At the completion of this chapter, the successful student shall be able to:
1. define pharmacokinetics
2. state the overall objectives of the course
3. state the major themes of the course
4. state the course organizational structure with respect to study sections
5. state the objectives of each study section
6. state the examination structure and objectives
7. state student performance expectations
8. state the schedule and timeline
Each major theme of the course is further broken down into study sections, each
with their own set of general objectives as shown below:
F. Bioavailability objectives:
1. Given sufficient data to compare an oral product with another oral product or an IV prod-
uct, the student will estimate (III) the bioavailability (compare AUCs) and judge (VI) pro-
fessional acceptance of the product with regard to bioequivalence (evaluate (VI) AUC, T p
and ( C p )max ).
2. The student will write (V) a professional consult using the above calculations.
H. Clearance objectives:
1. Given patient information regarding organ function, the student will calculate (III)
changes in clearance and other pharmacokinetic parameters inherent in compromised
1.3 Exams
How are the exams Exams will consist of problems which will be linked directly back to an objective
made? (above) and a library assignment in which you will be asked to evaluate a research
article with the tools available to you by the time of the exam as discussed below.
First Exam
What content should I IV Bolus Parent compound 50 pts
look for in the paper and IV Bolus Parent metabolite 65 pts
what is its relative
IV Infusion 65 pts
Pharmacological Response 75 pts
Oral Dosing / Bioavailability 50 pts
2. Include a Xerox copy of the entire paper. I need to evaluate it, too.
3. Enlarge the graph by successive Xeroxes so that you can accurately evalu-
ate the data.
VI. To Evaluate: means to be able to judge the worth of an idea, form hypothe-
ses and do problem solving, research, invent new knowledge. (This is the doctoral
level of participation in the area).
Can’t I just do it the A professional routinely operates at level IV and V with occasional forays into
same way that I have level VI. This is where you will operate in this course and in most subsequent
always studied? courses in the professional curriculum. You will note that each of the objectives for
the course contains specific action words followed by the level in the taxonomy at
which you will operate. These are the standard descriptive terms for use in instruc-
tional objectives. You will be asked to do critical thinking, not simply recite or
recognize the right answer. Problems challenge thinking skills and demand the
synthesis of material into concepts. To facilitate this transition we both must work
very hard.
What must I do in this 5. Facilitate Learning. You received objectives (above) and a summary for
active learning process? each study section (chapters in this text), of exactly what is expected of you with
You MUST participate in examples in the problem sets at the end of each chapter. We will have ample time
class and in your
assigned groups!!!
during class to field questions generated by the correlated reading and problem
sets, as well as homework assignments. I will not be duplicating any book’s efforts.
Student participation in class is required. You will answer (as well as ask) ques-
tions, do problems in class. You will sound things out and get feedback from me
and your fellow colleagues. Remember - the class is to help you learn. It is not the
sole means of learning, nor am I the source of all knowledge. Its’ only reason for
being is to help you organize and summarize what you learn. It has a relatively
simple plan with multiple examples. From these examples you will develop con-
cepts which will obviate the need for memorizing individual facts (or actually me
entirely). I will assist you in the formation of these concepts. It is patently obvious
that I can not give you every possible example of every type of question that you
will be asked during your professional career. For one thing I don't know what
questions you will be asked nor problems you will encounter. Going from the spe-
cific to the general forms concepts which will allow you to go from the general to
the specific, even if you have never been there before. The total medical knowl-
edge is now doubling at a rate of every 4 years. I can not teach you the content nec-
essary to operate 5 years in the future, let alone 40. You must learn to learn.
Hence, if you plan to become a competent professional, you must operate at least
in Bloom's level V.
