Dissertation g00363780
Dissertation g00363780
Dissertation g00363780
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The Development of an Interdisciplinary ‘Galway
Hooker Model-making’ Module for Transition Year
Students, Designed to Enhance Motor Skills and Enrich
Heritage Knowledge
South Connemara has a renowned maritime history, where heritage and the love for
Gaeilge - the native tongue - is a part of its heritage and identity as a region. Once a
thriving boat building region, the trade has come to a decline with the traditional
craftsmanship phasing out. The aim of this research is to develop an interdisciplinary
Galway Hooker model-making module for transition year students, designed to enhance
their motor skills and to enrich heritage knowledge. Methodologically, a literature
analysis study is conducted. The literature investigation encompasses three main areas:
the Connemara boatbuilding tradition (with particular reference to the Galway Hooker),
Transition Year (TY) unit development, informed by the National Council of
Curriculum and Assessment guidelines, and selected, relevant teaching and learning
philosophical theories, including constructionism, as developed by Seymour Papert, and
Kinesthetic Intelligence (KI), as developed by Howard Gardner. The main findings of
the study are, traditional skills of boatbuilding are disappearing due to the increasing
demand for Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) that require little to no maintenance
comparing to that of a wooden constructed hull, resulting in a cost factor. A TY unit is
assessed in a diagnostic and formative approach to give the students an opportunity to
participate in the procedure of exchange/discussion of ideas, self-rating, self-awareness,
and potential to take responsibility for performance and personal learning. Development
of this TY unit is informed by the learning theory of KI as learners process information
best through physical activity and emotions, therefore prefer an active learning approach
involving tactile activity (touching) and movement. The author found that published TY
Units in the field of technical education are generally unavailable among the NCCA
model samples. It is recommended that the developed module be implemented in a
Gaelscoil in the context of a pilot action research study.
1 Introduction
The Galway Hooker, “often referred to as the ‘workhorse of the west’, played
Connemara, heritage and the love of our native tongue are not only a part of local
heritage, they are fundamental to our identity as a region. In recent years I have
witnessed a demand for boatbuilders here in the west of Ireland with boating
enthusiasts looking to learn the trade. It is from these bases, and my devotion for
these vessels, language, heritage, and culture thrive from and the motivation to
The boat building trade is a distinct trade here in Ireland, and with many
6153 ]. Shantanu Bose (2012), argues that shortage of a skilled traditional wooden
either graduate and diploma level to retain a skilled individuals who is attracted to
interdisciplinary Transition Year (TY) unit to enhance motor skills and enrich
heritage knowledge.
The National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) states that, TY
is a one-year programme that helps students with the transition from junior cycle
direct focus on interdisciplinary and self-directed learning while also giving the
students the experience of adult and working life as a foundation for personal
Moynihan (2015) explains that the TY programme was first introduced in 1974 in
model-making unit for TY students to enrich their motor skills and enhance
Develop an interdisciplinary module, informed by learning theory, that
incorporates the construction of the Galway Hooker and the local
heritage of boat building.
The research methodology used for the development of this TY unit is primarily
complementary publications which will include folklore and history of the Galway
The article begins with an exploration of the origins and heritage of the Galway
Hooker, situated within the context of the history and tradition of boatbuilding in
contribute to the curriculum design for the TY Unit are multiple intelligence and
but in fact these two elements are intricately related [CITATION Rou14 \p viii \l
theories may be beneficial to both the educator and student. In an effort to capture
the most relevant theoretical perspectives for this research study, I will solely
Kinesthetic Intelligence.
Púcán, 7m to 9m (24 to 28ft). A
Púcán is very similar to that of the
gleoiteog but is always an open
boat with no deck with a dipping
lug sail rig only. [CITATION Eli16
\p 17 \n \l 6153 ].
The Galway Hooker (Húicéir in Irish) is a sailing vessel unique to Galway Bay and
Connemara. Traditionally built from native white oak frames and larch planking, these
vessels are famously known for their racked transom, curved lines, and unique tumble
home, build as workboats and not for speed or aesthetics [CITATION Sab19 \p 13 \t \l
6153 ]. However, the hooker vessel is characterised into five different classes based on
As stated by Pádraig Ó’Sabhain and Brian McGrath (2019), the word hooker is
connected to a fishing technique called “hook and line” fishing and is associated
with the Dutch hoeker [CITATION Pád19 \t \l 6153 ]. The authors further state
that “(t)he hooker remains the iconic traditional boat associated with Galway and
washington parlimentary report stated that the word hooker be a distortion of the
Spanish word “Urca” (pronounced “Ookra”) a name given to a small fore and aft
rigged vessel in Spain [ CITATION WHC49 \l 6153 ]. Paddy Barry and Richard
Scott (2008), further explain theories of Dutch origins, and propose that the vessel
Hooker originated from but only the fact that its unique design is harmonised for
its needs of the rough and shallow coastal conditions of the west coast of Ireland
Heritage is often mistaken from past events rather than our relationship the
Backus and Pieter Muysken (2019) states that “heritage refers to knowledge and
goods from the past that can be used now and in the future” as well as inherited
\t \l 6153 ]. The wider boatbuilding heritage will be discussed next, and further
Galway is renowned for its boat building heritage, not alone of the building of
Galway Hookers, but the construction of Currach’s, Nobbies, Zulu’s and half
decker fishing boats [ CITATION hIa08 \l 6153 ]. Donal Greene writes that
Connemara boat builders or the boats they constructed, instead stories and songs
to his own experience, Greene (2017) states how he trained as master boatwright
where learning was informal with no textbooks to study. Knowledge and training
were passed orally, with training consisting of experimental learning and guided
island with road access via a bridge (see appendix 1). Muighinis - a small island -
had four different families constructing boats: the Casey, Mulkerrin, and two
Clougherty families. The Casey family were renowned for their vessels’ safety,
load capacity and speed; all important factors in the carrying of cargo. Richard
Scott (2004) states that sometime in the 1840’s a well-known boatbuilder known
due course started building Hookers. Laidhe acquired Seán Casey (O’Cathasig) as
his apprentice. It was Seán O’Cathasig that, in time, would become the founder of
the long line of Casey’s boatbuilding family in Muighinis, in which he passed his
trade to his sons Padraig, Martin and Johnny [CITATION Ric04 \p 48 \l 6153 ].
