Gilgel Abay Medium Hydro Power Design Et
Gilgel Abay Medium Hydro Power Design Et
Gilgel Abay Medium Hydro Power Design Et
First and for most Praise, glory, and honor are deserve to almighty God who helped us from
the very beginning of our step to this destination.
We would like to express our wholehearted gratitude to our advisors, Mr.Gedion Tasew
(M.Sc.) and Mr.zerihun Leggesse (M.Sc.) for his priceless support in supervising our work and
providing us with important reference materials including revised all documentations.
And we would like to express our deepest hearted thanks to Arba minch Institute of technology
for giving the chance to prepare this design document. And our thanks are also for our
department hydraulic and water resources for the preparation of advisors to guide us on this
Our sincere appreciation goes to Arba Minch University library staff, for their active
cooperative and provision of materials whenever necessary.
Finally, we strongly thank our parents and others who helped us either financially, technically
or morally from a very beginning up to this stage.
This protect is done on Gilgel- Abbay river in Amhara region West Gojjam zone. The project
is designed for medium hydropower, which serves for power to national grid supply. To design
this hydropower project available hydro metrological data are obtained from Merawi, Bahirdar,
Dangla and Meshenti rainfall stations, for design flood estimation frequency analysis of Log
normal distribution is the nearest fit for the given data. So, for 100 year return period
483.92m3/s is taken as design discharge.
The reservoir is planned by the method of mass curve and elevation area capacity curve
technique. And the sediment volume is approximated by liner regression methods. Due to the
availability of ample rock material and other reasonable factors, in our case Gravity dam is
selected. The dam has a height of 62m with crest width and length of 4.35m and bottom width
of 40m respectively. The selected spillway for this dam ogee type is designed to have an
effective length of 60m and discharge of about 168.92m3/sec.
The conveyance system consists of tower intake, concrete lined tunnel, surge tank, penstock
and concrete lined tail race canal. The diversion of river flow during construction diverted by
cofferdam of height 4m and a diversion tunnel with a diameter of 1.4m have been designed.
The powerhouse proposed in ground surface vertically aligned with installed capacity of the
plant is 134.09Mw with Francis turbines and generators are used for power generation.
Environmental impacts due to the implementation of the project are quoted and mitigation
measures are suggested under the topic.
The cost analysis is roughly done, since there is no enough data obtained for the total economic
analysis of the project. Finally, dam safety and dam instrumentation, the conclusion and
recommendation are included.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................................................................................... i
LIST OF TABLE .....................................................................................................................vii
LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................... viii
ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................. ix
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 1
1.1 General ........................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Back ground information ............................................................................................ 1
1.3 Location and access to the project site ........................................................................ 1
1.4 Project Objective ......................................................................................................... 2
1.5 Project Area Description ............................................................................................. 2
1.6 Socio-economic characteristics ................................................................................... 3
1.6.1 Population in the project area .............................................................................. 3
1.6.2 Social and economic services and infrastructure ................................................. 3
2 HYDROLOGY .................................................................................................................. 5
2.1 General ........................................................................................................................ 5
2.2 Catchment Area Parameters ........................................................................................ 5
2.3 Hydro metrological data .............................................................................................. 6
2.4 Estimation of missing data .......................................................................................... 6
2.4.1 Arithmetic Mean Method .................................................................................. 6
2.4.2 Regression Method ............................................................................................ 6
2.4.3 Adequacy ............................................................................................................. 8
2.4.4 Accuracy .............................................................................................................. 8
2.4.5 Consistency .......................................................................................................... 8
2.5 Check for data consistency.......................................................................................... 8
2.5.1 By Graphically ..................................................................................................... 9
2.5.2 Test for outliers: ................................................................................................... 9
2.6 Estimation of annual dependable rainfall .................................................................... 9
2.7 Computation of design rainfall .................................................................................. 11
2.8 Design flood determination method .......................................................................... 12
2.8.1 Maximum Probable flood (PMF)....................................................................... 12
2.8.2 Standard project flood (SPF) ............................................................................. 13
2.9 Selection of Return Period ........................................................................................ 13
2.10 Risk and Reliability ............................................................................................... 14
2.11 DESIGN FLOOD DETERMINATION ................................................................ 14
2.11.1 Unit hydrograph analysis ................................................................................... 15
2.11.2 Flood Frequency Analysis ................................................................................. 15
2.11.3 Parameter Estimator ........................................................................................... 15
2.11.4 Estimation of L-Moment.................................................................................... 16
2.12 Flow Duration Curve (FDC).................................................................................. 21
2.12.1 Plotting Position ................................................................................................. 21
3 RESERVIOR PLANNING .............................................................................................. 23
3.1 General ...................................................................................................................... 23
3.2 Reservoir site selection criteria ................................................................................. 23
3.3 Physical characteristics of reservoirs ........................................................................ 24
3.4 Reservoir Capacity Determination ............................................................................ 24
3.4.1 Elevation area capacity curve ............................................................................ 24
3.4.2 Mass curve method: ........................................................................................... 27
3.5 Reservoir Losses ....................................................................................................... 29
1. Evaporation losses ................................................................................................. 29
3.5.1 Seepage loss; ...................................................................................................... 32
3.5.2 Absorption and Percolation losses: .................................................................... 32
3.6 Reservoir Sedimentation ........................................................................................... 32
3.7 Storage Zones of a Reservoir .................................................................................... 36
3.7.1 Control of Reservoir sedimentation ................................................................... 36
4 FLOOD ROUTING ......................................................................................................... 37
4.1 General ...................................................................................................................... 37
4.2 Inflow hydrograph ..................................................................................................... 38
4.3 Out Flow Hydrograph ............................................................................................... 40
5 DAM ................................................................................................................................ 44
5.1 General ...................................................................................................................... 44
5.2 Classification of Dams .............................................................................................. 44
5.3 Selection of suitable dam site .................................................................................... 44
5.4 Dam type selection .................................................................................................... 45
5.5 Gravity Dam Designing ............................................................................................ 46
5.5.1 Height of the dam:- ............................................................................................ 46
5.5.2 Free board: - ....................................................................................................... 46
5.5.3 Top width ........................................................................................................... 47
5.5.4 Upstream slope; ................................................................................................. 47
5.5.5 Downstream slope .............................................................................................. 47
5.5.6 Bed width ........................................................................................................... 47
5.6 Load combination and Forces Acting on dam .......................................................... 48
5.6.1 Primary loads: .................................................................................................... 49
5.6.2 Secondary loads: - .............................................................................................. 50
5.6.3 Exceptional loads: .............................................................................................. 52
5.7 Load combination ...................................................................................................... 52
5.8 Forces, moments and structural equilibrium ............................................................. 53
5.9 Joints in the dam........................................................................................................ 61
5.10 Foundation treatment ............................................................................................. 61
6 SPILLWAY ..................................................................................................................... 63
6.1 General ...................................................................................................................... 63
6.2 Essential Requirements of A Spill Way .................................................................... 63
6.3 Spill Way Capacity.................................................................................................... 64
6.4 Components of Spillway ........................................................................................... 64
6.5 Type of Spillway ....................................................................................................... 65
6.6 Design of Ogee or Over Flow Spillway .................................................................... 66
6.6.1 Crest Shape of ogee Spillway ............................................................................ 66
6.6.2 Designing of ogee spill way crest ...................................................................... 66
6.6.3 Discharge computation for an ogee spillway ..................................................... 67
6.7 Calculation for Ogee Spillway design ....................................................................... 68
6.8 The shape of downstream profile from origin of the coordinates. ............................ 69
6.9 Energy Dissipation .................................................................................................... 71
6.9.1 Energy dissipation process ................................................................................. 71
6.9.2 Factors affecting the design of energy dissipaters ............................................. 71
6.9.3 Hydraulic jump formation.................................................................................. 72
6.9.4 Bucket type energy dissipaters........................................................................... 74
7 DIVERSION WORK ....................................................................................................... 76
7.1 General ...................................................................................................................... 76
7.2 Diversion stages ........................................................................................................ 76
7.3 Sequence: The work is normally conducted in the following sequence ................... 77
7.4 Diversion works: ....................................................................................................... 77
7.5 Diversion Tunnel ....................................................................................................... 77
7.6 Coffer Dam ................................................................................................................ 78
7.6.1 Design of Coffer Dam ........................................................................................ 79
7.6.2 Risk of the cofferdam due to the flood .............................................................. 80
8 CONVEYANCE STRUCTURE...................................................................................... 81
8.1 General ...................................................................................................................... 81
8.2 Intake Structure ......................................................................................................... 81
8.3 Types of intakes ........................................................................................................ 81
8.4 Functions of Intakes .................................................................................................. 81
8.5 Intake selection and design ....................................................................................... 82
8.5.1 Intake Opening/Entrance ................................................................................... 82
8.5.2 Intake Aeration................................................................................................... 83
8.5.3 Gates .................................................................................................................. 84
8.5.4 Design of trash racks .......................................................................................... 84
8.6 Penstock .................................................................................................................... 86
8.6.1 Design criteria for penstock ............................................................................... 87
8.6.2 Material of Fabrication ...................................................................................... 87
8.6.3 Economic Diameter of Penstock ........................................................................ 87
8.6.4 Structural Design of Penstock ............................................................................ 88
8.6.5 Penstock Inlet Aeration ...................................................................................... 89
8.6.6 Capacity of air vent ............................................................................................ 90
8.7 Design of Manifolds .................................................................................................. 90
8.8 Anchor Block and Saddle Support ............................................................................ 91
8.9 Hydraulic Losses ....................................................................................................... 91
8.9.1 Net head ............................................................................................................. 91
8.9.2 Hydraulic Losses of Intake ................................................................................ 92
8.10 Surge Tank ............................................................................................................. 94
8.10.1 Function of Surge Tank ..................................................................................... 94
8.10.2 Design consideration of surge tank .................................................................... 94
9 DESIGN OF HYDRO POWER PLANT AND POWER HOUSE .................................. 98
9.1 General ...................................................................................................................... 98
9.2 Hydraulic Turbines and Electromechanical Equipment’s ......................................... 98
9.2.1 Impulse turbine: ................................................................................................. 98
9.2.2 Reaction turbine: ................................................................................................ 98
9.3 Selection of Turbine Type ......................................................................................... 99
9.3.1 Available Head: ................................................................................................. 99
9.3.2 Specific speed: ................................................................................................... 99
9.3.3 Synchronous speed............................................................................................. 99
9.3.4 Efficiency: ........................................................................................................ 100
9.3.5 Overall cost: ..................................................................................................... 100
9.4 Firm power .............................................................................................................. 100
9.5 Installed Capacity-Pins ............................................................................................. 101
9.6 Determination of turbine parameters....................................................................... 103
9.6.1 Specific speed: ................................................................................................. 103
9.6.2 Turbine speed ................................................................................................... 103
9.6.3 Synchronous speed........................................................................................... 104
9.6.4 Determination of peripheral co-efficient .................................................... 104
9.6.5 Run away speed ............................................................................................... 105
9.7 Turbine Scroll Case ................................................................................................. 106
9.8 Draft Tube ............................................................................................................... 108
9.8.1 Dimensions of elbow type draft tube ............................................................... 108
9.9 Electromechanical equipment’s .............................................................................. 110
9.10 Generators ............................................................................................................ 111
9.10.1 Diameter of generator ...................................................................................... 111
9.10.2 Weight of the generator ................................................................................... 111
9.10.3 Diameter of generator frame ( D f ) ................................................................. 112
9.10.4 Generator pit diameter ..................................................................................... 112
9.11 Power House Planning......................................................................................... 112
9.11.1 Types of Power House Planning ...................................................................... 113
9.11.2 Selection of Site for Power House Planning .................................................... 114
9.11.3 Dimensions of Power House ............................................................................ 114
9.12 Cavitation: ........................................................................................................... 116
9.13 Turbine governor ................................................................................................. 117
9.13.1 Transformer: .................................................................................................... 118
9.13.2 Transmission of electric power ........................................................................ 118
9.13.3 Turbine Blade Arrangements ........................................................................... 118
9.13.4 Tail Race Canal ................................................................................................ 118
10 Environmental Impact Assessment ................................................................................ 120
10.1 General................................................................................................................. 120
10.2 Why EIA is necessary.......................................................................................... 121
10.3 EIA Process ......................................................................................................... 121
10.4 Impact of the Gilgel-Abbay Hydropower Project on the Environment............... 122
10.5 Impact mitigation measures ................................................................................. 123
11 Economic Analysis ........................................................................................................ 125
11.1 General................................................................................................................. 125
11.2 Cost estimation .................................................................................................... 125
11.3 Annual benefit: - .................................................................................................. 125
11.4 Interest rate: - ....................................................................................................... 125
11.5 Financial costs ..................................................................................................... 126
11.6 Costs evaluation of the project ............................................................................ 126
11.7 Bill of quantity of Gilgel abbay hydropower project .......................................... 126
11.8 Camp installation and labor cost (including cost of land) ................................... 128
11.9 Benefits of the project.......................................................................................... 128
11.9.1 Benefits from hydropower development ......................................................... 128
11.10 Economic Analysis .............................................................................................. 128
11.10.1 Cash Flow Diagram ...................................................................................... 129
12 DAM SAFETY, INSTRUMENTATION AND SURVEILLANCE ............................. 130
12.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 130
12.2 Surveillance ......................................................................................................... 130
12.3 Instrumentation Application and objectives ........................................................ 131
12.4 Instruments: design principles ............................................................................. 131
13 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMANDATION ............................................................ 133
13.1 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................... 133
13.2 R ECOMMENDATION ...................................................................................... 134
BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................................................................. 135
APPENDIX –A ...................................................................................................................... 137
Table 2.1 Rainfall data with filled missing data ........................................................................ 7
Table 2.2 Computation of the dependable annual rainfall ....................................................... 10
Table 2.3 Mean monthly and annual rainfall for Merawi area ................................................ 10
Table 2.4 Annual max flood of Gigel abbay station ................................................................ 13
Table 2.5 Guideline for selecting the return period ................................................................. 14
Table 2.6 L-moment ratio ........................................................................................................ 17
Table 2.7 Computed value for L=moment graph .................................................................... 18
Table 2.8 Calculation of stream flow values using log normal distribution Function ............. 19
Table 2.9Calculation of stream flow values using log person distribution Function .............. 19
Table 2.10 Annual flows at selected frequency ....................................................................... 22
Table 3.1 Initial areas for integration method .......................................................................... 25
Table 3.2 computation of c using end area method ................................................................. 26
Table 3.3 Estimation of evaporation using evaporimeter ........................................................ 29
Table 3.4 computation of evaporation using penman method ................................................. 31
Table 3.5 Evaporation from Gilgel Abbay reservoir ............................................................... 31
Table 3.6 Observed sediment ................................................................................................... 33
Table 3.7 computation of mean monthly and annually sediment load .................................... 34
Table 4.1 Inflow hydrograph computed value ......................................................................... 40
Table 4.2 Outflow hydrograph computed value ...................................................................... 42
Table 5.1 load combination for different load condition ......................................................... 53
Table 5.2 Forces and moments computation for dam stability analysis .................................. 56
Table 5.3 moment computation for centroid X-----X .............................................................. 56
Table 6.1 The values of K and n are given as follows ............................................................. 67
Table 8.1 The shape of bell mouth elliptical profile ................................................................ 83
Table 8.2 Unsupported length of bar in cm for velocity (m/s) ................................................ 86
Table 9.1 Specific speed for different type of turbines. ......................................................... 102
Table 9.2 various values of , N s , H and efficiency ( ) for Francis turbines .................... 105
Table 10.1 Mitigation measurement ...................................................................................... 124
Table 11.1 Estimation of the project cost by bill of quantity (BOQ) .................................... 126
Figure 2.1 Delineated catchment area ........................................................................................ 5
Figure 2.2 Consistency Graph for Merawi rainfall station ........................................................ 9
Figure 2.3 Temporal variation of mean monthly rainfall in Merawi ....................................... 10
Figure 2.4 L-moment graph to determine best fit distribution................................................. 18
Figure 2.5 Testing for adequacy of Gumble for flood frequency. ........................................... 20
Figure 2.6 Testing adequacy of Log Normal for flood frequency. .......................................... 20
Figure 2.7 Testing for adequacy of Pearson Type III distribution ........................................... 20
Figure 2.8 Flow Duration Curve .............................................................................................. 22
Figure 3.1 Gilgel Abbay Dam and Reservoir site .................................................................... 24
Figure 3.2 Elevation- Area capacity Curve.............................................................................. 27
Figure 3.3 Mass curve and demand curve ............................................................................... 28
Figure 3.4 Longitudinal profile of a reservoir. ........................................................................ 33
Figure 4.1 Inflow hydrograph .................................................................................................. 40
Figure 4.2 Inflow and outflow hydrograph .............................................................................. 42
Figure 5.1 Dam Cross section profile ..................................................................................... 48
Figure 5.2 load distribution on gravity dam............................................................................. 49
Figure 5.3 Height of the wave and fetch length of reservoir ................................................... 51
Figure 5.4 Conditions of failure on the dam ............................................................................ 54
Figure 6.1 Ogee type Spillway on the dam .............................................................................. 63
Figure 6.2 ogee type spillway with vertical upstream slop ...................................................... 66
Figure 6.3 Ogee spillway profile ............................................................................................. 70
Figure 6.4 Hydraulic jump formation ...................................................................................... 72
Figure 6.5 Solid roller bucket type .......................................................................................... 75
Figure 7.1 Diversion coffer dam with diversion tunnel section profile ................................... 79
Figure 9.1 Spiral casing ......................................................................................................... 108
Figure 9.2 Draft tube dimensions........................................................................................... 110
Figure 9.3 Hydropower plant layout ...................................................................................... 113
a.m.s.l Above mean sea level
AVG Average
B/C Benefit cost ratio
BOQ Bill of Quantity
EEPCO Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
FAO Food and Agricultural Organization
FDC Flow duration curve
FSL Full Supply Level
HFL High Flood Level
HL Head Loss
Km Kilo Meter
M3/S Meter Cubic per Second
MAX Maximum
MFL Maximum Flood Level
MIN Minimum
MM Millimeter
Mm3 million meter cube
MPF Maximum Probable Flood
MPL Minimum pool level
MRL maximum reservoir level
MW Mega Watt
NGO Non-governmental Organization
NLC Normal Load Combination
NPL Normal Pool Level
OM Operation and maintenance cost
PFD Probable Flood Design
PMF Probable Maximum Flood
RBL Reduced Bed Level
SDF Standard Design Flood
TWL Tail Water Level
TWRC Tail water Rating Curve
UH Unit Hydrograph
USBR United States Bureau of Reclamation
1.1 General
Ethiopia has significant energy resources that are enough to the present and long term energy
requirement of the country. In Ethiopia, the electricity generation from water came to existence
in the beginning of 1930s, when Aba Samuel hydropower scheme was commissioned in 1932.
