End of The Road For Endosulfan
End of The Road For Endosulfan
End of The Road For Endosulfan
Pushing for a global ban on a deadly pes�cide
Pes�cides are hazardous by design; they are manufactured with the sole
aim of killing, repelling or inhibi�ng the growth of specific organisms4. Yet ENDOSULFAN IS AN ORGANOCHLORINE
accidental pes�cide poisonings claim 20,000 human lives each year4, while PESTICIDE USED TO CONTROL A
another 3 million people are non-fatally poisoned and nearly 750,000 new VARIETY OF INSECTS AND MITES
people experience chronic health problems from exposure each year5. ON A VERY WIDE RANGE OF CROPS1
Endosulfan is one of the world’s most dangerous chemical pes�cides, caus-
ing immediate and severe health impacts. It is listed by the World Health
Organisa�on (WHO) as Class II- moderately hazardous but other authori-
�es believe this underes�mates its hazardous poten�al. It is very toxic to
humans when inhaled or ingested, and harmful when it comes into contact
with skin6,7,8,9. A 2007 United States Environmental Protec�on Agency (US
EPA) assessment concluded that it cannot be used safely in the majority
of scenarios for which it is currently approved, and classifies endosulfan
as Category 1b - highly hazardous10. Meanwhile, the Intergovernmental
Forum on Chemical Safety (IFCS) reported that it poses significant health
problems for developing countries and economies in transi�on11.
This report considers the overwhelming evidence that the dangers associ-
ated with endosulfan use outweigh its benefits. It presents the results of
numerous scien�fic studies showing the severe adverse effects endosulfan
has on humans and the environment, and the arguments for viable alterna-
�ves. Altogether, there is a compelling case for a global ban on endosulfan
under the Stockholm conven�on and, in the interim, for na�onal govern-
ments and other stakeholders to take immediate ac�on to eradicate this
deadly pes�cide.
This report has been researched, wri�en and If you have found this free report valuable we ask
published by the Environmental Jus�ce Founda�on you to make a dona�on to support our work. For less
(EJF), a UK Registered charity working interna�onally than the price of a cup of coffee you can make a real
to protect the natural environment and human rights. difference helping us to con�nue our work inves�ga�ng,
documen�ng and peacefully exposing environmental
Our campaigns include ac�on to resolve abuses injus�ces and developing real solu�ons to the problems.
and create ethical prac�ce and environmental
sustainability in co�on produc�on, shrimp farming It’s simple to make your dona�on today:
& aquaculture. We work to stop the devasta�ng
impacts of pirate fishing operators, prevent the use of www.ejfoundation.org/donate
unnecessary and dangerous pes�cides and to secure and we and our partners around the world
vital interna�onal support for climate refugees. will be very grateful.
Endosulfan has been available for over 5 decades, but is now out of patent
and today there are many generic forms available on the market, mainly
produced in India, China and Israel. India is the fourth largest producer of BAYER CROPSCIENCE
pes�cides in the world and the world’s largest producer and user of endo-
sulfan15,16 with more than 60 manufacturers and formulators. According to Bayer CropScience, a German
the Indian Chemical Council (ICC), India’s top three manufacturers produced company, used to be one of
9,500 tonnes of endosulfan between 2007 and 2008, and 5,500 tonnes the largest manufacturers
were used domes�cally17. The value of India’s technical grade endosulfan of endosulfan, con�nuing to
exports in that period totaled 7,421.16 Rs Lacs (equivalent to around US$
produce endosulfan despite
18.4 million)18. Hindustan Insec�cides Ltd, one of the largest producers
of endosulfan with a produc�on capacity of 1600 tonnes per annum, is a
a European ban on its use.
government-owned company with both domes�c and interna�onal markets However, in response to
for endosulfan. It is not therefore surprising that the Government of India moun�ng health concerns, Bayer
fiercely opposes endosulfan’s inclusion in the Stockholm Conven�on19. CropScience ceased produc�on of
the ac�ve ingredient endosulfan
THE MAJOR PRODUCERS OF ENDOSULFAN at the beginning of 2007. Its
Major Producers Country sale of endosulfan will cease in
Excel Industries Ltd, Hindustan Insec�cides Ltd, Coro- India all countries in which it’s s�ll
mandal Fer�lizers Ltd, EID Parry
registered by the end of 2010.