In more recent times with demand increasing for glass reinforced plastic (GRP)
hulls or more commonly known as fibreglass boats, resulting in the demand for
195 \t \l 6153 ].This has however had an instrumental effect on boatbuilding all
over Ireland. Darina Tully states in her report titled Audit of Maritime Collections
for the heritage council (2006), that the resource of traditional boat builders is
diminishing with regions only consisting of one boat builder. Tully further states
for adults. Adult education is best explained by Malcom Tight (2004), when he
states that adult education and training is now widely re-labelled under the banner
of lifelong learning, producing a platform for activity and study. Tight explains
how we are all, as children and adults, engaged in learning in everyday life
As we have now investigated the origins and heritage of the Galway Hooker,
prepare them for their role as autonomous, participative and responsible members
programme is and how to develop a unit that will enhance students learning and
progression. TY was first introduced in 1974 by the then Minister for Education
Laoghaire, county Dublin. Gerry Jeffers (2011) explains that, in the Republic of
Ireland, where schooling system is highly centralised and dominated by the high-
subjects while giving the students an opportunity to mature, develop and reflect
procedure of exchange/discussion of ideas, self-rating, self-awareness and
further states that a whole school approach is highly recommended with clear co-
on Teacher Education, North and South (SCoTENS) (2004), points out that this
exam driven, Providing breadth and balance in the curriculum, co-operating with
skills, Encourage variety in teaching and learning, learn through networking with
Again, as explained by the NCCA website (2020) under the subject area of
exercise their own professional judgement based on the interests and abilities of
the class. However, it is vital that the essential principles of the Leaving
centred, activity based [CITATION Nat203 \p 7 \n \l 6153 ]. In a Chief
coursework comprised less than 10% of course work presented for assessment.
The report further states that Ireland has a rich architectural and craft heritage in
construction and traditional crafts associated. The Chief Examiner suggests that
such investigations would provide a diverse and rich source of material for
students that would aid them raise awareness of the importance to conserve and
guidelines set by the Department of Education and Skills and the NCCA. During
Ireland and GMIT set up as the Teachers Educators Together (TET) [CITATION
For the purpose of this dissertation I will develop a TY unit that will further
explore the history and heritage of the boat builders that occupied this small island
of his/her community while establishing insights into the roots of their own
syllabus which consists of three subjects, they are Science, Geography and
6153 ]. In conjunction to the SESE syllabus, we will also investigate the leaving
certificate Construction Studies Syllabus and junior level graphics which main
Subjects History SESE Graphics
“Respect “to “to “develop
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explains that this mode of study creates an advantage of school curriculum at all
levels by combining more than one discipline to develop a team of teachers and
]. Jones concludes that an interdisciplinary approach favoured teachers and
Curriculum content is a matter of selection by the given school and all areas
studied have a clear distinction from the leaving Certificate (LC) syllabus as it
clearly stated that a TY programme is not part of the LC programme and should
not be used to spend three years instead of two years studying LC content
Sar11 \p i \l 6153 ]. In addition to this, Transition Units (TUs) are units that are
Transition Units (TUs) are new curriculum components that are timetabled
for approximately 45 hours. Alongside shorter modules and other learning
experiences, schools may include a variety of TUs as part of their transition
year programme. Transition units are not intended to be ‘exam’ courses but
are assessed as part of the teaching and learning in the unit [CITATION
Nat21 \t \l 6153 ].
In the NCCA draft handbook for schools (2008), it states that, TUs can be organised in
different ways such as:
Independent/group research within the school or externally
TUs made up of two or more separate complementary subjects that
may be taught by more than one teacher. For example, this TY
module could be thought be teachers of Construction Studies,
History and Irish to work on a multidisciplinary study of the
students’ local area [CITATION Nat08 \t \l 6153 ].
When developing a TU, the NCCA provides support and feedback to schools
and teachers. To illustrate this fact, I have included a TU development plan (see
Appendix 5), where I have taken advantage of the professional support and
advice. Feedback is pending and will be added at a later stage time permitting.
The NCCA assures that the TUs provide a high quality educational experience
and that the TUs meet the criteria set out by the NCCA [CITATION Nat08 \n
\t \l 6153 ]. Therefore, confirms the idea of PDST (2021), that both students and
teachers benefit from a well-planned TU as shown in the table (see Table 3.)
