Lesson 5. Georeferencing and Projection
Lesson 5. Georeferencing and Projection
Lesson 5. Georeferencing and Projection
Lesson 5
Georeferencing and Projection
Lesson 5: Geo-referencing and Projection
Georeferencing is the process of conveying real coordinates to the spatial data. It
assigns coordinates to the pixels of raster images. Common frames and coordinate
systems are developed to define the positions within the information. It helps in
determining how the areas in an image correspond to the surface. When you know
about the coordinates of points given in the images, you can match these points to
those on the charts.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this lesson, the students will be able to:
1. Discuss the concept of coordinate systems, map projections, transformation
and georeferencing.
2. Perform map projection.
3. Perform georeferencing.
Please refer to the attached activity.
Activity No. 7 Georeferencing
1. Explain why coordinate system and projection are central to maps, mapping
and GIS.
2. Is it possible to have different coordinates for the same location?
A. Understanding Earth
Earth’s shape
The earth is generally viewed as a sphere; however, its shape is not as perfect as
a sphere in reality. Given below are the models that have attempted to describe
the shape of the earth:
Spherical model
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Geoid model
Describes unique and irregular shape of the earth. The variation in the
density of different rock types and irregularities caused by mountain ranges
and ocean depths affect the gravity of earth.
Geoid can be perceived as a sea level surface (where dynamic effects such
as tides and waves are excluded) whose irregular shape is attributed to the
earth’s gravity
No simple surface such as sphere or spheroid/ellipsoid can model the sea
level surface completely so best fit of the spheroid/ellipsoid to the sea level
surface is performed.
The geoid differs from the shape of ellipsoid by up to ± 100 m and this
difference is known as geoid separation or geoid undulation
Elevations and contour lines depicted on maps are measured with respect
to the geoid
A datum is a reference point or surface against which measurements are made
using models of the shape of the earth.
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elevation for local area and is close approximation to the geoid (geoid and
local mean sea level differ by not more than a couple of meters). As zero
elevation defined for one country is not necessarily same for other countries,
therefore a number of local vertical datums are defined.
The mean sea level height is also known as orthometric height or geoid
The geodetic vertical datum uses ellipsoid as the reference surface. The
surface of the ellipsoid is considered to represent zero altitude. Points above
the ellipsoid represent positive altitude and points below the surface
represent negative altitude. The altitude is also known as ellipsoidal or
geodetic height. GPS devices furnish ellipsoidal heights.
The relationship between ellipsoidal height H and geoid height h is given as
where N refers to the geoid ellipsoid separation.
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b. Global/Geocentric datum: The one that best approximates the size and
shape of the whole earth. The center of this spheroid coincides with
centre of mass of the earth. The US Global Positioning System uses
geocentric datum
The use of local datums results in uneven connectivity of longitudinal and latitudinal
lines between different countries/regions. These mismatches were common over
hundred meters and created confusion about locating an area correctly. With the
advent of Global Positioning System (GPS) technology this disagreement was no
longer acceptable. World-wide datums which are now used in all countries/regions
began to be developed.
The datum presently used for GPS is called WGS 84 (World Geodetic System
1984). It consists of a three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system and an
associated ellipsoid. The positions can either be described as XYZ Cartesian
coordinates or latitude, longitude and ellipsoid height coordinates. The origin of the
datum is the center of mass of the Earth and it is designed for positioning anywhere
on Earth.
B. Coordinate System
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We must familiarize ourselves with the geographic terms with respect to the Earth
coordinate system in order to use the GIS technologies effectively.
Pole: The geographic pole of earth is defined as either of the two points
where the axis of rotation of the earth meets its surface. The North Pole lies
90º north of the equator and the South Pole lies 90º south of the equator
Latitude: Imaginary lines that run horizontally around the globe and are
measured from 90º north to 90º south. Also known as parallels, latitudes are
equidistant from each other.
Equator: An imaginary line on the earth with zero-degree latitude, divides
the earth into two halves–Northern and Southern Hemisphere. This parallel
has the widest circumference.
Longitude: Imaginary lines that run vertically around the globe. Also known
as meridians, longitudes are measured from 180º east to 180º west.
Longitudes meet at the poles and are widest apart at the equator
Prime meridian: Zero-degree longitude which divides the earth into two
halves–Eastern and Western hemisphere. As it runs through the Royal
Greenwich Observatory in Greenwich, England it is also known as
Greenwich meridian
Equator (0º) is the reference for the measurement of latitude. Latitude is measured
north or south of the equator. For measurement of longitude, prime meridian (0º)
is used as a reference. Longitude is measured east or west of prime meridian. The
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grid of latitude and longitude over the globe is known as graticule. The intersection
point of the equator and the prime meridian is the origin (0, 0) of the graticule.
