Security in Cloud Computing

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The key takeaways are that while cloud computing provides many benefits, security is a major concern that prevents wider adoption. Issues around data privacy, access control, and lack of standards pose risks to cloud security.

Major security risks and issues associated with cloud computing include web application vulnerabilities, SQL injection, cross-site scripting, privacy and access control issues due to third party control over data, and identity management issues regarding data verification and integrity.

Some recommendations provided to mitigate security risks include implementing proper access control, monitoring, auditing, and standard data security mechanisms. Establishing mutual authentication and secure data transfer processes are also recommended.

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)

Volume 96– No.15, June 2014

Security in Cloud Computing

Rajarshi Roy Chowdhury

Lecturer, Dept. of CSE
Sylhet International University
Shamimabad, Sylhet

ABSTRACT been changing IT delivery model for services since cloud

Cloud computing refers to high scalable computing services introduced in 1990. From the statistic shown that
applications, storages and platforms as a service to companies, massive developments and implementations of cloud
individuals and governments. Therefore, SMB (Small and computing services market is likely to accomplish between
Medium Business) organizations are adapting cloud $150 billion and $222.5 billion respectively in 2014 and 2015
computing services gradually to save cost and to increase “[2]”. Although many benefits are introduced in cloud
efficiency in their business environment. While cloud service computing uses, but great deal of risks and issues are
benefits and robustness are comprehensible, but now more associated with implementation, management, disaster
concern about security in cloud computing “How much secure recovery, business continuity, regulation and legislations and
is cloud computing environment?”. Noted that security is one lack of standards and guidelines in cloud computing
of the main barrier for continuing growth of cloud computing. technologies. According to IDCI survey in 2009, 74% of IT
For some major security risks and issues enterprises and executives and CIO’s (Chief Information Officer) cited that
individuals are unwilling to deploy their data and applications security is the top challenge to prevent adoption of cloud
in cloud environment. In this paper, the main objective is to services “[3]”. Management of cloud services always under
identified major security risks and issues those are need to presser to ensure adequate mitigation of risks to reduce impact
think about during deployment and development of services in on business. There are some major security challenges arise as
cloud and the way how to mitigate those security risks and a result of cloud computing where application software and
issues. However, it is significant to know that, cloud databases are moved to untrustworthy large data centers. This
computing is not insecure primarily, it just needs to be concept poses many security challenges such as – web
managed and accessed securely. application vulnerabilities, SQL (Structured Query Language)
injection and cross-site scripting, physical access and privacy
control issues come up from third parties having control over
Keywords physical data, identity and credential management issues crop
Cloud computing, Service models, Security risks and issues, up for data verification, integrity and confidentiality relates
Risk mitigation and Cloud services. for authentication in terms of respondent devices. The main
focus of this study is to describe various security issues due to
cloud service delivery models and provides some
1. INTRODUCTION recommendation to mitigate cloud computing risks as for
IT (Information Technology) industries are driving technology
development guidelines and standards for secure cloud
to a new arena from time to time. The Internet is one of the
computing environment.
most popular technology now-a-days by the elegance of IT.
Now it is on the edge of revolution, where resources are
This paper is organized as follows: Background is discussed
globally interconnected. Hence, resources can be easily shared
in Section 2. Motivation of this work is discussed clearly in
and managed from anywhere and anytime. Cloud computing
Section 3. Cloud computing benefits and related works are
is the main element of this standard, that provides a large
discussed accordingly in Section 4 and 5. Cloud computing
storage area where resources are available from everywhere to
risks are conversed in Section 6 and security issues in Section
everyone as a service rather than as a product. Throughout in
7. Mitigation of security risks are discussed in Section 8.
the history of computer science various attempts have been
Finally Recommendation and Conclusion are discussed
made to release users from the needs of computer hardware
accordingly in Section 9 and 10.
(such as storage) and software, since time-sharing utilities
envisioned in 1960s, network computers in 1990s and
commercial grid computing to cloud computing in more 2. BACKGROUND OF CLOUD
recent years. Cloud computing comes focus only when think COMPUTING
about what IT always needs: a way to increase the capabilities Cloud computing resulted from the convergence of Grid
of a system on fly without investing any new infrastructure, computing technology. In an early 1990s, high performance
training a new personnel and licensing of any new software. computers were interconnected via fast data communication
Today cloud services provide subscription or pay-per-use link to support complex and scientific calculation. Grid
based service; the services provide over the Internet in real computing defines – a hardware and software infrastructure
time, in which extends basic IT capabilities into robust area. that provides consistent, pervasive and inexpensive access to
The SMB companies are realizing that simply by tapping into high-end computational facilities over communicational
cloud environment they can gain fast access to best business network.
applications facilities and dramatically boost their resource
infrastructure at very minimum cost “[1]”. A. Cloud Computing
Cloud services are mainly focus to reduce overall client side
requirements (hardware and software) and complexity. It has

