Topic 8 - Exchange and Transport in Animals: Q1 - Covering Specification Point 8.1
Topic 8 - Exchange and Transport in Animals: Q1 - Covering Specification Point 8.1
Topic 8 - Exchange and Transport in Animals: Q1 - Covering Specification Point 8.1
Figure 4
(ii) Give one reason why it is important that human lungs have a high surface area to volume ratio.
(Total for question = 4 marks)
Q3 – covering specification point 8.3
Figure 3
A alveolus
B bronchus
C bronchiole
D trachea
A person had emphysema. This reduces the number of alveoli in the lungs.
(ii) Explain how emphysema would affect the amount of oxygen carried in the bloodstream.
(Total for question = 3 marks)
The table shows the number of different components found in the blood of a healthy person and the
blood of two other people.
(i) Calculate the difference in the number of white blood cells per dm3 of blood between the healthy
person and person A.
(ii) Describe the functions of white blood cells.
(iii) Person B has a low number of red blood cells compared to the healthy person.
Suggest an effect this may have on person B.
(i) Vessel X takes
(ii) Give one reason why the wall of the left ventricle is thicker than the right.
Valves in the human heart may become damaged and no longer function.
(iii) Describe what would happen to the flow of blood in the left side of the heart if the bicuspid valve did
not function effectively.
(Total for question = 4 marks)
(ii) Explain why oxygen uptake increases as an athlete runs at faster speeds.
(i) When the running speed is 22 km h–1, the stroke volume of the runner is 0.18 dm3.
Calculate the cardiac output of the runner using the equation.
cardiac output = stroke volume × heart rate
answer = ............................................ dm per minute
(ii) Complete the sentence by putting a cross ( ) in the box next to your answer.
When the heart rate is at its maximum the concentration of lactic acid in the blood is
A 11.2 mmol dm–3
B 12.8 mmol dm–3
C 200.0 mmol dm–3
D 210.0 mmol dm–3
(iii) Complete the sentence by putting a cross ( ) in the box next to your answer.
The graph shows that
A as the heart rate increases the concentration of lactic acid increases
B as the concentration of lactic acid increases the heart rate decreases
C the concentration of lactic acid increases as running speed increases
D the concentration of lactic acid is not dependent on heart rate
(iv) Explain why the concentration of lactic acid changes at running speeds greater than 18 km h–1.
(b) After running the person rested.
Explain why the concentration of lactic acid in the blood changes whilst resting.
(Total for Question is 10 marks)
All three respirometers are placed in a water bath at 25 °C for 30 minutes. The reduction in oxygen levels
in each respirometer is measured using a data logger.
(a) Explain why the respirometers are placed in a water bath at 25 °C.
(b) A student recorded the change in oxygen levels in the germinating peas over a 30-minute period.
The results are shown below.
A 10 mins (−0.8) ml, 20 mins (−1.6) ml, 30 mins (−2.4) ml
B 10 mins (−0.1) ml, 20 mins (−0.1) ml, 30 mins (−0.1) ml
C No change
(i) Complete the table for these results.
(ii) Calculate the rate of oxygen consumption per second for the results in respirometer A.
........................................................... ml/second
(c) Some respirometers read the movement of a bubble along capillary tubing.
Carbon dioxide can affect the measuring of oxygen used in this type of respirometer.
State a chemical that could be placed in the respirometer that would stop carbon dioxide affecting the
(Total for question = 9 marks)
Q10 – covering specification point 8.12.
The heart rate and stroke volume of an athlete training at a high intensity were measured and their
cardiac output was calculated.
The table shows the measurements before, after 2 weeks and after 4 weeks of training.
(ii) Explain how the higher cardiac output after 4 weeks of training increased the rate of aerobic