This station is capable of generating 6MW of electricity.
Ethiopia has got substantial hydropower potential estimated as 30,000MW. Out of this, less
than 3% has been utilized and the remaining should be developed at small to large scale so that
the source of energy for various uses can be replaced by this more environmentally friendly,
highly efficient and perpetual alternative energy source.
When the hydropower plant that is developed on Gilgel-Abbay project area is implemented, it
will play its own role in solving the electric scarcity problem in rural areas of Region 3 Amhara.
The livelihood of the people living in the Gilgel-Abbay project area depends on agriculture as
it was found that the valley floor provided drainage would be improved. The lands are hardly
used for agriculture, but extensively used for grazing in the dry season.
During phase 2 of the master plan study, seven project sites have been identified of which the
first one would be inundated by the reservoir of Gilgel- dam, which constitutes a better site
for storing water than Gilgel- .
The data required for the analysis and design of any project may be obtained from nearby
metrological station and gauging stations. For this particular project Merawi station is
available. The rainfall, minimum and maximum temperature data obtained from Merawi station
are used for analysis. This is because Merawi is very near to the project site. The sunshine
duration, relative humidity and wind speed of climatological data are obtained from Bahir Dar
because of its available long years of record.
Gilgel Abbay hydropower project site is found in Region 3 Amhara, west Gojjam zone. The
left bank of the valley is part of Achefer wereda, with Durbete as administrative center. The
right bank is part of merawi wereda, with merawi as administrative center .Gilgel-Abbay
project area is located in the Gilgel-valley between Wetet Abbay and Lake Tana as shown in
the location map Abbay River Master Plan prepared by Ministry of Water Resource. The
project area is located at latitude 37° 02´ 00´´and longitude 11° 22´ 00´´.There are no
agriculture offices in the project area and there is one major road, 15 km along the eastern edge
of both areas from Debre Markos to Bahir Dar.
Roads and tracks poorly serve the valley. During the rainy season, it is impossible to reach the
project sites by vehicles, apart from the site near Chimba. During the dry season the areas in
the valley can only be reached from the main road (Gilgel-2,right bank) and the road from
Durbete to Kunzila ,(left bank).The right bank near Chimba is accessible via all-weather road
leading from Bahir Dar to Gilgel river.
1. General objective
The main objective of this project is:
To design small scale hydropower project on Gilgel Abbay River, to convert the
potential energy of mass of water, flowing in the river with a certain fall to the turbine
(termed the “head”) into electric energy at the lower end of scheme.
2. Specific objective
The aim of this project is:
For satisfy the supply and demand of power for the community.
It promotes the social development by improving the living condition of the rural
To enhance energy development for rural areas that helps to develop the country’s
enormous hydropower potential.
Climate and altitude ;The climate of the valley falls in the traditional Woina Dega climatic
zone and is marked by a wet season from May to September, with monthly rainfalls varying
from 123 mm in May to 430mm in August. The dry season , from October to April has a total
rainfall of about only 10% of the annual rainfall of 1572 mm. Dependable rainfall varies from
less than 50 mm during the dry season to 50-288 mm/month during the period of May to
August, equivalent to 40-80% of the average values. Temperature variations throughout the
year are minor (15.7ºc in January to 18.2ºc in May), whereas humidity values vary between
58% in May and 80% in August. Wind speed is low, thus minimizing potential
evapotranspiration values between 95 mm/month in August and 144 mm/month in August
and 144 mm/month in April. Sunshine duration is reduced to 3.6-5.2 hours daily during June
to August; combined with low temperature, this would reduce the potential for growing ice in
the area.
Without dam average flows of Gilgel River which has a catchment of area of 1980 km2 at the
gauging station just upstream of the main road crossing at Wetet Abbay would decrease from
a maximum of 193 m3/s in August to as low as 3.1 m3/s in April. The dry season flows,
exceeded 4 out 5 years reach minimum values 1.7 m3/s.
Gilgel Abbay command area includes at pre-feasibility level survey there are two groups of
project areas: Gilgel-2(Amri Kebele) Gilgel-5(Chimba Woreda) with five project areas in
Merawi wereda and Gilgel-5(Chimba Woreda) with one project area in Achefer Wereda (west
Gojam zone). The unsurvey project areas include no school, no commercial, no private
enterprise nor any credit institution.
1.6.1 Population in the project area
According to the 1994 census, the total population is 24,599 people in 1994 in the 5 project
areas of Gilgel-2,650 people in Chimba project area in Gilgel-5(Chimba Woreda). The
population estimated by the project area chairmen fits exactly to the census figure. By the 1997,
according to the projected growth rate for each wereda, the population in the command area is
estimated at:
4,192 people in Gilgel-2(Amri Kebele), or 968 households and 2,372 active. The sex
ratio is 50% of men.
3,441 people in Gilgel-5, or 948 households and 1,944 active. The sex ratio is 49.1%
of men. The majority of the population belongs to the ethnic group of Amharic.
1.6.2 Social and economic services and infrastructure
a) Education: Although 27% of the heads of the households declare that they send their
Children to school, there is only one school in Gilgel-5, with 270 children enrolled in
education (36.7% of girls), and 5 teachers, and 1 school in Gilgel-2 (555 pupils and 6
teachers). The gross enrollment ratio in primary education is 9.4% in Gilgel-2 and 19.9%
in Gilgel-5. The zonal average is 12% for boys and 8.9% for girls, while the region average
is 17.0% and 15.1%.
b) Health and Sanitation: 13% of households paid a visit to the health center in the last
month, but there is no health service in the area. There is one new health post in Gilgel-2,
but not yet functioning till the end of 1997. The first reported disease malaria; after come
typhus and cholera. 20% of the households received some information about family
planning, but none of the surveyed households use any Contraceptive method. Only 37%
of the households have currently, and only 3% have a latrine.
c) Water Supply: According to the project area chairmen, 10% of the households in Gilgel-
5 and 50% in Gilgel-2 have access to a reasonably clean water source (developed springs).
There is no borehole. However, the surveyed households report only 10% on average of
access to “clean” water, while the zonal average (of access to “good water) is 16% only. In
the dry season, the water is at less than 30 minutes of walking distance for 90% of the
households. Only 50% of the people have to go less than three times per day to fetch water.
d) Source of energy: More than 97% of the households use wood as a source of fuel, and
kerosene as a source of light. There is no electricity in the command area.
e) Agricultural inputs: All project areas have access to agricultural inputs, through a trading
operator (Ambassel), and the Ministry of Agriculture. In Gilgel Abbay command area, the
use of agricultural inputs is more common than in most other command areas because there
is no fear of river flooding. 29% of the household expenditures are for agricultural inputs;
this is 2 to 5 times more than in the other command areas surveyed for pre-feasibility studies
in Amhara Region.
f) Credit: The Ministry of Agriculture and one co-operative provides agricultural inputs
through credit in all project areas. When not used for agricultural inputs, the only source of
credit is friends and relatives, or merchants and traders. No credit was obtained through a
g) Food security: West Gojam is a rich agricultural zone, and food deficit is almost unknown.
h) Accessibility of services: According to the household survey, the church is at distance of
22 minutes walking, the school at 51 minutes, the market at 79 minutes, the cooperative at
85 minutes, the grain mill at 108 minutes (out of the area). Post, telephone, bank and
hospital are almost never used, and out of reach. People must walk 4.5 hours to reach a
health center.
2.1 General
The primary objectives of hydrological investigations are mainly connection with the design,
planning, construction and operation of hydraulic structures such as dams, spillways and
reservoirs. The established river flow characteristics are: mean daily and monthly flow, daily
and monthly flow duration curves, firm flows and probable maximum flood. Design flood
corresponding to a certain return period is required to design efficiently and economically
functioning hydraulic structures.
For any water resource project, the hydro metrological data for a reasonable period of time and
their analysis are very important. The data may be obtained from past records at the proposed
site or may be synthesized from other similar catchments, by different approach. It is obvious
that a historical record is more reliable than the synthetic one as this may involve several
assumptions, which may deviate much from actual conditions.
The figure 3.1 below shows the delineated catchment area using GIS computer method from
the top map. The longest length from the remotest point of catchment to the out let point is
66.5km and its straight length (or air distance) is 38.1km. The total catchment area is
Four metrological stations are located around the study area, Merawi, Bahirdar, and Dangla
and Meshenti. Mean daily rainfall from Merawi station and other temperature, wind speed and
relative humidity data from other neighbor stations of each station are given through table
presented in Appendix (A). Also stream flow data’s of Gilgel Abbay River at Merawi gauging
station given on table 2.4 blow.
Failure of any rain gauge or absence of observer from a station causes short break in the record
of rainfall at the station. These gaps are to be estimated first before we use the rainfall data for
any analysis. To fill those missing data we have malty options method from these in our case
we have one station rainfall data so the arithmetic mean and linear regression method is the
best fits for our case.
P1 P2 ... Pn 1 n
Pav Pi (2.1)
n n i 1
Where P1, P2 . . . Pn are the precipitation recorded by n number of gauges located within the
basin. The normal annual rainfall of the missing station say x is within 10% of the normal
annual rainfall of the surrounding stations,
Y = aX + b − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − −(2.2)
Where: X – monthly rainfall of the specific month for which the data is available for the
hydrological year considered
Y – Monthly rainfall of the specific month following the month for which the data is available
in which the missing data is going to be determined. And a and b are constants and given b
N XY X * Y
a i 1 i 1 i 1
N X 2 2
i 1 i 1
Y X 2 X Y
b i 1 i 1 i 1 i 1
N X 2 X
i 1 i 1
r i 1 i 1 i 1
N 2
N 2
N X 2 X N Y 2 Y
i 1
i 1 i 1
i 1
And the correlation coefficient ‘r’ is given by above equation. The values of ‘r’ lies between
0 and 1 as Y can have only positive correlation with rainfall. A value of 0.6 r 1.0 indicate
good correlation. Therefor for our case the recreation method is the best fit for the missing data
given correlation coefficient ‘r’ is near to unit. For N=number of years with available
Table 2.1 Rainfall data with filled missing data
Year January February March April May June July August September October Nobember December Averag
1981 30.4 15.6 43.0 30.0 137.3 241.4 568.4 482.2 212.1 73.3 29.6 0.0 155.3
1982 19.9 0.0 36.9 11.3 145.0 239.5 287.5 532.2 158.6 93.8 20.8 15.6 130.1
1983 15.6 15.6 31.3 60.3 122.0 284.2 463.0 466.2 243.1 123.8 7.0 0.0 152.7
1984 0.0 0.0 21.1 60.3 143.4 362.3 603.4 299.1 421.2 25.7 0.0 25.3 163.5
1985 0.0 1.2 12.6 28.0 172.4 199.6 424.1 382.3 205.5 101.4 27.7 2.6 129.8
1986 0.0 4.5 4.5 19.4 22.0 380.9 568.2 186.2 364.9 64.7 28.4 0.0 137.0
1987 0.0 0.0 19.0 13.2 320.9 324.7 332.5 307.5 165.8 64.3 0.8 0.0 129.1
1988 11.2 20.3 0.0 0.0 153.3 408.0 508.9 294.9 218.7 193.9 26.3 0.3 153.0
1989 0.0 0.0 46.6 58.9 62.6 211.5 374.9 375.8 151.5 140.5 12.1 17.1 120.9
1990 2.6 0.0 22.1 2.5 63.3 209.1 474.8 573.5 227.2 112.8 29.0 34.8 146.0
1991 0.3 0.0 7.7 131.6 79.0 326.6 589.8 472.0 386.1 131.1 18.1 25.8 180.7
1992 0.0 0.0 3.5 108.4 59.3 273.3 463.9 373.1 171.2 94.4 0.0 0.0 128.9
1994 15.6 17.1 29.0 43.3 165.6 247.5 229.9 369.1 164.1 106.2 37.5 0.0 118.7
1995 0.0 2.0 18.1 37.3 202.3 312.7 332.3 291.5 174.3 59.3 8.7 30.1 122.4
Averag 6.8 5.4 21.1 43.2 132.0 287.2 444.4 386.1 233.1 98.9 17.6 10.8 180.7
2.4.3 Adequacy
It refers primarily to the length of record, but scarcity of data collecting stations is often a
problem. The observed record is merely a sample of the total population of floods that have
occurred and may occur again. If the sample is too small the probabilities derived cannot be
expected to be reliable. Available stream flow records are too short to provide an answer to the
question. And mostly it is good to have records more than 30yrs.
2.4.4 Accuracy
This refers primarily to the problem of homogeneity. Most flow records are satisfactory in
terms of intrinsic accuracy, and if they are not, there is little that can be done with them. If the
reported flows are unreliable they are not a satisfactory basis for frequency analysis. Even
though reported flows are accurate, they may be unsuitable for probability analysis if change
in the catchments have caused a change in the hydrologic characteristic i.e. if the record is not
internally homogenous.
2.4.5 Consistency
If the conditions relevant to the recording of a rain gauge station have undergone a significant
change during the period of record, inconsistency would arise in the rainfall data of that station.
Rainfall and stream flow data reported from a station may not be consistent always over the
period of observation of records, there could be checked by graphical and analytic or outlier
test methods.
The given stream flow data of Gilgel Abbay and annual rainfall data for Merawi and is checked
for consistence
2.5.1 By Graphically
1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996
|X − X|
T= − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − (2.6)
The value calculated test for outlier is tabulated in appendix (A)
As there is relatively large amount of rainfall data (14-years data) is available in the Merawi
station and this station is about 16km from the centre of the catchment, the data from this station
is reliable and most suitable for the dam site area. Therefore, the mean annual and the
probability of the annual amount of precipitation for a once in 4 years event (75%
dependability) were computed
Time (month)
The mean annual rainfall of the area (the mean annual rainfall from the Merawi meteorological
station for the period of 14 years, was estimated to be 127.28mm).For estimation of the annual
catchment yield and reservoir storage capacity determination 75% dependable rainfall of the
annual precipitation of the catchment area has been considered
The statistical parameters such as mean and standard deviations for the two series are also
required and need to be determined. Important numerical values that are obtained from annual
series are probability of occurrence of each rainfall values.
It is a measure of the expected occurrence of rainfall in the period under consideration. The
accidence probability, occurrences of rainfall with intensity greater than or equal to expected.
The Gumbles distribution function method is selected to determine design rainfall shown blow.
1. Gumbel's distribution function:
Giving the variety XT with the return period T is used as
x T x K − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − −(2.7)
n 1
Where n-1 = standard deviation of the sample
yT yn
K (2.8)
yT ln ln (2.9)
T 1
yT 0.8342.303log log (2.10)
T 1
y n = reduced mean, a function of sample size N and is given in Table 2.5; for N⟹,
y n ⟹0.577.
Sn = reduced standard deviation, a function of sample size N and is given in Table 2.6; for
Sn =1.0095 and yn = 0.5100 from above table, X = 140.5 and σn−1 = 18.35 from above
mean annual rainfall.
yT = − (ln (ln ( ))) = 4.6
100 − 1
4.6 − 0.51
K= = 4.052
A flood may be defined as an overflow coming from some river or from some other body of
water. Various methods, which are generally used, for determining flood flows can be
classified in to the following four classes.
Determination by means of empirical formulae
Determination by envelope curves
Determination by unit hydrograph
Determination by statistical probability method
Some of those methods are often employed together, and value of the design flood is chosen.
Here let we analyze the hydrologic data by unit hydrograph and probability methods. Because
empirical formulae can be safely applied to the place for which they were specifically derived,
but it may give wrong results for other areas. Determination of flood by hydrograph method is
very useful and reliable methods for computing design flood for a project, provided the basin
is small medium size say up to probability method prediction for the future
floods are made on the basis of the available records of the past floods. This method can be
safely used to determine the maximum flood that is expected on the river with a given
frequency, if sufficient past records are available. Depending on the above judgments and
justifications, relatively unit hydrograph and probability methods are best.
Return period (T) is the average interval in year between events when equal or excess to a given
magnitude. It only indicates average frequency occurrence of an event over a long period of
time of years selecting higher return period means the corresponding flood magnitude is also
very high. On the other hand, if a very low discharge corresponding to low return period is
chosen for design, it will results in the failure of the structure causing damage. Subermanya
(1989) and Novak (1972) gave the general guideline for selecting the return period.
The design of a hydraulic structure always faces a nagging doubt about the risk of failure of
structures .This is because of the estimation of the hydrologic design values such as design
flood involves or inbuilt uncertainty and such as hydraulic risk of failure.
Risk (Ř) is the probability of occurrence of an event (X≥ XT) at least once of over a period of
n years, where n is the useful life of the reservoir (1000 years).
Reliability (Re) is the probability of non-occurrence of the events (X≤ XT) in n years.
1 n
Ř = 1 − (1 − P) = 1 − (1 − ) − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − −(2.11)
1 n
Re = 1 − Ř = (1 − T) − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − −(2.12)
Where; P =probability of event (X>XT) =T
Re= reliability, Ř= risk, n= expected life of the structure = return period since a useful life of
100 and a return period of 1000 years are considered.
1 100
Ř = 1 − (1 − 1000) = 9.5% Re = 1 − Ř = 90.5%
Thus the possible risk of flood damage by a flood magnitude exceeding the 1000 years
frequency in the assumed life of the reservoir is about 9.5 % with the reliability of confidence
of 90.5%.
This is a flood selected for the design of a structure. It is selected in such a way that it
accommodates any negative effects that are to be imposed on the structure intended. It is also
sometimes taken as a flood corresponding to a certain desired frequency of occurrence
depending up on economy and practical consideration. Whenever any structure is to be
constructed on a river it must be properly planned and designed keeping in mind the damage
to which it is going to create in events of its failure. So, depending up on the above explanation
the design floods can be determined by;
General there are three methods available to determine parameters fitting a distribution to data
set provides a compact and smoothed representation of the frequency distribution.
a) The method of moments
b) Method of maximum likely hood
c) The probable weighted moment.
In wide range of hydrologic application L-moments provide simple and reasonable efficient
estimators at the characteristic of hydrology data and of a distribution.
2.11.4 Estimation of L-Moment
L-moments are another way to summarize the statically properties of hydrologic data. The first
data L-moments is the mean;
1 = E x − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − (2.13)
Let X (i/n) be the ith largest observation in the sample size of n and (i=1 correspond to the largest).
