PLANNING CH # 2, 3, 4, 5
PLANNING CH # 2, 3, 4, 5
PLANNING CH # 2, 3, 4, 5
3.3 The public sector projects are broken down into phases so that extra control can be
applied to effectively manage the processes. These phases are further divided into subsets
for easy management, control, and planning. The following diagram further depicts these
phases and their sub phases or components in each phase pictographically, however,
details of which are stated in the relevant chapters of this manual;
Project Management
3.4 Project management is the art of managing the project and its deliverables with a
view to produce finished products or service. There are many ways in which a project can
be carried out and managed. Project management includes: identifying requirements,
establishing clear and achievable objectives, balancing the competing demands from the
different stakeholders and ensuring that a commonality of purpose is achieved. It is clear
that unless there is a structured and scientific approach to the practice of management,
organizations would find themselves adrift in the ocean called organizational
development and hence would be unable to meet the myriad challenges that the modern
era throws at them. Without a scientific approach to the task of managing the projects and
achieving objectives, it would be very difficult for the organizations to successfully
execute the projects within the constraints of time, scope and quality and deliver the
required result. In other words, there has to be a framework and a defined way of doing
things to ensure that there is a structure to the art of project management.
3.7 The PMI has developed arguably the most significant Project Management
standard, PMBOK Guide. The PMBOK Guide is approved as an American National
Standard by the American National Standard Institute (ANSI) and is recognized by the
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) as an IEEE standard. The PMI
describes that much of the knowledge of tools and techniques for managing projects are
unique to project management. However, understanding and applying the knowledge,
skills, tools and techniques which are recognized as best practices are not sufficient alone
for effective project management. PMI emphasizes that in addition to the knowledge of
tools and techniques, there are various other areas that are also vital in the application of
project management. These are:
Project Identification
4.1 Project identification is the first step in the strategic planning process. A project is
a notion, speculative imagining of a proposal deemed fit for a prospective undertaking. It
may be defined as a proposal for investment to achieve certain objectives. J. Price
Gittinger, in his book, "Economic Analysis of Agricultural Projects" maintains that "all
we can say in general about a project is that it is an activity on which we will spend
money in expectation of returns and which logically seems to lend itself to planning,
financing and implementation as a unit. It is a specific activity with a specific starting
point and a specific ending point intended to accomplish a specific objective. It is
something you draw a boundary around and say: 'This is the Project'. Project is
measurable both in its major costs and returns. Normally it will have some geographical
location or at least a rather clearly defined area of geographic concentration. It has a
relatively well-defined time sequence of investment and production activities. It will be a
partially or wholly independent administrative structure and set of accounts". Every
project has beginnings, middle period during which activities moved the project towards
completion and an ending. A standard project typically can be divided into four major
phases: initiation, planning, execution or implementation and closure. Taking together,
these phases represent the path a project takes from the beginning to its end and are
generally referred to as the project life cycle. In case of public sector projects another
important phase is essentially required to be added is project scrutiny and its approval
from a competent forum.
Strategic Planning:
4.6 Strategic planning helps prioritize regional restoration efforts, allows for
widespread restoration support, and may focus available funding on projects that meet
larger spatial and temporal goals and objectives. Identification of projects in different
sectors of the economy plays a key role in overall development / progress of a country. It
both has backward and forward linkages with the issues faced in the past and potential
future challenges of a country. The very rationale of the projects to be undertaken should
be clearly maintained and supported by well-designed development programs, which
must be in consistent / in line with the short, medium and long-term perspective plans of
the country. Otherwise, proper utilization of limited development resources / public
money could not be materialized in its true letter and spirit.
4.7 Vision statements, long term perspectives, five year plans, annual plans and the
Public Sector Development Programs (PSDP) are interdependent documents and
identification of a development project must have certain strategic linkages with the long
term plans or the vision. Pakistan 2010 was the first ever vision statement approved by
the NEC in 1998. Later on Vision 2030 was launched in 2005. But after 18 th
Constitutional Amendment, there was a need to develop new vision to address the
devolution. Therefore, NEC approved the vision 2025 in the year 2014 that has been
developed through wider consultations with all the stakeholders as is a shared vision by
all definitions.
4.8 Vision 2025 rests on seven pillars identified as the key drivers of growth which
will transform Pakistan into a vibrant and prosperous nation by 2025. The pillars are; (i)
People First: Developing Social and Human Capital and empowering women; (ii)
Growth: Sustained, indigenous and inclusive growth; (iii) Governance: Democratic
governance: institutional reform & modernization of the public sector; (iv) Security:
Energy, water & food security; (v) Entrepreneurship: Private Sector &
entrepreneurship-led growth; (vi) Knowledge Economy: Developing a competitive
knowledge economy through value addition and; (vii) Connectivity: Modernizing
transportation infrastructure & regional connectivity.
