An Introduction To Heuristic Algorithms
An Introduction To Heuristic Algorithms
An Introduction To Heuristic Algorithms
Natallia Kokash
1 Introduction
The most important among a variety of topics that relate to computation are
algorithm validation, complexity estimation and optimization. Wide part of the-
oretical computer science deals with these tasks. Complexity of tasks in general
is examined studying the most relevant computational resources like execution
time and space. The ranging of problems that are solvable with a given limited
amount of time and space into well-defined classes is a very intricate task, but
it can help incredibly to save time and money spent on the algorithms design.
A vast collection of papers were dedicated to algorithm development. A short
historical overview of the fundamental issues in theory of computation can be
found in [1]. We do not discuss precise definition of algorithm and complexity.
The interested reader can apply for the information to one of the fundamental
books on theory of algorithms, e.g. [2], [3].
Modern problems tend to be very intricate and relate to analysis of large
data sets. Even if an exact algorithm can be developed its time or space com-
plexity may turn out unacceptable. But in reality it is often sufficient to find an
approximate or partial solution. Such admission extends the set of techniques
to cope with the problem. We discuss heuristic algorithms which suggest some
approximations to the solution of optimization problems. In such problems the
objective is to find the optimal of all possible solutions, that is one that mini-
mizes or maximizes an objective function. The objective function is a function
used to evaluate a quality of the generated solution. Many real-world issues are
easily stated as optimization problems. The collection of all possible solutions for
a given problem can be regarded as a search space, and optimization algorithms,
in their turn, are often referred to as search algorithms.
Approximate algorithms entail the interesting issue of quality estimation of
the solutions they find. Taking into account that normally the optimal solution
is unknown, this problem can be a real challenge involving strong mathematical
analysis. In connection with the quality issue the goal of the heuristic algorithm
is to find as good solution as possible for all instances of the problem. There are
general heuristic strategies that are successfully applied to manifold problems.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents some essential informa-
tion about algorithms and computational complexity. Section 3 describes preva-
lent heuristic techniques, Support Vector Machines and Evolutionary Algorithms
are presented. Some intractable problems that could help to understand deeper
importance of heuristics are also mentioned. Finally, the last section is devoted
to the conclusion.
3 Heuristic techniques
with a hyperplane,
hw, xi + b = 0,
where w, b are parameters, hw, xi denotes inner product (fig. 1).
4 Conclusion
This paper has presented an overview of heuristics, that are approximate tech-
niques to solve optimization problems. Usually heuristic algorithms are devel-
oped to have low time complexity and applied to the complex problems. We
briefly defined basic traditional and modern heuristic strategies. Evolutionary al-
gorithms and Support Vector Machines were considered more comprehensively.
Due to their eminent characteristics they gained a great popularity. Recently
appeared research results confirm the fact that their applications can be signifi-
cantly enlarged in the future.
The current paper does not pretend to be complete. It would be interest-
ing to carry out a more profound survey of heuristics, compare implementation
complexity and accuracy of the different approximate algorithms. But this task
cannot be easily accomplished because of the enormous bulk of information. We
even did not touch upon such a prominent area for heuristic algorithms as plan-
ning and scheduling theory. But we hope that our work makes clear the extreme
importance of heuristics in modern computer science.
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