Febi's Thesis Proposal-5 April 2021

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Submitted as a partial fulfillment of the requirement to obtain the

Strata One (S1) degree in English for Education



NPM : 1710253745009



The advisors of this research proposal of English program (S-1) explain that this

research proposal written by:


NPM : 1710253745009

Program of Study : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (S-1)

Department : Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni




And it has been approved in accordance with procedures, qualification,

and rule which applied in examination of this research proposal.

Sungai Penuh, March, 2021

Advisor I Advisor II

Rodiyal Ihsan, S.Pd.,M.Pd Tri Saswandi, S.Pd., M.Pd

NIDN. 1001098902 NIDN. 1004118901

‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

All praises be to Allah SWT, the Almighty the creator of the world who

has gave his guidance and hidayah to the writer. May his peace and solution will

be giving to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has guide us from the darkness of

jahiliah era to the brightness of Islamic era.

This thesis proposal is submitted as a partial fulfillment of the requirement

to obtain the Strata One (S1) degree in English for Education at Sekolah Tinggi

Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (STKIP) Muhammadiyah Sungai Penuh. The

writer realizes that the writing of this research is not perfect, both

methodologically and analytically, So that the writer expect constructive

suggestions from readers.

During the process of completing this research proposal, many people

have contributed directly or indirectly. Therefore, on this occasion the writer gives

many thanks and highest appreciation to them. Especially thank for:

1. Mr. ahmadi Zubir, MM as the Chairman of STKIP Muhammadiyah Sungai


2. Mr. Yonsisno, S.Pd., M.Pd as the head of the English Education Department

of STKIP Muhammadiyah Sungai Penuh.

3. My first Advisor, Mr Rodiyal Ihsan, S.Pd., M. Pd. And my second Advisor

Mr Tri Saswandi, S.Pd., M. Pd.

4. The lecturers and the entire academic community of STKIP Muhammadiyah

Sungai Penuh who have become supervisors and lecturers and assist in the

management bureaucracy during the study in the STKIP Muhammadiyah

Sungai Penuh.

5. The library chief who have helped the author to find references regarding this

thesis .

6. Family members who always support all the way they can.

All parties that cannot be mentioned by the writer one by one in this sheet,

hopefully their contributions are all valued by Allah SWT.

AminYa Rabbal’alamin.

Sungai Penuh, Maret 2021




TABLE OF CONTENTS.............................................................................
1.1 Background of the Problems.................................
1.2 Identification of the Problems................................
1.3 Limitation of Problems...........................................
1.4 Research Question..................................................
1.5 Purpose of the Research.........................................
1.6 Significance of the Research..................................
1.7 Definition of Keys Term........................................
2.1 Review of Related Theories...................................
1. Scope of Language and Learning Language.....
2. Online Learning System....................................

a. Understanding the Online System..............
b. Advantages of Online Learning.................
c. Weaknesses of Online Communication.....
3. Students Perception...........................................
a. Definition of Perception.............................
b. Factor Affecting Perception.......................
c. Process of Creating Perception...................
d. Positive Perception and Negative
2.2 Review of Related Studies.....................................
2.3 Conceptual Framework..........................................
3.1 Research Design ....................................................
3.2 Types and Source of Data......................................
3.3 Population and Sample...........................................
3.4 Technique and Instrument of Data Collection.......

3.5 Data Analysis Techniques......................................





1.1. Background of The Problem

Education plays an important role in efforts to develop the potential of

students to become human beings. Education is an important factor in creating

quality resources. Efforts must be made to improve learning activities optimally

so that the quality of education can increase. Every human being must experience

or enjoy education, be it formal or non-formal education so that he becomes a

human being who has noble character, dignity, knowledge and responsibility for

himself, his family environment, society, nation and state.

Education is a universal aspect that has always been and must exist in

human education. Without education, human will never develop and become

cultured. Therefore, education is something that is necessary in the life of human

civilization (Indriana, 2011:5) The outbreak also had a major impact on the world

of education, on March 24 2020 the Minister of Education and Culture of the

Republic of Indonesia issued Circular Number 4 of 2020 concerning

Implementation of Education Policies in an Emergency for the Spread of COVID,

in this Circular it explained that the learning process was carried out at home

through Online or distance learning is implemented to provide meaningful

learning experiences for students.

According to Rumahuru et al (2020:43), online learning is the use of

internet networks in the learning process. With online learning students have the

flexibility to study time, can study anytime and anywhere. Students can interact


with the teacher using several applications such as classroom, video conference,

telephone or live chat, zoom or via WhatsApp group. This learning is an

educational innovation to answer the challenges of the availability of varied

learning resources.

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that online learning can

be used as an alternative solution in the world of education during the Covid-19.

