Course Registration / Enrollment Form Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) Semester: VII Academic Year:ODD 2020-21

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Semester: VII Academic Year :ODD 2020-21

1.    Name of Student & RRN Nalamaru venkata reddy 170021601108
2.    Branch MECH - 'C' Section

3.    Semester VII 4.Regulation of study Regular

5. Course Registration Details :

Sl. No. Course code & name Theory / Lab./ Lab. Name of faculty & Designation Department Credits
Oriented Theory
1 MEC4101 - Finite Element Analysis (Integrated Lab) Lab. Oriented Theory Mr.S.Loganathan-AP MECH 4
2 MEC4102-Mechatronics (Integrated Lab) Lab. Oriented Theory Mr.S.Rajarajan - AP MECH 4
3 MEC4103-Design of Transmission Systems Theory Mr.Syed shaul hameed-AP MECH 3
4 MECX32-Automobile Engineering Theory Dr.P.D.Jeyakumar- AP MECH 3
5 GECX204 Value analysis and Engineering Theory Mr M.Abdur Rahman -AP MECH 3
6 MECX24 Gas Dynamics and Jet propulsion Theory Dr.M.Pervaz Ahmad- AP MECH 3
7 MEC4104 Simulation Lab Lab Mr.N.Sirajudeen - AP MECH 1
8 MEC4105 Automobile Lab Lab Mr.S.Syed Zubair-AP MECH 1
9 MEC4106 Internship Dr.Serajul Haque-AP MECH 1

Total No. of Credits Registered

Signature of Student

Signature of Class Advisor Signature of HoD

Department Credits
Theory / Lab./
Lab. Oriented
Course code & name Theory Name of faculty & Designation
MEC4101 - Finite Element Analysis (Integrated Lab) Lab. Oriented Mr. Varun kumar -AP MECH
Theory 4
MEC4102-Mechatronics (Integrated Lab) Lab. Oriented Mr. Jeavudeen - AP MECH
Theory 4
MEC4103-Design of Transmission Systems Theory Dr.Siddhi Jailani MECH 3
GECX204-Value Analysis and Engineering Theory Dr. Ravikumar - AP MECH 3
GECX204-Value Analysis and Engineering Theory Mr. Abdur Rahman - AP MECH 3
MECX32-Automobile Engineering Theory Mr. K. Jamesha Ibrahim - AP MECH 3
MECX13 Product Design and Manufacturing Theory Dr. Mohamed Bak Kamaludeen - AP MECH 3
MECX13 Product Design and Manufacturing Theory Dr.Arockia Julias - AP MECH 3
MECX24 Gas Dynamics and Jet propulsion Theory Dr. PERVAZ AHMED - AP MECH 3
MECX55 Prototyping Techniques Theory Mr. BALASRINIVASAN - AP MECH 2
MECX58 Digital Manufacturing Theory Mr. BALASRINIVASAN - AP MECH 1
GECX219 Advanced Entrepreneurship Theory Mr. S. Sathis prabhu - AP ECE 3
GECX214 Automotive Pollution & Control Theory Mr. S. Syed Zubair - AP MECH 3
GECX201 Green Design and Sustainability Theory Mr.Y.Ibrahim - AP CIVIL 3
GECX208 Embedded systems & its applications Theory Ms. Indira Gandhi - AP ECE 3
GECX209 Usability Engineering Theory Ms. R. Akila - AP CSE 3
GECX213 National Service Scheme Theory M.R. Prem Ram - AP Socialogy 3
MEC4104 Simulation Lab Lab Mr. N. Ravikumar - AP MECH 1
Name of faculty & Designation
Mr. Varun kumar Assistant professor
Mr. Jeavudeen Assistant professor
Dr.Siddhi Jailani Associate professor
Dr. Ravikumar Assistant professor
Mr. Abdur Rahman Assistant professor
Mr. K. Jamesha Ibrahim Assistant professor
Dr. Mohamed Bak Kamaludeen Assistant professor
Dr.Arockia Julias Assistant professor
Dr. PERVAZ AHMED Assistant professor
Mr. BALASRINIVASAN Assistant professor
Mr. S. Sathis prabhu Assistant professor
Mr.Y.Ibrahim Assistant professor
Ms. Indira Gandhi Assistant professor
Ms. R. Akila Assistant professor
M.R. Prem Ram Assistant professor
Mr. N. Ravikumar Assistant professor
Mr. S. Syed Zubair Assistant professor

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