4.9 The development plans are prepared after thorough scrutiny and judicious
selection of the most important and remunerative projects by the Planning Commission/
Planning and Development Division of the Government of Pakistan charged with the
responsibility of giving the final shape to these plans. The order of priority assigned to
each project depends on its viability and impact on national economic growth, social
development, generation of greater resources/revenues and overall Government policy.
All such potentially promising projects are identified and included in the national
development plan, subject to expected resource availability. These selected projects find
place in the plan priorities and picked from the whole lot of projects. Such projects have
their relevance within the perspective plan's spanning long periods and aim at the steady
evolution of the economy towards a state of self-sufficiency with characteristic of a
prosperous progressive nation. On these aspirations of a self-reliant free nation, the
projects are identified in plan documents.
4.10 A single year is too short a period to accomplish anything. A five-year plan on the
contrary has the advantage of reasonable time frame for maneuvering and achievement of
solid results. A five-year plan is a general statement of objectives and targets relating to
the economy as a whole and its various component sectors. It is not an authorizing
document in the sense that it does not authorize expenditure to the relevant operating
agencies. It provides a broad framework for formulation of the plan. Preparation and
approval of five year plans started in 1957, which came to a halt with the abortive Fourth
Five Year Plan 1970-75. It was resumed with the Fifth Five Year Plan 1978-83 and
continued until 1998. The draft Ninth Five Year Plan 1998-2003 was prepared but not
placed before the NEC. Eleventh Five Year Plan 2013-18 is under implementation at
presentation. A list of five year plans is placed at (Annex--).
4.11 In keeping with the Rules of Business, all projects approved for implementation
are included in the Annual Development Plan subject to resource availability. The
projects prepared in each sector and presented by a provincial government for financing
are adjudged individually and collectively. The selection/acceptance depends, among
other factors, on the general constraints over the country's capacity and position of her
exchequer, which may permit only such projects as give quick returns, alleviate poverty,
eradicate social evils, promote export, curtail import and provide a springboard for faster
development of science and technology.
Annual Plan
4.12 The principal instrument for adjusting the five-year plan to current realities is the
annual plan, which has proved a dependable method for translating plan objectives into
an operational programmed. In other words, it is regarded as the implementation side of
the five-year plan. The annual plan includes an evaluation of past performance, a
presentation of the main targets, an assessment of the resource position for the year, an
outline of the investment programed in the public and private sectors and a broad outline
of the economic policies that may be necessary to achieve the targets.
4.13 In Pakistan, during the period 1972-77, medium-term planning was abandoned in
favor of annual budgeting. Medium-term planning was revived again with the Fifth Five
Year Plan in 1978, but the practice of annual plans was retained (Annex--)
4.14 The general development plans, currently prepared in Pakistan, provide the overall
framework within which project planning is undertaken. Perspective and five years’
plans’ objectives and targets are ultimately translated to doable individual targets
according to the priorities of the national planning strategy. Plans frequently form the
basis of identifying new projects. Under a systematic planning procedure, planners
determine general guidelines for the fulfillment of overall development goals which are
further transformed into specific sectoral objectives, along with overall resource
allocation between those.
4.15 Annual Development Plan for a particular financial year is the basic document
describing such targets. The objectives and targets, according to traditional and standard
planning process are rendered in the form of implementable projects. A development plan
is essentially a forward-looking policy framework which envisages a concrete and
prioritized but somewhat flexible program of action to be launched in a dynamic situation
to attain specified economic and social objectives. A realistic and practical plan visualizes
a very close corresponding relationship between the plan, its programs and projects
which, in turn, are harmonized and integrated intra-sectoral and inter-sectoral in order to
move them in step on the path leading to the achievement of the plan objectives and
targets. A plan or a program/project is ultimately as good as its implementation, since it is
the actual achievement of the results in line with the targets, and not merely the targets
set or the resources allocated, that determine the degree of success or failure of the
plan/program as well as its impact on the socio-economic life of the people. Thus, it is
clear that only the technically, financially and economically sound projects/ programs, if
properly executed in a coordinated manner with the active and popular support of
concerned departments, the target groups and the continued political commitment and
support at the highest level can provide a strong edifice for the successful implementation
of the plan.
4.16 Projects are the cutting edge of development. By this is meant that, without
projects, it is unlikely that general development plans which accelerate economic growth
and further a range of social objectives will be fulfilled. Projects provide an important
means by which investment and other development expenditure foreseen in plans is
incurred. Sound planning requires good projects but effective project preparation and
analysis must be set in the framework of a broader development plan. As such they must
fit in appropriately in the broad strategy. Projects are defined in different ways. The
definition given in the UN Manual on Programming Techniques for Economic
Development, produced under United Nations, ECAFE, 1960 defines a development
project as follows: -
Thus from the stand point of economics, a project is the minimum investment which is
economically and technically feasible. A project is, thus, an activity on which we spend
money in expectation of returns and which logically seems to lend itself to planning,
financing and implementation as a unit. It is a specific activity with a specific starting
point and a specific ending point intended to accomplish a specific objective. Normally
it will have some geographic location, specific clientele, defined time sequence of
investment and operation and a bunch of benefits which can be quantified.