Then for any distribution the second L-moments is a description of scale based on the expected
difference between to randomly selected observation;
1 1 2
2 = E X ( ) – X ( ) − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − (2.14)
2 2 2
Similarly, the third and the fourth L-moments measures of skew ness and kurtosis respectively
1 1 2 3
3 = EX ( ) − 2X ( ) + X ( ) − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − −(2.15)
3 3 3 3
1 1 2 3 4
4 = EX ( ) − 3X ( ) + 3X ( ) − X ( ) − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − (2.16)
4 4 4 4 4
L-moment can be written as a function probability weighted moment (PWMs) which can be
defined as,
βr = E {X [F(X)]r } − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − (2.17)
And unbiased ness is important; one can employ unbiased PWM estimators.
bo = Xm − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − (2.18)
j=1 (n−j) (Xj )
b1 = − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − −(2.19)
j=1 (n−j)(n−j−1)(Xj )
b2 = − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − −(2.20)
j=1 (n−j)(n−j−1)(n−j−2)(Xj )
b3 = − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − (2.21)
According to the given data the values of L-moment parameters are computed below.
Xm=bo =346.77
b1 = 199.81
b2 =145.72
b3 =116.94
1=bo =346.77
2=2b1-bo =52.85
Z3 = 0 Z4 = 0
b) Exponential distribution
1 1
z3 = 3 Z4 = 6
c) Normal distribution
Z3 = 0 Z4 = 0.1226
d) Gumbel distribution
Z3 = 0.1699 Z4 = 0.1504
e) Log normal distribution
= 𝟎. 𝟒𝟎𝟐
Uniform distribution
Exponential distribution
Normal distribution
Gumbel distribution
Log normal distribution
General ExtremePearson
Value (GEV)
Z3 Z4 Z3 Z4 Z3 Z4 Z3 Z4 Z3 Z4 Z3 Z4 Z3 Z4
0.000 0.000 0.333 0.167 0.000 0.123 0.170 0.150 0.0 0.123 0.0 0.107 0.0 0.122
0.1 0.131 0.1 0.108 0.1 0.126
0.2 0.154 0.2 0.112 0.2 0.136
0.3 0.194 0.3 0.120 0.3 0.157
0.4 0.250 0.4 0.136 0.4 0.193
0.5 0.323 0.5 0.163 0.5 0.249
0.6 0.414 0.6 0.209 0.6 0.331
0.7 0.523 0.7 0.281 0.7 0.444
0.8 0.653 0.8 0.388 0.8 0.589
0.9 0.809 0.9 0.541 0.9 0.773
1.0 1.001 1.0 0.752 1.0 1.001
L-moment diagram
1.200 Uniform
0.800 Distribution
0.600 Distribution
0.400 Distribution
0.200 Distribution
General Extreme
0.000 Value (GEV)
0.000 0.200 0.400 0.600 0.800 1.000 1.200 Dam site
Thus the value of the sample Z4 is almost close to the value of the computed Z4 for Log normal
distribution. Then the best probable parameter distribution for our 44 years stream flow data is
the Log normal distribution method.
P=exceedence probability
When P>=0.5, 1-p is substituted for p in equation of w and the value of the frequency
Table 2.8 Calculation of stream flow values using log normal distribution Function
Return Freq. Fact
period Probability w (Kt) Log XT XT
5 0.2 1.794 0.841 2.568 370.183
10 0.1 2.146 1.282 2.603 400.553
25 0.04 2.537 1.751 2.639 435.676
50 0.02 2.797 2.054 2.663 459.980
100 0.01 3.035 2.327 2.684 482.993
Table 2.9Calculation of stream flow values using log person distribution Function
period Probability Freq. Fact (Kt) Log XT XT
5 0.2 0.841456276 2.548729799 353.777
10 0.1 1.281728963 2.553390726 357.594
25 0.04 1.751077544 2.558359464 361.709
50 0.02 2.054190165 2.561568352 364.392
100 0.01 2.326787435 2.564454191 366.821
From the two methods log Pearson and lognormal makes a relatively good straight line, which
shows best, fit. So, we have to choose one by comparing in above the stream flow values for
different return period. The other calculated value presented in appendix (A)
Comparing the stream flow values for longer return periods, lognormal distribution gives a
relatively higher value. There for, the design discharge for a return period of 100 year is
-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
-2.00 -1.50 -1.00 -0.50 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50
friq factor (Kt)
log pearson
2.54 log pearson
-0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3
A stream flow varies over a water year. One of the popular methods of studding this stream
flow variability is through flow duration curve. A flow duration curve of a stream is a plot of
discharge against percent of time the flow was equaled or exceeded. It also answers the question
concerning normal flow, the length of the time (duration) that a certain reviver flow is expected
to be exceeded and also to decide whether storage is required or not.
There are two different methods for constructing flow duration curve; namely the
Total year method and
Calendar year method
In total year method, the entire available record is used for drawing the flow duration curve.
All the data are tabulated in descending order starting from the wettest month on the entire
period and ending with the driest month of the period for which the flow record is available.
Where Pi = × 100 %
n 1
Pi = plotting position
m = rank
n = length of records
Since total year method incorporates all the data in the record it gives more correct results than
the calendar year method. Therefore, the total year method is used to plot the flow duration
curve for this particular project. The coordinates of the flow duration curve are given on
appendix. The ordinates of the flow duration curves at selected frequencies are given in table
and other computed value through table in appendix (A).
The flow duration curve for the given Gilgel abbay river stream flow shown in blow figure.
FDC Curve
Annual max Dischrge
0.00 20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 100.00 120.00
Therefor firm flow which is available through the year Q90% discharge is equals to
234.43m3/s and other Q97%and, Q95, Q75% and Q50% are computed from FDC curve listed
in blow table.
Table 2.10 Annual flows at selected frequency
Frequency of Occurrence % of time Flow (m3/s)
97 229.70
95 241.00
90 234.43
75 279.86
50 316.2
3.1 General
A reservoir is created behind a dam built across a river or a stream to impound part of the runoff
from the catchments upstream of the dam site. Storage is done during wet season when flow is
in excess of the demand to maintain continuous hydropower generation in addition to meet up
the requirements for various purposes, such as, irrigation and public water supply etc. The
demand is met from the runoff of the river when the flow is in excess of the demand and from
the reservoir storage during loan period. Thus the reservoir is effective in removing the
variation in demand and availability of water resources.
As the primary function of reservoirs is to provide storage, their most important physical
characteristics are storage capacity. The capacity of a reservoir of regular shape can be
compared with the formulas for the volumes of solids, but the capacity of reservoirs on natural
sites must usually be determined from topographic surveys. Because of the flow in Gilgel-
Abbay River is not sufficient during the dry season for large hydropower project, the perception
of dam in order to create a reservoir is necessary for storing the flow in the wet season for the
intended purpose during the dry season.
Reservoir capacity determination is performed using historical inflow records in the stream at
the proposed dam site. There are several methods to determine a reservoir storage capacity.
The most common ones are presented below.
Integration method- it is best because, the capacity of a reservoir by this method can
be determined by surveying only a few contours. The method does not give more
than 3% error, when it is crosschecked with the capacity worked out by surveying
large number of contour contours. This error is not considered much; in the light of
the fact that the areas of contours are, themselves not vary precise figures.
Computation; Taking the starting datum at RL1830 and contour interval 5m, the following
table can be produced to give the information about some counter with area coverage and
contour interval for initial calculation.
Table 3.1 Initial areas for integration method
Elevation(m) area(m^2) h(m)
1830 267300 0
1835 307800 5
1840 324000 10
1845 364500 15
The area for contour interval of 5m starting from RL 1830m is determined using integration
5𝛾 + 125𝛷 = 810
5𝛾 + 75𝛷 = −2430
50 𝛷 = 3240
𝛷 = 64.8
By substituting Φ into equation (d),
810 – 125× 64.8
𝛾 = 5
γ = -1458
To find the value of β, substitute γ and Φ in equation (a)
i.e. c = commutative volume up to 1830 which is calculated using end area method.
Table 3.2 computation of c using end area method
Dam Incremental Cumulative
Elevation height(m) Area(m2) area(m2) s(h) in m3
𝐸𝑛𝑑 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 = (𝐴𝑖 + 𝐴𝑖 − 1) ×
Cumulative volume = S(h)at 1830
Thus, C = 733050
Hence, the equation capacity-elevation curve is
1860.00 Elvation
1850.00 curve
Area (km^2)
Flow volume curve
0 10 20 Time30(year) 40 50
This graphical solution of the mass method can also be done in tabular calculation easily using
computer spreadsheet programs. From the above analysis the minimum live storage required
is between 383000-330000 equals to 53000 Mm3. So lives storage capacity of 53000 Mm3 is
Huge quantity of water is generally lost from an impounding reservoir due to evaporation,
absorption and percolation.
1. Evaporation losses:
These losses depend up on several factors such as water surface area, water depth, humidity,
wind velocity, temperature, atmospheric pressure and quality of water. The amount of water
evaporated from a water surface is estimated by
Evaporimeter data
Penman formula
2. Using Evaporimeter
Evaporimeters are water containing pans which are exposed to the atmosphere and the loss of
water by evaporation measured at regular intervals.
Pan coefficient (Cp) evaporation pans are not exact models of large reservoirs, the evaporation
observed from a pan has to be corrected to get the evaporation from a reservoir under similar
climatic and exposure conditions.
Lake or pond evaporation is = Cp × pan evaporation. In which Cp = pan coefficient for class A
pan, Cp=0.7
In our case evaporation is measured in Bahir dar is taken for this analysis, since there is no data
in the reservoir area as well as in Merawi.
Table 3.3 Estimation of evaporation using evaporimeter
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Ep 150 179 231 239 204 117 69.7 65.8 72.6 116 139 145
0.7×Ep 105 125 161 167 143 81.8 48.8 46.1 50.8 81 97.4 102
Where Short wave radiation RA received at the outer limits of the atmosphere expressed in W.m-2. (RA) from
table foe latitude 11.420 North from table
𝑒𝑠 = 0.6108𝑒 237.3+𝑇𝑎 − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − −(3.9)
𝑆 = (237.3+𝑇𝑠 )2 − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − (3.10)
Where the saturation vapour pressure, es is obtained from the above equation for Ta = Twet and
is the Psychometric constant, which value depends on the type of instrument and the altitude.
For the widely used Assmann psychomotor with an aspiration of 5 m.s-1, (= 0.067 kPa.oC-1 at
sea level.
𝑟𝑎 = 0.54𝑈 − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − (3.13)
2 +0.5
The formula of Penman has found world-wide application because it has a strong physical
basis. It requires the following standard meteorological data: Tmin, Tmax minimum and
maximum temperature of the air (oC), or if not available, the mean temperature, Ta
RH = relative humidity
U2 = wind speed (m/s)
RN = net radiation (W.m-2) or the relative sunshine duration, n/N
The data refer to 24 hour mean values and apply to a height of 2 m above soil surface.
Table 3.4 computation of evaporation using penman method
Month Tmax Tmin Humidity wind speed sun shine Ta es ed S N RA n/N Rs RnL RN ra E0 (mm/d) E0 (mm)
Jan 28.90 7.20 52.00 0.602 9.70 18.05 2.07 1.34 0.13 11.51 357.91 0.84 240.29 63.05 161.14 296.97 4.28 128.436
Feb 29.80 8.30 47.20 0.546 9.70 19.05 2.20 1.48 0.14 11.73 390.89 0.83 259.34 59.97 182.00 308.18 4.57 137.187
Mar 30.80 11.20 44.50 0.515 9.00 21.00 2.49 1.83 0.15 12.00 419.73 0.75 262.33 50.26 194.50 314.86 4.47 133.998
Apr 30.30 12.40 43.30 0.501 9.30 21.35 2.54 1.94 0.16 12.25 435.00 0.76 273.87 49.09 206.43 317.92 4.62 138.488
May 29.00 12.70 49.20 0.569 8.30 20.85 2.46 1.92 0.15 12.74 411.84 0.65 237.12 43.03 178.20 303.41 4.09 122.809
Jun 26.30 13.20 61.70 0.714 6.90 19.75 2.30 1.86 0.14 12.82 427.12 0.54 221.72 36.71 170.16 276.64 4.04 121.345
Jul 23.80 23.80 74.50 0.862 5.40 23.80 2.95 2.95 0.18 12.73 429.62 0.42 198.53 21.50 163.73 253.72 3.08 92.294
Aug 24.00 12.90 76.30 0.883 4.70 18.45 2.12 1.75 0.13 12.35 429.89 0.38 189.27 28.34 148.26 250.80 3.72 111.534
Sep 25.20 12.60 70.30 0.814 6.60 18.90 2.18 1.76 0.14 12.12 421.44 0.54 220.11 37.91 167.45 260.81 4.12 123.565
Oct 26.30 11.20 11.20 0.130 8.70 18.75 2.16 1.66 0.14 12.00 400.75 0.73 245.46 50.02 178.99 429.82 4.31 129.306
Nov 27.50 9.10 55.00 0.637 9.60 18.30 2.10 1.49 0.13 11.50 367.62 0.83 245.35 59.66 169.24 290.37 4.36 130.790
Dec 27.70 6.80 53.70 0.622 9.70 17.25 1.97 1.27 0.12 11.35 348.48 0.85 236.03 64.71 155.50 293.19 4.26 127.754
Evaporation loss from Gilgel abbay reservoir can be taken the average of the two methods.
Table 3.5 Evaporation from Gilgel Abbay reservoir
Pan (mm) 105.00 125.00 161.00 167.00 143.00 81.80 48.80 46.10 50.80 81.30 97.40 102.00
Eo(mm) 128.44 137.19 134.00 138.49 122.81 121.34 92.29 111.53 123.57 129.31 130.79 127.75
E(avg)(mm) 116.72 131.09 147.50 152.74 132.90 101.57 70.55 78.82 87.18 105.30 114.10 114.88
l l 𝑚3
Seepage loss = 0.02 per meter × 1667 = 33.34 = 0.0333
s s 𝑠
3.5.2 Absorption and Percolation losses:
These losses do not play any significant role in planning, since, their amount, though sometimes
large in the beginning, falls considerably as the pores get saturated. They certainly depend up
on the type of soil forming reservoir. Percolation losses: depend on the walls of the reservoir.
There for no considered of absorption and percolation loss for Gilgel abby reservoir area
because of high impervious layer.
In the design of dam, it is important to assess the magnitude of sediment deposition in the
reservoir. The problem can be assessed for the following question
I. How much sediments enter the reservoir?
II. What is the trap efficiency of the reservoir?
In a detailed study, the sediment size distributions also have to be determined for question one.
Question two may also involve determining the location of the deposits and the concentration
and grain size distribution of the sediments entering the water intakes.
Another question is the location of sediment deposits. Figure 3.6 shows a longitudinal profile
of the reservoir. There is a dead storage below the lowest level the water can be withdrawn.
This storage may be filled with sediments without affecting the operation of the reservoir.
Now, input the above data in a calculating using linear regression technique
Cs ( ) = 143.79Q – 399.86
Where, Cs = estimated concentration of sediment
Q = mean monthly flow of river
From the equation, we can form a table for the estimated concentration with the corresponding
Therefore, from area elevation capacity curve for a storage capacity of 53069.113Mm3 the
elevation of reservoir = 1885.69m.a.m.s.l.
Normal pool level: is the maximum elevation to which the reservoir water surface
will rise during normal operating conditions. It is equivalent to the elevation of the
spillway gates for most of the cases. (=1887.5m.a.s.l)
Minimum pool level: is the lowest water surface elevation, which has to be kept
under normal operating conditions in a reservoir. This level may be fixed by the
elevation of lowest outlet in the dam or may be guided by the minimum head required
for efficient function of turbines. (=1888.14m asl)
Dead storage: is the water stored in the reservoir below the minimum pool level and
it is not of much use the operation of the reservoirs. (14405 m3)
Useful storage: is the volume of water stored in the reservoir between the minimum
pool and normal pool levels. (53.069 × 108 m3)
Surcharge storage: is the volume of water stored between the normal and the
maximum pool level. Surcharge storage is an uncontrolled storage, and exists till the
flood is in progress and cannot be retained for later use. (8.056 × 104 m3)
3.7.1 Control of Reservoir sedimentation
In order to increase the life of the reservoir, it is necessary to control the deposition of sediment.
The various methods which are adopted to control the deposition of sediment in reservoir are
as follows:
a) Selection of dam site: - The silting depends upon the amount of erosion from the
b) Construction of check dams:-The sediment inflow can be controlled by building
check dams across the river stream contributing much sediment load.
c) Construction of under sluice in the dam:-The dam is provided with openings in its
bed, so as to remove the more silted water on downstream side.
4.1 General
At a river gauging station, the stage and discharge hydrographs represent the passage of waves
of river depth and stream flow during flood, respectively. As this wave moves down the river,
the shape of the wave gets modified due to various factors, such as channel storage, resistance,
lateral addition or withdrawal of flows etc. when a flood wave passes through a reservoir, its
peak is attenuated and the time base is enlarged (translated) due to the effect of storage. Flood
waves passing down a river have their peaks attenuated due to friction if there is no lateral
inflow. In both reservoir and channel conditions the time to peak is delayed, and hence the peak
discharge is translated.
Flood routing is the technique of determining the flood hydrograph at a section of a river by
utilizing the data of flood flow at one or more upstream sections. The hydrologic analysis of
problems such as flood forecasting, flood protection, reservoir and spillway design invariably
include flood routing. In these applications two broad categories of routing can be recognized.
These are:
1) Reservoir routing and
2) Channel routing
In reservoir routing the effect of a flood wave entering a reservoir is studied. Knowing the
volume-elevation characteristics of the reservoir and the out flow elevation relationship for
spillways and other outlet structures in the reservoir; the effect of a flood wave entering the
reservoir is studied to predict the variation of reservoir elevation and out flow discharge with
time. This form of routing is essential
i. In the design of the capacity of spillways and other reservoir outlet structures and
ii. In the location and sizing of the capacity of reservoirs to meet specific requirements.
In channel routing the changes in the shape of a hydrograph as it travels down a channel is
studied. By considering a channel reach and an input hydrograph at the upstream end, this form
of routing aims to predict the flood hydrograph at a various sections of the reach. A variety of
flood routing methods are available and they can be broadly classified in to two categories as:
Hydraulic routing and
Hydrologic routing.
Hydrologic routing methods employ essentially the equation of continuity and a storage
function, indicated as lumped routing.
t p ct* L * Lc (4.1)
But Linsley suggested that the basin lag tp is better correlated with the following catchment’s
t p ct* L * LC (4.2)
L =the basin length is measured along the watercourse from the basin divide to the gauging
station in (Km) =66.5km (given data)
Lc = Distances along the main water course from the gauging station to a point opposite to the
watershed centroid in (Km) =60%L=0.6×66.5=46.55km
ct =a regional constant representing watershed slope and storage. ( ct =1.2 for mountainous
drainage area)
A typical dimensionless unit hydrograph developed by the US soil conservation services (SCS)
has its ordinate expressed by the ratio of (Q/Qpk) and the abscissa is expressed as a ratio of time
to peak (t/tpk). This dimensionless unit hydrograph provides a shape to the unit hydrograph and
these leads to a better result than the synthetic unit hydrograph.
