Prathibha Is An Improved Turmeric Variety
Prathibha Is An Improved Turmeric Variety
Prathibha Is An Improved Turmeric Variety
turmeric varieties evolved through sexual breeding method (through the seeds
obtained from turmeric flowers) for the first time in the world (the other one is its
celestial twin Prabha). All other turmeric varieties, numbering about 22, are evolved
through asexual means of rhizome selection or mutation breeding. Prathibha along
with Prabha are evolved at the Indian Institute of Spices
Research, Kozhikode, Kerala over years of concerted research right from collecting
seeds from mother turmeric plant, its germination and gradual multiplication coupled
with careful selection of superior seedling progenies. Out of the two varieties so
evolved from the true turmeric seedlings, Prathibha, proved to be more adaptable
and acceptable to the farming community over the course of time, may be due to its
better phenotypic plasticity.