Modes of Financing
4.17 Identification, appraisal and approval of projects and programs calls for their
financing so that the envisioned objects take the practical shape and existence.
Financing of development projects in infrastructure, social and other sectors requires
huge public investment every year. In Pakistan this investment is mainly provided
through Public Sector Development Program (PSDP) at federal level and through
Annual Development Plan (ADP) at provincial level. However, since recent years’
endeavors are under way to integrate private sector into the development process
through emerging instruments like public-private partnership (PPP) and community
4.18 The Public Sector Development Program (PSDP) is an annual financial outlay in
the form of a document that lists all the public sector projects and programs with
specific allocations made for each one of those in that particular financial year. It is the
operational side of the Five Year and Annual Plans. In other words, it is that part of the
country's annual budget which deals with development expenditure. The PSDP
document consists of all necessary information pertaining to the projects and programs
including total cost, foreign assistance component, forum and date of approval,
expenditure incurred up to the end of preceding financial year and allocation; in terms
of both rupee and foreign assistance component, for the current financial. These
individual details are however listed for only federally funded projects and programs.
Estimated levels of Annual Development Plans (ADPs) of provinces are included in the
summary of the PSDP and details thereof are compiled in individual ADPs of the
respective provinces. The PSDP procedure differs from the project approval procedure.
Due to the general constraint which exists on government funds, projects are competing
for a limited amount of funds available for development. An essential part of the
procedure, therefore, is a shift from the examination of a project in isolation to the
selection of a limited number of projects out of a much larger portfolio.
4.20 The development projects and their allocations proposed by Ministries /Divisions
are discussed by the high powered Priorities Committee jointly chaired by Secretaries of
Finance, Economic Affairs and Planning, Development & Reforms Divisions. The draft
PSDP is then considered by the Annual Plan Coordination Committee (APCC) chaired by
the Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission /Minister for PDR and comprises, among
others, Finance Ministers of Provinces, AJK, Gilgit-Baltistan and FATA. The Final
PSDP is approved by the National Economic Council, which is chaired by the Prime
Minister and among others includes Provincial Chief Ministers as members. The National
Assembly finally approves these budgetary allocations along with Finance Bill.
4.21 While structuring the PSDP, the following general strategies and principles are
kept in sight:
(a) Harmony with National Development Planning
Foremost goal of allocating funds in PSDP is that it is consonant with overall
development objectives laid down in long term and medium term e.g. Vision 2025 and
Eleventh Five year Plan.
Allocations in PSDP are made according to the national requirements of investment in all
sectors including infrastructure, social and other sectors. Presently major portion of
development funding goes to infrastructure including energy, transport and
communications, and water sectors. Adequate financing to social subjects like health,
education and food security is also ensured.
While safeguarding the overall objectives, PSDP is prepared in such a manner that
priorities and requirements of the four provinces as well as special areas of AJ&K, GB
and FATA are guaranteed.
During formulation of PSDP, the following guidelines/ priorities are adopted in general
while allocating project-wise funds:
On-going projects with physical progress over 70% are adequately funded for
early completion, followed by physical progress between 50-70% for completion
within two to three years.
Foreign aid availability is accommodated by providing the required matching
rupee allocations for foreign aided projects
Development packages and projects of less developed areas (FATA, AJ&K,
Gilgit-Baltistan and Baluchistan) are protected for financing.
Allocations to vertical Programs of Health and Population Welfare as per decision
of Council of Common Interests dated 28-04-2011 are adequately funded
Inclusion of new schemes discouraged unless critical and fall in the development
agenda of the Government.
4.22 During the financial year, if any agency requires additional funds for some of its
projects for inescapable reasons, the agency approaches the Ministry of Planning,
Development and Reform (PIP Section) in either of two ways.
4.23 Up to the financial year 2009-10 funds allocated in PSDP were released by
Finance Division through its FA organization on project based demand by the line
ministries and executing agencies. During that year a long round of consultations was
held in order to further streamline the process of release of funds. The Finance Division,
the Planning and Development Division (now PD&R), office of the Accountant General
of Pakistan Revenue (AGPR), executing ministries and agencies took part in the lengthy
consultative process. As a result of the consultative process it was decided that having
first-hand knowledge of the projects’ status and being custodian of the development
financial allocations, the Planning and Development Division (now PD&R) should
manage authorization of releases to the extent of PSDP funds.