How do I get in touch 6. Be available: I do not have office hours. I believe them to be restrictive
with the teacher? from your view point. What I do have is a schedule calandar preparede weeks in
advance of when I am NOT available. You may set an appointment, at least a 1/2
day in advance to guarantee that I see it, any other time. Of course, appointments
are not necessary if I'm in my office, but you take the chance of my not being there
or someone else being there ahead of you if you do not sign up. You may contact
me by e-mail: [email protected], or by phone: 402-280-2952. You may also-
contact my secretary, Dawn Trojanowski in the departmental office or by phone
402-280-2893 to make an appointment.
How can I tell the 7. Be responsive: Each day, you will be asked to provide me with a one
teacher how things are minute summary of the topic consisting answering the following questions:
a. What was the main thrust of the study section (What did you read)?
b. What was clear about the study section? What was done well?
c. What was unclear? How could it be done better?
Do I have any say in the After each exam, in addition to working out the problems, we will decide whether
examination questions? any individual question was not covered by the objectives. Note: Not that it was
tough, not that you got it wrong, not that it didn’t allow you to tell me what you
knew, but did I tell you that I was going to ask you to do it? (Was it covered by the
How are the exams 8) Evaluate your performance fairly and honestly: Quite simply, I’m going to tell
graded? you what I expect that you will do. I will show you how to do it. I will provide you
with practice in doing it. I will provide you with an exam which tests your ability
to do it. The exams, as well as the whole course, will use real data and/or pharma-
cokinetic parameters for real drugs in real patient settings, much like the state
board exams (and hopefully real life). Like both of these situations, all answers are
interconnected. What that means is, if you improperly calculate a parameter which
is needed to make another calculation which is used to make a third, etc. ALL are
wrong. Conversely, if you can’t get a particular calculation by one method or equa-
tion, try another. That’s simply the way it is. You probably wouldn’t get much sym-
pathy if you calculated a dosage regimen properly based on a wrong elimination
rate constant and ended up killing your patient.
You Will:
What do I have to do? 1) Come prepared to participate in class. This is your full time job. If you are
How much work is really working full time, it is usually 40 to 60 hours per week. If you go to college 15 to
expected? 18 credits and prepare/study 2 hours for each credit, you work 45 to 55 hour per
week - you have a full time job. Your commitment is the 45 to 50 hour week not
just the contact hours and a night for each exam. This specifically means for each 1
hour class, I expect no less than 2 hours of preparation on your part. Each of you
will be assigned to a study group. You will work the problems together and teach
each other both in and out of class. We will have group discussion of class as well
as group problem solving. It will be your responsibility that every member of
your group be adequately prepared to answer for the group during recitation. There
will be a grade for group participation. Part of your grade will be based on your
peer evaluation.
Do I have to read the 2) Read the text. When you read, read critically. Do you understand each idea?
text? Each page in the HTML version has an evaluation section. If you get it you will be
asked to be a resource for that page for your peers. If you don’t get it, you will be
directed to your peers to seek help. Come prepared to ask about it in class.
Why do I have to do the 3) Work the problems. Check the answers. These come from old exams, so they
problem sets? are the type that you are likely to see. Work them in your study groups so that
everyone can see your thought processes. Bring them to class if you can not do
them or come and see me privately. Be prepared to show me your attempts at solv-
ing the problem. I will show you how to get started and give direction to your
thought. I will not work the problem for you. You would not learn if I did it for
you. It is crucial that you work the problems. Each has a specific objective. Over-
all, they contribute to your gaining facility in the processes that a pharmacokineti-
cist must know how to do.
Can I just coast 4) Do not delude yourself with respect to your performance. If you received a
through? grade that was less than satisfactory for you, do not simply console yourself by
saying “I knew the stuff, I just made a little error.” Can you get it right consis-
tently? That's when you know the stuff. That is not a laudable goal. That's what a
professional does. There have been several students in the past that “knew that
stuff” right up till the time that they had to repeat the course (and sometimes
In addition to the above course objectives, there are specific objectives for the use
of computers in the course. They are:
What will I be expected • Simulation. The student will be able to utilize appropriate graphs and histograms used classical
to do with the comput- pharmacokinetics in the course. The student will demonstrate effects of changes in pharmacoki-
ers? netic parameters on the ADME processes and correlated pharmacological / therapeutic
• Graphical Solutions. Many thing become more understandable in graphical form, or at least we
are able to predict what would happen if a trend were to continue.
