In Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements For The Senior High School in Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW)

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In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Senior High School

In Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW)

April 2021



ACCEPTED in partial fulfillment for the Senior High School

Research Coordinator Department Chair,



The researchers would like to extend their deepest gratitude to the

following individuals who have contributed and paved the way in the

completion of our endeavor.

To all our classmates and friends who encourage and support us

that we would be able to pursue our study.

To our beloved parents who never fail to extend the support and

giving us the knowledge of the study and for the unending prayers for the

success of our work. Thank you for the patience, love, financial, and moral

support given to achieve this study.

Above all, to our Lord Jesus Christ for the inner strength that He gave

us. For the wisdom that we need throughout the study. Thank you Lord for the

good health, guidance and protection. Praise the Lord for His mercy endures



This endeavor of ours is

fully dedicated with great love and passion

to all our supportive parents, expert advisers,

sponsors, and good comrades

who guide us heartily throughout this study.

Most importantly to

Lord Jesus Christ who give us the unusual strength

and wisdom that prevails.




Acceptance and Approval ii

Acknowledgement iii
Dedication v
Table of Contents vi
List of Tables viii
List of Figures ix
Abstract x
Rationale of the Study 1
The Research Problem 2
Related Literature and Studies 3
Laboratory Procedures to be performed 8
Isolation 8
Media 8
Gram Staining 9
Identification 10
National Research 10
International Research 11
Theoretical/Conceptual Framework 12
Significance of the Study 14
Definition of Terms 15
Barn Swallow 15
Rizal Avenue, Digos City 15
Health Hazards 15
Research Design 16
Research Instrument 16
Data Gathering Procedure 18
Data Analysis and Tools 22


Morphometric Measurements of Barn Swallow 23
Bacteria and Health Hazards 26
Bacteria Identified as to Level of Virulence 33
Conclusions 38
Recommendations 39
References 40
Appendices 46
Letter of Permission 46
Special Permit from Mayor 47
Research Instrument 48
Validation Results 49
Validation Results 50
Validation Results 51
Certification of Laboratory Arrangement 52
Laboratory Result 53
Grammarian Certificate 54
Curriculum Vitae 55


Table Page

Table 1. Sampling Sites 20

Table 2. Descriptive statistics of morphometric measures 23

Table 3. Descriptive comparison of morphometric measures

between male and female Barn Swallows 24

Table 4. Test of Difference in Morphometric Measurement

between male and female Barn Swallows Error! Bookmark not

Table 5. List of Isolated Bacteria from Barn Swallows Fecal

matter 34



Rationale of the Study

The educational system all over the country shifted to another

alternative way to deliver quality instruction and students learning. Indeed, the

educational sector is not safe from the COVID-19 pandemic which continues

to sternly disturb the various governments and economies around the world.

In fact, there is a global health crisis that affects the basic education system.

According to UNESCO 2020, the studies show that approximately 87% of the

world’s student population or 1.5 billion learners have been affected by school


While online learning is becoming popular as a response to the

COVID-19 pandemic, international students are expected to continue to

pursue global campus experience abroad (QS, 2019). International higher

education has been disrupted by COVID-19. As a result, due to the pandemic,

an estimated 4 in 10 students will cancel or distinguish their decision to study

overseas (QS, 2019). If the students remain in their institution in their home

countries that rely heavily on foreign student fees, they will suffer. In addition,

studies have shown that the reduction in enrollment of students is correlated

with GDP duties in the UK (Ahlburg, 2020). Given the comparatively small

percentage of foreign higher education students, COVID-19 has the potential

to have a detrimental effect on whole institutions and national economies.


In the Philippines, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, most schools are used

Self-learning Modules (SLMs) or printed format especially in the coastal areas, far

flung provinces, and those communities without access to the internet or electricity.

(DepEd 2020). We all knows that the present situation of our educational system

has undergo of many challenges and problems caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Classes in schools are very challenging because of the prohibitions of face-to-face

classes implemented by the General Health and Safety Protocols (Joseph Bryan

Bagood 2020). The challenge is not just for students but even for the part of the

school personnel to deliver the basic quality education to the students. Even DepEd

leaders trying to find ways to solve the problems and capacitating its teachers and

school heads to make online or modular learning modalities more effective (Joseph

Bryan Bagood 2020).