4.24 The Ministry of Planning, Development and Reform, then Ministry of Planning
and Development, was entrusted with the responsibility to authorize releases to PSDP
funded development projects with effect from 1st July 2010 i.e. since fiscal year 2010-11.
Public Investment Programming (PIP) section carries out this assignment placing a team
of officers/officials headed by a Deputy Chief through Section Chief under the overall
supervision of Joint Chief Economist (operations). Advisor (Dev. Budget) also provides
advisory and input in the process. Instructions / guidelines in the form of a New Release
Mechanism were circulated to all Ministries/Provinces for submitting their demand for
releases vide this letter No. 4(1) PIP/PC/2010-11 dated 4 thAugust 2010 (Annex--). The
basic purpose of the mechanism was that provision of funds to development projects
should be speedy, automatic and predictable. Under this mechanism Ministry of
Planning, Development and Reform has been performing the function of authorization of
release of PSDP funds as per release strategy issued by Finance Division at the start of
each Fiscal Year. Presently the quarterly limits fixed by the Finance Division are as
4.25 The Ministries and other executing agencies are nevertheless given the flexibility
to obtain releases for fast moving and near completion projects in excess to the projects’
individual ceilings for a certain quarter, however, remaining within the overall respective
ceiling. This flexibility is basically meant to minimize the throw forward and to avoid
time and cost overruns as far as possible. The Ministry of PD&R keeps constant liaison
with executing agencies, project implementation agencies and monitoring network.
Releases are therefore authorized keeping in view the on ground pace of work and
implementation status of the projects. Ministries have given their positive feedback to
this mechanism during the previous years.
Request by Ministry/Agency: -
4.26 The obligation of authorizing release of funds by Ministry of PD&R is only to the
extent of rupee component PSDP. Foreign assistance component is directly disbursed to
the recipient projects and programs by the donors. The Economic Affairs Division
compiles this data. Ministry of PD&R constantly updates foreign assistance disbursement
status in accordance with data issued by the Economic Affairs Division. In order to
maintain transparency and provide user friendly information for researchers, academia
and general public, release data is uploaded weekly on the official website of Ministry
of PD&R
4.27 At the end of each quarter of ongoing financial year a review meeting of PSDP
is held. The meeting is chaired by the Minister / Deputy Chairman, Planning
Commission. For each ministry / executing agency project wise progress is analyzed.
Necessary adjustment in allocations according to the pace of work and utilization are
allowed where necessary with a view to steer optimal and efficient utilization of
development funds.
Public-Private Partnership
4.28 Given resource constraints faced by the government for financing huge
challenging development portfolio it has become imperative that potential and capability
of the private sector is tapped into the core national socio-economic process. Indeed,
specific policies, framework, laws and regulations are to be in place for confidence
building of the private sector for venturing into this arena offering vast opportunities
albeit with certain risks and apprehensions. Successive incumbent governments have
been trying to make progress in this direction step by step.
4.29 Public Private Partnership (PPP) is defined in various ways in literature relating to
procurement. Generally PPP is described as "a long-term contract between a private party
and a government entity, for providing a public asset or service, in which the private
party bears significant risk and management responsibility, and remuneration is linked to
There can be various PPP modalities for infrastructure projects. The major transaction
modalities are given below but a particular PPP transaction can also be a hybrid model.
Build-and-Transfer (BT): A contractual arrangement whereby the Private Party
undertakes the financing and construction of an infrastructure project and after its
completion hands it over to the Government Agency. The Government Agency will
reimburse the total project investment, on the basis of an agreed schedule. This
arrangement may be employed in the construction of any infrastructure project, including
critical facilities, which for security or strategic reasons must be operated directly by the
Government Agency.
Build-Lease-and-Transfer (BLT): A contractual arrangement whereby the Private Party
undertakes the financing and construction of an infrastructure project and upon its
completion hands it over to the Government Agency on a lease arrangement for a fixed
period, after the expiry of which ownership of the project is automatically transferred to
the Government Agency.
Build-Operate-and-Transfer (BOT): A contractual arrangement whereby the Private
Party undertakes the financing and construction of an infrastructure project, and the
operation and maintenance thereof. The Private Party operates the facility over a fixed
term during which it is allowed to collect from project users’ appropriate tariffs, tolls,
fees, rentals, or charges not exceeding those proposed in the bid or negotiated and
incorporated in the PPP agreement, to enable the Private Party to recover its investment
and operating and maintenance expenses for the project. The Private Party transfers the
facility to the Government Agency at the end of the fixed term that shall be specified in
the PPP agreement. This shall include a supply-and-operate situation, which is a
contractual arrangement whereby the supplier of equipment and machinery for an
infrastructure project operates it, providing in the process technology transfer and training
of the nominated individuals of the Government Agency.
