A Portland State of Mind (The Aardvark Hip Hop) - Song Lyrics Generator
A Portland State of Mind (The Aardvark Hip Hop) - Song Lyrics Generator
A Portland State of Mind (The Aardvark Hip Hop) - Song Lyrics Generator
Yeah, yeah
Ayo, all those couples out there, it's time.
It's time, all those couples out there (aight, all those couples out there, begin).
Straight out the hot dungeons of rap.
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Auto Praise for A Portland State of Mind (The Aardvark Hip Hop)
"If you only listen to one rap this year, let it me this one. Never before
have I heard such genius as 'to talk' being compared to 'the
grandfather of everywhere'."
- DJ Great, Awesome Rap Magazine
"The use of rhyme in this rap is phenomenal. 'bed', 'red', shed' and
'read'. How does Dr Love come up with this stu ?"
- Big Fox, The Hip Hop Channel
"This sums up my feelings about A Portland perfectly."
- A Web User With Lots of Opinions
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3/6/2020 A Portland State of Mind (The Aardvark Hip Hop) | Song Lyrics Generator
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3/6/2020 A Portland State of Mind (The Aardvark Hip Hop) | Song Lyrics Generator
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