Currently schools in Kerinci Regency have also implemented online learning

systems. This is in accordance with the observations of researchers at SMKN 4


Based on the results of observations and interviews of researchers on

Jnuary 07, 2021 with teachers at SMKN 4 Kerinci, information was obtained that

students at the school were learning using the online system in accordance with

school policies that followed the Covid-19 protocol. In addition, according to the

teacher, during the implementation of the online learning process, several

obstacles were encountered, including the presence of students who were often

inactive during the teaching and learning activities, and there were even students

who repeatedly did not attend online learning. However, teachers have not found

clear and definite reasons why this could happen. From the information obtained,

it can be concluded that in order for the online learning process to be carried out

properly, students' perceptions are also needed to minimize the obstacles that will

occur so that student learning success can be realized included in online learning.

Online learning has several advantages including: 1) It can build very

efficient communication and discussions between teachers and students; 2)


Students interact with each other and discuss students with each other without

going through the teacher; 3) Students can easily understand the concept of

learning; 4) Can facilitate interaction between students, teachers, and parents; 5)

Appropriate tools for exams and quizzes; 6) The teacher can easily provide

material to students in the form of pictures and videos besides that students can

also download the teaching material; and 7) can make it easier for teachers to

make questions anywhere and anytime.

Although online learning has the advantages described above, students as

one of the main actors in the learning process also have their own perceptions of

whether or not learning is applied. Students' perceptions of the application of a

learning process can be assessed positively or negatively.

Several studies have been carried out related to online learning, such as

in the journal of a study conducted by Hutomo Atman Maulana in 2020 with the

title "Student Perceptions of Online Learning in Practical Courses in Vocational

Education" shows that students' perceptions of online learning in practical courses

positive in nature, with details of the teaching and learning aspects of 66.4%, the

capability aspect (lecturer ability) of 74.6%, and the facilities and infrastructure

aspects of 72.7%.

Perception in a narrow sense is vision, how a person sees something,

while in a broad sense it is a view or understanding, namely how someone

perceives or interprets something (Sobur, 2003:445). In line with this

understanding, Sarwono (2020:86) defines that perception is the ability to

differentiate, classify, focus, an object which is then interpreted. Therefore,


students' perceptions are an important factor to determine the extent to which the

success of a learning process is applied.

Based on the description above, the researcher is interested in conducting

research with the title “An Analysis of Students’ Perception of Online Learning at

SMKN 4 Kerinci".

1.2. Identification of Problems

Based on background of problems it was found that some problems

English Online Learning at SMKN 4 Kerinci, those problems as follow:

1. Students who were often inactive during the teaching and learning

activities, and

2. There were even students who repeatedly did not attend online learning.

1.3. Problem Limitation

In order for this research to be more focused, there is a need for

problem limitation in terms of:

1. The research will be conducted at SMKN 4 Kerinci

2. This research will be about students' perceptions of online system in

English learning

1.4. Research Questions

Based on the background that has been stated above, the research

question in this research: How is the students’ perceptions on online learning

at SMKN 4 Kerinci Academic Year 2020/2021?


1.5. Research Objectives

Based on the formulation of the problem, this study aims to know

students’ perceptions on online learning in English subject at SMKN 4

Kerinci Academic Year 2020/2021 in orderr to see their perspectives of

online learning in learninng English in the classroom.

1.6. Significance of the Research

The benefits of this research are as follows:

1. Theoretical Benefits

The results of this study are expected to provide new knowledge

about how to apply a learning process, especially online according to the

perceptions of students in schools. In addition, it can be used as material

for evaluation and development for English Education so that it is

expected to be more suitable in meeting students’ needs.

2. Practical Benefits

a. For School, This research is expected to provide an overview for the

principal in order to implement a learning process by understanding

students' perceptions of learning itself by considerating students’

perspetives on teaching and learning proess and use the data to take any

decisions of regulation.

b. For researchers, this research is expected to be a reference and learning

material for researchers so that they can become professional English

teachers in implementing the learning system.


c. For other researchers, This research is expected to be additional

information for future researchers who will examine students'

perceptions of online learning in English subjects.

1.7. Definition of Keys Terms

1. Students’ Perception is an experience of students about Learning English

Online at SMKN 4 Kerinci that are obtained by inferring information and

interpreting messages.

2. Online Learning is a process of teaching and learning by using internet

media where the teacher and students are not in the same place.



2.1. Review of Related Theories

1. Scope of Language and Learning Language

There are some definitions of language. Language is a systemic

means of communicating ideas or feelings by the use of conventionalized

signs, sounds, gestures, or marks, having under understood meanings.

Meanwhile, Brown (2010:57) gives a concise definition of language. He

defines a language as follows:

1. Language is systematic.

2. Language is a set of arbitrary symbols.

3. Those symbols are primary vocal, but may also be visual.

4. The symbols have conventionalized meanings to which they refer.

5. Language is used for communication.

6. Language operates in a speech community or culture.

7. Language is essentially human, although possible not limited to human.

8. Language is acquired by all people in much the sameway language and

language learning both have universal characteristic.