Since COVID-19 continues to spread all over the world, the utilization

of new learning modalities is essential to facilitate the learning performance of

the students in this time of the pandemic. However, SMAW students in Xavier

College have been struggling with the new learning modalities offered by the

institutions. Because of the different ways of assessing performance and

somehow feedbacks are not automatically heard and corrected. In these

sense, SMAW students are worried about their self-learning efficacy on the

kind of learning modalities, since the course demands a performance-based

assessment. It is in view; the researcher would like to conduct a research

study to seek the causal effect of learning modalities on the self-learning

performance of SMAW students.

In this view, the researcher deeply believes that the instructors and the

students hold a great task in new learning modalities and self-learning efficacy

among SMAW students, especially in molding individual to become physically,

mentally, socially, emotionally and psychologically fit. In this reasons, the

researcher will deeply have needed to conduct a research to know the

capabilities of every SMAW students in using new learning modalities and

their self-learning efficacy in new normal platforms.

The Research Problem

The purpose of the study is to determine the effects of new learning

modalities in the self-learning efficacy of the SMAW students.

Specifically, the following questions were answered:

1. To determine the duel of new learning modalities in terms of:

1.1 Effectiveness

1.2 Ease-ness

1.3 Interest in computer and adoption of online learning

2. To determine the level of self-learning efficacy of SMAW students in

terms of:

2.1 Belief in personal ability

2.2 Belief that ability grows with effort

3. To determine the significant relationship between learning

modalities and self-learning efficacy of SMAW students?


The null hypothesis in this study was using 0.05 level of

significance. Ho1. There is no significant difference between the

Asynchronous Learning and Self Efficacy among SMAW students in

Saver’s College.

Related Literature and Studies

Literature and readings related to the topic are presented in this section to

provide researchers enough background and framework of the research


New learning modalities

Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, Department of education adopted

new learning modalities such as blended learning, broadcast learning and

modular or printed learning in order for the students continue in their journey

for education ( 2020). Many Governments rolled out multiple

learning modalities, including high-tech modalities and low-or no-tech

modalities. Examples of high-tech modalities are online learning and by the

use of apps in the mobile phones or in the computer. While low- or no-tech

modalities are TV, radio, SMS and modular or printed learning materials

(Unicef 2020). Multiple learning modalities are highly required or by using a

combination of learning modalities especially in those areas that has

commonly used of low-or no tech modalities (Unicef 2020).

Integration of SLMS with the alternative modalities of learning delivery

(modular, television-based, radio-based teaching, blended for SY 2020-2021

with face-to-face classes already banned due to the public health situation).

To address the needs, circumstances and services of each and every learner,

the SLMs and other alternative learning delivery modalities are in place and

will cover all the bases to ensure that basic education is accessible in the

midst of the current crisis posed by COVID-19.


This study addressed increasingly important issues, withdrawal and

perception of the learning environment across multiple course modalities.

Arguably these components form the issue of how we will make effective

decision about how blended learning configures itself in the new normal. In

addition, blended learning methods are not new, as Norberg (2017) points

out. As well as moving the economy, learning cannot be cancelled. This led to

a tighter measure for education institutions in sustaining its operation despite

the impending risk, one of the basic problem seen by Kasrekar (2020) is the

conduct of classes despite of this COVID-19 by using a new normal learning.

Since the face to face classes is highly discouraging due to spread of COVID-

19 pandemic, the most viable solution is through online teaching and this

situation bring challenges for both the teachers and the student as it occurs

something new to them. This calls for adopt quickly response to the new

normal teaching and learning amidst the pandemic (Tanhueco-Tumapon


There are basic differences between online learning and traditional

classroom environments. These included the following online learning that

requires students to have a certain level of computer skills and equipment that

may be needed in online instruction, in traditional environment the students

didn’t needed most of computer literacy or required instrument since the

students will be instructed face-to-face by their instructor (McGovern 2017).

One of the modalities of e-learning is blended learning. It combines

training online with face-to-face training. In recent years, the blended learning

model has been gaining traction and is one of the key ways that schools have

to bet on e-learning. Traditional teaching models are obsolete and today,


student expects learning that contains more interaction and collaboration, In

addition to the use of technology as a means of learning.


