Multid Charac Global Grebosz 2015
Multid Charac Global Grebosz 2015
Multid Charac Global Grebosz 2015
Katedra Integracji Europejskiej i Marketingu Mi~dzynarodowego
Politechnika Lodzka
1. Introduction
The globalization process has been regarded as one of the most important
factors creating current reality: from customers' behaviours, through economic
and political changes to the world market emergence. This concept of the
compress ion of the world and the intensification of multilateral connections
creates several opportunities not only for companies, but also for transnational
organizations, countries, societies and individuals. However, numerous threats
such as global terrorism or extreme consumerism also exist.
The globalization process is really complicated and difficult to analyze. Its
multidimensional character consists of three main parts: political, economic and
socio-cultural. Several consequences including the deterioration of the role of
national states, the emergence of common global sectors of economy or the
standardization of customers' needs have a direct implication on business entities
worldwide. As a result, the possibility of their international expansion nowadays
is easier to take than ever before.
The aim of this paper is to analyse the globalization concept, its dimensions
as well as possible costs and benefits in the context of international expansion
70 M. Grifbosz, A. Hak
Globaliza tion
Sod o- Politiral
c ulnmll di.Jnen~n,011
In a global era, a lot of political institutions have been formed that aim at
assisting the governance of finance, global peace, human rights etc. The most
powerful and the biggest include [3, pp. 170-175]:
• financial institutions such as:
o the International Monetary Fund (IMF) - organization securing global
financial stability, enhancing global monetary cooperation etc.,
o the World Bank - institution providing local governments with loans to
achieve a main goal: the reduction of global poverty,
o the World Trade Organization (WTO) - regulator of a general global
economic environment,
• security structures, for instance:
o the United Nations (UN) - intergovernmental organization providing
global co-operation,
o the United Nations Security Council - international security "guard'',
o the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) - regional military pact,
• economic and political structures, e.g.:
o the European Union - union of 28 independent, but cooperating
European states.
Many institutions are not newly established, they have been existing for
several decades. A lot of them were formed after the Second World War such as
UN (replaced the League of Nations in 1945) or IMF (result of the Bretton
Woods Conference in 1944). Moreover, they combine many factors: political,
economic, military etc., so the exact division of them is sometimes impossible.
While many international institutions lead current politics, the role of Non-
Governmental Organizations (NGOs) becomes more important. Public policies,
such as philanthropy, humanitarian aid or environmental activities are influenced
by NGOs and their, frequently well-known, founders. That includes such
organizations as: the Amnesty International (focused on human rights, 1977
Nobel Peace Prize winner), the Rockefeller Foundation (aiming at supporting
education) or the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF - the largest conservation
Globalization also intensifies political risks connected with global terrorism.
Worldwide changes are connected with the globalization process, political
weakness of Arab region and ineffective actions of developed countries leads to
terrorist threat [5 , pp. 23-24].
3. Implications of Globalisation
t echnical and Changes caused
political by globalization
Mass culture
in indiv idual
Ch anges of
p ersonal
h abits, n eeds
level of life increases faster and the reduction of poverty is more significant
there. Economic growth is also intensified by foreign direct investments - the
result of lowering tariffs and barriers in international trade and capital flows.
Vast economic liberalization leads to the reduction of poverty of billions of
people, especially in China or India. Growing GDP is boosting the availability
of food, healthcare, running water etc. what extends the average life expectancy
[9, p. 120]. Transnational corporations implement high labour standards in
developing countries and take care of their employers. Also remunerations are
higher there, so that the standards of living are growing.
Global peace can be maintained by international institutions that guarantee
opportunities of dialogue and disputes settlement. Also trade interdependence
of states makes arm conflicts less likely while global terrorism threat can be
declined by the reduction of poverty.
The technical development, especially in the electronic communication field,
can be regarded as one of the most beneficial advantages of globalization. Quick
exchange of data, information and experiences results in the shrinkage of time
and space in the modern world. "The global village" was possible to create by the
computer revolution on a worldwide scale, and the consequences are tangible for
and close to almost every member of "the world society" [10, pp. 36-37].
On the other hand, several drawbacks of globalization can be observed.
Liberalization of trade leads to the need of economic restructuration, what is
connected with higher unemployment and elimination of weaker local
competitors by large international companies. It also has implications on the
growing difference in GDP per capita between the richest and the poorest
nations. Moreover, the vulnerability to crises caused by external factors is higher.
The volatility of modern markets as well as uncertainty on them is greater.
Moreover, the growth of trade and international travels makes the worldwide
spread of diseases, such as bird flu or SARS, easier [10, pp. 36-37].