Then, Brown also states that learning is the process of acquiring or

getting knowledge of a subject or a skill by studying experience or instruction

(Brown, 2010:58). Based on the previous statement, Brown (2010:59)

classifies learning into some components as follow:

1. Learning is acquisition or “getting”.


2. Learning is retention of information or skill.

3. Retention implies storage systems, memory, and cognitive organization.

4. Learning involves active, conscious focus on and acting upon events

outside the organism.

5. Learning is relatively permanent but subject to forgetting.

6. Learning involves some form of practice, perhaps reinforced practice.

7. Learning is change in behaviorLanguage learning is a long and complex


Language learning is the steps where the learners explore all their

competence to think, feel, and act. In addition, he also states that language

learning is not a set of easy steps that can be programmed in a quick kit. It

needs regular training in order to succeed in learning process. In relation to

learning, hesitates that teaching is the process of guiding and facilitating

learning (2000:7). Teaching also enables the learners to learn and setting the

condition for learning. It implies that teaching cannot be separated from

learning. The teachers’ understanding of what learning will determine his or

her understanding of what teaching is.

Teachers’ understanding of how students learn will determine the

teacher’s philosophy of education, teaching style, approaches, methods, and

the classroom techniques. The approach, the methods, and the techniques that

are used in the classroom depend on the teacher’s understanding of what

learning is. In other words, the concept of teaching is interpreted in line with

the concept of learning. Richards and Renandya (2002:54) say that language

teaching is hence a complex issue, encompassing socio-cultural linguistic,

psycholinguistics, as well as curricula and instructional dimensions.

Concerning to the foreign language teaching, there are some experts

point out that second or foreign language teaching is any activity on the part

of one person intended to facilitate the learning by another person of a

language which is not his native one. In the foreign language teaching, there

is an obligation for the teacher to provide exposures to the language and

opportunities for learning through classroom activities (Cameron, 2001:81).

Teachers are expected to be able to provide a good classroom atmosphere for

the learning process.

Then, it should be followed by designing the appropriate learning

materials which can enhance the teaching and learning process. In some

cases, many teachers do not think their objectives in relation to the situation

in which they are teaching and to the goals of the students 11in their classes.

They teach without thinking about the appropriate materials, methods, and

techniques. In consequence, their students do not find particularly exciting

lessons. Thus, it is important for the teachers to know the objectives of their


Rivers (1981:8) proposes the objective of teaching as follows:

1) To develop the student’s intellectual powers through the study of another


2) To increase the student’s personal culture through the study of the great

literature and philosophy to which the new language is the key.


3) To increase the student’s understanding of how language functions and to

bring them, through the study of another language, to a greater awareness

of the functioning of their own language.

4) To teach students to read another language with comprehension so that

they may keep abreast of modern writing, research, and information.

5) To give students the experience of expressing themselves within another

framework, linguistically, kinetically, and culturally.

6) To bring students to a greater understanding of people across national

barriers, by giving them sympathetic insight into the ways of life and way

of thinking of the people who speak the language they are learning.

7) to provide students with the skills that will enable them to communicate

orally, and to some degree in writing, in personal or career contexts, with

the speakers of another language and with people of other nationalities

who have also learned this language.

Based on the statements above, language teaching and learning

involves a lot of aspects in order to get a success. Teachers are expected to be

able to set the objectives and modify their teaching style in order to

accommodate the learners’ needs.

2. Online Learning Systems

a. Understanding the Online Systems

After understanding the meaning of communication, we come to

Online Communication. The term Online Communication refers to reading,

writing, and communicating over / using computer networks. In other words,


Online Communication is a way of communicating in which the delivery and

reception of messages is carried out with or through the Internet network.

Communication that occurs in this pseudo-world is commonly called

communication in cyberspace or cyberspace. The first developments in online

communication began in the 1960s, when American researchers developed

protocols that made it possible to send and receive information or messages

via computers (Lyon, 1996).

The protocol is called the ARPANET which was launched in 1969,

eventually developing into the Internet. The Internet originated from

interconnected networks, abbreviated as Internetworks, or the Internet, which

were used by an estimated 200 million people worldwide at the turn of the

3rd millennium. Online communication became possible in education for the

first time in the 1980s, after the development and deployment of personal

computers or PCs (personal computers). The background to online

communication in learning and research can be divided into two distinct

periods, marked by the introduction of computers as an educational medium

in the 1980s and the emergence of the World Wide Web in the mid-1990s. In

the first period, since the mid-1980s, educators discovered the potential of

educational media for language teaching (Andrews, 1995).

