Revolution EVO PDS Rev2
Revolution EVO PDS Rev2
Revolution EVO PDS Rev2
RevolutionTM EVO
Product Data Sheet – Rev2
Increased coverage
Cardiac capability
Emergency capability
Intervention capability
Desktop – Exam RX
Desktop – ImageWorks
Application on console
Gantry Specifications
Table Specification
Compatible Options
Siting Requirement
License/Warranty/Regulatory compliance
Introduction Organ Dose modulation provides reduction of radiation dose via X-ray
tube current modulation for superficial tissues, such as breasts. ODM
RevolutionTM EVO is the next generation Volume CT with Clarity Imaging may enable equivalent pixel noise standard deviation without
Chain and ASiR-VTM1*. Clarity Imaging Chain consists of Clarity Detector, DAS, decreasing productivity as with the use of conventional superficial
PerformixTM 40 Plus X-ray Tube and ASiR-V reconstruction, and delivers high dose reduction techniques.
resolution imaging to meet various customer needs in real clinical situations.
Clarity Imaging Chain delivers high spatial resolution, low noise, or less- Exceptional one stop scanning mode provides a streamlined workflow
artifact. on the Xtream Display such as "Patient selection", "Protocol selection"
and "Confirm". Pre-scanning can be accomplished in as few as five
- 40mm coverage Clarity Detector /DAS touches.
- 0.35sec* rotation speed in routine scan
- 0.28mm spatial resolution Volume Helical Shuttle is a continuous scan technique that is a bi-
- ASiR-V, up to 82% dose reduction relative to FBP at the same image directional scan mode, covers up to 312.5mm for 4D imaging.
Smart MAR* helps reducing photon starvation, beam hardening and
Key technologies enablers include: streak artifacts caused by metal in the body, such as hip implants.
Clarity imaging chain with new X-ray tube, Detector and IR technology
overcome Image performance challenges such as noise, spatial
resolution, low contract detectability or artifact. Indications for Use
Performix 40 Plus with liquid bearing tube realizes 0.35sec* rotation The system is intended to produce cross-sectional images of the body by
speed in routine and enables 6sec in 1000mm, combined with high computer reconstruction of x-ray transmission data taken at different angles
helical pitch 1.531. and planes, including Axial, Cine, Helical (Volumetric), Cardiac, and Gated
acquisitions. These images may be obtained either with or without contrast.
ASiR-V* combines the speed of ASiR with additional capabilities from This device may include signal analysis and display equipment, patient and
VeoTM, GE’s full model-based iterative reconstruction technology. By equipment supports, components and accessories.
applying more advanced modeling and optimization technologies in
projection- and image-space as part of the iterative reconstruction This device may include data and image processing to produce images in a
process. ASiR-V provides dose reduction well beyond that of ASiR, variety of trans-axial and reformatted planes. Further the images can be
while maintaining low-contrast detectability, like Veo. post processed to produce additional imaging planes or analysis results. The
system is indicated for head, whole body, cardiac and vascular X-ray
SnapShot Freeze* is designed to reduce blurring artifacts due to Computed Tomography applications in patients of all ages.
motion in coronary vessels that cannot be addressed by gantry speed The device output is a valuable medical tool for the diagnosis of disease,
alone. Providing up to a 6X improvement, while maintaining high trauma, or abnormality and for planning, guiding, and monitoring therapy.
spatial resolution.
1 In clinical practice, the use of ASiR-V may reduce CT patient dose depending
on the clinical task, patient size, anatomical location and clinical practice. A
consultation with a radiologist and a physicist should be made to determine
the appropriate dose to obtain diagnostic image quality for the particular
clinical task.
2 Image quality as defined by low contrast detectability.
In clinical practice, the use of ASiR-V may reduce CT patient dose depending
on the clinical task, patient size, anatomical location, and clinical practice. A
consultation with a radiologist and a physicist should be made to determine
the appropriate dose to obtain diagnostic image quality for the particular
clinical task. Low Contrast Detectability (LCD), Image Noise, Spatial Resolution
and Artifact were assessed using reference factory protocols comparing ASiR-
V and FBP. The LCD measured in 0.625 mm slices and tested for both head
and body modes using the MITA CT IQ Phantom (CCT183, The Phantom
Laboratory), using model observer method.
ASiR-V is the newest technology in GE’s family of industry-leading iterative
reconstruction techniques.