And the shape of the dimensionless unit hydrograph is more agreed with the unit hydrograph
that is likely to occur in nature.
t pk t P (4.3)
21 t
tp * t p r (4.4)
22 4
So for our given data the values are as follows
n=0.3 constant adopted from K. SUBRAMANYA (1994)
tr (4.5)
2.09hrs(Re cessiontime)
tpk =13+2.09/2=14hr
But ∆t≤1/6×tpk=1/6×14=2hr
Here we have ∆t=10hr
The time base tb is also given by (USSCS)
tb 5 * t p (4.6)
tb 5 *13 65hr
the inflow hydrograph is calculated by multiplying t pk and QPK with the ratio given by
USCS. For Q P =483m3/s (design flood obtained from flood frequency analysis) and time to
peak t pk calculated above; tpk=69.68hr the following inflow hydrograph table is formulated.
Inflow (m3/s)
Qi (m3/S)
300.00 (m^3/s)
0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00
Time (hr)
There are different techniques that are used in the determination of reservoir routing like trial
and error, modified Pul’s method, and Good rich method.
From these equations the trial and error method is adopted as it is widely used with the help of
computer programming. The equation of continuity used in all the hydrograph routing methods,
as the primary equation, states that the difference between the inflow equation and out flow
rate is equal to the rate of change of storage
𝐼−𝑄 = − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − (4.7)
I1 I 2
I avg (4.9)
Q1 Q2
Qavg (4.10)
S S 2 S1 (4.11)
Where the suffixes 1and 2 denote the beginning and the end of the time interval ∆t,
The above equation can be written as:
I I Q Q2
t 1 2 t 1 S 2 S1 (4.12)
2 2
I1 I 2 S1 Q1 S 2 Q2
2 t 2 t 2
In order to determine the out flow hydrograph first the inflow hydrograph is divided in to a
number of small intervals; for this project ∆t=5hrs. Then calculate the average inflow for the
time interval.
For the computation of the above steps the storage is determined by assuming a constant
increase in height for the horizontal surface area (normal pool level) at the top, which is
assumed in the routing technique. Therefore;
𝑆 = 𝐴 ∗ 𝐻 − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − (4.14)
Where S=storage (m3)
A=the surface area at normal pool level =175.50km2
H= head of water measured above the crest (normal pool level)
And the routing process is done for overflow spillway and discharge over it is computed by the
general equation.
Q C * L * H 1.5 (4.15)
In the determination of the spillway length 60m are taken for the comparison. When the
length of the spillway decreases the height of the outflow above the spillway will increase,
ultimately, it results in increasing the dam height, which in turn increases the dam cost. On
the other hand when the length of the spillway increases it will make the design of the
spillway more costly. For C=2.2 and L=60m
300.00 (m^3/S)
0.00 20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00
Time (hr)
Therefore; S=A×H
Where A=the surface area at normal pool level =175.571km2
H= head of water measured above the crest (normal pool level)
And the routing process is done for overflow spillway and discharge over it is computed by the
general equation.
Q C * L * H 1.5
In the determination of the spillway length 40m, 48m, 50m and 60m are taken for the
comparison. When the length of the spillway decreases the height of the outflow above the
spillway will increase, ultimately, it results in increasing the dam height, which in turn
increases the dam cost. On the other hand when the length of the spillway increases it will make
the design of the spillway more costly. For the Gilgel abbay project of spillway to be 60m.
For C=2.2 and L=60m
From the graph of flood routing the maximum discharge over the spillway,
Qmax =168.92m3/s, and the corresponding height is 1.18m
Therefore, for the design of the spillway Qmax=490.90m3/s at an elevation of (1.18+1888)
5.1 General
A dam is an obstruction or a barrier built across a stream or a river. At the back of the barrier,
water gets collected forming a pool of water that is termed as up streamside and the other is
the down streamside. The sides on which water gets collected forms the reservoir that has many
applications for hydropower, irrigation and water supply etc.
In order to select a suitable site for constructing a dam for hydropower generation the following
points should be considered
1) Suitable foundation
The foundation has to carry the weight of the dam.So as to detect the thickness of the foundation
strata, presence of faults, fissured materials and their permeability, slope and slip etc. should
be checked.
5) Other considerations
The length of the dam should be as small as possible and for a given height; it should store the
maximum volume of water. The value of land and property submerged by the proposed
reservoir should be as low as possible. The dam site should be easily accessible so that it can
be economically connected to important towns and cities by rails, roads etc.
Various factor for selection of appropriate dam type at a given site depends on the following
physical factors:
Foundation condition
Suitable site for spillway
We select concrete gravity dam for Gilgel-Abbay due to the following reasons
1. The height of the dam is greater than 30m which is 62m impossible for embankment
dam while it is adopted for concrete gravity dam.
2. We assume good foundation condition since there is no extensive sub surface
exploration on conformation of site geology.
3. Concrete gravity dam is: suitable to the site topography of wide component rock if
available at shallow depth, Not sensitive for overtopping, can accommodate crest
spillway hence the cost of separate spillway reduced, and outlet pipe works, valves
and other auxiliary works can be provided with in the body of the dam.
Gravity dam is a type of concrete dam that depends on self-weight to resist the action of water
stored on the upstream face and other force acting up on opposing its stability. It is constructed
approximately triangular in section to ensure stability and to avoid over turning, sliding and
stressing of a dam or its foundation.
Where f = allowable stress of dam material =3000KN/m2 for concrete gravity dam
3000kN / m2
H max 88.2m
10KN / m2 * (2.4 1)
H max = 88.2 m
Since in Gilgel abby project dam height Hdam= 62m < 88.2m, hence the dam is low dam
b=0.552× √62 =4.35m take 4.5m of top width of the proposed dam.
H′ = 2a√𝛾𝐶 − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − (5.4)
This acts horizontally at H1/3 from the base of the dam. A resultant vertical force Pwv must
also be accounted for if the upstream face has a silently slopped.
PHv = γw (area AW ) ( ) − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − −(5.6)
This acts vertically at the centroid of water area AW. And the tail water pressure for resultant
and silently slopped is
(γw ∗ H3 2 ) KN
PHt = ( ) − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − (5.7)
2 m
PHt1 = γw (area AtW ) ( ) − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − (5.8)
This acts horizontally at H3/3 from the base of the dam. But in our case no tail water provided
because Gilgel abbay hydropower project has low dam type.
b. Self-weight load: - the weight of the dam body and its foundation is the major resisting
force. In two dimensional analysis of a gravity dam, a unit length of the dam is considered.
The cross section can then be divided in to rectangle and triangle. Then the weight is
determined with an appropriate unit weight of the material 𝛾𝐶 = 3.5 𝑚3 from hydraulic
structure P.Novak
𝑃𝑚 = 𝛾𝑐 ∗ 𝐴𝑃 ( 𝑚 ) − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − (5.9)
Total up lift force on the base of the dam is (PU=average pressure intensity × area)
γ(H − H′)
PU = ∗ (1 ∗ B) − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − (5.12)
Acts at Z = 3(H+H′ ) − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − (5.13)
Hs F
If F 32Km
hw = 0.032 VF − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − (5.15)
If F>32 Km
Where, hw= height of the wave
V= wind velocity in Km/hr
F= fetch or straight length of water expanse in Km. hw significant wave height V wind
speed(80-160). Take V=100.
For Gilgel abby F= 12 Km
V=100 Km/hr for normal pool level.
hw= 1.367 m
And acts at the height of 0.375 hw, above the sill water level.
2) Silt pressure the gradual accumulation of significant deposits of fine sediment, notably
silts, against the face of the dam generates a resultant horizontal force, Ps. The magnitude
of Ps, which is additional to water load Pwh, is a function of the sediment depth, Z2, the
submerged unit weight s' and the active lateral pressure coefficient, Ka, The silt deposited
in the pond exerts pressure on the dam.
ka γs ′ hs 2
Ps = − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − −(5.17)
𝛾𝑠 ′ = 𝛾𝑠 − 𝛾𝑤 − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − (5.18)
𝑘𝑎 = 1+𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜙𝑠 − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − (5.19)
s =30° are representative, since Gilgel abbay uses the unregulated silt water and stream flow
from a medium catchments which needs medium pond age to rise water level, there is
significant silt deposition.
5.6.3 Exceptional loads:
For high dams, or dams in situations where seismicity is considered critical, more sophisticated
procedures are necessary but the Gilgel abbay dam site have low concrete dam and no effect
consideration of Earth quake or seismic effect therefor no need of exceptional load effect
Different design authorities have differing load combinations. A concrete dam should be
designed with regard to combination of loads which have a reasonable probability of
simultaneous occurrence.
With probability of simultaneous occurrence of load combination decreases, factor of safety
should also decrease. Generally there are three type of load combination namely normal load
combination (NLC), unusual load combination (NLC) and extreme load combination (ELC)
The reactive forces developed in the foundation and/or abutments of the dam in response to
applied loads must also be accounted for to satisfy the conditions for static equilibrium. The
conditions essential to structural equilibrium and stability can be summarized as
ΣH=ΣV =0……………………………………………………………………a
In equations ‘a’ and ‘b’ ΣH and ΣV respectively denote the summation of all active and
reactive horizontal and vertical forces, and ΣM represents the summation of the moments of
those forces with respect to any point.
a. Sliding factor Fss:- for the resistance against sliding of purely frictional, and no shear
strength or cohesion is involved.
FSS = − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − (5.21)
If it has a horizontal plane.
Fss - should not permitted to exceed 0.75, but under ELC up to 0.9 is acceptable.
b. Shear friction factor:-FSF is defined as the ratio of total resistance to shear and sliding
which can be mobilized on a plan to the total horizontal load.
𝐹𝑠𝐹 = ∑ − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − (5.23)
Where; S-maximum is shear resistance which can be mobilized. For horizontal plane ( 0 )
S = CAb + ∑ Vtanϕ − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − (5.24)
CAb + ∑ Vtanϕ
FSF = − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − −(5.25)
Load Moment arm (m) Vertical force (KN) Horzontal force (KN) Moments (KNm)
- +
A H Vertical Horzonal
∑ 𝑀− = 332481𝐾𝑁𝑚 ∑ 𝑉 − = 12974𝐾N
∑𝑀 = 675452.66𝐾𝑁𝑚 ∑ 𝑉 = 22251.31𝐾𝑁
∑ 𝑀∗ = −169310.67𝐾𝑁
∑ 𝑀∗ −169310.67
℮= = = −4.79𝑚
∑𝑉 35313.60
CAn V tan
H Where an =1×B
Take unit shear resistance, C=600kNm-2 from hydraulic structure P.NOVAK
∑𝑉 6℮ 22251.31 6 ∗ 4.79
𝑓𝑦𝑢 = (1 − )= (1 − ) = 181.50𝐾𝑁𝑚−2
𝐵 𝐵 46 46
< 3000𝐾𝑁𝑚−2 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . . . . 𝑜𝑘
At heel, 𝑓𝑦𝑑
∑𝑉 6℮ 22251.31 6 ∗ 4.79
𝑓𝑦𝑑 = (1 + )= (1 + ) = 785.95𝐾𝑁𝑚−2
𝐵 𝐵 46 46
< 3000𝐾𝑁𝑚−2 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 𝑜𝑘
At heel
∑ 𝑀− = 358011𝐾𝑁𝑚 ∑ 𝑉 − = 13312𝐾𝑁
∑𝑀 = 653719.13𝐾𝑁𝑚 ∑ 𝑉 = 22001.6𝐾𝑁
∑ 𝑀∗ = −169310.79𝐾𝑁
∑ 𝑀∗ −169310.67
℮= = = −0.74𝑚
∑𝑉 22001.60
The negative value of e shows that centre of the dam lies downstream of the centroid.
CAn V tan
H Where an =1×B
Take unit shear resistance, C=600kNm-2 from hydraulic structure P.NOVAK
∑𝑉 6℮ 22001.6 6 ∗ 0.74
𝑓𝑦𝑢 = (1 − )= (1 − ) = 432.13𝐾𝑁𝑚−2
𝐵 𝐵 46 46
< 3000𝐾𝑁𝑚−2 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . . 𝑜𝑘
At heel, 𝑓𝑦𝑑
∑𝑉 6℮ 22001.6 6 ∗ 0.74
𝑓𝑦𝑑 = (1 + )= (1 + ) = 524.46𝐾𝑁𝑚−2
𝐵 𝐵 46 46
< 3000𝐾𝑁𝑚−2 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 𝑜𝑘
At heel
Joints are required to be provided in a dam to permit systematic, convenient and economical
construction and to prevent development of tension cracks.
1. Construction joints: -
Are vertical joints provided in the body of the dam to prevent development of cracks? The
crack may be developed in a dam due to tensile stress being developed due to produced when
volumetric changes of concrete are restrained. Cracks cause stress concentration and destroy
the monolithic nature of the structure; adversely affect water tightness, durability and
A. Transverse joints:- it is provided normal to dam axis, extend vertically from the
foundation to the top of the dam and are continuous from up to downstream of the dam
face. The joints are usually spaced (15_20) m.
B. Longitudinal joints: -extend vertically from foundation and run between two adjacent
transverse joints. But in now a day temperature control by pre-cooling of concrete
supplemented when necessary by post cooling is better option.
C. Horizontal joints: - Are joints introduced between successive lifts of concrete to provide
sufficient cooling between successive lifts of concrete? A lift is the height by which each
block is raised in one continuous operation of pouring concrete. The concrete of next lift
is placed after sufficient time is allowed for previously placed to cool and attain its initial
set and become hard. For solid gravity dam 1.5m lifts are usually adopted.
A good foundation must have adequate strength to withstand weight of the structure and
prevent sliding, it should be tight enough to prevent excessive leakage and uplift must be
reduced, not be damaged by out flow and inflow discharge.
Commonly adopted foundation treatments are:
1. Surface preparation: - removing of entire loose soil till sound bed rock is exposed without
damaging the underlying rock.
2. Foundation grouting: - process of injecting grout consisting of cementations material in
the foundation of a dam to act as a binder and fill the voids for improving stability and
impermeability of pervious foundation
Consolidation grouting
Used to strengthen the rock, to stop water passage through the disintegrated rock, to increase
bearing capacity of the strata and to seal off major crevices. Drilling shallow holes (3 to25m
deep) on a grid pattern at a spacing of 5 to 30m by mixture of cement and water at low pressure
grout not less than 35000kg/m²
Curtain grouting
Curtain against seepage (leakage) through the foundations, and thus reduces the uplift pressure.
Generally only one line of grout holes parallel to the axis of the dam is sufficient.
6.1 General
A spillway is a structure constructed at or near the dam site, for effective disposal of the surplus
water from the reservoir to the channel downstream. Spillways are provided for all dams as a
safety measure against over topping and the consequent damages and failure. Hence, a spillway
is essentially a safety value for a dam. It must be properly designed and must have adequate
capacity to dispose of the entire surplus water at the time of the arrival of the worst design
A spillway may be located either with in the body of the dam or at one end of the dam or
entirely away from the dam as an independent structure in a saddle. A separate independent
spillway is generally preferred for earth dams, although due to non-availability of sites a
concrete spillway is sometimes constructed with in or at one of the ends of an earth dam.
iii) It must be so located that it provides safe disposal of water, i. e spill way discharge
will not erode or undermine the downstream of the dam.
iv) The bounding surfaces of the spillway must be erosion resistant to with stand the
high scouring velocities by the drop from the reservoir surface to the tail water.
v) Some device will be required for dissipation of energy on the d/s side of the
The required capacity of a spillway, i.e the maximum out flow rate through the spillway, may
be determined by flood routing and requires the following data.
i) inflow hydrograph( plot of inflow Vs time)
ii) Reservoir capacity curve ( plot of reservoir storage Vs water surface elevation)
iii) discharge curve ( plot of rate of out flow Vs reservoir water surface elevation)
By flood routing corresponding to a particular inflow hydrograph the maximum out flow rate
and maximum rise in the water surface may be determined.
However the required capacity of a spillway depends on the following factors:
i) The inflow flood
ii) The available storage capacity
iii) The discharge capacity of other outlet works
iv) Whether the spillway is gated or un gated
v) The possible damages if a spillway of adequate capacity is not provided
1) Entrance channel: - are required in those types of spillways in which the control structure
is away from the reservoir. The entrance channel draws water from the reservoir and carries
it to the control structure.
2) Control structure: is the most important component of the spillway which regulates and
controls the outflow from the reservoir.
3) Discharge channel (water way or conveyance structure): Its main function is to convey
the water safely from the reservoir down ward to the river. It is located next to the control
Spillways may be classified into different types based on the various criteria as explained
1) According to their purpose
Main (or service) spillway: - It is designed to pass the design flood and for frequent
use in conveying flood releases from the reservoir to a water course.
Auxiliary spillways: - In some dams, where the site conditions are favorable, an
auxiliary spillway is usually constructed in conjunction with a main spillway. When
the floods exceed the designed capacity of the main spillway, the auxiliary spillway
comes in to operation and the total flood is passed by both the spillways.
Emergency spillways; an emergency spillway is sometimes provided in addition to
the main spillway. It comes in to operation only during an emergency which may
arise at any time during the life of the dam.
2) According to mode of control as:-
Free (or uncontrolled) spillways: - In this case gates are not provided over the crest
to control the out flow from the reservoir.
Gated (or controlled) spill ways: - is one which is provided with the gates over the
crest to control the outflow from the reservoir.
3) According to hydraulic criteria as
1. over flow or ogee spillway
2. Chute or open channel or trough spillway
3. Side channel spillway
4. Siphon spillway
5. Shaft or morning Glory spill way
6. Conduit or tunnel spillway
Ogee spillway is an improvement up on the free fall spillway and widely used with concrete,
masonry, arch and buttress dams. Several earth and rock fill dams are also provided with this
type of spillway as a separate structure.
Where as in the case of an ogee shaped spillway the water flowing over the crest is guided
smoothly over the crest and is made to slide over the downstream face of the spillway.
𝑋 𝑛 = 𝑘 ∗ 𝐻𝑑 𝑛−1 ∗ 𝑦 − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − −(6.1)
Where: (x, y) are the co-ordinates of the points on the crest profile with the origin at the
highest point.
Hd: Design head excluding the head due to velocity of approach
K and n are constants which depend on the inclination of the upstream face.
Q C * Le * H e (6.2)
3/ 2
Where: - Q= discharge in
C= coefficient of discharge
Le= effective length of crest of spillway (m)
He= the actual effective head including the head due to the velocity of approach
𝐻𝑒 = 𝐻𝑑 + 𝐻𝑎 − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − −(6.3)
For high ogee spillway Ha is very small and He=Hd Coefficient of discharge Cd, for ogee spillway
An ogee spillway has a relatively high value of the coefficient of discharge (Cd) because of its
shape. The maximum value of Cd is about 2.2 if no negative pressure occurs on the crest.