Build-Own-and-Operate (BOO): A contractual arrangement whereby the Private Party
is authorized to finance, construct, own, operate and maintain an infrastructure project,
from which the Private Party is allowed to recover its investment and operating and
maintenance expenses by collecting user levies from project users. The Private Party
owns the project and may choose to assign its operation and maintenance to a project
operator. The transfer of the project to the Government Agency is not envisaged in this
arrangement. However, the Government Agency may terminate its obligations after the
specified time period.
Build-Own-Operate-Transfer (BOOT): A contractual arrangement similar to the BOT
agreement, except that the Private Party owns the infrastructure project during the fixed
term before its transfer to the Government Agency.
Build-Transfer-and-Operate (BTO): A contractual arrangement whereby the
Government Agency contracts out an infrastructure project to the Private Party to
construct it on a turn-key basis, assuming cost overruns, delays and specified
performance risks. Once the project is commissioned, the Private Party is given the right
to operate the facility and collect user levies under the PPP agreement. The title of the
project always vests in the Government Agency in this arrangement.
Contract-Add-and-Operate (CAO): A contractual arrangement whereby the Private
Party expands an existing infrastructure facility, which it leases from the Government
Agency. The Private Party operates the expanded project and collects user levies, to
recover the investment over an agreed period. There may or may not be a transfer
arrangement with regard to the added facility provided by the Private Party.
Develop-Operate-and-Transfer (DOT): A contractual arrangement whereby favorable
conditions external to an infrastructure project, which is to be built by the Private Party,
are integrated into the PPP agreement by giving it the right to develop adjoining property
and thus enjoy some of the benefits the investment creates such as higher property or rent
Rehabilitate-Operate-and-Transfer (ROT): A contractual arrangement whereby an
existing infrastructure facility is handed over to the Private Party to refurbish, operate and
maintain it for a specified period, during which the Private Party collects user levies to
recover its investment and operation and maintenance expenses. At the expiry of this
period, the facility is returned to the Government Agency. The term is also used to
describe the purchase of an existing facility from abroad, importing, refurbishing,
erecting and operating it.
Rehabilitate-Own-and-Operate (ROO): A contractual arrangement whereby an
existing infrastructure facility is handed over to the Private Party to refurbish, operate and
maintain with no time limitation imposed on ownership. The Private Party is allowed to
collect user levies to recover its investment and operation and maintenance expenses in
Concession Agreement: A contractual arrangement whereby the Government Agency
entrusts the operation and management of an infrastructure project to the Private Party for
an agreed period on payment of specified consideration. The Government Agency may
charge the user levies and collect the same either itself or entrust the collection for
consideration to any person who shall pay the same to the Government Agency.
Management Contract (MC): A contractual arrangement whereby the Government
Agency entrusts the operation and management of an infrastructure project to the Private
Party for an agreed period on payment of specified consideration. The Government
Agency may charge the user levies and collect the same either itself or entrust the
collection for consideration to any person who shall pay the same to the Government
Service Contract (SC): A contractual arrangement whereby the Private Party undertakes
to provide services to the Government Agency for a specified period with respect to an
infrastructure facility. The Government Agency will pay the Private Party an amount
according to the agreed schedule.
Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV)
4.30 A special purpose vehicle (SPV) may be created for executing a Public Private
Partnership (PPP) project. The creation of a Special Purpose/Project Vehicle (SPV) is a
key feature of most PPPs. The SPV is a legal entity that undertakes a project. All
contractual agreements between the various parties are negotiated between themselves
and the SPV.
4.33 Projects are also identified as a result of special policy directives of the
Government. Projects initiated under such directives should be taken up on priority, even
by postponing/ superseding other projects, if availability of funds is the constraint. It is
always to be borne in mind that the over-riding limiting factor to the desired level of
development in each sector, or to meet the need of the hour under the situation or to
follow freely the special government policy, is the resource position.
4.34 A PPP policy Task Force (TF) composed of senior officials from ministries and
provinces, and advisors from the private sector, has been established. The TF has a
secretariat housed in the IPDF to coordinate its activities. Main activities are as follows:
There shall be a Board of Directors of the Authority comprising the following members,
namely: -
The Chief Executive Officer shall also act as Secretary of the Board. The members from
the private sector shall be appointed by the Federal government for a period of three
years and shall be entitled to such terms and conditions as the Federal Government may
4.37 As per the PPP Authority Act 2017 a Fund has been established to be called the
Public Private Partnership Authority Fund which shall vest in the Authority and shall be
utilized by the Authority to meet the charges in connection with its functions under this
Act. The Fund of the Authority shall comprise of the following:
i) such sums as the Federal Government may, from time to lime, allocate to it in the
annual budget;
ii) grants from the federal (government);
iii) donations and grants from the international donor agencies;
iv) income from the investments:
v) fees; and
vi) Any sources approved by the federal Government.
