Is So: (12) United States Patent

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,886,469 B2

Curry (45) Date of Patent: Feb. 15, 2011
(54) FIREARM HAVING NONMETALLIC 1,518,027 A * 12, 1924 VoSmek ......................... 42.62
COMPONENTS AND AN EXTRACTOR YOKE 1,630.404 A * 5/1927 Nicholson .. ... 42.62
LOCKUP 2,958,151 A * 1 1/1960 Sefried, II ... ... 42.67
3,030,723. A * 4/1962 Ivy ..... ... 42.65
(75) Inventor: Brett Curry, Monson, MA (US) 3,177,602 A * 4, 1965 Geber ........... ... 42.62
3,387,399 A * 6/1968 McClenahan .. ... 42.62
(73) Assignee: Smith & Wesson Corp., Springfield, RE26,534 E * 3/1969 Lewis ............ ... 42.62
3,685,193 A * 8/1972 Sefried, II ... 42.62
MA (US) 3,813,804 A * 6/1974 Ruger .... ... 42.62
3,874,104 A * 4/1975 Sibley ... ... 42.68
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 4,541,193 A * 9/1985 Flippin .......................... 42.68
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 4,619,064 A * 10/1986 Stolz ...... ... 42.69.01
U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. 4,694,602 A 9, 1987 Pust .............................. 42.59
4,908,969 A * 3/1990 Lechelle et al. ................ 42.62
(21) Appl. No.: 12/760,927 4,918,850 A * 4, 1990 Rick ............................. 42.59
D335,911 S * 5/1993 Militello .... ... D22.108
(22) Filed: Apr. 15, 2010 5,341,587 A * 8/1994 Phillips, Jr. .................... 42.68
6,266,908 B1 7/2001 Spencer et al.
(65) Prior Publication Data
US 2010/0192441 A1 Aug. 5, 2010
Primary Examiner Troy Chambers
Related U.S. Application Data (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm McCormick, Paulding &
Huber LLP
(63) Continuation of application No. 12/648.902, filed on
Dec. 29, 2009. (57) ABSTRACT
(60) Provisional application No. 61/141,715, filed on Dec. A polymeric revolver including a frame, a cylinder mounted
31, 2008, provisional application No. 61/169,356, in a rectangular aperture in the frame via a yoke, and a
filed on Apr. 15, 2009, provisional application No. cylinder retaining mechanism is provided. The cylinder
61/169,359, filed on Apr. 15, 2009. retaining mechanism includes multiple assemblies, which
lock theyoke in the cylinder-closed position, including: (1)an
(51) Int. Cl. extractor, a locking bolt and a locking bolt retainer that house
F4 LA 7/00 (2006.01)
an extractor rod spring and engage a ratchet hub driver, hub
(52) U.S. Cl. ........................ 42/67:42/59: 42/62:42/.65 drive centerpin and central pin plate that house a ratchet drive
(58) Field of Classification Search ..................... 42/59, spring; (2) a star-shaped configuration of grooves and ridges
42/62, 65, 67 on the extractor and the ratchet hub driver, respectively; (3) a
See application file for complete search history. rear taper of the locking bolt that engages a concave recess at
(56) References Cited the axial center of the rounded groove of the locking bolt
recess; and (4) an annular ring that engages an inner wall of an
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS annular opening in a breach face of the frame.
688, 141 A 12, 1901 Wesson ......................... 42.62
743,784. A * 1 1/1903 Wesson ......................... 42.62 20 Claims, 12 Drawing Sheets

it. :
is so
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US 7,886.469 B2
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U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 7,059,075 B1 6/2006 Curry et al.

7,254,913 B2 8/2007 Dubois et al.
6,330,761 B1 12/2001 Duval et al. 7,263,795 B1 9/2007 Curry
6,357,157 B1 * 3/2002 Constant et al. ................ 42.84 2009/0044436 A1* 2/2009 Zak .............................. 42.59
6,523,294 B2 2/2003 Curry et al.
6,574,898 B2 6/2003 Spencer et al.
6,634,128 B1* 10/2003 Vastag ........................... 42.59 * cited by examiner
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FIG. 8

FIG. 9
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FIG. 19
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U.S. Patent Feb. 15, 2011 Sheet 12 of 12 US 7,886.469 B2
US 7,886,469 B2
1. 2
FIREARMI HAVING NONMETALLC may increase in proportion to the age of the revolver, owing to
COMPONENTS AND AN EXTRACTOR YOKE the increasing age and reduced resilience of the biasing
LOCKUP spring, or the like, which serves to bias the ball plunger into
contact with the restraining ball cavity.
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED There is, therefore, a need for a retaining mechanism to
APPLICATIONS retain the cylinder within the rectangular aperture, especially
Subsequent to firing.
