Care Plan For HIV
Care Plan For HIV
Care Plan For HIV
Med surge
Case Study, Chapter 37, Management of Patients With HIV Infection and AIDS
1. The nurse is planning to provide education on HIV infection transmission and prevention
a. What should the nurse include in the session considering the needs of the older
2. Sallie Jefferies, 28-year-old patient, is at the obstetric clinic for a pregnancy visit. The
physician informs the patient that her HIV screen test is positive. The patient has no evidence of
AIDS. The nurse provides patient education regarding what HIV is and what the clinical
a. What clinical management is recommended for the patient during the pregnancy to help
b. The patient asks the nurse how zidovudine (Retrovir) will help her unborn child from
e. The patient asks the nurse what testing schedule for the HIV antibody is needed after her
caused by the retrovirus, human immunodeficiency virus. Both diseases are characterized by the
(B-cell) immunity because of the pivotal role of the CD4+helper T cells in immune reactions.
and other abnormalities. AIDS results from the infection of HIV which has two forms: HIV-1
and HIV-2. Both forms have the same model of transmission and similar opportunistic infections
associated with AIDS, but studies indicate that HIV-2 develops more slowly and presents with
milder symptoms than HIV-1. Transmission occurs through contact with infected blood or body
fluids and is associated with identifiable high-risk behaviors like injection drug users, children
Aching muscles
Sore throat
General appearance
No edema noted
No lice on hair.
Patient Nails capillary refill less than 3 seconds bilateral and is consistent.
Head round, symmetric skull, and appropriate proposition to body size and shape.
Face symmetrical, no facial skin pigmentation or abnormalities noted. Client had calm and
2 Sclera: Bilateral Sclera appears white in color. No redness or discharges noted.
4 . Pupils: bilateral pupils equal, round, 2 mm, reactive, accommodation to light
1. External nose
External nose appears round symmetrical, appropriately proportioned to other facial features. No
Lips and buccal mucosa are pink, moist, and free from lesion and cracks.
4. Tonsils
Bilateral tonsils appears pink , same as oral mucus membrane. Bilateral tonsils are 1+ size at the
scale of 4+.
5. Uvula
Pink consistent with buccal mucus membrane. Uvula Rises with phonation.
6. Tongue
Neck muscles symmetrical , present at midline. Full range of motion while turning left, right,
Lymph nodes are bilaterally smooth, movable, discrete, soft, and nontender.
4. Trachea
Full range of motion.NO muscles spasm, no neck rigidity noted, able to move neck left, right,
2. CVA tenderness: no costal vertebral angle tenderness noted bilaterally upon percussion.
Upper Extremities
1. ROM and muscle strength: full range of motion bilaterally and are equal strength.
Able to circumduct, flex and extend bilateral shoulders, abduct and adduct bilateral
gallops or S4 gallops noted. S1 sound heard very prominent at apex. S2 sound was
greater at base.
Umbilicus and pulsations: Umbilicus located at the center of abdomen. Umbilicus is inverted,
- Patient is pregnant
Lower Extremities
Hips: bilateral hip symmetrical at the level of iliac crest, bilateral hip joints are stable .bilateral
Knees: full range of motion present on bilaterally. Able to flex and extend smoothly.
Ankles: full range of motion present at bilateral ankle bilaterally. Able to flex and extend
Feet: full range of motion present at bilateral feet Able to flex and extend smoothly.
Bilateral upper extremities warm to touch. Skin appears smooth, firm, and evenly surfaced.
Nails surface are slightly curved, angled close to 160 degree. Bilateral index figure shows
diamond shape upon touching each other. Edges are smooth, rounded, and clean.
4. Turgor
Elastic upon checking on skin from chest. Pulled chest skin and released it returned to its
previous state.
5. Any lesions
1. Sensation
Face: Able to sense touch on her face at forehead, left cheek and her chin. .
Arms and hands: able to feel and identify sharp and dull sensation on bilateral arms.
Legs and feet: able to feel and identify sharp and dull sensation bilaterally.
- Position sense: Able to perceive direction of passive movement of index finger
- Stereognosis : able to feel and identify 3 known object via bilateral hands.
- Touch toes: able to bend and touch her bilateral toes without any difficulty.
- ROM of spine: full range of motion against gravity present. full resistance and
Lab Values
pH: 7.35-7.45
ESR 35
CD4 101
pH 7.35-7.45
PaO2 80-100 mm Hg
HCO3- 22 to 26 mEq/liter
PaCO2- 35-45 mm H
Acute/Chronic Pain
Deficient Knowledge
- Deficient Knowledge
- Anxiety/Fear
Rationale: Provides knowledge base from which patient can make informed choices
Rationale: Helps plan amount of care and symptom management required and need for
additional resources.
Rationale: Corrects myths and misconceptions; promotes safety for patient and others.
points, and perineum, and of providing adequate cleansing and protective measures:
ointments, padding.
- Review dietary needs (high-protein and high-calorie) and ways to improve intake
Rationale: Promotes adequate nutrition necessary for healing and support of immune
regimen; with intermittent diarrhea, take diphenoxylate (Lomotil) before going to social
to anticipated situations.
Rationale: Can reduce anxiety and enable patient to make decisions and choices based on
Rationale: Patient may use defense mechanism of denial and continue to hope that
diagnosis is inaccurate. Feelings of guilt and spiritual distress may cause patient to
become withdrawn and believe that suicide is a viable alternative. Although patient may
be too “sick” to have enough energy to implement thoughts, ideation must be taken
Rationale: Helps patient feel accepted in present condition without feeling judged, and
Arrange for someone to stay with patient during anxiety-producing procedures and
Rationale: Accurate information allows patient to deal more effectively with the
reality of the situation, thereby reducing anxiety and fear of the known.
Rationale: When patient has assistance from SO, feelings of loneliness and rejection are
diminished. Patient may not receive usual or needed support for coping with life-threatening
illness and associated grief because of fear and lack of understanding (AIDS hysteria).
Rationale: Having a plan promotes a sense of control over own life and gives patient
Rationale: Indicators of despair and suicidal ideation are often present; when these cues
are acknowledged by the caregiver, patient is usually willing to talk about thoughts of
Zidovudine : Zidovudine is an antiviral medicine used to treat HIV, the virus that can cause
prevent an HIV-infected woman from passing the virus to her baby. Zidovudine is not a cure
for HIV or AIDS. Side effects include Black, tarry stools, chills, cough, feeling of fullness,
fever, lower back or side pain, painful or difficult urination, pale skin., bone marrow
Protease inhibitors
(HIV) from multiplying in your body. Side effects include nephrolithiasis, GI intolerance,
Fusion inhibitor
virus (HIV) from infecting healthy cells in your body. Side effects include nodules and cysts,
rigors, N/V.
Regarding zidovudine teach patient that doses should be evenly spaced around the
clock. Teach patient that zidovudine is not a cure for HIV infection nor does it
With indinavir teach patient to take this medicine exactly as directed by your
doctor. Do not take more of it, do not take it more often, and do not take it for a
longer time than your doctor ordered. Also, do not stop taking this medicine without