Dube Japhet Logbook
Dube Japhet Logbook
Dube Japhet Logbook
HR- Human Resources
V/V- valve
wld- would
Week Summary Activity Recommendations/ Supervisor
Lessons learnt Sign
(15- Induction Student was introduced to company Student learnt about Code of
18)-08- rules and regulations by the HR and conduct and organisational
2018 had induction with departments like structure at KSPS.
Operations, Mechanical, Electrical,
Finance, Loss control and IT during a
week period. HR explained the
A code of conduct refers to
formulated, negotiated and
registered principles, ethics or
rules and laws (in terms of
section 101 of the labor relations
act chapter 28.01 of 1996) as
well as procedures which govern
the Zimbabwe Power Company
organization. The purpose of this
induction was to familiarize the
student to the expected behavior.
The code is divided into 3 parts
which are;
i) Disciplinary procedure –
describes rules and
disciplinary action taken
when those rules are
ii) Grievance procedure –
(19- Induction- The student took part in The student learnt that every Supervisor
22)- (House- housekeeping in a 3-day period as the person at the organisation even Sign
08- keeping ) last part of the induction process the last at the shop flow are very
2018. facilitated by the HR and respective important as they execute tasks
housekeepers at the plant. The tasks that make sure that the shop flow
involved were cleaning, gardening is always clean in a way of
and arranging of chairs in the meeting minimizing accidents at work
hall.. place.
However, the student learnt that
making sure the shop flow is
clean is not only the
responsibility of those
employees in the housekeeping
but also anyone in the plant as
this is very effective way of
eliminating hazards and
accidents at the work place
Supervisor’s comment:
Student Signature…………………………………
Week Summary Activity Recommendations / Supervisor
Lessons learnt Sign
10-09- Operations Student was introduced to operations The student learnt that some of the
2018 Department Shift Charge who handed over him functions of the operations department
to Senior Turbine operator, Mr are
Chipatiso to be part of Shift E. a) plant equipment monitoring and example of
Student introduced to general plant equipment monitored are generators,
lay out. transformers, chillers etc.
b) isolations- particular isolation of plant
equipment can be done by Shift Charge
Engineer (e.g. generator isolation for
maintenance) and turbine operators (e.g.
mulsifire air compressors routines
maintenance by electrical department)
c) switching of equipment, generators are
switch off during off peak hours and later on
when the load becomes high.
Student learnt about the general plant lay
out, which consists of the transformer
side, (transformers are grouped into 3
banks, 1, 3 and 5. Each transformer bank
have 3 single transformers with each for Supervisor
Red, Yellow and Blue phases) ventilation Sign
plant (the circulation of air in the plant is
controlled by the vent plant which
continuously blow air around the plant)
contains and generators side which
produces electricity.
11-09- Routes conducted Student introduced to routine checks Supervisor
2018 by the operations conducted in every beginning of Student understood the importance of Sign
19-09- Plant Protection Student took part in checking plant The student learnt that plant protection is Supervisor
2018 system protection system; controlled by protection relays and control Sign
The plant has Generator protection relays supplied by 220V DC or 240DC
system and Generator Transformer because control devices need DC not AC.
protection (GTx) AC constantly changes direction each second
Examples of GTx protection are; making it difficult to be used in control systems.
i) Buchholz relay
ii) OTI and WTI
iii) Frangible disk type (pressure
relief device)
Generators are protected by Over speed
devices (mechanical and electrical over
speed devices)
20-09- Transformer The student took routine checks on the Student learnt that GTx transformers uses the Supervisor
2018 protection GTx side of the plant: mulsifire system to protect them from Sign
Example of monitoring system on the GTx transformer fires, and contains the detector
side are, system (a mercury bulb explode when
i) Mulsifire system pressure temperatures reach around 70 bars.
gauges checks for pressures of
about 70 bars.
ii) Exercising of pressure valves Student identified that the mulsifire
iii) Checks on duty compressor, system can be prone to air leakages due
either compressor 1 or 2. to aging of pipes which might
iv) Student could identify compromise the mulsifire efficiency
compressor which is selected for
duty and drain air reservoir to
check if the compressor can
automatically cut in at stated Student understood why the transformers are
pressure of around 40bars and separated by a wall made of refractory
cut out pressure of around 80 material to prevent spread of fire when one
bars as indicated by red transformer catch fire as each transformer is
markings on the pressure gauges. between two refractory walls.
Supervisor’s comment:
Student Signature…………………………………
Week Summary Activity Recommendations/ Supervisor
Lessons Learnt Sign
19-10- Transformer cooling Student took part in checking Student learnt how
2018 System TCW pits for water levels in the transformers are cooled by
pits and checking for suspension water tapped from spiral
of oil in the pits. casing as summarised;
Student check on condition of Water is tapered from the common
valves that supply the TCW pipe into particular transformer
system. units, 1, 3 and 5.