The present application is a continuation of non-provi There is also a concern that firearms, and, in particular,
sional U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/648.902, filed on revolvers, be designed so that the expended ammunition car
Dec. 29, 2009, which claims the benefit of provisional U.S. 10 tridge can be easily removed from the cylinder upon being
Patent Application Ser. No. 61/141,715, filed on Dec. 31, discharged. Known revolvers employ an extractor, which dis
2008; and also claims the benefit of provisional U.S. Patent rupts the connection of the round of ammunition to the cyl
Application Ser. No. 61/169,356, filed on Apr. 15, 2009, and inder, in order to rapidly expel expended ammunition from
provisional U.S. Patent Application Ser. No. 61/169,359, the chamber of the cylinder. Said extractors are generally
filed on Apr. 15, 2009, which are hereby incorporated by 15 designed to avoid having any impact on the retention or
reference. The present application is related to U.S. patent release of the cylinder from the rectangular aperture of the
application Ser. No. 12/760,873, filed on Apr. 15, 2010 and is frame. There is, therefore, a need for an improved extractor
hereby incorporated by reference. that works in conjunction with the retaining mechanism to
promote retention of the cylinder in the rectangular aperture,
FIELD OF THE INVENTION especially Subsequent to firing.
There is also a concern that, once the expended ammuni
The present invention relates generally to firearms and, tion cartridges have been removed and new ammunition car
more particularly, to a revolver having nonmetallic compo tridges have been inserted into the cylinder, the retaining
nents and an improved extractor yoke lockup. mechanism be designed so that the cylinder and yoke assem
25 bly can be easily pivoted from the open position to the closed
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION position. There is, therefore, a need for an improved closing
Known revolvers employ a rotatable cylinder mounted in a
rectangular aperture of a frame of the revolver for selectively SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
positioning one of a plurality of rounds of ammunition in 30
opposition to the firing bore of the revolver. The cylinder is In view of the foregoing, it is an object of the present
typically rotatably mounted on a yoke of the revolver for invention to provide a revolver with an improved yoke lockup
selectively moving the cylinder in or out of the rectangular mechanism that prevents the revolver from coming out of
aperture of the frame during a loading or unloading operation. battery during operation.
For example, a known revolver includes a frame, a barrel, 35 It is another object of the present invention to provide a
an ejector rod assembly and a cylinder having a plurality of revolver with an improved extractor that works in conjunction
longitudinal bores which are adapted to selectively position, with the yoke lockup mechanism to prevent the revolver from
in sequence, rounds of ammunition in opposition to the firing coming out of battery during operation.
bore of the barrel. Ayoke stud is integrally mated to the frame It is another object of the present invention to provide a
and provides an axis of rotation to selectively pivot both the 40 revolver with an improved yoke assembly that facilitates the
yoke and the cylinder between an open position and its closed pivoting of the cylinder and yoke assembly from the open
position. A spring biased ball plunger is integrally mated to position to the closed position.
the yoke and in communication with a ball cavity formed in According to an embodiment of the present invention, a
the body of the frame for retaining the yoke and the cylinder firearm having a cylinder retaining mechanism is provided.
in the closed position. 45 The firearm includes a frame defining an aperture having a
While successful to a certain degree, the interaction breach face and a locking bolt recess disposed on a side of the
between the spring biased ball plunger and the ball cavity may aperture opposite from the breach face, wherein the locking
experience sporadic, operational complications during and bolt recess comprises a narrow section with a concave recess;
immediately following the discharge of a round of ammuni a cylinder mounted in the aperture and defining a bore; and a
tion. When a round is discharged, the forces that propel the 50 locking bolt mounted in the bore and fitted to be received in
round down the length of the barrel exert a corresponding the concave recess; wherein the cylinder is retained in the
force in the opposite direction, that is, towards the rear, hand aperture when the locking bolt is received in the concave
grip portion of the revolver. Although the effect of this oppo CCCSS.
site force is marginal on the interconnected elements of the According to another embodiment of the present invention,
revolver, the manufacturing tolerances inherent in the 55 a firearm having a cylinder retaining mechanism is provided.
revolver permit a minute amount of structural translation to The firearm includes a frame defining an aperture and an
occur as a result of this incident and opposite discharge force. annular opening in a breach face thereof: a cylinder pivotally
The effect of the structural translation of certain elements mounted in the aperture and defining a bore; and an extractor
in the revolver, as a result of the discharge of a round of mounted in the bore and having an annular ring fitted to be
ammunition and the associated manufacturing tolerances of 60 inserted in the annular opening; wherein the cylinder is
the revolver, may cause the cylinder and the yoke assembly, to retained in the aperture when the annular ring is inserted in the
move slightly rearwardly, towards the handgrip portion of the annular opening.
revolver. The rearward movement of the yoke may cause the According to another embodiment of the present invention,
spring biased ball plunger to disengage from the ball cavity, a firearm having a cylinder rotating mechanism is provided.