4.38 A Viability Gap Fund will be established which shall be managed, controlled and
administered by the Authority in prescribed manner. The VGF is defined in the act as
fund to be established by the Board to provide project support to an implementing agency
for those projects for which a feasibility study has found to be economically or socially
justified but are not financially viable because of lack of affordability. Viability Gap
Fund shall be established by an amount specified by the Board within the Public Private
Partnership Authority Fund. Besides above given salient features, the ACT describes all
administrative, financial and disciplinary details in its six chapters, containing clauses
and sub-clause, Full text of the Act is placed at (Annex----)
4.40 The Provincial Assembly of the Punjab passed Punjab Public Private Partnership
Bill on 21 May 2014 and The Punjab Public Private Partnership Act 2014 was notified on
29 May 2014. As per institutional arrangement under this act a PPP Steering Committee
has been established with Minister for Planning and Development as Chairperson and
Minister for Finance as Vice Chairperson respectively. Other Members include inter alia
Chairman, Planning and Development Board, two members from the Provincial
Assembly and some departments’ secretaries. Government of the Punjab has established
a Public Private Partnership Cell in Planning and Development Department. The PPP
cell is serving as a focal point for supporting all PPP initiatives in the province. The
mandate of the PPP Cell is to promote and facilitate PPP development in Punjab and
assist line departments and local governments in preparing and executing high-quality
PPP projects. To fulfill this mandate, the PPP Cell is performing the role of a PPP
catalyst and advocate, knowledge manager, policy and project advisor. PPP Cell is
providing support to line departments and City District Governments in identifying
financially viable concepts and also building the capacity of their staff to transform these
concepts into projects. PROJECT PREPARATION
5.1 Development Policy of the Government of Pakistan is to efficiently utilize natural
and economic resources of the country for socio-economic welfare of the people. This
objective may be achieved only when development projects are planned and executed
with vigilant management. A project usually brings change resulting in benefits to a
target group. Projects involve a group of inter-related activities that are planned and then
executed in a certain sequence to create/provide a unique service or output within a
specific time frame. The GOP’s Project Management Life Cycle has five distinct phases.
(i) Identification, (ii)preparation; (iii) Appraisal (iv) Approval; (v)
Implementation/Execution (vi) Monitoring; (vii) Completion/Closure; and (viii) Ex-post
5.2 Project identification and its formulation is the most important segment in a
project cycle in which the sectoral priorities must be followed. Since such priorities in a
sector have competing claims on the limited resources available, it is imperative that
various Ministries prepare their sectoral strategy right. Flowing from the national
planning document and priorities fixed by NEC and other forum, such sectoral strategy
must also take into account the country assistance and partnership strategies of the
donors. In advanced countries, there are special organizations which are employed
continuously in the field surveys and necessary investigations required for formulation of
feasible projects. In less developed/developing countries, unfortunately, there are no such
organizations. In Pakistan projects are normally identified by the line
Ministries/Divisions, public sector corporations, NGOs, pressure groups and public
5.3 Development projects are prepared on the approved format i.e. PC-I
PROFORMA. Until 1975, only one PC-I form remained in use for the projects of
various sectors. Since then, 12 sectoral PC-I forms were in use. In 1995, the number of
PC-I forms have been increased to 14. A separate PC-I form for the small schemes,
costing up to Rs. 1.000 million, also exists. The Planning Commission has devised three
PROFORMA in 2005, one each for Infrastructure Sector, Production Sector and Social
Sector. The sectoral/sub-sectoral forms have been introduced with a view to have detailed
information on each aspect of the project. The PC-I PROFORMA along with detailed
instructions for filling them, are also available on Planning Commission’s Website, PC-I should be supported with a feasibility study, survey and
investigation and market survey report. For undertaking any such feasibility, a proper
request on the PC-II Profroma is to be submitted for approval and allocation of funds.
5.4 It is mandatory that all infrastructure projects (or having infrastructure component)
costing Rs.50 million or above should be based on feasibility studies (PC-II) including
reference design and bill of quantities, etc. Separate provision is used to be provided in
the PSDP, under P&D Division for financing of the cost of feasibility studies of
development projects and appointment of Project Directors at initial stage of project
formulation. This facility can be availed of by different Ministries/Divisions for
undertaking feasibility studies. For mega projects, where huge amount for feasibility
studies is involved, a separate proposal on PC-II PROFORMA is to be submitted for
approval. In case of more complex concepts one of the donors could be required for TA
Grant. For other low cost projects, in-house feasibility is carried out. Based on the data
and positive findings of feasibility study, PC-I is prepared and submitted for approval by
the concerned forum.
