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South West Regional Bulletin: A Message From The Director All Change at The Centre

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SWDC e-Bulletin February 2011

South West Regional Bulletin

February 2011 Issue

A Message from the Director

All Change at the Centre

As I indicated in the last newsletter, we are living in time of change and focusing
investment on frontline services. As part of these changes, within the Department of
Health, most of the areas of work funded by “programme monies” will be seriously
reduced or come to an end on 31st March 2011. This covers among other areas,
the National Mental Health Development Unit (NMHDU) including the SHIFT
programme, Valuing People Now, the Personalisation programme and the areas of
work that concerned older people and dementia . This does not mean that no
further work in these areas will be undertaken in the Department of Health, but it
does mean that those areas that supported implementation of policy will no longer
do so and the focus will be on policy development. The respective websites are
expected to be there for some time to come. Although not regularly maintained or
updated, they will be available to download the resources currently available.
Should you have any difficulty in accessing them, many of their resources will
continue to be available through our own website.

Paddy Cooney
South West Development Centre

Contribute to forthcoming e-Bulletins

Please send information, by no later than 28 January 2011, via email to [email protected]
South West Development Centre works with partners across health and social care to improve services, and the
experience of people using services
SWDC e-Bulletin February 2011


Personalisation and Mental Health

Celebrating Progress across the West Country
A Conference held in Bristol on February 15th
SWDC organised a very successful conference to share some of the progress in implementing
personalisation within mental health services across the region. Over 80 delegates contributed to the day
with lively discussion throughout. The day acknowledged the considerable obstacles and difficulties that
people had experienced in moving things forward, but focussed on a series of success stories and
evidence of how people using services had benefitted from the approach. From the feedback received
91% of those who attended felt the conference was excellent/very good with 94% reporting it had
completely or fairly well met their key objectives in attending. The relevance of the topics discussed was
rated by 89% as good or excellent with 91% saying the same about the presenters.

The morning saw a presentation of the success of a direct payments take up initiative in Exeter. This was
followed by challenging presentations from national leads Kevin Lewis and Robin Murray Neill. Both spoke
passionately of the ideology behind the personalisation agenda and gave many examples of the difference
it had made. Pam Richards and Mike Murkin reported on progress across the west country and there was
time for questions from the floor. The afternoon saw a number of short, snappy presentations. Torbay
reported on personalisation and dementia and their experience as a personal health budget pilot site and
Exeter PHEW Centre shared their experience of mentoring for direct payments. Dorset Community
Resource Team shared their work on accessing universal services, in particular employment. The
presentations ended with a commissioner and provider perspective from Bristol on how to make service

Delegates did work in groups sharing local success stories, looking at obstacles and sharing keys to
success. Group feedback and copies of the PowerPoint presentations given are available on the SWDC


Below are some of the comments received from delegates....

Both Kevin and Robin
were inspiring! Service
Really good day. Glad The conference users in attendance did
there was a lot on the was a really use- not feel like a token ges-
ideology rather than just ful place to think ture, This was brilliant!
focussing on solutions or and benchmark
structures ourselves.

Good to net- Very worthwhile as

work and be on The day was it’s a complex sub-
a learning very valuable
and well run.

Contribute to forthcoming e-Bulletins

Please send information, by no later than 28 January 2011, via email to [email protected]
South West Development Centre works with partners across health and social care to improve services, and the
experience of people using services
SWDC e-Bulletin February 2011


Dementia Features to run on ITV West - 8 March-11 March

February 2011

ITV West will run four features on Dementia from Tuesday 8 March through to Friday 11 March.

Read more http://www.swdc.org.uk/news/dementia-features-to-run-on-itv-west--8-march--11-march/

2 South West Projects to receive funding from the 'Reaching Out to Carers Innovation Fund'
February 2011

The Reaching Out to Carers Innovation Fund is a scheme specifically targeted at voluntary sector
organisations in England who, in addition to their primary work are also keen to support carers.

