Simulation by Abaqus FWD
Simulation by Abaqus FWD
Simulation by Abaqus FWD
I hereby declare that this dissertation submitted for the degree of Magister
Technologiae: Engineering: Civil, at the Central University of Technology, is my own
original work and has not previously been submitted to any other institution of higher
education. I further declare that all sources cited or quoted are indicated and
acknowledged by means of a comprehensive list of references.
_______________________ __________________
This dissertation is dedicated to the ALMIGHTY GOD, my family and loved ones.
Firstly, with a grateful heart, I give thanks to ALMIGHTY GOD for HIS love, grace,
strength, wisdom, knowledge and understanding. I thank HIM for always being by my
side. Without HIM, the completion of this research study would not have been
With deep sincerity of heart, I would like to thank the Central University of
Technology (CUT) Research and Innovation office for their financial support and also
commend the great effort of Ms Riana Dessels and Ms Sandra Nel.
The stabilization process in pavement construction is not a new process, but hitherto
this process has not been fully implemented in the design methods for pavement
structure. Its partial implementation in design has contributed to the failures
experienced in pavement structure, which result in such pavement needing
excessive maintenance and rehabilitation, thereby increasing the operational cost of
the roads. Additionally, the use of an empirical design method for pavement structure
has led to the over-design of pavement, resulting in wasteful design and construction
of pavement structure. Nevertheless, Mechanistic-Empirical seems to be the way
out. Consecutively, with the advent of powerful design software based on different
methods such as the Finite Element (FE), Discrete Element, Finite Difference,
Boundary Element Methods, the possibility of design and construction of quality
pavement structures are enhanced. Therefore, the main focus of this study is to
provide a modelling tool for using fly ash as alternative stabilizer for base layers of
flexible pavement. To achieve the aim of the study, various objectives were set in
place based on literature reviews which are documented in this study.
Considering the fact that FE is the method most adopted in pavement analysis and
with the ability to obtain stresses and strains at the bottom of the surface layer, and
compressive stress/strain within the base layer and at the top of sub-grade, it was
considered in this study. Validations of a 3D FE model over 2D were conducted for
fly ash stabilized base layer. Thereafter, the importance of an asphalt layer on a
stabilized base layer was checked, and the efficiency of non-linear model for material
characterization was also checked. Overall, a comparative analysis of FE modelling
and an empirical method of pavement design was conducted. The results show that
the use of 3D FE models is more efficient than 2D axisymmetric models; use of a
non-linear material characterization model is more efficient than linear material
characterization, and the use of empirical design methods results in the over-
designing of pavement structure. Thus, the overall results suggest the use of 3D FE
models, coupled with a non-linear material characterization model are suitable for
the design of flexible pavement with a stabilized base layer.
Abbreviations ............................................................................................................. v
vii Geometry............................................................................................... 24
REFERENCES ......................................................................................................... 70
APPENDICES ............................................................................................................ A
List of Tables
Table 4. 1. Material properties of the stabilized base layer (obtained from Heyns and
Mostafa Hassan, 2013) ............................................................................................ 48
Table 4.2. Material properties of other pavement layers .......................................... 48
Table 4.3. Layer coefficients .................................................................................... 51
Table 4. 4 Comparison between Abaqus and mePADS ........................................... 52
Table 5.1. Rutting failure analysis based on Asphalt Institute response model (1982)
for Axisymmetric and 3D model ............................................................................... 58
Table 5.2. Fatigue and rutting failure analysis based on Asphalt Institute Response
Model (1982) for 3D model....................................................................................... 61
Table 5.3. Effect of asphalt layer thickness for non-linear material model................ 64
Table 5. 4 Effect of asphalt layer thickness for Abaqus and mePADS ..................... 65
Table 5.5. Structural capacity results for 1993 AASHTO, mePADS and 3D FEM
models...................................................................................................................... 66
List of Figures
Figure 4.1. General steps for the development of flexible pavement (Abaqus®/CAE
usage) ...................................................................................................................... 45
Figure 4.2. Axisymmetric model geometry of the stabilized base and sub-grade layer
with meshing, load and boundary conditions............................................................ 46
Figure 4.3. 3D model geometry of the stabilized base and sub-grade layer with
meshing, load and boundary conditions ................................................................... 47
Figure 5.1. Effect of stabilized base layer thickness on vertical compressive strains
on the top of sub-grade (Axisymmetric model) ......................................................... 55
Figure 5.2. Effect of stabilized base layer thickness on vertical compressive stress on
the top of sub-grade (Axisymmetric model) .............................................................. 56
Figure 5.3. Effect of stabilized (18 percent fly ash + 1 percent cement) base layer
thickness on vertical compressive strains on top of sub-grade (Axisymmetric and 3D
model) ...................................................................................................................... 56
Figure 5.4. Effect of stabilized (18 percent fly ash + 1 percent cement) base layer
thickness on vertical compressive stress on top of sub-grade (Axisymmetric and 3D
model) ...................................................................................................................... 57
Figure 5. 5 Contour plots showing deformation of vertical compressive strain at the
top of sub-grade (A- 3D Model and B- 2D Model) .................................................... 57
Figure 5.6. Effect of asphalt layer thickness on surface deflection over a stabilized
base layer (3D Model) .............................................................................................. 59
Figure 5.7. Effect of asphalt layer thickness on vertical compressive strains on the
top of sub-grade (3D Model) .................................................................................... 59
Figure 5.8. Effect of asphalt layer thickness on vertical compressive stress within
stabilized base/on the top of sub-grade (3D Model) ................................................. 60
Figure 5.9. Effect of asphalt layer thickness on tensile horizontal strain at the bottom
of asphalt layer (3D Model) ...................................................................................... 60
Figure 5.10. Effect of asphalt layer on vertical compressive strain within stabilized
base layer (3D Model) .............................................................................................. 61
Figure 5.11. Displacement contour plot for 25 mm thickness asphalt layer (A- Linear
model and B- Non-linear model) .............................................................................. 63
Figure 5.12. Strain contour plot for 25 mm thickness asphalt layer (A- Linear model
and B- Non-linear model) ......................................................................................... 63
Figure 5.13. Stress contour plot for 25 mm thickness asphalt layer (A- Linear model
and B- Non-linear model) ......................................................................................... 64
1.1. Background
Road transportation among transportation modes has expanded the most over the
past 50 years, both for passengers and freight transportation (Rodrigue, Slack and
Comtois, 2013). In South Africa, there are 750 000 kilometres of road network and
9.7 million vehicles, which make all sectors of the economy depend on roads to
transport goods. The majority of goods, estimated at 83 percent, are transported by
road, and in addition, forecasts reveal that freight transport demand will grow by 200
percent to 250 percent over the next 20 years (Ndebele, 2012). Considering its
significant role in the economic and communication activities of the modern
societies, researchers have been searching to attain the most suitable road
pavement behaviour (Shafabakhsh, Motamedi and Family, 2013a), and
consequently design and construct safe, stable, cost-effective and environment-
friendly roads. With all the attention from researchers, pavement structures
experience failure before the desirable design life resulting from the low bearing
capacity of soil (Kordi, Endut and Baharom, 2010), overloading of the pavements,
inadequacy in designs and unsuitable design methods used (Kordi et al. 2010;
Shafabakhsh et al., 2013a). Its construction becomes uneconomical most often
because of the cost incurred on materials used. With an appropriate method of soil
stabilization, the soil’s stability may be improved; resulting in stable pavements as
well as the cost of construction may be reduced. However, the challenges with
respect to the design of pavements remain. With the advent of powerful design
software based on different methods such as the Finite Element, Discrete Element,
Finite Difference, and Boundary Element Methods, the possibility of design and
construction of quality pavement structures is enhanced. Therefore, in this study an
attempt is made to simulate the behaviours of the flexible road pavements having fly
ash as an alternative soil stabilizer, by using Finite Element Method (FEM).
1.1.1. Materials
and previous experience (Bureau for Industrial Cooperation, 2012). Previously, road
construction had depended mainly on the virgin materials from the nearest borrow
pit, but in situations where the available soil lacks some geotechnical properties such
soil needs to be stabilized. Soil stabilization, refers to the method aimed at
increasing or maintaining the stability of soil mass and the chemical alteration of soils
to enhance their engineering properties via different techniques, such as mechanical
compaction, dewatering and addition of materials which are more advantageous
(Gyanen, Savitha and Gudi, 2013; Yadu and Tripathi, 2013). According to Aminaton,
Nima and Houman (2013), stabilizing soil using lime, cement, chemicals, plastics,
rice husk ash, millet husk ash, corn cob ash, coconut shell ash, foundry sand,
cement kiln dust, granular blastfurnace slag (GBS), or fly ash increases the soil’s
resistance, strength and permeability. Furthermore, results and experience show that
lime as a stabilizer yields better results than others, but its use will make pavement
structure uneconomical, which in turn makes fly ash an alternative stabilizer.
