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Across Down
3. Macro nutrient 1. a citrus source of vitamin c
4. source of vitamin e, many people have allergies to this 2. deficiency disease vitamin A
7. source of vitamin d 5. this mineral helps make teeth strong
11. water soluble vitamins 6. another deficiency disease of vitamin b
12. deficiency disease of iron 8. deficiency disease of vitamin c
17. iron makes this substance in the blood, it helps carry oxygen 9. a macro nutrient
18. fat soluble vitamins 10. this mineral combines with calcium for strong bones and teeth
19. the function of this vitamin is to heal cuts and wounds 13. another name for vitamin c
20. helps prevent bowel disease and constipation 14. the RDA of this nutrient if 25-35g aday
21. the function of this vitamin is to release energy from food and health nerves 15. a mineral found in the bones of tinned fish
23. we should drink 8 glasses of this aday 16. too much of this type of fat builds cholestrol on the walls of our arteries
24. this mineral controls water balance in the body 22. deficiency disease vitamin D
25. this vitamin helps absorb iron 27. this nutrient helps produce hormones, enzymes and antibodies
26. the vitamin that helps blood clot 31. a source of vitamin b from an animal
28. this vitamin helps absorb calcium
29. this nutrient protects our delicate organs
30. deficiency disease of calcium
32. deficiency disease of vitamin b

Word Bank
d c osteoporsis carbohydrate
meat ascorbicacid sodium b
sunshine haemoglobin nuts water
beriberi fibre protein fibre
bc calcium c nightblindness
flourine protein saturated adek
fat anaemia rickets orange
phosphorous k pellagra scurvy

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