Table 4-Teaching & Learning- Adapted from the NCCA Draft Handbook for schools 2008.
In the NCCA draft handbook for schools (2008) titled ‘Developing Transition
Units’ which can be found on the NCCA website, it gives detail of five key skills
(see Figure 1) that have been identified as important assisting senior cycle
students to become more effective learners. The NCCA draft handbook (2008)
As students encounter the five key skills through transition units and
across the senior cycle curriculum, they begin to develop the knowledge,
skills, attitudes and values that will enable them to become more effective
learners [CITATION Nat08 \p 14 \t \l 6153 ].
One should note here that the more effective students become as learners, the
more responsible and aware they become of their own learning. As students
become more responsible and aware of their learning, they become less depended
on the teacher which in turn develops the students into independent learners. The
five key skills should be characterised by the teacher to promote teaching and
learning that encourages the following as demonstrated in the table below (see
Table 4).
there is significant area for improvement. In the NCCA draft handbook (2008), it
in this infographic, one can observe that there is no reference to technical subjects
in the segments provided. In light of this I propose that in the segment of area of
study ‘top-up and tasters’ where the description of study states “Bridging learning
included under the title of model making, manufacturing technology, design and
Transition Year, with its focus on active learning and experiential learning,
combines the best of both these worlds in terms of how students learn. They
have the benefit of the teacher in the classroom while, at the same time,
having substantial access to the many more experienced or more
knowledgeable others within the school or the wider community [CITATION
Jos151 \p 205 \t \l 6153 ].
The selected theories underpinning this unit are: Multiple Intelligence (MI)
(KMI) one of eight intelligence theory’s developed by Gardner, and
1970’s and early 1980’s. In 1997, Gardner argued that humans have different
intellectual strengths and that not all humans learn the same way [CITATION
Gardner (1997) stated that if we as humans had the same frame of mind and only
one frame of intelligence, then we as educators could teach and assess all students
in the same way and that would be fair to all. However, when we realise that all
everyone with the same frame of mind is actually being unfair to the students as it
only facilitates one frame of mind and intellectual learning style [ CITATION
How97 \l 6153 ].
Gardner looked to broaden the scope of human potential by mapping the wide
Figure 4):
Figure 4- Source: Simplypsychology.org-Michele Marenus-09-06-2020
Prof. Dr. Zeki Kaya, Prof. Dr. Ugur Demiray and Assist. Prof. Dr. Ilknur Istifci
(2013) state that students can achieve more academically through education based
themselves, speak and discuss freely, learn by seeing and doing, and use their
come into play, more attention should be given to the theory MI so that it can
support the students’ individuality, which in turn, will make the learning more
For technical teachers of both junior and senior cycle students, MI theory can
different learning styles of students. A good example of this is the noise a power
tool (Sander, planner, drill etc) does when put under pressure, in comparison to a
power tool that is being used correctly. A power tool that is being used correctly
has a contentious pitch/rhythm while a power tool that is being forced or used
incorrectly has a pitch/rhythm that ramps up and done. This may sound as
struggle for a student that has no sense of rhythm. This can be also expressed in
the making of the Hooker model when students are using hand tools (see Table 5).
When you use for example a handsaw, you as the educator are listening for the
sound of the saw while in use. You are listening is the sound of the cut a smooth
Table 5. Elements of MI theory in TY module
and contentious or is the sound of the saw halting and jaggedly.
While above the various intelligences are explored, here I focus on Kinesthetic
that KI is a one of eight intelligence (see figure 1, p.15) that uses the individual
whole body to express ideas and feelings and ability in using hands to produce or
students use their body to coordinate and balance their structure to use a tenon
completing working drawings as students need to adjust their bodies at different
stages in drawing while ensuring accuracy at a swift pace. These are skills that
marking out process to the making (cutting joints, chiselling mortices). This is
significant in the development of the Galway Hooker model as, the process of
laying out the outline of the ‘backbone’ requires eye to hand coordination.
Students use and develop the KI skills as they outline the shape of the model boat
and apply their design to the shear of the hull. Students will furthermore
coordinate their bodies, flexibility and strength abilities when dealing with small
fine components.
When conducting research for this article, I reflected on the gender differences
Shahzada, Umar A. Khan and Safdar R. Ghazi (2015), the authors state that a
stated that male students measured higher on the scale of bodily KI and
naturalistic intelligences over their female counterparts while the same study
interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligences. The authors further state that there
musical and existential intelligences, but however suggested that teachers should
Suryati (2019) state that one method that teachers can improve students learning is
processing habits in which aids the use of metacognitive skills such as self-
Cooke (2018), suggests that “VAK model is the most appropriate approach to take
6153 ].
To illustrate this point, students’ in the technical classroom use visual skills to
read working drawings and see components dimensions, Auditory skills are used
when students listen and contribute (vocally) in group work and planning of
projects assigned to them. Kinesthetic skills are used by touching and doing, all of
these skills are exercised in the technical classroom on a daily basis. In a journal
article by T. Rick Whiteley (2007), the author explains the learning outcomes of
KI within the VAK model. Kinesthetic learners process information best through
6153 ]. The VAK learning model is a common learning strategy that can be seen
in all practical classroom across Ireland and further afield. As technical educators
we provide an active classroom where students engage in tactile activities on a
daily basis as students feel and observe different wood species, grain, sandpaper
grit, try square, saw etc. For example, this model of learning can be implemented
while technically drawing a lines plan (see Appendix 4) adapted from Pat Tanner,
Students will construct a lines plan of the model where they will explore different
convert drawings into physical components to produce the shape of the model
boat, where they can touch and engage in active learning in the design and
specifically constructionism.