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 96– No.15, June 2014

Cloud computing refers to an promising model of computing o Cost Effectiveness – Centralize infrastructure enables
technology where machines with large data centers can be sharing of costs in between large number of users from
dynamically provisioned, configured, controlled and same or variant locations, such as real estate, electricity
reconfigured to deliver services in a scalable manner. It is an (e.g. deployment of cloud services near to the cheap
innovative IS (Information System) architecture; where power stations).
visualization as what may be the future of computing “[4]”. o Sustainability – Appropriate resource utilizations for
As being refers to cloud computing, it delivers computing as a efficient system.
service rather than as a product; in which share resources, o Security – Due to centralize data center it is possible to
application software and information to provide computers or improve the level of data security. In present time
other electronic devices as a utility over the Internet in real security is better than the traditional systems, as service
time. There is a logical diagram of the cloud computing providers are able to offer some kind of services to
technologies as shown in “Fig 1”. resolve security issues that may not be able to afford by
a consumer or a company individually. However,
complexity of the security is increased when
decentralization of data over the wide area of network
and various devices are used to get services. But private
deployment model of cloud computing service provides
an organization to control information or data security.

B. Service Delivery Models

Cloud is the Internet based computing environment where
shared resources, software and information as a service to
consumer(s) on demand. Service models are following
hierarchy standard to provide services over the network.
There are three fundamental service models, such as:

o Software as a Service (SaaS) – To deliver software as

a service over the Internet through slender client
interface such as web browser. SaaS reduces the need
Fig 1: Logical cloud computing
for customer’s computer or server to install, manage and
In this diagram, cloud computing service models are all inside run all applications, such as: Facebook, SalesForce.
in the cloud sing and laptops, desktops, phones and tablets are o Platform as a Service (PaaS) – To deliver a computing
acts like clients to get services from the cloud. Servers platform as a service for software development, storage
provide services to clients according to their request or pay and hosting over the Internet. A consumer does not
base. Cloud computing provides a shared pool of configurable require to control fundamental cloud infrastructure but
IT resources on demand, in which needs minimal effort of has control to deploy applications, such as: WOLF
management to get better services. Services are based on (cloud middleware), Windows Azure (cloud OS).
various agreement SLA (Service Level Agreement) between o Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) – To deliver
service providers and consumers. There are some key infrastructure as a service along with storage and
characteristics of cloud computing as follows: network, typically makes obtainable virtualization.
Services are paid by consumers based on amount of
o Application Programming Interface (API) – To resources consumed, such as: virtual servers leased by
enable a machine to interact with cloud software as the Amazon, GoGrid.
same way the interaction between humans/users and There are some other service models exists apart from the
computers by using interface services. three vital (SaaS, PaaS and IaaS) molds, such as: CaaS
o Maintenance – Applications are not necessarily to be (Communication as a Service), STaaS (STorage as a service),
installed in each client’s system, therefore easy to DTaaS (DeskTop as a Service), ITaaS (IT as a service),
support maintenance. CCaaS (Compute Capacity as a Service) and BPaaS (Business
o Performance – Web services are constructed by using Process as a Service) “[2]”. Basic layers of cloud computing
loosely couple techniques and consistent architectures architecture are listed in “Table 1”, where in client-server
and monitoring systems to improve services. model how services are provided on hierarchically.
o Scalability and Elasticity – Any number of nodes can
be added and dropped at any time without much Table 1. Basic Cloud Computing Layers
modification of infrastructure and software. A user can
get required services without any human interaction. In Layers Examples
most cases cloud system scales up automatically. Client Computers, phones, other electronic
o Broad Network Access – Cloud services are available devices, operating systems and browsers.
over the network, therefore a standard mechanisms are Application Facebook, SalesForce, BaseCamp.
used to provide services on heterogeneous platforms. (SaaS)
o Location Independency – Users are unacquainted Platform Google App Engine,, Windows
about exact location of services except high level of (PaaS) Azure, WOLF.
abstraction regard services, such as country, state.
Infrastructure Virtual servers leased by Amazon,
o Reliability – Multiple redundant sites are made for
(IaaS) Rackspace, GoGrid.
cloud computing environment to support continuity and
Server Multi-core processors, cloud-specific
disaster recovery service for businesses.
operating systems and combined offerings.