Read more http://www.swdc.org.uk/news/2-south-west-projects-to-receive-funding-from-the-reaching-


Council cuts 'put more pressure on the NHS'

February 2011

The NHS will have to deal with the fall-out from some of the cuts being announced by councils,
experts predict.

Read more http://www.swdc.org.uk/news/council-cuts-put-more-pressure-on-the-nhs/

Health and Social Care Bill 2011

February 2011

The Health and Social Care Bill was introduced into Parliament on 19 January 2011. The Bill is a
crucial part of the Government’s vision to modernise the NHS so that it is built around patients, led by
health professionals and focused on delivering world-class healthcare outcomes.

Read more http://www.swdc.org.uk/news/health-and-social-care-bill-2011/

South West Mental Health Alliance to be formed

February 2011

With all the imminent changes within the NHS the South West Division of the Royal College of
Psychiatrists has teamed up with the South West Development Centre to instigate the formulation of a
regional mental health alliance.

Read more http://www.swdc.org.uk/news/south-west-mental-health-alliance-established/

Contribute to forthcoming e-Bulletins

Please send information, by no later than 28 January 2011, via email to [email protected]
South West Development Centre works with partners across health and social care to improve services, and the
experience of people using services
SWDC e-Bulletin February 2011


Report from Dementia Link Workers Countywide Forum - 23-11-10

February 2011

The second Countywide Forum for Dementia Link Workers, who have achieved the Dementia Link
Worker Award in Gloucestershire, took place on 23rd November at Gloucester Guildhall.

Read more http://www.swdc.org.uk/news/report-from-dementia-link-workers-countywide-forum--


Contribute to forthcoming e-Bulletins

Please send information, by no later than 28 January 2011, via email to [email protected]
South West Development Centre works with partners across health and social care to improve services, and the
experience of people using services
SWDC e-Bulletin February 2011

SW Mental Health Alliance

Contribute to forthcoming e-Bulletins

Please send information, by no later than 28 January 2011, via email to [email protected]
South West Development Centre works with partners across health and social care to improve services, and the
experience of people using services
SWDC e-Bulletin February 2011


No Health Without Mental Health


No Health Without Mental Health – Impact Assessment


No Health Without Mental Health - Delivering Better Mental Health Outcomes for People of
All Ages


Talking Therapies – A Four Year Plan of Action


Impact Assessment for Talking Therapies


The Economic Case for Improving Efficiency and Quality in Mental Health


Children and Young People Services Commissioning – GP Information Pack


Contribute to forthcoming e-Bulletins

Please send information, by no later than 28 January 2011, via email to [email protected]
South West Development Centre works with partners across health and social care to improve services, and the
experience of people using services
SWDC e-Bulletin February 2011

PCT Cluster Implementation Guidance


A Safeguarding and Personalisation Framework


Working with Personality Disordered Offenders – A Practitioners Guide


Making Alcohol a Health Priority – Opportunities to reduce alcohol harms and rising


Living Well With Dementia: A National Dementia Strategy – Good Practice Compen-
dium – an assets approach


Deliving Male – Effective Practice in Male Mental Health


Women Like Me – Supporting Wellbeing in Girls and Women


Contribute to forthcoming e-Bulletins

Please send information, by no later than 28 January 2011, via email to [email protected]
South West Development Centre works with partners across health and social care to improve services, and the
experience of people using services
SWDC e-Bulletin February 2011


Guide to Mental Health & Debt


Social Care Governance—A workbook based on practice in England


At a glance 35 – Personalisation Briefing – Personalisation, productivity

and efficiency


At a glance 36 –Personal Budgets – Learning from the experience of

people with mental health problems and their carers


Keeping personal budgets personal – Learning from the experience of

older people, people with mental health problems and their carers


Contribute to forthcoming e-Bulletins

Please send information, by no later than 28 January 2011, via email to [email protected]
South West Development Centre works with partners across health and social care to improve services, and the
experience of people using services
SWDC e-Bulletin February 2011