The integration of computer-mediated communication within the

classroom itself is divided into two: first, some educators began to use e-mail

to organize remote information exchange, and secondly, educators started

using synchronous software programs (Daedalus Inc. 1989) to enable


computer conversation between classes. Online or virtual communication is a

way of communicating in which the delivery and receipt of information or

messages is done using the Internet, or through cyberspace.

Virtual communication in this century can be done anywhere and

anytime. One form of virtual communication is the use of the Internet.

Internet is a medium of communication that is quite effective and efficient

with the availability of various facilities such as web, chat (mIR chat, Yahoo

Masanger, Gtalk, etc.), e-mail, myspace, facebook and twitter. So many

facilities are offered in cyberspace for communication, and its existence

increasingly makes humans dependent on technology. This dependence can

be seen in the rampant sales of mobile phones at low prices and the offer of

complete facilities to access the Internet.

b. Advantages of Online Learning

According to Ernawati (2018), the Advantages of Online Learning can

be seen from four aspects, as following:

1) Place

In online learning, students can study wherever they are both

indoors, and outside. Like in the living room, room, terrace, even the

kitchen. This makes it easier for students to do assignments while doing

homework. Here, place is not an excuse, but a student's readiness to have.

Therefore, students must be ready in the room that they use as a place to

study, so they can listen to and understand the content of the lesson.

2) Save money

We don't need to come to school and spend road fare. By sitting

quietly at home, we are able to carry out learning activities. This of

course saves your expenses. Moreover, for those whose houses are quite

far from school, That is why with online media, students can be more

economical than before, even though not much.

3) Travel

The journey home and back to school that students used to do, is

now no longer necessary. Students only travel to go to the bathroom, and

find a suitable place. When compared to school as usual, online learning

takes less energy. Because only activities in the house. In addition,

students can also study while eating, drinking, or any activity that is also

not allowed in class.

4) Material

Materials can be saved easily. Usually in the form of ppt, pdf, and

word, it will be stored in a file. Especially if you are using a smartphone,

files can be saved automatically in well-known files according to the

application used. This is an advantage experienced by students. In

addition, students do not need to record material in books unless they are

told to.

5) Preparation

Students do not need to think about the school uniform to use, they

can wear whatever clothes are as comfortable as possible. There's also no

need to worry about unwashed clothes, because we won't use them either.

The only preparation we need is health and internet quota. Enough with

these two, students will be ready to learn online (Ermawati, 2020).

c. Weaknesses of Online Communication

Some of the disadvantages of learning online include:

1) Postponement of Time

Sometimes there are obstacles or problems that come without

us expecting it, so that the lesson is delayed. For example, lack of

communication and information on subject scheduling. This is

certainly detrimental to our time, which should have been doing

other activities. If it's like this, the solution is to create a class group

with the teacher, because if only one person confirms it to the

teacher, it will actually take time.

2) Wasteful Quota

Indeed, there are several applications that make your internet

quota run out quickly, including a video downloader application.

Also, we don't know what the network or signal conditions are like

in our area. Therefore, the solution is to prepare an internet package.

If necessary, stop by a neighbor who has wi-fi so that you don't

spend too much quota.

3) Disturbed by non-notification

If you are using a smartphone, of course at any time there will

be a notification that appears on the screen. This of course can make

you distracted, especially notification of messages from friends.


You're itching to open up and find out what was sent. Therefore, if

you are using a smartphone, turn off message notifications if


4) Battery

With the media of cellphones and laptops, batteries have their

respective capabilities. Indeed, this can be overcome by means of a

charge. But when it's hot, you feel worried and annoyed when you

hold it. The solution is, set an alarm when class starts. Before that,

you also don't play first so it doesn't heat up quickly.

5) Out of focus

Many things in the house catch our attention such as musical

instruments, pets, and toys. Moreover, studying in the room, a place

where something we like is stored in it. It is able to shift the focus of

students. The solution is, to get rid of these tools. Or maybe you can

also move to another place to focus on receiving the material.

6) Electricity / Internet Network Interference.

Ermawati (2020) says that online learning cannot be carried

out if there is no power or power failure. This will also result in the

shutdown of the internet network. Besides that, the weather and

other technical obstacles can also disrupt the internet network so that

it cannot carry out online learning.


3. Students’ Perception

a. Definition of Perception

According to Wang (2007) perception is a collection of cognitive

processes in the individual's conscious mind that occurs in the brain that

detects, tells, and interprets, and finds out about cognitive information in the


Sobur (2003:445) defines perception as a narrow sense is vision,

how a person sees something, while in a broad sense it is a view or

understanding, namely how someone views or interprets something.