Fly ash, a finely divided residue that results from the combustion of pulverized coal,
an amorphous ferro-alumino silicate with a matrix very similar to soil and its
elemental composition varies with types and source of coal (Comberato, Vance and
Someshwar, 1997). These ash particles are transported from the combustion
chamber by exhaust gases as a result of their light weight and collected in control
devices such as filter bags and electrostatic precipitators. They are spherical in
shape and range in size from 0.5 micron to 100 micron (Heyns and Mostafa Hassan,
2013). From the point of view of the American Coal Ash Association (ACAA) (1995),
fly ash particles are composed of glass with crystalline matter, carbon, and varying
quantities of lime. Its chemical and physical properties depend greatly on several
factors such as production type, raw feed and the handling method. This in turn
gives the two classes of fly ash based on the chemical composition. Class C ashes
are from sub-bituminous and lignite coals and may contain more than 20 percent
CaO with 1 percent to 3 percent free lime, while Class F ashes are generally
obtained from bituminous and anthracite coal and contain less than 20 percent CaO
with no free lime ASTM C618 (ASTM-C618 2011).This industrial by-product is
considered in this research because it is readily available and various measures of
success have been achieved when used as stabilizer in pavement structures.
Pavement structural design is a daunting task with the basic geometry being quite
simple, while everything else is not. Its traffic loading is a heterogeneous mix of
vehicles, axle types, and axle loads with distributions that vary with time throughout
the day, from season to season, and over the pavement design life (Schwartz and
Carvalho, 2007). Also, pavement material characteristics such as viscoelasticity,
non-linearity and linearity, respond to these loads in complex ways coupled with
stress state and magnitude, temperature, moisture, time, loading rate, and other
factors. Previously, design was done by the empirical method, then by layered
elastic method, but as a result of the assumptions of the aforementioned, design
sometimes results in errors (Huang, 2004). Thus, to model pavements correctly, it is
necessary to use numerical methods, such as the finite difference method, the
boundary element method and FEM (Áurea, Evandro and Lucas, 2006). However,
FEM is the most adopted in pavement analysis and will be considered.
This research aims at providing a modelling tool for the use of fly ash as alternative
stabilizer for base layers of road. Moreover, this tool can be extended to other non-
traditional materials as well.
To achieve the aim of this research, the following specific objectives need to be
1.5. Delimitation
This research is worth doing because of the important information it renders to future
road engineers and researchers. Overall, the design of new road projects located in
areas short of high-quality materials would result in very long material hauls. Thus, it
may require pavement structure alternatives other than the conventional granular
base. Understanding such material behaviour under loading is of great importance
for effective pavement design. Recent studies undertaken on the use of waste and
by-product materials as soil stabilizers have left a gap, between fly ash as stabilizer
(empirical design approach) and its computer-aided design for pavement structures.
Simulation of pavement structures has been carried out for different purposes, but
not in the use of fly ash as alternative stabilizing material. As a result, this study will
save time, human error and cost of laboratory experiments in carrying out projects
and address the problems relating to road construction industry.
Chapter 3: This chapter continues with the literature review on numerical simulation
of flexible pavement with reviews on stresses, strains and deflections in flexible
pavement, approach of mechanistic empirical design, layered elastic and finite
element simulation of flexible pavement.
Chapter 4: This chapter presents the detail simulation design used for fly ash
stabilized base layer flexible pavement via Abaqus® 3D FEM analysis; four models’
analysis were used in line with the set objective and comparative analysis of
laboratory test empirical results, and 3D FEM was carried out.
Flexible pavements with asphalt on the surface are used all around the world. The
various layers of this pavement structure have different strength and deformation
characteristics which make the layered system difficult to analyse in pavement
engineering. At the surface there is a viscous material with its behaviour depending
on time and temperature, and pavement foundation geomaterials; coarse-grained
unbound granular materials in base/sub-base course; and fine-grained soils in the
sub-grade, exhibiting stress-dependent non-linear behaviour (Kim, 2007).
Furthermore, with the introduction of soil stabilization which brought about the use of
new materials with different characteristics such as cementitious and polymeric, the
design of flexible pavement has become more complex. However, the analysis of
pavement via empirical methods, as previously mentioned, sometimes result in
errors, but if material characterization is properly understood, finite element analysis
can be successfully used in the design of flexible pavement, which in turn makes
design adequate.
This chapter covers the literature review on pavement composition and behaviour,
secondary materials, soil stabilization concept, fly ash as stabilizing agent, and lastly,
details on pavement design background.
Overall, the material properties and their influence on pavement behaviour must be
thoroughly understood. According to The South African National Road Agency Ltd.
(SANRAL) (2013a), there are a number of fundamental properties that influence the
behaviour of a material regardless of its situation. These are: inter-particle friction,
particle distribution, cohesion, elasticity, particle hardness, durability and porosity. In
addition to fundamental properties, there are the situational properties that influence
the behaviour, such as density, moisture content and temperature. The majority of
these properties are considered in the design of pavement, but the most essential of
these are the engineering properties which are actually the basic results in the
design. Some of the engineering properties are: ultimate strength, elastic modulus,
resistance to deformation and crack propagation and fatigue, all obtained from
various laboratory tests.
Furthermore, various factors that have significant effects on the soil behaviour can
be loading condition, stress state, soil composition, compaction and soil physical
states (Kim, 2007). As a result of these factors the material characteristics of the
entire pavement change continuously over time with environmental changes which
later result in pavement failure. To avert pavement failure and reduce the cost of
hauling natural materials, researchers introduced the use of secondary materials.
Figure 2.1. Typical Flexible Pavement and Load Distributions (Steve Muench,
ash, corn cob ash, coconut shell ash, waste foundry sand, cement kiln dust, fly ash,
bottom ash and demolition and construction waste (Sherwood, 1974; Mostafa
Hassan and Khalid, 2010; Amin, 2012; Bindu and Vysakh, 2012; Yadu and Tripathi,
2013). These materials are subjected to various laboratory tests before considering
their use for road construction work. Such laboratory tests may include grain size
analysis, specific gravity, compaction, Triaxial and leaching tests, etc., depending on
the material type. Overall, the use of any of these materials depends on its
availability at a particular location.
All in all, secondary materials are inferior to the natural materials used in
construction, but the lower cost of these inferior materials makes it an alternative if
adequate performance can be achieved (Heyns and Mostafa Hassan, 2013). In the
quest to certify the use of secondary materials, researchers discovered that the one
or a mixture of these materials with unstable natural materials yields an increase in
its engineering properties. Hence, this relates to the process called soil stabilization.
In South Africa, the bearing capacity of the pavement is provided by the unbound
base and sub-base or by the unbound base and stabilized sub-base (Araya, 2011).
The asphalt layer provides a smooth riding surface and provides skid resistance.
These structures have been successfully used in South Africa for moderately and
heavily loaded roads. However, the minimum California Bearing Ratio (CBR)
required for the sub-grade is 15 percent; when this is not reached, improvement of
the sub-grade should take place (Molenaar, 2009).
Yet the concept of soil stabilization is not new, as it can be dated back to 5000 years
ago. McDowell (1959) mentioned that stabilized earth roads were used in ancient
Mesopotamia and Egypt, and that the Greeks and Romans once used soil-lime
mixtures. Over the years, research has focused on improving the durability, safety
and efficiency of pavement materials and structures within both economic and
environmental constraints. This brought about the various means of stabilizing soil
which are practical and economical.
Soil stabilization mainly aims at improving soil strength and increasing resistance to
softening by water through bonding the soil particles together, waterproofing the
particles or a combination of the two (Sherwood, 1993). It is used to treat a wide
range of materials including expansive clays to granular materials (Openshaw,
1992). The stabilization process can be accomplished by several methods. All these
methods fall into two broad categories (FM5-410 2012), namely:
Mechanical stabilization
Stabilization is achieved via a physical process by altering the physical nature of
natural soil particles by either induced vibration or compaction and also by
introducing coarse or fine materials and geosynthetic materials. Recently,
mechanical stabilization has been used for pavement structure through
geotextiles materials (Hejazi, Sheikhzadeh, Abtahi, and Zadhoush, 2012) which
yielded a great increase in the property strength of the structures. Further, using
a geogrid, Al-Azzawi, (2012) noted that placing this reinforcement at the base-
asphalt interface leads to the highest reduction of the fatigue strain.
Chemical stabilization
Stabilization depends mainly on chemical reactions between stabilizer
(cementitious material) and soil minerals (pozzolanic materials) to achieve the
desired effect, including lime, cement, secondary materials and chemicals.