South West Region

8 March 2011
South West Health Trainers Conference - Health Trainers & Behaviour Change
Taunton Racecourse Orchard Portman Taunton, Somerset, TA3 7BL
The South West Health Trainer Partnership is hosting this event which has been developed for commissioners and
other key partners who have a responsibility for improving health and reducing health inequalities. With the
increasing national emphasis on lifestyle and behaviour change, Health Trainers have a great deal to offer. The
speakers will be illustrating the effectiveness of the Health Trainer behaviour change intervention in tackling
health inequalities. For further information, please contact Linda Potter on 01395 282065; Email:
[email protected]

11 March 2011
Unfinished Business: IAPT to Talking Therapies – A time for innovation & investment
Engineers’ House, Clifton Promenade, Bristol. BS8 3NB
This conference offers the opportunity for those attending to consider the challenges that lie ahead together and work
towards ensuring the future sustainability of these important services in the local area.
The conference flyer which contains background information, programme and booking form is available at: http://
www.swdc.org.uk/silo/files/unfinished-business--iapt-talking-therapies-.doc or for further information, please contact
Silvia Cataudo on 01278 432002
[email protected]

15 March 2011
Mental Health Awareness Training: how socially engaged arts can meet the needs of people with
mental health issues
The Percy Community Centre New King St Bath, BA1 2BN
A full day of 'Mental Health Awareness, recovery and social inclusion training': aimed at increasing understanding of
participants with mental health issues. This seminar looks to increase knowledge, understanding and confidence
when working in either mental health settings and/or with mental health users. This will enhance creative practice of
artists, creative professionals and arts managers. It promises to be informative and an engaging event
For further information, or to book a place, please contact the Creativity Works office on 01761 438852 or Mags
Maxwell on 079000 17011

15 March 2011
A Picture of Health? Men's Health and Wellbeing Conference
Council House, College Green, Bristol
A report about men’s health in Bristol was published in January 2011. This report considers national and local evi-
dence about the state of men’s health and health inequalities experienced by men. It recommends addressing the
health needs of men and the key issues surrounding the health inequalities they experience.
This conference will formally launch the report and discuss the recommendations and areas for improvement.
For further information, please contact: Carole Roberts, Public Health Directorate, 4th Floor, South Plaza, Marl-
borough Street, Bristol BS1 3NX; Tel: 0117 900 2424; Email: [email protected]

Contribute to forthcoming e-Bulletins

Please send information, by no later than 28 January 2011, via email to [email protected]
South West Development Centre works with partners across health and social care to improve services, and the
experience of people using services
SWDC e-Bulletin February 2011


South West Region

15 March 2011
Dementia Through the Ages
Whitbourne House, Whitbourne Avenue, Park South, Swindon SN2 2JX
Dr Simon Manchip Dementia through the ages will pick up the different stages of the illnesses and how therapy at
each stage can help. The training session is free of charge and coffee will be provided. Please note, however, that
there is a maximum of 30 places available so be sure to book early.
For further information and to book a place, please contact Mark MacNeaney on Tel: 01793 523003 or Email:
[email protected]

22 March 2011
Medication - Friend or Foe?
Whitbourne House, Whitbourne Avenue, Park South, Swindon SN3 2JX
Dr Simon Manchip Medication, Friend or Foe? will be a systematic review of the role of medication in dementia care,
the benefits, risks and where medication has no role and should be avoided. The training session is free of charge
and coffee will be provided. Please note, however, that there is a maximum of 30 places available so be sure to book
For further information and to book a place, please contact Mark MacNeaney on Tel: 01793 523003 or Email:
[email protected]