thus facilitating the unintended pivoting of the cylinder from 65 The firearm includes: a frame defining an aperture; a cylinder
the closed position to the open position. The possibility of the rotatably mounted in the aperture and having a bore; an
spring biased ball plunger disengaging from the ball cavity extractor mounted coaxially in the bore, wherein the extractor
US 7,886,469 B2
3 4
is rotationally fixed to the cylinder; a ratchet hub driver FIG. 20 is side view of the firing mechanism, the cylinder
mounted coaxially with and engaged to the extractor and retaining mechanism and the cylinder releasing mechanism
having annular lobed ridges; a hand having an end that abuts of the revolver according to the embodiment of FIG. 1.
and reciprocally engages the annular lobed ridges of the FIG. 21 is perspective view of the firing mechanism, the
ratchet hub driver; and a trigger connected to a distal end of 5
cylinder retaining mechanism and the cylinder releasing
the hand; whereby actuation of the trigger causes the hand to mechanism according to the embodiment of FIG. 20.
engage the annular lobed ridges of the ratchet hub driver,
which rotates the ratchet hub driver, the extractor and the FIG. 22 is a side exploded view of the ratchet hub driver,
cylinder. the hub drive centerpin, the ratchet drive spring and the center
10 pin plate assembly of the revolver according to the embodi
FIG. 23 is a perspective exploded view of the ratchet hub
The present invention will be better understood from read driver, the hub drive center pin, the ratchet drive spring and
ing the following description of non-limiting embodiments, the centerpin plate assembly according to the embodiment of
with reference to the attached drawings, wherein below: 15 FIG 22.
FIG. 1 is a side view of the revolver according to a first FIG. 24 is another perspective exploded view of the ratchet
embodiment of the present invention. hub driver, the hub drive center pin, the ratchet drive spring
FIG. 2 is a perspective view of the revolver according to the and the centerpin plate assembly according to the embodi
embodiment of FIG. 1. ment FIG. 22.
FIG. 3 is a side view of the revolver with the cylinder FIG. 25 is a side view of a cross section of the revolver
removed according to the embodiment of FIG. 1. according to the embodiment of FIG. 1.
FIG. 4 is a perspective view of the revolver according to the FIG. 26 is a perspective view of a front end of the firearm
embodiment of FIG. 3.
including the locking bolt recess and a locking bolt with a
FIG. 5 is a perspective view of the revolver with the cylin 25 knob according to another embodiment of the present inven
der and the extractor removed according to the embodiment tion.
of FIG. 1.
FIG. 6 is a side view of a cross section of the revolver DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED
according to the embodiment of FIG. 1. EMBODIMENTS
FIG. 7 is a side view of the locking bolt and extractor 30
assembly according to the embodiment of FIG. 1. Referring to FIGS. 1 and 2, one exemplary embodiment of
FIG. 8 is a side view of the cross section of the locking bolt a firearm incorporating the present invention is shown gener
and extractor assembly according to the embodiment of FIG. ally at 10 and is hereinafter referred to as “firearm 10.” The
7. firearm 10 is preferably a revolver (as described in U.S. Pat.
FIG. 9 is a side exploded view of the locking bolt and 35 Nos. 6,330,761, 6,523,294, 7,059,075, 7,254,913 and 7,263,
extractor assembly according to the embodiment of FIG. 7. 795 and provisional U.S. Patent Application No. 61/141,715,
FIG.10 is a perspective view of the locking bolt and extrac which are incorporated herein by reference) that includes a
tor assembly according to the embodiment of FIG. 7. frame, a cylinder 20, a barrel 22, and a firing mechanism.
FIG. 11 is another perspective view of the cylinder assem The frame is generally comprised of two main parts, an
bly according to the embodiment of FIG. 7. 40
upper frame portion 24 and a lower frame portion 26. The
FIG. 12 is side view of the front portion of the revolver lower frame portion 26 contains a back Strap, a main spring
according to the embodiment of FIG. 1. housing and a grip 28, as well as space for a portion of the
FIG. 13 is a perspective view of the revolver according to firing mechanism.
the embodiment of FIG. 12. The upper frame portion 24 contains the barrel 22 and the
FIG. 14 is a perspective view of the locking bolt recess of sight 30, as well as space for another portion of the firing
the revolver according to the embodiment of FIG. 1. mechanism. The upper frame portion 24 also contains: a
FIG. 15 is a perspective view of the extractor and the rectangular aperture 32 for mounting the cylinder 20, a lock
cylinder, assembled but displaced from one another, of the ing bolt recess 34 for slidably receiving a locking bolt 36, a
revolver according to the embodiment of FIG. 1. 50 yoke stud recess 38 for securing a yoke stud 40 and a yoke
FIG. 16 is a perspective view of the extractor and the carve out 42 for pivotally mounting the yoke 44 on the yoke
cylinder, assembled and having ammunition cartridges stud 40.
