Soil Note
Soil Note
Soil Note
The diagrammatic representation of the different phases in a soil mass is called the phase diagram.
The diagram which shows only two components of soil i.e., solids and air or solids and water is called two-
phase diagram (dry or fully saturated soil)
The diagram which represents all the three components of soil i.e., solids, air and water is called three phase
diagram ( Partially saturated soil).
(W –W ) (G−1)
W=((W 2 −W1 )) ( )-1)
2 4
(ii) Dry unit weight (𝛾𝑑 ): It is the ratio of the weight of the solid to the volume of soil.
𝛾𝑑 = 𝑉𝑠
Sieve analysis
Used for coarsed grained soil.
If all the particles are retained on sieve no 75 micron.
The sieving is performed by arranging the various sieve one over other according to mesh opening.
Referred to as effective size, corresponding to 10 % finer
Particles size with respect to which 10 % particles are smaller in size
A measure of particle size range is given by coefficient of uniformity Cu which is defined as
Cu = D60/D10
The shape of the particle size curve can be represented by coefficient of curvature Cc defined as:
Cc = 𝐷10 𝑋 𝐷60
7. The relation between the air content (ac) and the degree of saturation (S) is
(a) ac=S (b) ac=1-S (c) ac=1+S (d) ac=1/S