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Possible Coursework - Plan or Proposal: Template:

Student Name: Mawada Mohammed ID #:H00360653

Introduce the PDP setting: Personal Development Planning is a method prepared to help you plan for your own personal
academic and career development. Also, it encourages you to reflect on your forward and performance and to recognize the
zone you want to develop and improve on. However, A personal development plan is kept that helps your long-term goals and
.wishes to stay in sight and will support you to plan for the future and manage your learning and development
There are different formats to make a PDP, it could be typed simply in a document, or you could design a format build table
with rows and columns so that you can support you methodically think about your professional future and the purpose you
need to reach that view. A PDP should be a constant reference and update it every time you achieve an essential goal. Orderly
.updating your PDP lets you set new objects that assists you to grow as a professional and individual

Justify your professional development goals for this semester.

Based on my teaching experience for 6 semesters in different schools such as private, government, primary, and KG. As future
teachers, I want to grow — that’s why we like to make professional development goals for ourselves, to keep me in check and
lead me to self-improvement. Also, to help me to alleviate negative feelings and make me feel better about myself during this
semester. I will collaborate more, every teacher needs another teacher for help, support, and learn, so we can share our skills
and problems and discuss any hurdles that you may need help clearing or strategies that worked well. However, as a future
teacher this semester provides a good opportunity to work and develop my online teaching to have an effective digital
.classroom, nowadays most of the schools use online teaching
Another hand, I want to develop my time management skills, with provide very organized lesson plans
Skills you
Previously stated development needs
personally Personal
know you development Needs of the setting Comments:
MCT need to interest
MST recommendation
recommendation develop
*You need to pay  Be aware of
attention to small students’ small Ask students one by one
mistakes students *You should erase the focus on mistakes they
and fix their mistakes with
make. For example, board before solving students' make during
one of your students another problem. the lesson and all learners using cards.
wrote 4 in a strange A student wrote 7 in a concentrat solve them in Use colorful sticks with
e more
way (similar to 9) to flipped way to answer 10-3 but during the front of the
their name to give
answer 8-4=4. You you did not correct him. lesson. class and ask
did not say students to a opportunity for all learners. 

anything. participant.
Goal 1: To Implementing Learning
Development Target
(aligned with TP Goal 2: To Commitment to profession
competency) Goal 3: To Managing learning
Reflections / Justifications / Information
Goal 1:  
To focus on students’ mistakes and fix them during my
Action 1:
-I will use colorful sticks with their name to give an
opportunity for all learners to answer individually and
focus on their answers and be able to fix it in front of the
class and alert other learners what the correct answer
and method to write. Also, as a teacher I will give them
feedback to improve their performance.

- I will use differentiating so and encourage group work

so I can focus more on low-level students during
teaching progress smoothly.

- I will make sure students understand what I fix to them

by using formative assessment, for example, quizzes and
oral questions.

-Ask my MST students list names with their grades and

academic level.

Desired time
 Semester 7-8 (during teaching progress and planning)
Any support
I will ask my MST support on how the student is grouped
according to their academic level.
I will ask my MST students to list names with their grades
and academic level.

After every observation, I will ask for my MST feedback

so I can evaluate my performance and check my

I will ask for my MST advice and tips to use with my


Data collection
-MST feedback form or oral feedback.
tools to be used
to provide -Record video during the lesson (online teaching).
evidence of the
success of the -Note I will use it as a reminder.
-Student's names and their academic level.  
Evidence (after - Pictures of student’s worksheets and works during the
- Copy of Students' grades before and after.
-Pictures of their mistakes and after they fix them. 
Goal 2:  Time management and commitment during lessons and
Action 2: -Prepare my lesson plan before a few days.
-Prepare my notes near my desk so I can go back to
-Use a timer to manage the time while I am teaching.
-Practice and model with myself before I start teaching.
- Prepare materials that I will use.
-Write learning outcomes so I can go through them one
by one.
- Prepare another lesson plan.  
Desired time
frame: Only semester 7 (during teaching progress and planning)  
Any support  -Timer.
-Follow my MST and school routine.
-Use different apps and websites.
-Discuss with my MST.  
Data collection  
- MST and MCT feedback.
tools to be used
to provide
-Record video during the lesson (online teaching).
evidence of the
success of the
Evidence (after -Finish the requirements lesson in the time and complete
all lesson plans and activities in the time.

-Reflection after the lesson.  