loaded into the chambers, of the revolver according to the A forward end 46 of the lower frame portion 26 is shaped
embodiment of FIG. 1. So as to accept a corresponding rearward end 48 of the upper
FIG. 17 is a side view of the locking bolt, the extractor and 55 frame portion 24. These upper and lower frame portions 24.
the cylinder, assembled and having ammunition cartridges 26 are joined together via pins to create a structurally rigid
loaded into the chambers, of the revolver according to the frame.
embodiment of FIG. 1. The frame portions 24, 26 are comprised of metal stamp
FIG. 18 is a perspective view of the extractor and the ings or inserts having a polymer over-molding on top of the
cylinder, assembled, with the extractor in a rearward actuated 60 inserts. However, other metallic and nonmetallic materials
position and having ammunition cartridges loaded into the may be used without departing from the scope of the present
chambers, of the revolver according to the embodiment of invention. While many prior art revolvers need to be bent to
FIG 1. ensure that the barrel, the cylinder, the firing mechanism and
FIG. 19 is side view of the locking bolt, the extractor and the locking mechanism all come into registration within pre
the cylinder, assembled, with the extractor in a rearward 65 scribed tolerances so that the revolver operates properly, such
actuated position and having ammunition cartridges loaded bending is not required with the polymer frame firearm 10 of
into the chambers, according to the embodiment of FIG. 18. the present invention.
US 7,886,469 B2
5 6
The frame also includes a trigger 50 that is pivotally rounded grooves 94 and the breach face 56 decreases as the
attached to the upper frame portion 24 and a separate trigger rounded grooves 94 approaches the center of the firearm 10.
guard 52 that is releasably attached to both the upper and However, at a position Substantially adjacent to the resting
lower frame portions 24, 26. position of the locking bolt 36 in the cylinder-closed position
The cylinder 20 is rotatably mounted on a cylindrical por (i.e., near the center of the firearm), the rounded grooves 94
tion (see FIGS. 3 and 4) of the yoke 44. In other words, the angle slightly frontward to culminate in a concave recess 96
cylinder 20 may be pivoted into and out of the rectangular that engages the rear taper 92. Thus, when the firearm is in the
aperture 32 in the upper frame portion 24 along the pivot path cylinder-closed position, the locking bolt 36 and locking bolt
defined by the yoke 44 and/or rotated relative to the yoke 44. recess 34 engagement will retain the cylinder 20 in the cyl
Referring now to FIGS. 3 and 4, the firearm 10 is shown 10 inder-closed position until a sufficient amount of lateral pres
with the cylinder removed to illustrate the rectangular aper sure is applied to the cylinder 20 to displace the rear taper 92
ture 32. Typically, as is shown in FIGS. 1 and 2, the cylinder across the rearward threshold of the concave recess 96.
20 of an assembled firearm 10 would be rotatably mounted The end of the locking bolt 36 includes a knob 98. When
axially on a cylindrical portion 54 of the yoke 44 with a front the firearm is in the cylinder-closed position, a knob 98 is
face of the cylinder 20 substantially abutting the rear-facing 15 suspended away from the walls of the locking bolt recess 34.
inner surface of the frame and the rear face of the cylinder In Such an arrangement, it is possible to gain access to the
substantially abutting a front-facing breach surface 56 of the knob 98 if desired (e.g., to actuate the locking bolt 36 rear
frame. However, with the cylinder 20 removed, it should be ward to overcome the rear threshold of the concave recess 96
appreciated that the cylinder 20 actually abuts the rear surface or to apply a lateral force to release the cylinder 20 from the
of the barrel 22 and an enlarged portion 58 of the yoke 44 on cylinder-closed position). However, without a corresponding
the front side of the firearm 10, and an extractor 60 on rear actuation of the cylinder release mechanism (as discussed
side of the firearm 10. In particular, the front face of the below), it is difficult to release the cylinder 20 from the upper
cylinder 20 presses flush against the rear opening of the barrel portion of the frame 24.
22 Such that the barrel-cylinder gap is minimized. Referring to FIG. 6, the extractor spring retainer 74, the
Referring now to FIG. 5, the firearm 10 is shown with the 25 extractor rod spring 86, part of the extractor shaft portion 72
cylinder 20 and the extractor 60 removed. As shown, an and part of the locking bolt 36 are removably and rotatably
annular opening 62 is provided in the breach surface 56 of the mounted inside the cylindrical portion 54. However, referring
rectangular aperture 32, coaxial with the cylindrical portion now to FIG. 15, a flattened surface 100 of the arcuate extractor
54. Slidably and rotatably mounted in the annular opening 62 shaft portion 72 engages a complimentary arcuate cylinder
is a ratchet hub driver 64 having a star-shaped configuration 30 bore 102 positioned rearward on the cylinder 20, proximate to
of ridges 66 on its front facing Surface. the body portion 68 when the cylinder 20 and extractor 60 are
Referring now to FIG. 6, a side view of a cross section of a assembled. The coupling of arcuate extractor shaft portion 72
fully assembled firearm 10 is shown. The rearward face of the and arcuate cylinder bore 102 creates a rotationally fixed
body portion 68 of the extractor 60 rests flush against the engagement between the cylinder 20 and the extractor 60.
