Art Lesson Plan-4
Art Lesson Plan-4
Art Lesson Plan-4
Hannah Ringeisen
ART 395
This activity involves creativity and imagination. Students will need to be able to
use their imagination to create a post teaching about the 4 elements of art.
1.) Objective/Goal of the lesson: Students will be able to identify, create and observe
elements of visual arts including color, line, shape, texture, and space.
Ex: Students will create a poster with one thing from each of the 4 elements.
Students will reflect on the art piece using VTS/art criticism questions.
Students will write a short artist statement about the piece when it is finished.
2.) Any art standards you think this lesson hits:
Benchmark Visual Arts Identify the elements of visual art including color, line,
shape, texture and space.
Part 1: Explaining the materials
1. 3-5 mins Show students materials they will be using to create their own poster.
(poster board, glue, scissors, paper, markers, string)
2. 3-5 mins Discuss how we will use these materials to create a poster on the 4
3. 5 mins Introduce the 4 elements
4. 2-4 mins Show the students an example you have created to teach about the 4
5. 2-4 mins Explain that the students want to have enough room on the poster to
create a good visual as well as having it fill the whole poster.
Part 2: Experimenting with elements of art
1. 3-5 mins Pass out the art materials and explain how what we just learned will
help us create a poster.
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2. 3-5 mins Demonstrate how students will use a string to create texture and
challenge them to come up with a better idea.
3. 3-5 mins Ask students to create their own poster with all 4 elements of art.
4. 3-5 mins Finally, talk about how where we see these elements of are in our
everyday life, on our way to school and home, in our houses, ect.
5. 3-5 mins Have students share where they see elements of art every day.
6. 10-20 mins students will create their posters
5.) Assessments: Students will be able to share about all 4 elements of art on the posters
they have created, and we will hang them throughout the classroom.
Ex: Assessment Objective 1: Created a posted representing the elements of art:
Criteria will be...
a. At least one example of each element of the 4 types of art.
b. Additional imagery must be added to create a personally unique piece.
c. The piece looks neatly made and well cared for.
Assessment Objective 2 and 3: students will turn in a paper that answers the VTS
critique questions and the short artist statement explaining the reasons for their
6.) An explanation of how this activity exercises visual literacy skills and how it
could relate to a larger unit of study: By having students create their own poster will all
4 elements of art gives them more knowledge on all the elements of art. By having these
visuals, it will help students in the future to look back and incorporate more elements of art
int their everyday activities.
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