Gardening With Gabions: A Solution For Terraced Gardens
Gardening With Gabions: A Solution For Terraced Gardens
Gardening With Gabions: A Solution For Terraced Gardens
without notice and specifiers are requested to check as to the validity of the
specifications they are using.
What is a gabion?
A gabion is a basket made from galvanised and PVC coated
steel wire mesh, which is woven into a hexagonal pattern, with
double twisted joints. This ensures that the basket will not
unravel should any of the wire links be cut or damaged.
A gabion is strong and flexible, and with time, soil and debris
fills the gaps between the rocks, allowing further pathways for
vegetation establishment. Neither the rocks, nor the wire Figure 2
mesh create an obstacle to growing vegetation.
Gabion baskets are filled with rocks and used as building
blocks to create terraced and reinforced soil structures.
Figure 7
This brochure has been compiled in conjunction with Ernst van Jaars-
veld, Kirstenbosch Gardens.
Figure 5
6 - Mat anchor detail