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 96– No.15, June 2014

C. Cloud Computing Deployment Models customers by technical sophistication “[6]”. New risks and
There are three fundamental deployment models for cloud possible threats are exploited in cloud computing services. It
computing environment but NIST (National Institute of is necessary to analysis and understand cloud computing risks
Standards and Technology) proposed four set of deployment and threats in order to protect systems and data from
models, all are listed in “Table 2” “[5]”. vulnerabilities. Improvement of cloud computing security
mechanisms are primary step towards to ensure secure cloud
o Public Cloud – In this model of cloud infrastructure computing environment. Consumer only can rely on cloud
represents a cloud environment which is publicly computing if their services are secure enough to use. There
accessible and manageable by an organization or a third some security challenges are needed to concern such as:
party cloud service providers. application security, data transmission security, storage
o Private Cloud – This model of infrastructure is security and security related to use third party resources.
managed and operated only by private organization. The
primary goal of this type of cloud model is to sustain 4. BENEFITS OF USING CLOUD
consistent level of security and privacy. COMPUTING
o Community Cloud – This type of model shares Cloud computing provides highly scalable computing
infrastructure between organizations or communities environment for an assortment of IT services. It provides
have common mission and vision such as: security, services to client individual, to big organizations or
jurisdiction. Services are managed by organizations or companies. As a result, IT departments and individuals are
third parties. saved application developments, deployments, securities,
o Hybrid Cloud – This type of deployment model is purchasing new hardware and software and maintenance time
composition of two or more cloud models; they are and cost effectively. Cloud service helps to reduce power
bound together but each of them remains unique consumption, cooling, storage and uses space for cloud users
entities. or consumers in cloud environment. There are two key factors
“[4]” for an organization to concern: Going green and saving
Table 2. Cloud Computing Development Models charge. In general, most of the benefits are shown based on
Models Managed Infrastructure Accessible bar chart in ‘Fig 2’ from most significant to lest significant
By and according to the numbers from 1to13.
Owned Located Consumed
By By Note:
Public TPP TPP Off-P Un-trusted 1 Cost efficiency 8 Deployments & change
Org Org On-P management
Private Trusted 2 Scalability 9 Performance
3 Flexibility 10 Mobility
Community TPP TPP On-P
Trusted & 4 Agility 11 Automation &
Org & TPP Org & Off-P &
Hybrid Un-trusted supported management
Note: Org: Organization, TPP: Third Party Provider, Off-P: 5 IT Resource 12 Security
Off Premise, On-P: On Premise. management and
6 Efficiency 13 Green-IT data center
3. MOTIVATION OF CLOUD 7 Reliability and
COMPUTING Availability
Cloud computing is the Internet based computing technology,
which is empowered by virtualization. It describes a new 90
model of IT services based on user consumption and delivery
services. Virtualization is the creation of virtual or logical
version rather than physical such as: hardware, platform, 70
operating system and storage or network resources.
Virtualization in cloud computing achieves high level of 60
resource utilization by allowing one server to compute several
task concurrently. The main motive of cloud computing is to
offer robustness and ease traffic congestion for IT services 40
over the network. In business environment cloud computing
concept is growing fast to increase facilities. Gradually more 30
and more individuals and companies are placed information
and data in cloud environment, thus arise a number of serious
issues, such as: how much secure their services, how service 10
providers are providing data and application safety in cloud
environment. Despite of all beneficial services enterprise 0
customers are still unwilling to deploy their business in cloud. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
In where, security is the major issue to reduce the growth of
cloud computing adaption. According to E-Crime study Fig 2: Benefits of cloud computing
conducted by E-Crime congress collaboration with KPMG in
2009, stated that 63% of respondents mentioned that their From this chart, it is comprehensible that the main key
customers were predominately affected by poisoned websites features to adapt cloud computing to minimize cost
in cloud. In addition, around 40% of total respondents said efficiently. Other benefits are arranged according to their
that there had been an increased attacked against their significant features such as: scalability, flexibility, agility,
better IT resource management and business focus, efficiency,

