English Quarter 1 Week 2

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Quarter 1 Week 2
A Self-Learning Module in English 10
1st Quarter, Module 2:
Using Textual Aids

Annaliza A. Ngo, Author

Mark John C. Solinap, Co-Author
Minalin S. Valeda, Illustrator

Most Essential Learning Competency: Determine the effect of textual aids

like advance organizers, titles, and non-linear illustrations on the understanding of a text.
This module is designed to help you become a well-informed and
critical learner using the different sources of information such as news
reports, speeches, panel discussions, and informative talks.
As you go along this module, you will be tasked to create your own
news report regarding a certain topic.

To the Learners

Before you begin using this module, I want you to read the following instructions:
1. Read and follow the directions in every part of this module.
2. Take down notes from the selection you are reading using your pen and paper.
3. Do all the activities in this module.
4. Allow your facilitator/guardian to assess your answers using the answer key card.
5. Analyze and answer the given post-test and apply what you have learned.
6. Enjoy using this module! Good luck!


Now let’s begin. You will read the story of a mythical character named, Orpheus.
Then, perform all activities that follow.
This module will help you to attain these objectives:
a. analyze and understand the selection through the use of graphic organizers
and non-linear illustrations;
b. determine the plot of the story read and identify its theme;
c. tell the significance of the selection to the present situation;
d. give possible solutions to real problems encountered in one’s life;
e. unlock word difficulties through context clues; and,
f. create own designed graphic organizer to present a particular concept.

Name of Student: _______________________Grade & Section: __________
Directions: Read the text carefully and complete the sentences that follow by encircling the

letter of the correct answer.

The best way to overcome disability is to face in head-on and prevent you from
achieving great things. This is the lesson I draw from the lives of two people whom I
admire, the musician Stevie Wonder and the track and field athlete Jackie Joyner
Kersee. I respect them for their courage and strength in overcoming obstacles. Both
are persons with disabilities who defied obstacles in order to be successful in their
fields. They taught me never to give up no matter how intimidating the obstacles you
face in life. (Celebrating Diversity Through World Literature, English Learner’s
Material for Grade 10, DepEd: Rex Bookstore, 2015, p.4)

1. The passage would best appeal to ____________.

A. an adult C. a parent
B. an adolescent D. a child
2. ___________is an example of a disability.
A. physical fatigue C. being small
B. visual impairment D. mental acumen
3. They are persons with disabilities who defied obstacles and became successful. The
word defied means ____________.
A. outfaced C. vanished
B. disregarded D. challenged

For items 4-5. Fill in the table with the similarities and differences of the two personalities.

Personalities Similarities Differences

4. Stevie Wonder
5. Jackie Joyner Kersee

Looking Back

Do you remember? Plot is one of the elements of a story aside from the setting and
characters. It is a skeleton framework of a selection piece. The five essential parts of the plot
are: 1) Exposition – stage wherein the characters and the setting of the story are
introduced; 2) Rising Action- inciting incident that pushes the plot into motion, making the
protagonist taking action as the storyline becomes complicated; 3) Climax – the turning
point and the most exciting part of the story wherein the protagonist faces the main problem
that will eventually lead to the outcome of the story; 4) Falling Action- events that are
resolved by the protagonist; and, 5) Resolution– the conclusion or the end of the story.

Brief Introduction

Have you ever doubted yourself when it comes to dealing with obstacles in life? Does
trial allow you to become a stronger or a weaker person? How are you able to handle it? The
selections in this module will allow you to take a journey to fictitious world of literature.

Alice Low, the American writer of the story Orpheus, is most notable for having
written adaptations of mythology for children.

Orpheus is one of the famous characters in myth which is a narrative or a story of

gods and goddesses, heroes that play a fundamental role in a society, and has a great
influence in our culture that enhances our quality of life and increases overall well-being for
both individuals and communities. His story brings us into a world of realization in life that
will bring a change on how we see the future and how we connect with people around us.
His decision -making and the way he looks at his situation can lead to debatable issues in

As you go along with the lesson, you will be using graphic organizers such as
concept maps (charts, tables, flow charts, timeline, Venn diagram) and non-linear
illustrations (drawing) to better understand the text and to note details of the story. These will
help you understand the text and establish relationships between facts and ideas within a
learning task.


