Public Works Standard Guideli

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Public Works - Site Development Standard
Guidelines and Conditions Checklist

1. A Grading and Drainage Plan shall be submitted with the Site Development and
Building Permit Application plans and shall be prepared by a California licensed civil engineer
and submitted to Public Works for review. Drainage plan should encourage on-site water
dissipation when applicable, maintain natural water flow and be in compliance with all
applicable federal, state, and local drainage laws. All proposed and existing drainage structures
shall be shown on the grading and drainage plan. Follow all recommendations as outlined in the
projects soils and civil engineer report including construction observation and testing. Required
drainage inspections prior to back fill should be documented with field memorandums with a
copy to the Town. Horse stable or barns shall meet all Town ordinances, local, State, County
Health Department, and Water Board requirements.

2. Plans should depict accurate property boundaries, right of way, adjacent roadways, all
public facilities, location of existing and proposed buildings and structures, a scale, topography,
limits of cut and fill, easements, utilities, trails, open space, major natural features, major
drainage features, and details of surface and subsurface drainage improvements. The boundaries
of the site plan shall extend a minimum of 10’ outside the property line and to the centerline of
all adjacent streets and channels. Surveyors must use official Town benchmarks, these maps are
available at Town Hall. Note in plans that all drainage installations are required to be inspected
by the Town prior to backfill.

3. Post-development peak flow (runoff) and velocity must be less than or equal to pre-
development peak flow and velocity. In areas where there are existing storm drain systems, those
systems must be of adequate size to accept the increased runoff, or, mitigation procedures must
be taken. Flow should be spread consistent with pre-development release from the site and away
from structures. This includes downspouts when applicable. Avoid concentrating dissipation.
Mitigation procedures may include on-site storm drain detention or off-site storm drain
improvements. Use most current San Mateo County Rainfall Runoff Data. All storm drainage
facilities shall have sufficient capacity to carry the anticipated peak flows. Hydrologic
documentation signed by a licensed civil engineer shall be provided to Town upon request. Refer
to Town Master Storm Drainage Report for design guidelines for 5, 10, 25 year frequency.

4. Follow current Federal, State, and local drainage laws, local building codes, and Town
ordinances. Conform to Chapter 15 “Buildings and Construction” of the Town’s Municipal
Code. Storm drain facilities, manholes, and appurtenances shall meet current CalTrans Standard
Plans and Specifications and APWA Greenbook Specifications. Determine if downstream
drainage facilities will be able to accommodate added drainage from project. Do not disturb
natural streams channels and drainage ditches. Projects with disturbed land area over 1 acre will
need to obtain a Notice of Intent (NOI) with the State Water Resource Control Board and must
prepare a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan and Stormwater Management Plan.
Demonstrate coverage of SWPPP. Basement construction shall not impact groundwater within
the Town. Construction shall not release contaminants into the groundwater.

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5. Where feasible, encourage in drainage design on-site water dissipation of down spouts
and area drains to landscaped or open areas. Avoid concentrating dissipation. Where feasible,
landscaping shall be designed and operated to treat storm water runoff by incorporating elements
that collect, detain, and infiltrate runoff. In an effort to reduce storm drain pollution, no storm
drain shall be directly emptied into the Towns public storm drain system. Recommended
reference material: Bay Area Storm water Management Agencies Associations publication of
“Start at the Source, Residential Site Planning and Design Guidance Manual for Storm water
Quality Protection”. Stormwater detention is required for projects that create or replace greater
than 5,000 square feet impervious surface. These facilities shall have an annual maintenance
plan developed by the designer and provided to the resident. Storm or sub drain flows shall not
undermine, cause algae growth, or deteriorate public road in any way.

6. No improvements shall be planned, designed, or constructed that would interfere with

the Towns right-of-way or public facilities, its function, interests, integrity, and maintenance.
Examples, but not limited to: the entire road, shoulders, parking areas, property, easements, open
areas, scenic corridors, parks, fences, bridges, pipes, monuments, curbs, trails, signs, drainage
facilities, and all types of public traffic. If discovered at a later date, modifications to plans and
removal will be required at developer’s expense. Any utility or paving work in the Towns right-
of-way requires the application and approval of a Town revocable encroachment permit.
Utilities shall be per utility company plans. Wells, Geotech Drilling, and Septic are regulated by
San Mateo County Environmental Health Dept.

