
support set. Instead, the embeddings of the support set images that are from the same class are
averaged to form a class prototype. The query image is then compared only to these prototypes.
It is to be noted that when we only have one example per class in the support set (One-Shot
Learning setting) the Prototypical Networks are equivalent to the Matching Networks. They
obtained better results than Matching Networks on the miniImageNet benchmark, and expose
that part of this improvement must be credited to their choice of distance metric: they notice
that their algorithm and Matching Networks both perform better using Euclidean distance than
when using cosine distance.
2. Review
Relation Network (2018) Sung et al. [8] built on Prototypical Networks to develop the
Relation Network. The difference is that the distance function on embeddings is no longer
arbitrarily defined in advance, but learned by the algorithm (see Figure 5): a relation module
is put on top of the embedding module (which is the part that computes embeddings and
class protoypes from the input images). This relation module is fed the concatenation of the
embedding of a query image with each class prototype, and for each couple outputs a relation
score. Applying a softmax to the relation scores, we obtain a prediction.
Omniglot Lake et al. (2011) [19] introduced the Omniglot dataset. It is composed of 1623
characters from 50 distinct alphabets. Each one of these characters is a class and contains 20
samples drawned by distinct people. Each data instance is not only a 28x28x1 image, but also
contains information about how it was drawn: how many strokes, and the starting and ending
point of each stroke (see Figure 6). Although Lake et al. primarily used Omniglot for few-shot
learning of visual concepts from their subparts [20], the dataset as a set of 28x28 one-channel
images is used as a MNIST-like benchmark for few-shot image classification. Most algorithm
now achieve a 98%-or-better accuracy on this dataset on most use cases [8].
Figure 6: Two different visualizations of a same instance of the Omniglot dataset. On the left,
we can see how the character was drawn. On the right, we see a 28x28 one-channel image.
Credits to [20]
miniImageNet Vinyals et al. [6] proposed to use a part of ImageNet as a new, more chal-
lenging benchmark for few-shot image classification. Their dataset consist of 100 classes, each
containing 600 3-channel images. The commonly used train/validation/evaluation split of this
dataset [11] separates it in three subsets of respectively 64, 16 and 20 classes. This way, we
ensure that the algorithm is evaluated on classes that were not seen during training.
2. Review
we will go over the existing solutions for standard object detection, then we will learn about
the recent efforts in developing algorithms for few-shot object detection.
Object detection Algorithms for object detection can be separated in two categories: single-
stage detectors and the R-CNN family (two-stage detectors). Single-stage detectors aim at
performing fast detection while algorithms like R-CNN are more accurate.
R-CNN [21] uses a first network to determine regions of interest in an image, and then a
second network to classify the content of each region of interest. Fast R-CNN [22] and Faster
R-CNN [23] improved the algorithm’s efficiency by reducing redundant computations and the
number of regions of interest. Mask R-CNN [24] uses the same principle as R-CNN but performs
image segmentation.
Single-stage detectors perform object detection on an image in a single forward pass through
a CNN: the bounding-box and the label of each object are predicted concurrently. Leading
single-stage detectors are the SSD (for Single-Shot Detector) [25], RetinaNet [26] and YOLO
(for You Only Look Once) [27].
YOLO went through two incremental improvements since its creation in 2016. Its last ver-
sion, YOLOv3, contains three output layers. Each one is responsible for predicting respectively
large, medium-size and small objects. For each output layer, three anchors are set as hyper-
parameters of the model. An anchor is like a "default bounding box", and YOLOv3 actually
predicts deformations to these anchors, rather than predicting a bounding box from scratch.
The network is mostly composed of residual blocks [1]. In particular, the backbone of the model
is a Darknet53, a 53-layer residual network pre-trained on ImageNet. A visualization of the
YOLOv3 architecture is available in Figure 7.