4.2 Constructionism
South African born and leader of artificial intelligence and the constructionist
exploration, create artefacts that are personal and meaningful and share them with
others. A pedagogy that focuses on analysing, skill building and problem solving [
CITATION Jea19 \l 6153 ]. This is an approach that will reflect the making of
the Galway Hooker model as students will be asked to actively engage with one
Connemara and the status that this indigenous vessel have/had in the region.
Constructionism can easily be confused with Constructivism, a theory mainly
developed by Lev S. Vygotsky, John Dewey, Jerome S. Bruner and Jean Piaget.
learners actively engage and explore needed information which they make their
constructivism may be due to, as stated by Edith Ackermann “Papert worked with
Having introduced constructionism as an educational theory that can inform the
planning grid to see how the module unfolds. A planning grid is a detailed scheme
introduction to the module where students get the opportunity to get acquainted
with subject matter beginning with a documentary serious (Bádoirí) aired on TG4
in 2019 (See the full planning grid in Appendix 3, and relevant teaching resources
Students will be asked to conduct research of the traditional Galway Hooker and their
history in which they will create posters and presentations based on their learning.
Week 2 (see Table 7), students engage with a traditional
boatbuilders. Students will work actively together as a group and discuss issues
integrated. Peter Skillen (2020) states, making has a strong connection to Papert’s
reality that the traditional terminology in the Irish language associated to the
in Ireland. In a survey conducted by Millward Brown Survey on behalf Conradh
na Gaeilge in 2019 where 2,000 individuals were surveyed both North (Northern
Ireland) and South (Republic of Ireland). The results were astonishing as only
34% in the republic understood Irish and 30% felt comfortable speaking Irish. The
survey continued to ask individuals in the republic should Irish remain as core
subject up to Leaving Certificate and the results were as follows: 64% in favour
and only 11% answered no with the 25% unsure [ CITATION Kan20 \l 6153 ].
This indicates that Irish is considered valuable in today’s society and is a part of
our heritage as a nation and considerable care and conservation should be given to
our language, culture and heritage. As part of the development of this TY model
making module, the author has added a list of Irish terminology that is translated
to English in order to assist the educator to conserve and protect our ancient
but due to limitations of the brief, discussion will be kept to a minimum. As stated
by Noel Sheehy (2004), Vygotsky saw language not simply as a tool whereby
mental activity of an individual, the parent or teacher in this case, interacts with
the child/student. It is a tool that has shaped cultural change and it is fundamental
240 \t \l 6153 ]. Charlotte Hua Liu and Robert Matthews (2005) writes that, the
demands. Language is the foundation of our verbal and higher mental thinking,
6153 ]. In view of these facts, and my own point of view is that this module
Hooker model-making module for TY students to enrich their motor skills and
its origins and heritage, there is no significant evidence as to where the Galway
Hooker originated from. Having delved deeper into research and interviews with
local historians, it has been established that there is very little to no existence of
recorded history of the Galway Hooker with only folklore to communicate its
best develop a TY unit. A major role to be considered for the academic year of
2020/21 is Covid-19 and the implication’s and restrictions it has on fulfilling this
module. In a press release by the Minister for Education Norma Foley TD on the
7th January 2021, Foley confirmed that all schools would remain closed to
students from January 11th on foot from the public health advice [CITATION
academic year 2020/21 will impact students’ ‘opportunity to gain work experience
and restrict external and internal visits as well as external learning activities
unanticipated Covid-19 restrictions, it was only possible to develop it for use at a
later stage.
believe that the Galway Hooker model would be best conducted in groups of four
In the development of this TY unit which is focused on the origins and heritage
of the Galway Hooker, the author has concluded that a strong knowledge of the
first language would be preferable but not necessary as the module can be taught
Boatbuilding skills are not essential as the module leader can work from working
Following further investigation in the research of this article, the author noted that
there is very little effort made by the NCCA in developing TUs to promote
technical subjects. The author has proposed that changes which can be found on
page 16, figure 3. The author further proposes that the developed unit be
After examining two theoretical theories of multiple intelligence with the focus
author has presented, suggest that constructionism is most fitting the development
of this TY module. This form of teaching is the most common practice and
where they will work actively together as a group and discuss issues they have in
6. List of References
Googlescholar.com: http://www.sylviastipich.com/wp-
An Roinn Oideachas agus Eolaíochta. (2020). Social, Environmental and
www.curriculumonline.ie: https://www.curriculumonline.ie/Senior-
Carvalho, P. Y. (2019). Moving between material and conceptual structure:
museum London.
from Department of Education and Skills:
www.education.ie/en/press-events: https://www.education.ie/en/Press-
Education, M. T. (2004). Ibrahim A. Halloun. Netherlands: Springer.
Seanchaí Editions.
(Edutopia.org, Interviewer)
Research, 1-14.
Greene, D. (2013). The Galway Hooker. In Vivs Head, Sailing Gaffers, pp. 104-
Greene, D. (2017). The Development of a Boat Building Transition Year Module
Dissertation, 1-25.
Tír Eolas.