24 March 2011
All in this together? Disabled People at the heart of Big Society
Somerset College of Art and Technology, Taunton, Somerset
The South West Disability Equality Network are pleased to announce their annual conference, ‘All in this together?
Disabled People at the heart of Big Society’. It will be an interactive event with key note speakers, a selection of
workshops and round table discussions. Places at this event will be on a first come, first served basis. Places are
free to Disabled People and Voluntary and Community Organisations and charged at £60 for Public and Private
sector organisations.
The full programme is available at: http://www.equalitysouthwest.org.uk/esw/live/events/march-2011/
A booking form is available at: http://www.equalitysouthwest.org.uk/esw/live/events/march-2011/

24 March 2011
Innovation & Collaboration in Challenging Times
Holiday Inn, Plymouth
Last year we were eager to learn about ‘New Horizons’ but so much has happened since then; a new coalition
government, changed thinking and emphasis, a total shake up of the health service as we know it, small community
agencies closing down with funding cuts, jobs under threat and changes expected to the New Horizons strategy
introduced a year ago. However, we know the thrust remains around collaboration and innovation so we have
focussed our theme for this conference on these two activities, looking at them from a local, national and
international perspective.
For further information, please contact Jane Guy at: Plymouth CAB, 2nd Floor, Cobourg House, 32 Mayflower Street,
Plymouth, PL1 1QX; Tel: 01752 507710/ 01752 253928 Email: [email protected]
All booking enquiries to: 01752 507710 0/1752 253928; Email: [email protected]

Contribute to forthcoming e-Bulletins

Please send information, by no later than 28 January 2011, via email to [email protected]
South West Development Centre works with partners across health and social care to improve services, and the
experience of people using services
SWDC e-Bulletin February 2011


South West Region

6 April 2011
Leadership and management in dementia care settings
Rougemont Hotel, Exeter
The aims of this event are to allow participants to gain, among other things:
• An understanding of how Objective 13 of the National Dementia Strategy (2009) and CQC requirements on
workforce development can be delivered
• Details of learning options and resources that assist Managers to develop their workforce
• Essential information about the application of the principles of the ‘Dignity in Care’ Challenge within dementia care
To book a place, please go to: http://www.careinfo.org/conferences.php
For further information, please email [email protected] or Tel: 020 7720 2108 ext. 214

7 April 2011
The Role of the Dementia Trainer
Rougemont Hotel, Exeter
This is a one-day seminar for Trainers and Training Commissioners enabling understanding of: (1) The Skills for
Care Qualifications and Credit Framework for dementia (2) The knowledge and skills which care givers need to work
effectively with people with dementia, their carers and families (3) The knowledge and skills that person-centred
dementia care trainers should possess in order to deliver dementia care training; and (4) The application of the
philosophy of good dementia care to the learning experience. A free memory stick with worksheets, checklists and
plans to use immediately in your workplace will be provided.
To book a place, please go to: http://www.careinfo.org/conferences.php
For further information, please email [email protected] or Tel: 020 7720 2108 ext. 214

12 April 2011
Community Engagement
Devonport Guildhall
The emphasis on involving people in decision-making has never been greater. But how do we create opportunities
for participation which empower individuals and communities? How do we enable people to engage in ways that lead
to sustainable change? This workshop considers the principles of participation and presents a range of lively and
accessible ways to involve and empower people. It is delivered in a participatory way that will have participants
talking, laughing and actively learning. Download a booking form at: http://www.zebra.coop/docs/uploaded/
Work_shop_Booking_Form_March_2010.doc For further information, please email [email protected] or telephone
01752 395131

12 April 2011
Introduction to Social Enterprise & Launch of Cascade’s Social Enterprise Start-up Training Programme

Somerset College Conference Centre, Wellington Road, Taunton TA1 5AX

For just £25 per person: • Learn more about social enterprises – what we do & how we do it; • Find out more about
the ‘Ethical Ventures’ training programme • Meet the trainers and other social enterprise business advisors • Lots of
free information to take away • Great networking opportunity (& delicious refreshments!) The new ‘Ethical Ventures’
programme will be launched at this event is designed to support those in emerging or fledgling social enterprises –
and those considering starting one up.
For further information about all of our services and to make bookings, you can visit our website at: http://
www.cascadetrainingplus.co.uk If you have any queries, please contact: [email protected]
Download a booking form at: http://www.intouchcrm.co.uk/app/e/l/2517124/18008/819/188766.aspx

