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ступені порівняння

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1.Утвори ступені порівняння простих прикметників.

Hard - harder, warm - warmer, cold - colder, long - longer, short - shorter, light - lighter, dark - darker, old - older.
Hot - hotter, wet - wetter, thin - thinner, red - redder, fat - fatter, dim - dimmer, sad – sadder.

Fine - finer, ripe - riper, noble - nobler, gentle - gentler, late - later, large - larger, brave - braver, safe - safer,
white - whiter.

Wise – wiser, wisest; wide – wider, widest; thin – thinner, thinnest; fat – fatter, fattest; large – larger, lagest; silly
-sillier, silliest; lazy - lazier, laziest; crazy - crazier, craziest; old - older, oldest; bad - worse, worst; little -less, least;
hard - harder; safe – safer; good – better; great – greater; dark - darkest; dirty - dirtier, dirtiest; clean - cleaner,
cleanest; sweet -sweeter, sweetest; sad - sadder, saddest; fast - faster, fastest; happy –happier, happiest; gentle
-gentler, gentlest; pretty - prettier, prettiest.

2.Напиши подані прикметники в звичайному ступені.

best – good, funniest – funny, saltiest – salty, most – many (much), sharpest – sharp, worse – bad, silliest – silly,
finest – fine, lightest – light, happiest – happy, eldest – old, oldest – old, biggest – big, darkest – dark, hottest –
hot, sweetest – sweet, dirtiest – dirty, least – little, farthest – far.

3.Утвори порівняльний ступінь прикметників за допомогою — ег або mоге.

best – good lightest - light

funniest – funny happiest - happy

saltiest – salty eldest - old

most – many, much oldest - old

sharpest – sharp biggest - big

worse – bad darkest - dark

silliest – silly hottest - hot

finest – fine sweetest – sweet

4.Утвори найвищий ступінь прикметників за допомогою -еst або most.

The most interesting, the longest, the most helpless, the largest, the most attractive, the most amazing, the most
comfortable, the greatest, the thinnest, the bravest.

5.Переклади речення, використовуючи конструкції as ... as (not as/ so ... as).

1) I am not as tall as my elder brother.

2) My elder brother is so tall as our father.

3) My mother is as beautiful as a film star.

4) This girl is as tidy as her elder sister.

5) My cat is not as funny so as your parrot.

6) This exercise is not so difficult as that text.

7) These fields are as green as those fields.

8) This lion is not so big as that tiger.

9) Our yard is not so light as my aunt's yard.

6.Перетвори речення з конструкцією not as ... as у речення із сполучником than.
Example: Her brother isn't as serious as she,— She is more serious than her brother.

1) Boys are stronger than girls.

2) My little brother is weaker than me.

3) I am stronger than my little brother.

4) My granny's parrot is more talkative than she.

5) I think roses are more beautiful than tulips.

6) Her cat is more friendly than his dog.

7) A car is more expensive than a bicycle.

8) Men are more intelligent than gorillas.

9) Giraffes are taller than elephants.

10) Elephants are stronger than giraffes.

7.Порівняй дані предмети, поняття, людей і тварин.

Example: A dog and a puppy, (old, small) — A dog is older than a puppy. A puppy is smaller than a dog,

1) A lesson is longer than a break. A break is noisier and shorter than a lesson.

2) A clock is larger than a watch. A watch is smaller than a clock.

3) A bicycle is cheaper and glower than a car. A car is faster and more expensive than a bicycle.

4) A tram is cheaper and slower than a bus. A bus is faster and more expensive than a tram.

5) An apple is juicier and more useful than a candy. A candy is sweeter than an apple.

6) A lion is stronger and more dangerous than a lynx. A lynx is weaker than a lion.

7) A city is larger than a town, A town is smaller than a city.

8) Winter is colder and frostier than autumn. Autumn is warmer and rainier than winter.

9) Autumn holidays are shorter than winter holidays. Winter holidays are merrier and longer than autumn

10) A girl is smarter and more talkative than a boy. A boy is stronger than a girl.

8.Заповни пропуски.
1) old, older; 2) large, larger; 3) long, longer; 4) high, higher; 5) cold, colder; 6) deep, deeper; 7) salty, saltier; 8)
dangerous, more dangerous; 9) big, bigger.


10.Відкрий дужки.
1) longest; 2) saltiest; 3) deepest; 4) most dangerous; 5) best; 6) largest; 7) hottest; 8) coldest; 9) shortest;
10) tallest; 11) most intelligent; 12) most friendly.

11. Переклади речення.

1) Kyiv is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

2) Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

3) The dog is the best friend of a man.

4) The giraffe is the tallest of all the animals.

5) I think Dmytro is the best pupil in our class.

6) Taras is the best sportsman in our team.

7) My uncle is the most hardworking farmer in the village.

8) My elder sister's room is the cosiest room in our flat.

9) Winter is the coldest season of the year.

10) My cat is the sliest cat in the world.

12. Постав прикметник в дужках у відповідному ступені порівняння.

1) strong, stronger, strongest; 2) short, shorter, shortest; 3) tall, tall, taller, tallest; 4) serious, more serious, most
serious; 5) polite, more polite, most polite, polite; 6) interesting, interesting, most interesting; 7) younger,
younger, younger, youngest; 8) curious, more curious, most curious; 9) green and clean, greenest and cleanest,
greener and cleaner; 10) most boring, more boring, boring.

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