Recently, with the increase in the problem posed by secondary materials and its
availability locally, researchers considered their use as an alternative stabilizer.
Some of these are: Mgangira (2006) Waste Foundry Sand on clayey soils,
Bindu and Vysakh (2012) Coconut Shell, Leaf and Husk ash (CSLHA) on
lateritic soils, Yadu and Tripathi (2013) GBS and Fly ash on soft soils, and Amin
(2012) reviewed on soil stabilization using low-cost methods. Based on these
studies, GBS, foundry sand, CSLHA, fly ash and scrap tyres are low-cost and
effective as stabilizer. Further review will be done on fly ash as stabilizer as it is
a centre to this dissertation.
Nevertheless, among these stabilization methods, results have shown that chemical
stabilization is more advantageous (Makusa, 2012; Gyanen et al., 2013; Yadu and
Tripathi, 2013). Overall, researchers noted that the presence of organic matters,
sulphate, sulphide and carbon dioxide in the stabilized soils may inhibit the
stabilization process (Makusa 2012). Likewise, compaction, moisture content,
temperature and freeze-thaw further contribute (Sherwood, 1993; Makusa, 2012).
Additionally, Paige-Green (2008) noted that failure in stabilization process may
further result from lack of suitable skill and experience, inadequate specification,
change in construction equipment and construction techniques.
South Africa being the fourth largest producer of fly ash at 30 mega ton per year
after China, USA and India, results from the fact that coal plays an important role in
its economy and is the primary energy source for electricity generation (Furter,
2011). Fly ash is a heterogeneous material with SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3 and occasionally
CaO as its main chemical components. This ash also contains Ca-bearing minerals
such as Anorthite, Gehlenite, Akermanite and various Calcium Silicates and Calcium
Aluminates identical to those found in Portland Cement (Snellings, Mertens and
Elsen, 2012). Considering its production per year in South Africa, the government is
at the stage where it is strategically finding ways to reduce fly ash through treatment,
re-use and beneficiation (Heyns and Mostafa Hassan, 2013).
All over the world, fly ash is being used for various purposes such as cement
production, concrete production (Torii, Hashimoto, Kubo and Sannoh, 2013), soil
stabilization, asphalt (Lin Li, benson and Edil, 2007), embankment, flow-able fill and
waste stabilization owing to its cement-like property, yet in South Africa only 6
percent of the annual production is utilized. Further, in pavement structure, fly ash
has a wide application which is incorporated in sub-grade, granular base/sub-base,
asphalt base/surface and structural fill (United States Environmental Protection
Agency, 2009). Also, it has been combined with other products or by-products to
improve pavement materials and its light weight and ability to be handled easily on
construction site with little safety precaution (Kim, Prezzi and Salgado, 2005; Mathur,
2011; Heyns and Mostafa Hassan, 2013), contributes to it’s usage.
stabilization of soft sub-grade. In this study, the optimum mix design and stabilized
layer thickness were estimated by strength and modulus-based approaches. The
results obtained showed that the engineering properties such as unconfined
compressive strength (UCS), CBR and resilient modulus increase substantially after
fly ash utilization. Also, in 2002, Pandian and Krishna conducted laboratory CBR
tests on the stabilized fly ash-soil mixtures and observed that fly ash is an effective
admixture for improving the soil quality. In addition, Brooks (2009) reported the soil
stabilization with rice husk ash and fly ash mixed together with natural soil, the study
showed improvement in CBR values and UCS. Also, researchers have proven that
mixtures of fly ash with inert materials reach 50 percent to 70 percent of the strength
of the corresponding cement-inactive materials (Eskioglou and Oikonomou, 2008).
Furthermore, studies have been concluded that, if fly ash is used properly, it is not
hazardous to the environment when used for soil stabilization. This was done with a
combination of batch-leaching tests to determine potential impact on the
environment of fly ash as trace element mobility in soil stabilization (Heebink and
Hasselt, 2001). Similarly, Tanosaki, Yu and Nagasaki (2011) studied an image of fly
ash being an ‘environmentally friendly’ product. The measurements were carried out
only on Hunter brightness or reflectivity. Three hundred lots of coal ash samples
were analysed, whereby it was determined that coal ash possesses a wide range of
colour hues. Due to strong correlations between hue and spherical rate, Chroma(C)
and CaO+MgO content of coal ash, it could be used as a base for quality control
standards. Overall, the use of fly ash is accepted worldwide due to saving in cement,
consuming industrial waste and making durable materials, especially due to
improvement in the quality when used as stabilizer (Heyns and Mostafa Hassan,
At the outset, pavement designs were based on empirical methods which are back-
dated to the development of the Public Roads soil classification system in the 1920s
(Huang, 2004; Schwartz and Carvalho, 2007). Empirical methods are derived from
experience in terms of field observation performance of in-service pavement or
laboratory test sections. The purpose of laboratory methods is to subject a
representative pavement material sample to an environment (consisting of simulated
traffic loading and environmental conditioning) that closely simulates field conditions
(Adu-Osei, 2001). These methods also define the interaction between pavement
performance, traffic loads and pavement thickness for a given set of paving
materials, soil, location and environmental conditions (Schwartz and Carvalho,
2007). Although the design of flexible pavements is still largely empirically based,
these methods remain accurate only for the exact conditions for which they were
developed, and perhaps invalid outside the range of variables used in its
This brought about the various examples of empirical design methods developed
with different location such as the American Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials (AASHTO) in the USA (1993), Road Note in the UK (Road
Research Laboratory, 1970), Western Association of States Highway Officials
(WASHO) in Malad and West Africa Compaction (WAC) in West Africa Countries
(Fall, Ba, S., Sarr, Ba, M. and Ndiaye, 2011), to mention but a few.
Even though empirical methods tend to be simple and easy to use, these methods
are associated with various limitations such as one climate condition, limited traffic,
material type, and new construction only (i.e. cannot be used for rehabilitation). If
these conditions change, the design is no longer valid (Wang, 2001; Huang, 2004).
To further buttress this point, Huber, Andrewski, and Gallivan (2009) found that the
AASHTO 1993 pavement design guide typically over-designed pavements in Indiana
by 1.5 to 4.5 inches, amounting to approximately 600 to 800 tons of materials per
lane-mile beyond what is needed.
2.5. Summary
Chapter Two of this dissertation dealt with the literature review on flexible pavement,
pavement composition and behaviour, secondary materials, the soil stabilization
concept, and fly ash as stabilizer and pavement design background. Research has
shown that the use of fly ash and other industrial by-products as stabilizer in
pavement structure has recorded great success and also, fly ash is proven to be
environment-friendly if proper precaution is taken into consideration when used.
Further, on the aspect of design, the inadequacy of empirical, limiting shear failure,
limiting deflection and regression based method for pavement design as contributed
to pavement failures, but the FEM is seen as a way out. With the foundation made in
this chapter, the next chapter will be building upon it by reviewing in detail on
numerical simulation of flexible pavement.
This chapter gives detailed background on pavement design through layered elastic
simulation and finite element simulation with more attention on critical factors, such
as the geometry selection, material characterization, and boundary and loading
condition. Further, in review of FEM types, the software ABAQUS® will be
introduced and thereafter the concept of failure analysis was discussed.
Despite the advantages of M-E analysis, many developing countries still rely on
empirical methods, realizing that more sophisticated mechanistic design procedures
often require too many assumptions regarding material behaviour and too
complicated material testing techniques to be of direct practical use (Araya, 2011).
Nevertheless, the end results outweigh its complexity. Via M-E analysis, two major
approaches are employed to compute the stresses and strains in pavement
structures which include layered elastic theory and FEM, which are further
discussed. In addition, the effectiveness of any M-E method relies on the accuracy of
the predicted stresses and strains. Hence, this gives FEM an edge over the layered
elastic theory. Further, the success of this method hinges on some critical variables,
which are material properties, traffic, environmental conditions, and pavement
geometry. Nonetheless, for accuracy in pavement response prediction through M-E
methods, more focus should be placed on constituent materials’ behaviour and their
accurate characterization (Johnson, Sukumaran, Mehta, and Willis, 2007; Araya,
Layered elastic simulation is the most common and easily understood procedure of
the M-E design methods. In this simulation the pavement structure is divided into an
arbitrary number of horizontal layers with the thickness of each individual layer and
In South Africa, a great contribution has been made through the development of the
South African Mechanistic-Empirical Design Method (SAMDM), which is now known
as the South African Pavement Design Method (SAPDM) (Van Vuuren, Otte and
Paterson, 1974; Theyse, de Beer, Maina, and Kannemeyer, 1996; SANRAL, 2013b).