The online learning is less effective compare to a normal classroom

teaching and it is varied for various categories of students. In this study the

online classes are effective in different way some extent in some variables but

insufficient in others. To avoid the possible restrictions of online learning, it

should be valuable to combine the advantages of online teachings and

classroom teachings called blended learning. We could conclude from our

study that education can addition the process of education, but it cannot be a

replacement for the accepted system of education. Also online learning is

distance learning or distance education, which has long been part of the

American education system, and it has become the largest sectors of distance

learning in recent years ( Bartley & Golek, 2014: Evans & Haase, 2014)

However, due to resource limitation in a developing country like India,

this approach created a major challenge. To combat the crisis, the colleges

adopted various innovative techniques, used different software/ application

such as Zoom, Microsoft, Google Classroom, and Google Docs to take the

online classes. In web-based technology, Electronic learning is well-known as

well as the earliest application (Azhari and Ming 2015). In today the E-

Learning is getting very popular worldwide. E-Learning is described as

delivery of learning through technology and the internet (Gros et al. 2016;

Hong et al; Aljawarneh 2020). These online classes were started with a

purpose not only to complete the course but also to endure in continuous

touch with the student, to increase the assured and faith of the student in their

faculty during the Crisis.

Globally, due to Crisis outbreak universities closed and lead to the

teacher and students that learning through online. The faculty members of

world-renewed universities have begun to get online instructor certification to

deliver online teaching to their student. At the same time, faculty and staff

members are learning how to use online learning platforms. The online

learning model was originally used to characterize systems that use

computer-based internet technology, according to Kuntarto, 2017 & Baig

2011.A lot of online learning research was initially used at the level of

secondary education and higher education (Arif et al., 2018; Dewi, 2O17 @

lqbal et al., 2019), but a lot of online learning research has recently been

performed in elementary school, such as using Zoom, Google Classroom

such as computers and IT modern equipment reception are now in massive

demand and universities are changing their teaching models with the use of

intellectual capital (Alivino et al 2020; Di Vaio et al 2020b).thus universities to

close face-to-face education and send student home. This forces the

universities to introduce courses through online portals. Based on several

researchers (Cidral et al. 2018 selvaraj 2019), the use of satisfaction and the

use of the e-learning method have a significant effect on performance and

quality. Blended learning effectiveness has quite a number of underlying

factors that pose challenges. One major challenge is how users can

effectively use the technology and ensure participant interaction offers

individual learner characteristics and technology experiences (Hofmann 2015)

There hope that online learning will be able to provide a world class education

to anyone anywhere, and anytime as long as they have access to the internet.

Online learning is the effectiveness of the online format in educating student.


Online learning is not the same as face-to-face learning. But

sometimes both of them are beneficial between the students and the

teachers. Because there are things that can be done better in face-to-face

learning rather than online learning, in the same way there are also things that

can be done better in online learning rather than face-to-face learning (Victor

Lim Fei 2020). In some research about online learning has demonstrated that

there is no significant difference between face-to-face and online learning

based on their outcomes. Some studies show that online learning is more

effective (Muller et al. 2019). But some of us we all know in our situation are

not easy to undergo in this type of learning process. However, it will make the

situation easier for both students and the teacher if the institution will

implement strategies for supporting student’s use of digital media. Good thing

for online learning is that the student can participate in their classes wherever

they are (ION Professional ELearning Programs 2020). Online platforms is

also good for the adult learners who has already a family or work but willing to

continue their studies at home, for some institutions for online learning

offered online programs that is convenient solution to conflicts with work,

family and study schedules (ION Professional ELearning Programs 2020).

Some reasons why online learning is bringing advantage for the learners are:

Flexibility, where the students have the freedom to do their activities because

they aren’t tied down a fixed schedule. Rather than face-to-face learning

where the schedule of classes and submission of activities are already fixed.

Reduced Costs, online education is lesser cost rather than face-to-face

learning. Example of it is in transportation cost or commuting (Community

College of Aurora 2021). Through online learning, the students can manage

their own learning experience and adapt the class discussions to meet their

own specific needs (ION Professional ELearning Programs 2020).

Interest in computer and adoption of online learning

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, universities and campuses are

destined to close and the students are force to adopt a new ways of learning

(Bryson,John R.; Andres, Lauren 2020). There was rapid adoption from face-

to-face learning to online learning. COVID-19 pandemic weakened the

existing practices and change the rules in unpredictable ways (Bryson et all.,

2020; Horton,2020; Zizek, 2020). In addition, the prevalent use of digital

technologies and rapid disruptions of face-to-face learning leads to access the

adoption of online learning (Abuhmaid, Atef Mohammad 2020). For some

students, it makes them an exciting opportunity to change existing practices,

but mostly it become challenging for all. Before online learning programs will

be successful to adopt, the students must be knowledgeable to access the

environment of online learning. Just like to become literate in using computer,

mobile phones or other technologies to be used for online learning (ION

Professional ELearning Programs 2020). It has more advantage when the

students are computer literate, for in that way they will be able to manage

themselves properly in any adjustment or new ways of online learning. Higher

computer literacy was correlated with higher online learning attitude (Li, Lung-

Yu; Long-Yuan 2016). Massive open online courses (MOOCS) offered an

effective way in order for higher education accessible for free or for only a

small fee. To provide opportunities for those who had low rate incomes (Kang,

In Gu 2020).

