Department of Education: Detailed Lesson Plan
Department of Education: Detailed Lesson Plan
Department of Education: Detailed Lesson Plan
Department of Education
Region III
SCHOOLS Division of Mabalacat City
Doña Asuncion Lee Integrated School
The learner listens critically to different text types; expresses ideas logically in oral and
A. Content Standard
written forms; and demonstrates interest in reading to meet various needs.
B. Performance
Standard The learner provide evidence to support opinion/fact
II. CONTENT Quarter 3 – Module 4 – Provide Evidence to Support Opinion/Fact
Subject Integration:
Math – Visualizes, names, describes and draws polygons with 5 or more sides. M5GE-IIIc-19
Filipino- Natutukoy ang bahagi ng tula F5PU-Ie-2.2
ESP – Napapahalagahan ang katotohanan sa pamamagitan ng pagsuri ng mga balitang
napakinggan EsP5PKP
AP – Natutukoy ang mga dahilan ng kolonyalismo sa Pilipinas AP5PKE-IIa-1
EPP / Home Economics – Naisasagawa ang wastong paraan ng paglalaba EPP5HE-0c-7
Science – Recognizing useful and harmful materials S5MT-Ia-b-1
Health - explains the concept of gateway drugs H5SU-IIIa-7
ICT – Navigating the following online platforms;
Google Meet
Google Form
A. References
1. Teacher’s Most Essential Learning Competencies - English page 186
Guide pages Joy in Learning English Teacher’s Guide page 127
2. Learner’s
3. Textbook Department of Education
pages Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM)
Quarter 3_English 5_Module 4
Writer: Ma. Carlota S. Frugalidad
4. Additional
Materials from
Only nearly a third of 2,400 Filipino adults polled said they are willing to be vaccinated,
while 21% couldn’t say yet if they want to be inoculated. Of those who don’t want to get
the vaccine, 84% said they are “not sure of its safety.”
After the activity, present to the learners the following sentences and let them analyse the
lesson *Let the learners examine the news about on the COVID – 19 vaccines.
The COVID-19 vaccines produce protection against the disease, as a result of developing an
immune response to the SARS-Cov-2 virus. Developing immunity through vaccination means
there is a reduced risk of developing the illness and its consequences. This immunity helps you
fight the virus if exposed.
Getting vaccinated may also protect people around you, because if you are protected from
getting infected and from disease, you are less likely to infect someone else. This is particularly
important to protect people at increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19, such as healthcare
providers, older or elderly adults, and people with other medical conditions.
Despite of the benefits of the vaccine many people are still not convince in taking the vaccine.
Almost half of Philippine citizens are not inclined to get a COVID-19 vaccine mainly due to safety
concerns, according to a survey by pollster Pulse Asia.
Only nearly a third of 2,400 Filipino adults polled said they are willing to be vaccinated, while
21% couldn’t say yet if they want to be inoculated. Of those who don’t want to get the vaccine, 84%
said they are “not sure of its safety.”
*Ask the learners if they can at least identify 2 facts about the vaccine from the news
article they have read and 1 opinion about the vaccine.
Fact is a specific detail that can be proven as true based on objective evidence.
Opinion is something that a person thinks or feels, and not necessarily supported by proof
or knowledge. Opinions change from person to person.
Subject Integration
ESP – Napapahalagahan ang katotohanan sa pamamagitan ng pagsuri ng mga balitang
napakinggan EsP5PKP
C. Presenting Fact is a specific detail that can be proven as true based on objective evidence.
examples/Instanc Example:
es of the new 1. The popsicle is freezing cold.
lesson (You can check the temperature of the popsicle.)
(Engage) 2. We are colonized by the Spaniards for 333 years.
3. Properties of matter that can be classified as useful or harmful.
(Materials such as plastic bottles can be useful and materials such as insecticide may
harm our health.)
Opinion is something that a person thinks or feels, and not necessarily supported by proof
or knowledge. Opinions change from person to person.
1. It is claimed that marijuana can be used as a medicine.
(It is an opinion because it was claimed by others.)
2. I believed that DALIS is the best school.
(It is an opinion because maybe for the others there are better school than DALIS)
3. Personally, I think Mathematics is a difficult subject.
(It is an opinion because for some, Mathematics is easier that English)
Subject Integrated:
AP – Natutukoy ang mga dahilan ng kolonyalismo sa Pilipinas AP5PKE-IIa-1
Science – Recognizing useful and harmful materials S5MT-Ia-b-1
Health - explains the concept of gateway drugs H5SU-IIIa-7
D. Discussing new *Now that you can identify fact and opinion let’s have an activity.
concepts and *Using the online application
practicing new *try to identify the sentences if it is a fact or an opinion.
skills # 1 1. First step in washing clothes is to separate the white clothes form the colored ones.
(Explore) (Fact)
2. No one likes the taste of the vegetables.(Opinion)
3. Living in Mabalacat City is very convenient. (Opinion)
4. The Manila Bulletin is a newspaper. (Fact)
5. Cheetah is the fastest land - dwelling animal.(Fact)
Subject Integrated
EPP / Home Economics – Naisasagawa ang wastong paraan ng paglalaba EPP5HE-0c-7
E. Discussing new Since you already know how to identify which is fact and which is opinion let us try
concepts and another activity. But this time you have to provide the evidence whether it is fact or
practicing new opinion.
skills # 2
(Explore) Differentiated Instruction
Group 1: Girls
*Using the chat pane the learner may answer the following. First they have to identify if it
is Fact or Opinion then they have to provide evidence.
Group 2: Boys
*Using the chat pane the learner will write1 factual statement and 1 opinion in each
*Fact: Trees give us shade and food to humans, animal, and plants.
*Opinion: I think the best place to stay and relax is under the tree.
*Let us see if we have the same answer; but remember answers may vary.
Fact: (Vegetables are important to human health because these are rich in
vitamins and minerals.)
Opinion: (I believe that eating vegetables will make you fit and healthy.)
G. Finding practical At this point the learners may share their opinions about the following:
application of What is your opinion about the no face to face class until 2022?
concepts and Please state a fact that you do to prevent the spread of the virus.
skills in daily Do you agree that student like you must stay at home? What is your opinion?
B. Read each statement, then pick out the signal word expressing an opinion.
1. I think I would like to go to the moon someday.
2. He believes that the movie Jurassic Park is really scary.
3. She claimed that she was the most beautiful in the class.
4. Many scientists suspect that COVID-19 is a virus from animals.
5. The homework the teacher set was really hard.
J. Additional Write five (5) sentences containing facts about yourself as a member of your
activities for family.
application or 1. ________________________________________________________________
remediation 2. ________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________________
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment ___ Learners who earned 80% or above on the formative assessment
B. No. of Learners
who require additional ___ Learners who require additional activities for remediation
activities for
C. Did the remedial Did the remedial lessons work?
lessons work? No. of ___Yes ___No
learners who have ____ Learners who caught up with the lesson
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require ___ Learners who continue to require additional activities for remediation
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why did
these work
F. What difficulties
did I encounter which
my principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did
I use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?
Prepared by:
Master Teacher I
Head Teacher I