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 96– No.15, June 2014

higher reliability and availability, rapid development, and other. Cloud services are shared infrastructure to increase
deployment and change management, better performance and potential vulnerabilities in terms of unauthorized data access,
greater mobility. However it is prominent that, automation which concern about data privacy, identity management,
improvement, support and management, security and green-IT authentication, compliance, confidentiality, integrity,
data centers are the lowest considerable facilities from the availability, encryption, internet protocol (IP) vulnerabilities
survey . “[2]” (most of the cases IP is un-trusted which allows man in the
middle attack) “[7]”, network security and physical security.
Some other matters are also need to distress apart from
5. RELATED WORKS security such as: SLA (service contract between service
For advance technology based services in IT industry provides
provider and consumer) and third party management,
various types of web services either secure or non-secure way.
performance, virtualization risks, lack of standards and
Cloud computing is one of the service model that required
auditing procedures and compliance laws and regulations.
adequate security to adapt in business environment. It needs
There are some major risks related to cloud security shown in
secure web services that is rarely available. Various security
‘Fig 3’. The numbers represent priority according to their
measurements are discussed in few papers deeply and
occurrences form 1 to 10.
recommended some possible way to resolve and mitigate
those problems. Introduced some trusted third parties they can 80

assure some security (Data confidentiality, integrity and 70

availability) in cloud environment based on PKI (public key

infrastructure), pioneer by D., Zissis and D.,Lekkas in 2010.
By Y.,Xiang offers cloud protector which was designed and 50

trained to detect and filter HTTP (Hypertext Transfer

Protocol) and XML (Extensible Markup Language) based
DoS (Denial of Service) threats, by using CTB (Cloud 30

TraceBack, in 2010. The researchers S., Paquette, P.,T.,

Jaeger and S.,C., Wilson argue that a well define risk
management program in cloud computing is part of the IT 10

administration, in 2010. In cloud technologies Hive and

Hadoop with XACML (eXtensible Access Control Markup 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Language) policy based security mechanisms provide fine-
grained data access policies for common and shared storage Fig 3: Cloud computing risks
space in cloud, argue by the scholars B.,Thuraisingham, V.,
Khadilkar, A., Gupta, M., Kantarcioglu and L., Khan in 2011.
To understand the implication of security in cloud computing
by the use of IT auditing for data security, privacy, regulation
and compliance, which argued by Z., Chen and J., Yoon in
2010. There are many authors pointing out cloud security
issues in different prospectus, but the main goal is to provide
adequate security for cloud services. It is noted that none of
An interview report based on specific security risks area
them discuss clearly about a common standard, SLA (Service
shown that data and information security is the major risk area
Level Agreement) policies such that: what does consumer
in cloud computing environment according to 91.7% of the
need to know and what does service provider need to provide
respondents. About 66.7% respondents identified that disaster
and some other security measurements and quality of services.
recovery is the second highest critical risk area in cloud.
However, operation management, change management and
6. SECURITY RISKS IN CLOUD third party management are being rated somewhat important
to mitigate risks according to 58.3%, 50.0% and 50.0%. Cloud
SERVICES computing and virtualization are critical risk area listed in
In general cloud computing provides persuasive benefits in IT “Table 3” “[2]”.
world as regard of their beneficial characteristics and service
models. But it is not completely secure and risk free in terms Table 3. Cloud Computing Risks
of data security challenges as like any other communication
models or services. Cloud performance is affected as a result
Risk Area




of security issues. Therefore, service providers are responsible

Not so

for good care of security in systems and data. Service

managements and governances are enforced some policies
and procedures to overcome such issues, for example:
virtualization, authentication mechanisms and cryptography Information security 91.70% 08.30% 00.00%
techniques, but those technologies and methods have some Disaster recovery 66.70% 33.30% 00.00%
vulnerabilities in the state of art implementations “[7]”. To
Operations management 41.70% 58.30% 00.00%
analysis and identify appropriate security risks are vital,
expect implementation scope for monitoring and auditing in Change management 41.70% 50.00% 08.30%
cloud environment. To understand and mitigate security risks Third party 41.70% 41.70% 16.70%
and issues are important step forward for securing cloud management
computing. When data, web applications and services are Regulations and 33.30% 41.70% 25.00%
being hosted in cloud environment by service providers, legislation
control of these are no longer in their hand to manage; here Interface management 08.30% 50.00% 41.70%
also arise some issues about loose of control to secure data