The teaching process was evolved after adopting and developing new

approach to facilitate learning outcomes; such as online teaching platforms

and by the used of Learning Management System (LMS) (Bryson, John R.;

Andres, Lauren 2020).However, there are some instances that can cause of

misunderstanding between the relationship of the student to his/her

classmates and to the teachers as an effect of the continuing adoption of

online learning (Watjatrakul, Boonlert 2016). For online teaching platforms,

internet access is one of the needs of the students for them to be able to

present in the class discussions. It is one of the weaknesses of the students in

terms of online learning, because internet connection is not universal (ION

Professional ELearning Programs 2020). There are some places in the

community that doesn’t have internet access or low level of connection.

However, most of the students in the year 2020-2021 will be based on

what we called hybrid learning model that blends synchronous and

asynchronous online learning. Synchronous learning is an online or distance

learning, based on the real-time interaction between students and the

facilitator. While asynchronous learning occurs through online learning without

real-time interactions between students and the learning facilitator (Murhy et

al. 2011; Bryson,John R.; Andres, Lauren 2020). As we all know that most

universities all over the world today are using online learning platforms to

continue to educate the students. In this cases, teachers or facilitators in

every university will be encourage to used online learning tools that is


applicable for all students and easily to adopt (Abuhmaid, Atef Mohammad



Self-efficacy in academics, which is appropriate example of self-beliefs,

is one’s self-evaluation or judgement of his or her own capabilities to perform

required tasks and behaviors. It revealed that self-Efficacy refers to individual

abilities that can be used complete studies, control behavioral abilities, and

assess academic achievements. Chang and Chien (2015) Personal abilities

can be used in accomplishing task that led to academic success of the

students. Although, self-Efficacy has been identified as a factors contributing

to perceived effectiveness in online learning setting. The students with high

level of online learning efficacy are more likely to be successful in online

course. (Zimmerman and Kulikowich 2016). According to Skaalvik et Al.

(2015) that student’s motivation was strongly predicted by self-Efficacy,

Noreen et at. (2018) and the self-efficacy has an influent on students learning

outcomes. The self-efficacy can predict the performance of the students if it is

become successful or not. It can be measure through the student’s capability

such as ability to learn with their own, and effort to succeed.

The individual with high self-efficacy will preserved in the in the face of

difficulty and individual with low self-Efficacy will easily give up when facing

academics difficulties. When students have high self-efficacy they feel that

they will be successful in their task. (Jamali et. Al. 2017). There is always

connection every thing when it comes learning, from believing in their

capabilities to do task, effort, hard work and self-belief. The self-efficacy


showed powerful correlation between academic performance and personal

adjustment. (Jamali et al. 2015; Samsudi et al. 2017). The students self-

efficacy is a determining factors for students to be success at school. It

happen because high self-efficacy students believe that they are able to

master task and regulated their learning. (Anggara, Mari&Marjohon 2016). It is

reported that self-efficacy have a significant effect especially on students

academics, it will affect the individual success in their learning. It is greatly

determining how much confidence in the ability of each individual to carry out

the learning process to achieve optimal outcomes.

Belief that grow with effort

The mindsets of students are different from each other and have

different way to learn. Student’s achievements not just mean about how they

smart, but it involved interest and effort. According to Balaman, Ucar (2016)

student interest in one academic test is also directly related to their Efficacy

and high efficacy levels in students can make them more autonomous

learners based on the effort they make. Students from underresprented

background are most succeptible to feelings of inadequacy and would most

benefits from higher self-efficacy through development of growth mindset (i.e.

the concept that intelligence can be increased with effort and continue

learning). (Deweck et. Al 2011; Nepal et al. 2018; Yeager et al 2016). That

become a way to, to led students to experience greater level of academic

achievements (Dweck, 2014). Effort may lead to the students become

successful and enchance what ability they have, or become more upgraded.

Since attributes can influence the effort that learners exert, they can be

encourage to regard success and failure as an outcome that they can control,

which may enhance their expectancy for achievements. (Hsieh & Schallert

2008) Students must, put more effort and face challenges with persistence

(Huay, Gu, Yao & Zheng, 2017), for them to reach what academic

achievements they want.

