Summative Test 1 - Physical Science

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of Ilocos Sur

3rd Quarter, 2nd Semester

Week 1-2

Name: _____________________________ Section: ___________________ Score: _________

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read the following items carefully. Encircle the letter of your choice. STRICTLY NO

1. Which of the following best describes Stellar Nucleosynthesis?

a. a hot cloud of gas where energy is distributed evenly all throughout
b. the formation of atomic nuclei through the combination of hadrons during the Big Bang
c. the birth of elementary particles in the beginning of time
d. the creation of chemical elements by nuclear reactions within stars.

2. Which of the following is the Heaviest Element?

a. Helium b. Iron c. Carbon d. Silicon

3. What phenomena lead to the formation of Heavy Elements?

a. Cosmic Ray Collisions c. Big Bang
b. Supernovae d. Stellar nucleosynthesis

4. Which of the following is NOT true: Isotopes of the same element ________?
a. has the same number of Neutrons
b. has the same atomic number, but different atomic weights
c. has different number of Neutrons, but the same number of Protons
d. contains the same number of electrons

5. Deuterium and Tritium are isotopes of _____.

a. Hydrogen b. Helium c. Lithium d. Beryllium

6. All the Deuterium in our galaxy was formed _____?

a. during the Big Bang c. in fusion reactors of the Earth
b. in Supernovae d. in cosmic ray collisions

7. Which was believed to have produced most Helium in the Universe?

a. red giants b. supernovae c. Big Bang d. main sequence stars

8. Which of the following processes is likely to generate the heaviest element?

a. CNO cycle c. triple-alpha process
b. r-process d. Big Bang nucleosynthesis

9. Lithium and Beryllium are both light elements and are believed to have been produced in trace amounts
during Big Bang. These elements, however, have a relatively short half-life and could not have survived to the
present. If so, where can present-time Lithium and Beryllium in the universe have come from?
a. emitted during supernova explosions c. upon cosmic ray collisions
b. produced during stellar evolutions d. a by-product of the birth of a star

10. What isotope is formed in the diagram below?

a. Helium-8
b. Lithium-8
c. Beryllium-8
d. Oxygen
11. Which of these is a portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that can go through the Earth’s atmosphere?
a. X-ray `light’ b. Ultraviolet light c. Gamma-ray light’ d. Visible-wavelength light

12. In what part of the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram would you find the brightest, hottest main-sequence stars?
a. The upper-left part of the diagram
b. Along the right-hand edge of the diagram
c. The lower-right part of the diagram
d. Along the lower edge of the diagram

13. What is the Sun made of?

a. Mostly oxygen, with a small amount of hydrogen and helium.
b. Mostly hydrogen, with a little helium, and a very small proportion of heavier elements.
c. Mostly helium, with the rest being mostly various heavy elements, and a very small proportion of hydrogen.
d. Mostly iron, like the hot iron core of the Earth, with a little bit of helium and some heavier elements.

14. Which of the following processes is likely to generate the heaviest element?
a. CNO cycle c. triple-alpha process
b. r-process d. Big Bang nucleosynthesis

15. If an element is used up by a star in fusion, it is sometimes called “burning”, even though no actual
combustion occurs. Which of the following processes is likely to involve “carbon burning”?
a. alpha ladder c. triple-alpha process
b. CNO cycle d. s-process

16. Which of the following is the most accepted theory about the formation of the universe that explains why it
continues to expand?
a. big bang theory c. steady state theory
b. divine creation theory d. oscillating theory

17. Which of the following is not considered as light elements?

a. helium b. hydrogen c. lithium d. iron

18. Which of the following is TRUE about nucleosynthesis?

a. It is the division of atomic particle
b. The combination of elements to form compound
c. It is the creation of everything including all matter in universe
d. It is the process of creating new atomic nuclei from pre-existing nuclei

19. Which process is responsible for the formation of light elements such as Hydrogen and Helium?
a. big bang nucleosynthesis c. supernova nucleosynthesis.
b. stellar nucleosynthesis d. terrestrial nucleosynthesis