Contribute to forthcoming e-Bulletins

Please send information, by no later than 28 January 2011, via email to [email protected]
South West Development Centre works with partners across health and social care to improve services, and the
experience of people using services
SWDC e-Bulletin February 2011


South West Region

13 April 2011
Transgender Health Day
Lyngford House Conference Centre Selworthy Road, Priorswood, Taunton, TA2 8HD
This event aims to raise awareness of transgender health; redress inequalities in transgender health; a chance for
transgender communities to meet health commissioners and share experiences. If you are interested in attending,
please contact Samantha Partridge [email protected] Tel: 01823 250814

4 May 2011
The Sharpham Trust, Sharpham House, Ashprington, Totnes, TQ9 7UT
This 8 week course provides an in-depth exploration of Mindfulness skills and techniques, together with a clear and
focused framework within which to practise and develop them. Dates: 4 May - 22 June 2011 £155 Course tutors:
Jenny Wilks and Lynne Holmes
For further information, please telephone: 01803 732542 or visit their website at: http://www.sharphamtrust.org

17 June 2011
South West Mental Health Alliance Launch Event
Taunton Rugby Football Club

With all the imminent changes within the NHS the South West Division of the Royal College of Psychiatrists has
teamed up with the South West Development Centre to instigate the formulation of a regional mental health alliance.
The aim being to form an alliance of stakeholders to ensure provision of best possible mental health and learning
disability services in the southwest. This is a launch event to inform stakeholders of the way services are expected to
change and to encourage people to become involved. It is hoped that people with lived experience and third sector
organisations will form half of the alliance with the rest being made up of psychiatrists and people working in the ser-
If you feel you are interested in getting involved or attending this event please email Pat McPhee at
[email protected] or Tel. 01761 463979.

Contribute to forthcoming e-Bulletins

Please send information, by no later than 28 January 2011, via email to [email protected]
South West Development Centre works with partners across health and social care to improve services, and the
experience of people using services
SWDC e-Bulletin February 2011


7 March 2011
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Across Cultures: Challenges and Possibilities
The Resource Centre 356 Holloway Road London N7 6PA
This one day conference will bring together clinicians who have experience of delivering CBT across cultures.
Learning points and good practice will be shared. The challenges experienced and possible limitations will also be
discussed via anonymised case vignettes. The conference will be relevant to all professionals in the field of Mental
Health and Social Care, including those from Local Authorities and NHS trusts across the UK
For further information, please go to: http://www.bmehealth.org/userfiles/CBT%20&%20CULTURE%20CONF%
You can book you place online at: http://www.bmehealth.org/userfiles/CBT%20&%20CULTURE%20BOOKING%

15 March 2011
Developing Outcome Based Commissioning in the Public and Third Sector
The coalition government emphasises the need to commission for outcomes. This programme has been developed
to meet this challenge. These eight accredited courses carry a Level 4 award qualification with the national awarding
body, NCFE. Learning at this level is appropriate for people working in technical and professional jobs, and/or
managing and developing others. Each course represents a component of the commissioning cycle, with all eight
courses together covering the whole commissioning cycle. Each course involves one full day of classroom training
plus a minimum of four hours self-study on a specific assignment. The assignment will be based on your real life
workload. This assignment will be marked and individual feedback provided to you by your course tutor. This course
is the first of eight. Full details of all the courses can be found at: http://www.publicinnovation.org.uk/
Or contact Monica Fenwick at [email protected] Tel: 020 7922 7824.

