Syllabus English For Mathematics 2020
Syllabus English For Mathematics 2020
Syllabus English For Mathematics 2020
Study Program : Mathematics
Course : English for Mathematics
Code : MAT6210
Credit Hours :2
Semester :3
Prerequisite : English
Lecturer : Nila Mareta Murdiyani, M.Sc
Course Description :
This course covers four main literacy skills in English: reading, writing, listening and speaking. These are focused on mathematics context and
vocabulary. Selected articles or research publications in mathematics are used to practice effective reading and writing. Listening and speaking
skills are integrated during discussions on reading or writing tasks. In addition, students also get the knowledge and practice of IELTS to obtain
scholarships abroad.
2 Understanding mathematics vocabularies and terms related to Vocabularies and Terms in Presentation & Discussion 1
Numbers and Operations Numbers and Operations
3 Understanding mathematics vocabularies and terms related to Vocabularies and Terms in Presentation & Discussion 2
Powers, Roots, Logarithm (Algebra) Powers, Roots, Logarithm
4 Understanding mathematics vocabularies and terms related to Vocabularies and Terms in Presentation & Discussion 3
Sequence, Series, and Trigonometry Sequence, Series, and
5 Understanding mathematics vocabularies and terms related to Vocabularies and Terms in Presentation & Discussion 4
Geometry Geometry
6 Understanding mathematics vocabularies and terms related to Vocabularies and Terms in Presentation & Discussion 5
Logic, Set, and Calculus Logic, Set, and Calculus
7 Understanding mathematics vocabularies and terms related to Vocabularies and Terms in Presentation & Discussion 6
Probability and Statistics Probability and Statistics
Component Weight
Presenting Vocabulary and Term 20 %
Finding Mathematics Article 10 %
Rewriting Mathematics Article 10 %
Writing Academic Paragraph 20 %
Presenting Academic Paragraph 20 %
Final Exam 20 %
TOTAL 100 %
1. English for Mathematics module
2. Bailey, S. 2003. Academic Writing A handbook for International Students. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
3. Sultan, A. & Artzt, A. F. 2011. The Mathematics that Every Secondary School Math Teacher Needs to Know. New York: Routledge, Taylor &
Francis Group.
4. Gibilisco, S. 2004. Everyday Math Demystified. USA: The McGraw-Hill Co., Inc.
5. IELTS exercises
7. Articles and videos related to mathematics