Let’s unlock! Read each sentence carefully. Then, determine the meaning of the
underlined word in each sentence. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. His wife is his inspiration in making songs.

a. motivation b. satisfaction c. imagination
2. The servants heard him, and they were entranced by his wonderful music.

a. surprised b. charmed c. frightened

3. The general summoned all his officers for an urgent meeting.
a. sent for b. watch over c. called for
4. He just had a glimpse from his lover before he closed his eyes.
a. speech b. glance c. wave

Activity 1. My Journey

Lesson 1. Read the selection below and answer the questions that follow.

Orpheus (from Ancient Greece) by Alice Low

There were nine goddesses called Muses. Born of Zeus

and a Titan named Mnemosyne, each muse presided over a
different art or science.

Calliope, one of these sisters, was the inspiration of

poets and musicians. She was the mother of Orpheus (a mortal
because his father was one) and gave to her son a remarkable
talent for music.
Orpheus played his lyre so sweetly that he charmed all things on earth. Men and
women forgot their cares when they gathered around him to listen. Wild beasts lay down as
if they were tame, entranced by his soothing notes. Even rocks and trees followed him, and
the rivers changed their directions to hear him play.
Orpheus loved a young woman named Eurydice, and when they were married, they
looked forward to many years of happiness together. But soon after, Eurydice stepped on a
poisonous snake and died. Orpheus roamed the earth, singing sad melodies to try to
overcome his grief. But it was no use. He longed for Eurydice so deeply that he decided to
follow her to the underworld. He said to himself, “No mortal has ever been there before, but I
must try to bring back my beloved Eurydice. I will charm Persephone and Hades with my
music and win Eurydice’s release. He climbed into a cave and through a dark passage that
led to the underworld. When he reached the river Styx, he plucked his lyre and Charon, the
ferryman, was so charmed that he rowed him across. Then he struck his lyre again, and
Cerberus, the fierce three-headed dog who guarded the gates, heard the sweet music and
lay still to let him pass.
Orpheus continued to play his lyre tenderly as he made his way through the gloomy
underworld. The ghosts cried when they heard his sad music. Sisyphus, who had been
condemned to roll a rock uphill forever, stopped his fruitless work to listen. Tantalus, who
had been sentenced to stand in a pool of receding water, stopped trying to quench his thirst.
And even the wheel to which Ixion was tied as punishment stopped turning for one moment.
At last Orpheus came to the palace of Hades and Persephone, king and queen of the
underworld. Before they could order him to leave, he began his gentle song, pleading for
When stern Hades heard Orpheus’s song, he began to weep. Cold Persephone was
so moved that, for the first time in all her months in the underworld, her heart melted.
“Oh please, my husband,” she said to Hades, “let Eurydice be reunited with

And Hades replied, “I, too, feel the sadness of Orpheus. I cannot refuse him.

They summoned Eurydice, and the two lovers clasped each other and turned to

“Wait!” said Hades to Orpheus. “Eurydice is yours to take back to earth on one

“What is that?” asked Orpheus.

She must follow you, and you must not look back at her until you are on earth again.”

“I understand,” said Orpheus. “And I am forever grateful.”

Orpheus and Eurydice left the underworld and made their way through the dark
passage that led to the upper world. At last they reached the cave through which Orpheus
had descended.
“I can see daylight ahead,” called Orpheus to Eurydice. “We are almost there.” But
Eurydice had not heard him, and so she did not answer.
Orpheus turned to make sure that she was still following him. He caught one last
glimpse of her with her arms stretched out to him. And then she disappeared, swallowed up
by darkness.
“Farewell,” he heard her cry as she was carried back to the underworld. Orpheus
tried to follow her, but this time the gods would not allow it. And so he wandered the earth
alone. He sang his sad songs to the rocks and the trees and longed for the time when he,
too, would die and be reunited with his beloved Eurydice in the underworld. (Celebrating
Diversity Through World Literature, English Learner’s Material for Grade 10, DepEd: Rex Bookstore,
2015, p.55)

Did you enjoy the story? Now, answer the following questions on your
1. What are the strengths and weaknesses of Orpheus? Fill in the box with his
description of character in the story.