Jeffers, G. (2011). The Transition Year programme in Ireland. Embracing and
www.irishtimes.com/culture: https://www.irishtimes.com/culture/the-
Journal, 137-174.
Moynihan, J. A. (2015). The Transition Year: A unique Programme in Irish
Education Bridging The Gap Between School and The Workplace. IEJEE:
South (SCoTENS) (pp. 1-64). Armagh, Northern Ireland: Dr. Andy Burke.
debate. University of St. Francis (p. 12). Chicago: Association for the
squarespace: https://www.multipleintelligencesoasis.org/a-beginners-
OASIS, M. (2020, 10 27). www.static1.squarespace.com. Retrieved from MI
to share, p. 1.
Scott, R. J. (2004). The Galway Hookers, Sailing work boats of Galway Bay.
Scholar: http://www.questconference.ca/wp-
Skills, D. o. (2020, 09 16). education.ie. Retrieved from education.ie:
(ELTEJ), 142-149.
Tight, M. (2004). Key Concepts in Adult Education and Training 2nd Edition.
from teacherseducatorstogether.weebly.com:
Vancea, F. (2017). The Body Intelligence- Description and Measurement.
7. Appendices
Appendix 1
Knee – Glún
Apron – Naprún
Lacing – Lásáil
Bailing bucket – Galún taosctha
Mainsail – Seól mór
Bailing hole – Poll a’ruma
Mast – Crann
Ballast – Ballasta
Mast step – Ceaptró
Beam – Seas
Oakum – Ócum
Beam Shelf (stringer) – Rongail/ stringer
Planking – Stracaí
Boatbuilder – Saor bád
Rake – Ráca
Boom – Bum
Rope – Téad
Bow/ stem – Ball
Rowboat – Bád iomartha
Caulking – Corcáil
Rudder – Stiúr
Cleat – Cléit
Ruddar post – Posta Stiurach
Sail – Seol
Sheer – Lag bhórd
Dead wood – Maide ceangail
Shrouds – Scriudaí
Fore deck – Deic tosaigh
False stem – Graidhp
Forestay – Stoith an tseóil tosaigh
Staysail – seól tosaigh
Frames – Framaí nó Easnacha
Stepping beam – Clord an bhallasta
Gaff – Gaif
Tacking (sailing) – Tornáil
Garboard- Straca iochtair nó Garboard
Tack – ar leath-bhórd
Gunwale – Slat bord
Tiller – Halmadóir
Heel – Sáil
Tumblesome – Boilsc
Keel – Cíle
Weatherboard – Clar aimsire
Appendix 2
Nautical terminology translated from English to Irish to aid the facilitator in the
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
Appendix 5
Title of Transition Unit
Area of Study
The area of study comprises of two categories in the Transition Unit (TU) chart. They are:
1. Creativity.
2. Local and Global Citizenship
As described in the segment box of the category, students will express creativity and imagination. This is done by getting students
creating individual Galway Hooker (scaled) model while also imagining the construction methods used by their ancestors.
Students will learn how to become an active citizen and understand social, environmental, and economic issues at local, national, and
global level by investigating economic growth and change in society and industry.
Combining these two TU will develop student’s creativity and reflective skills as they will reflect on traditional craftsmanship compared
to modern techniques of construction. This is beneficial to students contemplating progressing from Wood Technology at junior cycle, to
Construction Studies at senior cycle. Students will also develop their design abilities as they will practice a design led project. This method
is beneficial to students progressing to senior cycle Design Communication Graphics (DCG). Finally, enhancing student’s imagination and
questioning skills, these skills can be beneficial to students progressing in history or Social, Environmental and Scientific Education
Related learning
1. Transition from wood technology to construction studies (junior cycle to senior cycle). Equip students kinesthetic skills (fine motor skills)
to prepare students for a practical career i.e. apprenticeship, engineering, education, furniture manufacturing etc.
2. Students will explore their culture and heritage. This will be explored as culture and heritage defines a nations identity and will be done
so to create an interdisciplinary module of the technical subjects and the subject of Social, Environmental and Scientific Education
(SESE), which consists of three subjects, they are Science, Geography and history.
Week 1 of commencement is an introduction to the module where students get the opportunity to get acquainted with subject matter
beginning with a documentary serious (Bádoirí) aired on TG4 in 2019. Students will be asked to conduct research of the traditional
Galway Hooker and their history in which they will create posters and presentations based on their learning.
Week 2, students engage with a traditional boatwright/boatbuilder in a question and answers interview where they will discuss the
training received by him/her compared to the training of past boatbuilders. Students will work actively together as a group and discuss
issues they have in reading and working to a working drawing which focuses on analysing and problem solving.
In week 3, Students engage in building skills be commencing marking components and demonstrating the importance accurate
measurement and precision in model making. As stated by S, McCarthy, K. L. Dickson, J. Cranney, A. Trapp and V. Karandashev
(2012), “(t)eaching from a constructionist perspective requires us to be aware of the relativistic, relational and contextualized construction
Week 4 sees students setting up the frames/ribs (shape templates). This allows students the scope to be creative and readjust the frames in
order to create their own design to the boat as previously explored in the early learning of the TY unit of how previous boatbuilders
formed the shape of the hull using their visual-spatial intelligence, one of eight multiple intelligence.
