Remember:: Context Clues Provide Further Information About A Word or Phrase That Helps Reader
Remember:: Context Clues Provide Further Information About A Word or Phrase That Helps Reader
Remember:: Context Clues Provide Further Information About A Word or Phrase That Helps Reader
MELC 1: EN8V-If-6 Determine the meaning of words and expressions that reflect the local culture by noting context clues
Context clues provide further information about a word or phrase that helps reader
understand its meaning. Context refers to the parts of a piece of writing that precedes or
follows a word and contributes to its whole meaning. Different types of context clues
include the following: synonyms (restatement), definitions (statement), antonyms (contrast),
explanations (example), cause-and-effect (reason-result), comparison (sameness) and
inference (general text).
A. hand woven fabric B. changed to a new religion C. tokens D. wetland E. place of worship of
Mayuro National High School
Mayuro, Rosario, Batangas
[email protected]
Mayuro Nhs [email protected]
Filipinos believe in
bayanihan, a
community spirit that
makes difficult tasks
become easier.
Mayuro National High School
Mayuro, Rosario, Batangas
[email protected]
Mayuro Nhs [email protected]
Rituals like
offering food to
trees, chanting
and dancing for
healing, are
practiced by early
Mayuro National High School
Mayuro, Rosario, Batangas
[email protected]
Mayuro Nhs [email protected]
School Year 2020-2021
Name of Learner: ____________________________________
Grade Level & Section: ____________________________________
Date: ____________________________________
Modals are auxiliary or helping verbs that may express permission (can, could,
may), prohibition (can’t, must not/mustn’t), obligation (have/has to, must) and no
obligation (don’t/doesn’t have to). They are necessary to determine the weight of one’s
action to be done or performed. They also help in understanding the source of permission,
obligation and/or prohibition.
Reported speech is also known as indirect speech. It is a report on what someone else said or wrote without using that
Directions: Think about these situations and formulate sentences using modals. The first one is done for you as an example. Write
your answer on the spaces provided.
Situation: You want to make a promise to a frontliner who saved your friends.
Answer: I will treat you to a body massage.
1. You are the President of your class and are tasked to make two classroom rules on social distancing.
2. You are planning to shoot a vlog with your teenage friends about sharing two skills you can learn while you quarantine at home.
3. You were asked by your mother to give an advice to your younger sister/brother about proper hygiene.
4. You are to make a shout out for medical frontliners to be posted in social media in support to their efforts against CoVid-19.
5. You were asked by your younger sibling on the importance of planting since she had heard of a news about Plantitos and
Plantitas on trend.
Mayuro National High School
Mayuro, Rosario, Batangas
[email protected]
Mayuro Nhs [email protected]
School Year 2020-2021
Name of Learner: ____________________________________
Grade Level & Section: ____________________________________
Date: ____________________________________
Coherence is very important in a sentence, paragraph or texts. It helps the author
in establishing connection between and among concepts presented. It can only be
established with the help of various transition signals that signify different meanings. There
are four (4) basic classifications of transition signals such as additive, adversative, causal
and sequential transitions. Reported speech is also known as indirect speech. It is a report on what someone else
said or wrote without using that person's exact words. Unlike direct speech, it doesn’t have quotation marks. An analogy
Directions: Exhibit your understanding on transitional devices by writing a 3-paragraph essay on one of the following topics below. Write your
output on the back portion of this activity sheet
1. Things I do during the Enhanced Community Quarantine Period
2. My thoughts about the school year 2020-2021 amidst COVID-19 Outbreak
3. My family’s preparation to avoid COVID-19 threat
4. The role of social media during Quarantine Period
Rubric for Essay
Areas of Excellent (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Good (3) Needs Improvement (2)
Ideas The essay presents an original The essay has consistent idea The idea presented by the The essay presents vague or
and logical idea essay is too general unclear ideas
Organization The essay has a strong and The essay has organized Some organization/ attempt at No organization/ lack
structured introduction, body introduction, body and concluding introduction, body and introduction, body and
and concluding paragraphs paragraphs concluding paragraphs concluding paragraphs
Understanding The writer shows strong The writer shows a clear The writer shows adequate The writer shows little
understanding on the subject understanding on the subject matter understanding on the subject understanding on the subject
Word Choice matter as reflected in the essay as reflected in the essay matter as reflected in the essay matter as reflected in the essay
The use of transitional devices Transitional devices make the essay Needs more transitional devices Little or no use of transitional
make the essay very coherent coherent to make the essay coherent devices
Sentence Sentence structure enhances Sentence structure is evident; Sentence structure is limited; No sense of sentence structure
Structure meaning; flows throughout the sentences mostly flow sentences need to flow or flow
Mechanics No errors on grammar, spelling, Few errors on grammar, spelling, Several errors on grammar, Numerous errors on grammar,
and punctuations. and punctuations. spelling, and punctuations. spelling, and punctuations
Mayuro National High School
Mayuro, Rosario, Batangas
[email protected]
Mayuro Nhs [email protected]