breach surface 56 and engages the ratchet hub driver 64 with 35 As shown in FIG. 6, the cylinder 20 includes chambers 104
a complimentary star-shaped configuration of grooves 70. that are configured to receive and align ammunition car
The rearward face of the extractor 60 also has an annular ring tridges 106 with the barrel 22. When the ammunition car
71 that is fitted to the annular opening 62 and, in the cylinder tridge 106 is aligned with the barrel 22, the cylinder stop 108
closed position, is inserted therein. is pressed into an outer recess 110 in the cylinder 20 by the
Referring to FIGS. 7-11, the extractor 60 and the locking 40 compressive force of a cylinder stop spring 112 placed on the
bolt 36 assembly is shown in a number of views including a distal end of a central pivot 114 of the cylinder stop 108.
side cross sectional view (FIG. 8) and a side exploded view However, when the trigger 50 is actuated rearward (i.e., to
(FIG.9). A frontward extractor shaft portion 72 of the extrac discharge the chambered ammunition cartridge 106), a reset
tor 60 connects to the locking bolt 36 via an extractor spring plunger 116 that is attached to the trigger 50 actuates the
retainer 74. The extractor spring retainer 74 is mounted in a 45 cylinder stop 108 downward causing a cylinder stop 108 to
cylindrical recess 76 in the end of the extractor shaft portion disengage the outer recess 110 thereby allowing the cylinder
72 by means of a complimentary threaded screw and threaded 20 to rotate.
groove engagement 78. The extractor spring retainer 74 Referring now to FIG. 15, the extractor 60 is shown with
includes a cylindrical extension 80, which is fitted to an the cylinder 20 such that the extractor 60 and cylinder 20 are
opposing recess 82 in the locking bolt 36, and a coaxial recess 50 slightly displaced from the assembled configuration. The
84 in the cylindrical extension 80, which receives the rear body portion 68 of the extractor 60has two layers: a frontward
ward end of an extractor rod spring 86. The opposing recess layer 118 and a rearward layer 120.
82 in the locking bolt 36 receives the frontward end of the Referring now to FIGS. 15-19, the frontward layer 118
extractor rod spring 86. (i.e., the layer closest to the extractor shaft portion 72) has a
When compressed (e.g., in the cylinder-closed position), 55 number of prongs 122 fitted to an extractor recess 124 in the
the extractor rod spring 86 presses the locking bolt 36 against rearward face of the cylinder 20 and includes notches 126 for
the locking bolt recess34 and the rear face of the body portion receiving a section of the shaft 128 of ammunition cartridges
68 of the extractor 60 against the breach face 56. 106. In the assembled position, the frontward face of the
In particular, referring now to FIGS. 12-14, the locking bolt frontward layer 118 lies flush against the rearward face of the
36 has a narrow cylindrical rod portion 88 with a conical front 60 extractor recess 124 and the rearward face of the frontward
taper 90 on the frontward side and a conical rear taper 92 on layer 118 lies flush against the rearward face of the cylinder
the rearward side. When the extractor rod spring 86 is com 20.
pressed, the rear taper 92 engages rounded grooves 94 posi The rearward layer 120 has a similar geometry to the front
tioned on the upper and lower walls of the locking bolt recess ward layer 118 but includes larger notches 130 for receiving
34. The laterally outward portions of the rounded grooves 94 65 the rearmost ridge 132 of ammunition cartridges 106, which
are angled slightly rearwards from a horizontal lateral axis is larger than the cylindrical shaft thereof. In the assembled
such that the distance between the rearward surface of the position, the rearward face of the rearward layer 120 lies flush
US 7,886,469 B2
7 8
with the inserted ammunition cartridges 106, both of which protrude from the annular opening 62 across the breach face
lie flush with the breach surface in the cylinder-closed posi 56 and, if the cylinder 20 is in the cylinder-closed position,
tion. into engagement with the extractor 60.