The SAMDM analysis for flexible pavement is based on linear elastic multilayer
theory and here the structural pavement layers are assumed to be isotropic (Steyn,
Maina and Repsold, 2013). Although SAMDM is sound in principle and has been
applied successfully to the design of pavement, this method is faced with the intense
challenge of its inability to cater for the cross-anisotropic behaviour of materials
(Steyn et al., 2013) and its over-sensitivity to the changes in the input variables,
which lead to inadmissible and counter-intuitive results and provide unrealistic
pavement design (Theyse et al., 2011). These in turn contribute to the increases in
its scrutiny and criticism in the recent past (Jooste, 2004). However, for SAMDM to
achieve more realistic values of predicted life for pavement section, it must include
cross-anisotropic analysis (Steyn et al., 2013); as a result, SAMDM is being revised
(SANRAL, 2013b).
Overall, considerable efforts have been reported regarding linear elastic simulation
of pavement structures, yet the assumptions, on which this approach works, make it
inappropriate for the real pavement properties and actual scenario on-site. Such
assumptions are (Tutumluer and Thompson, 1997; Wang, 2001; Huang, 2004);
Each layer is homogeneous, isotropic and linearly elastic with a finite
Material is weightless.
Circular uniform pressure is applied on the surface.
Continuity and frictionless interface condition.
FEM has wide application in lamella mechanics, hydrodynamics, soil mechanics, and
structural mechanics because of its great capability for finding approximate solution
to boundary value problems (Peng and He, 2009). In FEM, the whole problem is
divided into small and simpler parts through mesh generation which are called finite
elements and solved by calculus of variation in order to minimize associated error
function (Reddy, 2005; Dixit, 2007; Yagawa, 2011). Over the years, FEM has been
applied extensively in road engineering (Peng and He, 2009) and so far, it is the
most versatile of all analysis techniques, with capabilities for 2D and 3D geometric
modelling, able to analyse stable (static), time-dependent problems, non-linear
material characterization, large strains/deformations, dynamics analysis and other
sophisticated features (NCHRP, 2004). Furthermore, FEM can deal with complicated
loading (static, dynamic and spatially distributed form) conditions and more accurate
than the multilayer elastic method. The application of FEM to solve any problem
consists of three separate stages, as shown in Figure 3.2.
Pre-processing (Modelling)
This is the first stage in any FEM analysis, and here can be referred to as the
input files stage, which is the most critical for the accurate prediction of the
result in terms of stress, strain and deflection. At this stage the following
selection/input are made: the geometry of pavement (in terms of dimensions),
material characterization, relationship between parts (assembling and
interactions), loading and boundary conditions, and analysis type. Further
discussion will be introduced on the input files in this thesis.
Post-processing (Visualization)
This stage is a graphic rendering phase of the output file from the processing
stage. Results are well represented in the realistic format and the maximum
and critical area of interest can easily be accessed. Further, results in graph
format can be obtained as well. Geometry
FEM achieves its aim by dividing the problem domain into a number of
simpler subdomains - the finite elements. Various element types exist in the
use of FEM for pavement simulation, such as: linear or first-order, quadratic or
accurate results and reduce computation time. More so, on the aspect of
mesh construction and refinement reports as shown that the more fine the
meshing is, the more the accuracy in the result generated, consequently,
researchers concluded that, the mesh should be fine near loading area and
coarse at distances away from applied load for efficient model (Hjelmstad,
Kim and Zuo, 1996; Sukumaran, 2004; Peng and He, 2009; Tiliouine and
Sandjak, 2014).
In FEM analysis, there are two major types of analysis procedure (also called
STEP in Abaqus®) depending on the modelling nature; these analyses are:
general and linear perturbation. In these procedures, there are forms such as;
Geostatic, Mass diffusion, Heat transfer, Static, dynamic analysis, etc.
However, these two analyses’ procedure can be used in pavement analysis.
The linear perturbation analysis procedure is usually employed for linear
analysis work, while the general analysis procedure goes with the non-linear
analysis work (Abaqus, 2013). As a result, the use of linear perturbation for
non-linear analysis will only consider the linear effects, thus resulting in error.
al., 2013a; Shafabakhsh et al., 2013b) prefer the use of perfect bond between
the layer so allow uninterrupted distribution of stresses, strains and
deflections through the layers, yet this is not the real scenario in reality as full
bounding is not always achieved (Sutanto, 2009).
In a nutshell, with the great aptitude of FEM to analyse stable problems, time-
dependent problems and those problems with non-linear properties of materials
(Salehabadi, 2012), a careful balance is required in all the above-mentioned factors
to meet the demand for solution and memory without sacrificing accuracy
(Sukumaran, 2004). FEM has been successfully used in the analysis of the major
forms of failure in pavement structure such as rutting and fatigue cracking at different
layers (Walubita and van de Ven, 2000; Al-Khateeb et al., 2011; Abed and Al-
Azzawi, 2012), and also used to determine the accurate positioning of geogrid
materials (Al-Azzawi, 2012), thickness of each layer (Shafabakhsh et al., 2013a;
Sinha et al., 2014) and the interaction between pavement and its instrumentation
(Zafar, Nassar and Elbella, 2005; Yin, 2013).
MR is the measure of material stiffness (i.e. stress divided by strain for rapidly applied
loads). This can be mathematically expressed as the ratio of applied deviator stress
Of all the promising equations suggested in the above table, according to Little et al.
(2002) and Al-Jhayyish (2014), the correlation equations proposed by Barenberg
(1977) for cement-stabilized soils are in good agreement with the laboratory results.
However, a cement-fly ash-base layer is considered in the research, yet there is no
direct correlation equation for it. Considering and validating the two equations by
Barenberg, it was found the equation for ‘cement-stabilized coarse-grained sandy
soils’ gives a closer result when compared with the recommended M R for cemented
materials used in SAMDM 1996 (SANRAL, 2013b). Since the material used in the
previous research is a G5 material (usually gravel with coarse-grained properties)
which is stabilized to C3 and C4 by using cement-fly ash as stabilizer (Heyns and
Mostafa Hassan, 2013). Thus, the correlation equation by Barenberg (1977) for
‘cement-stabilized coarse-grained sandy soils’ is suitable and will be used to
estimate the design MR which will serve as the input for material property in the
software. Largely, careful consideration should be given to the unit of parameters in
the equation and their conversion to avoid error.
Although, the use of Triaxial, Oedometer and Shear test results as material
characterization are level 1 input, considered more accurate (Mallela et al., 2004),
but as a result of these tests’ unavailability, it is considered second in the research
studies. The use of direct testing results (level 1 inputs) in material characterization
gives a more realistic constitutive model, which consequently gives a better
understanding of the mechanical behaviour of the material (in terms of material non-
linearity) (Abaqus Inc., 2003; Mallela et al., 2004). While the level 2 (correlation input
methods) only gives room for obtaining limited parameters (such as MR, Poisson
ratio) which therefore, results in the use of linear material characterization and are
basically considered for preliminary study. Using any of the direct test results
requires at least one to two laboratory tests for calibration in the FE model.
Additionally, these test results are used in obtaining the MR and further inputted into
various constitutive models in the FE model for the characterization of the material in
Over the years, various models have been developed for obtaining MR through
Triaxial laboratory results. Table 3.2 suggests a few of the several models available.
Overall, amongst the listed models in Table 3.2, the LTTP model, – a modification of
the Universal model – is adopted in the NCHRP 1-37A Design Guide (United States
Department of Transportation – Federal Highway Administration (USDT-FHA) 2014),
thus will be considered in this study based on its general acceptance. Further study
can be found on these various models for MR calculation in a report by George
(2004). However, these models are affected by important parameters such as
Atterberg limits, grain size distribution, moisture content and density, which are used
in the calculation of coefficients (k) to form regression analysis (George, 2004;
Dione, Fall, Berthaud, and Makhaly, 2013; Ji et al., 2014). Also, the result in terms
of MR obtained is inputted in constitutive material models in the FE Model.
As mentioned earlier (section, the two constitutive material models are
Elasticity and Plasticity, but the Plasticity model has got various models which can
be used as a close representative of non-linearity of geotechnical materials such as
gravel and soil (Abaqus Inc., 2003; Shafabakhsh et al., 2013a). However, out of the
various Plasticity models (Viscoelastic, D-P, M-C, Modified Cam-Clay, Modified Cap
model, etc.), the D-P and M-C Plasticity model had been considered to be a better
representation for base, sub-base and sub-grade layer materials in pavement. Yet,
more consideration has been given to D-P because of its capability to model material
behaviour in high stresses, volumetric shear and strain (Peng and He, 2009; Ti et al.,
2009; Al-Azzawi, 2012; Shafabakhsh et al., 2013a; Maharaj and Gill, 2014) and
simplicity (Al-Khateeb et al., 2012), therefore, it is considered in this study.
