The Concept of Place and Sense of Place in Architectural Studies
The Concept of Place and Sense of Place in Architectural Studies
The Concept of Place and Sense of Place in Architectural Studies
Abstract—Place is a where dimension formed by people’s It is also an important aspect in integrating user and place. It
relationship with physical settings, individual and group activities, contributes to better use, satisfaction and attachment to places.
and meanings. ‘Place Attachment’, ‘Place Identity’ and ‘Sense of Reviewed seminal literature reveal that in contemporary
Place’ are some concepts that could describe the quality of people’s
societies due to the growth of human societies, changes in
relationships with a place. The concept of Sense of place is used in
studying human-place bonding, attachment and place meaning. Sense people’s lifestyles and also development of technological
of Place usually is defined as an overarching impression advances places convey no meanings anymore and people
encompassing the general ways in which people feel about places, suffer from a sense of ‘placelessness’. Relph [26] explained
senses it, and assign concepts and values to it. Sense of place is that ‘placelessness’ refers to the settings which do not have
highlighted in this article as one of the prevailing concepts among any distinctive personality or sense of place. Relph [26]
place-based researches. Considering dimensions of sense of place has claimed that when places cannot be culturally recognized, they
always been beneficial for investigating public place attachment and
pro-environmental attitudes towards these places. The creation or suffer from lacking a sense of place; in this case people are
preservation of Sense of place is important in maintaining the quality faced with placelessness. Therefore, Placelessness can be
of the environment as well as the integrity of human life within it. explained as the physical characteristics of nonplace, which is
Open Science Index, Humanities and Social Sciences Vol:5, No:8, 2011
While many scholars argued that sense of place is a vague concept, culturally unidentifiable environments that are similar
this paper will summarize and analyze the existing seminal literature. anywhere [31]. In this regard, Relph argued that designers
Therefore, in this paper first the concept of Sense of place and its
who are ignoring the meanings that places bring to people’s
characteristics will be examined afterward the scales of Sense of
place will be reviewed and the factors that contribute to form Sense mind, they try to destroy authentic places and make
of place will be evaluated and finally Place Attachment as an inauthentic ones [8]. In the meantime, scholars discuss that
objective dimension for measuring the sense of place will be since one of the main goals of urban design is creating a sense
described. of place; architects, designers and planners should pay more
attention to the quality of places and built environments.
Keywords—Place, Place Attachment, Sense of place Therefore, nowadays the role of design as a tool to answer
human needs and expectations is more significant. However,
I. INTRODUCTION this paper aims to discuss about the concept of Sense of place
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Vol:5, No:8, 2011
existential purpose of architecture. Therefore, there should be of meanings, symbols, and qualities that a person or group
a conscious effort to discover the meanings that present in the consciously and unconsciously associates with a particular
environment. Norberg-Schulz [20] also hinted to the locality or region” [30]. Shamai [29] argued that sense of
significant role of the architecture as providing physical place can be much more than one’s own personal experience.
attributes to space which facilitate habitation of the users as Most likely it is developed among different generational
well as their mental and physical well being. Therefore, groups. It means that the long-term relationship between place
architecture not only should note to the meanings but it should and people establishes identities and meanings with physical
pay close attention to the physical attributes of the setting [31]. environments that create sense of place. While some scholars
Relph [26] as a phenomenologist defined place as ‘fusions of (e.g. Relph, Pred) argued that long term interaction with place
human and natural order’ he explained that ‘places are the contributes to create sense of place, Tuan [41] explained that it
significant centers of our immediate experiences of the world’. is also possible to create meaning quickly, kind of like love at
Sime [31] argued that for Relph, the important role of place is first sight. Gussow in Relph [26] argued that sense of place
its power to order and to focus on human intentions, has different stages. Gussow explained that the first level of
experience, and behavior spatially. Relph [26] described that sense of place is familiarity with place. This includes being in
place is an interaction of three components i.e. ‘physical the place without realizing its meanings. Many people
setting’, ‘activity’ and ‘meaning’. Relph [26] also explained experience places at this level and their relationships with
that place has different sizes; it can be a small room or a big some places are only via activities. These people do not pay
continent. In dealing with the concept of sense of place, particular attention to the place itself and their experience of
phenomenologists attempted to emphasize the difficulties of place is only superficial. Furthermore, they do not feel that
this phenomenon. In this regard, Relph [26] argued that the they belong to the place and make no attempt at developing
Open Science Index, Humanities and Social Sciences Vol:5, No:8, 2011
concept of sense of place is not very clear; he explained that the attachment to place. The second level of sense of place is
we can describe our personal understandings about this described as an ordinary familiarity with place. This level of
concept but we cannot give a precise definition for it. In experience is perceived unconsciously. It is more collective
parallel, Barker [2] defined the sense of place as one of the and cultural rather than personal. In this level of sense of
most intangible concepts and explained that discovering what place, people have deep and strong participation with place.