2. Why did Orpheus decide to rescue his wife in the underworld?

3. Explain why the gods gave a condition to Orpheus and to his bride. Why was
he able to win the sympathy of the gods?
4. What does the story reveal about certain realities in life?
5. If you were Orpheus, would you do the same thing? Why or why not?
Activity 2. My Understanding
Identify the plot of the story by completing the graphic organizer (Plot diagram) below. You
may copy the diagram and answer on your notebook.


Activity 3. My Task

Answer the questions with a partner. If it is possible, audio/video record your conversation. If
not, simply write your dialogues in this module, take a photo of it and submit to your teacher
thru Facebook messenger.
1. Orpheus roamed the earth, singing sad melodies to try overcoming his grief. During
hard times, what can help you overcome negative feelings towards your situation
2. Orpheus journeyed arduously to the underworld and use his talent to charm Hades
and Persephone for Eurydice’s release. At your young age and with your talent,
share ideas to help stop the spread of COVID19 in your community.

Activity 4. My Challenge

Compare yourself to Orpheus by completing the Venn diagram with your similarities and
differences. You may use the words inside the WORD BOX for your descriptions.

ORPHEUS MYSELF determined, worried, weak,

wise smart, strong, hopeful,
confident, doubtful, obsessed,
depressed, confused, trustful


The story Orpheus tells us that to love, we must have trust. Trust might seem
simple, but it is vital, which is clearly depicted how Orpheus loses his faith. This tells
us the importance of building a strong foundation of love and trust to our Creator and
the people around us, that whatever circumstance we may find ourselves in, we
should never lose faith. It is believing that God will fulfil His promises no matter what.
Life is full of difficulties, but how we find ways on how to deal with them matter most.
It shall become more colorful and inspiring as we take things lightly and peacefully,
for in every problem there is always a solution.

A graphic organizer, also known as a knowledge/ concept/story map,

advance organizer, or concept diagram is an informative tool that uses visual
symbols to express knowledge and concepts through relationships between them
like comparison and contrast, identifying the parts of the story, and making
descriptions. With these organizers, you were able to analyze and understand the
details of the story.
Activity 5. My Progress

Lesson 2. Read the story and try to interpret it by drawing images on your notebook.

Princess of the Air:

The Legend of Termites, Rust, and Fire
by Mark John C. Solinap
On the mountains of Sierra Madre there lived the King of the
sky Nap and his daughter, Princess of the air Estella. On her 18 th
birthday, the king decided to give his daughter’s hand to a prince
that could pass the challenge he prepared. The decree had been
announced to the entire kingdom and reported to every palace on
the land.
King Nap brought Princess Estella to a place called
Banahaw. There, she will wait for the right person to arrive and
bring her back to the kingdom of Guiwan. During the first sunset, Prince Pangil, prince of La
Laguna visited the palace and asked for the king’s daughter’s hand. The king urgently asked
the kingdom’s enchantress to hand a magical wooden box to the prince. And he said, “I
challenge you to bring my daughter back in the palace. Journey to Banahaw without food nor
water. The box is magical, one thing that I ask you is not to open it by yourself. Wait until you
reach the princess’ whereabouts and together you must open it. No hunger, thirst, interest,
or curiosity should drive you from uncovering it. No fear should distract you from your
purpose.” And the prince answered, “I will keep that in my head, my King.”
“Installed in that box is a wooden compass; it will help you find the way,” the king
added. Prince Pangil journeyed to Banahaw for three sunsets and felt hungry and thirsty. He
opened the box, and a ray of light took off from the box then, wingless sterile insects
appeared from the box and started eating wood which included the wooden compass. From
that time, the prince was nowhere to be found.
The king saw the light in the sky and knew that the prince failed. On the fifth sunset,
another prince stepped on the palace to ask for the princess’ hand. He was Prince Pakil of
Kumintang, brother of Prince Pangil. The king gave the same challenge to the prince but
instead of giving him a wooden box, he was given a metal one and uttered, “In that box
installed a metal compass, it will help you find the way.”
The prince was so strong and zealous but he became curious, so he uncovered the
box. Again, a ray of light sprang from the metal box then it was slowly coated by a reddish-
brown flaky substance. The prince continued his travel when he encountered a monstrous
sharp-toothed beast along the way. He pulled his sword and found out that it was also