Belief in Personal Ability

According to Dweck et al 2011; Yeager et al 2016 , the students with

higher self-efficacy have been shown to have higher levels academic

achievements due to their own belief in their ability to success and accomplish

a goal, which results in higher probabilities for graduating within four years.

Believing in one ability will led to success, always set themselves in

challenging goals because they know that, they are capable what ability they

have. It has become one of important issues in Education and it refers to

personal determination of one's own skill to do a certain task. (Genc,

Kulusaklih Ayden, 2016). Personal Ability can push into the limitations of an

individual to accomplish one task. In this study believing in own ability, lead to

learning through experience and increase one's ability with turns and leads to


Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

The study was anchored on the theory of Transactional Distance

(Moore,1993) that describes the New Learning Modalities which is a learning

style without face to face interaction with teacher and students, and use the

blendedIVand distance learning. Studies focus on how effective DV

and ease-ness
the newlearning Self-learning
learning modalities in the new learning set up during this pandemic.
modalities efficacy
On the other hand the Self Efficacy Theory (Bandura, 1977) describes
• Effectiveness • Belief in
•the self-Learning efficacy which is the belief in theirPersonal
Ease-ness personal ability to
• Interest in Ability
accomplish and • Belief
a task and to learn by their own. And belief that that and hard
the effort
adoption of Ability Grows
online learning
work lead to success and enhance abilities, so that withthey
can achieve

educational target (attainment).

Figure 1. Schematic diagram showing the variables of the


Theoretical framework

The study was anchored Theory of Transactional Distance

(Moore,1993), it is physical separation leads to psychological and


communication gap, a space potential misunderstanding between the inputs

of instructor and those of the learner. The separation of learners and teachers

is one of the characteristics of distance learning and might affects the process

of learning of the students. Transactional distance may influence the process

of teaching and learning of students, and also a guiding principle in distance


Also the Self-regulated learning theory (Zimmerman&Schunk,2001) it is

beliefs about their capability to engage in appropriate actions, thoughts,

feelings, and behaviors in order to pursue valuable academic goals, while

self-monitoring and self-reflecting on their progress toward goal-completion.

Self-efficacy Theory (Bandura, 1977) refers to an individual's belief in

his/her role to accomplish behaviors necessary to produce specific

performance attainments. The theories focus in human behavior that give an

opportunity to students that lead to self-motivation to achieve success in their

academics in new learning modalities set up.

Conceptual Framework

Shown in Figure 1 is the conceptual framework of the study having two

variables. The independent variable is the Utilization of New Learning

Modalities (Citation). It includes indicators such as Effectiveness, online

classes are effective in different way some extent in some variable but

insufficient in others. In Ease-ness, the students and professional can store

and manage almost all of their information online and it more accessible to get

it. Lastly the interest in computer and adaptation of online learning, it more

advantage if the students are computer literate, they will be able to manage

themselves properly in new ways of online learning.


On the other hand, the dependent variables of the study is the Self-

Learning Efficacy with the indicators such as belief in personal ability, it is own

ability that leads the individual to do certain task to accomplish it. While, the

belief that ability grows with effort, it is a way to develop abilities through hard

work and effort by itself.

Significance of the Study

Students - the findings of this propose study will provide and guide the

students in terms of technique, that must do while learning through new

learning set up. Thus, it will help them to have broader knowledge and

motivation to learn through out in online class.

Teacher- this proposed study would help the teacher to guide their

students in terms of motivation that encourage the students to learn more.

And technique on how they caught the attention of the learner's. It will also

give the teacher a knowledge on how they interact with students in this kind of

learning set up.

School - this will become a way for school to get an idea to create a

learning style that led into meaningful learning experience of students while

they learning in online class.

Future Researcher - this study could be a guide for future Researcher to

have an idea to conduct a study deeply that incline with utilization of new

learning modalities and self-learning efficacy.

Definition of terms

The following terms are operationally defined for better understanding

of study:

New learning modalities - a student-centered teaching method widely

used in online learning. Learning occurs in different time and spaces to each

learner. The instructor set up in the learning path, which students engage with

their own.

Self-Efficacy - people's belief about their capabilities to produce

designated levels of performance that influence our events their lives.

Determine how people feel, think, motivate themselves and behave.



Research Design

This chapter deals with the research design, area of the study, population,

and subject of the study, the instrument being used, the gathering procedure

and the numerical instrument done on the gathered data.