Referring now to FIGS. 16-19, according to an embodi A centerpin plate 160 abuts the rear annular face of the hub
ment of the present invention, the cylinder 20, the extractor 60 5 drive centerpin 144. The centerpin plate 160 is a substantially
and the locking bolt 36 assembly for facilitating ejection of flat disk mounted in the frame at the rear of the annular
the ammunition cartridges 106 is provided. As shown in opening 62 and provides an opposing Surface against which
FIGS. 16-17, the extractor 60 and the cylinder 20 are the ratchet drive spring 158 is compressed. In particular, a
assembled with ammunition cartridges 106 loaded in the central indentation 162 of the centerpin plate 160 receives the
chambers 104. To remove the ammunition cartridges 106 10 rearward end of the ratchet drive spring 158.
while the firearm is in the cylinder-open position, the knob 98 Also, as discussed above and as shown in greater detail in
is actuated rearward. As shown in FIGS. 18-19, the rearward FIGS. 22-24, the front face of the ratchet hub drive 64
actuation of the knob 98 causes a rearward actuation of the includes the configuration of star-shaped ridges 66 for engag
extractor 60 and, in particular, the frontward layer 118. As the ing the corresponding grooves 70 of the body portion 68 of
frontward layer 118 moves rearward, the frontward layer 118 15 the extractor 60 and the rear face of the ratchet hub drive 64
presses against the rearmost ridge 132 of the ammunition includes annular lobed ridges 138 and uniform radius cylin
cartridges 106 and drives the ammunition cartridge 106 rear drical sections 140.
ward in the chambers 104, which dislodges the ammunition According to an embodiment of the present invention, a
cartridges 106 slightly. The dislodgment is sufficient to facili cylinder retaining mechanism 164. Such as a yoke lockup
tate the removal of an entire ammunition cartridge 106 from mechanism, is provided to retain the cylinder 20 within the
a chamber 104, for example, by rotating the assembly so that rectangular aperture 32, especially Subsequent to firing.
the knob 98 points upward and the body portion 68 is posi Referring now to FIG. 25, the cylinder retaining mechanism
tioned downward. 164 includes the extractor 60 and the ratchet hub driver 64 in
Referring now to FIGS. 20 and 21, a drive mechanism of locking engagement. In the cylinder-closed position, the
the firearm is shown at 134. The drive mechanism 134 func 25 ratchet hub driver 64 is pressed forward by the resistive force
tions to rotate the cylinder 20 about the cylindrical portion 54 of the compressed ratchet drive spring 158. Accordingly, the
of the yoke 44 upon an actuation of the trigger 50 in order to extractor 60 and the ratchet hub driver 64 are biased into a
place the next ammunition cartridge 106 into alignment with locking engagement with one another. The locking engage
the barrel 22. In addition to arming and releasing the firing ment is enhanced by the complimentary star-shaped configu
mechanism as described in provisional U.S. Pat. No. 6,141, 30 ration of grooves 70 and ridges 66 provided on the extractor
715, which is incorporated herein by reference, the actuation 60 and ratchet hub driver 64, respectively, ensuring proper
of the trigger 50 simultaneously causes an upward movement alignment and improving tolerance characteristics.
of a hand 136, which is pivotally mounted to the rear of the According to another embodiment of the present invention,
trigger 50. The hand 136, in turn, rotates the ratchet hub driver the cylinder retaining mechanism 164 includes the rear taper
64 by engaging and actuating annular-lobed ridges 138 pro 35 92 and concave recess 96 in locking engagement. In the
vided at intervals around the circumference of the rear of the cylinder-closed position, the rear taper 92 is pressed forward
ratchet hub driver 64, with uniform radius cylindrical surfaces into engagement with the concave recess 96 under the resis
140 positioned between each annular-lobed ridge 138. Each tive force of the compressed extractor rod spring 86. The
annular-lobed ridge 138 is a substantially semicircular cylin engagement acts to prevent the cylinder 20 from rotating out
drical body. However, the annular-lobed ridges 138 can be 40 of the rectangular aperture 32.
made up of cylindrical bodies having in excess of 180 degrees According to another embodiment of the present invention,
of circumferential surface. In other words, the axial center of the cylinder retaining mechanism 164 is provided to facilitate
each annular-lobed ridge 138 can be positioned proximate to and hasten retention of the cylinder 20 in the rectangular
and even outside of the circumference of the uniform radius aperture 32. As an initial matter, the cylinder retaining mecha
cylindrical surface 140 between each annular-lobed ridge 45 nism 164, which includes the extractor 60 and the locking bolt
138. There are as many annular-lobed ridges 138 as there are 36 assembly (see FIGS. 7-11), the ratchet hub driver 53 and
chambers 104 in the cylinder, whereby each actuation of the the hub drive centerpin 144 assembly (see FIGS. 22-23), and
trigger 50 corresponds to the amount of rotation required to the yoke 44 and the cylinder 20 assembly, is designed to
align the next chamber 104 with the barrel 22. ensure the close fit of the cylinder 20 within the various
The ratchet hub driver 64 is mounted to a front cylindrical 50 elements contained in the upper frame portion 24, particularly
portion 142 of a hub drive centerpin 144 as shown in FIG. 6. regarding the barrel-cylinder gap. In addition, the cylinder
Referring now to FIGS. 22-24, the hub drive assembly is retaining mechanism 164 promotes the closing of the cylinder
shown exploded at 146. 20.