ASiR-V combines the speed of ASiR with additional capabilities from Veo, GE’s
full model-based iterative reconstruction technology. By applying more
advanced modeling and optimization technologies in projection- and image-
space as part of the iterative reconstruction process. ASiR-V provides dose
reduction well beyond that of ASiR, while maintaining low-contrast
detectability, like Veo.
ASiR-V extends the advanced noise and dose reduction technologies of ASiR.
Existing iterative reconstruction, such as ASiR, models the noise in a way that
is adaptive to the mA, kV and body habitus of the patient.
ASiR-V enhances the noise modeling of ASiR in two ways: 1) ASiR-V performs
sophisticated statistical modeling of the projection samples by taking into
account the confidence of each projection measurement in the
reconstruction process; and 2) ASiR-V incorporates the user’s special clinical
needs, such as enhanced spatial resolution, into the statistical treatment of
the samples.
Lower dose
ASiR-V reduces dose by 50% to 82% relative to FBP at the same image
Artifact reduction
ASiR-V image reconstruction has the capability to reduce low signal artifact
such as streak artifact compared to FBP+
In clinical practice, the use of ASiR-V may reduce CT patient dose depending
on the clinical task, patient size, anatomical location, and clinical practice. A
consultation with a radiologist and a physicist should be made to determine
the appropriate dose to obtain diagnostic image quality for the particular
clinical task. Low Contrast Detectability (LCD), Image Noise, Spatial Resolution
and Artifact were assessed using reference factory protocols comparing ASiR-
V and FBP. The LCD measured in 0.625 mm slices and tested for both head
and body modes using the MITA CT IQ Phantom (CCT183, The Phantom
Laboratory), using model observer method.
An advanced Iterative Reconstruction technique delivers the following Revolution EVO provides intelligent motion correction with SnapShot Freeze3.
benefit to users. SnapShot Freeze is designed to reduce blurring artifacts due to motion in
coronary vessels that cannot be addressed by gantry speed alone. Providing
ASiR may enable an improvement up to 25% in LCD. up to a 6X improvement, while maintaining high spatial resolution, the
reduction in motion artifacts is equivalent to a 0.058s Equivalent Gantry
ASiR may help clinicians achieve confident diagnosis with up to 40% Rotation Speed with Effective Temporal Resolution of 29msec4.
lower dose while maintaining image performance.
Note: In clinical practice, the use of ASiR may reduce CT patient dose and
improve low contrast detectability depending on the clinical task, patient
size, anatomical location and clinical practice. A consultation with a
radiologist and a physicist should be made to determine the appropriate
dose to obtain diagnostic image quality for the particular clinical task.
Smart metal artifact reduction (MAR) – Smart MAR* AAR – Advanced artifact reduction
Smart MAR* helps reducing photon starvation, beam hardening and streak Advanced Artifact Reduction (AAR) Filter significantly reduces streaking
artifacts caused by metal in the body, such as hip implants. artifacts when highly absorbent objects are in the field of view – ie: large
shoulder .
Overlapped reconstruction
For 64ch based system, the overlapped reconstruction feature enables 128
slices per rotation in axial scanning modes and delivers improved Z-axis
visualization performance relative to non-overlapped reconstruction.
4 mA modulation is designed to optimize the dose for the user prescribed noise index. Its effect on
dose depends on the patient body habitus, and prescribed noise setting.
Xtream Display has a video function to assist the user in explaining the CT
examination to patients.
Movie Change provides function to upload user created image and video.
Image Check provides 340x340 matrix images for confirming reconstructed The AW Server client on the CT console is a software option that provides
image coverage in real time and tracking up to 1800mm length with less access to applications hosted on an AW Server, at the CT console.
than 1 sec delay.
It offers customers the use of applications on the CT console for improved
Reconstruction time is up to 55 fps. workflow and productivity.
Xtream Injector
Xtream Injector allows the start of a CT scan to be synchronized with an
approved injector. Pressing the Start Scan button makes the CT scan and
armed injector start simultaneously.
5-Beat Cardiac* behavior during a CCTA scan to assist the user with optimization of the
parameters on a per-patient basis.
Revolution EVO has the ability to cover the heart in as little as 5 beats. Acquisition parameters displayed include scan mode (Cine SnapShot Pulse,
Helical SnapShot Segment, etc.), cardiac phases, padding, and pitch. User
The following calculation is based on a patient heart rate of 60bpm, and a
Profiles define scan parameters within the heart rate and variability
total coverage of 120mm (nominal scan length to cover the heart), using a
categories for a specific patient group and cardiac scan mode.
helical pitch of 0.22:1, and a rotation speed of 0.35 sec rotation.