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 96– No.15, June 2014

7. SECURITY ISSUES IN CLOUD tenancy and multitasking (resource sharing and

sharing processing resources: CPU- Central
SERVICES Processing Unit) presents a number of confidentiality
Cloud computing service models are SaaS, PaaS and IaaS, threats and risks. Data confidentiality in cloud
which provides software as a service, platform as a services environment related to user authentication. For overall
and infrastructure as a service to end users or customers. system security software and data confidentiality is
These three service models are built on top of each other, as also important to prevent unauthorized use of data.
shown in “Fig. 4”; as a result their capabilities are inherited as o Data Integrity: Data integrity ensures that data are
well as security issues and risks. being integral and modified by only authorize entity.
Due to increasing number of entities and access points
in cloud, authorization becomes crucial that only
authorized entities are interact with data. If cloud
system resources are not properly segregated among
clients then some security issues arise for data
integrity. Inadequate encryption and week key
management scheme can also lead to security breach.
o Availability: Cloud services access on demand by
authorized parties even if some authorized entities
misbehave or any security breaches. To test
Fig 4: Cloud computing service models availability of the SaaS vendors need to consider
So, service providers are not be able to take care only part of authentication process and session management
it, rather than as a whole to provide secure environment. In weakness issues. Other issues are also need to
this part of this paper clearly indicate major security issues consider as well such as: data and information service
based on these service models and what needs to be addressed lock in, bandwidth and connectivity speed over the
by implementing appropriate countermeasures. network in cloud services.
o Data Locality: In the SaaS model, the consumers are
I. Security issues in SaaS: In term of SaaS, a consumer unaware that, where there data is being resided. Some
needs to depend on the service providers for data security cases it is an issue for some companies for data
and service providers have to be responsible for providing privacy laws in various countries. So, this service
proper security mechanism to protect data and model must be capable of proving data security based
applications. In this model data is being stored in cloud on location issues.
along with others companies or individuals data. The o Access Control: Many SMB companies store their
cloud service providers may replicate data in various employees’ data in cloud database. The companies
places for data availability and efficiency. As a result, have its own policies to access or use data based on
there are some security issues arise such as: how is being their user limitation. So, when an employee left and
data stored and where, what types of security is being onboard the SaaS users must bear in mind to enable or
provided for data manipulation and storage. There are disable users account else security breach might be
some key security basics need to be considered during occurred. The SaaS service providers must offer some
SaaS deployment and development. There are: flexibility to adhere companies’ policies in cloud to
avoid intrusion of data by unauthorized users.
o Data Security: When enterprise sensitive data are
stored in cloud, vendors should provide physical and II. Security issues in PaaS: The main purpose of this
logical security, secure access policies and some model is to protect data. In this model, service provider
additional security checks due to security gives possible command of control such as: OS
vulnerabilities in applications and concern about (Operating System) platform, program development
malicious employees, who can exploit weakness in tools and storage area, to build application or program
data security model. Data control over cloud services on top of service platform by using resources. Even
make difficult to protect and enforce identity theft and though some controls are given to the clients, but still
cyber crime security. Sharing resources across need to consider and control some security issues below
multiple domains and failures of data backup also the application levels such as: network and host
arise some data leakage. intrusion. The service providers have to assure against
o Network Security : In cloud environment data are possible use of outage and data remain inaccessible
being transferred over the Internet, thus data flow between different applications. Another aspect of
security is an important issue to avoid leakage of security issue needs to consider that load balancing
information. To sniff network packets an intruder can across on platforms. The vulnerabilities in the cloud
make use of data packet to analyze weakness in computing environment are not only related to web
network security configuration. Attackers can gain related applications but also machine to machine service
access applications and data through hacking such as: oriented architecture applications (SOA). It is noted
some kind of remote access mechanism and injection that, SOA applications are progressively more deployed
(SQL and some bad command) vulnerabilities. DoS in cloud.
(Denial of Service), DDoS (Distributed DoS), man in
the middle attacks, social networking attacks and III. Security issues in IaaS: Cloud computing combines
some unauthorized attacks creates grate security virtualization technologies are creative way to provide
issues in cloud. better IT services to consumers. Due to rising
o Data Confidentiality: Privacy and confidentiality virtualization technology poses some security issues for
issues are take placed when data shares between control over the owner of data regardless of physical
various users, devices and applications. Here multi- location. Various security issues are arise to deploy