• Numerical solutions. The computer would accurately and repeatedly calculate convoluted, diffi-
cult equations quickly and easily.
These objectives will be met in a variety of ways. Clearly, the most direct method
is the solution of the problem sets by computer. First, I expect that you would do
the problem by hand, complete with graphs and other supporting calculations fol-
lowed by computer simulation and data analysis. Just how close did you come to
the best fit? Next, a portion of each exam will be a library exercise in which you
will find and evaluate a published article according to the principles that you
learned in class utilizing the computer facilities. How close did you come the
authors numbers? Do you, in fact, even agree with the authors? You will prepare a
short consult in which you describe the patient and what the authors did along with
your support (or non-support) of the authors conclusions.
2. You will also need 2 cycle semilog paper and a clear straight edge ruler for
use in class. These are available in the book store or at an office supply store. You
can also downoad a copy of graph paper printer for you own personal use. A copy
is available in the computer lab.
4. You will need a 3” D three-ring binder for collecting and maintaining all
the pages in this book as well as your class notes.
What do I need to do in Work in your study groups. You never learn it so well as when you teach it to
and out of class? someone else. Everyone benefits from a well run prepared study group. You are
not in competition with your fellow classmates. If everyone earns an “A”, then
everyone will receive one.
How can I organize this Organize and label your study notes. This is basic survival. This is one strategy
material? that I find works well. I recommend it highly. Good study notes are formatted on
loose-leaf in a three ring binder. The individual pages have a line drawn down
about 1/3 the way in. The notes are taken on the right (2/3) of the page, while
labels go in the left. The labels on the left are often written as questions, which are
answered in the text on the right. Loose leaf binders allow for the incorporation of
reading summaries as well as relevant problems and homework to be organized
with a divider all in one place. You should write intelligently, with proper punctua-
tion and spelling as if you were preparing a consult for a physician. Organization is
the key.
Remember: you may have all the information in the world at your fingertips; be
able to solve the most difficult therapy problem and no one will listen to you if you
can't communicate intelligently. You will be required to communicate in this
course utilizing both written and verbal skills.
Exam 1 410
Exam 1 grp/ind 40
Library 1 50-75
Exam 2 410
Exam 2 grp/ind 40
Library 2 50 to 75
Total 1000 to 1050
Group Bonus -50 to +50
Group Total 950 to 1100
You will be require to pass the first exam before you are allowed to take the
2. At the next higher level, I will guarantee that if you comprehend this mate-
rial at level V, you will have no trouble passing any state board anywhere with
regard to pharmacokinetics.
3. You will gain a useful skill that will make you an integral part of the health
care team.
Do I really need a 4 You will learn to learn. There is an old proverb which goes: “Give a man a
teacher to learn? fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a life-
time.” The B.S. Degree is designed to eliminate teachers. An educated man is one
who has learned to how to learn, not one who memorized a page in a book. That
is what you need to be a professional. The total medical knowledge is doubling at a
rate of every 3-4 years. That means that you will be out of date shortly after gradu-
ation (if not before) if you simply memorized content and don't learn to learn and
continue to learn throughout your career.
What about cheating? One last piece of information: Neither you nor I will not tolerate any academic
misconduct. Anyone caught will minimally receive an “F” for their efforts and I
will recommend dismissal from the program. The profession has no room for
unprofessional behavior. I will prosecute.
B: Math review
1. Numbers and exponents
2. Graphs and reaction order
3. Calculus
4. Laplace transform
5. Computer Introduction
6. Computer simulation and problem sets
C: Pharmacokinetic modeling
1. What a model is and what it isn’t.
2. Why we model
3. Philosophy of modeling
D: Pharmacological Response
1. Michaelis - Menton Mass balance equation
2. Interrelationships between Concentration, time and response.
e. Professional communication.
