Course Registration / Enrollment Form Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) Semester: VII Academic Year:ODD 2020-21
Course Registration / Enrollment Form Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) Semester: VII Academic Year:ODD 2020-21
Course Registration / Enrollment Form Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) Semester: VII Academic Year:ODD 2020-21
Sl. No. Course code & name Theory / Lab./ Lab. Name of faculty & Designation Department Credits
Oriented Theory
1 MEC4101 - Finite Element Analysis (Integrated Lab) Lab. Oriented Theory Mr.S.Loganathan-AP MECH 4
2 MEC4102-Mechatronics (Integrated Lab) Lab. Oriented Theory Mr.S.Rajarajan - AP MECH 4
3 MEC4103-Design of Transmission Systems Theory Mr.Syed shaul hameed-AP MECH 3
4 MECX32-Automobile Engineering Theory Dr.P.D.Jeyakumar- AP MECH 3
5 GECX204 Value analysis and Engineering Theory Mr M.Abdur Rahman -AP MECH 3
6 MECX24 Gas Dynamics and Jet propulsion Theory Dr.M.Pervaz Ahmad- AP MECH 3
7 MEC4104 Simulation Lab Lab Mr.N.Sirajudeen - AP MECH 1
8 MEC4105 Automobile Lab Lab Mr.S.Syed Zubair-AP MECH 1
9 MEC4106 Internship Dr.Serajul Haque-AP MECH 1
Total No. of Credits Registered
Signature of Student