44msec cardiac temporal resolution with 0.35 second rotation and SnapShot SnapShot Assist is only available for 64ch based system
scan algorithm. Revolution EVO not only offers fast acquisition speed, it
builds on GE’s exclusive variable speed technology that has now been SmartScoreTM Pro*
expanded for cardiovascular imaging to include 0.35, 0.375, 0.40, 0.425, 0.45,
0.475 and 0.50 second scans. Acquires prospective ECG gating measurements,, which provide information
that is valuable for scan timing. Using the measurements, the system
SnapShot Imaging provides software and hardware to perform retrospective synchronizes the collection of data with the cardiac cycle.
helical ECG-gated reconstructions of the heart with three SnapShot-imaging
Cardiac enhance features
SnapShot Segment is a single sector protocol.
Cardiac Image Filters* provides users the capability to reconstruct filtered
SnapShot Burst is a multi-sector protocol using up to two sectors. images using three steps of noise (pixel noise standard deviation) reduction
for helical and axial cardiac imaging, which may allow a reduction of mA
SnapShot Burst Plus is a multi-sector protocol using up to four sectors. while maintaining an acceptable level of image performance.
Variable image thickness: 0.625, 1.25 and 2.50mm ECG mA Modulation*: For cardiac applications, prospective ECG mA
modulation automatically adjusts the mA to minimize the patient’s exposure
SnapShotTM Freeze* to X-rays – reducing mA during systolic phases of the cardiac cycle. This
provides clear images and allows you to reduce mA primarily in the systolic
phases of the cardiac cycle. – yet gives you enough power to obtain quality
SnapShot Freeze is designed to reduce blurring artifacts due to motion in images for functional analysis.
coronary vessels that cannot be addressed by gantry speed alone. Providing
up to a 6X improvement, while maintaining high spatial resolution, the ECG Waveform on the Console* will allow users to visualize the ECG
reduction in motion artifacts is equivalent to a 0.058s Equivalent Gantry waveform directly on the CT scanner console during the scan.
Rotation Speed with Effective Temporal Resolution of 29msec5.
ECG trace on Xtream Display*
SnapShot Freeze requires CardIQ Xpress 2.0 Reveal on AW VS6, VS7 or AW
Server ECG trace provides users the capability to display the heart rate and ECG
waveform based on the data from the ECG equipment on the Xtream Display
SnapShot Freeze is only available for 64ch based system to review the patient heart rate during cardiac scanning.
SnapShotTM Assist*
Helps users Optimize ECG-gated CT acquisitions based on patient heart rate
characteristics. SnapShot Assist uses the patient's recorded heart rate
information to display scan parameters (including scan mode, cardiac
phases, padding and pitch) that could be used during the cardiac CT scan.
VT2000 Table*
VT2000 is designed for flexible positioning with 2000mm long
scannable range and 500lb (227kg) patient weight capacity.
One-stop scanning*
Revolution EVO's exceptional one stop scanning mode provides a
streamlined workflow on the Xtream Display such as "Patient
selection", "Protocol selection" and "Confirm". Pre-scanning can be
accomplished in as few as five touches.
SmartViewTM* SmartStep*
SmartView provides continuous, real-time CT fluoroscopy at 24 fps SmartStep is an interventional mode providing step-and-shoot imaging
(3view ports at 8fps each) with in-room viewing and manual X-ray with in-room viewing and manual X-ray control.
control. The intuitive user interface provides six user-selectable display
layouts, in-room image review and WW and WL control. Features The three interventional viewports automatically update each time an
ceiling-mounted in-room LCD monitor and full-featured handheld, exposure is made with the foot pedal.
cradle-mounted controller.
Biopsy mode
Real time performance
FPS at single display mode : 12fps Biopsy Mode improves the efficiency of setting up and acquiring slices
during a biopsy. All biopsy scan parameters are available on a single
FPS at three display mode : 24fps screen from which you can launch the biopsy scan.
Nominal image lag : 0.2sec
ECG mA Modulation*: For cardiac applications, prospective ECG mA Checking against the Notification Value if the estimated dose for the
modulation automatically adjusts the mA to minimize the patient’s scan is above your site established dose value.
exposure to X-rays – reducing mA during systolic phases of the cardiac
Checking against the Alert Value where the user needs specific
cycle. This provides clear images and allows you to reduce mA primarily in
authority to continue the scan at the current estimated dose without
the systolic phases of the cardiac cycle – yet gives you enough power to
changing the scan parameters if the estimated dose exceeds the alert
obtain quality images for functional analysis.