Meanwhile, Pareek (2019) states that perception can be defined as the process

of receiving, selecting, organizing, testing and reacting to sensory stimuli or


Perception is an experience about objects, events, or relationships

that are obtained by inferring information and interpreting messages. Walgito

(2004:87) argues that perception is a process that is preceded by a sensing

process, which is the process of receiving a stimulus by an individual through

sensory organs or also called a sensory process. Meanwhile, Atkinson et al.

argues that perception is the process by which we organize and interpret

stimulus patterns in the environment. In line with the definition above,

Sarwono (2008:201) defines that perception is the ability to differentiate,

classify, focus, an object which is then interpreted.

From some of the definitions above, it can be concluded that

perception is the brain's process of interpreting and concluding information or


interpreting what individuals receive about an object based on experience and


b. Factors Affecting Perception

Krech and Crutchfield (in Farheen, 2018) share the determinants of

perception, namely functional factors and structural factors. Functional

factors are factors that come from needs, past experiences and other things

which include what we call personal factors. Meanwhile, structural factors

originate solely from the nature of the physical stimuli and the

neuroprotective effects on the individual nervous system.

According to Rahmat (1998:76), personal factors that influence

intrapersonal perception consist of experience, motivation and personality.

These factors can be described as follows:

a. Experience, experience can affect the accuracy of perception. Experience

can be obtained from the results of interactions with people around,

experience also increases through the series of events we face without

having to learn formally.

b. Motivation, constructive processes such as perception involve very many

elements of motivation. Several forms of motivation are biological

motives, rewards and punishments, personality characteristics and

feelings of being threatened due to stimuli.

c. Personality, personality also affects a person's perception. For example,

an authoritarian personality is more difficult to judge people while a non-

authoritarian personality is more open in evaluating people.


Meanwhile, Walgito (2004:89) argues that there are several factors

that influence perception, consisting of the object being perceived, the sense

organs and attention. The description of these factors can be explained as


a. Perceived object. The object gives rise to a stimulus that hits the sense

organs or receptors. The stimulus can come from within or outside the

individual, but most of the stimulus comes from outside the individual or

the object of perception itself.

b. Sense organs, nerves, and nervous system centers. The sense organs in

the form of the eyes, hands or nose and skin are tools for receiving

stimuli. The stimulus is then passed on to the brain by receptors.

c. Attention. Even though the stimulus is received, to form a perception

requires awareness in the form of attention to the stimulus. Attention

means the focus of concentration from all individual activities to a

particular thing or object.

From some factors above, it can be concluded that factors that

influence the perception are: object, experience and personality. Object will

create stimulus to the human senses that later will create an experience to the

senses themselves. If the object gives positive stimulus, then the positive

experience happens, and vice versa. Those experiences will later influence the

brain so it will create related response based on the individual personality that

tends to not well to create perception or even may be ignore the experience

about the object. However, different person will have different individual

personality that will influence the perception.

c. Process of Creating Perception

The process of perception as described by Walgito (2004:90) is

simply divided into 3 phases, namely:

a. Physical process

The object gives rise to a stimulus, and the stimulus hits the sense organs

or receptors, this is called a physical process. The stimulus process

regarding the sense organs can be a process of seeing.

b. Physiological processes.

The stimuli received by the sensory organs are passed on by the sensory

nerves to the brain, this process is called a physiological process. This

physiological process can also be interpreted as a thought process.

c. Psychological process.

Then there is a process in the brain as the center of consciousness so that

the individual is aware of what is seen or what is heard. This process that

occurs in the brain or in the center of consciousness is known as a

psychological process. Thus it can be argued that the last stage of the

perceptual process is that the individual realizes what he sees, or hears or

what he feels, namely the stimulus received through his senses and

materializing into an experience.

Meanwhile, according to Sarwono (2010:86), perception takes place

when a person receives a stimulus from the outside world and is captured by

the aid organs which then enter the brain. In it, there is a thought process

which eventually manifests in an understanding. Therefore, Sobur (2003)

argues that the process of forming perceptions was divided into 3 stages,


a. Selection is the process of filtering sensory information received by the

sense organs.

b. Interpretation is the process of processing or organizing information that

has been collected so that it has meaning.

c. Interpretation and information that has been processed are then translated

in the form of behavior as a reaction to the stimulus received.

In line with the opinion above, Rahmat (1998:52) argues that the

formation of perception occurs in 3 processes, namely:

1) Streotype is the classification or labeling of an object into several

categories. The accumulated stimuli are simplified with a label. Labels or

categories about something are formed based on experience.

2) Implicit Personality Theory. After we label a stimulus with a category, it

means that we have given a concept to the stimulus, and this concept will

later make us associate what categories with what properties.

3) Attribution is a process in which we deduce the motives, intentions and

characteristics of others based on the apparent behavior of that person.