To the rear of the front cylindrical portion 142, the hub To exemplify the cylinder-closing process, if the cylinder
drive centerpin 144 also includes an intermediate cylindrical 55 20 is in the cylinder-open position (e.g., to replenish the
portion 148, an enlarged cylindrical portion 150, a narrow ammunition cartridges 106 in the chambers 104) and it is
cylindrical portion 152, and an enlarged nub 154, respec desired to have the cylinder 20 in the cylinder-closed position,
tively. the cylinder 20 need only be pressed along the pivot path of
The hub drive center pin 144 is a substantially hollow the yoke 44 and into the rectangular aperture 32. As the
annular member that is rotatably mounted to the frame. For 60 cylinder 20 approaches the cylinder-closed position, the rear
instance, a pin recess 156 is provided axially through Sub taper 92 of the locking bolt 36 slides along the rounded
stantially the entirety of the hub drive centerpin 144 with the grooves 94 of the narrow section of the locking bolt recess 34
mouth of the pin recess 156 being located on the rear face of and is forced rearward into a secured position, which causes
the enlarged nub 154. Inside the pin recess 156, a ratchet drive the extractor 60 to press against the breach face 56 and the
spring 158 is housed, which, when compressed, exerts a resis 65 extractor rod spring 86 to compress. As the cylinder 20 draws
tive force on the hub drive centerpin 144 that translates to the still closer to the cylinder-closed position, the extractor 60
ratchet hub driver 64 causing the ratchet hub driver 64 to and ratchet hub driver 64 make contact and the ratchet hub
US 7,886,469 B2
9 10
driver 64 is forced away from the extractor 60 by said contact, 3. The firearm of claim 1,
which causes the ratchet drive spring 158 to compress. Even wherein the locking bolt has a remote end including a knob,
tually, the rear taper 92 crosses the threshold of the concave a conical front taper abutting the knob, a narrow rod
groove 96 at substantially the same time that a groove 70 of portion abutting the front taper portion and a conical rear
the star-shaped configuration of the extractor 60 comes into 5 taper abutting the rod portion and fitted to engage the
contact with a vertex of the ridges 66 of the star-shaped COCaV CSS.
configuration of the ratchet hub driver 64. In response, the 4. The firearm of claim 3,
extractor 60 and ratchet hub driver 64 Snap into engagement wherein the frame further defines an annular opening in the
with one another as the stored energy of the compressed breach face of the aperture; and
extractor rod spring 86 and ratchet drive spring 158 is par 10
the firearm further comprises:
tially released. At which point, the cylinder 20 is in the cyl an extractor mounted in the rectangular opening and
inder-closed position. having an annular ring fitted to be inserted in the
It should be appreciated that the cylinder retaining mecha annular opening.
nism 164 of the present invention includes four coupled 5. The firearm of claim 4,
engagements: the rear taper 92 and concave recess 96 engage 15
ment; the extractor 60 and ratchet hub drive 64 engagement; wherein the annular opening and the locking bolt recess are
the ridge 66 and groove 70 engagement; and the annular ring coaxial.
71 and the annular opening 62 engagement. Each engagement 6. The firearm of claim 1,
acts to retain the cylinder 20 in the rectangular aperture and wherein the frame further defines an annular opening in the
each of which readily aligns and Snaps into the respective breach face of the aperture; and
cylinder-closed positions. the firearm further comprises:
It should also be appreciated that in any of the above an extractor mounted in the bore and having an annular
discussed cylinder retaining mechanism, the amount of force ring fitted to be inserted in the annular opening.
applied required to move the cylinder to the cylinder-closed 7. The firearm of claim 6,
position is substantially related to the characteristics of the 25
wherein the annular opening and the locking bolt recess are
springs 86, 158 and the geometry and placement of the coaxial.
rounded grooves 96 and rear taper 92, the extractor 60 and the 8. The firearm of claim 6,
ratchet hub driver 64, the star-shaped grooves 70 and ridges wherein the extractor reciprocally engages the locking bolt
66 as well as the annular ring 71 and annular opening 62. within the bore.
Although this invention has been shown and described 30
9. The firearm of claim 8, further comprising:
with respect to the detailed embodiments thereof, it will be an extractor rod spring disposed between the extractor and
understood by those of skill in the art that various changes the locking bolt for spring-biasing the extractor and the
may be made and equivalents may be substituted for elements locking bolt away from one another.
thereof without departing from the scope of the invention. In
addition, modifications may be made to adapt a particular 35 10. The firearm of claim 9,
situation or material to the teachings of the invention without wherein the annular ring of the extractor is spring-biased
departing from the essential scope thereof. Therefore, it is into the annular opening of the breach face by the extrac
intended that the invention not be limited to the particular tor rod spring; and
embodiments disclosed in the above detailed description, but wherein the locking bolt is spring-biased into the concave
that the invention will include all embodiments falling within 40
recess of the narrow section of the frame by the extractor
the scope of this disclosure. rod spring.