CT 4Kids : The pediatric protocols are based upon a child's size, age, and
Alert Values for Adult and Pediatric with age threshold
weight and tailor the dose or treatment to the size of the patient. The Head
and Orbit categories are age based. The rest of the categories are height Audit logging and review capability
and weight based protocols. Protocol Change Control capability
Color Coding KidsTM provides pediatric scan protocols based on the
Broselow-Luten systemTM Pediatric System. This Color Coding system is
incorporated into the protocol selection on the operator’s console.
SmartTrack: The tracking collimator keeps the beam focused only on the
active detector cells, and makes sub-millimeter scanning possible with
high dose efficiency.
SmartBeamTM: The collimator contains two independently controlled
tungsten cams. The rotation of the cams provides continuous variable
beam thickness and Z-axis position. The collimator also contains three
bowtie beam filters that filter and shape the beam to optimize dose and
image performance.
Dose Display
CTDIvol (Volume CTDIw), DLP (Dose Length Product) and Dose Efficiency are
displayed during scan prescription and provide dose information to the
Dose Reporting
Copy PMR & Series Three pre-recorded voices are available in 13 languages (English-Male,
English-Female, Japanese, French, German, Spanish, Mexican Spanish,
Automatically copy the parameters of an existing series when “Copy series” Italian, Korean, Chinese, Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese and Russian.). The
is selected. The series parameters include: start location, end location, operator can record an additional 17 voice instructions.
interval, DFOV, A-P center, and R-L center.
Bright Box*
Connect Pro
The Bright Box is a separate piece of hardware that is used to review images
without having to use the system mouse or keyboard. Use the Bright Box to
With the Connect Pro option, the user can view other valuable information
review images while someone else uses the mouse and keyboard to set up
about a patient such as allergies, pregnancy status, and medical alerts. This
or continue the scan series.
information is gathered from the HIS/RIS using a DICOM connection.
Connect Pro can be customized to fit the department’s needs by using Learning Solution
"filters" to pull only the information in which the user is interested. It can
collect more than standard patient demographic information. The User Manual contains all the user information required to operate the
scanner. It has detailed information as well as step-by-step procedures. The
User Manual can be displayed on the Display monitor by clicking on the
Exam Split*
Learning Solution icon.
Exam Split provides customers with the capability to “split” a series of patient
images into separate groups. These new smaller image groups can then be
networked to desired reading stations for multiple “reads” and multiple
billings on select patient exams.
Scout imaging is used for anatomical location in conjunction with scan and
recon prescription, to provide an anatomical cross-reference for axial
images, and to provide quick feedback to the user as to the anatomy
scanned. Revolution EVO supports real time scout
The Exam Rx desktop environment provides the clinical tools necessary for
comfortable, efficient control of patient studies. These tools include patient
scheduling and data entry, exam protocol selection, protocol viewing and
editing, scan data acquisition, image reconstruction, image display and
routine analysis, AutoFilm or manual filming, AutoStore and AutoTransfer.
Patient Scheduling
Patient Schedule allows users to preprogram patient information and exam
protocols prior to the patient's arrival. At scan time, select from the created
list, enter the patient ID number, enter the Accession number, or use the
optional Bar Code Reader to call up patient information. Patient information
can be easily added or deleted from this list.
Protocol View/Edit
When used in conjunction with the Show Localizer, changes made in the
View/Edit table that affect the number of scans, image interval,
starting/ending locations, tilt, or display FOV are automatically shown on the
Show Localizer.
Image Management
ImageWorks software is designed to take advantage of the Revolution EVO
computer and image processor. This desktop environment includes image
management and networking. Local Database
The Source menu controls the contents of the Patient List and displays the
host databases to which the user is currently connected.
Allows storage of DICOM images and a DICOM Viewer to a CD-R or DVD-R or
USB media.
Data Export
Allows storage of images on a CD-R or FTP or USB images as JPEG, PNG, AVI,
MPEG, or MOV formats.
On-screen filming is available for digital camera using a DICOM protocol.
Image Networking
Exams can be selected and moved between the Revolution EVO and the
imaging system supporting the DICOM protocol for network send, receive
and pull/query.
Image Analysis software
Revolution EVO series support following Image analysis tools on console.