23 March 2011
Developing Needs Led Assessment to Determine Commissioning in the Public and Third Sector


The coalition government emphasises the need to commission for outcomes. This programme has been developed
to meet this challenge. These eight accredited courses carry a Level 4 award qualification with the national awarding
body, NCFE. Learning at this level is appropriate for people working in technical and professional jobs, and/or
managing and developing others. Each course represents a component of the commissioning cycle, with all eight
courses together covering the whole commissioning cycle. Each course involves one full day of classroom training
plus a minimum of four hours self-study on a specific assignment. The assignment will be based on your real life
workload. This assignment will be marked and individual feedback provided to you by your course tutor. This course
is the second of eight. Full details of all the courses can be found at: http://www.publicinnovation.org.uk/
Or contact Monica Fenwick at [email protected] Tel: 020 7922 7824.

Contribute to forthcoming e-Bulletins

Please send information, by no later than 28 January 2011, via email to [email protected]
South West Development Centre works with partners across health and social care to improve services, and the
experience of people using services
SWDC e-Bulletin February 2011


24 March 2011
New Public Health Service: a vision for a healthier nation
The Barbican, Silk Street London EC2Y 8DS
Attendance at this conference you will enable participants to gain an insight into the plans and proposed changes
being put into place and the opportunity to meet and discuss these changes with colleagues and fellow professionals
from across the health sector. Health Secretary Andrew Lansley has a vision of society working together to ensure
that the whole of the population becomes healthier and lives longer.
Book a place online at: http://guest.cvent.com/d/wdqt6t/1Q
Further information, is available at: http://www.publicserviceevents.co.uk/event/overview.asp?ID=174

26 March 2011
Dr Wendy Lawson, International Autistic Speaker
Church of Christ the Cornerstone 300 Saxon Gate West Milton Keynes MK9 2ES
Dr Lawson will be talking about the following topics The Passionate Mind: How People with Autism (of any age)
Most of us can easily shift our attentions from one interest to another, whereas people on the autism spectrum tend
to focus on a single theme at any one time, leading to a deep, intense attention. When this unique learning style is
understood, valued and accommodated, autistic people can be empowered to achieve their fullest potential.
For a booking form please go to: http://www.autismoxford.org.uk/downloads/20110326-booking-form.pdf
For further information, please call 01844 353292 or email [email protected]

5 April 2011
Stimulating the Provider Market to Deliver Services in the Public and Third Sector
The coalition government emphasises the need to commission for outcomes. This programme has been developed
to meet this challenge. These eight accredited courses carry a Level 4 award qualification with the national awarding
body, NCFE. Learning at this level is appropriate for people working in technical and professional jobs, and/or
managing and developing others. Each course represents a component of the commissioning cycle, with all eight
courses together covering the whole commissioning cycle. Each course involves one full day of classroom training
plus a minimum of four hours self-study on a specific assignment. The assignment will be based on your real life
workload. This assignment will be marked and individual feedback provided to you by your course tutor. This course
is the third of eight. Full details of all the courses can be found at: http://www.publicinnovation.org.uk/
Or contact Monica Fenwick at [email protected] Tel: 020 7922 7824.

6 April 2011
Involving Service Users and Other Stakeholders in the Commissioning of Services in the Public
and Third Sector
The coalition government emphasises the need to commission for outcomes. This programme has been developed
to meet this challenge. These eight accredited courses carry a Level 4 award qualification with the national awarding
body, NCFE. Learning at this level is appropriate for people working in technical and professional jobs, and/or
managing and developing others. Each course represents a component of the commissioning cycle, with all eight
courses together covering the whole commissioning cycle. Each course involves one full day of classroom training
plus a minimum of four hours self-study on a specific assignment. The assignment will be based on your real life
workload. This assignment will be marked and individual feedback provided to you by your course tutor. This course
is the fourth of eight. Full details of all the courses can be found at: http://www.publicinnovation.org.uk/
Or contact Monica Fenwick at [email protected] Tel: 020 7922 7824.