Benefits of global organizations can overweight costs. Many international
institutions are dominated by the richest and the most powerful countries in the
world. At the same time, the role, position and power of developing states is
insufficiently represented. Poorer countries also has to struggle with problem
of "brain drain" - high educated and specialized professionals move to well-
developed regions, what can cause the lack of them on domestic markets and
economic stagnation.
In 2008, "Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World" report was presented
by the National Intelligence Council and included many oncoming global trends,
challenges, opportunities and threats. Kotler and Casoline [5] present the main
report conclusions such as: further development of China and India, declining
domination of the USA or terrorist threat.
78 M. Grifbosz, A. Hak
barriers were significantly lower than in previous decades. Trade and capita
flows deregulation, accompanied by the expansion of free-market economies, the
popularization of multilateral integration agreements, create specific conditions
that support international expansion and a development of McDonald's
McDonald's international expansion was made possible also due to the
invention of computer and the Internet. That made a rapid exchange of
information and data possible on a global scale, what enabled the worldwide
management. The global supervision over McDonald's-owned and franchised
outlets as well as suppliers and global distribution chains decreased the costs
of multinational operations, enabled the global standardization of products and
made it possible to create a brand that is well-recognized all over the world.
In a socio-cultural dimension, the globalization process can be regarded as
a unification and standardization of cultural patterns and customers' needs
worldwide. These factors determine the international expansion of companies,
that may answer to almost similar clients' demand on a global scale. The
majority of socio-cultural changes were caused by other globalization
dimensions, such as political and economic ones. These factors gave
opportunities to spread similar goods and services worldwide, what increased
the demand on these items. Technical factors, including modern television
broadcasting all over the world or the Internet, that makes the exchange of
information triggered the process of unification of cultural patterns, especially
western ones. As a result, that dimension of globalization is frequently called
as Americanization or Westernization [19]. The western, especially American,
companies had a privileged position in the international expansion process and
achieving a leading position overseas. McDonald's, as one of them, decided to
take the advantage of popularity of western culture and made a move towards
America-oriented societies, starting from close markets and continuing in
more distinct ones. The McDonald's entries were, in majority of cases, warmly
welcomed by local societies due to several positive associations.
McDonald's global orientation, that based on the spread of similar cultural
patterns and eating habits all over the world, had several positive features:
• achieving better economy of scale leading to increased financial efficiency,
• improved communication channels and faster information exchange,
• marketing advantages including high rate of products recognition,
• better stability in global conditions.
To conclude, it must be said that the globalization process has a significant
impact on McDonald's operations and its opportunities of international expansion.
80 M. Gr?bosz, A. Hak
5. Conclusions
Throughout recent decades, the globalization process has become one of the
most important influencer affecting several aspects of everyday life. That
process is still in progress and has a great impact on politics, economy, society,
culture worldwide investments etc. Globalization processes concern: markets,
companies' strategies, finance, technology, research, knowledge, lifestyles,
consumption models and access to culture, management practices, laws and
regulations. The subject of internationalization and globalization is a specified
type of company - transnational corporation. Several benefits and costs of
globalization exist. According to the benefits, it has to be outlined that the
economies of more open states are developing much faster than closed and not
liberalized ones, global peace can be maintained by international institutions,
in technology a quick exchange of data, information and experiences results in
the shrinkage of time and space in the modern world etc. Also several drawbacks
of globalization can be observed. For instance, the liberalization of trade leads to
the need of economic restructuration, the vulnerability to crises caused by
external factors is higher, international travels makes the worldwide spread
of diseases easier.
Several dimensions of globalization affect the external environment of
enterprises and currently play a leading role in shaping "global village"
conditions. The source of companies' international success is taking advantages
of globalization benefits and reducing its risks to minimum at the same time.
One of the best examples of that pattern is McDonald's that developed from
family-owned restaurant to the worldwide fast-food chain. Despite some problems
with image and customers' perception, it still remains one of the symbols of the
world-shrinkage process that can be observed. McDonald's, taking advantages of
the globalization process, new promotion channels, modern media, effective
global supply channels and promotional tools, was able to create one of the
biggest and well-known brands in the world. In consequence, McDonald's
currently operates in more than 100 countries, what is an effect of over 45 years
of international expansion history. Several companies can use McDonald's
experience in the internationalization process and can copy or adopt its patterns
to achieve success, establish well-known global brand and gain high profits.
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Globalizacja, btz:dqc istotnym megatrendem zwiqzanym z rozwojem wsp6l-
czesnego swiata, jest zjawiskiem zloZ:onym i wielowymiarowym. Jej wielowy-
miarowy charakter mozna rozwazac w oparciu 0 trzy podstawowe aspekty:
82 M. Grifbosz, A. Hak