Week 5, students visits a working boat yard and investigate the process and time that is necessary to construct a Galway Hooker. Students
will record and document their findings which will be used as a group presentation at the end of the TY unit.
Week 6, students will experiment with different materials in order to plank the Galway Hooker boat model. Students will also use
mathematical equations in order divide equal plank sizes to cover the hull.
Week 7, students commence planking. This will involve students using their kinesthetic intelligence by creating accurate cut planks
where attention to detail is essential.
Week 8, students research different fastening techniques and glues. This is essential if students pursue construction studies into senior
Week 9, students complete the Galway Hooker model.
Week 10, students present their findings from research conducted of the heritage and culture of the Galway Hooker and history of
boatbuilders in the Connemara region.
Breakdown of unit
Transition unit is planned to be timetabled over a 10-week timeline with two double periods per week. Each period consists of 40 minutes.
However, due to housekeeping, this time is reduced to 30 minutes. This approximately adds to 27 hours class time, the remaining 21 hours of the
45 hours will be used for guest speakers, independent research, group activities inside and outside the classroom.
conduct a literature study of the Galway Hooker in terms of origins and heritage.
to help students discover, through participation, cultural heritage that defines them as a community.
Develop motor skills while reinforcing numeracy, literacy, graphicacy and literacy.
Learning outcomes
1) Identify the importance of the traditional craft before road infrastructure
2) Investigate relevant literature resources
3) Evaluate their learning and process
Key skills
During the process of this TU, students will encounter all five key skills across the senior cycle curriculum. They will develop knowledge and
skills to process and manufacture an artifact that are obtained from the transition from Wood Technology (WT) to Construction Studies (CS).
Students’ will obtain attitude’s and values that will obtain their interests to become more effective learners by developing positive beliefs to
1) Communicating
Students’ will develop good communication skills by using a variety of media/platforms, interview and research techniques when
investigating the origins and heritage of boatbuilders in the South Connemara region.
years, teamwork and collaboration is a fundamental aspect of all work environments. This will be achieved by group presentations,
collaboration in the construction of the Galway Hooker model boat. Social skills will be developed by investigation and research in the
context of interviews.
creating and designing jointing and fastening methods to complete the model boat. Students will also be given the opportunity to design
5) Information process
Students will be become efficient learners in an information intensive environment by accessing and evaluating, selecting, and recording
information. This will be achieved by interviews, literature review and establishing the correct/valid resources.
Teaching approaches
During the course of this TU, a variety of teaching approaches will be conducted.
A boatwright talk of his/her experience as a boatwright. Students will also get the opportunity to question and investigate lectures of the
incorporating the use numeracy, literacy, graphicacy and oracy. This will be achieved by working from working drawing and
Assessment approaches
Formative Assessment
Students will be provided with feedback and guidance during the course of the TU. This will be achieved by self-assessment and peer review.
This may be achieved using a rubrics sheet which encourages students to reflect on their learning and take on more responsibility.
Adding to the formative assessment process, students will engage in the following,
1. Entry and exit cards. This provides an excellent opportunity to investigate student’s knowledge at the start of class, by starting with a
quick question about the previous lesson while students are getting settled in class. Exit cards are no longer restricted to pen and paper.
Exit cards can be assessed with online platform tools like Padlet, Polly, Poll Everywhere, Microsoft Forms, Google Classroom’s Question
tool etc. This method is effective whether you are assessing at the bottom or top of Bloom’s taxonomy.
2. Quizzes and polls can be used to further investigate your student’s knowledge. Quizzes and polls such as Socrative and Quizlet or
classroom activities such as Kahoot, Quizalize, Plickers can assist the teacher get a better understanding of students’ knowledge. As these
methods are designed by the teacher, the level of complexity can be determined by the teacher.
3. Flipped classroom. This method is beneficial as the students become the expert and teach the topic at hand to their peers and the teacher.
Summative Assessment
Summative assessment will occur at the end of each stages of construction and research. This will be done administer students’ progress
and evaluate their learning. This form of assessment proves to be beneficial to the teacher as he/she may need to change their teaching
approach to accommodate the students learning styles. Assessment may be carried out in the form of the following.
This TU is in the process of development and will be evaluated after feedback is received from the NCCA and acting principals and head of
technical departments.
(2017) Psychomotor Assessment in Teaching and Educational Research published by Athens Journal of Education- Volume 4, Issue 2- Pages 169-
178. This academic journal explores the relationship between the body and its surroundings in a school environment through structured observation. In
addition, it also explains the results of how features of everyday life and classroom activity may help guide teaching for the recovery, development
and psychomotor skills that is needed in a practical classroom. [ CITATION Ila17 \l 6153 ]
Ruthann Perry (2008), On Creative Thinking in the Classroom published by Forum thoughts to share. In this periodical journal, Perry discusses the
importance of being creative in the classroom and how she as an Art teacher refuses to buy readymade kits from education companies as they took the
students creativity opportunity away. She further explains to how she gives real-life examples of sports stars and famous musicians on how they
persevered, kept practicing, and never gave up on their dreams. I believe this mindset a valuable part to include in my dissertation and transition year
module as it is important that students realise that it is okay to make mistakes [ CITATION Rut08 \l 6153 ].