2. Metabolite
I. Plasma
a. Plasma concentration vs. time profile analysis
b. Computer aided instruction and simulation
c. Problem sets
d. Professional communication.
II. Urine
a. Rate vs. time profile analysis
b. Computer aided instruction and simulation
c. Problem sets
d. Professional communication.
F: I.V. infusion
1. Parent compound
I. Plasma
a. Plasma concentration vs. time profile analysis
b. Computer aided instruction and simulation
c. Problem sets
d. Professional communication.
II. Urine
a. Amount vs. time profile analysis
b. Rate vs. time profile analysis
c. Computer aided instruction and simulation
d. Problem sets
e. Professional communication.
1. Metabolite
I. Plasma
a. Plasma concentration vs. time profile analysis
b. Computer aided instruction and simulation
c. Problem sets
d. Professional communication.
II. Urine
a. Amount vs. time profile analysis
b. Rate vs. time profile analysis
c. Computer aided instruction and simulation
d. Problem sets
e. Professional communication.
G: Biopharmaceutical factors
1. Absorption
I. Physiology
II. Mechanisms
H: Oral dosing
1. Parent compound
I. Plasma
a. Plasma concentration vs. time profile analysis
b. Computer aided instruction and simulation
c. Problem sets
d. Professional communication.
II. Urine
a. Amount vs. time profile analysis
b. Rate vs. time profile analysis
c. Computer aided instruction and simulation
d. Problem sets
e. Professional communication.
2. Metabolite
I. Plasma
a. Plasma concentration vs. time profile analysis
b. Computer aided instruction and simulation
c. Problem sets
d. Professional communication.
II. Urine
a. Amount vs. time profile analysis
b. Rate vs. time profile analysis
c. Computer aided instruction and simulation
d. Problem sets
e. Professional communication.
I: Bioavailability, Bioequivalence, Drug product selection
1. Relative and Absolute Bioavailability
2. Factors Influencing Bioavailability
3. Methods of Assessing Bioavailability
I. in vivo
II. in vitro
III. Correlation
4. Bioequivalence
5. Bioavailability
6. Drug Product Selection
L. Clearance objectives:
1. Given patient information regarding organ function, the student will calculate (III)
changes in clearance and other pharmacokinetic parameters inherent in compromised
2.00.00 Assessing prescriptions/ medication orders and the drugs used in dispensing them,
1.04.00Given a prescription or medication order, the candidate shall identify or explain the rationale for the
dosage regimen.
1.04.03The candidate shall calculate the dose or rate of administration of a drug when given appropriate data.
2.00.00 Assessing Prescriptions/Medication Orders and the Drugs Used in Dispensing Them
2.01.00 The candidate shall identify, interpret, or explain patient or pharmacokinetic factors that affect either the
efficacy or safety of individual drug therapy.
2.01.01The candidate shall relate the influence of patient factors (e.g., age, weight, sex, occupation, compli-
ance, exercise, stress, placebo effect, vital organ function) to the choice or dosage of drug therapy.
2.01.02 The candidate shall explain or apply biopharmaceutical principles or pharmacokinetic factors (e.g.,
absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion) as they relate to dosage regimen design or evaluation of experi-
mental or patient data, including the: definition or explanation of biopharmaceutical terminology; recognition of
the effects of patient health status or concurrent drug therapy on bioavailability; determination of pharmacokinetic
parameters or dosing regimens (e.g., loading dose estimations, maintenance dose calculation, elimination half-
life, determinations of clearance, or volume of distribution); or recognition of biosocial factors that affect pharma-
cokinetic parameters (e.g., smoking, alcohol consumption, work environment.
2.03.00 Given appropriate information or data regarding bioavailability, the candidate shall demonstrate proper
judgment to assure safe and effective drug therapy.