D-P model is a Plasticity model and a modified version of Mises criteria which is
approximate to M-C criterion for simulating frictional materials (Abaqus Inc., 2003;
Peng and He, 2009). In this model, there is a period of purely elastic response, after
which some material deformation is not recoverable (plastic), thus it should be used
along with Elasticity models, which makes this model elasto-plastic in nature
(Abaqus Inc., 2003; Abaqus, 2013; Shafabakhsh et al., 2013a). The D-P model has
a choice of three different yield criteria, such as: linear, hyperbolic and a general
exponent form (Abaqus Inc., 2003; Abaqus, 2013). Nevertheless, the most common
of the three yield criteria is the exponent form, which provides the most flexibility in
matching Triaxial test data, such that Abaqus® determines the material parameters
required for this model directly from the Triaxial test data, thus minimizing relative
error (Abaqus, 2013). However, D-P is not non-linear, yet according to Rodriguez-
Roa (2003), there is no much difference between non-linear elastic and elasto-plastic
behaviour, thus, the elasto-plastic model such as D-P can be used as a close
representation of non-linearity in pavement materials.
Furthermore, the yield criteria for the general exponent form provide the most
general yield criteria available which is expressed in equation 3.1. Overall, other
parameters used in the D-P model – such as: Dilation angle (ψ), Flow-stress ratio (K)
– can be determined by the M-C model.
𝐹 = 𝑎𝑞 𝑏 − 𝑝 − 𝑝𝑡 = 0…………………………Equation 3.1
Essentially, various research studies have been done on the layers in flexible
pavement via FEM. Yet granular materials do not feature strongly, as more focus is
given to designing the asphalt layer and sub-grade condition (Araya, 2011).
Similarly, only limited work has been done on stabilized base and sub-base layers
(Peng and He, 2009). Hence, stabilized granular material as a base layer will be
considered. As earlier mentioned in introduction, FEM can be applied in two ways:
2D and 3D. However, the use of 3D appears to be the best approach (Wang, 2001;
Sukumaran, 2004; Rahman et al., 2011; Shafabakhsh et al., 2013a). Nevertheless,
there are various sources of error in pavement performance predictions and most
are more difficult to control than the response model (NCHRP 2004). Therefore, a
reality check through validation of results with field testing or available results is of
Effectively, through the use of 2D FEM analysis programs such as DSC2D, JULEA,
MICHPAVE, ILLIPAVE and ABAQUS® (NCHRP 2004), investigation of flexible
pavements’ responses has been done and also utilized for single-wheel load
analysis (Harichandran, Yeh and Baladi, 1989; Sukumaran, 2004). Al-Khateeb et al.
(2011) predicted rutting in flexible pavement using 2D FEM: results show that the
use of linear-elastic models to predict stresses and strains in pavement structures
can lead to significant errors and rut depth increases with decreasing sub-grade
strength. Further, Tiliouine and Sandjak (2014) used 2D axis-symmetric in simulation
of granular materials behaviour on the basis that it can adequately represent the
granular material non-linearity under various stress conditions. On a comparison
note, Cho, McCullough, and Weissmann, (1996) present 2D axis-symmetric as a
good alternative over 2D plan strain and 3D, when traffic load is away from the
edges, considering the failure of 2D plan strain in calculating the appropriate stress
distribution and high computation resources of 3D, but it must be noted that axis-
symmetric cannot model moving traffic load only static loading. Likewise, Hua
(2000), using both 2D and 3D model to predict surface profile under 5000 wheel
passes, shows that there is no significant difference (< 2 percent) between the two
Although, the 2D FEM analysis has been adequate for the study of nonlinear
analysis, the 3D FEM is believed to be used for more accurate pavement responses
(Kim, 2007; Al-Khateeb et al., 2011). Considering this fact, 3D via Abaqus® has
been used in the study of flexible pavement under spatially varying tyre/contact
pressure by which 2D is limited (Wang, 2001; Rahman et al., 2011). The 3D-based
EverStressFE1.0 Software for analysis of flexible pavement was developed by
Davids (2009), addressing the shortcomings of traditional analysis software
packages such as EverStress, mePADS, BISAR, or KENLAYER. Further, through
Abaqus® 3D, Zaman, Pirabarooban, and Tarefder (2003) developed a FEM to
simulate the laboratory testing of asphalt mixes in asphalt pavement analysis for
rutting; results show that the speed of moving load has a significant effect on
predicted rutting. Shafabakhsh et al. (2013a) via Abaqus® presented the influence of
asphalt thickness on settlement of flexible pavement: an increase in the pavement
thickness and a decrease displacement value. Also, Shafabakhsh et al., (2013b)
reported the consistency of results for a 3D model with moving load impact on the
tensile strain at the bottom of the asphalt layer when compared with that of field
measured pavement responds, and similarly, Abaza (2007) discovered that cyclic
and non-linear materials give results close to field measurement results. In 2011,
Rahman et al., using Abaqus® 3D FEM, study a preliminary research of traffic-
related factors in the design of flexible pavement under specific material properties,
model geometries, etc.
Conclusively on 3D, Peng and He (2009) simulated the design and construction
process of flexible pavement with cement-stabilized base layer using ADINA FEM
software. However, the construction process has little effect on the outcome of
results, yet the use of 3D is encouraged, based on its ability for layer-contact
modelling. As mentioned earlier, the use of 3D is a drawback because it’s difficult,
high demand in data preparation and computation time (Wang, 2001; Zafar et al.,
2005; Al-Khateeb et al., 2011). In view of this, through Abaqus®, Sukumaran (2004)
tried to discover a less computationally intensive 3D model that would still maintain
accuracy; as a result, the use of 3D symmetric model was presented as a suggestion
on mesh construction, mesh refinement and element aspect ratio. Besides, the
newer versions of the 3D software have been improved by making it user-friendly
and interactive and overall increased speed in the analysis time.
Among the three models of representation in FEM analysis (2D plan strain, 2D axis-
symmetric and 3D), the 3D FEM model is used to achieve the aim of this research
work. According to the above review, the following are the tangible reasons why 3D
FEM is used:
Its ability to capture the effect of non-linear materials or the effect of
combination of loads (Abaza, 2007; Shafabakhsh et al., 2013b).
Its capability to account for multiple wheel load as well as moving wheel load
(Wang, 2001; Zaman et al., 2003).
Quite a number of FEM software programs are available and many have been found
useful for pavement design purposes. Basically, in pavement design, there are two
major categories of FEM software, the general purpose and the specific purpose
software (NCHRP 2004). The general purposes are those with a wide range of
applications aside from pavement design, in areas such as medicine, lamella
mechanics, hydrodynamics, soil mechanics, structural mechanics; examples are
Abaqus®, ADINA, ANSYS and DYNA3D, while the specific purposes are developed
particularly for analysis of pavement design. Examples are EverStressFE, ILLI-
SLAB, ILLI-PAVE and MICH-PAVE. Various successes have been recorded through
the use of the aforementioned software, yet the general purpose is more powerful
and capable of conducting 3D non-linear dynamic analysis perfectly. Additionally, it
provides optimum flexibility to manipulate a variety of FE models with sophisticated
geometry and boundary conditions (Wu, Chan and Young, 2011). Further, NCHRP
(2004) did a comparative study on the software regarding issues of efficiency issues
and operational issues; in that study, Abaqus® is considered as a potential
candidate based on its technical capabilities and its extensive past usage in research
oriented pavement analysis, but it was disregarded because of its high licensing
costs and restrictive licensing terms. Yet, Abaqus® has wide applications in the
aspect of pavement design; this software is introduced and used in this study.
Abaqus®, a general purpose and commercial FEM modelling software, has widely
been applied for pavement analysis. As mentioned above, in Finite element
simulation (section 3.4), it contains three major process stages: pre-processing,
processing and post-processing. In 1990, Chen Marshek, and Saraf,
comprehensively studied various pavement analysis programs and showed that the
results from the Abaqus® program were comparable to those from other programs.
Also, from the above review (section 3.4.3 and 3.4.5) on FEM it can be seen that
Abaqus® has been preferred above others.
Failure criteria based on fracture mechanics have been developed for pavement
layers, with the aim of enhancing design to provide sufficient resistance to pavement
failure (Mamlouk and Mobasher, 2004). This analysis requires models which relate
the output from FEM or elastic-layered analysis (stress, strain, or deflection) to
pavement behaviour in terms of performance, cracking, rutting, roughness and life
span (Ekwulo and Eme, 2009). It is one of the empirical portions of M-E design and
also known as damage models (SANRAL, 2013b). Equations used for these models
are derived from observation and performance of pavement with relation to observed
failure and initial strain under various loads, thereby computing the number of
loading cycles to failure (Pavement Interaction, 2008). Various types of failure criteria
exist depending on the type of pavement layer in question, such as: Asphalt surface
– Fatigue cracking; Unbound granular base and sub-base layer − Permanent
deformation; Cemented base and sub-base layers − Crushing failure, Effective
fatigue and Permanent deformation; Sub-grade – Permanent deformation or rutting.