However the value of Cd is not constant, it depends on the shape of the ogee profile and the
following factors:-
i) Height of spillway crest above the stream bed
ii) Ratio of actual total head to the design head
iii) Slope of the u/s face
iv) D/s apron interference and downstream submergence Height of spillway
With an increase in the height of spillway the velocity of approach decrease but the coefficient
of discharge increases. Model tests have shown that the effect of approach velocity is negligible
when the height of the spillway above the stream bed is equal to or greater than 1.33Hd
However, in low spillways, with h/Hd<1.33, the approach velocity is having an appreciable
effect. The curve given below can be used in such cases, to evaluate the coefficient of
discharge, using Cd=2.2
Le 2Nk p ka H e (6.4)
L Le 60m
Since >1.33, the spillway is high and the velocity of approach can be neglected. In such a
case the coefficient of discharge C=Cd has been found to be 2.2.
Correction due to upstream slope
Upstream slope correction is required when the upstream face is sloping at some angle.
However, for Gilgel abby its slope is vertical, hence no need of upstream slope correction.
H e H ha d 1.18 57.5
He He 1.18
h d
Since a 1.7, the discharge coefficient is not affected by tail water condition.
tan 0.804 X 0.85 1 / 0.75 1.333
The all computed value for downstream profile shown in appendix (A)
𝑎 = 0.175 ∗ 𝐻𝑑 = 0.207𝑚
𝑏 = 0.282𝐻𝑑 = 0.33276𝑚
𝑅1 = 0.5𝐻𝑑 = 0.59𝑚
𝑅2 = 0.2𝐻𝑑 = 0.236𝑚 Or
According to WES the upstream profile of the ogee spillway for vertical upstream face can be
computed by
0.724 * X 0.27 * H d
Y 0.126 * H d 0.4315* H d0.375 * X 0.27H d (6.6)
H d0.85
Where the upstream profile extends up to:
𝑋 = −0.27 H d = −0.32𝑚
𝑌 = 0.126 ∗ H d = 0.15𝑚
The values of X and Y are taken as positive to words the downstream and negative in the
upstream direction respectively.
After having plotted most of the profile the ogee spillway has a smooth gradual reverse
curvature is provided at the bottom of downstream face which turns the flow in to the apron of
stilling basin or in to the spillway discharge channel. Radius of about one-fourth of the spillway
height is satisfactory for this reverse bottom curve.
R (6.7)
Where H=height of spillway crest above the bed level.
R= = 14.375m
Energy dissipation at dams and weirs is closely associated with spillway design, particularly
with the chosen discharge of the difference between upstream and downstream water level, and
downstream conditions. Without energy dissipation may Large-scale scour can take place on
the down streamside near the toe of the dam and away from it. If this scour is not controlled, it
may endanger the downstream side of the dam and spillway.
The excess kinetic energy possessed by the water can be dissipated by the two most common
methods as shown below.
i. By using different types of buckets i.e. by directing flow of water in to air and then
making it falls away from the toe of the structure.
ii. By converting supercritical flow in to sub critical flow by hydraulic jump.
Bucket type energy dissipaters
Solid roller bucket type
Slotted roller bucket type
Sky jump Bucket type (trajectory or shooting or flip)
Velocity of flow
Orientation of flow
Depth discharge and its relationship at the site of structure
1 1 8Fr 2 (6.8)
Here, the point is, neglecting any loss of energy and the head due to velocity approach and
applying Bernoulli’s theorem between upstream water surface and at toe section, respectively,
it is possible to determine the total kinetic energy at downstream for section due to potential
energy at upstream water surface.
Therefore, from the above theorem
From part A
Energy equation at upstream side is equal to
P H d 1 y1 (6.9)
Where, p = Upstream water from river bed level up to spillway crest =57.5m
Hd =Hydraulic head flow over spillway or head above the spillway crest =1.18m
V1 =velocity at section one
Y1 = depth of water at section one
And water way on spillway within piers above spillway crest, also its contraction coefficient
for determination of effective length: N= 5, KP =0.1 and Ka =0.2 are given for square nosed
piers from S.K Garg.
168.92 m3
q= = 2.89 s
58.35 ⁄m
From (1)
2.89 2
( y1 ) 0.43
58.68 = + y1 = + y1 = 58.68
2 ∗ 9.81 y12
𝑦1 2 =
58.68 − 𝑦1
𝑦1 = [ ]
58.68 − 𝑦1
By trial and error, Y1=0.086 Therefor,
2.89 𝑚
𝑉1 = = 33.6 𝑎𝑛𝑑
0.086 𝑠𝑒𝑐
𝐹𝑟1 = = 36.58
√9.81 ∗ 0.086
Now from Part B,
1 1 8Fr ,2
1 1 8(36.58) 2
y2 4.41m
When tail water depth " y 2 " is too great for the formation of hydraulic jump (i.e when Y2is too
large compared toY1) dissipation of the high energy of flow can be effected by the use of
submerged bracket deflector.
In general, 𝑌1 = 0.086𝑚
Y2 = 4.41m
V1 = 33.6
Fr1 = 36.58
q = 2.86
Q = 168.92
For desperation of energy, Bucket type energy dissipaters are usually of small size and more
economical than the conventional hydraulic jump stilling basins especially when the fraud
number Fr1 exceeds 10,
In general, the Bucket type of energy dissipater can also be adopted for all tail water conditions
and are commonly used for dissipation of energy below the overflow spillway.
The solid or slotted roller bucket may be used where the tail water depths are too large as
compared to the sequent depths required for the formation of the hydraulic jump. Both these
buckets remain submerged in tail water and hence these are also termed as submerged bucket
type energy dissipaters. The solid and slotted roller buckets are discussed as under:
(i) Solid roller Bucket
A solid roller bucket consists of a bucket like apron with a concave circular profile of large
radius and a deflector lip as shown. When the water flows over the bucket the entire sheet of
water leaving the bucket is deflected upward by the bucket lip and two elliptical rollers are
developed as shown in the figure 6.1. These drawbacks of the solid roller bucket are removed
in slotted roller bucket Radius of the Bucket:
R = 0.6√(P ∗ Hd ) − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − −(6.14)
7.1 General
The design for a dam which is to be constructed across a stream channel must consider
diversion of the stream flow around or through the dam site during the construction period. The
extent of the diversion problem will vary with the size and flood potential of the river. At some
sites, especially in the case of earth and rock fill dams, diversion may be costly and time
consuming and may affect scheduling of construction activities. However, a diversion problem
exists at all sites except those located off-stream selection of the most appropriate scheme for
handing the flow of the stream during construction is important to the economy of the dam
.The following factors should be considered in a study to determine the best diversion scheme:
Characteristics of stream flow.
Size and frequency of diversion flood.
Methods of diversion.
Specification requirements that is availability of materials at site.
Type of dam and its height.
Location, type and elevation of spilling arrangements.
The diversion works must form part of the overall project design in that:
They must be based on the same hydrological, topographic and geological features
of the site as the main dam;
They may be partially governed by a requirement for early commissioning of the
permanent works under partial heads.
They involve major construction problems that may have considerable impact on
overall construction time and cost.
They may have to take in to account environmental factors.
They may have to be eventually incorporated in the permanent works.
Two approaches to the construction of the permanent works in the river channel are feasible:
A) Single - stage diversion. The river diversion and construction may take place in one
single operation. This approach is used chiefly in narrow valleys. In this project due to the
narrow valley features of the area at and near the proposed dam site, it is economical to
adopt the single-stage diversion approach
B) Multistage diversion. In this case, two or more coffer dams may be built with the river
being diverted through different passages as different stages of construction proceed. The
multistage technique is suitable for wide river diversion works..
a. Build a partial coffer dam during the low flow season, allowing construction of
diversion tunnels, culverts, channels and control works.
b. Build diversion tunnels, culverts, channels and control works.
c. Divert low season flow through these passages.
d. Build a full size coffer dam competent for the design diversion flood.
e. Build permanent works.
f. Close diversion passages; impoundment begins (full river closure).
The main components in the diversion works for the single –stage approach are:
Diversion tunnel, culvert, conduit, canal.
Upstream and downstream coffer dam.
The diversion tunnel or channel passes around the side of the construction area which is itself
protected by the upstream and downstream cofferdams. One or more passages may be
necessary, so frequently both river banks are used.
Diversion tunnels by pass around a dam site. For larger design floods, several diversion tunnels
can also run around both sides of valley. Except on smaller rivers, thin tunnels one on each
bank are most usually employed for safety and convenience. Tunnels may be designed for
pressure of free surface flow. Normally they have a free surface flow to divert floating mater
also; In this case, they must not run more than 70% full for the design flood or 80% if the flood
is of very short duration. Tunnel velocities can be the order of 10-20m/s. for excavated tunnels,
the maximum slope is typically 10%due to construction reason. The slope in the tunnel should
satisfy conditions like reduction of cross section for economic reason and prevent tunnel
abrasion and also guided by the inlet and out let elevations.
Q C d A * 2 gH (7.1)
Where, h is
A (7..2)
c d 2 gH
A 1.52m2
0.82 * 2 * 9.81* 53.09
.D 2
A 1.52m 2
D 1.4m
Therefore, one diversion tunnel having 1.4m is provided for diversion tunnel upstream of the
A coffer dam is a temporary dam used to divert the stream flow and to enclose the area dry
during construction .The design of an adequate coffer dam involves the problem of construction
economics. The conditions which make the coffer dam favorable or offer great scope for the
general design are:
Easy, observation, maintenance, and reinforcement due to available facilities of
construction organization on site.
Large movements and higher rate of seepage may be accepted though requiring
expensive pump age.
The short life of coffer dams justifies the use of limited materials.
There is generally less damage as a result of failure for lower height coffer dams.
A wide variety of designs exists for coffer dams and especially for low head coffer dams as
they need to be adapted to suit local materials and available equipment.
Therefore, the following requirements should be taken in to account in selecting the type and
size of coffer dams and the shape of foundations:
Distance from a coffer dam to the foundation of a structure should be not less than
and, sometimes, in excess of 10m.
Shape of dam foundation, in plan, should allow for suitable placing of roads on the
crest of the coffer dams, access tracks to the dam foundation and a good approach to
haul roads.
Shape of dam foundation should be suitable for locating crones, other construction equipment,
and water lowering and over flow drainage installations
7.6.1 Design of Coffer Dam
For the design of the cofferdam, the height of the coffer dam is taken as sum of the diameter
of the tunnel and some allowance for free board which is taken from 2.5m, (b/n 2 to3). (USBR)
method, and we take average 2.5m for free board.
i.e.= H = D + fb, 1.4 + 2.5 ≈4m so, the upstream cofferdam has 4m height and slope may be
taken as 2H: 1V. Top width =6m and bottom width =25m for safe and stability of the earthen
coffer dam.
Figure 7.1 Diversion coffer dam with diversion tunnel section profile
1 5
Risk 1 (1 ) 1 0.0495 5%
For this 5% of Risk, the u/s and the d/s force of the cofferdam has to be made concrete facing
8.1 General
Intake, head race tunnel, penstocks, outlets, conduits etc. drawing water from reservoir, river
or canal have to be provided with suitable arrangement to draw in required supply in a
satisfactory manner for the production of power. Structures for this purpose are known as water
conveyance structures.
The intake is a structure constructed at the entrance of a power canal or pipe through which the
flow diverted from the source such as river or reservoir. It provides smooth easy and turbulent
free flow through the conveyance.
The type of intake structure depends up on the type of power plant as well as its layout. There
are six types of intake:
Run-of-river intake Tower intake
Canal intake Shaft intake
Dam intake Intakes of special type
Location of intake
ℎ𝑡 = 𝐷 + 2𝑍 − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − −(8.2)
D=Diameter of conduit
Z=is the value of Y at X=0
Q 40.21
Capacity of air vent =25% of conduit discharge = =10.2 =m3/s
4 4
Area of air vent
Q / 4 *D 2
V 4
8.5.3 Gates
The form of a reservoir outlet works will vary considerably with the type of dam and the
purpose of the reservoir. The requirements of a high-pressure conduit control are:
A. The outlet should be hydraulically smooth pipe when full open in order to pass the
maximum discharge.
B. When opened partially sufficient air should be admitted to present vibration and cavitation.
C. The whole arrangement should be simple, rigid, and economical and facilitate easy
inspection and maintenance.
Vertical left side gate
Slide gate is a simplest type of vertical left side gate in which the movement of the gate is of
sliding type. This type of gate is known to less prone to vibration. Most intakes are provided
with gate or valve at their entrance. The main function of the gate is to regulate the quality of
flow, which passes through the intake conduit. For the power plant of Gilgel Abay the intake
gates are to be located at the entrance of the penstock operated by vertical gate shaft.
a) General Arrangement
Girders form vertical divisions of trash rack. These divisions are known as panels. The
dimensions of panels are determined by the possible of transport and handling. Each panel
consists of the following.
A system of rigid frame for small grills and the fixing plates for the big areas
A system of vertical bars generally of rectangular section
A series of horizontal pieces, the functions of which is of prime importance
These are intermediate supports for the vertical bars besides distributing the load
It gives protection to the bars against vibration. These are keeping 400mm - 500mm apart.
6 50 42 32 29 24
10 75 60 47 40 35
12 100 80 63 55 45
20 150 115 100 82 65
25 175 145 125 112 88
For thickness, 25mm and velocity 1.0 m/s calculated above, the length of bars from above table
would be 145cm.
Spacing; Trash rack have usual inter spacing of 100 to 500 mm. The experimental
recommendation is:
𝑏 𝑏
≤ 0.7 𝑎𝑛𝑑 ≤ 10 − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − −(8.5)
𝑡 𝑡
≤ 10, ≤
≤ , 10 ≤ 25
8.6 Penstock
The water is taken from the fore bay to the power station through the penstocks. These may be
pressure conduits or shafts. The penstocks carry water to the turbines with the least possible
loss of head consistent with the overall economy of the project.
1) 𝑉 = 0.125√2𝑔𝐻𝑛𝑒𝑡 − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − (8.6)
= √4 ∗ 40.2⁄4𝜋 = 3.57m
𝐷 ≅ 3.6𝑚
= 0 .62 × . = 3.2m
Where H = 53.09m . .
× 40.2 × 53.09
P= 0 .62 = 17636
𝑉 = 𝑄 ⁄𝐴=40.2⁄(𝜋 4 ∗ 3.62 )
ℎ𝑤=𝐶𝑉𝑜 ⁄𝑔 − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − −(8.9)
C= (k/𝜌)
C= (2.18×109/998.2) =1477.8m/s
ℎ𝑤 = = 602.6
The total pressure head immediately after closure is the summation of pressure head due to
water hammer and static head.
𝐻 = 𝐻 + ℎ𝑤 − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − (8,10)
=52+602.6 =654.6m
Providing a steel penstock with allowable hoop stress q=150,000𝐾𝑁⁄𝑚2 , the thickness of
penstock can be determined by the following formula.
𝑡(𝑚𝑚) = − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − −(8.11)
r=radius of penstock in m.
q=allowable hoop stress in 𝐾𝑁⁄𝑚2
t=thickness of penstock in mm
𝑃 = 𝛾. 𝐻 − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − −(8.12)
𝑅 = 𝐷⁄2=3.6/2 =1.8m
𝑡= = 77𝑚𝑚
= = 0.167𝑚2
d = √ 𝜋 − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − −(8.14)
=√ =𝑑 = 0.46𝑚
The number of turbine to be feed water through penstock is four; hence the main penstock from
the fore bay is goes to in to pipe.
𝐹1 𝑉 2
𝐻1 = − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − (8.15)
𝜋 2𝑔𝐻1
Q= 4√ 𝐷2.5 − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − −(8.16)
𝑄 ⁄𝐷2.5 =constant
𝑄1 𝐷1 2.5
( ) − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − (8.17)
Hence 𝐷1 = 𝐷⁄40.2 ,
D1=3.6/40.24 =1.24m
Anchors, slide blocks, and trust blocks are used to constraint movement of penstock. They
should be placed on the original soil and not fill. The bearing area must be calculated to support
the pipe line without exceeding the safe bearing load of the soil drainage should be provided
to prevent erosion of the foundations.
Distance between Blocks
Both anchors and slide blocks act to support the penstock. The maximum spacing of blocks is
calculated, so that the pipe line does not collapse between supports when filled with water.
Generally, one sliding support for each pipe length is provided.
The gross head is the total head available without subtracting intake and conveyance loss. It is
the elevation difference between the normal pool level and the tail water level.
It is the vertical distance that the water falls through the generating Power that is between
normal pool level and the tailrace level.
V =0.075√2𝑔ℎ
V= 2.42m/s
∆ℎ𝑒 = 0.3× 2∗9.81 =0.09m
v. penstock losses
𝐿 𝑉2
hf =f𝐷 2𝑔 − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − −(8.22)
fLV 2
h fto (8.23)
2 gD
Where, f=Manning’s coefficient =0.018
V=velocity in tunnel =4m/s
D=diameter of tunnel=3.5m
The surge tank or the surge tower is a structure which forms an essential part of the conveyance
pressure conduit system. Whenever such systems are long surge tanks may be considered
essentially as a fore bay close to a machine. Their primary purpose is protection of long
pressure tunnel in medium and high head plants against high water hammer pressure arising
from sudden rejection or acceptance of load
The cross-sectional area of a surge tank is determined based on stability and economic
considerations. Stability considerations of the system were established by Thomas stated that
in order to prevent the development unstable oscillations. The cross-section of the surge tank
should exceed a certain critical value.
Based on Thomas expression:
As min o (8.24)
2 gh f H ne t
Asurge = F. S × Asmin
Where F.S-is a factor of safety and has a value of safety and has a value of 1.5
Therefore; the required minimum one will be
As min o
2 gh f H ne t
* D 2 * 3.52
AT 9.6m 2
4 4
Hnet=52m (calculated above)
Vo LAr 4.162 * 80 * 9.6
Therefore, As min 4.3m 2
2 gh f H ne t 2 * 9.81* 0.33 * 52
Z max = Vo * (8.25)
Jaeger has recommended the following formula for computing up surge and down surge in the
case where friction is taken in to account.
Z up 2 1 2
1 po po
Z max 3 9
Po (8.26)
Z max
Po 0.02268
2 1 2
Z up 1 Po Po Z max (8.27)
3 9
2 1
1 * 0.02268 * 0.022682 *15
3 9
9.1 General
Hydropower is extracted from the natural potential of usable water resources, and about one
quarter of the world’s power requirement is at present derived in this way. Waterpower (or
hydropower) is generated by utilizing the energy of water (or hydraulic energy). Hydropower
is obtained from generators coupled with water turbines that convert the hydraulic energy in to
mechanical energy.
Hydraulic turbines may be considered as hydraulic motors or prime motors or prime movers
of waterpower development, which convert water energy in to mechanical energy (shaft
power). The shaft power developed is used in running electricity generators directly coupled
to the shaft of the turbine, thus producing electrical power.