Few-Shot Object Detectors To the best of my knowledge, the first few-shot detector was
proposed in late 2018 by Kang et al. [28]. Their algorithm combines a standard single-stage
detector with an other auxiliary network. This second model is responsible for reweighting the
features outputted by the feature extractor of the model (in YOLOv3, this would be the output
of the Darknet53). The goal of this reweighting is to give more importance to features related
to the specific few-shot detection task being solved (the intuition is that the relevant features
for detection depends of the type of object to detect). The reweighting model is trained in a
meta-learning set-up (see section 2.2): at each meta-training episode, a few-shot detection task
is sampled (for instance: detecting dogs and cats, with a few annotated examples of dogs and
cats), and the training objective is the precision of the detector.
More recently, Fu et al. proposed the Meta-SSD [29]. They apply Li et al.’s Meta-SGD [10]
to Liu et al.’s Single-Shot Detector. They end up with a fully meta-trainable object detector.
Concurrently, Wang et al. [30] developed a novel framework around the Faster R-CNN. The
resulting algorithm can adapt to a new task with few labeled examples.
Previous works already tackled few-shot object detection [31] [32], although they considered
a slightly different problem: they defined few-shot as few labeled images per category, but also
used a large pool of unlabeled data.
3. Contributions
3 Contributions
3.1 Overview
Sicara is a company which develops computer vision solutions based on machine learning al-
gorithms for businesses. However, it is common that the amount of data made available by
the customer is not large enough to effectively train a standard convolutional neural network.
Also, we often need to harness this data with a very short lead time. Therefore, a company
like Sicara needs an efficient and ready-to-use meta-learning algorithm for few shot learning
problems related to computer vision.
I was in charge of the first step of this process, which is benchmarking several state-of-the-
art algorithms, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of each algorithm, its performance on
different kinds of datasets, and overall their relevance depending on the task that needs solving.
During this work on meta-learning algorithms, we decided to focus on the Model Agnostic
Meta-Learner [9] and to switch from the few-shot image classification problem to the few-
shot object detection problem, which had until then attracted less attention in the research
community than few-shot classification. Our idea is to apply MAML to the YOLOv3 object
detector in order to obtain an algorithm capable of detecting new classes of objects with little
time and only a few examples.
In this section, I will first explain my work on meta-learning algorithms for few-shot im-
age classification, then I will detail my progress so far in developing a novel algorithm: the
3. Contributions
The primary intention was to conduct extensive experiments on these algorithms with vari-
ations on both their settings, the target tasks and the training strategy, in order to obtain a fine
understanding of how these algorithms behave and how to best harness their abilities. I also in-
tended to include other promising algorithms, such as the Simple Neural Attentive Learner [12]
or the Meta-LSTM [11]. However, since we decided halfway through the benchmark to focus
on the exciting opportunity of developing a novel meta-learning object detector, there wasn’t
enough time to go through the all set of experiments. Hence, my contribution for a deeper
understanding of meta-learning consists in:
2. the reproduction of the results presented by Chen et al. [34], bringing the exposition of
the challenges that we face when benchmarking meta-learning algorithms;
3. a study on the impact of label noise in the support set at evaluation time;
In this subpart I will present these contributions with more details, both on the results and
on the process of obtaining these results.
3.2.1 Implementation
Chen et al. [34] published in April 2019 a first unified comparison of meta-learning algorithms
for few-shot image classification, and made their source code available1 . For us, this code in
PyTorch presents two main advantages:
3. Contributions
2. It contains a relatively consistent framework for the treatment of the several datasets
(Omniglot, EMNIST [35], miniImageNet and CUB), from the description of the train /
validation / evaluation split using json to the sampling of the data in the form of episodes
for few-shot image classification, which uses the code from Hariharan et al. [14]2 .
For these reasons, I used this code as a (very advanced) starting point for my implementa-
tion. I identified three main issues:
1. The original code was very scarcely documented, which makes it difficult to understand,
and even more difficult to modify, since it was not always clear what a chunk of code did,
or what a variable represented.
2. Some experiment parameters were defined inside the code and therefore not easily cus-
tomizable when launching an experiment, nor monitorable after the experiments, affecting
the reproducibility of the experiments.