Nonetheless, two are widely recognized: fatigue cracking in asphalt and deformation
in the sub-grade (Pavement Interaction, 2008; Ekwulo and Eme, 2009; SANRAL,
In South Africa, failure analysis has been checked through damage models
suggested by SAMDM (1996), but according to SANRAL (2013b), (1996) SAMDM
fatigue transfer functions for asphalt are not that reliable and permanent deformation
transfer functions for granular materials are on the conservative side. As a result, the
SAMDM damage model is out-dated (SANRAL, 2013b), therefore, it is appropriate to
consider other damage models, such as: Shell (Huang, 2004), Transport and Road
Research Laboratory, Asphalt Institute (Asphalt Institute, 1982), etc. However, the
fatigue criterion in the M-E approach is centred on limiting the horizontal tensile
strain at the bottom of the asphalt layer due to repetitive loads on the pavement
surface. If this strain is excessive, it will result in cracking (fatigue) of the layer
(Ekwulo and Eme, 2009), and the relationship is given in the equation 3.2 by Asphalt
Institute (Asphalt Institute, 1982), which is commonly accepted. Permanent
deformation can initiate in any layer of the structure, making it more difficult to predict
than fatigue cracking (Pavement Interaction, 2008). However, critical rutting can be
attributed mostly to a weak pavement layer (sub-grade). This is typically expressed
in terms of the vertical compressive strain at the top of the sub-grade layer and is
given by Asphalt Institute by equation 3.3.
3.7. Summary
4.1. Introduction
This chapter establishes detail on the steps for development of FEM and its analysis.
Likewise, it presents a description of two FE models in line with the set objectives
and a comparative analysis of the laboratory and FEM results. The first model was
used to validate the efficiency of using 3D FEM over axisymmetric in the design of
pavement structure; it was also used to examine the structural response of a
cement-fly ash-stabilized base layer in terms of the stresses and strains on the top of
the sub-grade, while the second model was developed to evaluate the protective
importance of surface layer over stabilized base layer by estimating the tensile strain
at the bottom of the surface layer and the surface of the sub-grade. Thirdly, a
comparative analysis of the non-linear and linear material characterization will be
undertaken. Lastly, the results obtained from FEM analysis will be compared with the
already available laboratory empirical results for validation. Overall, all the models
were developed using Abaqus® 6.13 software.
Abaqus® analysis modules starts with a batch program, with the objective of
assembling an input file which describes a problem so that Abaqus® can provide an
analysis (Liang, 2000). The input file for Abaqus® contains model data and history
data. Model data defines a FEM in terms of geometry, element properties, material
definitions and any data that specifies the model itself (Liang, 2000; Britto, 2010;
Abaqus, 2013). Further, the history data define what happens to the model and the
sequence of loading for which the model’s response is sought, including the
procedure type, control parameters for time integration or non-linear solution
procedures, loading and output request (Liang, 2000; Britto, 2010; Abaqus, 2013).
Data can be defined by the user with relevant option blocks provided in the modules
(Abaqus, 2013).
Applying the file, Abaqus® automatically controls the time step and increments of the
load and records the message and data in all the analysis procedures according to
data defined in the file; afterwards the results are obtained by using Abaqus®/post.
Overall, there are two basic methods of inputting data into Abaqus® software
(Abaqus, 2013) which are
Input file usage
Abaqus®/CAE usage
monitor the created pavement model and afterwards the results are viewed in the
visualization module. Conclusively, in using Abaqus® software, careful attention
should be given to all the modules to avoid warnings and prevent errors.
4.4.1. Description
This FEM is a scenario of unpaved pavement structures which are developed for a
two-layered system (base and sub-grade layer) with the aim of achieving the set
objectives which are;
1. To evaluate the efficiency of using 3D FE model for design of flexible
2. To determine the structural response of stabilized base layers in flexible
pavement system due to traffic loads using 3D FE model.
The scenario consists of 16, 18, 20 and 22 percent fly ash with 1 percent cement
stabilized base layer over a sub-grade and would be modelled in axisymmetric and
3D FEM. In this model, the thickness of the sub-grade layer is kept constant at a
specific depth (2000 mm), while the base layer thickness changes over a range (100
mm – 500 mm). Comparative analyses of the results obtained from axisymmetric
and 3D FEM would be undertaken for the structural response of the base and sub-
grade layer in terms of:
The axisymmetric model is basically 3000 mm radius with a total depth that varies
based on the thickness of the base layer, which changes over a range of 100 mm –
500 mm (Figure 4.2). This geometry, particularly the radius (breadth), is similar to
that used by Al-Jhayyish (2014). However, sub-grade depth is infinite, but for the
purpose of boundary conditioning it is assumed to 2000 mm (Rahman, 2011), since
there is no deformation after a certain depth. On material properties, level 2 input
methods (section would be used and material properties of the stabilized
base layers were obtained from laboratory testing (UCS) conducted by Heyns and
Mostafa Hassan (2013).
The UCS results used were those of 16, 18, 20, 22 percent fly ash with 1 percent
cement, where AFRISAM was the cement and Pozzfill as the fly ash (Table 4. 1)
(Heyns and Mostafa Hassan, 2013). These material properties are obtained using
correlation formula by Barenberg (1999) (section 3.4.2) and other material properties
are selected from SANRAL (2013b), as presented in Table 4. 1 and 4.2. All material
properties are assumed to be linearly elastic for simplicity as non-linear properties
require many input parameters which are not readily available (Al-Jhayyish, 2014).
The 3D FE model utilizes 3000 mm length by 3000 mm breadth with the total depth
varying based on the thickness of the base layer as in the axisymmetric model
(Figure 4.3). This geometry is similar to that used by Ahmed (2006), with the aim of
avoiding edge error when loaded. Materials properties are all assumed to be linearly
elastic, thus a static linear perturbation analysis procedure type will be used. These
material properties are presented in Table 4. 1 and Table 4.2; these data were
utilized to define the material properties of the model layers in ABAQUS®.
Figure 4.2. Axisymmetric model geometry of the stabilized base and sub-grade
layer with meshing, load and boundary conditions
Figure 4.3. 3D model geometry of the stabilized base and sub-grade layer with
meshing, load and boundary conditions
The pavement layers were assumed to bond together perfectly; although in reality
full bond is not always achieved (Sutanto, 2009) but proper distribution of stresses,
strains and deflections between the layers, it is assumed to be perfectly bonded.
Also, the models are fixed at the bottom of the sub-grade and roller constraints on
the vertical boundaries (i.e. the model can move only in y-direction) (Figure 4.2 and
4.3). On loading (section, a static standard equivalent single-axle load with
dual tyres was used in these models, since Wu et al. (2011) specified that the
maximum stress at a specific point in the pavement occurs when the wheel load is
directly above it, while the stress can be assumed at zero when the load is quite far
from that point. In an axisymmetric model, the breadth of tyre load (224 mm)
proposed by Huang (2004) (Figure 4.2) was used while, in the 3D model contact
area of 72557 mm2 (Figure 4.3) with a rectangular area of contact was placed above
the stabilized layer (Huang, 2004; Al-Jhayyish, 2014). These loads were standard
equivalent single-axle load (80 kN) with dual tyres and applied uniformly with a
pressure of 0.65 MPa in accordance with South African standard (TRH 4, 1996;
Theyse et al., 2011). Conclusively, this analysis will be run as a static linear
perturbation analysis procedure type.
4.5.1. Description
A 3D model with 3000 mm length by 3000 mm breadth and the total depth varying
based on the thickness of the surface layer over a range of 25 mm–100 mm was
developed. This geometry is also similar to that used by Ahmed (2006), with the aim
of avoiding edge error when loaded. The material properties and analysis procedure
type are similar to the above, with properties for 18 percent fly ash with 1 percent
cement stabilized as the material for the base layer (Table 4. 1).
In order to keep the size of the problem manageable in terms of analysis time and
storage capacity (Saad, Mitri and Poorooshasb, 2006), the meshing is fine in/near
loading area and coarse at distances away from applied load; this is similar to those
in the 3D vs axisymmetric case. Additionally, 8-node solid continuum elements
(C3D8R) with reduction integration were used; as they have the capability of
representing large deformation and material nonlinearity.