Thus, it can be concluded that there are 3 stages in the process of

perception, namely:

1) the sensory organs receive a stimulus from the object,


2) the stimulus is conveyed to the brain and then interpreted through the

thought process, and

3) the individual realizes that he / she is getting information / experience


d. Positive Perceptions and Negative Perceptions

According to Robbins (2002:14), positive perception is an individual's

assessment of an object or information with a positive view or in accordance

with what is expected from the object being perceived or from existing rules.

Meanwhile, negative perceptions are individual perceptions of objects or

certain information with a negative view, contrary to what is expected from

the object being perceived or from existing rules.

The cause of the emergence of a person's negative perception can arise

due to individual dissatisfaction with the object that is the source of his

perception, individual ignorance and the absence of individual experience

with the object being perceived and vice versa, the cause of a person's

positive perception is due to individual satisfaction with the object that is the

source of his perception. individual knowledge, as well as the individual

experience of the object being perceived.

2.2. Review of Related Research

The relevant research contains a systematic description of the results

of previous research (prior research) on the issues to be studied. This means

that relevant research is used to explain differences, or strengthen the results


of research with existing research. So in this research, the relevant research is

thesis and scientific journals:

1. Hutomo Atman Maulana (2020)

A research journal entitled "Student Perceptions of Online Learning

in Practical Courses in Vocational Education". Students 'perceptions of

online learning are limited to the aspects of teaching and learning,

capabilities (lecturers' abilities), and facilities and infrastructure. This

research is a qualitative descriptive study. The results of this study indicate

that students 'perceptions of online learning in practical courses are

positive, with details of the teaching and learning aspects of 66.4%, the

aspects of capabilities (lecturers' abilities) of 74.6%, and the aspects of

facilities and infrastructure of 72.7% . Similarity of research conducted by

Maulana with present research is both are researching about students'

perceptions of online learning, while the difference lies on the location of

the research. Maulana conducted his research in Vocational School while

the present research will be conducted in SMKN 4 Kerinci.

2. Zuriati (2020)

A research journal entitled "Students' Perceptions of Online Learning

During the Pandemic Period at State Senior High School Empat

Tanjungpinang". The results showed that in implementation of distance

learning there are several dimensions that must be considered main. These

dimensions include: material or teaching mode, student interaction, and

learning atmosphere. Therefore, this study focuses on students' perceptions


of the implementation dimension online learning. Similarity of research

conducted by Zuriati with present research is both are researching about

students' perceptions of online learning, while the difference lies on the

location of the research. Zuriati conducted her research in SMAN 4

Tanjung Pinang while the present research will be conducted in SMKN 4


3. Yosi Amelia et al (2020)

A research journal entitled " Student's Perception of Online Learning

Biological Learning Subject in the Pandemic Time COVID-19". The

results showed that the three dimensions of learning related to student

perceptions, namely the dimensions of biology teaching material, learning

atmosphere / environment and student interactions during online biology

learning, got positive results. Researcher's positive findings do not mean

there are no obstacles in the implementation of online biology learning.

These obstacles include expensive internet quotas and difficult internet

access. Similarity of research conducted by Yosi Amelia et al with present

research is both are researching about students' perceptions of online

learning, while the difference lies on the location and pocus of the

research. Yosi Amelia et al conducted their research in MAN 2 Sungai

Penuh on Biology Subject while the present research will be conducted in

SMKN 4 Kerinci on English Subject.


2.3. Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework in this study can be seen as follow:

English Subject

Online Learning
at SMK 4 Kerinci


Positive Perception Negative perception

Figure 2.1 conceptual Framework

The English study at SMKN 4 Kerinci is done by using online system

learning since the pandemi of covid-19 strikes Indonesia. However, there are

many obstacles faced by both teacher and students in the teaching and learning

proess. One of the important element is the perception of the students. Therefore,

it is important to see the perception of the students toward the online learning,

whether it is the positive pereptions or the negative pereptions. In the future, it is

hoped that it will contribute to the decision making of the school policy.



3.1. Research Design

The design of this research is mix method research. According to Gay et

al (2011:483), mixed method research designs combine quantitative and

qualitative approaches by including both quantitative and qualitative data in a

single study. The quantitative data will be gathered from questionnaire and the

qualitative data will be gathered from interview. In this research, researcher

will analyze the students' perceptions of Online Learning at SMKN 4 Kerinci,

which until now online learning is still ongoing. Based on the type of research

above, the researcher will make an effort to describe the data systematically

and factually regarding students' perceptions on online Learning at SMKN 4


3.2. Types and Sources of Data

Data is the result of records by researchers in the field, either in the

form of facts or figures. The types and sources of data in this study are:

1. Primary data is data directly from the object to be studied (Sukardi,

2005:206). In this study, the primary data is data about students'

perceptions of English learning with the online system at SMKN 4


Kerinci Academic Year 2020/2021. The data collection technique will

use to obtain primary data was a questionnaire to all research samples.

