Ukulele Method Book One 2020 Sample

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Introduction TOPIC 1

How To Tune
Your Ukulele
The easiest way to tune a ukulele is to buy an electronic
tuner, or even to download a free tuning app. It is nice
to understand how your instrument works though, and
ukulele tuning is particularly interesting.

The strings on most instruments start low and get
progressively higher if you play them in order but the
ukulele starts with a high note before dropping low!
This is called re-entrant tuning.


We can also give numbers to the strings, like this:

A = 1st E = 2nd C = 3rd G = 4th

Some banjos also have re-entrant

tuning. Can you find out if there are any
other instruments that use this tuning?
Introduction TOPIC 1

Chord Boxes
We can draw chords with a diagram of the end of the ukulele neck showing the strings and frets.
Sometimes this shows finger numbers, too.

1 2 3 1

One Finger Per Fret

As you play through the lessons and pieces
in this book you should use what’s called
the one-finger-per-fret method. This means
using your first finger to play the 1st fret, your
second to play the 2nd and so on, as shown
in the illustration opposite. Notice how each
finger is placed close to but not on top of
each fret. This method means you can keep
your hand more or less in one position and
not have to move it around every time you
need to play a different note.

First Pieces TOPIC 2

How To Read Music

You’ll be reading music in no time with
The Rockschool Ukulele Method!

The Stave The Stave

The stave tells you what notes

to play, when to play them
and how long to play them
for. The stave consists of five
lines. Notes can be placed on
any of these lines or any space
between the lines.

Tempo, Bar Lines and Time Signatures

Music is divided into groups of beats called bars. Vertical lines on the stave are called bar lines.
They show where each bar begins and ends. The tempo of a piece tells us how fast or slow it is.
The time signature tells us how many beats there are in every bar, and what kind of beat it is.

Time Signature Bar Lines

Bar Bar Bar

TAB is the most popular type of notation for ukulele players because you don’t have to learn to
read music before you start using it. TAB shows you what notes to play by placing numbers on top
of four lines that represent the strings of the ukulele. The numbers tell you where to place your
fingers on each string. But TAB doesn’t show you when to play the notes nor how long each
note should last. All of this information can be found on the musical stave...

First Pieces TOPIC 2

Let’s Play!
Ok, you are making a great sound and you know some cool
rhythms so it’s time to get creative!

Listen to the audio download, or ask your teacher to play this funky chord progression:

‘Twenty Twenty’
q = 88

& 44 .. Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Œ Û ÛÛÛÛÛ Û Œ
Am G Am Am G Am

Û Û ÛÛ ÛÛ Û Œ ..
F G Am G Am

& | |

Tap a rhythm along to the music. Anything you like!

Now play your C string along to the music. Play any rhythms
you like, play fast, play slow, play loud, play soft. Mix it up
– this is your musical adventure!

This is called improvising.

When you improvise you
are inventing and playing
music at the same time! Download your audio
See page 4 for details


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