Goal 3:  Manage classroom behavior during the group work of
the teaching time.  
Action 3: -Sort students in a way that very active students do not
work in the same group.
-Use punishment.
-Use rewards like class dojo and other apps for good
-Give students feedback.
-beginning of the lesson remained students of class rules.
Desired time
frame: Semester 7-8 (during teaching progress and planning)
Any support - Use MST to sort students in different groups. (according
to their academic level and behavior)
Data collection
tools to be used
to provide
evidence of the
-Comments and oral feedback from MST, MCT.
success of the
action -Record video during the lesson (online teaching).
Evidence (after -Use MST and other teachers’ feedback on how much has
changed student’s behavior.

A professional development plan is a method prepared to help you plan for your own personal academic and career

development records the goals of an individual. In my plan, I outline what I want and wish to achieve and what I will do

to develop my skills and weaknesses to reach your goals. As teachers, we must be actively working on our professional

development. It is a challenge to make time for our growth, but we should use PDP to encourage and support our

professional development. In this reflection I will reflect on my PDP2 of how I had collected the evidence my strengths

and weaknesses and in:


2.Planning for learning

3.Implementing learning

4.Managing learning

I will discuss how did I achieve each of my strength, and how I planned to address my weaknesses according to the 5

area (Professionalism /Planning for learning /Implementing learning /Managing learning /Assessment ),and what is the

rule of collaboration in achieving the goals that I Prepared in PDP 1.My goals are Implementing Learning, Commitment to

profession and Managing learning.

According to Micro teaching, my first goal (Implementing Learning) To focus on students’ mistakes and fix them during

my the first action during micro-teaching give an opportunity for all learners to answer by use list of their

names to go through it one by one and individual also focus in their answers and be able to fix it on front of the class and

attention other learners what the correct answer and method to write. The second action is making sure students

understand what I fix to them by oral questions. Third, ask MCT (teacher students) After every observation to give me

feedback. The evidence that I collect is students worksheets.

Second goal was, (Commitment to profession) Time management and commitment during lessons and activities .So the

first action during micro-teaching is to prepare my lesson plan in detail before a few days of teaching my lesson, and that

helps me and saves my time to practice a lot. However, second action I papered my materials such as my laptop with a

full charger and notes near to my desk like a list of students’ academic levels so I can go back to them when I

sort students in groups. Also, the third action I used an online timer with alarm to manage the time while teaching and
remind students and me how many minutes were left. Also, last action I wrote learning outcomes in notes in front of me

to go through them one by one. The evidence that I collect is I create a PowerPoint that shows student names sorted

according to their academic level, I print my Lesson plan and keep it next to me so I can go back and check every


Third goal was, (Managing learning) Manage classroom behavior during the group work of the teaching the first

action is I used PowerPoint beginning of the class to remained students of online class rules ,I pick 8 important rules for

online classes like have all your materials nearby , be on time ,find a quiet place to work and stay there, eat and drink

before the class time, no toys or pets allowed ,Stay muted until it is your turn to talk ,Stay focused on the learning, and

always be kind to your classroom mates. The evidence that I collect is PowerPoint.

strength and weaknesses

All teachers had strengths and weaknesses, and it refers to teacher character. During micro-teaching, when I apply my

plan, according to my professionalism, I attend all classes every day and give feedback to my classmates, also I prepare

before coming to class. However, I organized with my classmate before a day in a WhatsApp group to create online
sessions and fill our schedule with observation. I am so glad to have a very collaborative classmate and positive. Also, we

support each other, give others different ideas and websites to create a positive online environment .During this new

experience of micro-teaching, my weaknesses is I don't have enough idea about online teaching, what's going on in real

online classes, and what they face.

For the planning learning area, my strength is my lesson plans include everything with details, and I clarify every activity

and differentiate. However, I prepare my materials and what my learners need during learning before two days. And my

weaknesses are sometimes learners finish their activities early, and I don't prepare extra worksheets, activities, online

games. For the Implementing learning, I differentiate activities according to students’ academic level (high level, middle

level, lower level), and I deliver information and ideas with fun by giving examples from their real lives to accept it and

feel more comfortable. My weaknesses are I don't use support things for low-level students, for example, cubes clay. I

only use worksheets.

For managing learning, I create an online routine. For example, I make rules that match online classes type and manage

the lesson and organize everything over online classes. Also, I create a behavior system that the student and MCT like a

lot, and that gives me as a teacher very positive online classes and environment. And I know that when I get feedback

from my students and forget, they remember me. Also, I use online characters to feel more comfortable when they see

my character during lessons.