Impulse turbine
Reaction turbine
All the available potential energy is converted in to kinetic energy with the help of contracting
nozzles. The water after impinging on the curved vanes or bucket is discharged freely to drown
stream channel, example: peloton wheel.
In this type, the water enters the turbine in a circumferential direction in to the scroll case and
makes in to the runner through a series of guide vanes called wicket gates.
The available energy partly converted to kinetic energy and substantial magnitude remains in
the form of pressure energy example Francis, Kaplan, propeller etc.
The selection of the best turbine for any particular hydropower sites depends on:-
Maximum net head acting on turbine is an important consideration in the selection of type of
turbine for a power plant.
It is defined as the speed at which a geometrically similar runner would rotate if it were so
proportional that it would develop 1 KW when operating under a head of 1m.
Ns (9.1)
H 1.25
Since the generator and turbine are fixed, the rated speed of the turbine is the same as
synchronic speed of the generator. The speed N -for synchronic running is given by
120 f
N (9.2)
p= number of poles, divisible by 2 for head above 200mdivisible by 4 for heads up to 200m
60 2 gh
9.3.4 Efficiency:
The turbine efficiency varies with power output and head. Francis and propeller turbines have
high fall of efficiency in comparison to pelton and Kaplan.
The turbine selection is also influenced by the variability of load. The type of turbines dictates
minimum load up to which turbines may be continuously operated without any cavitations and
Cavitation is an important consideration in the selection of turbine for the given head and
specific speed. It is an account of cavitation’s limit that high-speed turbines are not used for
high heads, but low speed turbines can work under high heads.
It includes initial cost and running cost. As much as possible it should be adopted minimum
overall cost turbine unit.
For this project, considering all the above parameters and using the performance curves,
Francis turbine is selected.
Primary, or ‘firm’, power is the power which is always available, and which corresponds to the
minimum stream flow without consideration of storage. Secondary, or surplus, power is the
remainder and is not available all the time. Secondary power is useful only if it can be absorbed
by relieving some other station, thus affecting water saving (in the case of another hydro station
with storage).
𝑃 = 𝜂𝑂 ∗ 𝛾𝑤 ∗ 𝑄𝑓𝑖 ∗ 𝐻𝑛 − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − −(9.4)
𝜂𝑜 =0.94,
Pfir= 0.94*9.81*223.7*52=107267.0134kW=107.27Mw
9.5 Installed Capacity-Pins
The installed capacity of a hydropower plant is the maximum power which can be developed
by the generators at normal head with full flow. The unit of electrical power is the kilowatt,
and that of the electrical energy, defined as the power delivered per unit time, is the kilowatt-
hour (kW h).
But, power factor, PF = (9.6)
𝑃 𝑃𝑓𝑖𝑟
𝑃𝐹 = 𝑃𝑓𝑖𝑟 ⇒ 𝑃𝑖𝑛𝑠 = − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − (9.7)
𝑖𝑛𝑠 𝑃𝐹
= = 𝟏𝟑𝟒. 𝟎𝟗𝑴𝒘
size. From a graph of head versus specific speed for H=52, Ns=250rpm and taking the number
of poles as 20 as the head variation is less than 20%, and turbine speed N=180rpm
N P Ns * H 5 / 4 2
Ns P1 ( ) (9.8)
H 5/ 4 N
295 * 525 / 4
Therefore...number..of ..units (9.9)
134.09 * 10^3
3.16 4units
Taking all the above points in to consideration four units of Francis turbine is chosen for this
particular project.
The specific speed of a turbine; is the speed in rpm of a geometrically similar turbine of such
a size that it produces 1 kW under 1 m head? It is expressed by:
NP1 / 2
Ns (9.10)
H 5/ 4
The valve of specific speed is mainly used for selection of a suitable type of turbine for a
particular site. The following table gives guidelines on this purpose.
The specific speed of the unit can be calculated with the help of a number of formulas as shown
1. R.W. Abett’s formula
Ns (9.11)
2. P.C. Nag and K. Modhvan’s formula
Ns (9.12)
3. Moody formula
Ns 83.6 (9.13)
H 9.75
83.6 483.34rpm
52 9.75
4. Norwegian turbine factory
Ns (9.14)
H 0.7
0.7 314.61rpm
5. T.L white‘s formula
Ns (9.15)
Taking the average of the above values
NS =294.93rpm ≈295rpm
Ns (H 5 )
N 4 (9.16)
295(525 / 4 )
N 200 take N=200rp
9.6.3 Synchronous speed
120 f
N (9.17)
Where f=50 Hz
120 * 50
P= 30
P No. of pole =30
TakeP = 28 which are divisible by 4 for H<200m=> P = 30
120 * f 120 * 50
There for, N= 200rpm 200rpm
NP 30
The new specific speed
N* P
Ns (9.18)
H 5/ 4
200 * 42422.12
NS= 294.99 , take295rpm
525 / 4
Therefore NS=295rpm and N=200rpm
9.6.4 Determination of peripheral co-efficient
D.Zonobelti’s formula
0.656 (9.21)
The table below shows various values of , N s , H and efficiency ( ) for the Francis types of
Table 9.2 various values of , N s , H and efficiency ( ) for Francis turbines
Based on the above parameters, operation head of 52m, generating coefficient 0.91, generating
power of 42.42Mw and the turbine speed of 200rpm makes Francis turbine suitable for this
If the external load on the machine suddenly drops to zero (sudden rejection) and the governing
mechanism fails at the same time, the turbine will tend to race up to the maximum possible
speed, known as runaway speed. This limiting speed under no load, maximum flow must be
considered for safe design. The following formula may also be used to determine proportion
of runaway speed as compared to normal speed.
H max 12
U.S.B.R. Formula Nr K n .N ( ) (9.22)
K n (0.1475N S 145)in%age (9.23)
K n (0.1475* 295 145)
K n 1.8851%
1. Mosonyi’s formula
D1 84.6 * (9.24)
D1 84.6 * 0.91* 1.39
Ns 295
D3 D1 (0.5 ) 1.39 0.5 (9.25)
N 400
D3 1.72
2. Guthrie Brown’s formula
90Q 3
D3 (9.26)
1/ 3
90 * 223.12
D3 3.7
3. Zanobetti’s formula
D1 (57.53 0.033N s ) (9.26)
D1 (57.53 0.033* 295)
D3 =2.71m
A scroll case is a conduit directs the water from intake or penstock to the runner. A spiral
shaped scroll case of correct geometry ensures an even distribution of water around the
periphery of the runner with the minimum possible eddy formations. The shape and internal
dimensions are closely related to the design of the turbine. For the Francis turbine of this project
a steel circular spiral case with nose angle 330o is suggested and size proportions take from
recommended dimensions are shown on the detail drawing blow.
Dimension of spiral case; According to F.desiervo and F.deleva, water velocity at spiral case
inlet section for Ns=324.
V 844N s (9.27)
844 * 295 69.12m / s
A D3 (1.2 ) (9.28)
2.711.2 3.07m
B D3 (1.2 ) (9.29)
2.711.2 3.76m
C D3 (1.32 ) (9.30)
2.711.2 4.03m
D D3 (1.5 ) (9.31)
2.711.5 4.51m
E D3 (0.98 ) (9.32)
2.71 0.98 3.24m
F D3 (1 ) (9.33)
2.711 3.92m
G D3 (0.89 ) (9.34)
2.71 0.89 3.298m
H D3 (0.79 ) (9.35)
2.71 0.79 2.89m
I D3 (0.1 0.00065Ns ) (9.36)
2.710.1 0.00065* 295 0.79m
A draft tube is a conduit discharging water from the turbine runner to the tailrace. It is employed
in conjunction with reaction type turbines and has two fold purposes.
For this particular project elbow type draft tubes is selected since it has the following
advantages compared to conical type draft tube.
According to F.desiervo and F.deleva have given the formula for draft tube dimensions
V1 8.74 (9.37)
8.74 9.58m / s
O D3 (0.83 ) (9.39)
2.71 0.83 3.54m
P D3 (1.37 0.00056Ns ) (9.40)
2.711.37 0.00056* 295 3.265m
Q D3 (0.58 ) (9.41)
2.71 0.58 1.78m,
R D3 (1.6 ) (9.42)
2.711.6 4.34m
S D3 (9.43)
0 .25 N S 9.28
2.71 12.40m
0 .25 * 295 9 .28
2.711.1 3.47m
Z D3 (2.63 ) (9.47)
2.71 2.63 7.44m
The following items of equipment are considered for planning and dimensioning of the
1. Hydraulic turbines
Gate and Gate valves
Flow measurements
2. Electrical equipment’
Transformers, pumps, cooling systems, connections, funs and plate forms
3. Switching equipment’s
Switch board panels
Switch board equipment and instruments
4. Miscellaneous equipment
Work shops
Other facilities (clinic, store, etc)
9.10 Generators
Generators transform mechanical energy into electrical energy. They are essentially designed
to suit the characteristics of the turbine to which these are connected. The speed of generator
varies widely as the head on the turbine and its rating. Generators are usually designed for full
runaway speed of the turbine.
J.J.Dolands formula
K=capacity of generator in KN
P( KN )
K (9.49)
Dg 0.119 * (30)0.466 (53027.65)0.233 7.3m
Wg g K / N 85 (9.50)
Where g=coefficient that varies between 20&32, taking the average =26
Wg 26 85 214.36tons
J.H.Walker has given elaborate curves and relations to determine the dimensions of the
generator. If D' g is the gap between poles and stator and this diameter in meter is
p 32.5
Dg ' k (9.52)
62 p
30 32.5
Where, K=varies from 5to 9(take k=7) D'g [ 7] 1.14m
62 30
P=number of poles
𝑫𝒇= 𝑫𝒈 ′ [ 𝑷 + 𝟏] + 𝟏. 𝟓𝟓 − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − (𝟗. 𝟓𝟑)
= 𝟏. 𝟏𝟒 [ 𝟑𝟎 + 𝟏] + 𝟏. 𝟓𝟓 = 𝟐. 𝟕𝟕𝒎
DP D f 2 (9.54)
2.77 2 4.77m
The basic objective of power house planning is to house all the equipment suitably in a
structural complex
The basic requirement of power house planning is a functional efficiency coupled with
aesthetic beauty. A power house can be classified as:
In this type of power house the power house carven, tunnels and shafts for water conduits
system, access tunnels and ventilation shafts are located inside the mountain.
The site selection for the power house is based on the following criteria:
Unit bay
Erector bay
Control bay
Vertical setting is better for multiple units. The size of the erector bay is usually governed by
the size of the generator. Normally, in the case of surface power house, the width of the erector
bay is equal to the machine hall width and the length equals that of one operating bay or center
to center distance of two adjacent units.
The control room and the office may be adjacent to the power house or may be located in
separating buildings located above the ground.
1. E. Mosonyi’s formula :
Unit spacing = 5.5 s * D3 (9.55)
= 5.5 * 3.02 13.21 m
Length; The center-to-center distance between the units, is from (4.5-5) D + (2-3) m for
minimum clearance. Hence the total length
Number of units=11unit+1unit for erection + 1 unit for control room =13 units
L=5D3+2.5--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (9.58)
Width; The width of machine hall can be determined by the size and the clearance space
from the walls needed as a gangway.
W = F + C + 2 + 1.85D3 − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − (9.58)
In order to minimize the excavation cost, the lesser value is adopted i.e width=17m
Height: The height of the machine hall is fixed up by the head room requirement of the crane
operation .The hall must have the height which will enable the cranes to lift the
rotors of the generator clear of the floor without any other machine sets forming
Where P.F=0.8
Installed capacity = 720695
Generator capacity = 900868.75KN
H=Height of generator +clearance (4m)+allowance for free movement of crane (say 2m) +
allowance for crane girders (say 4.5 m)
H =5.74+4+2+4.5
H =16.24m say 17m
Therefore the dimensions of the power house are =Length * width *height =229*17*17
For Gilgel-Abbay hydropower plant a vertical alignment of the turbine and generator with 5D
center-to-center distance between the two turbine units is recommended so that the machine
hall length is reduced to some extent. The powerhouse is constructed above ground at elevation
of 1828m.
9.12 Cavitation:
Cavitation is the formation in subsequent collapse of vapor pockets in a region of liquid where
the pressure has been reduced to that of vapor pressure of the liquid. When the pressure in any
part of flow passage reaches the vapor pressure of the flowing liquid it starts vaporizing and
small bobbles of vapor form in large number.
Surface of the vanes subjected to intense pressure during the collapse becomes
scored, pitted and even torn.
Cause noise and vibration.
Cavitation’s in a turbine can be avoided by the following measures
A careful stream lined design of the flow passages of the runner as well as that of
draft tube.
The average sub-atmospheric pressure at runner outlet is kept reasonably above the
vapor pressure limit.
Some metals are more resistance to cavitation’s damage than others.
The cavitation’s characters tics of a hydraulic machine is characterized by a cavitation’s
constant called Thomas’s cavitation’s constant б and given by
𝐻𝑎 −𝐻𝑣 −𝑌𝑠
𝜌𝑐 = − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − (9.61)
The value of σc for different turbines may be determined by using the following empirical
For the case of Gilgel abbay hydropower project Francis turbine have been selected and the
value is
c 0.0432 (9.62)
c 0.0432 0.235
The turbine unit should be set at 2.12m below tail water level in order to remove formation of
cavitation. Recommended dimensions of the draft tube are given in detail drawing Appendix.
The effects of cavitation can be reduced by-
setting the turbine near the tailrace level using hydraulic calculation
Making the runner blades from especially chosen resistant metals such as stainless
steel and nickel steel.
Spraying thin layers of erosion resistance materials in place where cavitation is most
likely to occur.
The governor is a mechanism of controlling the rotational speed of the turbo generator unit;
constant speed must be maintained in order to obtain the A.C supply with constant frequency.
As the turbine and hence its interconnected generator tend to decrease or increase speed as the
load varies, the maintenance of an almost constant speed requires regulation of the amount of
water allowed to flow through the turbine by closing or opening the gates of the turbines
automatically, through the action of a governor.
9.13.1 Transformer:
The transmission system delivers bulk power from the power stations to the load centers. The
electrical power may be transmitted by either underground cables or overhead lines. The former
are suited for densely populated areas as these are safer requires less maintenance and do not
influence the appearance the town.
Vr1and Vr2 are relative velocity of the jet and the plate at inlet and Outlet
The powerhouse discharges water in to the tailrace or tail water. The draft conveys the water
from the discharge side of the turbine to the tailrace. The tailrace canal, which is in the vicinity
of the draft tube, must be properly lined; as it may otherwise degrade and cause the lowering
of the tail water elevation.
A trapezoidal concrete lined canal is to be used with the following data from recommended
range of values.
Assume the depth of tail race water (h) is equals to 5m. And also bottom width =4m
Therefor area of trapezoidal (AT) =h/2*(T+B) but T=top width of the canal
2∗𝐴𝑇− 𝐵
𝑇= − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − −(9.64)
= = 15𝑚
10.1 General
Hydropower projects that are intended to produce electric energy, may cause irreversible
environmental changes over a wide geographic area and thus have a potential for significant
impacts. The area of influence of the project extends from the upper limits of the catchments
too far down stream. Therefore hydropower project such as Gilgel abbay are designed to
enhance economic development and bring a better standard of life to people due consideration
should be given to their adverse environmental and social effects. This can be done through
environmental impact assessment, which is a management tool for officials, and manager who
take decision about important development project.
The EIA not only predicts potential problems but also identifies measures to minimize the
problems and out lines ways to improve the project suitability for its proposed environment.
The aim of environmental impact assessments is:
1. To understand the likely environmental consequences of new developments.
2. To understand the amplification of proposed interventions.
3. To identify measures by which the impacts can be mitigated.
4. To present the results in such a way that they can provide answers needed by
Generally, EIA can be described in short as an instrument used to identify, predict and assess
the environmental consequences of a proposed major development project. Moreover, EIA is
used to plan appropriate measures to reduce adverse effects. EIA encourages the developer to
find ways to lessen the consequences. The purpose of EIA is to establish and describe the direct
and indirect impact of a planned activity or measure on community, flora, fauna, land water,
air, the climate, the landscape, the socio-economic environment and cultural environmental as
well as on sustainable management of land, Water and the biophysical in General In venal, EIA
is a management too, like economic analyis and engineering feasibility studies for official and
managers who must make important decisions about major development projects.
The EIA process can be divided in to two phases namely; initial inquiries (examination) and
the EIA itself. The various stages involved in EIA include the following.
1. Pre-screening consultation.
2. Project screening
3. Scoping
4. Environmental impact study
5. Mitigation
6. Environmental management and monitoring plan
7. Environmental impact study report
8. Reviewing
9. Environmental Decision making
catchment are likely. Biological diversity areas of special interest like scientific,
animal-migration industrial areas are important study areas.
e) Impact on wet lands and plains
The project may have direct impact on wetlands by either changing the hydrological conditions
or by reducing water quality in downstream areas. Seasonally flooded plains or deltas of
specialized important habitats providing grazing for cattle and wild life.
f) Socio economic impact
Population change; the project may encourage population density to increase because
the increased prosperity of the area attracts the population
Income and amenity;
Human migration; due to submergence of the area by the proposed reservoir.
g) Impact on human health
A number of disease hazards may be associated with the project including malaria,
schistosomiasis and river blindness.
Environmentally sound design requires the project adverse impacts on the environment and
natural resource bases are zero or very limited and all reasonable steps have to be taken to
minimize adverse impacts and maximize positive impacts. Mitigation measures have to be
proposed for each environmental problem by EIA study group.
EIA is an ongoing process of review, negation and incremental decision making at various
levels of project cycle, about whether or not the proposal is to proceed, and under what
conditions. The EIA report prepared by the study group will help the government authority to
decide whether the Gilgel-Abbay project is to proceed or not or under what conditions have to
The purpose of mitigation measures are to minimize adverse impacts and enhance the
benefits of scheme and are summarized in table below.
11 Economic Analysis
11.1 General
The main objective of economic analysis in hydropower project is to provide an economic basis
for deciding whether or not to implement a project. And, secondly to examine promising
development alternative in an economic respect to determine which is the most attractive. An
economic analysis is based on the benefits and costs from the point view of the society as a
The economic analysis of the project studies is dependent on orderly and accurate cost
estimation. The type of study, whether a reconnaissance study, a feasibility study or a final
design study, will tend to dictate the precision with which cost estimates are made.
The total cost of the project is estimated as follows depending on the bill of quantities and their
corresponding unit rates.
All the benefits from various projects are calculated annually on the bases of the prevailing
rates. For hydropower generation the cost per unit and the total units of power generated from
a project gives the annually return from power. For hydropower projects benefit cost analysis
needs careful consideration.
The following is the procedure adopted for estimating the total cost of the project.