Asiachem Chemical, Jiangsu Anpon Electrochemical China
Makhteshim Agan Industries Israel
LEFT: Hindustan
Limited, a major
producer of
endosulfan, is a
Government of
India enterprise
Agrisulfán, Afidan, Aikido, Akodan, Alodan, Axis, Benzoepin, Beosit, BIO 5462,
Bromyx, Caiiman, Callistar, Callisulfan, Chlorbicyclen, Chlorthiepin, Crisulfan,
Cyclodan, Cytophos, Devisulfan, Endocel, Endofan, Endoflo, Endomight Super,
Endopol, Endosan, Endosol, Endosulfan 35 EC, Endo 35 EC, Endotaf, Endoxilan,
Enrofán, Ensure, ENT 23979, FAN 35, Farmoz, Flavylan 350E, FMC 5462, Galgofon,
Galgptal, Global E, Golden Leaf Tobacco Spray, Hexasulfan, Hildan, HOE 2671,
Insectophene, Isolan, Kop-thiodan, Lucasulfan, Malix, Misulfan, NIA 5462, Niagara
5462, Novasulfan, Palmarol, Parrysulfan, Phaser, Rasayansulfan, Red Sun, Rocky,
Sharsulfan, Sialan, Sonii, Sulfan, Thifor, Thimul, Thiodan, Thiofanex, Thiofor, Thio-
flo, Thiomet, Thiomul, Thionate, Thionex, Thiosulfan, Thiosulfax, Thiokil, Thiotox,
All © EJF Tionel, Tionex, Tiovel, Tridane, Termizol pó, Veldosulfan, Vulcán, Zebra Ciagro.
Endosulfan is acutely toxic and is readily absorbed by the inves�ga�ons in Cambodia – prior to a na�onal ban on
stomach and lungs, and through the skin. Symptoms of endosulfan’s use – revealed similar situa�ons, especially
acute poisoning include headaches, dizziness, nausea, vom- on family-owned plots close to homes where infants and
i�ng, mental confusion, convulsions, hyperac�vity, seizures, young children were present25.
coma and respiratory depression, in severe cases resul�ng
in death. Whilst acute symptoms occur in close rela�on Many individuals are also unwi�ngly exposed far from
to a single exposure to a high dose of a chemical, chronic applica�on sites due to endosulfan’s long range transporta-
poisoning symptoms occur a�er repeated exposure to low �on capabili�es. In 2006, a survey of homes in Paris found
levels of agents over a long �me period. that 79% had endosulfan residues in the air, and 20% of
the people sampled were found to have traces on their
• Skin exposure or inhala�on during pes�cide mixing,
loading and/or applying a pes�cide or re-entering
treated sites
• Skin exposure or inhala�on due to proximity to endosul-
fan use
In 2008, trace analysis of cherry tomatoes for sale in New VULNERABLE GROUPS
Zealand revealed endosulfan residues in both domes�cally-
grown tomatoes and those imported from Australia32. Simi- Some popula�ons are par�cularly sensi�ve to endosulfan’s
larly, New Zealand government food residue tes�ng in 2008 neurotoxic effects; these include unborn children, infants
found residues in le�uce, strawberries and courge�es33. This and the elderly. Certain medical condi�ons also make people
follows the 2005 South Korean ban on New Zealand-exported par�cularly sensi�ve to adverse affects. The ATSDR iden�fies
beef because of endosulfan contamina�on, which cost the people with liver or kidney disease; pre-exis�ng anaemia or
industry $30 million. More traces of endosulfan were found haematological disorders; neurological problems especially
in a 26kg carton of beef exported in 200834. Since these epi- seizure disorders; people with HIV/AIDs and people with pro-
sodes, the government of New Zealand has banned endosul- tein-deficient diets such as the malnourished poor, chronic
fan, with no further use permi�ed a�er January 16th 2009. alcoholics and dieters as vulnerable groups35.
Endosulfan is an endocrine disruptor; it prevents and
inhibits the natural hormonal signalling systems. Endocrine
disruptors may alter feedback loops in the brain, pituitary,
gonads, thyroid, and other components of the endocrine
system . Studies show that endosulfan is par�cularly disrup-
�ve and inhibi�ve to male and female sex hormones48,49,50.
Delayed sexual maturity and sex hormone synthesis have
been observed in males of 10-19 years old who have been
exposed to endosulfan. There may also be a rela�onship
between exposure and the prevalence of congenital abnor-
mali�es related to tes�cular descent43.
Endosulfan has not been classified as carcinogenic by The immune system is adversely affected by endosulfan
the Interna�onal Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), because exposure decreases the white blood cell count.
which means that some regulatory bodies labour under These cells are vital for func�ons such as figh�ng infec�ons,
the misapprehension that there is no evidence of a rela- allergies and for tumour suppression51, 55.
