тема 7 word
тема 7 word
тема 7 word
1. The lexico-grammatical expression of modality through modal verbs.
2. English modal verbs having not always modal verb equivalents in Ukrainian.
3. Ways of conveying the meaning of subjective modality.
4.Grammatical modality and means of expressing it. Optative, incentive, subjunctive
Literature used and recommended
1. Карабан В.І. Translation from Ukrainian into English. В.: Нова книга, 2003. 607 с.
2. Коптілов В. В. Теорія і практика перекладу. К.: Вид-о Київ. ун-ту, 1982.
3. Корунець I.В. Теорія і практика перекладу (аспектний переклад): підручник. Вінниця: Нова книга,
2003. 448с.
4. Практикум перекладу. Англійська-українська: підручник/ Н. В. Бідасюк, Р. В. Боднар, Ю. В.
Якимчук та ін. К.: Знання, 2011. 431 с.
ІІ. English modal verbs having not always modal verb equivalents in Ukrainian.
These modal verbs are: shall, will, would and partly should.
through the verb хотіти, or through the logical stress: Shall I tell you? - Розповісти
вам?(Хочете, щоб я розповів вам?)
expressing warning, threat or resolute demand through the imperative verb form. I shall
want your account of how this happened. - Вимагаю звіту про те, як ви таке допустили.
In other cases the meaning of shall may coincide with that of the modal verb dare.
Will may coincide with would
Will expressing volition, demand, assurance through the corresponding verb and logical
stress. "I will be another kind of president " - "Я буду/ обіцяю бути зовсім іншим
Will as assurance and promise - обіцяю
Determination, perseverance or promising threat future tense. I will prosecute you
myself - Я сам вас судитиму
Polite request. When would / will you like to come over? - Коли б ви хотіли зайти?
Supposition - Ukrainian modal verb or by means of the subjunctive mood. This will be
the place where they reposed - Це, напевне , і є те місце, де вони перепочивали.
Resistance to an action referring to the present or to the future, which is observed only
in English. Help him. The door will not unlock. - Допоможіть, двері ніяк не
Preference choice and other meanings as in the set expressions – I’d rather / I’d sooner -
by the subjunctive mood forms and краще, ліпше. Mother said she would much rather
watch him fish and not try to fish herself. Мати сказала, що вона раніше спостерігала б,
як він вудить , ніж самій вудити.
Will, would are used in many set expressions: You’ d make a saint swear - Ти навіть
святого виведеш / вивів би з рівноваги.
Should as a modal verb is often used in reference to present and to future.
Obligation, necessity. What do you think he should do?
Regret, sorrow, grief. I shouldn't have said that.
Advice, recommendation, admonition.
Supposition, suggestion. Perhaps I should introduce... - Може,б мені представити...
Мабуть, представлю … Може, бодай представити...
e) Surprise, indignation or pleasure (with the indefinite or perfect infinitive following
the verb should) God forbid that I should ever say a good word for you. - Боронь Боже мені
сказати хоч одне добре слово за тебе.
f) Reproval, protest, disappointment - Треба, слід, потрібно.
Семінар-практикум № 9
Тема: Шляхи та засоби вираження модальності в англійській та українській
Мета: Ознайомлення із способами вираження модальності в українській і
англійській мовах, порівняння перекладу дієслів, які не завжди мають модальне
значення в українській мові, вироблення практичних навичок перекладу англійських
модальних дієслів, ознайомлення студентів з особливостями перекладу суб’єктивної
модальності, граматичної модальності (бажальної, спонукальної та умовної).
1. Корунець I. В. Теорія і практика перекладу (аспектний переклад) : підручник. Вінниця: Нова
книга, 2003. 448с.
English Modal Verbs Having not Aways Modal Verb Equivalents in Ukrainian
Exercise I0. Identify the meanings of the modal verb shall and translate the following sentences
containing it into Ukrainian:
A. 1. «Shall we all go in my car?» suggested Gatsby. 2. '"Well, shall I help myself?» Tom
demanded. (Fitzgerald) 3. «Shall I ask the man here to cut you with his rope?» (Kipling) 4. «They shall
be called the Malazy - the lazy people.» 5. By their fruits ye shall know them. (Saying) 6. If the blind
leads the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. (Saying)
B. Translate the articles of The Charter of the United Nations below. State the way in which the
meaning of the modal verb shall is to be expressed in Ukrainian.