Table 11.1 Estimation of the project cost by bill of quantity (BOQ) Description Unit Unit cost Quantity Total cost
(Birr) (MBirr)
2 Diversion work
3 Dam
4 Water conveyance
Power intake excavation m3 130 336.53 0.044
Intake gate _ - -
Headrace tunnel
5 excavation(L=34m) m3 2350 327.12 0.77
Shotecrete m3 5400 757 4.088
Penstock(d=3.6) m 32500 70 2.275
Tailrace tunnel
excavation(L=225m) m3 450 7521.75 3.385
Shotecrete m3 5400 1640 8.87
Surge shaft excavation m3 450 360 0.162
Shotecrete m 5400 21 0.113
Power house
6 Excavation m3 450 420 0.189
Concrete lining m 1800 32.48 0.0585
Masonry work M3 500 37.12 0.01856
Electro mechanical
7 equipments
Turbine governor and turbine
equipments item 28.89×106 4 115.92
Generator and
equipments item 27.45×106 4 109.8
Assuming 450people for an operation of 5 years and 200persons for one year during the main
concrete works, and assuming an area of 15m2 per person, we need 13500m2 of area. Unit rate
of labor cost assumed as 950birr/month.
Unit cost of installation including water supply, health facility, electric and
others=4,342,803Birrper m2 of area
Total cost of installation and labor cost= 902,592,803Birr
Summing up all the costs, the total project cost will be 1.92B.Birr
OM=1.5% of total project cost =0.0288B.Birr
TOTAL COST=1.9488B.Birr
The main benefit of the project is selling cash electrical power. Actually, there may be some
tangible and intangible benefits, which we didn’t include in this study, since the former is the
11.9.1 Benefits from hydropower development
We have assumed the design period of the structure=100years
Yearly power production=107,270 KWH
The average energy price according to recent (EEPCO) on hydropower is 0.57Birr/Kwhr.
Annual benefit from selling power=107,270×365×24×0.35 = 0.33B.Birr/kwh
P A 1 i 1
i1 1 i n
1 i 1
i 1 i
1 0.07 1
0.071 0.07
Annual benefit=0.33B.Birr
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Surveillance
Dams of all types require regular surveillance if they are to be maintained in a safe and
operationally efficient state. The primary objective of a surveillance programmer is to minimize
the possibility of catastrophic failure of the dam by the timely detection of design inadequacies
or regressive changes in behavior. A further objective is to assist in the scheduling of routine
maintenance or, when necessary, of major remedial works.
Surveillance embraces the regular and frequent observation and recording of all aspects of the
service performance of a dam and its reservoir. It includes routine observation and inspection,
the monitoring and assessment of seepage and instrumentation data and the recording of all
other relevant information, including hydrological records. Routine inspection should cover all
readily accessible parts of the dam and of its associated components (e.g. spillways, gates,
valves and outlet works). Visual inspection should also extend to the area downstream of the
dam, including the miters and abutments, and to any parts of the reservoir perimeter designated
as requiring observation. Additional effort may be directed at particular locations or to specific
signs of some possible deterioration, e.g. sources of suspected seepage or leakage and, in the
case of embankments, localized crest settlement and slope deformation. The inspecting
engineer must be alert to change, whether favorable or unfavorable, between successive visits.
The provision of monitoring instruments is accepted good practice for all new dams of any
magnitude. In parallel with this, a basic level of instrumentation is now frequently installed
retrospectively to monitor existing dams. The scope and degree of sophistication of individual
suites of instruments varies greatly. Careful attention to specification, design, and correct
installation of all but the simplest instrument arrays is critical to their satisfactory performance.
Responsibility for the planning and commissioning of monitoring installations is therefore best
retained at an experienced and relatively senior level within an appropriate organization, e.g.
the design agency, owner, or state authority.
Suites of instruments may, for convenience, be classified according to the primary function of
the installation.
1. Construction control: verification of critical design parameters with immediate looped
feedback to design and construction.
2. Post-construction performance: validation of design; determination of initial or datum
behavioral pattern.
3. Service performance/surveillance: reassurance as to structural adequacy; detection of
regressive change in established behavioral pattern; investigation of identified or suspected
4. Research/development: academic research; equipment proving and development.
Monitoring instruments are required to function satisfactorily under very harsh environmental
conditions and for essentially indeterminate periods of time, possibly several decades. As
guidelines underwriting sound design it is therefore desirable that instruments be
The implementation of Gilgel abbay Medium Hydropower Project has an ultimate benefit to
increase the demand of power supply in the country and project area fulfill this benefit
the following designing process occurred in this final year project.
Hydrological data analysed for determination of maximum rainfall probability and
design rain fall of 214.18mm as well as from Gilgel Abbay River recorded stream
flow, the maximum design discharge for a return period of 100 year is 482.993m3/s
Reservoir planning by using counter elevation and its covering area from given field
survey data to fix the dam height and storage capacity by using elevation area
capacity curve which is done by integration method and mass curve methods.
The reservoir and flood roughing to determine maximum spill out discharge of
168.92m3/s and its corresponding height of 1.18m by using inflow and outflow
Depending up on different criteria which is missioned in the body of this report
Gravity dam is best selection for Gilgel abbay project with 62m height, 4.5 and 63m
top and bottom width respectively. The upstream and downstream slops are
designed as 1.25:1 and 0.75:1 (H: V) respectively. To increase dam stability, to
protect sliding and over stressed by increasing contact area of the dam at both
upstream and downstream. All safety factor of the dam which is tension, sliding and
over turning are checked by determining different load combination such as NLC,
ULC and ELC condition.
Based on the type of dam proposed, ogee spillway is selected on the dam itself with
bucket type energy dissipation structure.
A cofferdam is constructed at the upstream of the dam to divert the river flow for the
purpose of dam construction. And conveyance strictures designed properly.
Gilgel-Abbay Hydropower project will provide an average energy output of 134MW
from this energy some would be107.2MW firm energy (90% reliability).
The powerhouse will be a surface type structure of reinforced concrete and structural
steel construction. The powerhouse accommodates a loading/service bay, four bay
for each of the 4 Francis turbine units.
A hydropower design system is a vast task; requires a due attention, effort and lot of experience.
For a complete and in-depth design full, sufficient and actual data is required including variable
on-site observations.
A design based on written information only cannot be sufficient. Actual observation plays
a decisive role for design of hydropower.
These report present scant information which is not sufficient for detailed design. A
detailed information, which is the basis to carry out the design in conformity with the
results of detailed field, laboratory investigations and pilot performance results is not
In this project, since there is no any suspended sediment data, we make rough
estimation. But, since it has great effect on the design of the hall hydraulic structures,
directly or indirectly, there should be detail and accurate sediment data.
Since the reservoir created by the implementation of the project may facilitate the
spread of the diseases in the area, appropriate heath care services and creation of
awareness for controlling the diseases has to be established with the implementation of
the project. And also appropriate protection measures should be taken for other impacts
of the project as much as possible
The estimated cost is obtained by rough analysis, which need further detail quantity
To have efficient use of water and to keep the structure in good condition, the owner of
the project should have to manage it appropriately
Afforestation should be seriously done for protection of erosion to protect
sedimentation of the reservoir easily.
Facilitation of fish husbandry and recreational centres should be carried out
0 0.000 -0.010 -0.012
0.1 0.006 -0.020 -0.011
0.2 0.022 -0.030 -0.010
0.3 0.047 -0.040 -0.009
0.4 0.080 -0.050 -0.007
0.5 0.120 -0.060 -0.006
0.6 0.169 -0.070 -0.004
0.7 0.224 -0.080 -0.002
0.8 0.287 -0.090 0.000
0.9 0.357 -0.100 0.003
1 0.434 -0.110 0.005
1.1 0.518 -0.120 0.008
1.2 0.608 -0.130 0.011
1.3 0.705 -0.140 0.014
1.4 0.809 -0.150 0.017
1.5 0.919 -0.160 0.021
1.6 1.035 -0.170 0.025
1.66 1.108 -0.180 0.029
-0.190 0.033
-0.200 0.038
-0.210 0.043
-0.220 0.048
-0.230 0.054
-0.240 0.060
-0.250 0.066
-0.260 0.074
-0.270 0.081
-0.280 0.090
-0.290 0.099
-0.300 0.110
-0.310 0.124
-0.320 0.150
Table 1 outlier test computed value by using Grub’s T-test
year January February March April May June July August September October ber December Xmean S staDeve
1981 30.38 15.62 42.98 30.00 137.30 241.40 568.40 482.20 212.10 73.30 29.60 0.00 155.27 190.35
Tcalcu 0.66 0.73 0.59 0.66 0.09 0.45 2.17 1.72 0.30 0.43 0.66 0.82
Ttest 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55
1982 19.90 0.00 36.90 11.30 145.00 239.50 287.50 532.20 158.60 93.75 20.81 15.62 130.09 158.89
Tcalcu 0.69 0.82 0.59 0.75 0.09 0.69 0.99 2.53 0.18 0.23 0.69 0.72
Ttest 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55
1983 15.62 15.62 31.27 60.30 121.98 284.25 463.04 466.15 243.10 123.80 7.00 0.00 152.68 172.48
Tcalcu 0.79 0.79 0.70 0.54 0.18 0.76 1.80 1.82 0.52 0.17 0.84 0.89
Ttest 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55
1984 0.00 0.00 21.10 60.25 143.43 362.25 603.35 299.12 421.15 25.65 0.00 25.30 163.47 206.13
Tcalcu 0.79 0.79 0.69 0.50 0.10 0.96 2.13 0.66 1.25 0.67 0.79 0.67
Ttest 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55
1985 0.00 1.15 12.60 28.00 172.35 199.55 424.10 382.30 205.50 101.40 27.70 2.60 129.77 150.06
Tcalcu 0.86 0.86 0.78 0.68 0.28 0.47 1.96 1.68 0.50 0.19 0.68 0.85
Ttest 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55
1986 0.00 4.50 4.50 19.40 22.00 380.90 568.15 186.15 364.85 64.70 28.40 0.00 136.96 194.57
Tcalcu 0.70 0.68 0.68 0.60 0.59 1.25 2.22 0.25 1.17 0.37 0.56 0.70
Ttest 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55
1987 0.00 0.00 19.00 13.20 320.90 324.70 332.50 307.45 165.80 64.30 0.80 0.00 129.05 149.48
Tcalcu 1.00 1.00 0.85 0.90 1.49 1.52 1.58 1.38 0.28 0.50 0.99 1.00
Ttest 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55
1988 11.20 20.30 0.00 0.00 153.30 408.00 508.85 294.90 218.65 193.85 26.25 0.30 152.97 176.25
Tcalcu 0.80 0.75 0.87 0.87 0.00 1.45 2.02 0.81 0.37 0.23 0.72 0.87
Ttest 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55
1989 0.00 0.00 46.60 58.85 62.56 211.50 374.90 375.80 151.50 140.45 12.10 17.10 120.95 136.06
Tcalcu 0.89 0.89 0.55 0.46 0.43 0.67 1.87 1.87 0.22 0.14 0.80 0.76
Ttest 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55
1990 2.60 0.00 22.05 2.50 63.30 209.10 474.80 573.50 227.20 112.84 29.01 34.75 145.97 193.83
Tcalcu 0.74 0.75 0.64 0.74 0.43 0.33 1.70 2.21 0.42 0.17 0.60 0.57
Ttest 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55
1991 0.30 0.00 7.70 131.60 79.00 326.60 589.80 471.95 386.05 131.10 18.05 25.80 180.66 208.12
Tcalcu 0.87 0.87 0.83 0.24 0.49 0.70 1.97 1.40 0.99 0.24 0.78 0.74
Ttest 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55
1992 0.00 0.00 3.45 108.40 59.30 273.30 463.90 373.10 171.20 94.37 0.00 0.00 128.92 160.44
Tcalcu 0.80 0.80 0.78 0.13 0.43 0.90 2.09 1.52 0.26 0.22 0.80 0.80
Ttest 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55
1994 15.62 17.10 29.04 43.28 165.60 247.50 229.90 369.10 164.05 106.20 37.50 0.00 118.74 117.33
Tcalcu 0.88 0.87 0.76 0.64 0.40 1.10 0.95 2.13 0.39 0.11 0.69 1.01
Ttest 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55
1995 0.00 2.00 18.10 37.30 202.25 312.70 332.30 291.50 174.25 59.30 8.65 30.10 122.37 131.76
Tcalcu 0.93 0.91 0.79 0.65 0.61 1.44 1.59 1.28 0.39 0.48 0.86 0.70
Ttest 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55
Table 2 computation for maximum rain fall by using frequency distribution (Gumbel’s)
Dicending proability return period
Yt kt xt
No year Annual max order Rank
1 1959 279.855 964 1 0.012762078 78.35714 4.354862 2.541069 659.3996
2 1960 300.43 650 2 0.035551504 28.12821 3.318728 1.849852 574.3576
3 1961 263.6 513 3 0.05834093 17.14063 2.811546 1.511505 532.73
4 1962 280.56 452 4 0.081130356 12.32584 2.469691 1.28345 504.6718
5 1963 246 436.3 5 0.103919781 9.622807 2.209775 1.110057 483.3388
6 1964 284.5 409.6 6 0.126709207 7.892086 1.998882 0.969368 466.0295
7 1965 320 409.6 7 0.149498633 6.689024 1.820596 0.850431 451.3965
8 966 283.24 400.169 8 0.172288058 5.804233 1.665532 0.746986 438.6694
9 1967 223.7 381.915 9 0.195077484 5.126168 1.527815 0.655114 427.3661
10 1968 266.99 380.9 10 0.21786691 4.589958 1.40352 0.572195 417.1645
11 1969 379.4 379.4 11 0.240656335 4.155303 1.289891 0.496392 407.8382
12 1970 279.16 377.8 12 0.263445761 3.795848 1.184914 0.42636 399.2221
13 1971 452 360.4 13 0.286235187 3.493631 1.087074 0.36109 391.1917
14 1972 284 355 14 0.309024613 3.235988 0.995196 0.299797 383.6507
15 1973 287 349.6 15 0.331814038 3.013736 0.90835 0.241862 376.5228
16 1975 380.9 346.9 16 0.354603464 2.820051 0.825787 0.186782 369.7463
17 1976 341.5 341.5 17 0.37739289 2.649758 0.746886 0.134147 363.2704
18 1977 346.9 335.66 18 0.400182315 2.498861 0.671132 0.083611 357.0528
19 1978 312.4 328 19 0.422971741 2.364224 0.598084 0.034879 351.0573
20 1979 279.5 322.8 20 0.445761167 2.243354 0.527362 -0.0123 345.2527
21 1980 409.6 320.2 21 0.468550593 2.134241 0.458633 -0.05815 339.6116
22 1981 513 320 22 0.491340018 2.03525 0.391598 -0.10287 334.1097
23 1982 320.2 312.4 23 0.514129444 1.945035 0.325989 -0.14664 328.7247
24 1983 322.8 303.247 24 0.53691887 1.862479 0.261556 -0.18962 323.4363
25 1984 328 303.247 25 0.559708295 1.786645 0.198063 -0.23198 318.2251
26 1985 650 300.43 26 0.582497721 1.716745 0.135287 -0.27386 313.0726
27 1986 241 298.031 27 0.605287147 1.652108 0.073004 -0.31541 307.9607
28 1987 253 297 28 0.628076572 1.592163 0.010993 -0.35678 302.871
29 1988 277 287 29 0.650865998 1.536415 -0.05098 -0.39812 297.7847
30 1989 436.3 284.5 30 0.673655424 1.484438 -0.11315 -0.43959 292.6817
31 1991 349.6 284 31 0.69644485 1.435864 -0.17579 -0.48138 287.5403
32 1992 409.6 283.24 32 0.719234275 1.390368 -0.2392 -0.52368 282.336
33 1993 377.8 280.56 33 0.742023701 1.347666 -0.30372 -0.56672 277.0407
34 1994 279.5 279.855 34 0.764813127 1.307509 -0.36975 -0.61077 271.621
35 1995 964 279.5 35 0.787602552 1.269676 -0.4378 -0.65617 266.0357
36 1996 360.4 279.5 36 0.810391978 1.233971 -0.5085 -0.70334 260.2329
37 1997 355 279.16 37 0.833181404 1.200219 -0.58269 -0.75283 254.1438
38 1998 297 277 38 0.85597083 1.168264 -0.66152 -0.80542 247.6735
39 1999 298.031 266.99 39 0.878760255 1.137967 -0.74668 -0.86223 240.684
40 2000 381.915 263.6 40 0.901549681 1.109201 -0.84079 -0.92501 232.9597