makes a factual sense of place is a multifaceted study. They will contribute to social activities but pay close attention
Reviewed seminal literature revealed that sense of place for to symbols of place. This level of familiarity is usually
phenomenologists is an emotional connection with place via experienced in familiar and sacred places. The third level of
understanding its symbols and meanings. They explained that sense of place is profound familiarity with place. It involves
one place is a part of an environment that has been the ‘existential insideness’ of a person and is unconsciously
experienced via our senses. Phenomenologists used some experienced. In this level a person is integrated with place.
similar concepts such as ‘Topophilia’, ‘character of place’ and
‘spirit of place’ to explain the concept of sense of place. The III. SENSE OF PLACE IN ENVIRONMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY
term of Topophilia which means ‘love of place’ for the first Environmental psychology appeared as a distinctive
time was used by Tuan [39] to describe the existing research area during the last decades [37]. Environmental
remarkable bounds between people and the physical settings. psychologists argue that physical settings play a significant
Tuan [41] defined Topophilia as a strong and impressive role in facilitating the goals and aspirations of their users [37].
relationship between people and places. Spirit of place relates They claim that physical environment have very real,
to the exclusive aspects of a place. Relph [26] explained that immediate or long term impacts on human behavior and their
sense of place, which is the ability to recognize places and mental and physical health [17]. According to environmental
their identities can be created and develop through long-time psychologists, architects and designers should consider both
connections between users and places. Sense of place is an emotional and functional qualities of places. In this regard,
important issue that can strengthen the relationship between they elaborated that the purpose of designing places not only
human and place. It can be influenced by personal and is facilitating of everyday activities but providing symbolic
collective’s values, beliefs, and behaviors. Canter [3] argued and affective qualities are very important to attract more
that in fact people’s willingness to contribute to social people to places. The overall quality of environments is
activities have been attributed to the strength of the sense of measured in terms of the richness of their psychological and
place. In parallel, Steele [35] advocated the significant role of socio-cultural meaning as well as in relation to physical
sense of place in people’s relationships with place and asserted comfort, safety, and performance criteria [38]. Environmental
that it endows to place the feeling of security and pleasure and psychologists also argue that the experience of place is one of
causes the attachment to place. Reviewed literature reveal that the most important factors in sense of place. In this case, Steel
people are interested to care those places which have strong [35] defines sense of place as a particular experience of a
sense of place for them. Relph [26] asserted that symbols, person in a particular setting. He argued that feelings like
traditions, myths, and ritual assist in reinforcement the sense stimulated, excited, joyous and expansive are examples of this
of place. Peterson and Saarinen [21] also claimed that local experience. Steel [35] asserted that the spirit of a place or
symbols reflect and enhance Sense of place. In parallel, Datel personality of place make up the sense of place. A place is not
and Dingemans defined Sense of place as “the complex bundle just an object, but part of a larger whole that is being felt
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Vol:5, No:8, 2011
comprised of three levels. Belonging to a place is the first freedom, or, life itself.
level, the second stage is attachment to a place, and the third is
commitment to a place which also is the highest phase.
