Tugas Kelompok Metode Average End Area & Mass Balance

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Tugas Kelompok

Metode Average End Area & Mass Balance

Disusun Oleh :
Fathur Rahman (1804101010042)
Syauwalul Rizqi (1804101010049)
Tera Ferdana (1804101010056)

Mata Kuliah : Manajemen Peralatan Konstruksi

Dosen Mata Kuliah : Dr. Mubarak, S.T., M.T.





3.1 Using the average-end-area-method, calculate the cut and fill volumes for stations 125 + 00 through 131 + 00.

End End Volume Volume Striping Striping

Distance Total cut Total fill Adj. fill Algebraic Mass
Station area cut area fill of cut of fill cut fill
(ft) (bcy) (ccy) (bcy) Sum (ccy) Ordinate
(sf) (sf) (bcy) (ccy) (bcy) (ccy)


125 + 00 0 785 - - - - - - - - - -

126 + 00 652 0 100 1207 1454 0 0 1207 1454 1615 -408 -408

127 + 00 2150 0 100 5189 0 0 0 5189 0 0 5189 4781

128 + 00 3210 0 100 9926 0 0 0 9926 0 0 9926 14707

129 + 00 1255 147 100 8269 272 0 0 8269 272 302 7966 22673

130 + 00 95 780 100 2500 1717 0 0 2500 1717 1907 593 23266

131 + 00 0 3666 100 176 8233 0 0 176 8233 9148 -8972 14293

Total Volume 27267 11676 27266,667 11675,926 12973,25 14293,416 79312,346

Untuk membuat gambar diagram mass diperlukan mass ordinate maka dari itu diasumsikan nlai striping cut dan fill adalah 0
3.2 Using the average-end-area-method, calculate the cut and fill volumes for stations 19 + 00 through
24 + 00.
End End Volume Volume Striping Striping Total Total Adj. Algebraic
Distance Mass
Station area area fill of cut of fill cut fill cut fill fill Sum
(ft) Ordinate
cut (sf) (sf) (bcy) (ccy) (bcy) (ccy) (bcy) (ccy) (bcy) (ccy)

19 + 00 326 0 - - - - - - - - - -

20 + 00 157 0 100 894 0 0 0 894 0 0 894 894

21 + 00 44 0 100 372 0 0 0 372 0 0 372 1267

21 + 50 0 0 50 41 0 0 0 41 0 0 41 1307

22 + 00 0 147 50 0 136 0 0 0 136 151 -151 1156

23 + 00 0 165 100 0 578 0 0 0 578 642 -642 514

24 + 00 0 133 100 0 552 0 0 0 552 613 -613 -99

Total Volume 1307 1266 1307 1266 1406 -99 5040

3.3 Using the average-end-area-method, calculate the cut and fill volumes for stations 25 + 00 through
31 + 00.
End End Volume Volume Striping Striping Total Total Adj. Algebraic
Distance Mass
Station area area of cut of fill cut fill cut fill fill Sum
(ft) Ordinate
cut (sf) fill (sf) (bcy) (ccy) (bcy) (ccy) (bcy) (ccy) (bcy) (ccy)

25 + 00 0 3525 - - - - - - - - - -

26 + 00 355 985 100 657 8352 0 0 657 8352 9280 -8622 -8622

27 + 00 786 125 100 2113 2056 0 0 2113 2056 2284 -171 -8793

28 + 00 2515 55 100 6113 333 0 0 6113 333 370 5743 -3051

29 + 00 1255 23 100 6981 144 0 0 6981 144 160 6821 3770

29 + 25 620 0 25 868 11 0 0 868 11 12 856 4626

29 + 50 25 845 25 299 391 0 0 299 391 435 -136 4490

30 + 00 0 3655 50 23 4167 0 0 23 4167 4630 -4606 -116

31 + 00 0 8560 100 0 22620 0 0 0 22620 25134 -25134 -25250

Total Volume 17055 38074 17055 38074 42305 -25250 -32946

3.4 Complete the earthwork calculation sheet here and plot the resulting mass diagram. Divide ccy by 0.9
to convert to bcy

End End Volume Volume Striping Total Total Adj.