2. Secondary data is information obtained from other sources that may not

be directly related to the event (Sukardi, 2005:206). Based on the above

understanding, researcher will collect data not only depending on

primary sources. But also using

25 secondary data, namely through the

documentation method related to research data regarding student

perceptions of English learning with an online system at SMKN 4

Kerinci Academic Year 2020/2021.

3.3. Population and Sample

1. Population

According to Gay.et al (2011:124), population is any size and may

cover almost all the geographical area. Therefore, the populations in this

research were all Students of SMKN 4 Kerinci with the total number of

Student are 182. The detail population of the research can be seen in the

following table:

Table 3.1 Population of the Research

No Class X Q Class XI Q Class XII Q

1 X teknik bisnis 28 XI teknik 19 XII teknik 3
sepeda motor bisnis sepeda bisnis sepeda
motor motor
2 X bisnis daring 8 XI bisnis 14 XII bisnis 11
dan pemasaran daring dan daring dan
pemasaran pemasaran
3 X otomatisasi 20 XI otomatisasi 16 XII 22
tata kelola tata kelola otomatisasi
perkantoran perkantoran tata kelola

4 X multimedia 10 XI multimedia 13 XII 18

Amount of 66 62 54
Source: SMKN 4 Kerinci

2. Sample

Gay et. al (2011:133) state that for smaller population, say N=100

or fewer, there is little point in sampling; survey the entire population.

Because of population in this research more than 100, the researcher will

use random sampling technique in determining sample. Meanwhile, the

provisions in calculating the details of the number of students from each

sample class will be taken, namely if the research subject is less than 100

it would be better if all of them are taken so that the research is a

population study, and if the subject is large it can be taken between 10-

15% or 20-25% or more depends on the ability of researcher to see in

terms of time, energy and funds, as well as the size of the risk borne by

the researcher (Arikunto, 2010:102).

After knowing the informants in this study, data collection will be

carried out by distributing questionnaires to the research informants

online (via Google Docs and WhatsApp).

3.4. Technique and Instruments of Data Collection

1. Technique of Data Collection

The technique that will be used by researcher in data collection,

consist of some steps, it can be seen as follow:


a. First, researcher will prepare the instrument of data collection that

consist of questionnaire and interview guide.

b. Second, researcher will conduct validity test and author theories’

permission for using the questionnaire, before it will be given to the


c. Third, to support the data from questionnaire, researcher will do an

interview to the students to know students’ perceptions of English

online learning at SMKN 4 Kerinci.

d. Fourth, after the data is collected, the data will be analyzed by using

mixed method technique or descriptive quantitative.

e. Five, after analyzing the data, the result will be displayed and


f. Finally researcher will take a conclusion.

2. Instrument of Data Collection

This section clarifies the data collection techniques applied in this

study. Research data, in this case, will be collected through Questionnaire,

interview. The questionnaire that will be used in this research is a

questionnaire developed by Liu and Ilyas so that the questionnaire has been

tested for its validity and reliability by the previous developer. Therefore, in

this study there will be face validity check to an English lecturer in SKTIP

Muhammadiyah Sungai Penuh. Also, the questionnaire which will be used

in this research will ask approval and permission from the developer,

namely an indirect, unwritten permission by the researcher contacting the

developer by email. The explanation about questionnaire as following:

1. Questionnaire

Questionnaire will be given to find out students students' perceptions

of Online Learning on students of SMKN 4 Kerinci. Researcher will choose

questionnaires over other investigation instruments because they are easier

to use and they gives easy statistical results.

Table 3.2
Questionnaire Framework

Variable STATEMENT Number

Perception Online learning is very helpful in 1
learning activities
Online Learning makes it easy for 2
me in accessing learning materials
Online Learning can improve the 3
quality of interactions and
communications with the teacher
Easy for study English in Online 4
Online Learning improves my 5
I understand the material very 6
well with online learning

Source: Liu and Ilyas, 2020.

The questionnaire will be developed based on the questionnaire

framework adopted from Liu. The instrument of questionnaire is presented in

Appendix 1. The collection technique with this questionnaire will use a

questionnaire research instrument with a Likert scale. The Likert scale is a


method that measures attitudes by expressing agreement or disagreement with

certain subjects, objects or events (Arikunto, 2010:85).

Table 3.3
Liker scale scaling of research instruments

Questions Score
Strongly agree (SA) 5
Agree (A) 4
Hesitate/doubt (H) 3
Disagree (D) 2
Strongly Disagree (SD) 1

In addition, the questionnaire instrument that will be used in this study

will be compiled based on indicators of students' perceptions of English

learning using an online system. The questionnaire grid that will be used in

this study can be seen in the table below.