covered by the substance the box has. He swayed the sword but it was so blunt and
powerless. The prince was killed by the beast.
On the seventh sunset, a purposeful prince came to the palace and asked for the
king’s daughter’s hand. He was Prince Fuego of Taraw. The same order was given by the
king then handed him a red box made of wood and metal, installed with a glass compass.
Prince Fuego, hungry and thirsty, interested and curious, remained controlled until he
reached the princess’ dwelling.
When the prince arrived at the palace in Banahaw, he found a huge, fearsome
creature. It says, “What are you doing in the princess’ dwelling? Are you here to bring the
princess back at Guiwan? Fearfully, the prince ran and the box opened and there sprang a
ray of light. Suddenly, the place started to blaze. The creature transformed into a beautiful
princess then strong winds wiped all the burning in the place.
The three princes failed to obey the order of the king. He was so disappointed,
considering that they were all princes. Their shortcomings and disobedience brought the
kingdom infestations. The insects from the wooden box of Prince Pangil that fed on lumbers,
and caused a lot of damages to wooden structures were called termites. The reddish-brown
substance which coated the box and the sword of Prince Pakil damaged all metals it
covered. It was called rust. Moreover, the blaze that covered the place where Prince Fuego
and Princess Estela met turned to be extremely devastating. It burned everything it touched.
It was called fire. From then on, the king believed that men are weak and untrustworthy. The
princess returned to Guiwan and ever since that day, termites, rust, and fire plague the

Check Your Understanding

Did you like the story? Now, answer the following questions on your notebook.

1. What are the challenges given by the kings to the suitors of the princess?
2. What is the reason of the king in giving challenges to the suitors of Princess
3. How did the box become magical?
4. What does the statement, “I will keep that in my head” mean?
5. Why did the princes fail in the challenges?
6. How did the king know that the princes failed the challenge?
7. If you were the prince in the story, how will you react to the challenges?

Activity 6: My Thoughts
Discuss the story with your friend. Ask each other questions based on the selection.
Then, fill in the timeline below with the sequence of the events in the story. You may write
your answers on your notebook.

1.________ 3.__________ 5.__________



A. Read the selection below and complete the sentences that follow by writing the letter
of the correct answer.

Some parents and traditional teachers believe that bullying and harassment have
traditionally been considered rites of passage, something all children and teens must go
through. This is a myth. It has only been in the recent years that bullying and harassment
have received international attention mainly due to children and youth who commit suicide
as a result of being a victim of relentless bullying and their inability to cope. Bullying is a
covert activity difficult for adults to detect because of the following: Most of the cases of
bullying are verbal rather than physical making it difficult to prove. Verbal bullying as a form
of emotional abuse does not present physical scars, but it slowly kills the spirit of those
continuously victimized...with their children. (Fight the Bully Battle: A Guidebook in Establishing
Anti-bullying Programs in School; Wiseman’s Book 2009, p18)

1. The selection would best appeal to _________________.

A. parents and students C. teachers and administrators
B. students and teachers D. teachers and parents
2. The selection focuses on the _______________ type of bullying.
A. gossiping C. psychological
B. physical-bullying D. verbal
3. According to the writer, the belief that bullying and harassment is a rite of passage.
This is a _______________.
A. legend C. story
B. myth D. tradition
B. Cause-Effect Relationship. Identify the causes and effects of bullying based on the
text given. Use a graphic organizer to show your answers.



Share what you have realized and learned in this module by filling in the boxes below.

What I did well I am proud of myself for…

I still need help with… My Goal


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