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Justin Scherer

July 17, 2020


I was born in Columbus, Ohio in November of 1999. I grew up in a household

with my mother and my sister. Most of my childhood took place in the areas surrounding

Delaware county. This meant that I had the luxury of exploring the bustling streets of

Columbus (to the south) as well as the secluded trails hidden by lush greenery (to the

north). These childhood experiences lent themselves really well to my overall

appreciation for Ohio and carry a lot of weight in my desire to spend the rest of my life


From as early as I can remember I have always been fascinated with the idea of

artmaking, but for the longest period of time I wasn’t sure why this was the case. It was

only a couple of years ago when I figured out the exact thing that sparked my need to

create. The event I’m referring to took place in preschool.

Before I dive into that story, I think it is worth mentioning that I was diagnosed

with a very mild case of OCD in high school. This diagnosis helped to explain a lot of my

unusual mannerisms and behaviors from when I was a child. One of my oddest

behaviors was the fact that I needed to have a drawing of a shark in my possession at

all times. This inevitably lead to the daily ritual of me asking anyone and everyone to

draw a shark for me.

This behavior persisted for about a year; eventually all of the adults around me

became fed up with my requests. It was then when I realized that I had to adapt and
learn how to draw sharks for myself! This marked my earliest desire to create art. Since

that moment, my fascination with creating has exponentially grown.

I had the pleasure of growing as an aspiring young artist with the help of a bunch

of my amazing art teachers. Not only did these teachers help me discover my artistic

capabilities, but they also helped me navigate the complex emotional obstacles that

accompanied me throughout grade school.

While I was attending school at Olentangy Liberty, I developed a deep

appreciation for films and music alike. If I wasn't making art, you could find me enjoying

an old motion picture and/or scouring the depths of Spotify for new music. As my taste

in most everything has evolved over the years, one thing has remained constant: My

undying love for Ohio State football (I could talk about this for hours but I’ll spare you

the gory details).

I want to be an art teacher more than anything in the world. No matter where I

end up, I really hope to create and facilitate the feeling of love and communal

acceptance within my classroom. More than anything, I want to help my future students

fall in love with the process of artmaking while helping them navigate our ever-changing

world. And if nothing else, I would love to teach them how to draw a shark.

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