5.5 At the project preparation stage, various indicators such as input, baseline data,
outputs and outcome, are determined over the life of project. In addition, viability of the
project in terms of financial and economic indicators is also determined, which focus on
financial and economic viability of the project. Another important aspect which needs to
be considered is the sustainability aspect after completion; how it would yield the
required output/outcome. Therefore, due attention has to be given to the sustainability
aspect of the project at the preparation stage. After preparation of PC-I/PC-II, the
Principal Accounting Officer has to sign the PC-I/ PC-II certifying that “the project
proposal has been prepared on the basis of instructions provided by the Planning
Commission for the preparation of PC-I of the concerned sector projects”. Thereafter,
PC-I/PC-II is to be submitted to the relevant forum for approval/authorization.
5.6 If a project is prepared with due care and based on surveys, investigations and
feasibility studies, the time taken in its examination (and also execution) will be greatly
reduced. Following are common weakness
5.8 Some sponsoring agencies suggest that the detailed design and drawings etc., of
the project should not be a pre-requisite for the approval of the PC-I. The approval should
be given on the basis of the rough cost estimates, which may be adjusted within the
permissible limit of a 15% increase. In this connection, the decision of the NEC dated 4-
7-1988 is as under: "Within six months of project approval, detailed design and costing
should be finalized and submitted to the competent authority. Implementation of such
project components, which require detailed designing, should be started only when these
have been finalized". The NEC further decided in the same meeting that all PC-Is costing
Rs. 50 million and above should be supported by a feasibility study. However, this does
not rule out a feasibility study in the case of PC-Is costing less, where it may be needed.
5.12 PC-I form should clearly indicate that the environmental aspects of the project
have been duly taken into account. The EIA report duly approved by the concerned
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) should invariably be attached with the PC-I.
Simple statement that the negative impact will be mitigated under the project is approved
to be supported with certain details.
Project Description
5.13 The description of the project should provide information pertaining to its physical
features and technical aspects. It should also include its justification and rationale, in
addition to a brief account of the work done in the past, the feasibility study undertaken
and Government instructions and policies on the subject. Project description is indeed a
synopsis of the entire project and has to be given in a manner that the appraising and
sanctioning authority is enabled to appreciate its broad aspects without having to go into
the minute details. It is also to be stated whether the output would be used for import
substitution or export promotion or meeting the increased domestic demand or a
combination of these. The technology to be adopted and the source of supply of
machinery and equipment should also be mentioned.
Project Scope
5.14 The sponsoring agency should ensure that the project scope includes only the
requirement of the present project necessary to achieve the envisaged objective. While
giving the scope of the project, the sponsors should indicate in quantitative terms the
proposed facilities which would become available from its implementation. Information
is also required to be given in respect of the following:
i. Demand for output, with its basis.
ii. Existing position regarding (a) capacity (b) actual supply of output
iii. The gap that the project is going to fill between the supply and demand.
5.15 All proposals for procurement of machinery and equipment by the Government
departments/agencies should be accompanied by an inventory of the existing strength of
machinery of all the public sector departments/agencies. Similarly, whenever a provision
of new vehicle is made in the development project or in non-development side, the
concerned Ministry/Department/Agency should furnish as a supporting document, full
inventory of the existing vehicles both on development and recurring side, along with
their date of purchase, to justify the purchase of new vehicles.
Cost Estimates
5.17 The cost estimates of a project have to be prepared with a lot of care so that these
are not revised again and again and implementation is not delayed due to non-availability
of provision of funds and revised sanction of the competent authority. Besides, the cost
debit-able to the development budget has to be distinguished from the cost debit-able to
the revenue budget. The concept and definition of development expenditure is explained
in the Planning Commission's paper F.M. I (Annex---). The cost details have to be given
according to the requirements of the PC-I of each sector. However, the following
guidelines will generally apply to all:
(a) The local and foreign exchange costs have to be shown separately.
(b) The cost of imported items available in the local market should be reflected in the
local component and not in the foreign exchange component.
(c) A break-down of the total cost has to be given item-wise, e.g.;
i) Land and its development
ii) Civil Works
iii) Machinery and Equipment
iv) Supplies
v) Consultancy, if any
vi) Project Staff
vii) Interest during construction, etc.
viii)Price and Physical Contingencies
(d) Unit cost has to be given separately in the appropriate column of the PC-I.
(e) In case of revised project, the reasons for increase in respect of each item as originally
estimated have to be furnished. Similarly increase due to revision in the scope of the
project is to be given separately in accordance with the additional sheet annexed with
each sectoral PC-I.