1. Interview

According to Miller and Strang (2010:109), “an interview is an

information-gathering technique in which the defining feature is the presence

of an interaction between the interviewer and the interviewee”. The type of

interview used in this study is structured interviews. Structured interview is

an interview where the questions and format are the same for each individual

(Marlin, 2006:188). The interview is conducted to to find out students

students' perceptions of Online Learning on students of SMKN 4 Kerinci.

The items of the questions will be developed from questionnaire made by Liu

and Ilyas (in Maniza, 2015:20) and it can be seen on Appendix 2.


The interview will figure out students students' perceptions of Online

Learning on students of SMKN 4 Kerinci and the participants will be

interviewed for about 3-5 minutes.

Table 3.4
Transcription of the Interview

No. Questions and answers

1. 1. Question: Do you think that Online learning is very helpful
in learning activities, please explain?
Answer: _____________________________________
2. Question: Do you think that Online Learning makes it easy
for me in accessing learning materials?
Answer: _____________________________________
3. Question: Do you think that Online Learning can improve
the quality of interactions and communications with the
Answer: _____________________________________
4. Question: Do you think that for study English in Online
Answer: _____________________________________
5. Question: Do you think that Online Learning improves you
Answer: _____________________________________
6. Question: Do you think that you understand the material
very well with online learning?
Answer: _____________________________________

3.5. Data Analysis Techniques

Data analysis is an activity after data from all respondents are collected.

The data analysis in this research is descriptive which is used to describe the

percentage of each variable and to know the percentage level of the answer

score of each respondent. Data processing and response questionnaire data

analysis will be carried out in the following manner:


The description of the score on the answers to each item was carried out

using a Liker scale. Riduwan (2014:41) states the process the questionnaire

scores with the following stages:

1. Tabulating the data

2. Determine descriptive Statistic Criteria of Students Perception

3. Display data and Interpretation

4. Draw the conlusions



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Appendix 1

Kuesioner Persepsi Siswa Mengenai Pembelajaran Daring

Nama : …………………..

Kelas : …………………..


1. Bacalah pernyataan yang tersedia dibawah ini dengan cermat kemudian

berilan tanda (X) pada pernyataan yang dianggap sesuai dengan keadaan yang

kamu rasakan

2. Pilihan jawaban yang tersedia adalah

SA = Strongly Agree / sangat setuju

A = Agree / setuju

H = Hesitate / ragu-ragu

D = Disagree / tidak setuju

SD = Strongly Disagree / sangat tidak setuju

Persepsi Siswa
A Pembelaran secara online sangat
membantu dalam proses pembelajaran
1. Pembelajaran daring yang dilakukan
saat ini membantu saya dalam belajar
bahasa inggris

2. Pembelajaran dari memudahkan saya
dalam mengirim tugas secara daring
3. Pembelajaran daring memudahkan saya
untuk memahami materi

B Pebelajaran secara online memudahkan

saya mengakses materi pelajaran
4. Materi pembelajaran online diberikan
secara daring
5. Materi pembelajaran daring mudah
6. Materi pembelajaran daring bisa di
download baik itu pdf, word ataupun
C Pembelajaran daring meningkatkan
kulaitas interaksi dan komunikasi atara
siswa dan guru
7. Pada pembelajaran daring siswa bisa
berinteraksi dan berkomunikasi antar
siswa dengan baik
8. Pada pembelajaran daring siswa bisa
berinteraksi dan berkomunikasi dengan
9. Interaksi komunikasi guru dan siswa
dalam pembelajaran daring sangat baik
D Mudah belajar bahasa inggris secara daring
10. Mudah bagi saya untuk mengikuti
pembelajaran bahasa inggris secara
11. Aplikasi pembelajaran daring mudah
di gunakan
E Pembelajaran secara online dapat
meningkatkan pemahaman bahasa inggris
12. Saya sangat mengerti materi yang
diajarkan pada pembelajaran secara
13. Saya dapat meningkat pemahaman
saya pada pembelajaran online
F Saya memahami materi dengan sangat baik
pada pembelajaran daring
14. Saya mengerti setiap materi yang
diajarkan guru pada pembelajaran

15. Setiap pertanyaan yang diajukan
berhubungan dengan materi pelejaran
dapat saya jawab dengan benar



Appendix 2

Daftar Pertanyaan Wawancara

1. Apakah pembelaran secara online sangat membantu dalam proses

pembelajaran? Jelaskan pendapatmu!

2. Apakah pebelajaran secara online memudahkan kamu mengakses materi

pelajaran? Jelaskan pendapatmu!

3. Apakah pembelajaran daring meningkatkan kulaitas interaksi dan komunikasi

atara siswa dan guru? Jelaskan pendapatmu!

4. Apakah menurut mu mudah belajar bahasa inggris secara daring? Jelaskan


5. Apakah pembelajaran secara online dapat meningkatkan pemahaman bahasa

inggris kamu?

6. Apakah kamu memahami materi dengan sangat baik pada pembelajaran


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