41 2001 303.247 253 41 0.924339107 1.081854 -0.94837 -0.99678 224.1303
42 2002 303.247 246 42 0.947128532 1.055823 -1.07837 -1.0835 213.46
43 2003 400.169 241 43 0.969917958 1.031015 -1.25386 -1.20057 199.057
44 2004 335.66 223.7 44 0.992707384 1.007346 -1.59349 -1.42714 171.1811
Table 3 computed value of flow duration curve (FDC)
Annual max Dicending Firm
No year discharge(m3/s) order Rank P = m/(n+1)*100 flow
1 1959 279.86 964.00 1 2.22 258.30
2 1960 300.43 650.00 2 4.44 258.30
3 1961 263.60 513.00 3 6.67 258.30
4 1962 280.56 452.00 4 8.89 258.30
5 1963 246.00 436.30 5 11.11 258.30
6 1964 284.50 409.60 6 13.33 258.30
7 1965 320.00 409.60 7 15.56 258.30
8 966 283.24 400.17 8 17.78 258.30
9 1967 223.70 381.92 9 20.00 258.30
10 1968 266.99 380.90 10 22.22 258.30
11 1969 379.40 379.40 11 24.44 258.30
12 1970 279.16 377.80 12 26.67 258.30
13 1971 452.00 360.40 13 28.89 258.30
14 1972 284.00 355.00 14 31.11 258.30
15 1973 287.00 349.60 15 33.33 258.30
16 1975 380.90 346.90 16 35.56 258.30
17 1976 341.50 341.50 17 37.78 258.30
18 1977 346.90 335.66 18 40.00 258.30
19 1978 312.40 328.00 19 42.22 258.30
20 1979 279.50 322.80 20 44.44 258.30
21 1980 409.60 320.20 21 46.67 258.30
22 1981 513.00 320.00 22 48.89 258.30
23 1982 320.20 312.40 23 51.11 258.30
24 1983 322.80 303.25 24 53.33 258.30
25 1984 328.00 303.25 25 55.56 258.30
26 1985 284.50 300.43 26 57.78 258.30
27 1986 241.00 298.03 27 60.00 258.30
28 1987 253.00 297.00 28 62.22 258.30
29 1988 277.00 287.00 29 64.44 258.30
30 1989 436.30 284.50 30 66.67 258.30
31 1991 349.60 284.00 31 68.89 258.30
32 1992 409.60 283.24 32 71.11 258.30
33 1993 377.80 280.56 33 73.33 258.30
34 1994 279.50 279.86 34 75.56 258.30
35 1995 319.95 279.50 35 77.78 258.30
36 1996 360.40 279.50 36 80.00 258.30
37 1997 355.00 279.16 37 82.22 258.30
38 1998 297.00 277.00 38 84.44 258.30
39 1999 298.03 266.99 39 86.67 258.30
40 2000 381.92 263.60 40 88.89 258.30
41 2001 303.25 253.00 41 91.11 258.30
42 2002 303.25 246.00 42 93.33 258.30
43 2003 400.17 241.00 43 95.56 258.30
44 2004 335.66 223.70 44 97.78 258.30
Table 4 Flood frequency analysis by using lognormal distribution
Annual max Dicending
No year discharge(m3/s) order Rank P = m/(n+1)*100 b0 b1 b2 b3 logXT
1 1959 279.86 319.95 1 2.22 346.77 7.27 7.27 7.27 2.505
2 1960 300.43 284.50 2 4.44 346.77 6.32 6.17 6.01 2.454
3 1961 263.60 513.00 3 6.67 346.77 11.12 10.59 10.07 2.710
4 1962 280.56 452.00 4 8.89 346.77 9.56 8.87 8.22 2.655
5 1963 246.00 436.30 5 11.11 346.77 8.99 8.14 7.34 2.640
6 1964 284.50 409.60 6 13.33 346.77 8.23 7.25 6.36 2.612
7 1965 320.00 409.60 7 15.56 346.77 8.01 6.87 5.86 2.612
8 966 283.24 400.17 8 17.78 346.77 7.61 6.35 5.26 2.602
9 1967 223.70 381.92 9 20.00 346.77 7.07 5.72 4.60 2.582
10 1968 266.99 380.90 10 22.22 346.77 6.84 5.38 4.20 2.581
11 1969 379.40 379.40 11 24.44 346.77 6.62 5.04 3.81 2.579
12 1970 279.16 377.80 12 26.67 346.77 6.39 4.72 3.45 2.577
13 1971 452.00 360.40 13 28.89 346.77 5.91 4.22 2.98 2.557
14 1972 284.00 355.00 14 31.11 346.77 5.63 3.89 2.65 2.550
15 1973 287.00 349.60 15 33.33 346.77 5.36 3.57 2.35 2.544
16 1975 380.90 346.90 16 35.56 346.77 5.13 3.30 2.09 2.540
17 1976 341.50 341.50 17 37.78 346.77 4.87 3.02 1.84 2.533
18 1977 346.90 335.66 18 40.00 346.77 4.61 2.75 1.61 2.526
19 1978 312.40 328.00 19 42.22 346.77 4.33 2.48 1.39 2.516
20 1979 279.50 322.80 20 44.44 346.77 4.09 2.24 1.20 2.509
21 1980 409.60 320.20 21 46.67 346.77 3.89 2.04 1.04 2.505
22 1981 513.00 320.00 22 48.89 346.77 3.72 1.86 0.91 2.505
23 1982 320.20 312.40 23 51.11 346.77 3.47 1.65 0.77 2.495
24 1983 322.80 303.25 24 53.33 346.77 3.21 1.45 0.64 2.482
25 1984 328.00 303.25 25 55.56 346.77 3.05 1.31 0.54 2.482
26 1985 284.50 300.43 26 57.78 346.77 2.86 1.16 0.45 2.478
27 1986 241.00 298.03 27 60.00 346.77 2.68 1.02 0.37 2.474
28 1987 253.00 297.00 28 62.22 346.77 2.51 0.90 0.31 2.473
29 1988 277.00 287.00 29 64.44 346.77 2.28 0.76 0.24 2.458
30 1989 436.30 284.50 30 66.67 346.77 2.11 0.65 0.19 2.454
31 1991 349.60 284.00 31 68.89 346.77 1.95 0.56 0.15 2.453
32 1992 409.60 283.24 32 71.11 346.77 1.80 0.47 0.11 2.452
33 1993 377.80 280.56 33 73.33 346.77 1.63 0.39 0.09 2.448
34 1994 279.50 279.86 34 75.56 346.77 1.48 0.32 0.06 2.447
35 1995 319.95 279.50 35 77.78 346.77 1.33 0.25 0.04 2.446
36 1996 360.40 279.50 36 80.00 346.77 1.18 0.20 0.03 2.446
37 1997 355.00 279.16 37 82.22 346.77 1.03 0.15 0.02 2.446
38 1998 297.00 277.00 38 84.44 346.77 0.88 0.10 0.01 2.442
39 1999 298.03 266.99 39 86.67 346.77 0.71 0.07 0.00 2.426
40 2000 381.92 263.60 40 88.89 346.77 0.56 0.04 0.00 2.421
41 2001 303.25 253.00 41 91.11 346.77 0.40 0.02 0.00 2.403
42 2002 303.25 246.00 42 93.33 346.77 0.26 0.01 0.00 2.391
43 2003 400.17 241.00 43 95.56 346.77 0.13 0.00 0.00 2.382
44 2004 335.66 223.70 44 97.78 346.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.350
Table 5 mass curve computation for determination of storage
year Discharge Volume (Mm3) Commul volum(Mm3) Demand(Mm3) Commul deman(Mm3)
1 279.86 8837.60 8837.60 10950.59287 10950.59287
2 300.43 9487.34 18324.94 10950.59287 21901.18573
3 263.60 8324.28 26649.21 10950.59287 32851.7786
4 280.56 8859.86 35509.07 10950.59287 43802.37147
5 246.00 7768.48 43277.56 10950.59287 54752.96434
6 284.50 8984.28 52261.84 10950.59287 65703.5572
7 320.00 10105.34 62367.18 10950.59287 76654.15007
8 283.24 8944.49 71311.68 10950.59287 87604.74294
9 223.70 7064.27 78375.94 10950.59287 98555.3358
10 266.99 8431.33 86807.27 10950.59287 109505.9287
11 379.40 11981.15 98788.42 10950.59287 120456.5215
12 279.16 8815.65 107604.07 10950.59287 131407.1144
13 452.00 14273.80 121877.87 10950.59287 142357.7073
14 284.00 8968.49 130846.36 10950.59287 153308.3001
15 287.00 9063.23 139909.59 10950.59287 164258.893
16 380.90 12028.52 151938.11 10950.59287 175209.4859
17 341.50 10784.30 162722.41 10950.59287 186160.0787
18 346.90 10954.82 173677.23 10950.59287 197110.6716
19 312.40 9865.34 183542.57 10950.59287 208061.2645
20 279.50 8826.39 192368.96 10950.59287 219011.8573
21 409.60 12934.84 205303.80 10950.59287 229962.4502
22 513.00 16200.13 221503.93 10950.59287 240913.0431
23 320.20 10111.66 231615.59 10950.59287 251863.6359
24 322.80 10193.77 241809.36 10950.59287 262814.2288
25 328.00 10357.98 252167.33 10950.59287 273764.8217
26 284.50 8984.28 261151.62 10950.59287 284715.4145
27 241.00 7610.59 268762.20 10950.59287 295666.0074
28 253.00 7989.54 276751.74 10950.59287 306616.6003
29 277.00 8747.44 285499.18 10950.59287 317567.1931
30 436.30 13778.00 299277.18 10950.59287 328517.786
31 349.60 11040.09 310317.27 10950.59287 339468.3789
32 409.60 12934.84 323252.11 10950.59287 350418.9718
33 377.80 11930.62 335182.73 10950.59287 361369.5646
34 279.50 8826.39 344009.12 10950.59287 372320.1575
35 319.95 10103.77 354112.89 10950.59287 383270.7504
36 360.40 11381.14 365494.03 10950.59287 394221.3432
37 355.00 11210.62 376704.65 10950.59287 405171.9361
38 297.00 9379.02 386083.67 10950.59287 416122.529
39 298.03 9411.58 395495.25 10950.59287 427073.1218
40 381.92 12060.57 407555.82 10950.59287 438023.7147
41 303.25 9576.30 417132.12 10950.59287 448974.3076
42 303.25 9576.30 426708.41 10950.59287 459924.9004
43 400.17 12637.02 439345.43 10950.59287 470875.4933
44 335.66 10599.87 449945.30 10950.59287 481826.0862
Table 5 maximum design flood computation by using flood frequency analysis
Annual max Dicending probability
No year discharge(m3/s)order Rank P T Kt XT log XT
1 1959 279.855 964 1 0.012692656 78.78571 0.210609 372.6777 2.571333
2 1960 300.43 650 2 0.035358114 28.28205 0.152931 365.5814 2.562984
3 1961 263.6 513 3 0.058023572 17.23438 0.124699 362.1081 2.558838
4 1962 280.56 452 4 0.08068903 12.39326 0.105672 359.7671 2.556021
5 1963 246 436.3 5 0.103354488 9.675439 0.091207 357.9874 2.553868
6 1964 284.5 409.6 6 0.126019946 7.935252 0.07947 356.5434 2.552112
7 1965 320 409.6 7 0.148685403 6.72561 0.06955 355.3229 2.550623
8 966 283.24 400.169 8 0.171350861 5.835979 0.060922 354.2614 2.549324
9 1967 223.7 381.915 9 0.194016319 5.154206 0.05326 353.3187 2.548167
10 1968 266.99 380.9 10 0.216681777 4.615063 0.046346 352.468 2.54712
11 1969 379.4 379.4 11 0.239347235 4.17803 0.040025 351.6904 2.54616
12 1970 279.16 377.8 12 0.262012693 3.816609 0.034187 350.9721 2.545273
13 1971 452 360.4 13 0.28467815 3.512739 0.028746 350.3027 2.544443
14 1972 284 355 14 0.307343608 3.253687 0.023637 349.6741 2.543663
15 1973 287 349.6 15 0.330009066 3.03022 0.018809 349.0801 2.542925
16 1975 380.9 346.9 16 0.352674524 2.835476 0.01422 348.5155 2.542222
17 1976 341.5 341.5 17 0.375339982 2.664251 0.009835 347.976 2.541549
18 1977 346.9 335.66 18 0.39800544 2.512528 0.005625 347.4581 2.540902
19 1978 312.4 328 19 0.420670898 2.377155 0.001567 346.9588 2.540278
20 1979 279.5 322.8 20 0.443336355 2.255624 -0.00236 346.4755 2.539673
21 1980 409.6 320.2 21 0.466001813 2.145914 -0.00618 346.0059 2.539084
22 1981 513 320 22 0.488667271 2.046382 -0.0099 345.5481 2.538508
23 1982 320.2 312.4 23 0.511332729 1.955674 -0.01354 345.1001 2.537945
24 1983 322.8 303.247 24 0.533998187 1.872666 -0.01712 344.6602 2.537391
25 1984 328 303.247 25 0.556663645 1.796417 -0.02064 344.227 2.536845
26 1985 650 300.43 26 0.579329102 1.726135 -0.02412 343.7988 2.536304
27 1986 241 298.031 27 0.60199456 1.661145 -0.02757 343.3741 2.535768
28 1987 253 297 28 0.624660018 1.600871 -0.031 342.9515 2.535233
29 1988 277 287 29 0.647325476 1.544818 -0.03443 342.5295 2.534698
30 1989 436.3 284.5 30 0.669990934 1.492558 -0.03787 342.1063 2.534161
31 1991 349.6 284 31 0.692656392 1.443717 -0.04134 341.6802 2.53362
32 1992 409.6 283.24 32 0.71532185 1.397972 -0.04484 341.2493 2.533072
33 1993 377.8 280.56 33 0.737987307 1.355037 -0.0484 340.8113 2.532514
34 1994 279.5 279.855 34 0.760652765 1.31466 -0.05204 340.3636 2.531943
35 1995 964 279.5 35 0.783318223 1.27662 -0.05578 339.9029 2.531355
36 1996 360.4 279.5 36 0.805983681 1.24072 -0.05967 339.4251 2.530744
37 1997 355 279.16 37 0.828649139 1.206783 -0.06373 338.9249 2.530104
38 1998 297 277 38 0.851314597 1.174654 -0.06804 338.3951 2.529424
39 1999 298.031 266.99 39 0.873980054 1.144191 -0.07267 337.8251 2.528692
40 2000 381.915 263.6 40 0.896645512 1.115268 -0.07776 337.199 2.527886
41 2001 303.247 253 41 0.91931097 1.087771 -0.08352 336.4899 2.526972
42 2002 303.247 246 42 0.941976428 1.061598 -0.09038 335.6467 2.525882
43 2003 400.169 241 43 0.964641886 1.036654 -0.09931 334.5481 2.524459
44 2004 335.66 223.7 44 0.987307344 1.012856 -0.11419 332.7167 2.522075
Table 6 Elevation Area capacity curve computed value by using integrated method
Table 8 Reduced standard deviation Sn in Gumbel's extreme value distribution, N = sample size
N 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 0.9496 0.9676 0.9833 0.9971 1.0095 1.0206 1.0316 1.0411 1.0493 1.0565
20 1.0628 1.0696 1.0754 1.0811 1.0864 1.0915 1.0961 1.1004 1.1047 1.1086
30 1.1124 1.1159 1.1193 1.1226 1.1255 1.1285 1.1313 1.1339 1.1363 1.1388
40 1.1413 1.1436 1.1458 1.1480 1.1499 1.1519 1.1538 1.1557 1.1574 1.1590
50 1.1607 1.1623 1.1638 1.1658 1.1667 1.1681 1.1696 1.1708 1.1721 1.1734
60 1.1747 1.1759 1.1770 1.1782 1.1793 1.1803 1.1814 1.1824 1.1834 1.1844
70 1.1854 1.1863 1.1873 1.1881 1.1890 1.1898 1.1906 1.1915 1.1923 1.1930
80 1.1938 1.1945 1.1953 1.1959 1.1967 1.1973 1.1980 1.1987 1.1994 1.2001
90 1.2007 1.2013 1.2020 1.2026 1.2032 1.2038 1.2044 1.2049 1.2055 1.2060
100 1.2065
Table 9 Give daily rainfall data from Merawi station
Rainfall YEAR:1981
1 0.0 0.0 6.7 15.8 0.5 0.0 7.2 0.0
2 0.0 0.0 9.4 11.5 3.7 13.5 1.9 0.0
3 0.0 0.0 39.7 14.5 0.0 0.0 12.2 0.0
4 0.0 10.5 4.0 0.6 10.2 0.5 0.1 0.0
5 0.0 5.2 7.4 25.6 12.4 9.3 0.0 0.0
6 0.0 0.5 2.2 4.5 0.0 15.2 0.0 0.0
7 4.4 0.0 33.1 12.5 2.8 0.0 0.0 0.0
8 10.1 2.0 35.1 4.7 0.4 12.7 0.0 0.0
9 0.0 6.5 45.6 0.0 1.4 14.2 0.0 0.0
10 0.0 0.0 12.2 0.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
11 0.0 0.0 11.0 45.2 3.7 0.0 0.0 0.0
12 0.2 23.5 13.5 4.5 50.8 0.0 0.0 0.0
13 6.2 19.8 13.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
14 18.7 21.9 5.3 46.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
15 6.5 14.5 0.6 3.8 30.1 0.0 0.0 0.0
16 1.2 2.1 3.8 2.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
17 2.0 0.0 33.7 5.7 4.6 0.0 0.0 0.0
18 0.0 2.3 0.0 18.0 17.1 18.1 0.0 0.0 0.0
19 0.0 0.0 40.9 6.5 18.2 2.6 0.0 0.0 0.0
20 10.0 9.0 10.9 8.1 18.7 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0
21 2.3 26.2 37.9 12.5 13.7 12.8 0.0 0.0 0.0
22 13.6 29.2 18.1 15.1 0.0 7.0 0.0 8.2 0.0
23 2.8 0.0 0.3 26.3 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0
24 1.3 10.0 0.0 18.2 19.8 19.7 0.0 0.0 0.0
25 0.0 9.8 0.0 58.1 4.7 14.7 0.0 0.0 0.0
26 0.0 0.0 9.3 0.0 0.0 11.8 0.0 0.0 0.0
27 0.0 0.0 7.5 31.4 5.9 1.2 0.0 0.0 0.0
28 0.0 0.8 0.0 23.1 24.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
29 0.0 0.2 0.0 59.0 133.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
30 0.0 0.0 10.0 0.9 13.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
31 0.5 14.9 15.4 7.9 0.0
Table 10 Give daily rainfall data from Merawi station
1 0.0 0.0 2.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 5.5 2.4 6.7
2 0.0 0.0 21.7 0.0 0.0 20.1 5.0 20.0 8.4 5.6
3 0.0 0.0 1.5 0.0 0.0 1.2 14.0 28.2 1.1 7.9
4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.3 0.0 32.1 4.6 0.0 6.9
5 0.0 0.0 5.0 0.0 15.2 4.5 2.5 22.2 18.8 1.5
6 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 14.2 0.0 3.3 0.6 15.0 1.9
7 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 24.1 4.9 2.0 4.6 0.2 4.8
8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.6 0.0 5.1 22.9 4.1 0.0
9 14.2 0.0 1.3 0.0 0.6 0.0 2.5 7.2 24.6 0.0
10 5.4 0.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 1.9 21.0 25.0 5.2 0.0
11 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 16.5 1.7 9.9 0.0 3.7
12 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.0 15.6 0.9 5.0 0.0 0.0
13 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 51.2 0.3 3.0 6.0 10.5
14 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 3.9 0.5 24.2 2.4
15 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 13.3 11.6 13.7 11.6 0.2
16 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.1 22.6 25.9 3.1
17 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.3 6.2 10.1 3.6
18 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 2.1 19.0 15.8 5.4
19 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 14.3 2.7 1.0
20 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 32.5 3.6 23.0 0.0
21 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.0 22.6 6.2 0.0
22 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.3 9.3 8.4 0.8
23 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.4 1.5 1.7
24 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 17.4 22.6 7.4
25 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 20.5 2.7 1.9 5.7
26 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.3 0.0 0.1 19.3 0.0 0.0
27 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 24.1 0.0 0.4 19.5 4.5
28 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.9 18.4 16.4 0.0
29 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 19.8 1.2 100.0 0.8
30 0.0 0.0 0.0 20.9 6.7 14.2 100.0 3.0
31 0.0 0.0 29.6 0.6 5.3
Table 11 Give daily rainfall data from Merawi station
2005 26.2 29.7 29.3 29.5 28.9 27.3 23.3 27.3 24.8 25.8 26.8 26.8
Table 28 Give monthly mean temperature data from Bahirdar station
Station: Bahirdar (Synoptic) Wereda: __________ Awraja: _________ Region: Gojjam
Alt. ________Long. _____________ Lat. ___________ Element: Monthly mean wind speed
Alt.____________ Long. _________ Lat. _________ Element: Daily mean sun shine hours