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 96– No.15, June 2014

models in IaaS. Private cloud environment creates fewer o Access Control: Service providers should prove that
security risks compared to public cloud. The cloud they have adequate security mechanism to protect
concept implemented just over the Internet, so whatever unauthorized access. All access or changes in cloud
security issues and threats are facing in the Internet, for services (resources and data) ought to provide auditable
cloud services need to consider as well. Infrastructure is report whether it is success or fail and review along with
not only appropriate for hardware resources, where data monitoring to be performed regular basis. To generate
is being reside or processed, but also the way data are trusted user profiles based on their definitions and roles.
being transmitted over the media from source to Identity management and access security mechanism
destination over the open network. There are some should be implemented and monitored according to their
possibilities that data can be routed through intruder’s regular schedule.
network or infrastructure. 9. RECOMMENDATION
“[3][4]” Cloud computing technologies are implemented various way
based on their different service and deployment models. It is
8. MITIGATION OF SECURITY RISKS constant development process, when the field will be matured
In network, there is no complete security solution to protect there are various aspect of security risk will reduce and
data and applications or services, but satisfactory risk certainly will emerge new issues. For proper security service,
management can reduce the level of risks. In this part of the all issues arising from all direction (vendors and consumers)
paper, explained some policies, procedures and some tools to are need to analyze clearly. However, after reviewing some
mitigate risk of data and applications whether it is in public or papers notice that, there are several indispensable key points
private cloud and combination of both (hybrid). need to be considered for security in cloud computing
o Data Security and Control: Data in cloud environment environment.
should be identified and classified according to their
types. The service providers should have enough skills i. Every element in cloud environment should be analyzed
to prevent, detect and react according to various security at micro and macro level.
breach. Service logs and service agreement terms ii. An application runs in virtual machine (such as: JVM –
inspections are performed regularly. However, there are Java Virtual Machine) does not it means this application
some validity tests also required for companies to avoid will perform in cloud environment. Therefore, before
security breach because of malicious data are in cloud deployment in cloud environment the application need
such as: cross-sire scripting, insecure configuration, to be tested with proper test methods and dataset.
SQL injection flaws and weakness in access control iii. Consumers are need to evaluate cloud service
inside companies policies. Service providers should providers/vendors as they are proving same types of
provide transparent services (controls, security and services based on their service cost, efficiency and
operations) for clients. security mechanisms and some other issues.
o Network Security: For a secure system to prevent iv. All service providers should provide a standard risks list
unauthorized modification and access to data by using and protection mechanism and evaluation against it.
adequate set up or configuration of firewall and v. SLAs (Service Level Agreements) should endow with
auditable access rights. Service providers also need to continuous security review and protection against
do some tests and validate network security by using serious threats.
some prominence security tools such as: SSL, session vi. To secure data and application based on their values, not
management and packet analysis to avoid hijacking all data in cloud need to be secured such as: government
active session and access clients’ credential data. To and organizational data needed to more secure compare
secure data traffic, some policies should be to public or individual data. It is note that security
implemented in router and layer three switch. always affects the performance of data delivery and
Additionally, interaction between mobile users and efficiency.
cloud services providers are also need to be controlled. vii. DDoS (Distributed denial of service) is a major issue in
o Data Confidentiality and Integrity: Proper network; some researchers are need to conduct how to
authentication and authorization mechanism should mitigate that risk.
implement to protect illegal disclose and modification of viii. For cloud computing security models there is no global
data. Service development and deployment models must standard or framework for service providers and
be clear for a developer to protect and restrict use of consumers. To establish a common security tools,
data. Security parameters are appropriately defined for mechanism and standard that all vendors and consumers
data segregation and secure cryptographic methods and must follow. Additionally, if vendors are want to add
properties should be implemented in control manner supplementary security policies then allow them to
such as: for secure key transfer can be used RAS and for impose in their own services.
encryption key size should be consider according to ix. It is recommended that, all parties require to follow
their priority of data security or uses. some guidelines and standards for secure cloud
o Data and Service Availability: Internet speed environment such as: NIST published a guidelines for
(bandwidth) and connectivity should be considered security and privacy in public cloud computing by W.,
during data and applications transmission over the Jansen and T., Grance in early 2011 “[10]”.
network. Network service providers must be able to Without any appropriate security model for the cloud
monitor network load or traffic for proper load environment, potential users will not be able to influence to
balancing and data distribution over network. Data take advantages of cloud computing technologies completely.
replication and backup policies are also need to be In future to work on mutual authentication mechanism and
standard and provided auditable proof for data restore secure data transfer process in cloud services.
procedures, which includes accuracy and completeness
over time.

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 96– No.15, June 2014

10. CONCLUSION [3] S. Subashini, V. Kavitha, A survey on security issues in

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some recommendations based on literature review on a
[8] B.,Thuraisingham, V., Khadilkar, A., Gupta, M.,
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