20. Which element is the lightest and at the same time the most abundant in outer space?
a. hydrogen b. helium c. lithium d. iron

21. How do heavier elements form?

a. Though combustion c. Through nuclear fusion
b. Through nuclear fission d. Through nuclear synthesis

22. Which element can be formed when three atoms of helium are fused?
a. carbon b. hydrogen c. oxygen d. silicon

23. Which of the following elements DOES NOT belong to the group?
a. beryllium b. silicon c. iron d. oxygen

24. Which process is responsible for the formation of elements at the center of star?
a. big bang nucleosynthesis c. stellar nucleosynthesis
b. nuclear fusion d. supernova nucleosynthesis

25. How Elements heavier than iron are formed?

a. big bang nucleosynthesis c. stellar nucleosynthesis
b. solar nucleosynthesis d. supernova nucleosynthesis

26. Which element will be formed when Carbon atom is combined with Helium atom?
a. magnesium b. neon c. oxygen d. silicon
27. Why do average stars have longer life span than massive star?
a. They have less fuel to burn c. They burn their fuel at faster rate
b. They have more fuel to burn d. They burn their fuel at slower rate

28. Which phase of star life cycle is our sun?

a. main sequence star c. red giant
b. planetary nebula d. white dwarf

29. Which of the following contains only heavy elements?

a. carbon, lithium, neon c. carbon, beryllium, helium
b. carbon, silicon, magnesium d. helium, carbon, hydrogen

30. In which stage do massive stars explode and release large amount of energy?
a. main sequence c. super nova
b. protostar d. white dwarf

31. He successfully carried out a nuclear transmutation reaction, a process of transforming one element or
isotope into another element.
a. Chadwick c. Mendeleev
b. Moseley d. Rutherford

32. This is also known as Nucleosynthesis.

a. S Process c. Nuclear Fission
b. R-Process d. Proton-Proton Reaction

33. This is known as the origin and production of heavy elements.

a. Stellar Nucleosynthesis c. R-Process
b. Primordial Nucleosynthesis d. Supernova Nucleosynthesis

34. It was created by bombardment of molybdenum by deuterons (heavy hydrogen, H12), by Emilio Segre and
Carlo Perrier in 1937.
a. Oxygen b. Helium c. Technetium d. Uranium

35. Process that can produce elements up to #83 - Bismuth.

a. Nuclear Fission c. S Process
b. R-Process d. S Process

36. This is known as the origin of light elements.

a. Stellar Nucleosynthesis c. R-Process
b. Primordial Nucleosynthesis d. Supernova Nucleosynthesis

37. It is also known as nuclear fusion and the formation of new nuclei actions in the early stages of development
of the universe.
a. Nucleosynthesis c. R-Process
b. S-Process d. Singularity

38. In this process there’s a buildup of a VERY heavy isotope, then as beta-decays occur, you march up in atomic
number and produce heavy product.
a. S Process c. Nuclear Fission
b. R-Process d. Proton-Proton Reaction

39. These are elements with atomic numbers beyond 103.

a. Super Heavy Elements c. Lightest Element
b. Gases Elements d. Halogens

40. This occurs in the main sequence of stars.

a. Stellar Nucleosynthesis c. R-Process
b. Primordial Nucleosynthesis d. Supernova Nucleosynthesis

41. It is a device that is used to speed up the protons to overcome the repulsion between the protons and the
target atomic nuclei by using magnetic and electrical fields.
a. Spectroscopy c. Particle Accelerator
b. Particle Decelerator d. Microscope
42. He created a classification of elements based on their atomic weight.
a. Rutherford c. Millikan
b. Dalton d. Mendeleev

43. It is a one-dimensional point which contains a huge mass in an infinitely small space.
a. Nucleosynthesis c. Singularity
b. Dilation d. R-process

44. He noticed that shooting electrons at elements caused them to release x-rays at unique frequencies.
a. Mendeleev c. Moseley
b. Millikan d. Serge

45. He synthesized element with atomic number 43 using a linear particle accelerator.
a. Ernest Rutherford c. Dmitri Mendeleev
b. Ernest Lawrence d. John Dalton

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Date Accomplished: _________________

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