The main goal of my work on this code was to make it easily accessible, allowing future
researcher to understand the way these algorithms work in practice, and to quickly be able to
launch their own experiments. This goal was achieved by:
• extensively document every class and function with the knowledge gained during my work
on the code;
The structure of the implementation is shown in Figure 8. The code can be divided in five
categories, detailed below. 3
The code is available at Note that this version does
not use the pipeline, which is private to Sicara.
3. Contributions
scripts These are the files that must be executed to launch the experiments. I used YAML
files for compatibility with the pipeline library, but standard Python scripts could be used
just as well (and are actually used in the publicly available repository). They describe the flow
between the different steps (which steps uses which step outputs) and contain all the values
parameterizing the experiment:
• parameters of the N -way k-shot classification task with q queries per class (with N allowed
to be different at training and evaluation time);
• learning rate;
• which state of the model to keep for evaluation (the model trained on all the epochs, or
the model that achieve the best validation accuracy);
steps They are called by the scripts and use the parameters explicited in it. One example of
step is MethodTraining, which is responsible for the training of the model.
3. Contributions
data managers They define the SetDataset and EpisodicBatchSampler classes, which re-
spectively extend the PyTorch base classes Dataset and Sampler and are used to build a
DataLoader that loads the data in the shape of few-shot classification task (i.e. a support set
and a query set, instead of regular batches of arbitrary size).
methods Each file in this category defines a class corresponding to one meta-learning algorithm
(ex: Prototypical Networks). Every class contains three essential methods:
• eval_loop(): evaluates the model on few-shot classification tasks sampled from the
evaluation set.
utils These files contain all the utilities used in the rest of the code.
CUB miniImageNet
1 shot 5 shots 1 shot 5 shot
Baseline 1h10 1h00 10h05 10h07
Baseline++ 56mn 51mn 10h25 10h28
MatchingNet 6h41 4h21 7h51 6h23
ProtoNet 6h38 5h07 7h40 6h08
MAML 28h05 22h28 31h22 25h22
Table 1: Running time of several algorithms depending on the setting and dataset. This is the
running time of the whole process, from training to evaluation.
The parameters of the experiments follow those described by Chen et al, i.e. a 4-layer CNN
as a backbone, an Adam optimizer with a learning rate of 10−3 , 100 episodes per epoch and
data augmentation on the training set. The baselines are trained for 200 epochs on CUB, an
for 400 epochs on miniImageNet. The other algorithms are trained for 600 epochs in the 1-shot
setting, and on 400 epochs in the 5-shots setting. We keep the state of the model that had the
3. Contributions
Figure 9: Baseline and Baseline++ few-shot classification methods. Both algorithms are pre-
trained on the meta-training set. When evaluated on a few-shot classification task, the feature
extractor fθ is freezed and the classifier C is fine-tuned on the support set before being applied to
the query set. In Baseline++, the classifier is not a standard fully connected layer, but computes
the cosine distance between its weights and the input features vector. Both algorithm are used
to compare the meta-learning algorithms to non-meta-learning methods. This figure is credited
to [34].
best accuracy on the validation set, and evaluate it on 600 few-shot classification tasks sampled
from the evaluation set.
The results of these experiments are reported in Table 2. 6 out of 8 experiments gave results
out of the 95% confidence interval reported by Chen et al, with a difference up to 6% in the
case of 1-shot Baseline++. Our results fall below the confidence interval in 4 cases and above
the confidence interval in 2 cases.
Table 2: Comparison of the results of our reimplementation compared to the results reported
by Chen et al., on the CUB dataset with a 5-way classification task. Our results are shown in
bold when they are out of the 95% confidence interval reported by Chen et al.
A fair assumption was that my implementation was to blame for this incapacity to reproduce
the original paper’s results. To verify it, I reproduced the experiments of Chen et al. using
their original implementation. The results are shown in Table 3. In most cases, they are out
of the 95% confidence interval reported in [34].