Striping Algebraic Mass
Station area area of cut of fill cut cut fill fill
fill (ccy) Sum (ccy) Ordinate
cut (sf) fill (sf) (bcy) (ccy) (bcy) (bcy) (ccy) (bcy)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)

0 + 00 0 0 0 0 - - - - - - -

1 + 00 0 90 0 166,67 0 24 0 190,67 211,85 -211,85 -211,85

2 + 00 0 154 0 451,85 0 40 0 491,85 546,50 -546,50 -758,35

3 + 00 147 0 272,22 285,19 15 19 257,22 304,19 337,98 -80,76 -839,12

4 + 00 192 0 627,78 0 50 0 577,78 0 0 577,78 -261,34

4 + 50 205 0 367,59 0 57 0 310,59 0 0 310,59 49,26

5 + 00 179 0 355,56 0 21 0 334,56 0 0 334,56 383,81

6 + 00 121 0 555,56 0 43 0 512,56 0 0 512,56 896,37

6 + 50 100 0 204,63 0 19 0 185,63 0 0 185,63 1082,00

7 + 00 52 10 140,74 9,26 8 0 132,74 9,26 10,29 122,45 1204,45

8 + 00 0 180 96,30 351,85 10 20 86,30 371,85 413,17 -326,87 877,58

9 + 00 0 231 0 761,11 0 69 0 830,11 922,35 -922,35 -44,77

10 + 00 0 285 0 955,56 0 18 0 973,56 1081,73 -1081,73 -1126,50
3.5 Complete the earthwork calculation sheet here and plot the resulting mass diagram. Divide ccy by 0.9
to convert to bcy. Calculate the area under the mass diagram curve. What quantity of material must be
hauled along the length of the project What is the average haul distance, in stations for this material?
(26,166.67 cy-ft; 4,190 cy; 6 + 24 stations)

End End Volume Volume Striping Total Total Adj.

Striping Algebraic Mass
Station area area of cut of fill cut cut fill fill
fill (ccy) Sum (ccy) Ordinate
cut (sf) fill (sf) (bcy) (ccy) (bcy) (bcy) (ccy) (bcy)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)


0 + 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 + 00 200 0 370,37 0 0 0 370,37 0 0 370,37 370,37

2 + 00 310 0 944,44 0 0 0 944,44 0 0 944,44 1314,81

3 + 00 230 0 1000,00 0 0 0 1000,00 0 0 1000,00 2314,81

4 + 00 230 0 851,85 0 0 0 851,85 0 0 851,85 3166,67

5 + 00 185 30 768,52 55,56 0 0 768,52 55,56 61,73 706,79 3873,46
6 + 00 115 86 555,56 214,81 0 0 555,56 214,81 238,68 316,87 4190,33

7 + 00 120 150 435,19 437,04 0 0 435,19 437,04 485,60 -50,41 4139,92

8 + 00 20 250 259,26 740,74 0 0 259,26 740,74 823,05 -563,79 3576,13

9 + 00 0 380 37,04 1166,67 0 0 37,04 1166,67 1296,30 -1259,26 2316,87

10 +
00 0 340 0,00 1333,33 0 0 0 1333,33 1481,48 -1481,48 835,39
11 +
00 0 33 0 690,74 0 0 0 690,74 767,49 -767,49 67,90
12 +
00 0 0 0 61,11 0 0 0 61,11 67,90 -67,90 0,00

Area Mass Diagram Curve = 26166,67 cy.ft

Quantity of Material Haul = 4190,33 cy

Average Haul Distance = Area Mass Diagram Curve = 6,24 >> 6 + 24 Stations

Quantity of Material Haul

3.6 Complete the earthwork calculation sheet here and plot the resulting mass diagram. Divide ccy by 0.88
to convert to bcy. Calculate the area under the mass diagram curve. What quantity of material must be
hauled along the length of the project? What is the average haul distance, in stations for this material?