(f) In case a project has been revised for the first time either due to increase in the total
cost by more than 15% or due to revision in its scope, it would be treated as a new
scheme for obtaining sanction of the competent authority. Any further increase
thereafter is not allowed. Therefore, it is essential that the revised cost estimates are
prepared with due care (Annex---). A copy of the Planning and Development
Division's letter dated 12-12-1989 is also enclosed for guidance (Annex---).
5.18 The ECNEC in its meeting held on 29th November, 1978 decided that all the
authorities concerned should keep an effective check on the increase in the approved cost
(Annex---). The main effective role in this regard can be that of Audit. The Ministry of
Finance should look into this problem more thoroughly and request Audit not to make
any payment if the cost of the project is found to be exceeding 15% over the approved
Financial Plan
5.19 The sponsoring agency has to indicate the financial plan of the project in the
appropriate column of the PC-I. The position in this regard has to be indicated in specific
terms so that there remains no ambiguity or confusion in getting the necessary funds from
the sources indicated. In case, a foreign agency is committed to finance the project either
partly or fully, the name of the agency with the amount of foreign exchange and local
currency committed, is to be mentioned in the PC-I. Similarly, the source and amount of
the rupee component, which may be as under, should be indicated.
a) Government Sources
i) Grant
ii) Loan
iii) Equity
(b) Sponsoring Agency's Own Fund
(c) Private Investment
(d) Local Body Services, if any
(e) Non-Government Borrowing
(f) Other Sources (e.g., Recoveries)
Usually foreign aid negotiations should be undertaken after a project has been approved
by the competent authority or at least cleared by the Concept Clearance Committee
headed by the Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission.
Financial Phasing
5.20 The financial phasing of a project is to be given for each financial year related to
the physical work proposed to be undertaken, keeping in view the implementation of
similar projects in the past. It should be as realistic as possible. Funds utilization capacity
of executing agency should be kept in view while determining financial phasing of
5.21 The scheduling of activities and availability of physical facilities are interlinked
with the completion period. The availability of physical facilities e.g., (i) access road, (ii)
power supply, (iii) water, gas, telephone and other utilities, (iv) education facilities, (v)
housing etc., have to be ensured. The sponsoring agency has also to indicate separately
what facilities would be available from the project itself and to what extent these would
be available from the public utilities. The scope of work to be carried out should be gone
into very thoroughly to facilitate physical and financial phasing as well as supervision.
Period of Implementation
5.22 Time calculated for the completion of the project should be on a realistic basis.
The following factors will have to be taken into consideration to firm up the
implementation period:
5.26 In the TOR of consultants, whether local or foreign, when appointed for the
preparation of a project, it is to be made incumbent, that in addition to the scope,
technical viability of the project etc., they have also to provide the implementation
schedule supported by a Bar Chart, CPM, PERT, etc.
Project Benefits
5.27 The economic aspects of a proposed project /sector / program contribute
significantly to the development of the economy through backward/forward linkages. The
economic benefits of the projects could be: enhanced production, employment, and
increase in the value of output due to quality improvement or otherwise. The benefits
could be affected because of change in the location of project, time of sale or change in
the grade. Moreover, the benefits could accrue owing to reduction in cost or gains from a
mechanization of the process, from reducing the distribution cost and or by avoiding the
losses. In social sector projects, the benefits could accrue by increasing the earning
capacity of the institutions, say, by increasing the tuition fee in an educational institution.
In certain projects like those of transport, benefits could accrue because of a saving in
time, savings in operation cost, accident reduction and on account of new development
activity. The projects have also some intangible benefits like better income distribution,
national integration, national defense or just a better life for any segment of population
like the rural population, especially of the far-flung and backward areas.
5.28 With a view to avoid duplication of efforts and in order to ensure efficient
implementation of the proposed project, it is highly desirable that all the relevant data
have been obtained and the agencies concerned consulted. For example, in respect of a
health scheme, information about public and private sector institutions in the area, their
staff and equipment and the number of persons served by them have to be obtained and
reflected in the project. With the same end in view, data about the population of the area
and the economic characteristics of the persons who are being provided service, as well
as data about morbidity and incidence of epidemics during the last five years or so, have
to be obtained.
5.29 Inter-agency coordination is also necessary for the availability of utilities, such as
water and power supply, education facilities and housing. For example, before an
industrial scheme sponsored by the Production Division is embarked upon, it is
absolutely necessary that the clearance of the concerned agency is obtained for the
availability of water supply and other utilities. As decided by the NEC in its meeting held
on 4-7-1988, the Project document should clearly indicate that coordination with the
other agencies to facilitate project implementation had been effected.
Management Structure
5.30 The project management structure needs to be elaborated in detail in the relevant
column of the PC-I. In case a separate PMU is required to be established, the staff
requirement with full justification, mode of appointment, salary package, detail TORs
giving roles and responsibilities of each position, and requirement of accommodation,
rent, office equipment and vehicle may be provided with cost estimates and full