Contribute to forthcoming e-Bulletins

Please send information, by no later than 28 January 2011, via email to [email protected]
South West Development Centre works with partners across health and social care to improve services, and the
experience of people using services
SWDC e-Bulletin February 2011


14 April 2011

Outcomes Matter in Dementia Care: meeting the National Dementia Strategy and Care Quality
Commission's new requirements
Lecture Theatre Building, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey GU2 7XH

This conference will celebrate achievements in the dementia care home sector and provide assistance on how to
meet the new ‘Outcomes framework’ for regulation and inspection of care homes. The themes for the conference
include: Improving quality of life in care homes; Training and staff development; The National Dementia Strategy
Providing evidence for CQC requirements; Evidence-based practice; Person-centred approach new ideas and
For further information, please go to: http://www.careinfo.org/images/conferences/2011Guildford%20lores3.pdf

19 April 2011

Using Procurement to Commission Outcomes within the Public and Third Sector


The coalition government emphasises the need to commission for outcomes. This programme has been developed
to meet this challenge. These eight accredited courses carry a Level 4 award qualification with the national awarding
body, NCFE. Learning at this level is appropriate for people working in technical and professional jobs, and/or
managing and developing others. Each course represents a component of the commissioning cycle, with all eight
courses together covering the whole commissioning cycle. Each course involves one full day of classroom training
plus a minimum of four hours self-study on a specific assignment. The assignment will be based on your real life
workload. This assignment will be marked and individual feedback provided to you by your course tutor. This course
is the fifth of eight. Full details of all the courses can be found at: http://www.publicinnovation.org.uk/
Or contact Monica Fenwick at [email protected] Tel: 020 7922 7824.

4 May 2011

Developing Outcome Based Tenders and Service Specifications in the Public and Third Sector


The coalition government emphasises the need to commission for outcomes. This programme has been
developed to meet this challenge. These eight accredited courses carry a Level 4 award qualification with
the national awarding body, NCFE. Learning at this level is appropriate for people working in technical
and professional jobs, and/or managing and developing others. Each course represents a component of
the commissioning cycle, with all eight courses together covering the whole commissioning cycle. Each
course involves one full day of classroom training plus a minimum of four hours self-study on a specific
assignment. The assignment will be based on your real life workload. This assignment will be marked
and individual feedback provided to you by your course tutor. This course is the sixth of eight. Full details
of all the courses can be found at: http://www.publicinnovation.org.uk/
Or contact Monica Fenwick at [email protected] Tel: 020 7922 7824.

Contribute to forthcoming e-Bulletins

Please send information, by no later than 28 January 2011, via email to [email protected]
South West Development Centre works with partners across health and social care to improve services, and the
experience of people using services
SWDC e-Bulletin February 2011


7 May 2011

Developing Outcome Based Performance Management within the Public and Third Sector


The coalition government emphasises the need to commission for outcomes. This programme has been developed
to meet this challenge. These eight accredited courses carry a Level 4 award qualification with the national awarding
body, NCFE. Learning at this level is appropriate for people working in technical and professional jobs, and/or
managing and developing others. Each course represents a component of the commissioning cycle, with all eight
courses together covering the whole commissioning cycle. Each course involves one full day of classroom training
plus a minimum of four hours self-study on a specific assignment. The assignment will be based on your real life
workload. This assignment will be marked and individual feedback provided to you by your course tutor. This course
is the seventh of eight. Full details of all the courses can be found at: http://www.publicinnovation.org.uk/
Or contact Monica Fenwick at [email protected] Tel: 020 7922 7824.