3. Contributions
CUB miniImageNet
1 shot 5 shots 1 shot 5 shot
Baseline++ 61.36 ± 0.92 77.53 ± 0.64 48.05 ± 0.76 67.01 ± 0.67
MatchingNet 59.55 ± 0.89 75.63 ± 0.72 48.43 ± 0.77 62.26 ± 0.70
ProtoNet 50.28 ± 0.90 75.83 ± 0.67 43.89 ± 0.73 65.55 ± 0.73
MAML 54.57 ± 0.99 75.51 ± 0.73 43.92 ± 0.77 62.96 ± 0.72
Table 3: Reproduction of the results of [34] on both CUB and miniImageNet, using the imple-
mentation provided with the paper. Our results are shown in bold when they are out of the
95% confidence interval reported in [34].
From there, my assumption was that the incertitude on the results didn’t come solely from
the sampling of the evaluation tasks, but also from the training. I proceeded to verify this
assumption. I relaunched the first experiment 8 times for Prototypical Networks and evaluated
the 8 resulting model on the exact same classification tasks. The results are shown in Table 4.
We can see that the accuracy can go from 74.20% to 76.04% on the same set of tasks. This
validates that two same models trained with the same hyperparameters may obtain different
accuracies on the same evaluation tasks.
76.04 ± 0.71
74.77 ± 0.71
75.45 ± 0.71
75.54 ± 0.70
75.14 ± 0.70
74.90 ± 0.71
74.91 ± 0.71
74.20 ± 0.70
Table 4: Accuracy of the Prototypical Network on the same set of evaluation tasks on the CUB
dataset in the 5-way 5-shot setting, after 8 independent training processes.
From this work on the reproduction of the results reported by Chen et al., we can retain
two main take-aways:
3. Contributions
The third and fourth lines are only necessary when using the CuDNN backend4 .
2. On the same set of evaluation tasks, the accuracy of a model can vary with an amplitude
of up to 2% due to ramdomness in the training. This amplitude is similar to the reported
difference in accuracy between algorithms and higher than the confidence intervals usually
reported when evaluating meta-learning algorithms [34] [8] [9] [11] [7] [36]. I argue that a
reported difference of a few percents in accuracy between two meta-learning algorithms
on a set of classification tasks cannot be considered as a relevant comparator of these
algorithms. It would be ideal to get an exact measure of the uncertainty by launching
a sufficient number of trainings, but the necessary computing time for this operation is
prohibitive (see Table 1).
1. The model is trained once and for all by the model’s designer on a large dataset (with a
possibility to update when new labeled examples become available);
2. When faced with a novel few-shot classification task, the user feeds a few labeled examples
to the model, and then is able to apply it to the query images.
As the model’s designer and the model’s user can be different entities, and as the source of the
support set for the novel task may be different from the source of the meta-training data, the
designer may not be able to control the quality of the data in the novel task. This is why the
model’s robustness to noisy data in the support set is an important issue.
In this subsection, we address the issue of label noise (i.e. data instances assigned with the
wrong label) in the support set of the evaluation classification task. To simulate this noise, we
use label swaps: given an integer M , for each classification task, we execute M label swaps on
the support set of the classification task. Here is the process of one label swap:
1. Sample uniformly at random two labels l1 , l2 among the N labels of the support set
2. For each label lx , select uniformly at random one image ilx among the K images in the
support set associated with this label
Note that even though one label swap changes the label of two images, M label swaps do not
necessarily cause 2M falsely labeled images, since swaped images are sampled with replacement
(in the following, you will see that most models reach an accuracy of 35% even after 10 label
swaps were applied on the 5 labels × 5 images support set, which would be hard to explain if
80% of the support set had false labels).
Also, label swaps are not a perfect simulation: in real cases, the fact that an image supposed
to have the label l1 was falsely labeled with l2 does not mean that an other image supposed to
3. Contributions
Figure 10: Accuracy of the methods for different number of label swaps in the support set of
each classification task. Left: CUB. Right: miniImageNet.
have the label l2 was falsely labeled with l1 . However, this solution ensures that the support
set is still balanced even after applying the artificial label noise (in a 25-images dataset, if one
label has one example less than an other label, the dataset becomes noticeably unbalanced).
Therefore, we know that the results will not come from errors in labelisation, and not from an
unbalanced dataset.