Similarly, pavement layers were also assumed to bond together perfectly and the
models are fixed at the bottom of the sub-grade and roller constraints on the vertical
boundaries (Figure 4.3) (section 4.4.4). Here, a rectangular contact area of 72 557
mm2 was placed on the asphalt surface layer and was applied uniformly with a
pressure of 0.65 MPa (Theyse et al., 2011).
As mentioned in the review (section 3.4.3), LTTP model (Yau and Quintus, 2002)
which was adopted in the NCHRP 1-37A Design Guide (USDT-FHA 2014) was used
in obtaining the MR (1301 MPa) for 18 percent fly ash with 1 percent cement-
stabilized base layer, parameters such as (bulk stress = 1854kPa) are obtained from
Heyns and Mostafa Hassan (2013) and regression coefficients (k1 = 3000psi and k2 =
0.5) suggested by AASHTO (as cited in USDT-FHA 2014). Coupled with the elastic
model, D-P plasticity model in Abaqus was used for the material characterization to
be non-linear. In the D-P model, the shear criterion is selected to be ‘exponent form’
so as to allow for the use of sub-option (Triaxial test data) (Appendices A1 – C1) and
the dilation angle is assumed to be 15o. Furthermore, to validate the results obtained
from D-P model, a quick M-C model will be run in the model as well. Thereafter, the
results obtained will be compared with those obtained for linear material
Ottawa, Illinois during the late 1950s to early 1960s and can be used for new and
rehabilitation pavement design. AASHTO SN empirical method is presented by
equation 4.1:
log10 ( )
log10 (SC) = ZR X So + 9.36 X log10 (SN + 1) − 0.2 + 4.2−1.5
1094 +
Using the above equation, the structural capacity (in terms of ESALs) of flexible
pavement is calculated. To use this equation, the following input assumptions were
extracted from AASHTO design procedure (1993), Pavement Interactive (2008), and
SANRAL (2013b); the pavement was assumed to be a category B with the following
characteristic: reliability = 90 percent (ZR = 1.282), So = 0.45, total equivalent traffic
loading = 0.3 – 10 X 106, PSI0 = 4.5 and PSIt = 2.0 and MR = 45 MPa (Table 4.2).
Careful consideration should be given when using this equation as it is in imperial
units. Results obtained for empirical method (AASHTO SN) were compared with
those obtained for the 3D model in paved stabilized base layer. Furthermore, the use
of mePADS (see Appendices A2 – F2 for inputs data) serves as a check for the
performance of the 3D models. mePADS is mechanistic pavement design software,
which combines a stress-strain computational engine with pavement material models
and it’s capable of analysing pavement for bearing capacity. mePADS generates
outputs inform of pavement layer lives and contour plots of stresses and strains
(CSIR Built Environment, 2009). Although, there are various multilayer linear elastic
software but mePADS was selected based on its availability and suitability for South
Africa pavement design. Further, table 4.4 presents brief comparison between
Abaqus® and mePADS. Yet, recent report states that mePADS is currently been
updated since it works with the SAPDM principle which is currently under review
(CSIR Built Environment, 2009; SANRAL, 2013b) (see Section 3.3 and 3.6).
4.8. Summary
In this chapter, four different basic scenarios were developed to achieve the set
objectives of this study. These scenarios are: axisymmetric versus 3D, paved
stabilized base layer, non-linear versus linear material characterization, and a
comparative analysis of empirical and 3D FEM results, and a check by mePADS
software. Essentially with these scenarios the following will be achieved:
This model was employed to study the efficiency of using the 3D model for design of
flexible pavement and the effect of unpaved stabilized base layer thickness on the
vertical compressive strain and stress at the top of the sub-grade. Firstly, from Figure
5.1 and 5.2, it was observed that the addition of stabilizer to natural G5 material
decreases the vertical compressive strain and stress at the top of the sub-grade
layer. On the other hand, the vertical compressive strain and stress at the top of the
sub-grade layer decrease with increase in the thickness of the stabilized layer for
axisymmetric model (Figure 5.1 and 5.2). It was observed that the increase in the fly
ash percentage was added, which resulted in an increase of the modulus of elasticity
of the base contributing to the reduction of vertical strain and stress at the top of the
sub-grade layer. Thus, increase in the modulus of elasticity of a layer reduces the
vertical strain and stress in the underneath layer. Similarly, the vertical compressive
strain and stress at the top of sub-grade layer decrease with the stabilized layer
thickness increase in 3D model. However, the results obtained from 20 percent fly
ash-stabilized base layer shows better results when compared with others; this
results from the high modulus of elasticity of the 20 percent stabilization. However,
considering the economical aspect and the fact that beyond 20 percent fly ash
strength starts to decrease, thus, 18 percent fly ash is considered best and
economical (Figure 5.1 and 5.2). However, it is recommended that a lower
stabilization percentage (10 percent–15 percent) should be experimented. Secondly,
comparing the results obtained from axisymmetric and 3D model for 18 percent fly
ash-stabilized base (Figure 5.3 and 5.4); results show that the 3D model is more
efficient, as vertical strain is centralized in the model against that of the axisymmetric
which tends to diverge toward a side of the model (Figure 5.5), which is far from
reality and overall vertical strains at the sub-grade are smaller. This implies that
numbers of load repetitions will be very small for axisymmetric (4.92 x 103) when
compared with that of 3D (1.30 x 106) and ASSHTO SN (11.54 x 106) results, taking
300mm stabilized base layer as an example. Thus, the axisymmetric model tends to
under-design, which is not economically wise. In both models the stabilized base of
100 mm generated excess strain and stress; this shows that the use of thinning
stabilized base layer would quickly result in pavement failure.
Furthermore, sub-grade rutting failure criteria analysis (section 3.5) using Asphalt
Institute model equation 2 (section 3.5) (Asphalt Institute 1982) for 18 percent fly
ash-stabilized base layer are presented in Table 5.1. The 3D model shows better
results, as it is obvious that using a 100-mm stabilized base layer would initiate
permanent deformation in the sub-grade layer under some loadings, such as 2.57
load repetitions against the result from axisymmetric model (62.6 number of load
repetitions). Thus using thinning stabilized base layer should not be encouraged and
overall, proper curing of stabilized base is necessary. Additionally, the 3D model
shows an increase in the number of load repetitions to failure for 200 mm–500 mm
thickness of base layer over that of axisymmetric model, implying that axisymmetric
tends to under-design for deep thickness and over-design for thin thickness.
However, using 300-mm stabilized base layer thickness against 100-mm increases
the capacity of the structure by approximately 100 percent.
100 200 300 400 500
100 200 300 400 500
100 200 300 400 500
Figure 5.3. Effect of stabilized (18 percent fly ash + 1 percent cement) base
layer thickness on vertical compressive strains on top of sub-grade
(Axisymmetric and 3D model)
100 200 300 400 500
Figure 5.4. Effect of stabilized (18 percent fly ash + 1 percent cement) base
layer thickness on vertical compressive stress on top of sub-grade
(Axisymmetric and 3D model)
Table 5.1. Rutting failure analysis based on Asphalt Institute response model
(1982) for Axisymmetric and 3D model
Rutting Criterion
Base Layer Vertical Strain No. of Vertical Strain No. of
Thickness Ԑc (10-6) in Repetitions to Ԑc (10-6) in Sub- Repetitions to
(mm) Sub-grade Failure Nr (3D) grade (2D) Failure Nr (2D)
100 8481 2.57 4155 62.6
200 999.9 36.8 x 103 2276 0.9 x 103
300 451.0 13.0 x 105 1568 4.9 x 103
400 272.7 12.4 x 106 1228 14.7 x 103
500 187.9 65.6 x 106 1039 31.0 x 103
The protective importance of surface layer over stabilized base layer is evaluated by
the paved stabilized base layer model. On surface deflection, it can be seen from
Figure 5.6; that asphalt layer-deflection decreases with an increase in thickness,
which is related to the conclusion in a study by Shafabakhsh et al. (2013a). The
conclusion was that increase in asphalt layer thickness reduces the surface
deflection and the other layer. Similarly, vertical compressive stress/strain at the top
of the sub-grade layer compared with the unpaved also decreases in the same
manner (Figure 5.7 and 5.8). However, the use of 50 mm thickness of asphalt is
recommended in developing countries for economic reasons (Araya, 2011).