12 May 2011

Innovation in Healthcare: Improving Care, Driving Efficiency

The Barbican, London

Healthcare in the UK is constantly evolving. As new technologies and processes are introduced into the NHS, patient
outcomes improve, which result in better quality of healthcare. However, technology is only one part of the
'innovation pathway' – organisational innovation and service re-design also have a major role in improving patient
care. Lean methodologies are increasingly being adopted into the NHS, boosting efficiency and productivity. A recent
review by the Foundation Trust Network claims that the NHS can make £600m worth of back office savings through
sharing services, reducing waste and making the best use of resources for the benefit of patients and the taxpayer.
At this event a programme of key speakers will consider the role of innovation in improving patient outcomes, and its
place in the new NHS. It will look at innovation in areas such as medical technology as well as procedural
developments and strategies, offering an ideal forum for discussion on how to maintain a sustainable healthcare
system in the face of vastly increasing demand.
To register online please go to: http://www.cvent.com/EVENTS/Info/Summary.aspx?e=89f5fd23-60e0-49a7-b271-
For further information, please visit the website at: http://www.publicserviceevents.co.uk/event/overview.asp?ID=177

1 May 2011

Encouraging Innovation in the Commissioning of Services in the Public and Third Sector


The coalition government emphasises the need to commission for outcomes. This programme has been developed
to meet this challenge. These eight accredited courses carry a Level 4 award qualification with the national awarding
body, NCFE. Learning at this level is appropriate for people working in technical and professional jobs, and/or
managing and developing others. Each course represents a component of the commissioning cycle, with all eight
courses together covering the whole commissioning cycle. Each course involves one full day of classroom training
plus a minimum of four hours self-study on a specific assignment. The assignment will be based on your real life
workload. This assignment will be marked and individual feedback provided to you by your course tutor. This course
is the eighth of eight. Full details of all the courses can be found at: http://www.publicinnovation.org.uk/
Or contact Monica Fenwick at [email protected] Tel: 020 7922 7824.

Contribute to forthcoming e-Bulletins

Please send information, by no later than 28 January 2011, via email to [email protected]
South West Development Centre works with partners across health and social care to improve services, and the
experience of people using services
SWDC e-Bulletin February 2011


26 July 2011

Making Commissioning Work Collaboration to deliver patient outcomes

Barbican Centre Silk Street London London EC2Y 8DS

At this conference, the case for multi-professional involvement in commissioning will be discussed and analysed.
With a programme of excellent speakers including doctor representative groups, health and social care professionals
and commissioning leads, this unique event is an essential for all those involved with and affected by the new NHS
commissioning model.
For further information, please visit: http://www.publicserviceevents.co.uk/event/overview.asp?ID=182
Book a place online at: http://guest.cvent.com/d/mdqbs7/1Q

Contribute to forthcoming e-Bulletins

Please send information, by no later than 28 January 2011, via email to [email protected]
South West Development Centre works with partners across health and social care to improve services, and the
experience of people using services
SWDC e-Bulletin February 2011

Newsletters from Other Organisations

• Charity Commission News

• Chief Nursing Officer Bulletin
• Children's Health and Maternity Services e-Bulletin
• Connecting (Newsletter for the Learning Disabilities Community in Cornwall)
• Dying Matters
• Go Wild, Stay Well (Mind in Taunton & West Somerset)
• Innovations in Dementia (Brainwave)
• National End of Life Programme
• National Mental Health Development Unit
• Public Health South West
• Skills for Care Bulletin
• Social Care Bulletin

Contribute to forthcoming e-Bulletins

Please send information, by no later than 28 January 2011, via email to [email protected]
South West Development Centre works with partners across health and social care to improve services, and the
experience of people using services
SWDC e-Bulletin February 2011

Newsletters from Other Organisations

• South West Alcohol Improvement Programme Newsletter

• South West RIEP News Updates
• Sustainability Now
• Telecare LIN Newsletters
• The Month
• The Week - Chief Executive Bulletin

Contribute to forthcoming e-Bulletins

Please send information, by no later than 28 January 2011, via email to [email protected]
South West Development Centre works with partners across health and social care to improve services, and the
experience of people using services

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