For example, referring now to FIG. 26, according to 11. The firearm of claim 9,
another embodiment of the present invention, the firearm 10 wherein a remote end of the extractor from the annular ring
defines the locking bolt recess 34 that is provided with the defines a cylindrical recess;
locking bolt 36 that has a removable, honey spoon-shaped 45
wherein a remote end of the locking bolt from the locking
knob 98a. The honey spoon-shaped knob 98a promotes trac bolt recess defines an opposing recess; and
tion and manipulation by the user while reducing the potential
for debris to be trapped behind the locking bolt 36. wherein the extractor rod spring has a first end mounted in
the cylindrical recess of the extractor and a second end
What is claimed is: 50 mounted in the opposing recess of the locking bolt.
1. A firearm having a cylinder retaining mechanism com 12. A firearm having a cylinder retaining mechanism com
prising: prising:
a frame defining an aperture having a breach face and a a frame defining an aperture and an annular opening in a
locking bolt recess disposed on a side of the aperture breach face thereof;
opposite from the breach face, wherein the locking bolt
55 a cylinder pivotally mounted in the aperture and defining a
recess comprises a narrow section with a concave recess; bore; and
a cylinder mounted in the aperture and defining a bore; and an extractor mounted in the bore and having an annular ring
a locking bolt mounted in the bore and fitted to be received fitted to be inserted in the annular opening;
in the concave recess; 60 wherein the cylinder is retained in the aperture when the
wherein the cylinder is retained in the aperture when the annular ring is inserted in the annular opening.
locking bolt is received in the concave recess. 13. The firearm of claim 12,
2. The firearm of claim 1, wherein the frame further defines a locking bolt recess
wherein the narrow section of the locking bolt recess fur disposed on an opposing side of the aperture from the
ther comprises rounded grooves that abut the concave 65 breach face; and
recess, extend substantially laterally outward therefrom wherein the locking bolt recess has a narrow section with a
and are configured to slideably receive the locking bolt. concave recess; and
US 7,886,469 B2
11 12
the firearm further comprising: 16. The firearm of claim 15,
a locking bolt reciprocally engaged to the extractor and wherein the extractor has a star-shaped configuration of
having narrow rod portion defining a conical rear grooves;
taper that is configured to releasably mount to the wherein the ratchet hub driver has a star-shaped configu
ration of ridges fitted to engage the star-shaped configu
ration of grooves; and
14. The firearm of claim 13, wherein the engagement of the ridges to the grooves rota
wherein a remote end of the extractor from the annular ring tionally fixes the ratchet hub driver to the extractor.
defines a cylindrical recess; 17. The firearm of claim 15,
wherein a remote end of the locking bolt from the rod 10 wherein the bore is arcuate-shaped and disposed at an axial
portion defines an opposing recess; and center of the cylinder;
the firearm further comprising: wherein the extractor has a shaft portion with a flattened
Surface fitted to engage the bore; and
an extractor rod spring having one end mounted in the wherein the engagement of the flattened surface to the bore
cylindrical recess and a second end mounted in the 15 rotationally fixes the extractor to the cylinder.
opposing recess for spring-biasing the annular ring 18. The firearm of claim 15,
into the annular opening and the rear taper into the wherein the ratchet hub driver further comprises a uniform
COCaV CSS. radius cylindrical Surface; and
15. A firearm having a cylinder rotating mechanism, the wherein the annular lobed ridges are disposed at intervals
firearm comprising: around the uniform radius cylindrical Surface.
a frame defining an aperture; 19. The firearm of claim 18,
a cylinder rotatably mounted in the aperture and having a wherein the cylinder further comprises a plurality of cham
bore; bers for receiving ammunition cartridges; and
wherein the number of the annular lobed ridges of the
an extractor mounted coaxially in the bore, wherein the 25 ratchet hub driver is the same as the number of the
extractor is rotationally fixed to the cylinder; plurality of chambers of the cylinder.
a ratchet hub driver mounted coaxially with and engaged to 20. The firearm of claim 15,
the extractor and having annular lobed ridges; wherein the cylinder further comprises a plurality of outer
a hand having an end that abuts and reciprocally engages recesses; and
the annular lobed ridges of the ratchet hub driver; and 30 the firearm further comprises:
a trigger connected to a distal end of the hand; a cylinder stop connected to the trigger and releasably
whereby actuation of the trigger causes the hand to engage engaging one of the plurality of outer recesses for
the annular lobed ridges of the ratchet hub driver, which preventing the cylinder from rotating about the axis of
the cylinder.
rotates the ratchet hub driver, the extractor and the cyl

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