Article 9.1. Each Member shall have no more than five representatives in the General Assembly.
Each Member of the General Assembly shall have one vote. 2. Decisions of the General Assembly on
important questions shall be made by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting.
Article 21. The General Assembly shall adopt its own rules of procedure. It shall elect its President
for each session.
C. Translate the following articles from the Ukrainian Constitution into English. Be careful to
express the modality of each article.
РОЗДІЛ II Конституції України
Права, свободи та обов'язки людини і громадянина
Стаття 21: Усі люди є вільні і рівні у своїй гідності та правах. Права і свободи людини є
невідчужуваними та непорушними.
Стаття 22: Права і свободи людини і громадянина, закріплені цією Конституцією, не є
вичерпними. Конституційні права і свободи гарантуються і не можуть бути скасовані.
При прийнятті нових законів або внесенні змін до чинних законів не допускається
звуження змісту та обсягу існуючих прав та свобод.
Стаття 25: Громадянин України не може бути позбавлений громадянства і права змінити
громадянство. Громадянин України не може бути вигнаний за межі України або виданий іншій
державі. Україна гарантує піклування та захист своїм громадянам, які перебувають за її межами.
Exercise 11. Identify the meanings expressed by the modal verb will in the sentences below and
translate them into Ukrainian.
A.1. « - we will now seriously devote ourselves to a little high tension.» 2. «Now I know you're
tortoise. You thought I wouldn't. Now I will.» 3. «I've never seen a Jaguar ... An' I 'spose I never will.» 4.
«...but we, О Best Beloved, will call himTegumai.» 5. «We will still call her Taffi.»
B. Read carefully the Release Form below. Identify the meaning of the modal verb will in it
and translate the document into Ukrainian.
I agree that during this trip I will not smoke cigarettes nor use alcohol or drugs. I will not visit
relatives and friends living in the United States, nor arrange or participate in private or public business or
activities unrelated to the program of the International Leadership Conference. I will not engage in any
promiscuous relationships or dating relationships during my entire stay in the United States. I will follow
the program as scheduled and I will return to Ukraine on the scheduled date of departure. I will take full
personal and legal responsibility for all my actions while in the United States.
C. Find an appropriate equivalent for each modal verb in the articles from a contract and
translate them faithfully into Ukrainian.
10.1. Company shall set up a capital fund, a reserve fund and such other funds that are required by
the effective Ukrainian law or stipulated by the Company's Statutes, or considered necessary by a
decision of the Participants Meeting.
11.1.The Participants shall set up a capital fund of the Company to the value of [?] Hryvnias, which
sum according to the currency exchange rate established by the National Bank of Ukraine at the date of
this Agreement (1 Deutsche Mark [?] Hryvnias).
Exercise 12. Identify the meaning of the verb would in the sentences below and then translate
the sentences into Ukrainian.
1. «Would you rather put it off for a few days?» I asked. 2. «Well, this would interest you. It
wouldn't take much of your time». You wouldn't have to do any business with the Nolfsheim. (B.Shaw)
«I wouldn't look like Giraffe not for even so.» 5. «How would you like to spank somebody?» 6. «I
wouldn't drink that water because I 'd know you said it was bad». 7. «I wouldn't look like Zebra», - said
the Leopard. «Then great Mr. Lloyds would come with a wire and drag him home».
Exercise 13. Identify the meaning of the verb should in the sentences below and then translate
the sentences into Ukrainian.
1. You shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth. (Saying) 2. People who live in glass houses should
not throw stones. 3. «Why should she not (see her)?» (B.Shaw) 4. He knew what he should do. 5. He
should get down soon on to the white road. (Macken) 6. «I do not know what we should do without the
pulpit.» (M.Twain) 7. «I should very much like to see it done.» 8. «Why should I not go too?» 9. «How
would you like to spank somebody - but I should not like it at all.» 10. «I should like it very much
Exercise I4. Identify the meanings (assumption, general assessment, assuredness, doubt,
probability, supposition, etc.) expressed by the underlined modals below. Find equivalent Ukrainian
modals or other semantic equivalents (e.g., particles) and translate the sentences. Model: "It was
really a terrible break." (Salinger) "Це й справді був жахливий випад." or: "Це справді-таки
була жахлива безтактність."