Research Design

The researcher used a non-experimental quantitative employing

descriptive correlation survey technique will be used in the study (Johnson,

2011). A Descriptive correlation study was undertaken. In order to certain on

able to describe the characteristics of the interest in a situation (Selaran,

2013). It describes with emphasis what actual exist such as current condition,

practice, situation or any phenomena. In a correctional survey the relationship

of two variables is determined and whether the degree of relationship of two

variables the utilization of New Learning Modalities and Self Efficacy of


Research Participants

The target participants of the study was the students of UM Digos

College who took up Bachelor of Physical Education Course. These students

are officially enrolled in the school year 2020-2021. The respondents will be

15 students per year level.


Distribution of Respondent

Year Level/
Population Same Size Percentage



Research instrument

The Research instrument used in the study was a survey questionnaire

adapted from Self Structured close questionnaire of Obaid Ullah (2018). Each

indicator has a question, in Effectiveness has questions, Ease-ness has

questions and interest in computer and adaptation of online learning has

questions. A five point likert scale from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly

agree) is to elicit response from the respondents in evaluating utilization of

new learning modalities as follows:

Range of Means Level Descriptive

4.50- 5.00 Very High Participants strongly

agree with the

3.50- 4.49 High Participants agree

with the statement

2.50 - 3.49 Moderate Participants sometimes

agree with the

1.50 - 2.49 Participants rarely

agree with the


1.00 - 1.49 Very Low Participants strongly

disagree with the


The Research Survey questionnaire for self-learning efficacy of

students was adapted from Self-Learning Efficacy formative questionnaire

(Graummer Erikson A.S & Noonor, P.M 2018). Each indicator has a

questions, in Belief in own ability has questions and Belief that grows with

effort has questions. A five points likert scale from 1 (not very like me) to 5

(very like me) use to elicit response from respondent in self-learning efficacy

as follows:

Range of Means Level Descriptive

4.50- 5.00 Very High Indicates that the BPE

students are always

motivated to learn by

their own
3.50 - 4.49 High Indicates that the BPE

students are often

motivated to learn by

their own
2.50 - 3.49 Moderate Indicates that the BPE

students are

sometimes motivated

to learn by their own

1.50 - 2.49 Indicates that the BPE

students are somewhat


motivated to learn by

their own
1.00 - 1.49 Very Low Indicates that the BPE

students are never

motivated to learn by

their own

Data Gathering procedure

In conducting the study, the following procedures are undertaken by

the researchers and the following respondents.

Letter of permission to conduct the study. Before conducting the

survey, the researchers will ask first permission to the BPE students and ask

for approval in conducting the said study.

Administration and retrieval of the questionnaire. Ahead

requesting for permission and approval, the researcher will produce a

checklist survey questionnaire that to be validated by the help of the

researcher professor.

Collection and tabulation of data. The research collated, tallied and

tabulated all in the information acquired from the respondents utilizing various

scales analyzed and, interpreted the statistical result of the data, draw in

conclusion, and formulated recommendation based on the purpose of the


Statistical Treatment

In this study, the following are the statistical tools were used in analyzing

and interpreting the data.


Mean: This was used to determine the level of Utilization of New learning

Modalities as well as the Self Learning Efficacy of BPE Students in UM Digos


Pearson Product Moment Correlation or Pearson r coefficient

This method was utilized to examine the connection between

Utilization of New Learning Modalities and Self Learning Efficacy of BPE

Students in UM Digos College. The correlation coefficient used to be exposed

to a two- tailed test with p-value set at 0.05 level of significance.


Li, Lung-Yu; Long -Yuan 2016 Computer Literacy and Online Learning

Attitude toward GSOE Students in Distance Education Programs

Kang, In Gu 2020 Heterogeneity of Learners' Behavioral Patterns of Watching

Videos and Completing Assessments in Massive Open Online Courses

(MOOCs): A Latent Class Analysis



Bryson, John R.; Andres, Lauren 2020


COVID-19 and Rapid Adoption and Improvisation of Online Teaching:

Curating Resources for Extensive versus Intensive Online Learning


Abuhmaid, Atef Mohammad 2020

The Efficiency of Online Learning Environment for Implementing

Project- Based Learning: Students' Perceptions

Ramsin, Araya; Mayall, Hayley 2019

Assessing ESL Learners' Online Learning Self-Efficacy in Thailand: Are

They Ready? › 2020/07/02

DepEd 2020, DepEd prepares Self-Learning Modules for education's new






Joseph Bryan Bagood 2020, › features › articles,

Teaching-Learning modality under the new normal | Philippine ...





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