Coordinate measurement
The geographic coordinates are measured in angles. The angle measurement can
be understood as per following:
A full circle has 360 degrees 1 circle = 360º
A degree is further divided into 60 minutes 1º = 60′
A minute is further divided into 60 seconds 1′ = 60″
We have 12 full degrees, 52 minutes - each 1/60 of a degree, and 46.92 seconds
- each 1/60 of 1/60 of a degree
So, we can write coordinates of Philippines in decimal degree format as: 12.8797°
N, 121.7740° E.
With rotation of earth on its axis, at any moment one of the longitudes faces the
Sun (noon meridian), and at that moment, it is noon everywhere on it. After 24
hours the earth completes one full rotation with respect to the Sun, and the same
meridian again faces the noon. Thus, each hour the Earth rotates by 360/24 = 15
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This implies that with every 15º of longitude change a new time zone is created
which is marked by a difference of one hour from the neighboring longitudes
specified at 15º gap. The earth's time zones are measured from the prime meridian
(0º) and the time at Prime meridian is called Greenwich Mean Time. Thus, there
are 24 time zones created around the globe.
The International Date Line is the imaginary line on the Earth that separates two
consecutive calendar days. Generally, it is said to be lying exactly opposite to the
prime meridian having a measurement of 180º meridian but it is not so. It zigs and
zags the 180º meridian following the political jurisdiction of the states but for sake
of simplicity it is taken as 180º meridian. Starting at midnight and going east to the
International Date Line, the date is one day ahead of the date on the rest of the
In such a coordinate system the location of a point on the grid is identified by (x, y)
coordinate pair and the origin lie at the center of grid. The x coordinate determines
the horizontal position and y coordinate determines the vertical position of the
C. Map Projection
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projection results in distortion of one or more map properties such as shape, size,
area or direction.
A single projection system can never account for the correct representation of all
map properties for all the regions of the world. Therefore, hundreds of projection
systems have been defined for accurate representation of a particular map element
for a particular region of the world.
Method of Construction
The term map projection implies projecting the graticule of the earth onto a flat
surface with the help of shadow cast. However, not all of the map projections are
developed in this manner. Some projections are developed using mathematical
calculations only. Given below are the projections that are based on the method of
Perspective Projections: These projections are made with the help of
shadow cast from an illuminated globe on to a developable surface
Non-Perspective Projections: These projections do not use shadow cast
from an illuminated globe on to a developable surface. A developable
surface is only assumed to be covering the globe and the construction of
projections is done using mathematical calculations.
Development Surface
Projection transforms the coordinates of earth on to a surface that can be flattened
to a plane without distortion (shearing or stretching). Such a surface is called a
developable surface. The three basic projections are based on the types of
developable surface and are introduced below:
1. Cylindrical Projection
It can be visualized as a cylinder wrapped around the globe.
Once the graticule is projected onto the cylinder, the cylinder is opened
to get a grid like pattern of latitudes and longitudes.
The longitudes (meridians) and latitudes (parallels) appear as straight
Length of equator on the cylinder is equal to the length of the equator
therefore is suitable for showing equatorial regions.
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(a) Normal: when cylinder has line of tangency to the equator. It includes
Equirectangular Projection, the Mercator projection, Lambert's Cylindrical
Equal Area, Gall's Stereographic Cylindrical, and Miller cylindrical
projection. (b) Transverse: when cylinder has line of tangency to the
meridian. It includes the Cassini Projection, Transverse Mercator,
Transverse cylindrical Equal Area Projection, and Modified Transverse
Mercator. (c) Oblique: when cylinder has line of tangency to another point
on the globe. It only consists of the Oblique Mercator projection.
2. Conic Projection
It can be visualized as a cone placed on the globe, tangent to it at some
After projecting the graticule on to the cone, the cone is cut along one of
the meridians and unfolded. Parallels appear as arcs with a pole and
meridians as straight lines that converge to the same point.
It can represent only one hemisphere, at a time, northern or southern.
Suitable for representing middle latitudes.
(a) Tangent: when the cone is tangent to only one of the parallel.
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(b) Secant: when the cone is not big enough to cover the curvature of earth,
it intersects the earth twice at two parallels.
3. Azimuthal/Zenithal Projection
It can be visualized as a flat sheet of paper tangent to any point on
the globe
The sheet will have the tangent point as the centre of the circular
map, where meridians passing through the centre are straight line
and the parallels are seen as concentric circle.
Suitable for showing polar areas
(a) Equatorial zenithal: When the plane is tangent to a point on the equator.
(b) Oblique zenithal: when the plane is tangent to a point between a pole
and the equator.