For Assessments, I ask them many questions related to the lesson topic to make sure they understand and observe to

make a student engaged during what I teach, and I make sure when I watch them fix any and correct answers and

explain again for them. My weaknesses are sometimes I don't have enough time to give them an assessment because

they have to practice a lot during the lesson to make sure they understand.

achieve my strength

I Achieved my strengths by applying what I have learned for my study time at college and from my previous teaching

Practice. I learned to learn From my mistakes and try to never do it again specially in teaching practice and when I take

feedback from my MST and MCT I focus on what they mention about it and I try to improve my weaknesses .also as a

teacher we never stop learning we learned from our experience ,students and other teachers. For Planning for learning I

learned to write suitable lesson plans and how to use them during learning time, also what improves my skills in planning

is to take my MST and MCT comments and keep in my mind and work on it very hard. For Implementing learning, I used

class kick and system behavior that I created to manage student’s behavior and it worked very well.
rule of collaboration

In my opinion, I think collaboration has such a significant effect on improving teaching. And Collaboration relies on

openness and awareness sharing but also some standard of focus and accountability on the part of the teaching

organizations. Through this new experience, I enjoy learning new skills. I try new strategies and ideas to manage

students and the classroom, also, from my peers and MSTs and MCT comments and feedback.

During microteaching, our instructor sorts students into groups so they can work together and provide feedback and

support to each other during online teaching. My MCT was very supportive and gave comments to improve our skills in

planning, managing, and how to keep working with the profession. I worked with group 3 with five members. We create

a WhatsApp group and share our emails to communicate all the time and be more collaborative. We make a schedule for

observations to have an idea of what we will do, and each day, students’ teachers who are wanting to teach remind other

members before two days and share our lesson plans.

Also, we discuss a lot to create new fun to create activities for students and share useful websites that support online

classes and help each other during observations. However, when students-teacher teach a lesson, other members act and

behave based on the lesson planned grade, To provide the right environment for the teacher, and sometimes student

teachers answer incorrectly to Give the teacher opportunity to fix and explain more to support her Lesson plan.
After the lesson ends, group members give student-teacher feedback and comment about planning and Implementing.

Also, we discuss our strength and weaknesses during this lesson and compare between other lessons that we did before.

I didn’t expect this experience will add to me this knowledge and improve my skills. I am satisfied with this unique

experience that passed with my group.


Overall, as a teacher, we learn throughout our experience, and from our mistakes also, we work very hard to improve our

teaching skills so we can provide excellent learning for our students.


Evidence of goal #1 “To focus on students’ mistakes and fix them during my lesson.”

I give my students who are made mistakes feedback immediately to improve their performance.

I used to differentiate and so encourage group work to focus more on low-level students during teaching progress smoothly.

I make sure students understand what I fix to them by using formative assessment, for example, quizzes and oral questions.

I Ask my MST students to list names with their grades and academic level, which helps me understand what my student needs to

work with them in their weaknesses.

MCT feedback.
I will ask my MST students to list names with their
grades and academic level.
MST feedback.
Evidence of goal #2 “Time management and commitment during lessons and activities.”

I prepared my lesson plan before 48 hours, and I sent it to my MST and MCT. Also, I wrote my notes near my desk so that I can go

back to them. I used a timer to manage the time while I was teaching. I Prepared the materials that I will use, like links and

worksheets, and include them in one PowerPoint.

My MCT feedback.
My notes.
I used PowerPoint to together
all materials worksheets, links,
and websites.
Record video during the lesson (online teaching).
My MST feedback.

Evidence of goal #3” Manage classroom behavior during the group work of the teaching time. ”

I used rewards, crate behavior system for good behavior. I used to remind students at the beginning of the lesson of class rules.
Also, I -Record the lesson (online teaching). And orally feedback from MST, MCT. And I sorted students into different groups.
(according to their academic level and behavior).
My behavior
My class rules.
Sorting students into groups.
My MCT feedback.
Recording the

References /Bibliography :
1.Mcleod, S. (n.d.). Skinner - Operant Conditioning. Retrieved September 19, 2020, from

2. Promethean. (2020, February 24). Types of summative assessment and formative assessment. Retrieved from 3.Sarikas, C. (n.d.). Vygotsky
Scaffolding: What It Is and How to Use It. Retrieved from

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