Lesson Plan 2 1

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5E Lesson Plan

Teacher(s): Susan Robinson

Date: 09-19-2018
Subject / grade level: Social Studies/4 th grade
Materials: A Rendezvous with Idaho History, The Story of Idaho, C hrome books, poster board

State Standards:
4.SS.1.1.1 Identify characteristics of different cultural groups in Idaho. 4.SS.1.1.2 Describe ways that cultural groups have influenced and
impacted each other. 4.SS.1.1.3 Explain the role of explorers and missionaries in the development of Idaho. 4.SS.1.1.4 Discuss the treaty period
for Idaho’s federally recognized tribes including causes, events, and results.

Lesson objective(s):
Students will be able to identify the different Native Americans tribes living throughout Idaho in the 1800’s and their territorial boundaries.
Understand the cultural differences between Native American tribe and the conflicts that arose from those differences. Be able to explain the role
that early explorers and Jesuit missionaries played in the development of Idaho and their influence on the land and Native American tribes. Be
able to explain how the creation of treaties by the United States government placed Native Americans on reservations. Describe what happened
when Native American chiefs refused to give up their territories to the United States government and the conflict that resulted between the U.S.
Calvary and the tribes.

Differentiation/Accommodation strategies to meet diverse learner needs:

 Student with reading disability- when reading through text, a chrome book will be given for listening. I will also present visual written material that will
be read aloud in class. There will also be video material to give another context to understanding the objectives through listening.

 Engaging the class by listening to the readings of different excerpts taken from Native Americans, explorers, and Jesuit Priests and asking students if
they can identify who is saying it and what was the importance of that particular passage.
 Students should ask questions about how important the land was to Native Americans? What were some of the effects that came from white settlers?
 Why was it important to Jesuit Priests to convert Native Americans? Why did the United States government find it necessary to take the land away
from Native Americans and place them on land far from their native territory/ What motivates one culture to dominate another?

 Students will be placed in groups and assigned either a Native American village from the Northern Panhandle (Plateau) or Great Basin tribes, a Native
American reservation, or Jesuit Mission and create a poster board presentation of their assigned project. Students will use visuals and written
information explaining what life was like for the people living in the village, life on a reservation, or what was the purpose of the mission?
 Big questions to think about: What was life like in a village? What roles did men, women and children play in a village? What did they eat; hunt for?
what type of shelter did they live in? what type of relationship or conflicts did they have with neighboring tribes?
 What is a reservation? Why were they created? What tribe or tribes live on the reservation? What was life like living on a reservation?
 What was the purpose of a mission? What religion did a Jesuit missionary practice? What was the influential desire of the missionaries on the native

 Help students brainstorm about Native Americans, explorers, and missionaries. Understanding the importance that each group played during the
develop of the United States and the eventual State of Idaho. Help guide them with research through the use of the internet and the library.
 Students should question how the United States affected Native American tribes.
 Try and understand the impact that reservations had on the Native American populations.
 How did religion play on the culture and formation of the State of Idaho?

5E Lesson Plan

 Students will be able to explain the roles that each culture played and how the interaction of these cultures created a cause and effect situation.
 Vocabulary terms: Jesuit, tribe, relocation, exploration, culture, treaty, reservation
 The students will be able to look at the different cultures today and see if they can compare and identify any aspects of early American life to societies
in today’s world.

 During the early stages of preparing their presentations, I will observe students in their groups and ask questions to gain a better understanding of their
research and knowledge. Students will be expected to demonstrate knowledge through the use of their group visual project and oral presentation.
Engaging students from other groups to ask the presenters questions about their project and what they learned about their research of that particular

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