2.03.01The candidate shall interpret or utilize in vitro dissolution test results that are used to predict bioequiv-
alence or shall distinguish these from in vivo tests.
2.03.02 The candidate shall differentiate between relative and absolute bioavailability.
2.03.03 The candidate shall interpret area under plasma concentration versus time curves as an assessment
of bioavailability.
2.03.04 The candidate shall explain or interpret the effect of rate of absorbtion on maximum plasma concentra-
tions and times of maximum plasma concentrations after drug administration.
2.04.00 The candidate shall identify, interpret, or evaluate sources of information for clarifying or answering
questions related to prescriptions, medication orders, or health care.
2.04.01 The candidate shall select appropriate books or references containing needed information (e.g.,
bioequivalence, incompatibility, drugs for emergency situations, physicochemical stability).
2.04.02 The candidate shall evaluate the suitability, accuracy, or reliability of information (e.g., pharmacokinetic
characteristics untoward effects, therapeutic efficacy) from literature sources.
4.01.02 The candidate shall identify, collect, or evaluate patient information that relates to the effectiveness of
drug therapy (e.g., clinical observations, pharmacokinetic data, laboratory test results, sensitivities).
5.01.00 The candidate shall counsel a patient or health professional regarding the indications, benefits, admin-
istration, storage, or untoward effects of prescription medications.
5.01.01 The candidate shall explain the proper procedure for taking or administering the drug (e.g., dosage,
time of day, method or time of administration -- before or after meals, duration of use), or for providing auxiliary
instructions about the medication.
5.01.03 The candidate shall explain cautions regarding food, drugs, chemicals, or nutrients that should be
avoided while particular medications are taken.
5.05.00 The candidate shall advise consumers regarding the selection, proper use, effects, precautions, or
contraindications of OTC products.
5.05.03 The candidate shall explain how a drug is to be taken (e.g., dosage, time of day, frequency, before or
after meals).
DL loading dose
(Cp ) “average” steady-state concentration of drug in plasma during a dosing
(Cp ) maximum concentration of drug in plasma
(Cp ) minimum concentration of drug in plasma
t0 lag time
Cl cr creatinine clearance
------- instantaneous rate of change of amount of unchanged drug (*)
---- measured rate of change of amount of unchanged drug (*)
AUC area under the plasma concentration-time curve (units: time * mass/vol-
AUMC area under the first moment of the plasma concentration-time curve (units:
time ⋅ mass ⁄ volume )
R accumulation factor
b intercept
f ss fraction of steady-state
n number of doses
s Laplace operator
0 at time zero
∞ at time infinity
ss during steady-state
t at time t
T at time T
n following dose n
int intrinsic
x extrapolated
given that 100% bioavailability of a single I.V. bolus dose is equal to 1, and both
doses contain an equal mass of active drug.
For the struggling pharmacokinetics student, we would like to show the veracity of
this statement. Of course, it is obvious that; the reverse of the transpose is equal to
the transpose of the inverse in matrix theory. i.e.:
1 –1 –1 1
[x ] = [x ] (EQ 4-2)
0! = 1 (EQ 4-3)
1 –1 –1 1
([x ] – [ x ] )! = 1 (EQ 4-4)
By definition,
1 δ
e = 1 + ---
(EQ 4-6)
1 = cosh p 1 – ( tanh p ) (EQ 4-7)
∑ ----
2 2
ln e + ( sin q ) + ( cos q ) = - (EQ 4-8)
2 = ∑ ----
(EQ 4-9)
1 = ln e (EQ 4-10)
2 2
1 = ( sin q ) + ( cos q ) (EQ 4-11)
under the stated conditions, two I.V. bolus doses given simultaneously will have
twice as much available drug as a single I.V. bolus dose.
You will agree, however, equation 1-1 is obvious and therefore is more easily
understood by a pharmacokineticist!