Measuring the effects of label noise in the support set at evaluation time First,
we need to measure the effect of label noise on the model’s accuracy. I experimented both
on CUB and miniImageNet, with the algorithms Baseline, Baseline++, Matching Networks,
Prototypical Networks, Relation Network and MAML. All models were trained on 400 epochs,
with the Adam optimizer and a learning rate of 10− 3. Meta-learning algorithms (i.e. all but
Baseline and Baseline++) were trained on 5-way 5-shot classification tasks. No artificial label
noise was added to the training set.
The models were then evaluated on 5-way 5-shot classification tasks on four different settings
corresponding to four different number of label swaps in each classification task (0, 3, 6 and
10). I reported for each setting the mean of the accuracy on 600 tasks. Note that all models
(here and in the following of this subsection) are evaluated on the same tasks. To be consistent
with my remarks in section 3.2.2, the results are reported with a precision of 1%.
The results are shown in Figure 10. We observe that all algorithms endure a serious drop in
accuracy on the query set when the label noise in the support set increases, which was expected.
We notice that Prototypical Networks and Relation Network are slightly less impacted. This
could be explained by the fact that both algorithms use the mean of the features vectors for
each class, which reduces the impact of extreme values.
10-way training Snell et al. [7] showed that, when evaluating metric learning algorithms on
N -way K-shot classification tasks, the models trained on N 0 -way K-shot classification tasks
with N 0 > N performed better than the models trained on N -way K-shot classification tasks
(the intuition being that a model trained on more difficult tasks will generalize better to new
tasks, or, in French, “qui peut le plus peut le moins”). I tested whether this trick also made the
3. Contributions
Figure 11: Accuracy of the methods for different number of label swaps in the support set
of each classification task, with a 5-way training and a 10-way training. Left: CUB. Right:
Simulating label noise during meta-training Coming from the idea that training and
testing conditions must match, I assumed that incorporating artificial label noise in the support
set of the classification tasks on which the models are meta-trained could increase their robust-
ness to label noise at evaluation time. The following experiment tests this assumption. Label
swaps are introduced in the classification tasks composing the meta-training, in the same way
that they were applied to the classification tasks at evaluation time in the previous experiments.
This results in three set-ups, respectively referred to as 0, 3 and 10-swap training:
1. Same experiment as in the first paragraph of this section, only on miniImageNet (not
2. Same, but in each episode of the meta-training, 3 label swaps are applied to the support
3. Same, but in each episode of the meta-training, 10 label swaps are applied to the support
Note that we do not experiment on the baselines, since they are not meta-learning algorithm
and thus do not solve classification task during training. The results of this experiment are
3. Contributions
Figure 12: From left to right, top to bottom: Matching Networks, Prototypical Networks,
Relation Network, MAML. For each method, accuracy on a model trained with three strategies,
for different number of label swaps in the support set at evaluation time.
shown in Figure 12. We see that adding label swaps during meta-training causes a drop in
accuracy when the model is evaluated on correctly labeled classification tasks. The difference
is less obvious when the number of label swaps in evaluation tasks increases. Based on these
experiments, there is no reason to believe that introducing artificial label noise during the
meta-training makes meta-learning algorithms more robust to label noise in novel classification
3. Contributions
1. localizing the object by drawing the smallest bounding box containing it;
As such, object detection is the combination of a regression task and a classification task. An
example is shown in Figure 13.
Figure 13: Consider the task of detecting objects belonging in { laptop, mug, notebook, lamp
}. Here the object detector detects and classifies a laptop, a mug and a notebook. It doesn’t
detect the plant and the pen since they are not part of the given task.
Following this, we define a N -way K-shot object detection task as follows. Given:
• N class labels;
• For each class, K labeled images containing at least one object belonging to this
3. Contributions
2. Q query images;
we want to detect in the query images the objects belonging to one of the N given classes. The
N × K images in the support set contain the only examples of object belonging to one of the
N classes.
When K is small, we talk about few-shot object detection.