1. Latin America, in fact, is a veritable laboratory of anti-corruption experiments. 2. Perhaps, in the
end, the only universal cure for corruption is to quietnature democracy. (Newsweek) 3. «Maybe they
won't come? Maybe it was all a lie?» «Maybe.» (Steinbeck) «Oh, I feel some concern for my future all
right. Sure. Sure. I do.» «I thought about it for a minute». «But not too much, I guess.» (Salinger) 6. She
was apparently indifferent to her two daughters... (Fitzgerald) 7. The young fellow was obviously
anxious to be well with him. (J.Cary) 8. «Really.» she thought, «I should come out more of ten, really it
is very pleasant here in summer...» 9. «The sand isn't so soft here.» «Of course, of course.» 10. She was
very quiet for some moments, as if, perhaps, shy of being alone with him. (Bates).
Exercise 15. Identify the type of modal meaning (incentive, suppositional, conditional, etc.)
expressed by the modal verbs and mood forms in the English sentences below. Suggest the
appropriate means and ways for faithful translating these sentences into Ukrainian.
1. I should have seen them farther first. 2. «I would have it as a gift.» (Galsworthy) 3. «Jacob would
have insisted on going to the police.» 4. «Most people, Mr.Poirot, would let this business go.» (Christie)
5. «If only one were like birds!» (Galsworthy) 6. «I should be sorry to interrupt you» 7. «I suggested we
should meet here...» (Snow) 8. «I couldn't squeeze a tear out of my eyes, if life depended on it...» 9. «A
real change of air surroundings would be very helpful if you could arrange it.» (M.Wilson) 10. «The
thing was «rich», as his father would have said - if he knew, I would see her further first.»
(Galsworthy)11. «I wish you had not put yourself to so much trouble.» (Cronin) 12. «You had better
move over to the other side.» (Hemingway)
Exercise 16. Identify the modal meanings (optative, incentive, suppositional, etc.) expressed
through optative or subjunctive modality in the English sentences below and translate them into
1. «I wish it hadn't happened. Oh, I wish it hadn't happened.» 2. «If you rested, I would go,» I urged
him. (Hemingway). 3. «I think I'd better ring off.» 4. «And with time on my side I would look back on
the day without bitterness...» 5. «On your way, bums,» the policeman said, prodding us with his billy.
(Caldwell) 6. «You go up to bed,» I said, «You are sick». 7. «Don't think,» I said, «Just take it easy.» 8.
«Let's not have any ordering, nor any silliness, Francis,» Margot said. 9. «Behave yourself.» «Oh, shut
up,» Macober almost shouted. 10. «Let's go to the car,» said Macober. «Let's all have a drink. Come
Exercise 17. Analyse the Ukrainian sentences containing optative, incentive or subjunctive
modality and translate them into English.!!!!!!!!!
1. Пора було б уже покінчити з балачками про розподіл земель колишніх колгоспів і
радгоспів і розпочати їх справжню приватизацію. 2. Студент побоювався, щоб не наробити
помилок при перекладі речень з умовним способом. 3. Він напевне не запізнився б, якби сів на
автобус «Автосвіту», а не на тролейбус. 4. Хотілося б сподіватися, що в новому тисячолітті
людство уникне спустошливих воєн і руйнацій матеріальних цінностей, як це було в двадцятому
сторіччі. 5. Що б ви відповіли на таке несподіване запитання допитливого читача? 6. Не хотілося
б про це думати, але доводиться за таких обставин. 7. О, як би мені хотілося ще раз побувати на
такій виставці творів справді великих майстрів образотворчого мистецтва. 8. Що не кажіть, а
такий медичний препарат зробив би справжній переворот у лікуванні алкогольної та тютюнової
залежності. 9. Хай вам Бог допомагає у вашій нелегкій і дуже потрібній для виховання
патріотизму нашої молоді праці. 10. Хто б міг подумати, що з цього колись звичайного на
перший погляд хлопчини стане колись великий спортсмен.