End End Volume Volume Striping Total Total Adj. Algebraic

Striping Mass
Station area area of cut of fill cut cut fill fill Sum
fill (ccy) Ordinate
cut (sf) fill (sf) (bcy) (ccy) (bcy) (bcy) (ccy) (bcy) (ccy)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)

0 + 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,00 0 0

1 + 00 0 95 0 0,00 0 0 0 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00

2 + 00 0 285 0 0,00 0 0 0 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00

3 + 00 3 270 0 0,00 0 0 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00

4 + 00 6 220 0 0,00 0 0 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00

5 + 00 12 180 30,00 0,00 0 0 30,00 0,00 0,00 30,00 30,00

6 + 00 50 42 86,00 210,00 0 0 86,00 210,00 238,64 -152,64 -122,64

7 + 00 120 0 150,00 437,00 0 0 150,00 437,00 496,59 -346,59 -469,23

8 + 00 250 0 250,00 800 0 0 250,00 800 909 -659,09 -1128,32

9 + 00 290 0 380 1167 0 0 380 1167 1326 -946 -2074,45

10 + 00 310 0 340,00 1333 0 0 340,00 1333 1515 -1174,77 -3249,23
11 + 00 200 0 33,00 691 0 0 33,00 691 785 -752,23 -4001,45
12 + 00 0 0 0,00 10 0 0 0,00 10 11 -11,36 -4012,82

Tabel Area Mass Diagram Curve

Mass Material Haul

Haul Area Haul (bcy) Station Point

Haul 1 30,00 30,00 1,00 1 + 00 Stations

Haul 2 14836,91 4012,82 3,70 3 + 75 Stations

Total 14866,91 4042,82
3.7 Complete the earthwork calculation sheet here and plot the resulting mass diagram. Divide ccy by 0.9
to convert to bcy. Calculate the average haul (trapezoidal formula) for the balance on this project. Is this a
waste or borrow project?

End End Volume Volume Striping Algebraic

Striping Total Total fill Adj. fill Mass
Station area area of cut of fill cut Sum
fill (ccy) cut (bcy) (ccy) (bcy) Ordinate
cut (sf) fill (sf) (bcy) (ccy) (bcy) (ccy)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)

10 + 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

11 + 00 580 0 1074,07 0 80 0 994,07 0 0 994,07 994,07

12 + 00 2100 0 4962,96 0 90 0 4872,96 0 0 4872,96 5867,04

13 + 00 4650 0 12500,00 0 100 0 12400,00 0 0 12400,00 18267,04

14 + 00 6000 0 19722,22 0 100 0 19622,22 0 0 19622,22 37889,26

15 + 00 3250 560 17129,63 1037,04 80 60 17049,63 1097,04 1218,93 15830,70 53719,96

16 + 00 1300 1620 8425,93 4037,04 80 80 8345,93 4117,04 4574,49 3771,44 57491,40

17 + 00 700 2450 3703,70 7537,04 80 85 3623,70 7622,04 8468,93 -4845,23 52646,17

18 + 00 0 7800 1296,30 18981,48 0 100 1296,30 19081,48 21201,65 -19905,35 32740,82

19 + 00 0 3620 0 21148,15 0 90 0 21238,15 23597,94 -23597,94 9142,88

20 + 00 0 1980 0 10370,37 0 80 0 10450,37 11611,52 -11611,52 -2468,64
21 + 00 0 1310 0 6092,59 0 80 0 6172,59 6858,44 -6858,44 -9327,08
22 + 00 580 860 1074,07 4018,52 80 10 994,07 4028,52 4476,13 -3482,06 12809,14
23 + 00 1620 250 4074,07 2055,56 100 10 3974,07 2065,56 2295,06 1679,01 11130,12

24 + 00 3850 0 10129,63 462,96 100 0 10029,63 462,96 514,40 9515,23 -1614,90

25 + 00 2600 0 11944,44 0,00 100 0 11844,44 0 0 11844,44 10229,55

Interpolasi jarak station 19 + 00 dengan 20 + 00 0,7874 0,2126

Interpolasi jarak station 24 + 00 dengan 25 + 00 0,1363 0,8637
Tabel Area Mass Diagram Curve

Mass Material Haul

Haul Area Haul Station Point
(bcy-ft) (bcy)

Haul 1 263215 57491,40 4,58 4 + 58 Stations

Haul 2 33418,66 12809,14 2,61 2 + 61 Stations

Haul 3 4417,41 10229,55 0,43 0 + 43 Stations

Total 234214,06 54911,811

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