(c) Polar zenithal: when the plane is tangent to one of the poles.
Projection Properties
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Placing light source illuminating the globe at different positions results in the
development of different projections. These projections are:
Gnomonic projection: when the source of light is placed at the centre of the
Stereographic Projection: when the source of light is placed at the periphery
of the globe, diametrically opposite to the point at which developable surface
touches the globe
Orthographic Projection: when the source of light is placed at infinity from
the globe opposite to the point at which developable surface touches the
Study area
a. Geographical location
The line of zero distortion for a cylindrical projection is equator. For
conical projections it is parallels and for Azimuthal it is one of the poles.
If the study area is in tropics use cylindrical projection, for middle
latitudes use conical and for Polar Regions use Azimuthal projections.
b. Shape of the area
Young in 1920 described a way of selecting the map projection which is
known as Young’s rule. According to this rule, if the ratio of maximum
extent (z) (measured from the centre of the country to its most distant
boundary) and the width (δ) of the country comes out to be less than
1.41, Azimuthal projection is preferable. If the ratio is greater than 1.41
a conical or cylindrical projection should be used.
Z/δ < 1.41 Azimuthal Projection
Z/δ >1.41 Conical or Cylindrical projections
Projection Systems
Given below is the description of the projection systems that are mostly used:
A. Cylindrical Projection
i. Equirectangular projection
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longer than what they are on the globe, therefore the scale
along the equator is correct but is incorrect for other parallels
5. As scale varies from parallel to parallel and is exaggerated
towards the pole, the shapes of large sized countries are
distorted more towards pole and less towards equator.
However, shapes of small countries are preserved
6. The image of the poles is at infinity
7. Commonly used for navigational purposes, ocean currents
and wind direction are shown on this projection
v. Transverse Mercator
This projection results from projecting the sphere onto a cylinder
tangent to a central meridian.
B. Pseudo-cylindrical Projections
A pseudo cylindrical projection is that projection in which latitudes are
parallel straight lines but meridians are curved.
i. Mollweide Projection
1. The poles are points and the central meridian is a straight line
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iii. Eckert VI
C. Conical Projection
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i. Bonne’s Projection
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D. Azimuthal/Zenithal Projection
i. Polar Zenithal Equal area projection
1. The pole is a point forming the centre of the projection and the
parallels are concentric circles.
2. The meridians are straight lines radiating from pole having
correct angular distance between them.
3. The meridians intersect the parallels at right angles.
4. The scale along the parallels increases away from the centre
of the projection.
5. The decrease in the scale along meridians is in the same
proportion in which there is an increase in the scale along the
parallels away from the centre of the projection. Thus the
projection is an equal area projection.
6. Shapes are distorted away from the centre of the projection.
Scale along the meridians is small and along the parallels is
large so the shapes are compressed along the meridians but
stretched along the parallels.
7. Used for preparing political and distribution maps of polar
regions. It can also be used for preparing general purpose
maps of large areas in Northern Hemisphere.
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1. The pole is a point forming the centre of the projection and the
parallels are concentric circles.
2. The meridians are straight lines radiating from pole having
correct angular distance between them.
3. The meridians intersect the parallels at right angles.
4. The spacing between the parallels represent true distances,
therefore the scale along the meridians is correct.
5. The scale along the parallels increases away from the centre
of the projection.
6. The exaggeration and distortion of shapes increases away
from the centre of the projection.
7. The projection is neither equal area nor orthomorphic.
8. It is used for preparing maps of polar areas for general
1. The pole is a point forming the centre of the projection and the
parallels are concentric circles.
2. The meridians are straight lines radiating from pole having
correct angular distance between them.
3. The meridians intersect the parallels at right angles.
4. The parallels are unequally spaced. The distances between
the parallels increase rapidly toward the margin of the
projection. This causes exaggeration of the scale along the
5. The scale along the parallels increases away from the centre
of the projection.
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1. The pole is a point forming the centre of the projection and the
parallels are concentric circles.
2. The meridians are straight lines radiating from pole having
correct angular distance between them.
3. The meridians intersect the parallels at right angles.
4. The parallels are unequally spaced. The distances between
the parallels increase toward the margin of the projection. The
exaggeration in the meridian scale is less than that in the case
of Gnomonic projection.
5. The scale along the parallels also increases away from the
meridian and in the same proportion in which it increases
along the meridians. At any point scale along the parallel is
equal to the scale along the meridian.
6. The areas are exaggerated on this projection and the
exaggeration increases away from the centre of the projection.