Volume Viewer 5*
AVA Xpress*
AutoBone Xpress*
Perfusion4D – Neuro*
Card EP*
Denta Scan*
Image Display
Mini Viewer
CardEP is a software post-processing package. It is an additional tool for the
analysis of 3D angiographic data providing a number of display,
measurements and batch filming/archive features to study the left atrium,
AutoBoneTM Xpress* pulmonary veins and coronary veins. The features include but are not limited
to; automatic volume rendering models of the left atrium and heart, vessel
AutoBone XPress is an image analysis software package that is intended to
analysis for pulmonary veins and coronary veins, navigator views of the
facilitate segmentation of bony structures and calcifications for CT
veins, along with guided double oblique reviews of the left atrial appendage
Angiography exams.
and the pulmonary veins.
CT Perfusion 4D – Neuro*
CT Perfusion 4D – Neuro is an image analysis software package that allows
the evaluation of dynamic CT data following an injection of a compact bolus
of contrast material, and generating information regarding changes in
image intensity over time.
+++ kW equivalence is based on the image noise ratio value between ASiR-V and
Maximum mA for each kV selection: FBP. The ratio calculation between image noise and dose corresponding mAs is
72kW based system defined as [(SDFBP)2/(SDASiR-V)2 x generator rating]
++ Tube equivalence is based on the image noise ratio value between ASiR and FBP. Clarity Data Acquisition System
The ratio calculation between image noise and dose corresponding mAs is defined as
[(SDFBP)2/(SDASiR)2 x tube rating] 2,460 Hz maximum sample rate.
861 - 1968 views per rotation.
Two configurations with 500lb (227kg) patient weight capacity, and up to 2000 mm scannable range (or 1700mm), for longer runoff studies, flexible patient
positioning, and easy room siting. An option providing 675lb (306kg) patient weight capacity with up to 2000 mm scannable range to accommodate a wider
range of patients.
Compatible Options
Software option
Integrated Injector
Smart MAR
Advanced CTC Pro3D EC
Exam Split
Denta Scan
AWE Connection
Tube License
Interventional option
European Misc
Euro port
Br. Portuguese
Oncology option
Flat Table Top
Application Package Options Advantage 4D
Patient Accessary
The following options are available on the Revolution EVO and console. See Low Profile head holder
Advantage Workstation (AW) product data sheet for list of available AW Coronal head folder
options. Child positioner
Table Slicker
Advanced Cardiac Package Table pad
SmartScore Pro CT Straps
ECG Trace Hardware option
Cardiac Enhance Bar code reader (USB)
Card IQ Snapshot TrackBall (USB)
SnapShot Pulse External HDD
ECG Wave on Gantry Rear control panel
SnapShot Assist UPS option
Temporal Enhance Anti-sesmic kit
CardIQ Xpress 2.0 Reveal Console desk
CardEP Chair
Cardiac Package Big Cabnet
SmartScore Pro
ECG Trace
Cardiac Enhance
Card IQ Snapshot
ECG Wave on Gantry
CardIQ Xpress 2.0 Reveal
The system operates on three-phase power that meets the following
Capacity: 75 kVA
Frequency: 50 or 60 Hz ± 3 Hz
Frequency: 50 or 60 Hz ± 3 Hz
VT2000x Table with 306 kg(675 lb) patient 815(1797) 650 x 2910 (25.6 x 114.5)
VT2000 Table with 227 kg(500 lb) patient 732 (1613) 650 x 2910 (25.6 x 114.5)
VT1700V Table with 227 kg(500 lb) patient 672 (1481) 650 x 2360 (25.6 x 93.3)
ASiR, ASiR-V, Volume Helical Shuttle and Cardiac scan are licensed for use
with a GE X-ray tube. Use of a third party X-ray tube will require an additional
license for these features.
The published Company warranty in effect on the date of shipment shall
apply. The Company reserves the right to make changes.
General Electric Company reserves the right to make changes in
specifications and features shown herein, or discontinue the product
described at any time without notice or obligation.
Regulatory Compliance
Laser alignment devices contained within this product are appropriately
labeled according to the requirements of the Center for Devices and
Radiological Health.
Clinical data on this data sheet was acquired by the previous software
version. The clinical image is reconstructed by application.
This version of Revolution EVO is not CE marked and cannot be placed on the
market or put into service until it has obtained all required regulatory
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us on our journey as we continuously develop innovations focused on
reducing costs, increasing access, and improving quality around the world.
Headquartered in the United Kingdom, GE Healthcare is a unit of General
Electric Company (NYSE: GE). Worldwide, GE Healthcare employees are
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