7. No installation of landscaping, plantings, and irrigation within or that would

eventually protrude into the Town right of way, trail easements, and roadway. Landscaping may
be considered through Encroachment permit process. No planting that would block road
signage, site visibility, pedestrians, and vehicles. For driveway site visibility and applicable
traffic analysis, use current Caltrans guidelines highway design manual. Note on plans that any
existing landscaping in the right of way shall be maintained by the homeowner. Cut back tree
limbs and brush protruding into the roadway that could be struck by any vehicles or pedestrians
(14’8” vertical clearance and 3’ horizontal clearance for vehicles traveling in roadway). Do not
use right of way for screen planting. Refer to PG&E website for requirements concerning
planting under power lines.

8. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan shall be submitted with the Site Development and
Building Permit Application plans for review. Plan should be prepared per Regional Water
Quality Control Board’s Erosion and Sediment Control Field Manual and the San Mateo Storm
Water Pollution Prevention Program BMP’s and applicable C.3 Requirements. The plan should
include pre and post construction controls. Applicant shall control dust resulting from
construction and shall take all necessary measures for dust control as required by Public Works.
Applicant shall control and prevent the discharge of all potential pollutants, including solid
wastes, paints, concrete, petroleum products, chemicals, wash water or sediment and non-
stormwater discharges to storm drains and watercourses. All excavations shall be covered
during rainfall. All existing on-site erosion issues should be addressed and swales cleaned prior
to project final. As mandated by the State, Town inspections occur October 1 – April 30. Note
in plans referring to San Mateo County Storm water Pollution Prevention Program requirements.

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Include plan sheet located at.

9. Best Management Practices for Treatment of site runoff that will be implemented as a
part of the project will be in compliance with the current San Mateo Countywide National
Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). A monitoring and maintenance program for
treatment measures. Review handout for requirements for Architectural Cooper available from

10. Determine if the property is within a floodplain using current FEMA Insurance Rate
Maps and follow all applicable FEMA guidelines. Submit FEMA elevation certificate to the
Town if required. Maps and forms can be obtained at

11. All asphalt curbing that is adjacent to the road in front of the property shall be
considered for replacement per Town or Caltrans standard at the end of the project (4” or 6”). All
driveways shall be asphalt or standard brushed concrete at least 20’ back from edge of road. No
pavers or colored concrete within Towns right of way. Attention shall be directed so that street
drainage does not enter driveway (elevation of approach entrance should be higher than center of
street). If there is a horse trail that crosses the driveway, a 4’ wide section of the asphalt surface
will be roughened or grinded ¼” to provide a non-slip surface so that horses shall not slip. Other
non-slip surface can be presented to Town for approval. Driveways shall conform with the
Towns site development ordinance. Provide adequate site visibility.

12. If applicable, any Town trail along the property shall be improved and renovated with
4” of class 2 base rock rolled and compacted per Town standards. An encroachment permit must
be filed at the Town prior to start of work with in the Towns right of way.

13. Any underground culverts and drainage facilities along the property line will be
inspected and repaired as needed. An encroachment permit must be filed at the Town prior to
start of any work with in the Towns right of way. Proposed storm drain facilities in the right of
way shall meet product and installation requirements listed in the most current Caltrans Standard
Specifications and Standard Plans.

14. At the end of project, all wood and construction debris removed, swales defined,
culverts cleaned, and all potential erosion areas addressed. New drainage system to be
maintained by homeowner.

15. Any plan revisions will be hi-lighted and accompanied by a letter listing each change.
There shall be no deviation from the approved plans with out submitted plan revisions.

16. Review Public Works Pre-Construction and Geotechnical inspection checklist

17. All work shall be performed by the appropriate California State licensed contractor.

18. Prior to calling in Public Works for final project sign-off, wet stamped letters and as-
builts (AutoCAD 2010 or older) are required to be submitted to the Town from the project Soil

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and Civil engineer of record indicating all work associated with surveying, grading and drainage
has been inspected and completed per the Town approved plans.

19. Applicant shall notify the Building Department at least two full working days in
advance of the following inspections: initial inspection of grade staking, rough grading
inspection, storm/sub drainage inspection, final inspection and approval. Inspections shall be
requested by calling (650) 851-1700, Extension 216.

The above is intended only to provide the applicant and the applicant’s design team with
minimum guidelines when preparing a grading, drainage, and erosion control plan. The Town
does not specify the design method that the applicant’s design team uses to prepare the plan. It
is incumbent on the design team to select a design method that is appropriate for the specific
project and site accepting responsibility for the design. The Town’s review does not include
checking the calculations for accuracy nor making assumptions regarding the analysis. The
Town has the right to comment on both site development and building permit plan submittals
and can reject plans at anytime if guideline and conditions are found not met. Submit signed
checklist with each plan submittal.

Checklist Acknowledged by: Date:

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