Water which is at a lower
temperature than oil, gains heat
from oil in a shell and tube heat
The hotter water is directed
through a separate return pipe into
individual TCW pits where it is
drained into draft tubes to the surge
chambers for disposal into Zambezi
Student learnt that a
suspension of oil in TCW
22-10- ORTP Student took part in conducting Student learnt how to do ORTP # 13
2018 ORTP #13 Governor pump and this done weekly every Monday.
change over The student appreciated the
Student rotated control selector from importance of the preventive actions
duty pump to standby pump. taken to determine the availability of
standby pumps in a way of increasing
machine availability and overall
25-10- ORTP # 8 Checking flow rate sensors for effective efficiency.
2018 TCW
Student did ORTP # 8 with the help of Student understood that flow meters
turbine operators checking flow rate might be malfunctioning giving wrong
sensors in meter gauges that taps from reading on the display and this causes
spiral casing for cooling bearings. bearing temperatures to be generally
Student depressed button that gives high than the normal working
out an alarm showing that the flow temperatures of around 60 degrees.
meter sensor is in normal working
Supervisor’s comment:
Student Signature…………………………………
Week Summary Activity Recommendations/ Supervisor
Lessons learnt Sign
06-11- Governor system Student introduced to the speed Student learnt that the speed
2018 and over speed governor and over speed devices governor is to regulate speed of
devices turbines by controlling the opening
or closure of guide vanes. The
control mechanism of a speed
governor consists of 3 basic
Sensing Transmitting Correctin
Student understood that governor
must be quick to respond to
changes in the system speed, and
transmit a corrective responsive
signal to correct the error.
In case of maximum loading, the
governor should be quick to reject the
load by opening an ACB and then
control the system speed to S.N.L that is
when there is no disturbance.
In case when the governor fails to
regulate speed, electrical and
mechanical over speed devices trigger
generator shut down.
When the turbine speed reach around
205 rpm, the electrical over speed
device speed will initiate a shutdown of
a generator.
However, when the speed reaches 305
rpm and the electrical over speed device
could not regulate the turbine speed, a
mechanical shutdown is initiated by a
mechanical over speed device.
(7-9)-11- Control room Student had 3-day period in the Student appreciated the tasks
2018 control room carried out in the control room
by the control room technician
and some of the tasks are
a) voltage regulation (manually
rotating control nobs to regulate
the required voltage)
b) receiving alarm
Student completed a 2 months c) synchronising generators
period in the operations d) loading machines
department student appreciated the overall
function of the operations
Student Signature…………………………………
c) Impedance test
Impedance test was done by The condition of each cell in the string (impedance,
i) applying AC test signal to the voltage and current) is measured and trended to
terminal plates. determine when to replace a cell or string which
ii) measuring total AC current in help in budgeting for replacement (impedance
the string and increases with aging of cell).
iii) voltage drop of each unit in
the string by measuring each
cell and intercell connector
consecutively until the entire
string is measured.
Student recommends the installation of
Draft tube Student did routine maintenance of barricades in the draft tube gallery since
26- fan forced draft fan maintenance in the there is risky of falling from heights into
11- maintenanc draft tube gallery. The tests conducted open trench.
2018 e were However, the draft tube gallery requires
i) Exercising bolts for tightness proper lighting always since the area is
ii) Measure current drawn on misty.
load by motor (15.5 A)
iii) Checks on motor fans and
cover for tightness
Precautions in executing maintenance
Slips, trips or falls – caution, wear safety
shoes with good grip
Falls from height – use of screens or
Supervisor’s comment
Student Signature…………………………………
Replacemen Student took part in replacing lights in the Student learnt how to wire a
13- t control room. Activities carried out involved florescent light
12- of lights the following
2018 (Control i) Wiring florescent lights
room) ii) Mounting lights in the control room.
iii) Fault finding on florescent parts like Student had familiarisation and use Sign
ballast and starter done by checking for of a multi meter.
continuity test on individual parts of the
florescent light.
Student could be able to wire florescent lights with
little assistant from an apprentice student.
Student carry out a routine procedure of Student learnt that electric arc is
19- TCW valve yearly TCW valve maintenance. The tasks formed when contacts are closed
12- routine conducted were and causes formation of carbon
2018 maintenance 1. Measuring insulation resistance using Mega on the surfaces of contacts.
multi meter.
2. Cleaning contacts inside the control panel of
the valve. Cleaning of contacts was done as The carbon formed during
follows arcing needs cleaning as it
a) Removing arch chutes on the surface of provides a lower resistance path
contacts which reduces the power
b) Spraying the contact surfaces with brasso supplied to the activation of the
(liquid solvent) valve opening/closing. Supervisor
c) Rubbing the surfaces of contacts with cloths sign
until all the carbon and surfaces shinny.
Supervisor’s comment
Student Signature…………………………………