7. A circle drawn on the globe is represented by a circle on this
8. It is used to show world in hemispheres. Also used for
preparing aeronautical charts and daily weather maps of the
polar areas.
v. Orthographic Projection
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1. The pole is a point forming the centre of the projection and the
parallels are concentric circles.
2. The meridians are straight lines radiating from pole having
correct angular distance between them.
3. The meridians intersect the parallels at right angles.
4. The parallels are not equally spaced. The distances between
them decrease rapidly towards the margin of the projection.
So, the scale along the meridians decreases away from the
centre of the projection.
5. The scale along the parallel is correct.
6. The distortion of the shapes increases away from the centre
of the projection.
7. It is neither equal area nor orthomorphic.
8. The projection is used to prepare charts for showing the
celestial bodies such as moon and other planets.
The particular transverse Mercator map that is used to represent each zone
has its central meridian running north-to-south down the center of the zone.
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This means that no portion of any particular zone is very far from the central
meridian of the transverse Mercator map that is used to depict the zone.
Since a Universal Transverse Mercator zone is 6° of longitude wide, no
portion of a UTM zone is more than 3° of longitude from the zone's central
meridian. Since the distortion in a transverse Mercator map is relatively low
near the map's central meridian, the result of this close proximity to the
map's central meridian is that the transverse Mercator map used to depict
each zone within the coordinate system contains relatively little distortion.
D. Transformation
The process of transformation, maps every point from one coordinate space to
another. Using transforms, one can rotate, translate and scale content freely in
two-dimensional space.
It is the process of moving each point of an object by the same distance in the
same direction. It involves shifting the origin of the current coordinate system
horizontally and vertically by a specific amount.
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Scaling changes the size of the grid. It lets the stretching and shrinking of the grid
along the x and y axes independently.
It does not change the origin of the grid but makes the grid multiplied by a given
value. The figure above shows scaling transformation, which doubles the scale of
both axes. The square maintains its origin at (10, 10) even after scaling. Because
the scale is made twice, therefore origin i.e. (10, 10) of the new grid lies at (20, 20)
of the original grid.
To transform data from one coordinate system to another, forward and inverse
equations are used. The inverse equation of the source projection transforms the
coordinates of source projection into geographic coordinates. Then, the forward
equation of the target projection is used to transform the geographic coordinates
into the target projection coordinates.
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The shape of the original rectangular grid is maintained due to the uniform
scale change in the case of conformal transformation whereas in affine
transformation the shape of the rectangular grid is changed due to the
difference in scale in x and y direction.
Polynomial Transformation: It is a non-linear transformation which relates
two 2D Cartesian coordinate systems through a translation, a rotation and
a variable scale change
Datum Transformation
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E. Georeferencing
In brief, the process of georeferencing establishes control points; inputs the known
geographic coordinates of these control points, chooses the coordinate system and
other projection parameters and then minimizes residuals. Residuals are the
difference between the actual coordinates of the control points and the coordinates
predicted by the geographic model created using the control points. The residuals
help in determining the level of accuracy of the process. The quality of the
rectification depends on the number, accuracy, and distribution of the control points
and the choice of transformation model.
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Where X and Y are the ground coordinates, and, x and y are the image
A minimum of three GCPs are required to solve these equations, though greater
the GCPs more accurate is the rectification. On solving the equations we get the
values of the six (a, b, c, d, e and f) coefficients. Any image coordinate can then
be substituted in the equations to get the corresponding ground position on the
used map coordinate system. The positions of the original grid cells will have to be
interpolated in the mapping coordinate system.
After the coordinate transformation the raster cells may have been oriented
differently than the way they were originally in the raster coordinate system. The
attribute value is to be interpolated for the cells oriented to the new coordinate
system. This is called resampling. There are three common methods of
Nearest neighbor: In this method, the attribute value of the original cell nearest to
a cell in the output raster layer is assigned to the corresponding cell.
a. Bilinear interpolation: It assigns the value to a cell in the output raster layer
by taking weighted average of the surrounding four cells in the original grid
nearest to it.
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b. Cubic convolution: It assigns the value to a cell in the output raster layer by
taking weighted average of the surrounding sixteen cells in the original grid
nearest to it.
Among these three the nearest neighbor is preferred because it doesn’t change
the values of the original grid cells assigned to the reoriented grid cells but it
produces blocky images. The cubic convolution on the other side does change the
values but it generates smoother images.
The result of an image to map rectification is a geometrically correct grid of raster
Please refer to the attached activity.
Activity No. 7 Georeferencing
You finally understood the principles of georeferencing and projection. With the
complementary activity, you were able to add geographic information to the image
so that QGIS can place the image in its appropriate real-world location. In the next
lesson, you will package your map for presentation. We will explore more about
cartographic designing. If you are ready, then let’s start Lesson 6!
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