Wake Damage by A Ship Passing at An Excessive Speed

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This is to inform you that today, on March 23, 2019, at 05.15 your ship, when
passing by my vessel moored starboard side to Berth 13, Camden Terminal, due to
an excessive speed of your vessel caused the following damage to vessel by your
wake striking my ship against the pier:
1. Gangway – partly crushed.
2. Shell plating on the starboard side – dented.
3. Paint on the starboard side – scratched.
The exact scope of damage will be determined upon a damage survey which will
be held today at 15.00 local time.
I hold you fully responsible for all damages and losses in connection with the
above accident and all consequences thereof.

on March 23, 2019, at 05.15 the ship, passing by the vessel moored starboard side
to Berth 13, Camden Terminal, due to an excessive speed of another vessel caused
the following damage to moored vessel by wake striking the ship against the pier:
1. Gangway – partly crushed.
2. Shell plating on the starboard side – dented.
3. Paint on the starboard side – scratched.
The exact scope of damage will be determined upon a damage survey which will
be held today at 15.00 local time.
The vessel that struck another moored vessel shall bear full responsibility for all
damages and losses in connection with the accident and all consequences thereof.


With reference to your claim for damage to vessel allegedly caused by us by
proceeding past your vessel at an excessive speed at about 05.15 a.m. 23 rd inst. I
wish to comment as under:
1. Approaching your vessel moored at Berth 13 Camden Terminal I reduced speed
to the minimum safe maneuvering speed and this fact was duly recorded in the
ship's logbook.
2. The records in the logbook also show that your vessel had her headline and
spring forward slack.
I am sure that both facts will be confirmed by our Pilot.
As in my opinion your own lack of due care and not my allegedly excessive speed
was the cause of the damage. I reject your claim as groundless.
With reference to the claim for damage to vessel allegedly(Аледжедли) caused
by another proceeding past moored vessel at an excessive speed at about 05.15
a.m. 23rd inst. The ship that caused the damage commented as under
1. Approachig moored vessel at Berth 13 Camden Terminal another vsl reduced
speed to the minimum safe maneuvering speed and this fact was duly recorded in
the ship's logbook.
2. The records in the logbook also show that your vessel had her headline and
spring forward slack.
that both facts will be confirmed by Pilot of vsl which caused damage
the cause of the damage was the lack of due care on the part of the moored vessel
and not allegedly due to the excessive speed of the vessel passing by. Based on this
claim were rejected as groundless

Ebb tide, seaward flow in estuaries or tidal rivers during a tidal phase of lowering
water level.
The reverse flow, occurring during rising tides, is called the flood tide.

Отлив, течение в устьях рек или приливных рек во время приливной фазы
понижения уровня воды.
Обратный поток, возникающий во время приливов, называется приливом.

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