�onship between exposure and cancer.
In both animal and human studies, exposure has been
found to cause a prolifera�on of breast cancer cells, Long-term oral and dermal exposure in rats has been found
to ac�vate or antagonize cell receptors, interfere with to result in rapidly progressive Glomerulonephri�s55. This
mammary gland development, and disrupt a variety of is a renal disease that affects the small blood vessels in the
hormonal mechanisms including the produc�on of estro- kidneys.
gens, all of which have the poten�al to increase the risk
of breast cancer51. This increased risk could be intergen-
era�onal (i.e. it might affect both mother and child)51. Those exposed over prolonged periods have been found to
experience cogni�ve and emo�onal deteriora�on, severe
Many studies also show endosulfan to be genotoxic and
impairment of memory and inability to perform most daily
mutagenic52,53 – it interferes with the integrity of cell
tasks. Some have also experienced gross impairment of
gene�c material (DNA) causing muta�ons and the de-
visual-motor coordina�on57, 58.
velopment of tumours. Studies show it acts as a tumour
promoter in the liver, causing exposure-related increases Exposure has also been linked to condi�ons such as
in cancerous cells and inhibi�ng natural cell defense cerebral palsy, epilepsy59 and it may increase the risk of
responses54. Parkinson’s disease60.
The state ban is a success for Kerala, but the suffering in this
unique case does highlight the need for global elimina�on.
Unfortunately, the Government of India is heavily invested in
the con�nued use of endosulfan, as it owns one of the larg-
est global manufacturers, Hindustan Insec�cides Ltd.
LEFT: Abandoned
pes�cide containers
are a common source
of environmental
contamina�on ©EJF
12 the end of the road for endosulfan
Endosulfan and its POP characteris�cs
Residues of endosulfan have been observed in every cor-
LONG�RANGE ner of the Earth, great distances from the places where
ENVIRONMENTAL it has been released. Residues have now been found in
remote ecosystems such as the Arc�c80, the Antarc�c, the
TRANSPORTATION Great Lakes, the Canadian Rockies and the rainforests of
Costa Rica22, as well as in grasses on Mt. Everest81 and in
Like the widely banned pes�cides DDT, chlordane and diel- snow in the Italian Alps82. Saharan dust, contaminated
drin, endosulfan is an organochlorine and as such, is persis- with three different forms of endosulfan and blown across
tent in the environment. Due to its ability to evaporate and the Atlan�c, has been detected in air samples taken from
travel long distances in the atmosphere, endosulfan has the Caribbean83. Analysis has shown that endosulfan is
become one of the world’s most widespread pollutants. also contamina�ng groundwater stores across the globe.
Studies have found it in 38% of samples taken in Portu-
Within two days of spraying, up to 70% of endosulfan can gal84, 83% of samples from tube wells in agricultural areas
vola�ze from leaf and soil surfaces77, and can then be trans- of India85, and in all samples of groundwater in Morocco86
ported by wind over long distances. It has an es�mated and frequently in samples of Guatemalan surface and
atmospheric half-life of 27 days (± 11 days), although this ground water87.
figure could be far higher, depending on air tempera-
ture65. A further 2% of the sprayed chemical is carried off Residues of endosulfan have also been detected in the
in surface run-off, while 1% remains in the soil. Therefore, �ssues of animals across the globe, including ante-
around 73% of the applied pes�cide leaves the site of ap- lope, crocodiles, African vultures, and in the blubber of
plica�on78. The US EPA notes that, “Monitoring data and elephant seals in the Antarc�c, in the �ssue and blood
incident reports confirm that endosulfan is moving through of polar bears in Svalbard and in the blubber of minke
aqua�c and terrestrial food chains and that its use has whales14,88.
resulted in adverse effects on the environment adjacent to
and distant from its registered use sites”79.
