Health, Safety and Environment Policy: RIIL Is Committed To

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Health, Safety and Environment Policy

“Safety of person overrides all the targets” is the Health, Safety and Environment policy of Reliance
Industrial Infrastructure Limited (RIIL).

RIIL believes that all injuries, occupational illnesses as well as safety and environmental incidents are

RIIL shall strive to be a leader in the field of management of Health, Safety and Environment.

RIIL is committed to
 Conduct all its activities in such a manner as to avoid harm to employees, contractors and the community.
 Promote occupational health of its employees and contractors.
 Improve continuously its environmental practices and performance.
 Minimize adverse impact on environment and risks to the community that arise due to its operations and
during transportation and distribution of its goods.
 Utilize energy resources in a responsible and efficient manner so as to reduce emissions and generation of
effluent and waste products.
 Comply with all statutory requirements concerning Health Safety and Environment
 Create culture of learning and practicing Health, Safety and Environment systems, procedures and practices
among all its employees and contractors.

RIIL strives to achieve these objectives by:

 Designing plants with proper and adequate  Communicating learning from investigations of
safeguards for ensuring process safety. incidents internal and external, to all employees and
 Carrying out process and operational changes taking steps to prevent such occurrences in its works.
through well-defined systems and strict adherence to  Identifying and evaluating health risks related to
the same operations and carrying out pre-employment and
 Following effective use of safe working procedures periodic health check-up of its employees.
and practices for operation, maintenance, inspection  Implementing programs and appropriate protective
and Emergency situation. measures to control such risks.
 Reviewing regularly and updating of systems and  Continuously monitoring work environment and plant
procedures. effluents-gas, liquid and solid and taking measures to
 Training and validating employees and contractors on achieve better environmental performance.
health and safety practices.  Interacting With local communities on operations,
 Conducting all work in a safe manner and to ensure likely hazards and emergency response systems.
integrity of the assets, by providing Personal Protective  Keeping abreast of latest international codes,
equipment, tools and tackles. standards and practices and adopting the same where
 Auditing periodically internal and external work applicable.
procedures and practices.
 Investigating all incidents relating to Health, Safety
and Environment, including minor ones and near
misses, followed by implementation of corrective

“JANAKEE believes that all injuries, occupational illnesses as well as safety and environmental
incidents are preventable with adequate measures taken at the right time”.

 The Company and its members are committed to provide a safe and healthy
working environment and comply with all regulations for the preservation of the
environment of the territory it operates in during the course of its operations.
The Company and its members shall be committed to prevent the wastage of
natural resources and minimize any hazardous impact of the development,
production, use & disposal of any of its products and services on the ecological
 The Company as a responsible corporate citizen shall consider its obligation to
maintain highest standards of the environmental management and ensure for
all its members, consultants, contractors and customers a safe and healthy
environment free from occupational injury & diseases.
 The Company & its members shall pursue high standards of safety, health and
environmental management as an integral part of efficient management of the
business ensuring that all business decisions are taken after considering the
safety, health and environmental implications.

A EHS Committee shall be constituted with the employees of the Company as members
which shall also include its is senior management. The EHS Committee shall be
responsible for ensuring safe and healthy environment shall meet at regular intervals.
The EHS Committee may form various sub-committees for effective monitoring and
observance of EHS. The EHS Committee shall inter-alia be responsible for following:
 Compliance with all legislative requirements pertaining to EHS as minimum
standard and where ever appropriate, institute additional measures for
 Environment, Health & Safety.
 Exemplary performance in Environmental, Health & safety.
 Framing of guidelines for EHS in sync with this policy.
 Review and Revision of guidelines for EHS, whenever required.
 Dissemination of information regarding EHS amongst members and promoting
awareness of EHS by organizing inter department, inter unit competitions and
contests throughout the year and specially on the occasion of National Safety
day i.e. 4th day of March, National Fire Service Day i.e. 14 day of April and

World Environment Day i.e. 5th day of June.

 Providing at least 4 hours of EHS training to each member, contractors and
others who work with the Company.
 Observation of EHS in all projects/processes wherever they are carried out.
 Implementation of guidelines laid down from time to time for safe & healthy
 Encouraging voluntary involvement of members by creating conducive
 Identifying the hazards and risk associated with activities, if any and take
appropriate corrective measures to minimize the impact of same.
 Promote and maintain open and constructive dialogue with all employees, local
communities. Regulatory agencies & other stakeholders.
 Sustainable development
 Monitor, control and upgrade technology to prevent pollution and conserve
 All projects and processes shall be designed keeping in view environmental
protection as an integral part to achieve sustainable development.
 Maximum recycling.
 Reduction in use of water consumption.
 Additional production of energy from wastes.
 Use of treated water inside the factory premises to maintain the plantation of
various plants and particularly eucalyptus plants.
 Medical checkup before admitting any member and regular medical check - up
after admission and maintenance of record thereof.
 Availability of dispensary 24 hours a day with requisite staff, equipments &
necessary medicines to handle any eventuality.

 Availability of First Aid Boxes in every department/section and maintenance

 Availability of equipped ambulance at all the times to shift the patient to the
nearest hospitals in.
 Imparting of Health education to members.
 Any accident, however trivial it may be, shall be reported. A team comprising of
members of EHS Committee or any sub-Committee thereof shall investigate and
find out the probable cause and suggest preventive measures. The
recommendations suggested by team shall be implemented. The company and
its members shall strive to achieve zero accident on sustainable basis.
 Portable fire extinguishers of required type and capacity shall be installed at
appropriate places. Members shall be imparted training to operate fire fighting
 Preparation of On-site emergency plans, conducting of regular mock drill and
evacuation program.
 Encouraging use of personnel protection equipments (PPE) like Head Gear,
Caps, Ear Plug/Muff & Dust Mask, Gloves, Safety Belts, Gumboot, Apron &
Goggles etc. However, it will be the responsibility of the members to use the
safety gadgets while on duty.
 Examination of equipments at regular intervals by internal as well as external
Dissemination of relevant information to employees relating to general safety,
equipment operating safety and cautioning through visual media.
 Development of safety culture, enforcement of safety rules and accepted safe
Trident Limited will adhere to high standards with regard to the implementation of this
policy. The Chief Risk Officer shall have overall responsibility for implementing this
policy and shall take internal/external approvals wherever necessary. The Chief Risk
Officer shall furnish certificate regarding adherence to this policy to Compliance Officer
on periodic basis. This shall be accomplished by making continuous improvement in
our operations and management systems. We will continue to strive for excellence in
environmental, health & safety performance.

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