Eric Frangenheim (2018), Reflections on Classroom Thinking Strategies: How to Create your Thinking Classroom with 42 Practical and Engaging
Thinking Tools (with Mr Majola’s Question). This book gives examples on how to get your students to think and explore for themselves. The author
explains how we as educators have the responsibility to create a thinking and learning environment for our students, encouraging the students to think
for themselves and to take charge of their own learning. In addition, the author further explains how the students might be disengaged due to lack of
positive appraise from parents, mentors, and other idols in their life. This book also establishes how to incorporate Blooms taxonomy into the higher
order thinking classroom from applying three thinking skills which are Analyse, Evaluate and Design which are paramount to Wood Technology,
Graphics and Design, Communication Graphics (DCG). [ CITATION Eri18 \l 6153 ].
Gerald L. Gutek, Patricia A. Gutek (2016), Brining Montesorri to America: S. S. McClure, Maria Montesorri, and the campaign to publicize
Montessori Education. This book gives a detailed insight into the life of Maria Montesorri and the origins of her teaching methods. In my dissertation,
I will closely examine Maria Montessorri and her methods as I find it most appealing to my teaching style (learn by doing/making) and preferred
learning ability. [ CITATION Ger161 \l 6153 ].
Jay W. Roberts (2016), Experimental Education in the college Context: what it is, how it works, and why it works. This book discusses experimental
education and explains the theory and practice together. The first chapter is broadly catalogued of active learning, integrated learning, project-based
learning, and community-based learning. In chapter two of this book, the author explains the difference between several methodologies and
approaches from his twenty years of experience of teaching [ CITATION Jay16 \l 6153 ].
A. Plekhanov (1992), The pedagogical theory and practice of Maria Montessori. This academic journal gives details of Maria Montessori’s methods
of teaching based on her methodology by handing out different materials to develop the students senses of touch, weight, size, sight, hearing, rhythm
and later asked to insert the different shapes and sizes of material into the most suitable spaces which in turn exercised the students psychosensory
skills [ CITATION APl92 \l 6153 ].
Peter Cunningham, Ruth Heilbronn (2016), Dewey in our time: Learning from John Dewey for transcultural practice. In this book the authors
examines John Dewey’s work and gives an insight into Dewey’s work and pedagogical theory. It explains how we as educators should create
educative experiences not only for students, but also for the teachers as intellectuals and initiators of pedagogical theory. This book further explains
how teachers are conceived as artists, intellectuals, and experimenters in which we as educators have the duty to develop the growth and knowledge
development of our students. I believe this book and the research of John Dewey’s work is fundamental to my dissertation as I, as an educator will
experiment and attempt to develop student’s knowledge and inspire them to contemplate on taking the subjects of Wood Technology and Graphics as
subjects for the leaving certificate.
Curriculumonline.ie (2020), National Council of Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA). I will use the NCCA website as a guide and a reference to
develop my dissertation module using their templates and guidelines to fulfil the Department of Education’s specifications [CITATION Nat202
\n \l 6153 ].
Inspection reports and publications (2020), Department of Education and Skills. I believe these publications will play sufficient role in my
dissertation as an educator and a module developer as we can learn key skills that have been recommended for approval in other schools nationwide
(schools name will remain anonymous for discretion). In order for my dissertation module to be successful and students to develop their education and
knowledge we will explore forms of teaching, learning and assessment that have been questioned and how we as educators may approve in these areas
of education [CITATION Dep205 \n \l 6153 ].
Plato’s Philosophy of Education and the common Core debate (2015). In this conference paper, the author Madonna Murphy of University of St.
Francis gives us an insight of ancient Greek philosophy and the relevance in today’s society. It also portrays how Plato was the first to suggest equal
education for men and women. A very important aspect to my dissertation as I will try and persuade female students to take the subjects of
construction studies and DCG after this beginner module course [CITATION Mad15 \n \l 6153 ].
A Guide to teaching in the active learning classroom: History, Research and practice (2016). I believe this book will help me deliver my dissertation
module as the book explains the importance of active learning in the classroom. It gives opinions how to layout your classroom from the typical
traditional approach of teaching with one focal point to the more active classroom with posters and projectors spread across the room to enhance more
engagement within students creating a more active learning environment [CITATION Pau16 \p 18 \l 6153 ].
Playful Learning and Montessori Education (2013). In this academic journal, the author explains the difference between free play and guided play and
how playful learning is a constructivist child/student centred learning approach. This is a method I look forward to approaching in my future teaching
as it gives me, as the teacher an opportunity to ask open ended questions exploring “discovery learning” and didactic instruction [CITATION Ang13
\p 138 \l 6153 ].
Differential relations of constructivist and didactic instruction to students’ cognition, motivation, and achievement (2010). In this journal it gives us
an insight into educational reforms and key points into the theory of learning through an active and constructive practice. As we will explore in my
dissertation and the principles of how an active approach to learning through making will enhance students learning, the author of this journal
(Youyan Nie, Shun Lau, 2010) best explains by stating “Learning is not passively receiving knowledge but an active process of constructing
meaningful representations of knowledge”[CITATION You10 \p 412 \n \l 6153 ].
Andragogy and the Socratic Method: The Adult Learner Perspective (2003). In this journal it gives us examples of the Socratic method in adult
education and how they may relevant to young adult students. It further goes on to explain how students actively and co-operatively develop
knowledge and ability to understand a topic if they had received the information passively. The journal further goes onto explain how two Socratic
strategies (Elenchus, Aporia) could engage students and help the teacher liberate the students of their cognitive egocentrism [CITATION DrE03 \p
6 \l 6153 ].
Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development (2006). This is a journal that gives an insight into Jean Piaget (1896-1980) theory of Cognitive
development and the four stages of cognitive development which are:
1. Sensorimotor
2. Pre-operational
3. Concrete operational
4. Formal operational
In this journal, it explains how Piaget theory set the foundations for constructivist learning [CITATION WHu03 \p 2 \l 6153 ]. When
conducting this module, I believe this journal will assist and prepare me for my dissertation as to what expect from students at the four different
www.heritagecouncil.ie/Projects/heritage-in-schools-scheme (2020). On this website, it gives you Aims & Objectives of the heritage in school
scheme. The website gives examples of why it is important to encourage greater awareness in schools of Ireland’s rich built and cultural heritage. It
gives you details of experts in your area across the island of Ireland and provides support in aims and objectives of the Social, Scientific and
Environmental Education (SESE) curriculum and additional educational tools and resources for teachers. I believe this will be beneficial to my
dissertation as I will implementing an appreciation for the uniqueness of our culture and developing knowledge of our local heritage [CITATION
The201 \n \l 6153 ].
Traditional Boats of Ireland Project, Ár mBáid Dúchais (2008). This is a book that was published of a combined effort of Irish individuals who were
passionate about the rich diversity of our maritime traditions and many vessel/crafts throughout the island of Ireland. This book contains surveys
conducted on traditional skills and knowledge that is commonly used in the technical classroom i.e. Hand tools, materials, defects etc. Therefore, this
book will be invaluable to my module and students to conduct research as there is a free online version of the book which you can access the different
regions of Ireland. Along with the different regions of Ireland, it gives you a brief history on the type of craft you are investigating which will
contribute to students independent learning [CITATION Crí08 \n \l 6153 ].
Constructivism in Theory and Practice: Toward a better Understanding (2000). In this book, the author explains the constructivist view of human
learning of knowledge acquisition emphasizing knowledge construction instead of knowledge transmission and recording information explained by
others. The author further explains how Moshman (1982) identified three types of constructivism: exogeneous, endogenous and dialectical
constructivism. I believe that this book will help my dissertation and module as it will be based on constructivism theory by developing knowledge
through an active construction process rather than traditional instruction [CITATION Jam00 \n \l 6153 ].
Constructivism Learning Theory: A Paradigm for Teaching and Learning (2015). In this journal article the author gives us an introduction to the
Constructivism approach/theory and explains to the reader how the theory may be applied. “The theory suggests that humans construct knowledge and
meaning from their experiences”[CITATION DrB20 \p 66 \n \l 6153 ].
Ackermann, E., 2001. Piaget’s constructivism, Papert’s constructionism: What’s the difference. Future of learning group publication, 5(3), p.438. In
this journal article, the author gives us a detailed explanation to the difference between Piaget’s constructivism and Papert’s constructionism.
Piaget’s constructivism offers students a window into what they are interested in and what they are able to achieve at different stages. The author
further explains how Piaget’s theory suggests students shouldn’t abandon an idea because they are told so by either an expert, teacher that they’re
wrong. Papert on the other hand focuses more on the art of learning or learning to learn and “making things” in learning. Papert’s theory of
constructionism is focused in how learners engage in a conversation and how these conversations engage students in self-directed learning and
ultimately facilitate the construction of new knowledge [CITATION EAc01 \n \l 6153 ].
Modeling Theory in Science Education (2004). This book consists of twenty years of work developing modelling theory as a pedagogical theory for
teaching and learning science at all levels. Originally a theory of science identifying model making to be fundamental in the process of scientific
inquiry which in turn promotes experimental learning. Appropriate activities are designed for students to develop different rational and realistic
perspectives. I believe this method/theory will pay a major role in this module as students will learn through the making of the Galway Hooker
model [CITATION Mod04 \n \l 6153 ].
Journal of physiology-Paris: How Kinesthetic Motor Imagery work: A predictive-processing theory of visualization in sports and motor expertise
(2015). In this journal, the author explains Kinesthetic Motor Imagery (KMI) and its importance to acquire and refine motor skills. This article gives
an insight of how sport science and cognitive neurophysiology can be bridged. I believe this article will be of benefit to my dissertation as students
will be using their kinesthetic motor skills as they try and “eye” the shape of the curves and lines of the model Galway Hooker [CITATION
KRi15 \n \l 6153 ].
Evidence-based Training methods: A guide for Training Professionals (2019). In this book, the author focuses on learning styles and basic modes of
communication from Graphics, text and audio. The author also recaps on teaching procedures and building critical thinking skills and ends with an
updated chapter on games and evidence-based guidelines as to apply instructional design and development. It also explains what it means to be a
kinesthetic learner. This book will help both the reader and I to get a better understanding of visual learning and concept of Kinesthetic learner.
[CITATION Rut19 \n \l 6153 ].
Multiple Intelligences in the classroom (2018). In this book, the author explains the different categories of multiple intelligence and the background
of its origins. I believe this is an important book to develop my TY module and to learn as an educator how to accommodate different types of
learning and intelligences [CITATION Tho18 \n \l 6153 ].
Appendix 6
Appendix 7
Appendix 8
SolidWorks drawing to introduce and assist students in the use of SolidWorks and the visualisation of 2D to 3D.
Appendix 9