Endosulfan stores easily within the fa�y �ssues of living
organisms, and it accumulates in concentra�on whilst
exposure con�nues – that is, the organism absorbs endo-
sulfan at a greater rate than it can be excreted. Studies
have shown that both aqua�c and terrestrial species can
accumulate concentra�ons of endosulfan to a signifi-
cant extent23, but the suscep�bility to bioaccumula�on
varies greatly between species – for example, oysters
and bivalves appear to accumulate very li�le endosul-
fan, whilst some fish species accumulate endosulfan
much more readily65. Terrestrial species show a greater
rela�ve poten�al for accumula�on than aqua�c species,
and monitoring data has shown that concentra�ons of
endosulfan have increased over �me in beluga whale
blubber samples from the Canadian Arc�c89, the �ssue of
freshwater tetra in Brazil90 and even in plants. Two year
old conifer needles in Western na�onal parks of the USA
were found to have three �mes the concentra�on of en-
ABOVE: Endosulfan exposure dosulfan that one year old needles had . This characteris-
can cause physical deformi�es in �c, teamed with endosulfan’s high toxicity, means there is
animals ©Shree Padre significant poten�al for damage88.
Organic produc�on has been proven in many instances to BELOW: Organic farming is be�er for the
maintain, or even increase, profit margins for producers. environment, safer for workers and could
Twenty-two countries now produce organic co�on, with increase profit margins for farmers ©EJF
India, Syria, Turkey, China, Tanzania, USA, Uganda, Peru,
Egypt and Burkina Faso producing the greatest amounts97.
Efforts by Pes�cide Ac�on Network, together with the Inter-
na�onal Federa�on of Organic Agricultural Movements and
others, are pioneering research, educa�on and outreach
to farmers across the globe98,99. Many of the case studies
included in this sec�on are tes�mony to these efforts to
support and promote successful organic produc�on in a
variety of crops.
There are numerous botanical pes�cides that can be grown and
mixed by farmers with comparably no risk to health. These in-
clude larva�cides formulated using aloe extract; repellents using
plants like lemongrass or coriander, or cow urine or bu�ermilk
solu�ons; and insec�cides using ginger and chilli. Farmers can
even formulate botanical roden�cides using Gliricidia or the
leaves and unripe fruit of papaya plants. Many of the plants
used in these formula�ons have mul�ple benefits for crop grow-
ing. Neem, for example, is a repellent, insec�cide, an�bacterial
agent, an�-fungal agent, an�feedant, a growth inhibitant, and
crop and grain protectant. Studies show that its use carries no
side-effects for humans, and it does not persist in the environ-
ment. It is not harmful to beneficial species like earthworms. Its
target species – such as lea�oppers, aphids, and whitefly, do not
build up a resistance to it97.
Endosulfan is a toxic pes�cide and persistent organic pollut- To date, 62 countries have already voluntarily banned the
ant linked to severe adverse effects. It has been responsible use of endosulfan within their borders, and all but a small
for hundreds of deaths worldwide, and significant short and number of par�es to the Ro�erdam Conven�on supported
long-term human health impacts. Endosulfan kills indiscrimi- its inclusion in the annexes of the Conven�on in late 2008.
nately and is devasta�ng to the environment, contamina�ng Efforts to prevent a global ban are inextricably linked to
soils, air and water, and damaging aqua�c and terrestrial spe- self-interest – in par�cular, one of the world’s leading
cies alike, including those that are beneficial to crop health. producers of endosulfan is administered by the Indian Gov-
Endosulfan’s ability for long-range environmental transport, ernment, which has consistently opposed any regula�on of
together with its adverse effects support the need for con- endosulfan.
certed interna�onal ac�on.
Endosulfan has killed, and will con�nue to kill and maim
Alterna�ves to endosulfan use have proven to be environ- if it con�nues to be legal. Na�onal prohibi�ons on use,
mentally sustainable and socially and economically viable. together with inclusion under the Stockholm Conven�on
Increasing numbers of farmers are turning to organic produc- will ensure endosulfan’s eradica�on from global use and
�on methods that u�lise a variety of means to control pests an opportunity to protect people and their shared environ-
naturally, and without resor�ng to chemical pes�cides. ment from this deadly chemical.
• Immediately cease to manufacture endosulfan and
dispose of all stockpiles safely. FOOD AND AGRICULTURE
AGRICULTURAL WORKERS • Expand and build on current organic and Integrated
AND FARMERS SHOULD: Pest Management (IPM) projects, par�cularly in Africa
and Asia, and ensure that IPM projects do not permit or
• Avoid the use of endosulfan, and seek alterna�ves. promote the use of endosulfan.
• Implement organic produc�on methods wherever
• Support the wider dissemina�on of informa�on on
organic produc�on methods and the conversion to
produc�on that is not reliant on harmful chemical
• Monitor their supply chains, instruc�ng suppliers not to
source from producers that use endosulfan.
• Offer organic alterna�ves for consumers.
• Upgrade endosulfan from Class II (moderately
hazardous) to Class Ib (highly hazardous).