We can immediately spot a key difference with few-shot image classification: one image can
contain multiple objects belonging to one or several of the N classes. Therefore, when solving
a N -way K-shot detection tasks, the algorithm trains on at least K example objects for each
class. During a N -way K-shot classification tasks, the algorithms sees exactly K examples for
each class. Note that this can become a challenge: in this configuration, the support set may
be unbalanced between classes. As such, this formalization of the few-shot object detection
problem leaves room for improvement. It was chosen because it is a rather straightforward
setup, which is also convenient to implement, as we will see in section 3.3.3.
To solve the few-shot object detection problem, we had the idea of applying the Model-Agnostic
Meta-Learning algorithm [9] to the YOLO [37] detector. We call it YOLOMAML for lack of a
better name.
As presented in section 2.3.1, MAML can be applied to a wide variety of deep neural
networks to solve many few-shot tasks. Finn et al. considered few-shot classification and
regression as well as reinforcement learning. It could as well be applied to a standard detector
to solve few-shot object detection.
YOLOv3 is already used on other projects at Sicara. Our expertise on this detector moti-
vated our choice to use it. Also, it prevents the advantage of being a single-stage detector. It
appeared easier to apply MAML to YOLO than to a variant of R-CNN.
At the same time, Fu et al. proposed the Meta-SSD [29]. It applies the Meta-SGD [10]
(a variant of MAML which additionally meta-learns hyper-parameters of the base model) to
the Single-Shot Detector [25]. Fu et al. presented promising results. Although Meta-SSD and
YOLOMAML are very similar, I argue that it is relevant to continue to work on YOLOMAML,
in order to:
1. confirm or challenge the interesting results of Fu et al., with a similar algorithm and on
a wider variety of datasets;
2. disclose the challenges of developing such an algorithm.
YOLOMAML is a straightforward application of the MAML algorithm to the YOLO de-
tector. The algorithm is shown in Algorithm 1.
3.3.3 Implementation
I decided to re-use the structure of the MAML algorithm from my work on Image Classification.
For the YOLO model, I used the implementation from Erik Linder-Norén 5 , which is mostly a
3. Contributions
Algorithm 1 YOLOMAML
Require: α, β, respectively the inner loop and outer loop learning rate
Require: n_episodes the number of few-shot detection tasks considered before each meta-
gradient descent
Require: number_of_updates_per_task the number of inner loop gradient descents in each
few-shot detection task
1: initialize the parameters θ of the YOLO detector fθ
2: while not done do
3: sample n_episodes detection tasks Ti , where each task is defined by a support set Si =
{xSj , ljS } and a query set Qi = xQ Q
j , lj
4: for Ti in {Ti } do
5: θ0 ← θ
6: for t < number_of_updates_per_task do
7: compute the gradient of the loss of the YOLO model fθt on the support set:
∇θt L fθt ({xj }), {lj }
8: update θt+1 ← θt − α∇θt L fθt ({xSj }), {ljS }
9: end for
10: compute the gradient of the loss of the YOLO
model fθnumber_of_updates_per_task on the
set relative to initial parameters θ: ∇θ L fnumber_of_updates_per_task ({xj }), {lj }
11: end for
update θ ← θ − β Ti ∈{Ti } ∇θ L fθnumber_of_updates_per_task ({xQ i
}), {l Qi
12: j j
13: end while
• Data processing from raw images and labels to an iterable Dataloader. The class
ListDataset is responsible for this process.
• The definition, training and induction of the YOLO algorithm, mostly handled by the
class Darknet.
The experiences in few-shot object detection were made on the COCO 2014 dataset [38].
I had to work on three main levels of the implementation to allow complementarity between
• model initialization;
3. Contributions
Model initialization YOLOv3 in its standard form contains more than 8 millions parame-
ters. Thus a full meta-training of it with MAML (which involves second order gradient com-
putation) is prohibitive in terms of memory. Therefore:
1. Instead of the standard YOLOv3 neural network, I used a custom Deep Tiny YOLO. The
backbone of the model is the Tiny Darknet7 . On top of it, I added two output blocks
(instead of three in the regular YOLOv3). The full configuration file of this network is
available in the repository8 in detection/configs/deep-tiny-yolo-5-way.cfg.