Shamai [29] also express that for having a better life V. THE FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO FORM THE SENSE OF
individuals need to be connected emotionally and spiritually to PLACE
their living places. They satisfy their needs through emotional According to the above discussions, sense of place is
relationships and identification with their living place. This people’s subjective perception of their environments and their
remarkable emotional connection is called sense of place. more or less conscious feelings about those places. Therefore,
sense of place is both interpretive and emotional aspects of
IV. THE DIFFERENT SCALES OF SENSE OF PLACE environmental experience. It means the concept of sense of
Stedman [33] described sense of place as a collection of place is psychological or interactional and physical. The
symbolic meanings, attachment, and satisfaction with a spatial combination of physical and social attributes creates an
setting help by a group or individual. Reviewed literature environment; in this regard, the relationship between people
reveal that sense of place has different levels. Hummon [9] and environment is transactional: people take something
differentiated between a numbers of different types of senses (positive or negative) from a place and give or do things to the
of place in a study on community sentiment. These included environment. Steel [35] explained that the Sense of place is an
rootedness, alienation, relativity, and placelessness. Hummon experience created by the setting combined with what a person
[9] noted people’s satisfaction, identification, and attachment brings to it. There are certain settings that have such a strong
to communities cause different kinds of sense of place which ‘spirit of place’ that they will tend to have a similar impact on
vary among people. In other study Cross [4] defined sense of many different people [35]. Therefore, the reviewed literature
place as a combination of relationship with place and social revealed that the contributed factors to form the sense of place
activities. Cross [4] clustered the relationships with place in can be broadly divided into two groups; the cognitive and
biographical, spiritual, ideological, narrative, commoditized perceptual factors and the physical characteristics of a
and dependent. Shamai [29] determined three major - physical setting.
belonging to a place, place attachment and commitment In this regard, the cognitive factors refer to the meanings
toward a place stages. Shamai [29] further categorized it into and concepts that are understood by people in a place.
seven levels: Therefore, sense of place not only is a sense of affection with
Not having any Sense of place a place, but also it has a cognitive structure where an
1. Knowledge of being located in a place: in this level individual attach himself/herself to concepts and meanings of
people are familiar with the place; they identify the symbols of a place. In this case, sense of place as an emotional bonding
the place but they do not have any particular emotional between people and places is created after cognition. As a
connection to the place and its symbols. Therefore, they do not result, there are varied senses between different people and
integrate themselves with the place. their experiences, motivations, their backgrounds, and also the
2. Belonging to a place: in this phase, people not only are characteristics of physical setting influence the sense of place.
familiar with the place but they have an emotional connection The reviewed seminal literature revealed that the physical
with the place. In this stage, people distinguish the symbols of characteristics and attributes of an environment not only
the place and in contrast to the previous stage those symbols define the kind of a setting but also they contribute to the
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Vol:5, No:8, 2011
perceived meanings. Steel [35] mentioned the significant Proshansky et al. [22] talk about the interplay of affective,
elements of a setting that contribute to the sense of place as cognitive and conative clusters in their work with place
the size of setting, scale, proportion, diversity, distance, identity. Place attachment also is defined as a state of
texture, ornaments, color, smell, sound, temperature and visual psychological well-being resulting from accessibility to a
variety. He also argued that identity, history, fantasy, mystery, place or a state of distress upon separation or remoteness from
pleasure, surprise, safety, vitality, live ability and memory a place [7].
influence people’s relationships with place. Therefore Some scholars argue that long term interaction with place
reviewed seminal literature revealed that the physical features and memories that occur through could create attachment.
of place with creating meanings, conceptions and also While Tuan [41] explains that it is also possible to form
safeguard of their function contribute to make Sense of place. attachments quickly i.e. kind of love at first sight. Manzo [16]
In this regard, the legibility of place and people‘s satisfaction also found that places can be assigned meaning quickly
with environmental characteristics are the main influencing through linking the memory of an important event occurring in
factors. With understanding meanings, concepts, symbols and a specific place. Manzo [16] called these pivotal or flashpoint
identity of place cognitive and affective relationships with moments, and these meanings connected to a particular place
place is created. form the foundation for place attachment.
Stedman [32] argued that since the concept of sense of Farnum et al. [5] asserted that people-place interactions are
place is vague and its definition is very difficult to define and often formed through psychological procedures rather than
also to measure, he recognized place attachment as an physical contacts. It means people do not have to have
objective dimension for measuring the sense of place. physical interactions with places for making strong emotional
bonds with these places. They might also integrate strong
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physical characteristics strengthen both place attachment and setting into account would provide some insight into what
satisfaction [32]. about place matters to people. Therefore, as Stedman [34]
explained place attachment is an evaluative dimension of
VIII. CONCLUSION place, it describes how much place means to people. Place
Sense of place can be defined as an emotional relationship attachment plays a positive role in human lives and also in
between people and places. Previous studies indicated that their care of the place. It is expected that there is difference in
physical attributes, activities and meanings associated with environmental attitudes between those who feel an attachment
places contribute to make sense of place. Physical elements to a particular place and those who do not.
could refer to the attributes and characteristics of a setting;
these features not only define the kind of a place but also REFERENCES
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