Similarly, the tensile horizontal strain at the bottom of the surface layer (Figure 5.9)
shows a decrease: quite the reverse for 100 mm thickness, as there was an increase
in strain; this implies high probabilities for bottom-up fatigue cracking to occur with
increase of asphalt surface thickness over a stabilized base layer. Additionally, the
stabilized base layer-vertical strain increases initially and tends to decrease on 100
mm thickness of asphalt (Figure 5.10); this implies that an increase in asphalt layer
has a significant effect on stresses and strains generated in all layers of flexible
25 50 75 100
0 25 50 75 100
0 25 50 75 100
25 50 75 100
Figure 5.9. Effect of asphalt layer thickness on tensile horizontal strain at the
bottom of asphalt layer (3D Model)
25 50 75 100
Table 5.2. Fatigue and rutting failure analysis based on Asphalt Institute
Response Model (1982) for 3D model
Fatigue Criterion Rutting Criterion
Asphalt Layer Tensile Strain No. of Load Vertical No. of Load
Thickness Ԑt (10-6) Repetitions Strain Repetitions
(mm) bottom of to Ԑc (10-6) in to
Asphalt Layer Failure Nf Sub-grade Failure Nr
25 31.94 7.6 x 108 376.60 2.92 x106
50 27.53 12.39 x 108 325.50 5.60 x 106
75 23.08 22.14 x 108 286.70 9.89 x 106
100 35.60 5.32 x108 253.90 17.04 x106
increase load repetition (17.04 x106) before rutting failure, yet the fatigue failure in
terms of load repetition (5.32 x108) decreases at this thickness. Thus, increase in the
asphalt surface layer does not necessary increase the bearing capacity of the
pavement structure as other pavement layers are contributing factors to flexible
pavement bearing capacity.
In Figure 5.12, the maximum stress transfer (tyre load) through the linear model was
high, thus implying that more stress is transferred to the rest of the layers. Overall,
there are not many differences in the results obtained, despite the M R (1301 MPa)
used in non-linear model is smaller when compared with that of linear model (2560
Figure 5.11. Displacement contour plot for 25 mm thickness asphalt layer (A-
Linear model and B- Non-linear model)
Figure 5.12. Strain contour plot for 25 mm thickness asphalt layer (A- Linear
model and B- Non-linear model)
Figure 5.13. Stress contour plot for 25 mm thickness asphalt layer (A- Linear
model and B- Non-linear model)
Table 5.3. Effect of asphalt layer thickness for non-linear material model
Vertical Strain
Asphalt Layer Thickness -6
Tensile Strain Ԑt (10-6)
Ԑc (10 ) in Stabilized
(mm) bottom of Asphalt Layer
base Layer
25 259.1 38.57
50 285.7 30.92
75 273.9 41.46
100 247.5 61.55
Furthermore, from Table 5.3 above it is of a great interest to note that it is against the
trend in the linear model for increase in thickness of asphalt layer which was
reported in Figures 5.9 and 5.10 for vertical compressive strain in stabilized base
and tensile horizontal strain in asphalt layer. The results for the non-linear model
experienced an increase in the compressive strain for stabilized base in 50 mm
thickness asphalt layer and thereafter a decrease. Conversely, the horizontal
decreases in the 50 mm thickness and thereafter increases for subsequent
thickness, thus, implying that the thickness of asphalt layer beyond 50 mm may
result in bottom-up fatigue cracking. On a comparative note, the results obtained
from D-P model compared with those of the M-C model; at first (i.e. in 25 mm
Asphalt thickness layer) experienced a difference of about 0.2 percent in the results
obtained for displacements, strains and stresses. However, the subsequent results
were comparable. This implies that the D-P model or M-C model is a good non-linear
material representation for stabilized base layers in pavement design. Overall, it is
worth noting that the use of 50 mm thickness of asphalt layer over the stabilized
base layer by developing countries, is not only justifiable by economic reasons, but
also on its effectiveness to prevent failure such as bottom-up fatigue cracking which
can be experienced in thicknesses beyond 50 mm.
Comparing the results obtained from Abaqus (Linear model) and that of mePADS in
terms of horizontal strain at the bottom of asphalt layer and the vertical strain in the
subgrade (Table 5.4). Results show that the strains generated in the mePADS are
generally low when compared to that of Abaqus. On like in Abaqus, results at 100
mm asphalt layer thickness did not follow the regular pattern but that of mePADS
was consistent. Thus, the results from Abaqus can be said to be dynamic in nature.
Furthermore, Table 5.5 presents the pavement structural capacity results obtained
from the use of 1993 AASHTO SN empirical method, mePADS and those obtained
using 3D FEM (Non-Linear and Linear Material (Table 5.2)) with the Asphalt Institute
model. Results from the mePADS (see Appendices A2 – F2); which serves a check
for the performance of 3D FEM models, although within a close range yet, tends to
be higher than those of AASHTO SN and those of 3D FEM models. This is so
because the SAPDM damage model used in software in question is outdated and
currently under review (SANRAL, 2013b).
However, there are not many differences in the results obtained from AASHTO SN
and those of 3D FEM-linear materials, yet those of 1993 AAHSTO were higher. In
the report by Huber, Andrewski and Gallivan (2009), the AASHTO 1993 pavement
design guide was found to have typically over-designed pavements in Indiana by 1.5
to 4.5 inches beyond what was needed. Thus, it can be concluded that the 1993
AASHTO SN tends to over-design, which makes its use uneconomical. Additionally,
from Table 5.5, results from linear models are higher than those of non-linear, which
also show that the linear model tends to over-design as a result of the MR of the
stabilized base layer used. This MR is obtained using level 2 inputs (lower reliability
when compared with level 1), thus it can be concluded that M R has a significant
effect on the design of pavement through FEM. Overall, the 3D FE non-linear model
tends not to be partial in its design as there are few assumptions to be made in using
it for the design of pavement structure and the fact that M R was obtained through
Triaxial testing, which gives the true strength of materials used in pavement
Table 5.5. Structural capacity results for 1993 AASHTO, mePADS and 3D FEM
Asphalt Predicted No. Sub-grade No. of Load No. of Load
Layer of 80 kN Bearing Capacity Repetitions Repetitions to
Thickness ESALs (1993 (mePADS to Failure Nr Failure Nr
(mm) ASSHTO SN) Results) (Linear (Non-Linear
Model) Model)
7 12 6
25 10.59 x 10 30.70 x 10 2.92 x10 5.41 x 105
50 31.00 x 107 12.70 x 1014 5.60 x 106 1.13 x 106
75 79.00 x 107 43.11 x 1014 9.89 x 106 2.13 x 106
100 185.20 x 107 10.00 x 1015 17.04 x106 3.91 x 106
5.5. Summary
Results of this study were presented in this chapter. As expected, based on the
literature reviews, the following results were observed:
1. 3D FE model results for design of flexible pavement were more efficient when
compared with those of axisymmetric;
2. The structural response of stabilized base and asphalt layer were discovered
and are of great importance in flexible pavement;
3. The current update for mePADS software is quite necessary, especially in
terms of the damage models;
4. Non-linear material characterization model is efficient over linear model; and
5. Overall 3D FEM design for flexible pavement is efficient over empirical
6.1. Introduction
The stabilization process in pavement construction is not a new process, but hitherto
this process has not been fully implemented in the design methods for pavement
structure. Although, in recent decades, researchers have tried to implement it in the
existing empirical methods (Al-Jhayyish, 2014), but these methods are already
inaccurate in their design and are limited in their capacity (Huang, 2004), thus,
bringing about the use of FEMs. Considering the success recorded using FEMs, it is
a necessity to incorporate the stabilization process such as fly ash-stabilized base
layer into it, which was the essence of this study. As a result, an attempt was made
to simulate the behaviour of the flexible road pavements having fly ash as an
alternative soil stabilizer using FEM. This simulation study was undertaken by
creating FEMs using Abaqus® to study the structural responses of the stabilized
base layer and the responses of flexible pavement when constructed with fly ash-
stabilized base layer. Therefore, in this final chapter the main conclusions of this
thesis are summarized and some recommendations are given.
6.2. Conclusions
As a result of the modelling and analysis which were performed in this study the
following conclusions were obtained;
6.3. Recommendations
Since the structural element in the pavement is formed by the thickness and strength
base and sub-base layers placed over the sub-grade, there is a need for further
study on the materials used in these layers. Furthermore, it is recommended that the
fly ash as a stabilizer should be experimented with a lower percentage (10 percent –
15 percent), as percentages beyond 20 percent result in strength reduction and
economical unwise.
Firstly, it was discovered that the fly ash stabilizer for pavement materials lacks
correlation equations for deriving MR using UCS test data; secondly, there is a need
to develop resilient modulus constitutive material models for South Africa granular
material, especially for stabilized materials as it is commonly used as a base and
sub-base layer in flexible pavement. Lastly, for further study there is a need to put
into consideration the effect of climate conditions in terms of temperature, rainfall,
etc., on the material characterization model in FEM design of pavement structures.
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Appendix A1, B1 and C1 are extract form the Triaxial test results (Heyns and
Mostafa Hassan, 2013).
Appendix A2 – F2 are extract from the mePADS software results showing the
various steps and results.