2. I initialized the backbone with parameters trained on ImageNet, then froze those layers.
This way, there were only five trainable convolutional blocks left in the network. This allows
to train the YOLOMAML on a standard GPU in a few hours. Note that there exists a Tiny
YOLO, but there is no available backbone pre-trained on ImageNet for this network, which
motivated my choice of a new custom network.
Fast adaptation The core idea of MAML is to update the trainable parameters on each new
task, while training the initialization parameters across tasks. For this, we need to store the
updated parameters during a task, as well as the initialization parameters. A solution for this is
to add to each parameter a field fast which stores the updated parameters. In our implemen-
tation (inherited from [34]), this is handled by Linear_fw, Conv2d_fw and BatchNorm2d_fw
which respectively extend the nn.Linear, nn.Conv2d and nn.BatchNorm2d PyTorch objects. I
modified the construction of the Darknet objects so that they use these custom layers instead
of the regular layers.
Data processing As in few-shot image classification, we can sample a N -way K-shot detec-
tion task with Q queries per class by first sampling N classes. Then, for each class, we sample
K + Q images which contain at least one box corresponding to this class. The difference in
detection is that we then need to eliminate from the labels the boxes that belong to a class
that does not belong to the detection task. There would be the same problem with multi-label
To solve this problem, I created an extension of the standard PyTorch Sampler object:
DetectionTaskSampler. In addition to returning the indices of the data instances to the
DataLoader, it returns the indices of the sampled classes. This information is processed in
ListDataset to feed the model proper few-shot detection task with no reference to classes
outside the task.
3. Contributions
Figure 14: Total loss per epoch of YOLOMAML. Each point is the average total loss of the
model on the query set of the episodes of one epoch.
1. the shape and position of the bounding box of predicted objects, using Mean Square
2. the objectness confidence (how sure is the model that there is truely an object in the
predicted bounding box) using Binary Cross Entropy;
3. Contributions
Figure 15: Object detection by the models YOLOMAML (left column) and YOLO (right
Figure 16 shows the evolution of these different parts of the loss. Loss due to objectness
confidence has been further divided into two parts : the loss on boxes that contain an object
in the ground truth, and the loss on boxes that do not contain an object in the ground truth.
We can see that the loss due to the classification and to the shape and position of the
bounding box do not evolve during training. The no-object-confidence loss drops in the first
thousand epochs before stagnating, while the yes-object-confidence rises to a critical amount
before stagnating.
Figure 17 shows the same data for the training of YOLO. We can see that in this case, the
yes-object-confidence drops after a peak in the first epochs. All parts of the loss decrease during
the training, except the no-object-confidence, which reaches a floor value which is relatively
small compared to the other parts.
Considering this, it is fair to assume that the bottleneck in training YOLOMAML is the
prediction of the objectness confidence.
3. Contributions
Figure 16: Evolution of the four parts of the loss of YOLOMAML during the same training as
in Figure 14. Up-left: bounding box loss. Up-right: classification loss. Bottom-left: objectness
confidence loss for boxes with no ground truth object. Bottom-right: objectness confidence loss
for boxes with a ground truth object. Exponential moving average has been used to clearly
show the patterns.
4. Conclusion
Figure 17: Evolution of the four parts of the loss of YOLO. Up-left: bounding box loss. Up-
right: classification loss. Bottom-left: objectness confidence loss for boxes with no ground truth
object. Bottom-right: objectness confidence loss for boxes with a ground truth object.
4 Conclusion
Advanced research in Few-Shot Learning is still young. Until now, only few works have tackled
the few-shot object detection problem, for which there is yet no agreed upon benchmark (like
mini-ImageNet for few-shot classification). However, solving this problem would be a very
important step in the field of computer vision. Using meta-learning algorithms, we could have
the ability to learn to detect new, unseen objects with only a few examples and a few minutes.
I am disappointed that I was not able to make YOLOMAML work during my internship at
Sicara. However, I strongly believe that it is important to keep looking for new ways of solving
few-shot object detection, and I intend to keep working on this.
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